Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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1 t
Vice-President v Speaking at
Annual 1 Banquet of Associ-
ated Press, Praises the ,
Fourth Estate. V
New York, April 20. Vice-Presi-;
dent Kfarslmll was, applauded y by
; members of The "Associated Press at
their annual meeting today when he
aivdcated. freedom of speech and
press as guaranteed by the constitu
tion, but favored, "soaking it to the
fellow who causes trouble in the
'.. American republic by whatMie says."
After . deprecating ' the great
v- amount of publicity vriven to crime
and suggesting" . that newspapers
pour oil on the doubled waters of
unrest by speaking of the fine things
in American lifeMr. Marshall told
thi meeting what he thought would
be real news, namely "a clarion call
from every newspaper in America
for jnen -to stand for justice, for
freedom, fo'r right, for the mainte
nance of the old constitution and the
old principles upon which: the re-
public was founded." ' 7
The vice president counselled
againstbeing discouraged at high
prices. He recalled the days after
the civil war, wh$n he said, flour
' sold fifr $20 a barrel, quinine for $20
an ounce and calico for 80 cents a
yard. . "
The luncheon opfwied with a toast
to the fully restored health of Pres
ident Wilson, proposed by Frank
BJ Noyes, , president of The Asso
ciated Press. ' Briefly reviewing the
work of The Associated Press, Mr.
jNoyes said it had become a "hall
mark of accuracy iheth'er the
events jrecorded is the election of a
president, the signing of anarmi
stke, a decision of the supreme
court or the death of a pope."
" 4ryan Women Active in ' "
Lincolnvoting steady
Lincoln, Neb., , April 20. (Spe
cial.) At noon toay voting in Lin
coln had not rushed the voting
place Officials very much. The vot
ing began as soon as the polls
opened and kept up a steady stream
ifibst of the forenoon with little or
no' crowding. "
Activity about the polling places
was -mostly, confined to the giving
outjbf cards contaiwing the different
' national delegate tickets, but the
" most activity was observed on the
part of the women who were boost
ing for Mr, Bryan.
Mf and O.aM road to Change
, Branch Jrain Schedules
, ; Lincoln,, Neb., April 20. (Sp
, cial.) The M. & p. railroad has
been given permission by the state
railway commission to read-just its
train schedule on its Bloomfield,
Crofton and Wynot branches so as
to give better train service both as
ta passenger trains and freight. This
will make snme chance in the time
If -"--t)f deriartttre and arrival-at Omaha.
There will be two or three ektra
freight trains out of Omaha.
Have Root
Press. Adv
mnt It. Beacon
How You Can Quickly :
Remove Hairy Growths
" (Aids to Beauty)
' A well known beauty specialist ad
vises this treatment for the removal
of hair from the face: Mix into a
uaste some powdered delatone and
'wafer, supply to hairy surface and
Alter about 2 minutes rub off, wash
the skin and every trace of hair has
vanished. This method is quick and
entirely safe. To avoid disappoint
ment, however,, it is well to make
certain you get genuine delatone.
Hair Often Ruined,
By Careless Washing
Soan should be used very care
fully, if you want to keep ybur hair
looking its best. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain po much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes
the nair brittle and rums it.
The best thine for steady useis
Mulsified c6coanut oil "shampoo
(which is pure and greaseless) and
is better than anything, else you can
Hop - - v
i One orV two teaspoonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thorough-
' ly. v Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it in It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff r
and excessive .oil. I he hair dries
x quickly and evenly, and it leaves the
scalp soft, and the- hair fine and
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and
easy to manage.
You can get Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's
very cheap, and a few ounces, will
supply every member of the family
for months.
A Home Cura Given' By One
, .;', Who Had It
In th spring of 1893 I Wls at
tacked fcr Muscular and Inflammatory
Rheumatism. I suffered as only those
who have it know, for over three years.
I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor
after doctor, but such relief as I re
ceived -was only temporary, x lastly, I
found a remedy tnat acred ma com
pletely,' and it has never returned.
I have given it to a number who were
terribly afflicted and even bedridden
with; Rheumatism, and it effected a
curt in every ease. .
I "want every sufferer from any
form of rheumatic trouble to try this
marvelous healing; power. Don't send
a cent; simply mail your name and
address and I will send it free to try.
After you have used it and it has
proven itself to be thst long-look ed
for means of carina; your rheumatism,
you may send tha price of it, one
dollar, but understand, I do not want
your money unless you are perfectly
satisfied to send it. Isn't that fair?
Why suffer any longer when positive
relief is thus offered you free T Don't
delay. Write today.
