ft 8 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18, 1920. -HELP WANTED MALE -Agent) and Canvassers. AGENTS wanted; ladies and gentlemen. , ta town and city, to nil Victor hair tonlfl and shampoo; guaranteed to . glvo -satlsf action; rlcbt tsrrltory going fast,- - Edw. Victor, Dept. 1, Dm Moines. Ia. ' kOENTS If you earn iaaa than ISO weekly get our guaranteed hosiery of- for. .-Doring lino ready.- Enormous profit!. Experience unnecessary. Psr toctwesr' Hosiery, Darby. Pt. AGENTS coining monoy selling Bruuala fiber broom. Outlast four corn brooms. AIM aanltary brushes. For Information. . writ Cramer Sales Co., IBM Farnam. Omana. Nob. AGENTS 0o an hour to advertise and ' dlatrtbuta sample! to consumer. Write qtrtdk for territory and particulars. American ' Products Co., (II American Bldg..- Cincinnati. Ohio. v CHEWING GUM 8ell to dealers; no ex . perteDco necessary; profitable business btrilt-quickly; complete line; Spearmint 1 and popular flavors. Write today. Hel- met. Cq, Cincinnati, 8 Eli, neoessltles. Kverybody- needs and buys the "Business Guide." Bryant ' elearod $800 In July; Ooteilus $660 In 36 day, flend for sample. It's free. Nlfhqi Co.. Napsrvlllo. 111. , Teamsters and Chauffeurs. ... - ... WANTED. , , jTVAGON HELPERS. .HOJJftS PER DAT. APPLY AMERICA,? , RAILWAY EXP. STABLE. 1STH AND DAVENPORT. WANTEDExperlenced furniture truck driver. Good wafts. Hartman Furnl tura Co.. Hth and Howard fits. Boys. B OX- WANTED FOR BRANDS, LIGHT WORK; SEE MR. HAD LEY;" BEE ENGRAV ING CO. WANTED COSTs!j" TEARS AND- OVER: GOOD ..arpOTNITT TO LEARN THE OPTICAL BUSINESS. APPLY RIOOS OPTICAL CO.. 76 BRANDEIS BLDG. V'ASK TOR W. E. CARLSON. .... - WANTED, jXDt'STRidna office rot. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, uptown. Silt. STENOGRAPHER and Bookkeeper, 1100 o .1 ... .. STENOGRAPHER, SOod personality, $M- BOOKKEEPER, uptown, salary depends. TYPISTS, several positions open, . 161 ta 196 DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, nlca place, $90-896. TYPIST, will teach bookkseplng. ' $86-86. OFFICE GIRLS, collection dept., 170-176. TYPIST and clerical. ITS. . ., FILING P. B. X. GIRL, splendid place, 170. FILE AND CLERICAL GIRL, good future, OFFIcl'cLERKS. $5-$76. FILE GIRL, good education. $60-866. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 1111 First National Bank Building. Stenographers, Autos . . . . . Stenographers, Wholesale Stenographers, Whalesa'.s Stenographers, Autos Dictaphone Operator Stenographer, Films' Stenographer, Wholesals . . . . . Typist ana uiera, insurant ,..125 ,..$116 ,..$100 ,..$100 ..$ 0 ...1100 ,..m .$ 75 Comptometer Operator and clerk J10? Burroughs operator Clerk Three Typlsta , Asslstsnt Cashier, Wholesale P. B.SX. Operator, Hotel ... r'lArlr - TViwn Town EMFLOYKKH KB SHMItli w., 214 Bee Bldg. ; ' 1100 .$ 70 . 0 .$ 0 60 :::::!? 8TENOGRAPER and bookkeeper, $125 Stenographer, private sec. $125. $13. Stenoraphers, wholesals and retail, $70 to $120. Beginner Stenos., $76, $89. v Cashier, prefer grooery exp., $110, $111. , Office Clerk, good penman, $75, $80. Typist and Billing Clerks, $70. $10, 0. Adding Machine , Operator, $75, $$0. Comptometer Opr. and Clark, $71, $10. Addressograph Opr., (CO, $85. THE MARTI COMPANY, , Employment Specialists, Ills w. j. w. mag. QENBRAL OFFICE CLERK, some book keeping, $100, $110; Burroaghs posting msohlne operator,! $100; stenographer, beginner, $05; stenographers, uptown, $100, $125; stenographer, only a few let ters, mostly billing. $75; elerk, some typ ing and must mast the publlo, $70; cashiers, grocery experience Drsfsrred. $05, $105; file clerk and P. B. X op erator, experience not required, $60. $76. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN., Originators of the Reference Business. 780 First National Bank Bldr. WANTED. I EXPERIENCED CASHIERS, APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTTED 8 potter and seamstress. Dresner Bros., 131T Farnam. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED SALESLADIES FOR OUR COAT. SUIT, DRESS AND BLOUSE DEPARTMENTS. STEADY POSITIONS, GOOD SALARIES. APPLY AT ONCE. ORKIN BROS., , CONANT HOTEL BLDG. SIXTEENTH STREET. Household and Domestic. WANTED COMPETENT WHITE D MAID FOR DOWNSTAIRS WORK ONLY. APPLY MRS. WARD BURGESS. 12$ NO. S2D ST. WANTED A maid for general house work, family of 1, no laundry work or heavy cleaning. Mrs. E. H. Longee, 101 Oakland Ave., Council Biuffs, Ia. MAID, for general housework, two In fam ily. References required. Mrs. E. Up dike, $011 Farnam St. Fbons Harney US. ' ' REFRESHMENTS and service for wedding and home dinners. Punch bowls, silver ware and dishes to rent. Alfred Jones, $811 Caldwell St Web. 762. WANTED COMPETENT WHITE 2D MAID FOR DOWNSTAIRS WORK ONLY. APPLY MRS WARD BURGESS,' 122 NO. 22D ST. WANTED A good, neat appearing young lady for dining . room and upstairs work. . Room and board; good wageaj Til. n U.,.n B...U 1 0 T. t W MAID for general bouse work two In family; referencea required. Mrs. E. Updike, 8612 Farnam. Phone Har. 613. WANTED Good girl or woman for house work, highest salary paid, references re quired. 321T Poppleton Ave. Har. 1131. DAY SCHOOL. ' NIGHT SCHOOL. BUtLES CU L.UN. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wirlna telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Writs, call or phone Douglas 16(6 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address pnvr.rQ rnT.T.icrtio. Boylea Building, Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED whits girl for housework, Field Club dlstrlot; small family. Call Mrs. Van Arsdel. Harney H27. ' WANTED A nurse maid to assist with light house work and hslp with tws children. Call Har I6t. WANTED A second cook and dining room girt. Ford hospital. . Douglaa 14. Inquire Miss Baker, e ' . T WANTED An axperlenoed white maid far second work, on first floor. Apply Mm w. h. Mocora, szi uavenport WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for housework in family of thrse; no ohll dren. Walnut 2136. FOR LAUNDRES8ES, DAY WOMEN. ETC LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. GIRL for gsneral housework, no laundry, good pay, 2214 8 street. South 1964. Mrs. B. a. smith. COMPETENT white girl; no laundry. Mrs. paten, 127 so. istn St. Harney son. GIRL to help In kitchen; small hospital. vvayne nospitai, wayne, inco. STENOGRAPHERS, $126. $116, $100. BEGINNER STENO., $80. , . BEGINNER TYPIST, $76 to $60. . BOOKKEEPER, $126. ' , CASHIER and LEDGER CLERK, $136. OFFICE CLERK, neat penman, $80. OFFICE. CLERK, filing, etc., $76. , OFFICE CLERK, copy work, $70. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 17-18 W. O. W. Bldg. ! WANTED A housekeeper, by widower, on farm; no owections to one or two chil dren. Y-1073, Omaha Bee. GOOD colored maid for general house work. Good wages. Harney 57 30. GOOD girl for genoral housework. Two SCHOOL girl or elderly woman for light nouseworx. uouax in WANTED Young ladies who desire to lesrn shorthand, typewriting, accounting and general office training to enroll in our day or evening classes. Call and see us for further particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNAINO, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. mono Douglas 7410. WANTED An experienced 2d maid; good wages. Harney 404Z. GOOD girl for general housework, small iamiiy. liar, zftts. STENOGRAPHERS. $80. $80. 4100, $110, or belter; good uptown place waiting. Typists, general office clerks, comp tometer operators. Good opening for experienced dental assistant. Right V-Pt? Company. 1012 First Nation, al Bldg. WANTED To engage services of experi enced corsetlere. One who Is thorough ly conversant with buying and selling. Answering, stats where, how long em ployed and salary expected. " Kaufman v T-n.. oiorano apnngs. coio., APPLY jjL-.ly.., i r MORRIS & CO. , UB,'EBA OFFICE SOUTH SIDE r - l t I YOUNO men to watt en soda tablss, T to 11:30 p. m. Good pay. Call Phelps Hut, Tyler 1317. .EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with some -uuwieuso oi snortnana and typ writing; general insurants office. Telephone Ty ler iaz. JEvenlngs , and 8unday, Wal nut 2117. AD las, Two boys for soda fountain. 4Lto Drug Co., 15th and Doug- W ANTED Two boye tor clerical work; experience, from 10 to II years of age. Apply , M,c;pro-Braqy, YOUNG lady wanted to work in real estate Nebraska. A good opportunity for the right party. For further particulars writs "ua'"'n x leagaraen, ' nappell. Neb. ' BOY to learn printer trade, must bs 11 yrs.' Of age. good opportunity, good pay, telephonsE. Q. Smith, So. 673. . . . Miscellaneous. STENOGRAPHERS, typists, comptometer ..iu,., uiui-B cirrus, me girie, Diners. H?X.-.a'number of positions open. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, J irst Hat I canK iqg. WANTED . :l:r.'jiL 2$ men '01- FOR '.GENERAL "1 '.YARD WORK. ' APPLY TIMEKEEPER; UNION STOCK YARDS CO., "M ""SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Several young ladles for book- uwiraeni. uooa penmanship es sential. Also one P. B. X. operator. Apply Postal Telegraph, 1320 Farnam WANTED Names girls, women, ovajr 17, 7"""i v. o. government cierrcal po sitions. $16 month. Experience un necessary. Answer Immediately this pin. X-IV03 see. WANTED By wholesale bouse, a lady i.nuinipner; Degmner. eonsimred; good salary, good hours, fine chance . for uiBuwm.ni.. i-onne ryier zzoe, WANTED Stenographer for private cor- rPonuence oi general manager of rge company. Address . Box K-27, WANTED typist to ui dictaphone and do t:nerai orzice worn Temporary position. jinrrieu woman prerqrrea. weDSter BZ7. TOUNO lady musician to taks charge of. VP.o X1 BO. HUH BC. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted, $16 per iwn. viympigi vanqy n.iicnen. OFFICE girl wanted. Dresher Bros., 221T rftmtm. -MEN WANTED Good hours and rved -at noon. M. '9th and B Streets. wages; hot coffee C. Peters Mill Co. -h WANTED. - MEN FOR MODELS. IN --- STYLE SHOW. MUST BE WELL BUIt.T. i CLEAN-CUT FEATURES, s ADDRESS BOX K.-20. OMAHA BEE. .".'' . WANTED. PORTERS. ; . ;APPLT SUPT., BALCONY, BURQES8-NASH CO. ,:Men Wanted. IN SHIPPING DEPARTMENT, APPLY SHIPPING CLERK, LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. : 12TB AND DAVENPORT. WANTED 40 men, $6.76 per dsy and up. Steady work year around; only men wanting; i steady work need apply, Jahnatoa Bros. Clay Works. Clayworks. , . Ia. Four miles south of Fort Dodgs on'Mi St. Li. i ; ' WANTED, " WINDOW WASHERS. "V.-, -APPBT RM. 326. ' - W. O. W. BLDG. ii KM An under 66. Eaperlence unnec aeeanr. Travel, make secret lnvestlga tloA. reports. Salaries; expenses. Write "American Foreign Detective Agency, eui ,8t, Louis, U'lMl awaka man to take charge of our ' looal trade. $ to $6 a day steady. No '"experience required;' pay starts at once. Writs today, American Products Co, 14 American Bldg., - Cincinnati. O. r lnrvniCRS ALL KINDS OF JOBS. OY& FOR FACTORY, OFFICE SHOP. , BBS ua unnnuibo, l,: VP LITERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU, MEN wanTsafe (or detective work. Writs J. Oanor, former Govt, detective, $ Panvius, hi. taHIfiMT. active Colored man for ball acgar; POSE OI mennui v, . v. bii rsckar: Beax oi i-i-n . fl-rd Parlor. 1611 Hartley. WANTBD--Experlenced wringer man. Photre Saturday afternoon or Sunday. war. 2133. s ' HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. ftrnl.a.viM1CN. over 17. wanted $100-1 month. Hundreds government Jobs, write Immediately tor list. Franklin lavif'tutss fiwU 6I-D. Rochestsr, N. X, WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPH F.R, . SPLENDID WORKINO rnjrr. TIONS AND GOOD OPPfiSTiiMiiv PS5. AOV.ANCEMENT- STATE AGE. GIRLS WANTED T" FOR GENERAL WORK IN ROGER'S CONFECTIONERY STORE. DOUGLAS 127.I BRIGHT telephone girl wanted. Apply -r. , revise, union uutntting CO., loth inojicHBon. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Da you want a permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities for good salarlea and steady employment thin local or long dlstsnoe telephone work. Ths work Is fasclnstlng. . pleasant, healthful surroundings. - annual vaca tion! wltn full pay. Sick and accident benefits without cost to employes. I No experience necessary. Substantial i weakly pay whlla In training. Rapid advancement Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS. Employment Secretary. Room $1$ ' New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglaa Streets. In family. Harney 3104. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS WANTED ' TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES. SHORT HOURS. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. CO. COUNTER AND "LOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY -J35I.CK8ERVB CAFETERIA. CITY NAT L BK BLDG.. BASEMENT. EXPERIENCED lady cook for cafe. Best "J wages; steady place. WNta W. W. nwumwrry, uaKianq, Ja. WANTED experienced vegetable girl, 160 "Hi ro" PPiy cnet, Omaha Athletlo Club. , . TWO nice appearing rfWw to wait tables. mympia canay Kitchen. GIRL to wait on tables at soda fountain. ""no urug etore, i5tn and Douglas. GIB.L for dish pantry. $16 par week and w.ru. mnim noiei. GIRIiS to wait on table at soda fountain. hpiiioii uruK vo, Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles ' to learn barber trade. inmil SAHOKH tULLEUB, Special rates and Inducements. Miscellaneous, - shrdl utshrdlu nhrdluupupupupupupup GIRLS U years and older, who want steady work in mn uo-ioaaie iaciorv. EXCELLENT WAGES TO BE- lilNNERS. EXPERIENCED SEWERS EARN SZO TO $25 PER WEEK. VERY BEST WORKING CONDI TIONS." PLEASANT WORK ROOMS THAT ARE LIGHT. WARMCLEAN EQUIPPED WITH DRY, HARD WOOD FLOORS. NO OFFENSIVE ODORS. PLEASANT PEOPLE TO WORK WITH. WORK ALL ON NEW GOODS NO PATCH WORK. CAFETERIA WHERE LUNCH IS SERVED AT LESS THAN COST. FREE COFFEE. INDIVIDUAL FULL-LENGTH STEEL LOCKERS. INDIVIDUAL" TOWELS AND SOAP FREE. - SANITARY DRINKING FOUN TAINS. ' SANITARY WASH BASINS WITH RUNNING HOT .AND COLD WATER. - DANCING FLOOR FOR USE AT LUNCH HOUR. PLAYER PIANO. VICTROLA. FOREMEN AND FORELADIES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN PROGRESS OF EMPLOYES. PAY EVERY SATURDAY. BEMIS OMAHA BAG COMPANY, Take any Farnam, Harney. Dodge, Ben son or Albright car. Get orr at jack son street, entrance on viaduct, 11TH AND JACKON STREETS HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. VALLEY OF SWEETS Wants neat' experienced girls for high class tsa room and confectionery. APPLY IN PERSON. Between 16th and llth. on Farnara! WRITE photoplays. $26-$300 paid anyons for suitable ideas. experience un necessary: complete outline free. Pro ducers League, 267. St. Louis. CHECKER wanted. Farnam. - Dresner Bros., 2217 HELP WANTED. Male and Female. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds of men, women, over it. rermaneni posit ttons. $95-160 month. Common edu cation sufficient Experience unneces sary. Write Immediately for free list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230-D, Rochester,1 N. Y. WANTED Men. ladlea and boys to lesrn barber trade: pig aemana; wagee wnne learning; strictly modern. Call or writs HOS Dodge Bt. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. T Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 110 Omaha Nations f Bank Bldg. Douclaa 6800. TEACHER of piano; experienced. Rath K. uoroeoKsr. tvssieyen conservaeery, toi fax 303. BUSINESS CHANCES. " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ' Hold automobile distributing contract for two states." We are writing new contracts daily. Need additional $25,000 capital to prop erly finance this business. Can assure investor magnificent re turns, also will place him in an executive position with company so that he can watch his invest ment at all times. We mean busi ness. Y-1080 Bee. LOCAL MANAGER WANTED By suc cessful brokerage firm, doing business with well-rated concerns throughout the country. Position requires man of abil ity with business experience and com mercial banking connections. Positively no Investment is required, however, busi ness will require part time at first and until wall-established locally. Tremend ous earnings possible for right man, pos sessing necessary qualifications, as to executive and sales ability. Ths com modity we handle Is a staple, always In demand, and which our large buying facilities, permit us to sell at less than average market prices. Local branch should pay from $2,600 to $10,000 first year, according to population and ability of manager. Position must bo filled at once to supply local demands. Send your application today. Berntcs Coal Co.. 770 Como Bldg., Chicago, 111. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB OFFER wonderful opportunity to re liable man to make from $60 to $100 weekly at home In spare time. Direct by mall proposition. No experience needed. Capital required only $120. Mutual Co., 41$ W. Lake St., Minns spoils, Minn. . - . - ONLY known map showing all proven Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana oil fields and other valuable Information free. Don't Invest before - seeing It. R. V. Wilson, Mgr. Texas Traffio Ass'n. Hoffman Bldg., Houston, Texas. FOR SALE Hotel, furnished ; restaurant and soft 'drink parlor In connection. In excellent condition, with city water and electrlo lights; stopping point for automobile parties; on O, L. D. highway, between Omaha and Lincoln. No agents . need reply. Elderly people wish to rs ' tire. Inquire E. Knoll, Gretna. Neb. CASH for your business Invention, prop erty, stocks and merchandise anywhere; $ to SO days; no sale, no fas. Establish ed 1836. Brennan, 300$ Harrison St., Chl cago. 111. FOR SALE A grocery doing a good bust ' ness- Invoice about $3,600. Will bsar " close Inspection; cheap rent and light expenses; no agents need apply. Ad dress P. O. Box 334. Holly. Colo. IDAHO SPRINGS, COLO., HOTEL. 