Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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- i
Tttt' -REE: OMAHA WjaDESDAY; 'ATPglL '"21. 1920. '
. .
It asaoclaud Pnu. at which Th 11m m a number, to o
nulnt i tilled to th um for publication of til nwi di.tch
ndilad t It or do! other wlM eredited In thu paper, and Un the
keal BwiiaUliD4 harem. AUriatiia at publication of out aimlal
Mapatcbas ara la roened,
jHrsla Branch Ircliania.- Ask for th T..1-. 1 ftrtA
, &fruawl or Particular Parara Wanted. 1 ylet 1UUU
. " .'"'For Night an4 Sunday Service 'Calli f .
Bdltorttl Btputntnt ' .. . ." ....... t1 1001,
l lroulallm DcMrunant J . ....... Tyler 1U0SC
atetarUiinf Department : J ...... . j-ylar 100SU
V . Boom Oflk: 17tb and Farnam.
Branch Offices:
Am 4110 Horta 14th I Park
Baiaoa (lit Military Are. I South' Site
touaoil Bluffi 1$ BcoU St. I Walnut
.Out-of-Towa Offices I
Iff Tort Oflce SM Flfta Ara, I Washlngtoa 1311 0 at.
CaMeiw , 8t Bid. I Paris France 420 But 8u Honor
MIS Learenworthr
i:tl N Ht.
tit Korth eOlh
The ei?8 Platform
1. New Union .Passenger Station.'
2. A aip Lift -from th Wyoming Oil
1 Fields to Omaha. A
' 3. Continued 'improvement of the Ne
braska Highways, including the pare.
tneht of Main Thoroughfares leading
into Omaha, with a Brick Surface.
4. A short, low-rate Waterway from the
. Cora Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
One'of.the cfrriousry interestine chases of
the" economic situation is disclosed bv the stale
,ment from the Department f Labor that'-the'
average weekly wage of the American worker jn
191$ would pay for oiily 77 per cent as much food
as in 1913r This and similar disturbance of '
value ratips has attracted the attention -of
economists and students generally, who are not
yet agreed as to whether the effect is (o be per
manent or not "It is,' however, generally as--iumed
thathe oldiretetions between commodi
tie and between commodities and effort wilt,'
never be entirely, restored 3 w '' '.'.'."
It is natural, perhaps, that, the most marked
change. should be noted in ioodf This is basic;
without a surplus of f,ood, man can hot givei
time or effort to anything else. For five years
the production ' of food was neglected as it
.iirvi rvaa ji. luc UISIUIJ' UI XI V UlzailUll. inC
whole world was engaged in war; food produc
ing countries were leader's "in the destructive
effort, put forth with utmost zeal and energy,
and surplus stores of eatables were exhausted",
while great areas were devastated jjy contend
ing, armies. The famine that ensued' is not a
remarkable manifestation in any sense." v'
The rise in foo'd values under these condi
tions is but the natural and unavoidable result
"6f lessened production and increased Consump
tion. Generally throughout tha, world, man is
striving to .restore -something like rfhe- normal
balance between supply and demand for food.
But the changed relation of food to other arti
cles for human -jjseris, not fully .appreciated. In
our own country (there has iiever been, a time
when a bushef of grain would purchase so much'
of the soil from which it grew, 'or could be ex
changed for as great a quantity of anything the
farmer has to buy. -
"Wages have .advanced, the, selling price of all
-hat is.-dealt in has been put up, until the arti
fttial quotations current fit 'the market have in
a considerable degree lost their meaning. Utter
lack of stability in prices, except those of food
, articles, has characterized dealings fqr many
months.' This can not last, however, and as
the selling .value of food takes on more fixed
and definite., form, so wijj the others come to
seek a level more nearly permanent than now
prevails," but in an entirely new proportion to
one another and to the stark necessities of lifeC
This is true because man must have food.
It is the one immutable guaranty to the farmer
that mi efforts -will be .rewarded. It may be
ont of the unexpected resuifts of thewar that
agriculture in all ts ramifications has been
brought to its proper-place aa.'the'top of ojir
industries, but the fact is noft'td "be e'scapett. '
J . ' . -Xl
i 'Mr. Cummings in Sad Plight.
