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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1920)
S THE BEE: OMAHA, .MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1920. PaMEBagMtnggg ' " ' ' aanaMg aag gmms ' ' ' ' argxr PERSHING Is ' a Nebraskan- H --Mk4 . AREYQU? m .f a.- v it ii v - s iiiiii V " ( K fU V ' X -m If VA vi " -. ' ' . ... . i il N 3 IMPORTANT! The "Johnson-Wood combine," of which, you have heard so much, has for its purpose the election of a set of delegates who are pledged to the two outside candidates, and are united in their opposition to Pershing. To be sure that the will of the people of this state is not thwarted 'by this political grouping, VOTE FOR PERSHING AND THE FOLLOW ING REAL NEBRASKA. DELEGATION: The Following Delegates Are Pledged to No "Combine" and Can Be Trusted to Cary Out the Will of the People of Nebraska First DUtrict Delegates Vote for 2 MARK W. WOODS ANDREW P. MORAN Alternate IDA M. DUNBAR Second District Delegate C. E. ADAMS Alternate JOHN H. CALDWELL Third District , Delegates Vote .for 2 BERT MAPES EDWARD J. PATTER SON Alternate ' ROBERT I. STOUT Delegates at Large TITUS LOWE CHARLES H. KELSEY GEORGE S. AUSTIN E. 4. BURKETT Vote for 4. Alternate CARL E. HERRING Fifth District Delegate HARRY F. RUSSELL Sixth District Delegates Vote for 2 WOODRUFF ALL S. J. WEEKES ' Fourth District Delegates ' Vote for 2 M. A. SHAW v R. B. STEELE v Alternate H. H. CAMPBELL CLIP THIS OUT AND TAKE IT TO THE POLLS WITH YOU NOTE : If you are not a voter in the Second District, you will find the names of the Pershing delegates in your district printed else where.. x Patriotism State Loyalty Common Sense ALL these jcall upon every Nebfaskan, of whatever group or faction, to unite tomorrow in the discharge of the greatest trust ever placed in the hands of the Voters ofthe state. ' That trust is the presidential candidacy of Nebraska's own citizen, John J. Pershing. v There will be no middle ground tomorrow for Nebraskans. They will either vote for the fulfillment of this trust or its betrayed. Other issues are of no importance. What Nebraska does in the case of outside candidates can have but slight effect on the action of the National convention. What Nebraska does irk regard to the candidacy of its own. citizen, Pershing, is of the most supreme importance to this State to the Nation and to the World. The other candidates are already in the field. The Nation will have Aplenty of chances to pass on THEIR merits But the Nation's opportunity to pass on the presidential qualifications of rershing-to decide whether it wishes to reward him for services with the high" est of honors-'DEPENDS UPON NEBRASKA'S ACTION AT THE POLLS TOMORROW; Personal Choice Must Come Second ; : - ' , Private and partisan considerations' may go by the board. TOMORROW, AS NEVER. BEFORE, THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE MUST SPEAK AS ONE AND FOR ONE. , NEBRASKANS! Do not sacrifice the great opportunity which belongs to you and this State, merely to add a few convention votes to those already held by the outside candidates. . s , . If you are a real Nebraskan, do your part to see that this state casts its vote for its own great and deserving citizen, PER . Emery Hardy Hardy Furniturt Co. C. H. Swallow Arthur S. Raymond AJncoIn Drug Co. - E. M. Woattrwelt Truman Norman B. Curtict E. J. Burkatt Attorney Chaa. A. Lord Lord Auto Co. E. J. Sias ' Lincoln Tractor School Christian A Herman Real Estate W. L. Green Lawyer Ceo. Holmes First Trust Co. I. F. Searles Searlea-Chapin Lbr. Co. Ceo. W. Fawcell, Jr. John D. Bushnell J. A. Sorenton M. W. Folsom Neb. Building & Loan Seneca Yule Oakley Cos S. H. Burnh.m First Nat'l Bank Eli Shirs Mayer Bros. Edw. L. Sevren Geo. Holden Don W. Stewart Rots P. Curtis Ross P. Curtis Ce. Robt. M. Joyce) E. B. Stephenson Security Mutual Life A. H. Armstrong Armstrong Clothing Ce. Dr.' A. O. Faulkner E. E. Woodward . Woodward Brothers Western Glsas Paint Eugene Holland Guy C. Chambers Frank ' Eager Edgar Westervelt Ralph Doyle' John Cleveland L. J, Dunn - ' City Nat'l Bank .C" Dr. C. F. Ladd Dentist Mauel Brothers Real Estate Ed. M. O'She John t. Dorgan Whitebreast Coal Co. Everett Sawyer Cushman Motor Works Palace Theater Ralph P. Wilson Central Hotel John C. Wright M. C. Johnson Harrington Realty Co. R. A. Bicklord Real Estate Stanley Henry Chss. Olson , L. C. Story F. P. Quick B. B. Tucker W. T. Irons Lincoln OldsraobUV Co. A. R. Talbot L. A. RickStU Lawyer This Advertisement Paid for by the Above Named Citizens of Nebraska, Harold E. McGlassoa C. E. Reynolds A. H. BucksUff L. M. Wars W. M. Leonardo Loans L. B. Howey City Nat'l Bank I. F. Raymond Raymond Bros.-Clarke , Sam Foster Foster Lumber Co. L. C. Burr Lawyer J. Cass Cornell CornaU-Ssarlss August Schmidt W. R. McGoachim i R. A. Fredrlckson Frank Cillen Gilloa el Boney Walton C. Roberts Roberts Undertaker Wonderland Theater A. C. Hobb Hebb Motors Co. Dr. Hal D. Wllmeth Harvey Rathbon Real Estats 1 3P