HE BEE: UMAHA, TUttSlJAr. APRIL 20. FARMER GETS SMALL PROFIT, FIGURES SHOW Estimate on Production Cost: Of Livestock and Grain Pro deletion His Answer; to , Profiteering Charge. t Report of committers on farm production costs appointed by the northwest farmers' congress, -were completed recently and announced at a mass meeting of farmers in Dawes county. The sense of the compilations is that the farmer is making little profit either in grain or live stock. Following is the substance of the report: The committee report on the cost of wheat assumes that the land owner hires all work done. The fol lowing figures were presented Dy this committee, using 30 acres as a basis. " . .. Thirty crs land at 130 per cr, Jl.600. - I Interest at t per cent on land $ SO Mowing at 14 per acre 120 Dragging, man and tour-horse team two days 22 drilling, man and four-home team, three daya 33 Seed wheat, at 12.60 per bushel .... 75 Cutting. 1160 per acre 45 Shocking, one man, three days at 14 IS marking, two men, two teams, at 17 pefnan and team, three days .... 42 Threshing. 10c. per bushel 30 Pitching, five men at S4 per day ...A !0 Hauling, three men and teams at i? per day 11 Thirty meals for threshing crew one day at (0 cents 15 Ufttl Insurance . , 73 ,: Total T. 1698 ' Total yield, 300 bliKhela, which givts a cost of f 1.944 per bushel. Figures Based on Facts. The figures are based on an aver age of 30 acres of wheat per farm, "as this is substantially the average acreage of production of wheat iri Dawes county, with an average yield of 10 bushels per acre for 1919. The committee on the cost of pro ducing grass beef submitted the fol lowing figures! ' Avprage cow, S80. Intel fat and taxes one year in cost of cow ; 7.00 Depreciation on cow for one year. . 4.00 Six acres land Arsummcr pasture for cow at $40 per acre, $240. Interest on land at per cent.:.... 14.40 One ton alfalfa to carry cow through wi tter 20.00 Ber o of sire S.00 Labor, caring for cow and calf .... 6.00 A. J. Cornish-of Nebraska State Supreme Court Dies ' I aihNf7 ' . A. J.- Cornish. i 1 j. Cost of calf at weaning 'time .... 162.40 If this is a good calf he should weigh at this time 450 pounds, which makes a cost of $11.64 per 10Q pounds. If this calf is kept; until he is 2 years old. the following expense has been incurred: " irky for calf one year $20.00 l;itiTiist on .fIVe acres I40-Ind 12.00 Jiu-v t and taxes oi calf .. 4.00 Labor , S-00 .141.00 Cost of second year . v. . Figures on Pork Costs. The following figures were sub mitted by the committee investigat ing the cost of pork production: Cost of pig at weaning tlmeY . . .-. (f (S.O0 Pasturing on alfalfa, six months.. 3.M Twenty bushels corn per head for , six months at 87 cents, which Is cost of production on farm 17.40 Labor, earing for pig......... 3.00 v Total coat of pig .......S2S.40 L It was also -brought out by wool producers k tfiat the average price they receive for the wool during J919 was 55c and 60c per pounnd. It was stated that five pounds of wool was sufficient to make an all wool suit for the ordinary man. At 60c per pound the wool producers would receive $3.60 of the $100 which the consumer is ordinarily charged for an all-wool suit. Respectfully submitted by Arthur M. Bartlett and E. P. Wilson. Nebraska Seniors to Hold : 4 Commencement June 7 Lincoln, April 19. (Special.)- Commencement exercises of the senior class of the University of Ne braska will be held June 7. Marion LeRoy Burton, president of the University of Minnesota, will give the commencement address. Rt. Rev. Ernest Vincent Shaylcr, ' D. D , bishop of the Episcopal church in Nebraska, will give the baccalaureate sermon-June 6. Both services will be-held' in St. vPauls Methodist Episcopal church. ' Hot -fight Near Close. Aberdeen, S. D., April 19. (Spe cial.) One of the hottest election fights in recent years will cometoa close tomorrow at the regular spring i election, when voters will elect a successor to H. Behrens.finance com missioner, and express their wishes on the issue of $500,p00 in bonds for a new municipal auditorium, which will be a memorial to Aberdeen service men. H. C. Behrens is a candidate to succeed himself and is opposed by A. J. Koe'rner, an ex service man, who is state financial secretary of the World War Vet erans. His backers have enlisted