We feel soiry for Mr 'Homer S. Cummings,
chairman of the democratic national con
mittee, and who has just ! been selected as
the keynoter for the San Francisco convention.
In a "world of Keauty, of spring sunshine and
full of the promise of summer's growth and
autumn ripening, he sees , no, , joy. ,' His way
ahead is throueh eloom.; and vthe 'future looks
black and tnurky to him.-. All because the repub
lican .congress refused to function as the demo
crat -thought it shoufdV or hoped it would' The
, ' senate refused to- ratify the president's treaty.
That ,.of course was bad, but Mr. Cummings
overlooks the fact that twenty-one of the demp-
., j i N I", ' ,1 'y ''i i'
crane senators weni a long -wixn nv repuDiicans
on this. Then the congress has not been able
in six months to undo all the harm the demo
crats did in seven years. ' If the chairman of
the-donkey's steering committee will just con-
tnf fit arm! in tiatiirrp tip mav cp hrniicrrietrk
pass all he now deplores as' lacking. He migfit
profitably spend a few hours checking up, -oa
what actually has been done, always excepting
the doom pronounced on the democratic admin
istration because of fatuous blundering. Herein,
though, may be found the secret of his sorrow.
Nothing more hopeless can be imagined "than
the fortunes of the party Mr. Cummings now
has the honor of leading. No -wonder' he rages
in sjunl His salutatory ftne great gathenng
.. of sachems should be dolorous" enough for any
body. -, , ,
parfments, loaded to the guards with useless
employes appointed for the war period, who are.
still, drawing salarieswlth nothing.else much to
do. v But aside' from the saving,' it wuld bea
most refreshing reform for government affairs
16 be put on a real business basis"a Washing
ton, and the horde of 'partisan parasites dis-1
lodged from the payrolls. , ,
The country t would most heartily, welcome
the new departure. - ' . -
Signs of Approaching Readjustment.
Shifts in the stock market are not always
indicative of the; trend of the deeper currents of
business, but Yornettring in the present sftua'tioti
suggests that brokers, bulls and bears alike,
descry the approach of the inevitable, readjust
ment. Spasmodic raids on ,the market are sup
plemented, at the moment by other signsof
greater import. The address. of Judge Gary to
the steel men is. quoted from in several partic
ulars. For the public it contained the comfort
ing information that the cost of steel is- beingl
held down that ifcmayavc some influence on
the general course of prices. Financial experts
point out an even more significant text inlhe.
remarks of the great industrial leader.
United Stated-Steel corporation's' vaults will
for the immediate future at least carry a greater
reserve' '.of-cash than ever. '.Profits are going
into1 reserve rather than dividends, in order
that, tVe-enormous' business of the giant con
cern may tVe" safely and economically financed.
This, had a reflex oii the price of its stock, as
speculators are looking for 'tire big dividend
-payers, rather tharMhose that offer, less returns
but greater safety.- The plan of the steel com-,
pany is being followed by' other important con
cerns, whose managers, are reported to be tak
ing care of day-to-day transactions from earn-
ings instead of by s"hort-time borrowing.-
Declaration by an important mercantile con-"
cern of a 40 per cent stock' dividend indicates
the magnitude as well as -the fecundity of its
business,' and ' i disposition tro fix in'permanent
employment a. considerable part of the enorm
ous surplus accumulated during the war period.
This concern isnot alone in adopting this de
vice for'making certain of capital for the fyture
agajnst a (lay when money may not be so plen-
A Line 0' Type or Two
Hew to tit tint, let' tat t ulsa fall hart the oty.
Another sign, that will bear watching is the
situation in Japan, where speculation as well a9
too rapid industriarexpansion has brought such
financial disruption as amounts toia veritable
panic. Counterbalance this by the recovery in
progress i England, and the belief that the end
of our "era' of post-war business expansion is
coming. This dpes not mean a panic, but that
industry and commerce are seeking a firmer
basis. ' v '" -'-..
' -- .
