Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 22

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    ' miP mftHt RtwnAY KF.F. APRIL 18. 1920. '
'1 ,, .1 III - I !. ' - - ' 1 ....... I
- 1 ; ! 1 : 1
Mrs. Brandies Will
: Show Her Movie
Here Soon
' "Twinkle, Twinkle kittle Star,' a
fanciful movie film, will be given
Saturday ' evening, May 1. at the
Brsndeis theatre for the benefit of
the Christ Child Society of Omaha.
The movie was written and staged
by Mrs. E John Brandeis in Chicago
two yeari-ago. Zoc Ray, the well
known child actor, was taken from
California to Chicago for a place in
the cast. '
Mrs. Brandeis is said to have at
tained a reputation of high merit in
the film world. Her work has
proved her to -lie of versatile tem
perament, and she his demonstrated
to the world that a woman can be a
home-maker as well as enjoy
novelty of a career.
Mrs. Brandeis' home, "Grcyrocks,
in Fairacres, is noted for its splen
did management and hospitality.
, Mr. Brandeis is interested in his
wife's talent and foften accompanies
her while she stages her movies.
A unique musical score of several
motifs is now being arranged by
Mrs. Brandeis for her movie. These
will be played by the orchestra dur
ing the showing of the film:
Read what an eastern news
column holds after witnessing a per
formance of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Lit
tle Star:"; , "
"A really truly fairy tale with a
cast of kiddies who will steal your
heart' right out of your breast and
make you a child again- Now if
you're getting ' cross and old and
blase for goodness sake come, and
live over again one of the tales of
your youth. You'll be all the bet
ter, for it. Little Zoe Ray is the
prince who came to earth on a fall
ing star and was -brought up by the
woodcutter who found him. And
then there's the wickd witch and
the castle of the little princess and
the dwarf and the beggar woman,
and everything. You'll enjoy every
minute of it." '-.''
Protects American Women. ,
If the bill introduced by Represen
tative Rogers a republican from
Massachusetts, is passed, American
women marrying aliens an,d remain
ing in this country will retain their
citizenship after adoption of the
suffrage amendment. The bill does
not give the right of citizenship to
.nn alien woman marrying an Amer
ican, Mr. Rogers contention being
that a woman of foreign birth should
be obliged to go through the same
rroces9 to be naturalized that a man
ni ' " J-' ' ' "
S Extiraet Teeth f
f Vis J
Graduate of North
western. University,
. Chicago
Without Pain
NERVOUS PERSONS need no longer have the slightest
fear of having dental work done, because by my '
method there is not only not the least pain, but there isho ill
after effects or nervous strain.
I Do All Work Myself
and do not accept anymore cases than I can take care of
personally from start to finish. It is the quality and per
manence of my work that I take pride in not the quantity.
Any Work Leaving This Office is Ready
for Inspection by aAy State's Dental Board
Out-of'town patients can have Crown, Bridge
or Plate completed, in one day '
Only the Best
of material are, used in .this office and
fourteen year of tudy and experience are
behind the guarantee I place on my work.
When you have a plate or bridge made here,
you KNOW it i going to give you year of
satisfaction and comfort, a hundred of
people right hews in Omaha will testify.
No doubt many of these patients are friends
of your.
Can You Afford
to entrust such an important thing as -your
teeth to assistant or inexperienced dentists
in an office where it is a- physical impossi
bility for the proprietor to give 4ven past
ing supervision of any workvdone? Re
member, dental work is intended foryear,
of service and poor work or inferior mate
rials is a very poor investment.
8:30 to 6:00
:00 to 1:00
16th and Harney Entrance on 16th. Phone Tyler 5117
Crown, Bridge or
Plato completed
for out-of-town
patients in one
' In this space, every week, the
Omaha Laund'rymen's Association
will tell you what they know, about'
' washing clothes and why you
should' send your clothes to a pub
" lie laundry. These articles will
take up the subject point by point
covering every phase, one subject
at a time. .
Our object is to clear up a lot of
misinformation and foster better
1 understanding between the Jiorne
an( the laundries. We willshow
you how the laundry business has
developed from the wash boaYd to,
a modern, scientific business.
"v War 'air JX
& in tfie
i . . j it
. r
Spend Summer in Denmark
Wliat Do You Know About
The National Laundrymen's As
sociation, of .which the Omaha As
sociation is a branch, maintains a
laboratory and research depart
ment in charge of trained scientists.
Here every product used ' in the
laundries is tested and the results
made known to the members of the
Association. Fabrics are analyzed
to 'find the one best way to wash
them. This constant research for
better methods has revolutionized
the laundry business.