thi services of Lester P. Bartow. national chairman of the W. W. V., viho has been in the city a week. $276 an Acre for Land., ' Aberdeen, S. D.,x April 19. (Spe ' ial.) What is believed to be the 'highest price in-the state for school land in Marshall is $276 an acre paid for SOcres by Joe Gartnf r ot Eden at the annual school land sale held at Britton. This year's sale beats all ' former records and takes awav the honors held previously by Spink county, where $205 an acre was paid for a parcel of school land fast week. Adelgation of Danish farmers from southern Minnesota and northern Iowa bought heavily and will estab lish a coloqynear Lake City. Clover Nets Farmer $11,000. Langford. Sv D.. "rpril 19. (Spe cial.) E. L. Bolland of Indepen dent township, this county, will re alize more than $11,000 from his sweet clover crop of last year, hav ing just completed, threshing" a 40 'acre field. Last fall he threshed and soU $4,500 worth of seed and still has-300 Bushels which is worth about $6,000. , , ; Hold Man As Suspect. Beatrice. Neb. April 19. (Spe cial.) Frank' Brown, arrested a few days ago at Wymore by City Mar Tihal Lytle.-tiavin'g in his possession about $200 worth of jewelry, re volvers, knives, etc., is still being held for investigation. The articles are all new and the officer is of the opinion that the gooijs have been stpJen. Votcfor Waited M. Ldd.-Adr. Merchants to Meetr Webster, S. D., April 19. (Spe cial) Announcement is made by E. U. Btrdahl of this city, secretary of the Retail Merchants' association of South Dakota, that the annual con vention of the association will be held May .11, 12 and 13 at Water town. "iis expected that 700 guests will be in that city for the conven tion. Among speakers arc H. L. Hjermstad, jRed Wind, Minn.; E. C. Hillweg of the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce association; E. J. Mannix, $ioux Falls, and C C. Petersen of Grand Rapids, Minn. Raise Money for Pavilion! ! Beatrice, Neb., April 19. (Spe cial.) Farmers of the DcWitt vi- rinitv havn snhcrrihprl nnnr4v-&lft 000 for a sales pavilion which will erected in the business p'art of that town. The site has been purchased and work will be - started on the structure in a'bout 10 days. . Two Funerals in Friend, i Friend, Neb., April 19. Special.) Raymond TJale Bishop, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Bishop of this thy was buried Satur; day afternoon.. The Bishops recently came to Friend from Phillips, S. D. Raymond was attending auto school at Sioux City, la., when taken with scarlet fever. The funeral of Herman Warren was held from the Methodist church Sunday afternoon'. : " X - ' Banker Renews Bond. Beatrice, ' Neb., Aprill 19. (Spe-cial.)-F. E. Lefferdink, former Wy more, Neb., banker, against whom charges of obtaining money under false pretenses have been pending for some -months, bas renewed his bond here in the sum of $3,000 for his appearance at the November term of the district court. Luffer dink is fow living at Spencer, Ia- Two. reasons why so many , former "coffee drinkers now; prefer I Instant Pqstxjm Better health and ' ' economy a strong second. Postum is sold at th same fair price as before the Wan Everybody likes its rich coffee-like flavor. - ; 44 There's a Reason" for Postum J t' at Grocers. Made at Battle Creek Mich, ijfthe Postdm Cereal Co.' r mm Raise Money for X. M. C. A. "Aberdeen, S. D., April 19. (Spe cial.) In a peek's campaign clos ing Saturday night the Y. M. C. A. building committee raised by public subscription $225,000 with which to build a new association building in this city, It is planned to erect the building as soon - as arrangements can be made. Aberdeen has never had a Y. M. C. A. . ' ; Soldier Married. Beatrice, Neb., 'April 19. (Spe cial.) Announcement was received here of the marriage of Charles Wischman of this city to Miss Jen nie Spech, which occurred at the bride's home at Syracuse, NJ Y. The groom served overseas during the war and met his bride while at camp before going lo France. ' i . i Start Building' Church. Britton. S. D., April 19. (Special.) Work has been started on the con struction of a new $75,000 edifice which will be occupied by thev-Pres-byterian church of this city. A new public library will also be built here this supimer. Republican Leaders to -Consider Contests May 23 Chicago, April 19. The republican national committee will meet in Chi cago on May 23, to consider contests between delegates to the national convention June 8, Fred W. Upham, treasurer of the committee said Sun day. Will II. Hays, chairman, A. T. Hert, chairman of the Chicago con vention committee on arrangements, and Mr. Upham , spend Sunday in conference on plans for the national gathering. . 