Mark H. Jackson, No. 669 F, Cur
ny Bid?;., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mr. Jackson is responsible, AboTe-tYitemsnt true
Governor Getslfopy of Old
, . Deed to Part of Habor
r Lincoln, Neb., April 20, (Spe
cial) While in Beatrice filling a
speaking date Governor McKelvie
was given- the copy of a deed show
ing that Nebraska owns a half mile
of the south jetty of the harbor at
Galveston, Tex. , ' 1
The deed was given to the gov
ernor by W. H. Robbins, who was
a member of a committee which
represented Nebraska aF the time
when Galveston dedicated its new
harbor inJ697. The deed was made
out to Alvin Saunders, chairman of
the Nebraska committee, and covers
the 'first half-mile of the southern
jetty. At the time of the death of
Mr. Saunders an attempt was made
to discover
to no. avail.
the original deed, but
Wife Obtains Divorce on
r Grounds of Cruelty
Fremont,, Neb April 20. (Spe
cial.) On the ground that her hus
band, who was committed to the
state hospital for the insane five
months after she married him, con
cealed his mental condition at, the
time of the wedding, Dora Launer
secured from District Judge Button
an annulment .of her marriage to
Otto Launer. She was awarded the
custody of their child.
U. P. Gets Right to Charge
v Storage' for Transit Hay
Lincoln, , Neb -April '20. (Spe
cial.) The Union Pacific railroad
has been given authority by the rail
way commission to ma'ke a charge of
3 cents a 100 pounds on hay as a
storage-in-transit charge at OmahaJ
on request of, the hay exchange at
Omaha. This will enable-the road
to ship hay early and not allow it-to
stand out in the stacks where much
of it becomes damaged.
lOlen Fined Heavily for
Breaking State Game aw?
Lincoln, Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) Muskrat -4kins come high
when the game warden finds them
in possession of any individual who
Lhas fractured the game laws of the
state to secure them. Archie Phil
lips and F. M. Hallstead of Oshkosh
were found with 59 skins in their
possession and were compelled to
pay a fine amounting to $319.50. In
addition they lost the skins which
will be sold and the proceeds put in
the state school fund.
Clyde Browil of Lewellyn was
found with 14nuskrat skins in his
possession unlawfully. He paid a
fine of $95. . . .
Amil Wagner of West Point was
discovered with a wire fish trap in
this possession. It cost him $li0.
NBee Want Ads Are Best Business
Boosters? '
Government Vessels Sold- -To
LosAngeles Sydicate
Washington, April 20. The steam
ers Yale and harvard were sold to
day by the Navy department to
ragents for a Los Angeles syndicate,
which will put them back on the
Pacific coast run, on which they
Kwere operating when purchased by
tne navy. '
New School Superintendent;
Fremont, Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) Tracy Tyler, Fremont high
school teacher, has been elected su
perintendent of schools at Valpa
raiso, Neb., starting next September.
His salary will be $AW0 a year.
Announcement is hereby made that the free or-
gan reditala by Clarence Eddy, scheduled fHr
" Wednesday afternoon and, evening at the
Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church, are post-v
poned indefinitely. This is made necessary by
reason of a telegram fromNMr. Eddy stating that
he c&nnot fulfil his engagements owing to a
sprained wrist! s
' ..... " 1 i
,,- -vz- rvv rvv---vv--v- r 'r " - -vr r y-vvVW9V
Wednesciav We Enter
v T 1- r
Upon a Four-Day April Shower of
iving Sales of Seasonable Apparel
Just When Spring Apparel Is Being Eagerly Bought Comes These Timely Salesof Precisely the Apparel You Ne,edx
itr me most important iina or savings - j
, " Each Succeeding DayWill Bring a Shower of Just as Remarkable Values" Just as Sensational Savings as Offered in This Ad.
To lntrofice
Velvet Sports
a Goats
During This April Shower
" of. Value-Giving
We Feature Them
At the Stomal Price of
- Bought to jSell at $55
The very Individuality and originality of
these rich velvet jackets attracts considerable
attention but when combined with all white i
striking plaids and beautiful silk sports skirts
Their Utility Is Doubly Appreciated
Velvet Sports Coats
Are worn whereve Fashion gathers on the links the club porches
at the hotels the promenade in fact, the most essential spring wrap
will be tha velvet sport coat. N-
' Beautifully tailored fashioned and Uned--iQ colors of brown-
navy and DiacK smartly trimmed in buttons and braid.
These Coats Come in Sizes 16363840.
Cod Shop : Third Floor
Wednesday A Real "April Shower" of Value-Giving in
Previously to
' Including hand
low neck styles.
made hand drawn 1 blouses in "High or
Tailored High-Neck Dimity louses.
Tailored and dressy voile blouses short or long sleeve styles and dainty organdy blouses in
tailored and dressy styles. . , s
An April Shower of
Value-Giving Extraordinary
Beautiful Chemise
of Satin and Crepe de Chine 1
Previously to $8.50.
The 'most attractively afipealing collection
of dainty chemise that we have ever assembled.
Including Steplns Envelopes and Chimaloons
'In tailored effect with bodice tops hem-stitched--pin
tucked embroidered in dainty
blues, lavender, pinks with satin ribbon
shoulder straps. '
Elaborately effective styles with
exquisitely designed yokes of wide val
lace and georgette val or filet lace
and satin combined with insets of lace
puffings embroidery designs.
Built-up bodice styles with entire yokes of
lace in pretty designs tiny rosebuds ribbon
rosettes. ""'.