Success in Business Failure in Wedlock, i
A remarkable wife has been made, the sub
ject of 'a glowing eulogy by her husband in
an eastern paper. . After describing her talents
as a housekeeper and cook, and disclotig hep
earning ability in. the management of atsmajt,
business to which she devotes five hours a day,
as $5,000 a year.ihe rapturously declares he, a
"perfect wife" on 'a .straight 50r50. basis as a
helpmate." 1
This couple lives on $3,600 a year, attend
theater or opera twice a week,' and spend two
months every summer m the Adirondacics. Each
year $1,400 of her salary and all her husband's
earnings are velvet. So they are .".getting pn",.
financially.' .f ,' ' -
But where are the children? None arc men
tioned by the husband, and presumably there
are none. If not, away goes the claim of per
fectiotvso far as wifehood is concerned. . A
perfect business 5 partnership it may be, or a
perfect corupanionship for utilitarian purposes,
but no married life which does not include
children Approximates perfection from either
the civil or religious standard. , Marriage is
'sadly perverted by many in these days.' It
came intc being for the sake of children. With
out thtem it is a dead husk of social convention.
This pair.'so exultant over their business suc
cess, havefprgotten their duty to the state and
their race: 'If. Outmarriages were conducted on
their plan the world would be depopulated in
a hundred years - V V
' The family is the foundation of society, the
"strength of the state, the sole hope of the fu
ture of humanity. There is no real family with
out children, and no matrimonial success only
a more or less agreeable association of two
people of opposite sex for convenience.
. , A Popular Proposal
J Senator Sraoof proposes a thorough reor-
ganization of alL.the .executive departments of
; the" governftient, the elimination' of scores of
. duplications, the speeding' up of public business
' by doing away with interminable red tape, and
in short the putting of national executive af
1 -fairs ""on a business basis approximating that
, of the great industrial corporations of the coun-
try. "IJis resolutioa profiaes, in a phrase, Jor
the abandonment ofwasteful and ridiculous- cfr- '
. eumlocutions 'in conducting s the affairs of the
government and the substitution therefor of
' sound and direct business methods. ) 1
A Washington wire says wide approval is
' given the bill in congress, f The widest ap
proval will be given it over the country, which
as not forgotten Senator vAldrich's statement
- efore the war when a billion ran the govern-..
ment, that he could run it and save one-third of
that sum. - - '
' Senator Smoot'r plan, it is said, would save
.'the tavnaoMirsv'a clean; biflion -dollars .amiually
out of present enormous expenses of the de-
; The Recent Cabinet Meeting.
N It -lasted one hdur and fifteen minutes, with
Dr. Grayson . watching the president every
W minute for what?
Secfetay Daniels said after the meeting
.that the president did a good deal of laughing
,'and told several -'funny stories. The" president
entered the meeting on one hour's leave from
his physician, presumably to consider grave
public matters of pressing importance. It was,
the first time he had met some of the mem
bers since he was stricken last fall.
With' the brief time at his command, and the
former grim-dispatch of business making
everyqmcnt count aff tastern paper dislikes
, the report- of the' joking informality of the
president "What a misfortune of even tragical
proportions it may prove," says that paper, "that
yie country has no capable head for the gov
ernment." 'We thirtk this a nervous view of
the situation.. ; ' v .
'But a time limit by the physician, and his
close watch on the president, is indubitable evi
dence that the president .is far from fit.' His.
convalescence has' been slow indeed, and his
.condition must still 'remain serious when such
remaYkable: precautions' are faken by ' the 'one
man whot knows exactly what his patient's dis
ability is. ..' '. - v ' . v
Y A Bollo Awnre. t
There wa3 a young lady from Delaware !
Whose face was a fright, she was well aware.
Raid sRe- "I confess that I dress like a mess,
But nobody cares what the hell I wear."
- ' D;20.
kAYOR BROWN of Sledicine Hatlellsthe
world that the mercury never shrinks- below
minus 30 in his 'progressive city. No matter
how cold it is, they always get a breeze, and
they have to sleep under blln'kets. .
THE MATTER. .' . .. .'n
(From the Orlando, Fla., Reporter-Star.)
The continuous line of autos going to the
club about three o'clack formed sueh a proces
sion that residents all along the line ran to the
doors to see what was happening. '
Academic Isolation.
