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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MUNDAT, APKIU 19, 1920. 13 MOVING AND STORAGE. TRY USTlRST- Douglai (900, 601. W do moving of II 11 .4. -a, I a . T. nmui your irunKS tor METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co, Tyler I40t. -THE WORLD MOVES SO DO WB CITY AND COUNTRY HAULING. Phon Colfax 1274 days, or Calfsx saj oeyen 1 n gs. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing nq Lorago. iddb Davenport, Doug, isoi. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale FOR SALE Twenty head of fine farm horses, msres and mules. Soma of mirra In foal. All stock guaranteed aound and in gooa condition. Apply at M. C. Patera Mill Co.. 2th and B atreeta or after p. m.. pnone south 475, PLATFORM spring wagon, first claaa con dition. 4X16 n. 30th. Colfax 27. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. SO. 3006. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED White Leahora cook rets; alao Wbita Leghorn letting eggs. ijfiuaiaa tsos. THORO-.-'VHBRED Barred Rock and 8. C. . W. Legnorna hatching egga, $1.60. Har- ney 4820. , LIGHT BRAHMAS. setting eggs; prlie bred atock. E. F. rtobertson, Col. 288. THOROBRED Rhode Inland Red hatching -p. i tor i.i. ioi. a z is. SNOW whTTa Rock Cockerels, alao egga mr omening. v ainui ass. ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red egga for n.fningv n. ij. uown. Lotrax 450s. H''T ORPINGTON eggs. $1.60 to 3.00. thoroughbred prise stock. Douglaa 4641. WHITE Wyandotte hatching egga, $8 per hundred. So. 2067. BARRED ROCK eggs. 6c. South MS. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL ACTO MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 8S5 DATS. 1214 HOWARD STREET. DOUO. 2622. Elcar7l918 , A real bargain and In first-class shape. See It at Military Garage, Benson, or 'all Walnut 4309. You Cannot Afford ts overlook thla bargain. Bulck Light Six. used only a few weeks. For ap. polntment cal'. Tyler 40T2. 60 FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES. New and used cars; cash or time. Ford bodies, commercial bodies. OOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., CENTRAL GARAGE, -1318 Harney St., Tyler 714, ' Open Day and Night. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXCS. We have several rebuilt and refintshed Hudson In closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms If dealred. GUY L. SMITH, Sou thenat Corner of 26th and Farnam. MASTER t Chalmers parts colls, car bureters, ranerators. 18-vnlt battery, tires, lights, connecting rods, cylinder heads, transmission parts, burgaln. Tyler 950 after Sunday. 6GME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford 8crvt'.'e Station, litb aud Jackson. Doug las 3500. STUDEBAKER 1917 Newly pointed, fine lwpe, $375. VINTON GARAGE. 1 30 Vinton St. Phone Tyler 3587. ESSEX louring car we have been ulng as a demonstrator. Used 2.634 miles and, not a scratch on it. Guaranteed and a real bargain. Guy h. Smith. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN 11 RUNTS. ' Look for the red seal on windshield. WANTED ffor apot cash, 100 used cara; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. gOfil Farnam St. Doug. 6035. WD HAVE 60 good used cars-to aelecl from. All prices. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 5026 Farnam. I'SED CARS OF QUALITY", STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 FARNAM ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 FarnaTn St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 5033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OA.KLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 Farnam St. BY private party new 1920 Ford touring. Starter and extras, $oo. Can be seen at Colfax garage. 4507 No. 30th. BUICK B-45. In A-l condition, and a bargain. For particulars call Walnut 4309. IF you"have $500 let me show you the biggest bargain In Omaha. Quick saj e. "Webster 2234. Sunday or evenings. STCDEBAKER SIX Latest model, nearly new. Five tires and in excellent condi- llon. Call Douglas 1970. HUDSON touring. In excellent omul. Hon and fully equipped. New tires, etc., $600. CaJ I Douglaa 1970. EMPIRE touring car, excellent shape, $250, Thla Is a real buy. Webster 6156. ELCAR chummy, fine condition, sacrifice for rash. Walnut 3110. , 1918 STUDEBAKER. run only 6.000 miles. 