1 bsds, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter In every room, nlca dining room and office, doing a good business; $3,000. The L. A. Hater Inv. Co., Idaho Springs, Co4o. . TEXAS OIL LEASES recommended by more than 60 geologist. Deep teats drilling on and completely surrounding these leases. Act quick. Wire or write. Mldcontlnent Finance, Victor Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. , WANTED Capable man with $3,000 up for best buslnsss opening In Omaha; good for $600 month or better; per manent. H. Martin, 1301 Goddard Bldg., Chicago. UCCEED Inventing. Brilliant book hew to ftnanoe Invsntloas. 142 page sent $1 postpaid. Author will patent and man age your Invention. Attorney Batf, Worcester, Mass. TRANSFER BUSINESS clearing $4.11 yearly for $3,600. This Is a wondsrfnl . opening for someone and a chance to Srow to a large business. See LEWIS i CO.. 411 McCagne Building. THE niftiest and best money-making ho tel building In the atata for sals. Come and sea It Deal direct with mo and save commission. Y-1061, Bee. 100 PER GENT per annum is an absolute ly safe enterprise. If an Income like this on a few hundred dollars appeals to you. write Box 084, Burkburnett, Tex. WILL SELL leases on 223 acres of oil land In Texas, located on main struc ture In 16 different counties. For par tlculars write Box K-67, Omaha Bee. WANTED To hear from owner of good business for sale. State cash price, full description., D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. CAPITAL Enterprise of merit financed. Stock and bond issues sold, have estab lished selling force. Investor 703 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago. TIRE shop equipped for sale. Free In fractions. Learn In 6 days. Latest method. Anderson Steam Vulcanizer Co., 1620 Capitol ave, Tyler 8044. OUR business Is to buy snd sell your business. Quick Service Selling Experts, 14 Hrown log. WILL sell tin shop; good location; steady business. Doesn't require much money. Address Y-1067. Omaha Bee. BASKET CARRIER SYSTEM for aale. 116 S. 16th St. Rooming Houses.. BUY AN OIL LEASE. $10 buys five-acre Texas field. Des demona leases sold 76c, now worth $10,000 per aero. Carted paid 76c per acre and sold for $8,000 psr acre. Texas-Rainbow's End now opening up shows same geological formation as proven territory. Leases here may jump any price with first well coming In. It's a speculation, but the kind of speculation that has made many smalt investors rich. Ths Fortuna Oil Co. started In by several men pooling $400 In leases sold out recently for a million dollars. If you don't understand leas business, we will gladly explain all de tails., Remit $10 for five acres. We 1 send you legal lease form and keep you In touch with developments. Send nams for free map and full Information Rainbow's End Co., 417 Hankowlta Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okt , WE MANUFACTURE a carburetor which is guaranteed to giva double the mile age over any other carburetor ever con structed, regardless of name, make or price. Money refunded if 15-day free trial does not prove It. Entirely new principle; simple plain tube; not a mov ing part; guaranteed to start In sero weather without heating or priming. Tremendous demand; $160,000 has been spent on preliminary advertising; 100,000 satisfied users; 60.000 on Ford cars. Re liable, energetic man who can guaran tee sales and carry atock of $600 to $2,000, depending on demand; can aacure . exclusive territory and will easily net $26,000 per year. No special experience necessary. C. A. Kemper, Sales Msn ager, 608 w. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. THE TRUTH ABOUT IT. THE OIL BUSINESS Is the title of a book which wa have published for frea distribution to every one interested in oil. It contains val uable information about Buying Oil Stocks; Making Money In Oil; A Warn ing; Mld-Contlnent Field; Drilling Op erations; Oil Investments on a Sound Basis; Wild Cat as distinguished from Fake Companies: Some Investmsnta to Avoid, etc Everyone Interested In oil should havs this Information. Mailed free with a late copy of Oil Press and a revised map of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas oil fields. Address OH Press, 1511 Republic Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. ' FOR SALE A fine stock of general mer chandise. Located in soutn-centrai Neb.; a good town and prosperous community surrounding. Have a good trade running over $4,000 per month. Stock conalats of dry goods, shoes, work clothing, groceries and hardware. If you ars looking for a money maker I have it, but am too busy with other Interests to attend to It. Will Invoice about $1,600. No trades. If interested in knowing more about this store and want a good business, writs ownsr. Box 607. Hastings. Neb. THIS company Is building a chain of flour mills in the wheat belt. First mill in operation, earning 6 per cent per month. Just paid t per cent dividends for 30 days' operation. We want to 'build 8 or 10 more mills. There is nothing safer than the milling business. Stock now selling at par, $10 per share, subject to advance without notice. Ask for full Information. This advertisement will not appear again. References R. O. ' Dun A Co. or Guaranty Bank at Trust Co., Dallas, Tex. Address Community Mill & Elevator Co., 1220 Buach Bldg., Dallas, Tex. YOUNG LADIES You will find that the Amsrican Tela phone and Telegraph company Is mighty fins plase to spsnd your working day. It Is place whers each girl' welfare Is of primary consideration and she Is glvsn the advantage of a com, forteble rest room, a below cost cafe, terla and congenial companions. Ths salary la good, and ths frequent increases make it a very attractive offer to any ambitious girl. Miss Bell will tell you all about It. Apply 318 NEW TELEPHONE BLDG. American Telephone ft Telegraph Co. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPARTMENT: GOOD WAGES, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. Apply Superintendent. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT; CO., 1ITH ANDDAVENPORT STS. GIRLS WANTED. GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. EGGERS-O'FLYNG CO., 16TH AND LEAVENWORTH STS. GIRLS. WANTED AT ONCE FOR FACTORY WORK. GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO., ' 417 SOUTH 12TH ST. 6TH FLOOR. $10 INVESTED IN OIL LEASES may make $10,000; $2 acra oil leases In Texas-RainboWs End. Opening new field may make your lease worth $1,000 sere. i n is nas Happened in Texas. Many drilling wells 'near my holdlnss. Buy now; sell high.' That way makes iortunes ror lease-owners. Remit 310 for 6 acres. Write free information, oil mnn- D.nu V.1I. -I Mil, XT ,-,.' Inson St.. Oklahoma City. Okl. VULCANIZING and tire business. This is your chance to come to .live In Colo rado If you are seeking health and pleasure and get In a good paying busi ness. This stock Is clean all staple goods. Netted last year $8,000; doing . better this vear. Fnrt MnrMn 1 An Lincoln highway; (,000 population. For runner iniormatlon writs Beggs LaBrls Realty Co. Fort Morgan, Colo. SECURITY KAT.KflMIT.M We desire to appoint a special repre sentative to close sales In your territory; our special campaign will enable you to clear from one to several thousand dol lars quick. Write today. Get behind the ltvest, most promising Investment op- portunlty of modern times. Sallgar Ship Salvage Corp., 642 W. 23d St., New York. HAVE several fine bargains in rooming houses, close-in and money matters. See Johnny Devlin. 210 North Twenty fifth street Douglas 7172. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CLAREMONT INN 17th and Jackson; rooms for permanent and transient guests; special weekly rates. Doug. 8736. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, EXCLU SIVE LOCATION, ON DUNDEE CAR LINE. HARNEY 4112. NEWLY finished front room suitable for two. 2813 Shirley, Hanscom Park dis trict. Harney 6263. PLEA8ANT furnished room, with board; auitame ror two. uau uaraey siss. 1640 So. 28th St. ' FRONT furnlshsd bedroom for rent, walk ing distance. Gentlemen only. 630. Harney 3185. CHOICE front room for young man pri vate home. (614 South 25th St. South 4465. LARGE room with alcove and two large closets. Near car. Walkfng distance. Suitable for 2 or 3. Harney 6(18. 828 SOUTH 20TH ST. Pleasant room on bathroom floor, electric lights, block from Leavenworth car line. Har. 1248. WANTED TO RENT. CUMING ST., COR. LOCATION Desirable for tiro or automobile re pairing, paint, sign, plumbing or car penter ehop, or manufacturing. 3,300 sq. ft. floor space. WALSH-ELMER CO., - REALTORS. ' Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Office space (xl6 ground floor. 1322 Farnam. Tyler 2308. FOR RENT Business Property. 1712 N. 24TH ST. Furnished room; mod ern home; newly decorated; $4 per week. Webster 6098. PLEASANTLY furnished modern room; middle-aged lady preferred. 623 N. 17th St. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 1518 Lake St. Webster 3738. NEATLY furnished room In modern home in Koutze Place. Web. 4087. FURNISHED room for rent, gentlemen only. Call Walnut 68. - NICE room, suitable for two gentlemen. 701 So. 16th St. MODERN room for two gentlemen, close in. Tyler 3873. NICE steam heated booms, private home. Webster 6619. i . NICELY furnished rooms. Ave. 626 South 26th Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room far light housekeeping. Every thing furnished. 805 South 28th St. TWO neat light housekeeping rooms; no children. 708 North 10th St. TWO or three-room suite for light house keeping. 307 North 26th St. 2659 DODGE Attractive room for two. Good board. Harney 7030. WILL share home with young or elderly couple. Douglas S5I8. TWO light housekeeping rooms, all mod ern, 1424 N. 19th. TWO light housekeeping rooms, 620 South 20th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rsnt. 1718 Dodge St. Unfurnished. FOUR unfurnished rooms, with use of kitchen, 326 month. Call at 2101 Miami street. Web. 3651. ( UNFURNISHED Webster 3936. rooms; partly modern. TWO 'Unfurnished rooms; modern. 2020 Lake. Webster 8420. THREE fine rooms. 2206 N. 18th St Board and Room. LARGE, south front room, first floor, with board, suitable for 2; walking distance. 2638 Dodge. Harney 6966. BOARD and room for 2 or t ladles or gentlemen. Harney 2798. ROOM and board for two, In modern home. Webster 6338. FOR RENT HOUSES. FREE TEXAS OIL MAP. We have prepared a map of the oil fields of Texss showing the counties of ths state and ths various fields of aottvlty. This map mailed free to anyone asking for It Send nsme and address to Galloway Oil 4 Kofii.in rv rw.. M, 803 Main St. Ft Wrth. Texas. ou nniflfti iau manufacturing corpors tion wants capabls man to establish branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1,600 necessary; you handle own money; will allow expenses to Bsltl more if you will qualify. For particu lars address SECRETARY, 416 N. HOWARD ST.. BALTIMORE. MD. PROFESSIONAL MODELS. FOR STYLE SHOW. WRITE BOX 66. OMAHA BEE. FEW GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY. APPLY AT ONCE. GORDON-RAIN ALTAR CO., 801 DQUGLAS ST. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas WANTBDTwo -women to wash dish's snd one woman to do scrubbier. Omaha aluk WE SLPPLY material and furnish for mulas free for the; manufacture of Ice cream, soda waterj soda fountain sub plies, ciders and soft drinks of all kinds. Correspondence solicited. Pries list fur nished upon request. W. B. Wood Mfg. Co.. Manufacturing Chemists, St, Louis, Mo. HAVE 1,200 acres in ons of Parishes, in which great Homer fields are located. In Louisiana. Want one or two men with $5,000 or $10,000 to form, com pany for promoting. Greatest oppor tunity of a lifetime for right party to make fortune in oil game. Address Box K-32, Omaha Bee. MANUFACTURERS, representatives want ed; open office and manage salesmen. Wonderful opportunity. Meritorious proposition. Sold to merchants, whole salers and retatlsrs. Should net $10,000 annually. $500 to $2,000 capital required. Manager, 822 Reaper Block. Chicago. TEN thousand miles Instead of ftva thous and. No more blowouts; 90 per oent less punctures. Every car owner waiting for thla wonderful new tire saving device. Low cost. Distributers wanted In each locality. American Accessories Co., Dept. D-69, Cincinnati. Ohio. FOR SALE A fine hardware business i with clean stock and Warren fixtures, , Jh a live city In central Indiana. . Ad dress Bos 234. Columbus, Ind. - Miscellaneous. LIST your 'property for rent or sals with riHsr 1KU9I warani, Realtors. Tyler 72. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished Apartments and Houses. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STS. ,' Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. FIVE-ROOM excellently furnished apart ment for one montn. commencing May 1. Closs In and within two blocks of car line. PHone Harney 1443. FURNISHED aoartment: Dallas aoart ments. Z&64 Marcy; two rooms ana kitchenette. Douglas 9183. 1303-6 NICHOLAS Warehouse on Nicho las 8t, -viaduct, 60x100. $160. 1119 FARNAM ST. Third floor, $6x120, team heat and slevator. $76. 416 a 11TH ST. Commission or whole sale location, 22x60, two-story and base msnt. $85. 1423 CITMING ST. :?xB. $35. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO., PACKING Packing Paoking SHIPPING Shipping Shipping STORAGE Storage Storage MOVING Moving Moving J FIDELITY STORAGE ' & VAN CO. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. Auto or wagon service. .TRY US FTRST . American Messenger ' A Express Douglas 6900, 6901. Wa do moving of all kinds. Let us haul your trunks for quick service. HENRICKSON TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES-SO DO WB CITY AND COUNTRY HAULING. Phone Colfax 1274 days, or Calfax 2330 evenings. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler S400, HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale FOR SALE Twenty head of fine farm horses, mares and mules. Some of mares in foal. All stock guaranteed sound and In good condition. Apply at M. C Paters Mill Co.. 29th and B streets or after 6 p. m.. phone South 475. ' Unfurnished Apartments and Houses I WlSH to get 12 persons who can afford to buy one apt. in a oeautuui apt. nouse, for $7,600. Write Box D-72, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO RENT.- Furnished Apartments and Houses. I WANT TO RENT 7 TO 10 ROOM house, strictly modern. In good neigh borhood, not very far from street car or school. Will agree to return property in as good condition aa received, cnas. F. Cobbey. H. 6818. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT. Two bachelors want furnished apart ment or two or three connecting rooms. Must be desirable in good location, Phone Douglas 602, Monday. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house by May i; rename tenant, wainat zzoe. Unfurnished. WANTED TO RENT. Four, five or six-room house, desirably located on south side, call eseutn iizz. FOR RENT. Full bssemtnt. with elevator on track; also other storage space. AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. Douglaa 3419. 1110 Douglas. BASEMENT. 44x130, near 16th and Har ney streets, suitable lor most any xina r business. Can have a 5-year lease. See LEWIS ft CO., 411 McCague Bldg. WANTED A competent girl for general houaeworn-. Call at 33 go. tin. Bt, joun ell Bluffs, la. HIGH GRADE SHOW HARNESS. $126 values at $86 psr set Including army and war harness; 30 per cent dls i count on all harness goods and col lars. Write for free price list Desk 8. MIDWEST HARNESS CO., 706 No. 16th St PLATFORM spring wagon, first class con dition, 4816 N. 30th. Colfax 297. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. 80. 3006. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND RED 2833. THOROUGHBRED Barrsd Rock and S. C. W. Leghorns hatching eggs, $1.50. Har- ney 4820. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO EXCHANGE CO. OUR U9:D CARS MAKE FRIENDB BECAUSE WE CONSIDER OUR USED CAR PURCHASERS ONB OF OUR BIGGEST ASSETS AND . i1 BECAUSE WE HAVE ALL OUR USED - CARS OVERHAULED BY TRAINED EXPERTS AND . BECAUSE WE EQUIP NEARLY ALL OUR CARS WITH NEW FACTORY GUARANTEED TIRES AND BECAUSE WE MARK ALL OUR CARS PLAINLY WtTH THE PRICE AND MAKE TO IN8URE THE SAME PRICE TO EVERYONE AND BECAUSE OUR TERMS ARE AS LOW AS ANY REPUTABLE HOUSE CAN AFFORD TO MAKE AND BECAUSE BY THE COMPARISON WITH THE U8ED CARS ORDINARILY SOLD OUR PRICES AND POLICIES MAKE ALL OUR CARS REAL BARGAINS. DODGE TOURING 1918, SEW TOP $760 DODGE ROADSTER 1918, NEW ! TIRES 800 DODGE ROADSTER HIT 860 BUICK TOURING, NEWLY PAINT ED, NEW TOP $60 BUICK TOURING 191T 801 BUICH TOURING Ills, LIKE NEW 1,010 SCRIPPS-BOOTH ROADSTER HIT NEWLY PAINTED '. II OVERLAND TOURING HIT, LIKE Nsw 400 CHEVROLET 4-90 TOURING' II WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURINO 1I1T Tl OAKLAND TOURING 11, LIKE NEW Til MAXWELL TOURINO - J1T, ME- CHANICALY PERFECT f Tl COLE I TOURING 11. LIKE NEW lt OLDSMOBILE I . TOURI!yj, 1(11, NEW TIRES II CADILLAC 1" TOURINO. MODEL II ITI HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURINO ; 1917 1,16 CLOSED CAR BARGAINS. BUICK FOUR COUPE, MECHAN ICALLY PERFECT 650 BUICK LIGHT SIX COUPE 1,06 STUDEBAKER SIX SEDAN, NEWLY PAINTED 1.00 HUDSON SUPER SIX COUPE 11T 1,40 DODGE SEDAN 1118 1,071 DODGE SEDAN 1911, LIKE NEW, ALL NEW TIRES 1,110 OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX COUPE, WIRE WHEELS. NEW TIRES ....1.161 CADILLAC COUPE, MODEL 63 A BAR GAIN. WIRE WHEELS, CORD TIRES. TERM8 IF YOU WISH. IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR OLD CAR, TRADE IT TO US FOR ONE YOU CAN USE. J OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL t. -AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 2069 FARNAM. LIGHT BRAHMAS, setting eggs; prize bred stock. E. F. aobertson, Col. 3938. THOROBRED Rhods Island Red hatching eggs, si ror 13. coi. 3Z4&. SNOW white Rock Cockerels, also eggs ior natcning. wainuc zss. FOR SALE Thoroughbred baby chicks. Col. 2362. ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red aggs for natcning. a. u. Down, coirax 4608, R. C. B I. R. eggs for hatching. Colfax I04I. 43Z3 N. Z6th St. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, $1.60 to $3.00, tnorouynprea prize siock. jjougias 4641. TWO pedigree Boston Bull terriers forJ taie. Harney Pig. THOROUGHBRED Single Comb Buff Or pington eggs for hatching, wal. 1939. WHITE Wyandotte hatching eggs, $8 per nunareo. so. zut(. BARRED ROCK eggs, 6c. South 666. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. , 2030 FARNAM STREET, have one of the finest asosrtments of new used cars in the city. Our list consists of NEW 1920 ESSEX TOURING" CAR. 1920 ESSEX ROADSTER. 1920 NASH ROADSTER. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. 1S19 BUICK TOURING. 1919 CHANDLER DISPATCH. J918 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 1918 CHANDLER TOURINO. 1918 '85' SIX OVERLAND. 1918 DODGE SEDAN. 1917 WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE 1917 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1917 OAKLAND TOURING. 1917 SAXON ROADSTER. 1918 OVERLAND W.' . 1919 DORT TOURING. i 1917 HAYNES TOURINO CORD TIRES. 1914 FORD TOURING. 1916 OVERLAND TOURINO. AND MANY OTHERS. DON'T FORGET THAT THI8 IS THE BEST BUNCH OF USED CARS WE HAVE EVER OWNED AND THEY ARE ALL PRICED WORTH THE MONEY. ALSO WE GIVE A THREE-DAY MO,T5TY BACK GUARANTEE IF NOT SATISFIED. OPEN ALL DAY SUN DAY. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE INC. SPRING CAR SALE NEW AND RENEWED USED CARS FORD. BUICKS, DODGES. 50 CARSsTO PICK FROM. Five late model Dodge touring cars, $700 up. , 3 Bulck late model touring cars. 1 1920 Fprd sedan, like new, $860. 1 1919 Ford coupe, like new, $800. 3 Ford roadsters. 20 Ford cars to pick from, $260 np. 1 1918 Mitchell roadster. $600. 1 1918 Studebalcer touring, Ilka new, $750. TERMS: Cash or time payments. WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS. We rebuild your old Ford with Ames Kelsey Automa Streamline bodies. Lib eral allowance for old body. All cars In mech'&nical shape, demonstrated to your satisfaction or money back. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. CENTRAL GARAGE 1318 HaMrney St. Tyler T14 Open Day and Night CARS CAM BE SEEN CADILLAC Eight Roadster, In excellent condition, I new tires; runs and looks like new and has not been driven 10,000 miles. A strictly high grade automobile and a good Investment Let us show It to you. i GUY L. SMTTH, i Douglas 1970. BETTER USED CARS FOR SALE OR TRADE. 120 CADILLAC SPORT MODEL, NEW. 12 ESSEX TOURINO, NEW. Ill CADILLAC SPORT MODEL. lilt MARMON TOURINO., 120 STUDEBAKER, NEW. , 120 BUICK TOURINO, NEW. 11 FORD TOURINO. 11 STUTZ TOURINO. Ill APPERSON CHUMMY. 11 BUICK TOURINO. 11 DORT TOURINO. 11 OLDSMOBIlW TOURING. 11 ALLHNl SEDAN. ' 111 BUICK TRUCK. 1111 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1111 CHANDLER TOURINO. 1111 OLDSMOBILE. 111 FORD TOURING. 111 MITCHELL TOURING. ' lilt OAKLAND TOURINO. t 111 SCRIPPS-BOOTH TOURINGS. t lilt LIBERTY TOURINGS. lilt FORD ROADSTER. lilt CHEVROLET TOURINO. 1111 REO TOURINO. 1111 FORD TRUCK. 111 COLUMBIA SPORT jMODEL. lilt NATIONAL SIX lilt CHANDLER TOURINO HIT CHEVROLET. 1111 HUDSON TOURINO" HIT FORD TRUCK. 1917 PAIGE , ROADSTER. i 2 HIT STUDEBAKER TOURINGS. 191T WILLYS - KNIGHT OVERLAND TOURINO. HIT CHEVROLET TOURINO. HIT PAIGE TOURINO. HIT N HUPMOBILB TOURINO. HIT BUICK ROADSTER. HIT DODGE TOURINO. HIT HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Hit MAXWELL ROAD8TER. ' 1111 APPERSON SIX, l-PASSENGER. 1111 NATIONAL TOURINO. MEEKS AUTO CO., 2026-28 FARNAM. TEL. DOUG. 4101 DOUG. 4102. REBUILT , ' AUTOMOBILES CASH OR TERMS HUDSON SUPER SIX-, ompletely re built and reflnlshed in a rich maroon. Cord tires. A real bargain in a -high-grade car. CADILLAC ROADSTER Like new. A strictly first-class automobile and one which you csn be proud to own. A good Investment at the price we ask. HUDSON S1X-40 TOURINO Conti nental motor, new top. new tires. Flrst clsss mechanical condition. ESSEX TOURING Used 2.843 mls as a demonstrator. Guaranteed as a new car and you would have to look sharp to see It has been used at all. Can save you $375 on this car. Act quickly. , MAXWELL TOURING Who wants a good small car In excellent condition? Looks good, runs good and la good. Pries reasonable. STUDEBAKER 1.1GHT SIX Nesrly new. Latest model. Extra tire and complete equipment. We can save you several hundred dollnr on thtffcar asd your friend cannot tell It from a new one. GUY L. SMITH, "Service First" Phone Douglas 1970 for Informal Inn AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE.,' USED AR DEPARTMENT THE BON NEY-YAGER AUTO , COMPANY. , I860 Farnam Strait,' MR. BOYD. Manager. - 19 6 Big Six Studebaker, like new. 19-6 Light Six Studebaker, likt 1?C 6 Studebaker Tduring. - . 17 6 Studebaker Touring. , 18 4 Studebaker Touring. 17 4 Studebaker Touring. 15-4 Studebaker Touring. ' - 15-4 Studebaker Roadster. , Series 8 Franklin Touring. ' Five-passenger Chandler. Seven-passenger Oldsmobile. 