Sir: If ignorance of. Holy Writ, be a sign
of academic aloofness, "your Inimitable corre
spondent, Indigent Professor,, must be as far
removed from the press df circumstance and
the busy marts of trade as are the snow-capped
Abides. To think:of a s. c'. intellectual who Is
not hep to the fact that it's the "love of money,"
etc. O temporal" O mores! v
THE .LATE.'mRS.' KAN. -From,'
the' North' China New.s.
, Further Interesting facts in connexion
with the funeral of Mrs. Kan at Hongkong '.
are that some 25,000 people took part in
. the procession, hlcli monopolized the
whole of the Chinese funeral paraphernalia
in the colony, additional material being
. brought from Canton for the occasion.
There were 36 bands playing Chinese music
and five Europeain. Two coffins were borne
in the procession, and it is suggested tfiat
one of them was intenaed o deceive the
devil, who was assumed 'to follow the first
cxiffin a "fake."' The real coffin was car
.rjed by 40 coolies in red.Iiyery and sailor
:, Hats. It is said that similar processions are
to 'be held in Shanghai and Canton.
"WHAT," asks a reader, inciosilk a dis-
Lquisish on lingerie, "is 'futurist underwear V"
Well, ort-hand,'We should guess that it was the
sort worn by the lady who descended the stair
case. , '
' Sir: Where do the advertising artists Ret the
idea that a stacft of wheats, or any other kind,
contains four cakes? . R. A. C.
-."DENIMS have greatly increased in price
since the movement to ,wear overalls began,
speakers 'sajd at the labor meeting."
, Throw away your overalls and get a barrel.
f . Of This and That
Sir: Friend Teachor (eighth grade), Hart
ford, Conn., writes: "When I remarked to the
class upon the courtesy shown in Wilson's and '
Lansing's . notes to each other, Levy Beizer
quickly replied, 'yes, they said that, but 1 thin If.
they both were thinking something else.' We
have the word 'scallop' to use in our spelling
lesson, and Sam Nesitat was so cock-sure 'he
knew the word that he did not troflble t.use
his dictionary, so his sentence appeared. 'The In
dians use to scallop their captive.' That reminds
me in another grade the word was 'symptoms.
The pupil wrote 'Symptoms means signs;' sen
tence 'The symptoms poiated to New York.'
My August Kosetzke announces k on a history
paper, which lies before me, that 'a great debate
broke out in Congress.' Dean Brown of Yale
spoke the other night, 'and he quoted the an-'
swer given by a high school pupil to the ques
tion, ,'Tell what you know about the Magna
Carta.' The answer .read; 'Magna Carta was a
great general in the armyv He was killed in
the Battleyof Gettysburgiand : his wife, Molly
Carta, seized his gun, pointed it at the enemy
and cried, "Shoot if you must this old. gray
-head.",' J -t ,. I. F.' S.
"ON "the antler's horns which' hang over the
big fireplace is a bit of soft blue material which
serves as. a- contrasting jiote." The New York
Evening Telegram'. , : '
The .only horns more' remarkable than' an
'antler's are those of a -dilemma. ' ' .
As gladdest of words these classify:
"Here's a bottle of beer I wish you'Tl try."
THE overalls brigade should add wooden
shoes to tjie outfit. That sort of sabotage might
put the fear of God into the profiteers.
Sir: The following 'f rem a favorite' collec
tion artist ought to balance 'em: "This bill has
been on the -books long enough, and if pay
ment is not received at once we will alto steps
thai will amaze you." R. E. A. -
"THE petrified forest of Arizona continues
to hold a weird charm for the tourist. Auto
mobilists never, tire of journeying to this region,
where the mysteriously hardened tree trunks
are scattered over the desert wastes of New
Mexico." Haynes Pioneer.
We never can remember whether Arizona is
ifi New Mexico or New Mexico y Arizona.
Respected Sir: Notice on the employment
bulletin at the U. of C: "Wanted, man to
teach swimming at the girls' camp this sum
mer. Allowed all priveleges of the camp." Line
forms. on the right! , C. T. S.
Noah L Was the Original Wet.
Sir: I quote the following from Webster's
Dictionary, showlngthat Noah lived consider
ably ahead of his time:
v "Arid: Wanting in interest of life; dry."
- -K. M. H.
PEOPLE that' is to.say, men talk airily of
gingham as if it were, cheap.