1 "There is a contest in nearly every southern state," Mr. Upham said, "it probably will take until the opening of the convention to consider these disputes." Six hundred rivets an hour can be heated with a new portable electric iftg the lid rivet heater. 'Nobody Knows Hov Dry I Am Is Piece Played By Sen. Hitchcok's Banc) dr William Jennings Bryan says he's e also says Senator Hitchcock lis wet. Saturday niglitr before the senator spoke at the auditorium, a mammoth automobile truck, decorated gaily with signs calling attention to tlie senator's , speakingengagemept, pa raded thev downtown streets of the city. ( In the truck was; a three-piece band, a bass drum, a snare drum and a cornet. Every other tune the cornet struck up was: "Nobody knows how dry I ami" Page Mr. Bryan. A tool has been invented for pry- frotn rear crates without freaking the wood. .f Czecho-Slovaks Arrest , Famous Communist Leader Praguey April 19, There is no question in the minds of the Czecho slovak authorities that the man they succeeded in putting under arrest at Marienbad on Saturday is Max Hoclz, iiotorious communist leader. Communists under arrest declare positively that he is the much wanted Saxon outlaw who. for several weeks past has been ter rorizing the Plauen istrict by -the raids of his band of seevral hundred men. - The bandTf was arscsted after crossing into Czecho-Slovak terri tory. He had 130,000 marks in his belt when captured.. Thieves Overlook Money, V - But Carry Off-Clothing Wearing apparel was stolen from J'ff A , . , - six ainereni nomes in umana sun- ( day night. Money, jewels and othef valuables were spurned by the thieves, who showed a distinct pref erence for men's suits. Tass keys were used in each instance. ' W. . Tatum, 2411 Harney street, lost "('suit, shirt, raincoaand. watch, ' : ' Rocco Palmer, 1711 Dodge street, lost an o;ercoat. . , Bert Davis, 211 'South Twenty fourth street, reports the theft of a suit and two shirts.--. W. F. sMcCune. 2215 Douglas street; T. Donegan, 2226 Howard street, and Lylc Brown,' 218 North Nineteenth street, .each report the theft of one surt. ASK FOR and GET The Original Malted Milk for Infant and Invalid ' Avoid Imitation! and Substitute! ' - ' . . " 1 ' ' ' " Enroll Now In oar Dressmaking School ; Tickets, 75c for Foil Coarse. Notion Dept. Mam k!lV J k. Mm JUTES THB PAQB S? Children's Hair Bobbing, 35c ' , "Life-Size Ponies for the Kiddies" Fttl OMAHA Second Floor AsdPartGf"EmmvyWeeVlW ? , v Bargain Square Specials for Tuesday On the Third Floor New 500 in the Lot House and " i 3.50 Regular $5 and $10 Values, Special, at, Beautiful summery gingham and per cale dresses bought fRpm a manufacturer as a closeout ot over-lots; many differ ent styles from which to r- choose; special, at J.pU Bargain Square Third Floor. . ' Specially Priced Artistic Pictures and. Frames ; The 'Pictures . ' , Now Is the time to secure an attractive picture for that old frame you have at borne. These sheet pictures are in sizes from , v 8x10 to 16x20 - Smaller Sizes; Triced at 50ci Large Sizes at 1.00 . Bargain Square Third Floor. Standard Frames Nearly everyone has a few photographs that should be framed. For your photographs; one style aft " Another style that swings, priced, at 1.39 1.98 Bargain Square Third Floor. Women's" Cotton Union Suits - 39c Regular 50c and 75c Values, Special, " Light, weight in cuff or loose' knee, styles; low neck finished with crochet cge some finished with plain tailored band; sizes from 31 to 40; splendid val ue at this special one-day Bargain Square price. - Tuesday Special at 39c Bargain Square Third Floor. Tfte Weil-Known N "C-B"Corsets . . ' Regular 1.50 Value Special Tuesday 1 at 89c' A model for thai average type of figure, made of a good quality of white coutil, lace trimmed. Has two pairs of garters and includes sizes 19 to 23;- specially priced, for ne day QQ anly, at Ot Bargain Square-Third