1919 Ford Sedan. 19185 Passenger Dodge. 19185 Passenger Dodge Rdster. We have the belt values in the city. Termt if desired. THE BONNEY-YAGER AUTO COMPANY. , 2SS0 Farnam St Harney 676. Elcar,1918: A real bargain and In flrst-ella See It at Military Garage, Banaosv esll walnut 43, 8TUDSBAKEA HIT Newly painted, fins shape, flTI. , VINTON OAR AOs. - 1 1630 Vlntoa St. Phono Tyler IM1 FOR TERMS ON TjSli CARS. . VAN BRUNTS. Look for ths rod' Deal on wlndihtsld. WE HAVE It from. All prices, I MEEKS AUTO Oft, tttt Tuwm., USED CARS Ot OttAI.ITT. STANDARD MOTOR CA CSX. " ZVJU 'AKAJS T. THE DIXIE FLYER. It. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, . ' 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2309 Farnam St BY private party new 192 Ford touring. Starter and extras, t00. Can be sees at Colfax garage. 4607 No. 30th. riittv nai; In A-l condition, ansa a bargain. 'For particulars can wamut 4309. EMPIRE touring car, excellent sbspe, 1260. This Is a real buy. Webster 61M. ELCAR chummy, fins condition, sacrifice for cash. Walnut 1110. HI 8 STUDEBAKER, run only 6.000 mllss. $1.100. 311 No. 28th Ave. Har. 390L NEW Ford touring car, priced right, or terms, at 181 Wirt street 1917 PAIGE TOURING. Webster 6130. 1916 light Hudson track. 4 eyllndsrl; cheap for cash. Tyler !98t. ONE 2-ton Republlo truck, fine shape. Bargain. Walnut 430. 1917 Bulck 4, fine shape. $600. Call Harney 1918 Ford, with Kelsey body, barg at. Ol- fax 4636. 1917 Saxon. Webster 3666. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured in Omaha, 14-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders mads. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFo" CO 1819 Cuming St. Tyler I1T. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES. STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3 f .7t 80x3U.,..,,tlMI 32X3H 17.31 32x4. ...... 20 S SHIPPED 8UB.IECT TO EXAMINATION. , STANDARD TIRE CO.; 410 North 16th St ' Douglas tilt. Kh BUILT HUDSOA. SUPER-SIXES. Ws have several rebuilt and reflnlshed Hudeons In closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms tf desired. GUY L, SMITH, Southesst Corner of 26th and Pamam. MOVING. PACKING.' STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms f' household goods and pianos, moving packing snd shipping, OMAHA TAN AND iTORAGK CO. 101 South 16th. Ceug. till. Motorcyclea and Bicycles. FARM LANDS. Wyoming Lands. - , WRITE today for facta about Wyoratsf . lands, complsta, authentle Information on agricultural, dairying sM r seoah opportunities. Immigration Cotjnmlssfcssv tit Capitol Bldg., Cawtaatt Wystalati if,- ffs4f"wiiiw stwi'atatfSJXsrss 2210 FARNAM. 17 Hudson Speedster, six cordf- 18 Hudson Sedan. 18 Paige, California top. 18 Ford Sedan. 18 Ford Coupe, with starter. 19 Dodge Touring, like new. -,' . 19 Overland Touring, like new. ' 19 Chervolet Touring. , 18 Chevrolet Touring. ; 12 Buick D-45 Touring. 1 18 Buick E-49 Touring. ' 17 Dodge Touring. . , 20 Ford Roadster, new. 18 Mitchell .Light Six Tonria 17 Allen Four Touring - 15 Buick C-25 Touring. Ford speedster classiest. i town. TRAWVER AUTO COMPANY. 2210 Farnam. Douglaa 9070. STUDEBAKER LIGHT IX Latest mod . Only used a abort time and llko new in avery rsspeet Party purchased a Sedan and this car la a bargals (or tome one. . ... ,. .,; ; . Extra tire and complete ewpmst, ; Call Douglas 1ITI for Ihformatlen, . ": OUT L. SMITH, io.-f DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY - RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF . THE MOST ECONOMICAL AtTTO MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, A-l CJONDITIOW. SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE ttl DATS. - ' 1114 HOWARD STREET. DOUO, Ills. FIDELITY andvan CO. STORAGE. MOVTNO, PACKTNI HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICB, , COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENT 18th and Jackson Sts. Douglao ttl. " 60 FORDS, BUICKS. DODGEi. . New and ussd cars; cash er tlma. , Ford bodies, commercial bodies. GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO., ' CENTRAL GARAGE. 1313 Harney 8L, Tyler TM, - .. MAXWELL TOURINO CAR IN IX . . CELLENT CONDITION. WILL SELL FOR J3I0 CASH. CALL HARNEY 6804. SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND I WILL SHOW THIS CAR TO YOU. ' . . .You Cannot Afford ' to overlook this bargain, Bulck Light Six, used only a few weeks. Ff ss- pointmew cat. Tyier ma. LOOK out tor Jack Patteo Auto-lUoair Shop, 16tl and Leavenworth. Fheaa Tyler 4807. Pattao ervice: venter bearings, $ plugs, 4 Wirss, time tO koors. Total cost, $140.76. ' 1 SOME bargains In used Ford" ears.. Ms Caff re y Motor Co. Ths Handy Ird Borvtce Station. 16th and Jackooo, Dong las 3600. ' : ' FOR SALE HIS Dodgs oar. mow tap, f Ivo tires, car la food ooedttloaj drfesi only 12.000 miles. Pries 166. Address G-82, Omaha Bee. . WILL sell my Hudson Supsr SIX Modfl X at a big sacrifice for cash. 'Call Harnsr 6804, Sunday afternoon for complete la- rormation. WANTED For spot cash. It used quick action; no delay. Auto EscfcasMfo wo., war sarmaxji'Sff. wow, sots. .goJ used 1119 JORDAN silhouette; cash terms or Liberty bonds. Accspt lighter oar as part payment Douglas 734 7. a. cash or terms. USED TtRKS 10x1. 16.00; 10x34, $1.0. ' All sixes In proportion. Look . ever our rebulits. Open Sundays. Tyler Stt. SAVIGB TIRES. - -908 N. 16th St. Ksystons Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHJCaK 30x3 F18K.... 611.91 I t4l4.......$fl.tt 30x3 ............ 9.96 I 34x4 tt.tt KAIMAN T1KB JOBBERS. 1733 CUXTNO. AUTO electrical repairs; aervtoe statiea for Hayfleld carburetor and Colombia storage batteries. Edwards III K, 1. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLKsV-Bargalna-ln used machines. Victor St. Roos, ths motorcycle man, ITth . as Leavenworth Sts. , RUGBY bicycle, new, cheap. Harney list.