(From the Daily Nerthwestern.-)
Mary Nearing, L. A., '23, announced her
engagement to Ernest H. Nye, L. A., '23,
Scribbler, last night at a Kappa Delta sup
per. '
"FOG Horns Spoil Woods Hoje as Site for
Wilson's Summer Home." Headline. , t
You say it. -"MRS.
chased the Stork -hospital in Florida street"
Vellejo News. . ' '
What a late spring we are having 1
- SUGGESTION for the amateur brewer's
'Twas schrummsschrurumm and the yeastytoves
Did gyre-and gimble in the hops. B. L. T.
How to Keep Well
By Dr. W. A. EVANS
Three men boarded the trttln at 10
o'clock p. m. about 100 miles out of
Omaha. .Passenger? for that city
were compelled to sit up until 1 a. m.
The conversation of the three men
related to building dams, bridges,
railroads, court houses and other
largo buildings. They were probably
engineers and contractors. Presently
one picked up The Bee -and read
aloud a dispatch tellingnhat General
Gorgas (he pronounced it Gorgess)
had been employed to. make Peru
healthy. He was hired by the Rocke
feller Foundation under an arrange
ment with the government of Peru.
The job was good for five years and
toe pay was $15,000 a year.
can ne ao it 7" asked the fat one.
"Sure he can," replied the one with
glasses. "Give him the money and
the power." "But what's there to
this talk about having the intelligent
support of an intelligent rank and
flle?" "Nothing to it." said the man
with glasses. "Didn't he clean up
Cuba? Where was the intelligent co
operation of the rank and file?
Didn't he make Panama healthy ? He
didn't, get any Intelligent co-operation
from the West Indian negroes
who make up the labor population
there. No, sir. What you need is
the money and the power, that's all.
See how he kept the death rate of
the army down because he had the
Tjioney and the power. Fifteen thou
sand dollars 'a year! That's pay
for that job, said the reader.
"Oh, air those health fellows are
cheap guys," put in the man with
specs, "u notice tnat John D. pays
the bill. Think of what John D.
would have charged as his rakeoff
for making Peru healthy." ' -
"But that is different," said the
fat man. "John p. was .he great
est merchant in the world. He
changed the methods of marketing
a commodity universally used. He
was entitled to big brokerage."
J'Right you are," ' said he of the
specs., .'But didn't 'Uorgess' maKe
the building of the Panama canal
possible? What did anybody ever
do that imade more change than
What 'Gorgess did- in . Cuba and
what grew out of it everywhere in
Central and South America?"
"Well, those health people do
make people change. . They do get
big results. Why 'don't they ask
more for what they do?" ,
Here the conversation shifted
slightly. Said one: .. "I wonder why
somebody don't try that army health
stuff on a civilian population? They"
had no flies in the army camps. I
wish somebody would make Omaha
flyless this .summer, said the fat
man. "They tell me there are no
flies in Havana. Maybe there are
none in that country."- "Don't you
think it," said the man with specs.
"Go into any little place 40 miles
from Havana where nothing t6 pre
sent flies is done and more flies will
light on your bald head than you
will find on a dead horse in South
Omaha." s
Villa is reported to have r,ushed at once to
Sonora f6 aid in the revolt against Carranza
there. ' -This is a sure' sign that good pickings
lie over the mountains. ... '
May 1 has been designated. as '"patriotic"
day for Nebraska by the governor. His idea is
good,.b.ut we.ought to have 365 each year. "
- The Allies are said to be willing to take1
over the Armenian mandate. ' They are wel
come tojt. x . v "( .
Why talk about buying "cheaper"' things,
i-whin "there ain't no such animal?" .
, April snows 'mean- June pastiyes for Ne
braska. ' ' 1 ' ', -
many winders did
you pick on th,e
Nebraska women take to voting gracefully '
Dti Jlrfhur "Droorts Baker
The cow was once a grand and" influential
quadruped, -who wore a pair of spreading horns
upon her handsome head. Although her price
was trifling small, she' lived on grass and air and
often made her owner a resplendent millionaire,
who ro,se from branding yearlings in surround
ings rough and raw to- be. .the cowboy mayor
of impulsive Omaha. ,
For that's what James Charles Dahlman did.
