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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1920)
OMAIIANS AT THE STATE UNI WILL FORM BIG CLUB Students From Metropolis Propose to Organize to Promote Their Interests. Lincoln. April IS. (Special.) Considerable mystery has surround ed some posters which have ap peared this Veek on the university campus bearing the word "Omaha" with a question mark above and he low. The facts have leaked out that the numerous students from that me-tropojis-are proposing to organize a great big club which will become,' 110 doijbt, an important factor in the life of the univesity. Outsid ers may not know, but there is great rivalry among the students from Omaha who enter the various fra ternal organizations on the campus and what one group of them starts the rest look upon with suspicion. In the matter of an Omaha club as now proposed this suspicion must be laid aside for the suggesV tion started with a member of the faculty and another of the adminis trative force. A meeting will be held of all Omaha students in the university Thursday, April 22, at 7:15, in the auditorium of the social science building. Chancellor Avery will be there and has promised to speak. A member of short talks by students and professors will be made. A quartet composed of Floyd Poynter, Eugene Maxwell, James Collier and Charles Samuelson promises to enliven the occasion with some real university music. Omaha has fivhigh schools, all of which, send students to the state university. Altogether there are over 200 students from that city in the institution. Thes'students are sponsors for the coming' meeting: Dorothy Hippie, Helen Wahl, Mel vm Bekin, Lucille Nitsche, Ray Stryker, Jess Patty, Ruth Hutton, lsabelle Pcarsall, Austin Sitrfth, Gladys Mickel and Jean Landale, but many others are assisting, and it is expected that he full Omaha contingent will be ourfor the. meet ing. ' THE .BMtt: OMAHA.--'mONDAY. APRIL 19, 1920. tioit on the forehead. lie was taken home. Master Key Burglar Gts $200 Worth'of Jewelry A "master', key" burglap' entered the home of E. X. Bovcll, Carlisle apartments, 625 "South Eighteenth street, and carrjfcd away $200 worth of iewelry, according -te a report maae to the police yesterday. The loot consists of two rings, a watch and a diamond stick pin. v Mrs. Bovell told the police she put the' jewelry away last Tuesday in a bureau drawer and when she went to get it yesterday it ws miss ing. She said she believed the burglar entered her home with a masjer key. Nothing else in the home w dis turbed. , Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Sexton's Condition at - - Hospital Is, Improved A marked improvement was the report from St. Joseph hospital on the condition of J. H. Sexton, su pcrintendent of the Riverview De tention home, -who was shot Thurs day night by James alack, alias hrank Williams, a negro selt-con fesscd assailant. No formal charge will be placed against Williafns until Mr. Sexton's fate is knowiv police say. Start David City Paving. David Citv, Neb., April 18. (Special.) The Hugh Murphy Con struction company of Omaha have. started on the ?2J0,0(K) paying con- iiav.1 ni.&atiu v i i j av. it j vi materia! are arriving and the work of laying curbing started last week. Auto Accident Victims Recovering From Hurts Frank R. Straight, 5104 Cuming street, and Phil Aarons. 