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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1920)
. I V 1 VI M I A V - mm' FO0I CROWING OMAHA Wednesday fit 9 A. M.WIiile it Lasts Another Big Sale of ' U. S. Army Surplus ROAST BEEF (Government Inspected) Commencing at sharp 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, -while it lasts we will" sell 30,000 lbs. of Canned Roat Beefparboiled and steam roasted in cans of one and two pounds net weight all standard brands and quality guar anteed. It's a wonderful money-saving oppor tunity for we are offering this Roast Beef , . At Less Than Government Price 6 lbs. for Brandeis Stores BasementWest 89c No Mail or .Phone Orders ; No Deliveries; We Reserve the Eight to Limit Quantities. 800 Corsets From Which to Choose ' Starting Wednesday at 9 A'. Ajf. Great Sale of arcs tmb pacp t 3 FC3 CROWING OHANA 8 Different Styles' v V - AT EXACTLY PRICE? 1 llll ''' ' Here is a wonderful opportunity - to purchase your model in the famous Nulife corset, reduced in price because of broken sizes. But -the assortment is so large that it will enable every customer to secure a desirable model for her type of figure. Model 8680 Model 8869 " An liical corset for the average figure. ItHs of pink brocade material with "Walone boninga and satin and lace trimming; three strong pairs of garters at ' tached. Regular 15.00 corset, 7 CA .JU special, In this sale, at Models 870 and 871 These - models are made v of . extra, quality of heavy white coutil, medium and hijrh bust and lonjr skirts; Walone "boning j Models 355 and 556 and neatly trimmed. J Made for the short stout type of Regular 10.00 value, ft is equally as well made as model 8869; of white coutil material, with medium bust and long hips, having three good pairs of hose supporters, and priced reguiariy at iz.uu. spe- . x fr special, at figures ; of good quality white cou til withl two pairs of strong hose 5f supporters; extra well made; regu .00 lb f , v!lue O KC Btandeis Stores Third Floor North clal, in this sale, at Models 869 and 867 ( 4 Excellent models .for stout and medium .figures; are made of heavy quality coutil; medium and high bust and long' hi5s; embroidery trimmed; regular 7.50 value, spe , cial, at 3.75 - i 'Hi 1 Exquisite Models in Beautiful Wr ECENT purchases of lovely model garments in samples ' enable us to offer values In smart exclusive wraps at a moderate price. Satin, Faille and Taffeta wraps and coats handsomely lined, embroidery trimmed, cordings and a number with Marabou collars. Priced at 68.75 - 75.00 to 125.00 New Frocks , Reductions in high grade frocks, many exclusive models, beauti fully beaded Georgette and Satin gowns, Taffetas, tailored models in Tricotine and Poiret Twill. ' Dainty shades as well as darker colors for street wear gowns for all occasions. Very Special at 67. 75 Brandeis Stores Second Floor West 4 Yard Wide Cork Linoleum 1 .19 The genuine cork quality of the heaviest W best .make; with burlap back and baked enamel suriace; wood parquetry designs for dining room and library; Mosaic effects for h!i or pantries; tile and block patterns for kitcfeens; and blue and white styles for bath roflms. Specially priced, per square yard, at. . .V.. 1 ; - 1.19 2 Yard Wide "Lino" . Per Square Yd., 59c An extra durable waterproof and sanitary floor covering in. beautiful dcs'grlS of wood and' tile effects, for "kitchens, pantries and bath rooms. Specially priced, per square va'rd, at 59c Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor Center. Supplied by Our Infants' Department Muslin Bonnets In a variety of pretty models in fine ldwn and muslin; embroid ered and lace trimmed with rib ;bon bows and ties ; priced, for one day only, at 39c Pure Thread Silk Hose For infants up to 3 years old; white .only; worth 1.25; very , dainty and sheer; specially QJJ' priced, per pair . OOC , . ; ; Undies for Little Tots Muslin drawers, made in the knicker style and trimmed in edges of embroidery; sizes 2 to JE? , 3D years ; priced", at ,jOC i Muslin Combination Suits Of good quality .cotton ; drop seat ; gathered at the knee and embroidery trimmed; sizes 2 to 'f.'lC 10 years ; priced, at J. td Brandeis Stores Third Floor East A Special Sale of 1140 Pieces of Highest Grade ALUM IN U M W A:R JMiiSi'ii&UtUt1' THI?iPP5tUni1ty for Puryiasing high grade aluminum cooking and baking utensils ,ViUVtUUi'L'll fesC C atlesfisthanhe usual cost of enamelware is unprecedented. It is possible only I,..; f because of a most unusual trade transaction in which we fortunatelv secured, nt i ' naiculously low price, a jobber's samples and surplus stock. Many of these utensils, being samples and seconds, have indentations or mars but these will not in any way affect the wearing qualities of the1 articles VLM HI J 13, in .11 llilpl.. Values From 'Each ( $3.75 fo $7.50 at 300 CONVEX KETTLES t 8 and lOQuart Size. 132 TEA KETTLES 1 N , 6 and 7 Quart Size. . 48 COFFEE POTS 2 and 3 Quart Size. , 33 PERCOLATORS. " 6 and 9 Cup Size4 , ' ' . 89 CONVEX SAUCE POTS 59 8 and 10 Quart Size. 48 CONVEX SAUCE PANS 6 Quart Size. 131 PRESERVING KETTLES v 10 and 12 Quart Size. 24 CONVEX SAUCE PANS ' 8 Quart Size. ' 28 RICE BOILERS 2 Quart Size. 24 DISH PANS ' ' 17 Quart Size. 3' 283 ROUND ROASTERS No C. 0. D.'s, Mail or Phone Orders Received We Reserve the Right to Limit .Quantities. Brandeis Stores Basement West. MM lill II us limsmmmmm mmmmmmammm Lovely Suggestions for Newest Drap enes t Scotch Madras V On a white background with X dainty small figures in blue, pink and gold; 36 inches wide; worth S $ 1.00 per yard, special, at ' OC- Marquisetteand Voile In plain and striped border ef- ' ll fects with lace edces: wide; worth 75c per yard- ja' -BDecial, at ; ! ' l4yC- Marquisette li- The best quality plain 40-inch wide material in white and ivory; sells regularly for 85c per pf 'v yard, priced, at : 05 C - Met Net Curtains Oi Quakercraft'make; 12 differ- ;r ent patterns in white, ivory and5 no, ecru; worth 5.00 a pair; special, 0 O ' , Quaker Lace Curtains In white and ivory; 36 inches ' :;.V wide and 2y2 yards long; worth -4 ; 2.75 per pair, special, " Ld i Printed Net Beautiful floral designs in blue, I ' v green, rose and all-over patterns; 1 just the thing for'summer cur- mg tains; specially priced, er yard OlC- Double Faced Terry Cloth J Used for draperies, portieres and ' V' couch covers; a beautiful line of colorings; 36 inches' wide and- f specially priced, per yard ItOV Fine Voile With ribbon edjge and fancy, col- '! ored, borders; makes beautiful bedroom curtains; regular 1.00 mc " quality, priced, per yard 5C' Cretonne ;v All new Spring patterns and col- . ors for sun rooms and over cur- ja tains; regular 75c quality, special 4C . Quaker Lace Net - ? : Several pieces worth up to t 1.00 per yard, specially priced 1 to close out at the extremely Af ; low price, per yard 4C Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor Easti 5 ( A Bit of Protection and Much Style . QUAINT conceits are the chokers of Squirrel, Fitch and Marten, which, clasped about the throat, give the finish, mg touch to one's costume. An awkward gap between a low neck and the hat i completely lost by the soft little collar of fur. ' They are delightful little between-sea- . son fancies, both flattering and practical," and so there is a reason for their being." " From 25.00 to 37.50 f Brandeis Stores Second Floor tentef.