A sprightly son of fame, he horneda hole in
politics and played a winning game.' He held
that city waterworks, while useful in their way,
provide a practical effect, but do not ft with
play; that where -a life of pep and joy is ar
dently desired a liquid more intensified, is prop-erly-.required.
. ' ' .
' .And so -he hung the banners out and bade
the world rejoice, to fit in gay and giddy moods
performance to -its choice. He raised the lid a
little bit to let the steam escape,, while not
enough to jar. the clouds or setjhe earth agape.
He ran the race for governor, a democratic wet,
and got what many democrats traditionally get.
, But Jmcs has not retired for good to sim
ple private life.. Again We'll he"ar his war whoop
ring and see his scalping knife. They've placed
him on the siding in a small appointive job, but
he will find his own. again and lead .-the thirsty
mob; indeed,' our primcst Puritans would
doubtless be stressed if -they believed that
Jim andoy could.always : be :irppressed,
Next subject; . Irving S." Cutter, ,
. Danger Seems Slight.
M. At. H. writes: "The dress
maker, already having material in
her house before getting rjuaran-
Wliy He Wants Woods.
Omaha, April 19. To the Editor
of The Bee: As I read and pondered
over General Wood's address of Sat
urday, rjo fairly reported in Sunday's
Bee, a feeling of sincere regret arose
in ma as 1-reflected upon tike pos
sibility that it comes too late to en
sure the realization of the heartfelt
wish of all true patriots the nomi
nation and ultimate election to the
presidency xt a thoroughly tested,
full-blooded American. I have fol
lowed with unflagging interest the
action of our political leaders as we
have approached and entered upon
the current campaign, anjl frankly
admit that with such a big list of
splendid citisns to select froth, it
was difficult to reach a satisfactory
conclusion as to which should be
preferred. I could not overtook the
unsurpassed braveVy of such citizens
as Senators Johnson, Borah, etc., dis
played as they went forth to certain
rout at the hands of a redoubtable
antagonist, when they began their
battle against the vicious league of
nations, for the administration's
pathway was strewn with the wrecks
Of victims who had dared to dispute
its despotic sway. Their courageous
tined, is sewing on clothes for my
self and little girl while under quar
antine with scarlet fever. Her house,
will be fumigated before I get the'
clothes. Will there be any danger
of germs lodging in the material, as
I have two little children for whom
I must pe careful?" I
The danger that scarlet fever will
bscarried by .a dress is practically
nil. .However, in order that you may
feel easy in your mind, sun and air
the dresses for two days before Sav
ing your children come in contact
with them.
An Interesting Fact.
- It may interest the public to learn
that a New England shoe company
made- 101 per cent more profit last
year than it made the year before,
the increase in sales being only 21
per ent Cleveland Plain Dealer.
MARK jf ,
re I
LV. Nicholas oil Company
Whatthk New
World Movement of y
Baptists Means to Nebraska
The financial campaign of this
: C evangelistic effort starts 'Sunday,
April 25, and ends May 2. Of the
, $100,000,000 to be subscribed by
Baptists of the Nation, Nebraska's
. ; ' quota is $1,506,000.
52 Per Cent of the
State's Quofa Will Be Used
for Baptist Work in Nebraska
; Grand Island college will receive
$385,000, of which$265,000 will be
, , added to the endowment and $120,-
000 will Jbe used for new equipment?
and buil'ding repairs.
The Nebraska Baptist Convention will
be given $310,000 for general work,
: . educational purposes and church edi-
. promotion. ' ,
- 1 $50,000 will be devoted for a student coun
, N cil at the State University. Sorely needed
city and ' frontier 'missions will benefit frpnv
. the remainder of the allotment.
i Fort.v-eip-ht ner pent of Nehrska's total n- -
propriation will be expended for Christian de
velopment and fois the restoration of chaos in '
' a war-torn world, . ' '
aS"1 LlTTrtTTTI Ml 1
ifhoa. F. Otley, Pre.
The Big 5 to Remember
1. Fulferton Paint protect building from decay.
' ' , ' . ' .
.2. It saves labor because it lasts longer. '
3. 'Takes less paint because it covers more surfaced.