4819 Dodge, who were injured in an automobile accident at Forty-eighth and DorRe streets Saturday night, were report ed slightly improved yesterday. Mr. Aarons was removed from the Clarksbn to the Ford hospital. Mr. Straight is being cared for at his home. Get These Names by Heart- Unless you want John J. Pershing to go to the national convention with a group of delegates who are pledge1 to" support the Johnson-Wood combine. , Vote for Pershing and the Following Delegates: DELEGATES AT LARGE Vote for 4 - Titus Lowe' Charles H. Kelsey ' George H. Austin , . Elmer J. Burkett . ALTERNATE, Carl E. Herring FOURTH DISTRICT , DELEGATES , Vote for ' M. A. Shaw R. B. Steele ALTERNATE, H. H. Campbell r THIRD DISTRICT DELEGATES Vote for 2 Burt Mapei Edward J. Patterson ALTERNATE.NRobert I. Stout SECOND DISTRIC DELEGATE C. E. Adams ALTERNATES John H. Caft. well, Hird 'Stryker. FIFTH DISTRICT DELEGATE - Harry F. Russell Man Suffers Cut on Head When Struck by Street Car Oxford Car. 86 years old, 2418 North Twenty-first street, narrow ly escaped serious injury Sunday morning when he was struck by a westbound Dodge street car at Twenty-second, and Lake streets. Mr. Car suffered a slight laccra- FIRST DISTRICT DELEGATES Vote for 2 Mark W. Woods Andrew P. Moran ' ALTERNATE, Ida M. Dunbar SIXTH DISTRICT DELEGATES Vote for 2 Woodruff Ball S. J. Weekes The Johnson-Wood combine is expressly de signed to defeat the will of . the people of Ne braska by "knifing" Pershing at the convention. You can beat it by voting for the above dele gates, who will carry out the will of the people of Nebraska, and not that of any secret confer ence. . (If you can't remember the names, CLIP THIS OUT AND TAKE IT TO THE POLLS WITH YOU.) . ' REPUBLICANS UNITE ON t Governor he can Win ' McMullen i fv -i - - inn i itim .ADAM RflcKlULLEN There are six candidates ' in the field "for the Republican nomination for Gayernor. - ' To win in November we must nominate the strongest and ablest man to head the state ticket. x - We must nominate the man who will win on his merits. We must nominate the candidate y ho will bring. strength to the whole ticket. Adam McMullen will help us elect our congressional and county tickets throughout the state. Adam McMullen has no factional fights and if we nominate Kim he will carry the state by fifty thousand. , Republicans, unite and vote for McMullen for Governor. Primary Election April 20, 1920 ' PUBLICITY COMMITTEE McMullen for-Governor Club (S V v ' Bdn 't Fail to Vote For JOHN J. . PERSHING of Nebraska The country expects Nebraska, Pershing's home staie, to endorse him to the national republican convention as her candidate for the presidential nomination. J 1 Opportunity is knocking at Nebraska's door opportunity to honor her world-renowned son, and, through him, to honor herself opportunity to give to the country for its chief executive a man of high mind, of admirable character, of wide knowledge, of broad exDerience. of ardent natrintism ahH nf ttpA pyppuHva ammicfi-ahvo on1 Ja j i 7 , v vnvvuu . uuiiuuuuuuiv U1IU UIWIUIIIUIIV UL111L r CAST YOUR VOTE FOR V AT THE PRIMARIES APRIL 20th Vote For PERSHING and the following Delegates DELEGATES AT LARGE Titus Lowe " Charles H. Xelsey 1 Vote George H. Austin ' for 4 Elmer J. Burkett j . j ALTERNATE, Carl fe. Herring ' THIRD DISTRICT DELEGATES Burt Mapes " ( Vote Edward J. Patterson f for 2 ALTERNATE Robert I. Stout N FIRST DISTRICT DELEGATES- Mark W(. Woods Andrew P. Moran Vote for 2 ALTERNATE Ida M. Dunbar FpURTH DISTRICT-DELEGATES M. A. Shaw I for 2 R. B. Steele' Vot ALTERNATE H. H. Campbell SECOND DISTRICT DELEGATE C. E. Adams ALTERNATES John H. Caldwell Hird Stryker FIFTH DISTRICT DELEGATE Harry F. Russell , SIXTH DISTRICT DELEGATES Woodruff Ball S. J. Weekes Vote for 2 I ; I ; V J They are in no "combine" but will carry out the will of the people Take this list to'the polls with you April 20th VOTE FOR George B. DYJBALL Republican Candidate , for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Primaries April 20 Former state representative anf one of Omaha's successful business men apd at present cngageilvin the live sfk insur ance business. Every Day Brings It's Own Opportunities Yours Comes on April 20th To Vote for HARRY ASHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for State Representative in J. J. FRASER Lawyer Candidate for the Republican Nomination for Public Pefender Married and a home twner Two years in the Army during the late war Two years' experience in County Judge s- office r1 i"