Floor. Bun galow Aprons 375 in the Lot 1.98 and 3.98 Values ' r i Special at : The lot includes many food qual ity gingham aprons in plaids and checks and percales in dainty figures and light grounds; . i CXQ special, at XJ s Bargain Square Third Floor. t Infants' Lisle ' Thread Socks Sizes- to 3 Years . Regular 50c Values 01 n ' Special at Fancy tops in dainty baby colors; sizes up to 3 years; these are excellenfjvalues for the little tot and they are extremely" dainty; regular 50c values, special, priced for this day , Tuesday at 21c Bargain Square Third Floor. x Boys' and Girls' Play Suits Exceptional 1.25 Values Special Tuesday, ; 65c Have long sleeves and round neck; of splendid ma terial in navy blue, khaki and gray; 'every one wash able; sizes 2 to 6 years; special at 65c Bargain Square Third Floor. B argains On the Main Floor Spring Sewers You'll Need . Notions .Fast colored wash edging, per bolt, at . 10. Rick Rack , braid, per bolt 10 Good Safety Pins, per card 5 Rust-proof hooks and eyes, per card, at ; . 5 Best grade darning cotton, per ball) at ' 5 Paper shopping bags, each 10 Wire hair pins, large box at -10 Basting cotton, large spools, at 10 , Shoe trees, per pair 10 Knitting cotton, two balls for 25 Bargain Square Main. For Women Lisle and Cotton Hose - Worth 50c and 756, , O C a ' Special for ' Tuesday, at s Of lisle and cotton with double garter tops, in black white, brown and other colors; very good values for the eco nomical woman. Special Tuesday at 35g Bargain Square Main, 'Women's SUIT . v and Fibre Hosiery Seconds-71.50 Quality For Tuesday, JyC Special, pei pair, Silk and fiber hosiery, some In all -over lace with double lisle tops; in black, brown and colors; specially priced pair, for this one day .Tuesday Special at 79c Bargain Square Main. ' Very Special Values in D-r-u-g-s Rose Bath toilet soap, special, at c per bar, or per dozen 55 raim uuve soap, tnree bars for Zoc 1 pound Coca Castile soap, special 25t Shaving soap, worth 10c, special, at 6ft Yaldona tooth paste, 25c size, special, at . 14 1 pound hospital cotton, special 49 Toilet water, fragrant and lasting. 50c size, special, at 29 Colerite, all colors, special, at 21 Telonr powder puffs, 4-Inch size, 35c val ues, special, at-v 19 Talcum powder, assorted odors, 1.1c and 19c values, at 12 Abenlta vanishing cream, 35c size, spe cial, at . 19 Tooth brushes, assorted, 50c values, sne cial. at 25 Real bristle Pullman hair brashes, priced at., 49 Bargain Square Main. Bargains In the Basement . . Bleached Pillow Cases Special, Each, at 35c These good quality bleached pil low cases are made of remnant sheet ing, and are splendid values. . Tuesday, al 35c . Bargain Square Basement. " 5,000 Yards Remnants Wash Goods uy2c V 19c to 30c Values. Special, per yd., at, . This- lot includes wash goods of all kinds accumulated from the past months of selling. Spe- 111 ciallypriccd, at, per yar3, 14 Bargain Square-XBisement. Cotton, Sleeveless Women's Vests Sizes 34 to 44. ; 7C0 Special, Each, at, Of fine cotton; sleeveless; full taped; these are excellent values at the price; sizes 34 to 44; priced specially for this one day. V 'Special Tuesday, at 25c Bargain Square Basement. Women's Cotton Union Suits 1.00 Specially Priced, 2 Suits for - Of fine cotton in lace knee style ; full taped; sizes 34 to 44; specially prided for this one day only 2 Suits for l.pO Bargain Square Basement. " r Untrimmed .Shapes Specially, Priced . Make your hat Origin al by trimming It your self. These new shapes in the latest Spring styles include a variety of models in naw. brown and black. Spe cially priced at p Bargain $quare Basement. 1.95 ..r . Children's Mercerized Half lH6se Sizes 4 to 9. Special, jjer pair, For children; in fancy stripes such as blue, black, brown, pink and Copenhagen; cutf tops; sizes 4 to 94; priced, per pair, nt I 39 Bargain Square Basement. Women's Hdsi er y Speqial, Per Pair, 25c i In cotton and lisle; black, white and colors ; double soles ; a very good quality air this Bargain Square price; priced per pair, for the one day, Tuesday, at 25 Bargain Square Basement. Curtain Voile Reversible Regular 29c Value. Special, per 1QP yard, at, Ayv'. This material is 36 inches wide; includes a variety otf attractive patterns suitable for din ins room' or bedroom curtalnr: Fne- fla -is