- , '
. 4, It's insured to wear for 5 years. '.. ' '
5. It's the highest grade formula paint made, as shown by
the printed analysis on every can.
v -
' Another thing to remember is this: , SILK-TONE "The
Beautiful" is a sanitary, washable, Flat Wall Finish. "
It .combines the soft rich ef f e'et of water colors 'with
the smooth,ganitary surface of enamel. It's easy to
apply and will not show laps on interrupted work.
t f Distributed and Retailed by
MULLIN PAINT 0., 313 So. Fourteenth St.
, ' Retailed 1y '
SATNEWMAN, 1804 Farnam St.
m ... T rnm-iTfifin'Mi .-rrrlriiYftWwrfon Liat-4
' , ' ' ' ' ' ' V ' ' - "'' '
defense of our national sovereignty;
their fiery and indignant resentment
of the attempt to-place this nation in
a subordinate position to powers un
known to Qur constitution-Mhese
and other acts of a simllir character
entitle . these gentlemeiit to the
highest ,marks .of grateful recogni
tion by. their fellow eltlsens.
All fair-minded citizens will note
with great satisfaction the plain way
in which General WApd speaks of
tho paramount obligations of citizen-shipr-that
"evgty man who claims to
be an American citizen should try to
bring together In a mass all racial
groups; get rid of the hyphen, and
measurea .man by the way he does
his duty to his country." Such is but
a Brief excerpt from an address
yhich for excellence"1 of character as
a whole could hardly bJ improved
upon. It is quita certain that citi
zens built from such a mold as that
in which Leonard Wood was formed
would, if placed at the head of pub
lic affairs, quickly obliterate the, evil
conditions that nowidlstress us.
I '.
1 1 I . i
I -
10 for Cash at Time of
, - Order
5 Discount for Cash
in 30 Days
This Pittsburg Auto
matic Water' Heater De
livers 3 gallons of hot
water a minute. Our
salesman will call at
your home upon ijequest.
Omaha ,
Gas Co.
- -' '" - i"""- v '
1509 Howard Street
in. Pianos s
New, Nearly New,
Refiiiished, Used and
Rent Pianos
Listed Xow Enough to Inte the
Piano Buyer Who Wants
a Bargain ' '
Peerless oak . $300
Cable .'. man. 400
Hinze wal. 325'
Evans .oak . 335
Johnson". mah. 315
Cable '..oak 325
Kruff oali ." 325
' Knabe .wal. . '' 275
Crown oak ' - 325
Wing & Son ....(. mah.. ' 350
Aeolian mah; 375.
Schubert ....mah. 265
Auerbach oak 335
Our stock of Kranich & Bach,
Vose & Son, Sohmer, Brambach,
Kimball, Bush' & Lane, Cable
Nelson, Hinze and Hospe Pianos
range from $850 , up this for
brand new ' '
Our terms are as low as $10
per month.
Player Pianos ;
of the highest order, the renown
ed Apollo Reproducing Piano, the
nationally advertised Gulbransen
Player, and the Hospe Player are
the class of players that require
no boosting.
r '
Easy payments and the prices
plainly tagged on every instrument.
The Art and Music Store
c-' si '
. .''ifr'-
- J
Pay, When Cued
Dr. Bnrkhart wants you to write him
today for a treatment of Or. Burkhart'a
Vegetable Compound for J.iver, Kidney, ', -Stomach
Tropble, Cons tipatiori, Ctrrhft-'
Rheumatism. Pay when cured. Don't .-,
miss this grandest of remedied and won-, .
derful preventative for Grip, Flu. Address
621 Main St., Cin'ti, O. For sale at K
Drug- Stores. 30-day treatment 26o Adv.
"The Store oftieTjown"
Our Reason Will
Appeal to Your
Reason '
As we sell direct tovyoir'from our
own factory, our prices are lower for
' the quality than you can find else
, where. We know the reliable qual
ity of every sui front thread to but-f '
ton because we made the garments. '
We don't have to take the "say-so"
of the manufacturer we know just
' what we sell.
v ,. s - '
Having 18 stores in (he largest cities
of the' country, our production gives
savings at every step,Jthere is no mid
dleman's profit and you receive the
. T
1 t'f
1 -4'
... -
15th Street '
v.' .
$32 ami $35
'Tfic Store of the Town"
noivfjirjG iifJG & co.