Lingerie Shop-
; Too much can not be said about these
most enthusiastic acclamation. , .
blouses they' are worthy of the
Beautifully designed daintily finished and trimmed these blouses are "quite the finesMexam
ples of the "new Spring tub blouse" to be found. . ;
Featuring high flat and. roll collars-edges-long
and short sleeves.
-plain or elaborate
Blouse &h
lace trimming-tucks dainty
! Second Floor
A Notable Sale of Cotton Crepe-'Kimonos',
Previously to $8.25., . '
, $4.95 ,
Splendidly worth-while values offered in this four-day sale well
worth a trip down town to secure. .
In the real Japanese kimono style with sash, or plain kimono
style empire modes tea jacket effect. " I -
Daintily made and finished, in plain colored crepes flowered
crepes bound In satin ribbon of contrasting shades picot edging
fancy pockets and tassels deep kimono or Jap style sleeves.-
Negligee Shop-
-Sceona Floor
The April Shower Sale
In the, Men's" Shop
l ... , ' Becomes a Regular Storm of ' v
Wonderful Savings and,
Remarkable Values
$2.00 and $1.50 Values
Fine patterns in neat ef
fects or large scroll designs
made ia theMong slender'
four-in-hand open end 1920
.Spring shapes. . j .
35c Values v
Yz Dozen Lots Q "I r'A
Thesl are broken lots
about ten good styles, in sizes -13
to 18 all white. "
$1.50 Values
50c Values
Vt Dozen Lots
All Broken Lota
Of fine lisle, double heels
and toes good weight cotton
four thread heels and toes
In black, white-cordovan,
grey sizes, 9 to H4.
Summer silk neckwear at
this price should be bought
now for summer--Comes in
English twills and foulards
and Jap crepes-in avlarge
variety of patterns.
25c Values v
,2 Dozen Lot, J QQ
One Lot to a Customer
i-iheh hems fine, soft fin
ish ready for use.
Union Suits
$2.50 and $2.00 Values -
Supply your summer wants
now come in knee length
taped arm holes tailorjed fin-'
isjj. patterns 'of plaid or
f stripes.
Values up to $10.00
An assorted lot of fine fibres, in beautiful patterns-fibres'
look like silk, and wear better also some flannels with fibre
stripe. ! r
Men's Shop Main Floor
.The "April Shower" Sales t Bring Forth
Irresistible, Incomparable Reductions in
Women's Quality Hose
Silk Hose " Silk Hose
Previously to $3.00
S 1 .95
In drop-stitch styles two-tone
colors plain colors In full fash
loned and seamless .'
Previously to $1.50
'Full fashioned boot silks and
fine lisles in an assorted lot of
colors all sizes.
Broken Lots Hose
Previously to $2.00 x
Including silk hose fibre silk
hose lisle hose full fashioned
semi-fashioned seamless all col
orssizes, Vi to 10.
Hosiery Shop-
-Main Floor
The Height of Value- Gibing Reached in
A Record-Breaking Four-Day Sale 0 Women's
Pumps --.Oxfords Boots
Offering 1,500 Pairs---Including 20 Different Styles
N " Previously Priced $14.00 to $18.00
$8.95 .
Oxfords and Pumps
Of patent kid.bright and dull kid bhfrtc
and brown calfskin, tan calfskin, with full
Louis, or 1-inch military heel turn and
welt soles. 1 . - y
: : ' -
In beaver brown, field mouse kid bronze
1 grey kid also all over white washable
kid 8 inches high. Lace and button
styles covered heel hand sewed or welt
sola- , .
Shoe Shop-
Formerly BervsorviThorne
Main Floor
jm Store of Si
The "April Shower" Sales in the Boys' Shop
Concentrates for Wednesday o(n Splendid Values
Boys Sailor and
Middy Suits
Sailor Suits
With Long and Knee Length
. ' Pants
Aires 3 to 10
Specially priced Wednesday
Both fairs
nt Pants
Made of mercerized white
middy jean witb fast color
blue collar, cuffs and em
blem. Dark Blue
Middy Suit
( $3.85 . .
Ages 3 to 8
The real utility suit that
does not show the soil.
Trimmed in white braid on
collar, cuffs, pockets, v
Boys' Separate Middies
Special at $2.35
Ag-ek 3 to 10 Years , ;
Made of, dependable service-giving
long wearing fab'
ric to be worn with sailor or
straight knee pants.
Ages, a to 8. .
A suit that can be boiled rubbed scrubbed and still be
good as new No front buttons to iron off.
See our Farnam St; window display of Middies and Sailor
Suits '
Boys' Shop : Balcony
IGirls' Middies
Sharply Reduced for
Quick Clearance
v Middies
Sizes, 6 to 22. '
Previously $2.50
In alKwhite or white with
navy, red, copen, rose col
lars, trimmed in white braid.
Middies v
Broken Lots Broken
Sizes t
Slightly Soiled From Display
$3.95 to $4.60 $2.95
Values Values
$2.95 $2.5D MJt
Really Wonderful valuss
but for immediate clearance
sharply reduced. '
Cirls Shop-
1 I . I
'Second Floor