81.100. 311 No. 28th Ave. Har, 3901. 1915 light Hudson truck. 4 cylinders; cheap for cash. Tyler 298C. ONE 2-ton Republic truck, fine shape. Bargain. Walnut 4309. 1917 Bulck 4. fine shape. $600. Call Harney 6256 or Dou g 1 a s 729. 1918 Ford, with Kelaey body, bargain. CoU fax 4535. WILL trade for car, aell. Webster 430. fine lot, or will 1918 OAKLAND SIX A-l condition. A real bargain at StiRO. Colfax 3246. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator v and fender repairing; tody dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 117. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3' $ 9.75 .10x314 $13.75 S2x3'6 17.85 32x4 20.60 SHIPPED SCB.1ECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 North 16th St. Douglaa 8830. USED TIRES. 20x3, 25.00; 30x3 "i, $6.00. All sixes In proportion. Look over our rebulits. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. SAVIGE TIRES. t N. Kith St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 31x3 H FLSK... .$12.95 I 34x4 $21.95 30x2 9.95 I 26x4 2.5 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMIN' 1. AUTO elecirlcal repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage Batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargaina In used machines. Victor H. Roo. the raotorcycla man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. Ranches and Farm Lands 10.000-acrc cattle ranch. 6,000 acres deeded, 5.0VO leased, that goes with ranch; good Improvements; all under fence: running water: some Umber. Priced for quick sale, $17.60 per acre. 640 acres, all level; good soli; small improvements; ono mile good store, post office, high school. Priced $20 per acre. 220 acres, all level; good 4-room house, small barn, garage, chicken house: good well, soft water at door; one-half fenced. Price, per acre, $20. If you are in the market for a ranch or farm, write J. M. CLAYTOR Room 11. F.rt National Bank Bids., Colorado Springs. Colo. "BEST LANDS" 1- bought right and will sell you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the beat wheat and corn land in east Colorado. Write for facts, now. St our rropsi Investigate. R. T. Cllna, Owner. " Brandon. Colo. CATTLE RANCH. for sale with 400 head of white-faced cattle. 3.300 acres of deeded land with privilege of 150 head on forest reserve. 14 miles from good town. Priee $100,000. Might consider a trade. Greeley Loan Co., Greeley. ' Colo. ISO ACRES unimproved in Burlington dia 'trict. Will consider Omaha property or car as part payment: $::o per acre. Fiank Gass. owner, 4005 North 25th St.. Omaha. .Net-rasa. THE GUMPS-; THE GUMPS ANDY GUMP, THE CARP CAVIAR KING. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith 7 WELL- MONDAY MOttNIN3- EVERYTHIN6 IS fSO&Y-THE GOOSE HANGS HOH fSHP AM.DRRW -5. GUMP MlOPt-C NAME MEANING SPECUUATION IS STH-t R.IDING WITH A rAtR. WIND ON THE YVAY TO FAME AND FORTUNE A ft Ksrs" AND SHE LAUGHED AT ME. SAID COULDN'T DO T I KNOW THAT 5HE IS CHANGING HER. MIND. SHE'S BEGINNING TC ASK MY OPINION ON THINKS SHE'S BEEN SO NICE. LATELY I DON T KNOW WHETHER. SHE'S ON THE. SQUA.R.E. ABOUT IT , OR. NOT BUT IF SHE"S SPACClNr, AROUND FOR.-MV DOUGH SHE'S WASTING TIME, AND THAT OLD SEA-L.ION IN BLOOMINGTON MIN'S MOTHER GOT HE PEGGED AS THE BI6GEST NEB IN THE WORLD ITS 60IN.G TO HEI? WILL T HURT THAT OLD -Aoy whet she gets the"newj she'll 13 e" forced to admit that andy gump actually maps' sood She'll, say i was ujcky though she" won't give me anl y CREtMT FORFOW.ES10HT ONE" THINS I'M GOINCS To "DO WHEN I GET THIS DOU6H IS BUY MVS EL I i A Ft-OCK OF CLOTHES SPATS AND EVERYTHING l'Ll GET MYSELF A LIMOUSINE WITH A DRESSING ROOK IN IT I'LL CHANGE MY CLOTHES THR.EE TIMES GDINfj T6 WOR.K tlDNSI " FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE One of the best 200-acre farms In Iowa, highly improved; price, $360 per acre. I believe It will make the buyer $16,000 or $20,000 this year. Owner bought too much land and has to sell. Terms, half cash, $6,000 down, balance March 1. It is the kind that grows the big corn and alfalfa; lays fine, no rolling, rough or .overflow; pear town, good roads and school. It will only be a matter of looking at this farm, if you know good land and a hargaln when you aee It. It looks like $350 or $400 land. Will pay railroad fare If misrepresented. Beach, Alon rtrmin, Iowa. Kansas Lands. A GOOD BUY 720 acres, one tract, black loam. lime stone formation, gently rolling; 95 acres tillable, 230 acres under cultivation, 370 acres blue stem and blue grass, 120 acres excellent hay, 10 acres timber bordering stream; well-improved; good 8-room house and good barn; abundant water and shade; good orchard; In prosperous community: 31 miles from' good town and shipping point; 10 miles southwest of Ft. Scott, Kaii., Bouibon county; noted for Its crops, livestock and good roads; on survey of new rock road; an ideal stock farm and the best buy in the country at $100 per acre; terms. G. E. Conway. 322 Burton Bldg., Fort Worth, Tax. REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT 'OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit- purchaser; over 2,600 acres In wheat; send for cur list. FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounse BUlg. Tyler 4648. Missouri Lands. MISSOURI $10 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres, truck and poultry land near town southern Mo. Price $240. Send for bargain list. Box 168, Mt. Vernon, 111. $30 PER acre. SEii of Sec. 16. T. 10, S., R. 49 W. In Kit Carson county. 8 miles south of Seibert, Colorado. Fine soil and water: nearly level. Terms. Write owner, Morace Eberhart, 1126 Portland Place. Boulder. Colo. OZARK fruit, poultry farm; new cottage, spring: fine hunting. fishing; easy monthly pnyments. Edmund - Steckel, Richland, Mo. Nebraska Lands. A. A-. PAT55MAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK FLTT BARGAIN PRICE LOW AT $12,500 Seven rooms and bath and alx rooms and bath'; strictly modern In every de tail; oak finish throughout; choice cor ner; only one block to Leavenworth; $6,000 will handle, balance B. & L. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. ' Dundee. DUNDEE Modern 7-room horns lor sals by owner. Walnut !621. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Florence. C. L. Nethaway for suburban property, Florence Sta., Omaha. Neb., Col. 140. Miscellaneous. . MONEY MAKER Apartment in excellent location, well built and very modern throughout. Best of tenants. Large corner lot. Will guar antee $3,000 per year net lnoome. Pries for quick sale $30,000. Halt cash. It In terested see D. E. BUCK, 442 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. D. 2000. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance. Ren. tals. Tyler 1636. $3$ Securities Bldg. NEARLY new duplex brick flat. Close in. wax iinisn. Income, $1,080. Call days. Douglaa 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE have nine houses and one brick flat In Omaha; well rented, to exchange for land. 8. S. & R. E. MONTGOMBRT, 218 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 1318. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Ciiangstrom. 2020 Far nam strte. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES MAROOMA COTTAGE On Iaks Okobojl, situated on Lot 9, Block 22, Okobojl City, owned by the George Hooper estate, for sale. South front, fine beach, nine rooms, electric light, gas, fireplace. Furniture includ ed. Just east of "The Inn." An ele gant summer home. I will receive offers up to the close of business May 1. 1920. Mail offers must contain certified check for $1,500 to ap ply on purchase price if accepted; bal ance due when court approves deeds W. L., GI'ND, Administrator. N Marcus. Iowa. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUN'aY LAND Writ us for list before looking else where. ' FELTON & WEST, S07 Crounse Bldtr. Opposite P. O. Phone Tyler 4648. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at tho right price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. For Neb. Farms and Ranches sea Graham-Peters Realty Co., 8'JO Omaha Nafl Bit. Bldg.. Omaha. Minnesota Lands. FARMS THAT ARE FARMS. .Improved and unimproved, in Polk, Marshall and Kittson counties Minneso ta; best of Red River valley for sale at $20 per acre and up; easy terms. Write for list. D. J. Campbell, Crooks ton. Minn. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGT, a magazine giving the facts in regard to the leftd situation. Three months' subscription free. It for a hom) or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mail me LAND OLOGT and all particulars free." Ad-drea.-. ffditor, Landalogy, Sk'.dmnr Land Co.. 4S Skidmore lfldg.. Marinem. Wis. FRBE dlscriptions of best land and farm bargains; state acreage wanted. H. L. Wood, Mgr., Valley Land Co.. 20 Hall Ave.. Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate- Loans. TEXAS OIL LEASE 4 miles south of my lease sold for $2. 00 pr acre. I own a 20-acre lease, surrounded by production in the Breck enridge po6l.. Stephens county, Texas. Make offer; must sell quirk. If you are interested address Box 11-90. Omaha Bee. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 ii Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou; 27-16. PRIVATE MONET. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry MalRShook. 1514 Dodge. P. 5619. Es. 1894 PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros.. 848 Omaha Nat'l. Stocks and Bonds. OIL OIL OIL TEXAS OIL LEASE Share option on 18 sections near the Bell Well. Reeves county, $5.00 per acre. Here is the est buy in Texas. How much do you want? Box D-90, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 628 Keellne Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. D. E. BUCK. .Loans. 442 Omata Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE YOU A 5 TO 7-ROOik HOUSE FOR SALE? For quick results list It with W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Established 1885. Phone Doug. 5C4, 1320 Farnam St. WE havo served the Omaha public in buylns' and selling real estate for over S6 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment. Co WILL pay up to, $3,300 cash for five or six-room cottage or bungalow, give best price, st:e and. location in first letter; mean business and will make quick deal If right. K-82. Omaha Bee. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want (icick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 416. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bes Bldg. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE HAVE ccsh buyers for cottages snd bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 9 Omaha Nat. tank Bldg. D. 1636. HEAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN A CO. 748 Omaha Nut. Eank Bldg. WANT ,to buy from owner, 5 to 8 room house, on payments, for colored. Web. 4150. "r?. fl SnT HMnXT Real Estate u. v. wwuviuuii Investments. S14 Brown Block. Doug. $208. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. FOR SALE Three-story b'ick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession " if wantea. DUMGNT & CO.. 41 Keellne Bldg Phone Do ug. 690. LOT 40K106 in rapidly growing- section of city. Cash or payments. Box No. H-fc, t -n: ha Bpc, R'I.D your horse on this fine lot: S4 50 Bee Want Ads Produce Res suits. 1 buys lb from onne:-; ion. lyler 's'Afi. $70'f bL'Ts" 2"fine Mayberry. I'jUr jsoi on UOtli and in- located sOili aud 4-Room Bungalow New and strictly modern, oak floors, partly oak finish, built-in features, full cement basement. Call Tyler 2022 for price and terms. ' Council Bluiis. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, M cash; balance to suit buyer. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. la. Dundee. SPLENDID DUNDEE BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $7,500 Ftve large rooms and bath, on two floors; built by owner for home; dandy lot; on paved street; 2 blocks to car. Possession May 1. Must be seen to be appreciated. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bids. Tyler 496. Beautiful Bungalow JUST BEING COMPLETED. Five rooms, on paved street; 3 rooms downstairs, finished In oak; 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, in white enamel. $6. 600. c aj 1 YVaIn u t JjU 2 for particular. FIRST TIME OFFERED - Located on cheese south front corner lot, we can offer one of the best built homes In this choice district; six large rooms and bath on first floor; 2 rooms and splendid store room on second floor; quarter-sawed white oak floors; fire place; hot water heat. This will go quickly at the low price of $11,00(1. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. We specialize in Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., "12-I4 City National. Douglas 8787. MODERN six-room house with sleeping porch, In Dundee, for price and all particulars call Walnut 639. HOUSE, barn, garage, other buildings. Two lots, H mile mteruroan car, on jv. c auto pike. Sacrifice. Sal $3,000 cash. Inquire pumping station. Ft. Crook, Neb. 1 IMPROVED 5 acres near West Dodge, 4 houses in Northt Omaha. Call owner at Webster 1S93. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. REAL VALUE FOR $5,000 Seven rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, oak floors, stucco: choice corner lot; on paved street; one block to two OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. WEST FARNAM A good 7-R. all mod. well located on paved street and in fine shape; can be shown by appointment. Price $6,500 and well worth the money. Call Sunday Harney 2S10, week days Doug. 3575. A. W. TOLAND CO., . 410 Bee Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS.' 6-room stucco bungalow; large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, white enameled kitchen; south front; on paved street; price $7,000. Phone Walnut 2812 evenings or Tyler 3540 days; ask for Mr.Sloan. A SPLENDID HOME Five-room, all modern, oak finished bungalow with 2 lots, only $4,850; about $2,000 cash, balance easy terms. Let me show you this property. If you want a good home at a small price this is what you are looking for. Phone walr.ut SSI 2. 3226 WEBSTER STREET. Eight-room house, splendid condition. Furnace heat, full cemented basement. Convenient Harney and Coming street car lines. Possession June 25. Price, 88,250.00. One-half cash will handle. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Thcat Doug. it. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, $21 Paston Blk. Phone, Tyler 48M. FOR quick results list with Benjamin Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 80(7. FOR SALE By owner. S-room ;oottsge; mooern except neat. Mar. cm 4. BUY FROM OWNER 6-room house, 2 lots, $2,700. 4925 Decatur. Walnut 3173. BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. North. NEAR FLORENCE BLVD. ON OGDEN AVE. Just listed a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow all on one floor, oak finish and oak floors. Full basement, furnace heat, large liv ing room, dinitig ro'jm, kitchen, three bedrooms and bath, all on one floor. Nice floored attic. Dandy lot 50x150, on paved street, less than pne-half block to car and Methodist church. Close to stores and school. Price $6,800. PAYNE INVESTMENT .COMPANY 537 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D-1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. Very desirable, with garage; one-half block to car, 2 blocks to school; paving paid. $6,250. 3309 Decatur Sts. Web ster 3537. FOR SALE BY OWNER Good seven-room house, large base ment, also garage. $6,500. 2025 North Nineteenth. Webster 4961. Little Stories of Real Estate Unlett yiu own a Horn tr have a "Homt FihmI," Something'! wrona Just a couple of other cases illustrating how easy it is to buy a lot, once you get started: VERNA SAGE, on June 20, 1919, bought a $350 lot, $1 down, $1 a week, a 7-year contract. She paid in full and took her deed, March 30, 1920. n RUDOLPH BERG, June 21, 1919, bought a $235 tract on a 4-year contract. He paid in full, July 19, 1919. They all find it easy to pay out, once they get started. Consult a Realtor. He can show you how you can become a Real Estate owner. ' OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. ' SPLENDID BUNGALOW OWNER LEAVING CITY Five rooms and bath, frame and stucco, all bullt-tn features, choice oak finish, garage to match house, close to best ar service In the city. Price only $7,000. Shown only by appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler t. BUNGALOW BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $5,250 Five rooms and bath, oak finish, strictly modern; garage; east front; built just tour years; $2,250 cash will OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. NEAR 16TH AND CUMMING ST. East front lot on !6th street. 60x140; old buildings, rent $47 per month. Price $5,000. A snap. S.P. BOSTWICK & RON, 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1606. SEVEN rooms near Twenty-fourth and Franklin St., modern except heat, newly papered and painted, $2,750. $300 cash', balance like rent. GLOBE REALTY CO. 19 Patterson Blk. Douglas 7408 FOR COLORED. V00 down, balance easy payments. Good 6-room cottage; lot 30x130. 2638 Franklin St. Price, $1,800. Webster 3537. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park ' wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room all mod ern cottage, furnished or unfurnished. with garage; corner lot. 3618 Boyd bt. 2827 SEWARD, 4-room. new, modern bun- gaiow, Joou casn. raiance montniy. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Douglas 200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer tbs best opportunity to Invest yout money. Phone Tyler 187. ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN . PRICE ONLY $8,300 Splendidly well built, two-story square house; oalc fnish and strictly modern in every respeot; garage; lot 50x140; two blocks to park, car and school, Weat Side. Shown only by appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Ben Bldg. Tyler 496. 815 WILLIAM St.. 6-room mod. double house, nearly new; oak finish, stucco. 2225 S. 11th St., 6 rooms and bath, good lot. close in, $3,500. 3361 S. 17th, , 6-r.-PV mod., $2,800. 3034 S. 19th.. 6-room Anad., 8,600. Berka & Musil. Doug. 6967 or 7381. Miscellaneous. 6-R. mod brick; close to Hanscom Park and car; large lot, $6,800. 8-H. mod., near Hanscom Park; not new but worth the price, $4,500, on very eaay terms. 8-R. mod., nearly new, brick; very choice location, near park and car; nice lot with fruit and shade trees; a real home, $7,000. 8-R. mod., Bemls Park home; special; ask particulars on this. 8-R. mod., hot water heat; fine corner lot. in good location: easy terms. $5,500. CONBOY & GREEN, T. 3841, Tyler 4677, Web. 6156. $3,500 A neat 6-room house with 4 large lots, yard fenced, an ideal little piece of acreage right in. town, asking $700 down. (Might takvconsiderable less.) Easy monthly payments. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. 334-6-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 8380 REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 601 1. rents Real estate and insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas (33. BIRKETT & CO. & Fan Belt Slipping Slipping of the fan belt hiay be caused by several things. The belt may be oily, greasy or too loose; the fan may be tight on its bearings, possibly from lack of lubrication, or the pulley may be loose on the shaft. Valve Stem Lubrication - (As a general thing the valve stems need no lubrication. If they stick be cause of carbon deposits they may be cleaned by injecting kerosene into the air valve of the carbureter while the engine is running. Some of the kerosene will pass down the steam and soften and wash off the carbon. A rriixture of one-half kero sene and one-half lubricating oil may be squirted on the valve steins. Imprope Fuel Level If the fuel in the carbureter is not at the proper level, it will cause various reactions. If the level is too high it will flood the carbureter; if it is too low it will result in a lean mixture and difficult starting. For satisfactory operation it is impor tant that the float be adjusted so that the gasoline level will be about a thirty-second of an inch below the. outlet of the lowest no3. Lining Up Bearings In scraping In bearings the first, consideration is tlje proper mesh of lirt ltn!,irt, iTHQre Tli frnnf nig luimuis luc iuaiuuii vi m- crank shaft and its gear, conse quently it should be fitted and scraped in first, the other end bear ing being lined up with it at the same time. Then the middle bear ings are fitted in line. CRAND RALLY MEETING i onday, 8 P. M., April 19th AUDITORIUM MONTAVILLE FLOWERS Silver-tongued rator from California, will deliver a talk on LEONARD WOOD THE MAN OF THE HOUR and will answer HIRAM JOHNSON Montaville Flowers is one of the best in formed speakers on political subjects of the day and his talk will teem with the facts HE WILL MAKE IT SNAPPY DO NOT FAIL TO BE THERE a