If you will follow these articles,
we will both .benefit. The next one
will, appear in this paper a week
hence. Look for it.
Rousing Plans for
Biennial of
Less inspirational speaking and
more practical discussion," is the or
der .which' has gone out to the chair
man " of the 11 , departments of . the
General , Federation ' of Women's
Clubs ' from ;Mrs. L. J. Haley,
chairman of the program com
mittee for the biennial, conven
tion to be held June .16 to 23 in Ues
Moines. Fewer speakers will be
permitted, according to the program
committee's plans this year, and
they will be given more time to pre
sent a worth while1 message.
Americanism will be the keynote
of the convention and department
chairmen are being urged to, make
their conferences real conferences,
to have fewer, topics discussed, and
til concentrate pn those that will
provide a definite program of action
or the various states.
At the evening sessions stress will
be given to .the three special activi
ties of the federation, thrift, cqm
lriunitv service and Americanization.
"In making Americanism tne key
note of the convention, the general
federation hopes to do some much"
needed and effective work in pro
rhulaatinir those orincioles of justice.
'humanity, and democracy which
made America recently mobilize its
millions and its manhood and send
them thousands of miles across
nrenns to fieht for an ideal." Mrs
Halev s.ivs. "This is a day of
propaganda and our country is af
flicted with the propaganda or many
danererous isms, but bolshevism,
radicalism: socialism, sydicalisnt et
al, cannot flourish in an atmospnere
which is permeated with a sane, or
derly, wholesome Americanism. The
welfare, and prosperity, of America
Mrs. J. H. Hansen and sons,
Allen Frederick and John Cutter,
sail, May 31, to spend the summer
in ' Denmark with Mr. Hansen's
parents. This will : be Mrs. Han
sen's second trip there, as she and
Mr. Hansen spent their honeymoon
in that country. Mrs. Hansen is a
native of Michigan and this journey
to Europe is for the purpose of in
troducing these two American boys
to their grandparents. During the
war this matron was an enthusiastic
member of the Omaha motor corps.
Herald of .Spring
Taffeta is becoming as much of a
herald of the spring as the first
robin or the' premier crocus. It
swishes and rustles its lustrous
triumphant way at the head of the
spring fabric procession. For after
noon frocks, suits, wraps and eve
ning gowns it quadruples in brass or
some base metal tor wno can aeny
that there is less silk and more tin
in the taffeta today and tomorrow
than yesterday. ,
Charminnr brown, cafe au lait and
heiee models have bouyant skirts.
formed of three tiers of ruffles and
invariably their semi-fitted bodices
show a low square cut decollete fin
ished in a soft tollar, ruffle or edging
cf cream colored lace. Ihe smart
all black taffetas also have a high
light of lace at neck orleeve to re
lieve their sombreness and ohe stun
ning black creation, shows a' deep
ruffle of oleated taffeta, falling plume
like from the fitted bodice almost
to the knee, elbow sleeves finished
with a pleated ruffle of the same
with an inner ruffle of blonde lace,
The same lace is used to make a
lavish full deeo iabot that hangs
from a hieh crush collar of black
velvet and lends an pld world charm
to a confection that is 'distinctly new,
In Mongolia the purchase price
of a wife varies from five to 30
There Is one simple, safe and sure
way to get rid of, unsightly hairs on
-neck, arms and underarms ana tnai
is to dissolve tnem.
To do this get a bottle of Fresca
Hair Remover Lotion from your
druggist, apply a little with the fin
ger tips or with a little cotton, just
like you would a face lotion, to the
hairs not wanted, in a few minutes
wash off and you will be surprised
how the hairs have disappeared.
Fuzzy or heavy hairs simply dissolve
and leave the skin soft and white
shaving and other methods only re
move hairs for a short while and
thev come In thicker than ever, while
Fresca Hair Remover Lotion dis
solves them away below the skin and
weakens the growth. If you are
troubled with these unsightly blem
ishes you should try this simple and
safe method of getting rid of them.
Tired Eyes
largely depend on our preserving
that national unity and homogeneity
which, in the face of a common peril,
the people of this country attained
to an extent that no one ever dream
ed they could attain. Tcople must
have sortnething in common to make
them one, and . if we teach and
preach Americanism ' our citizens
can be given the same aims and
ideal, and a state of mind can be
created which will be of incalculable
help to our government for as
some one has most aptly said tne
state of mind is the greatest state in
the world.",' .
We will interpret Americanism to
mean a theory or me ana govern
ment which is a happy mean be
tween the individualistic theory,
whose chief exponent is Herbert
Sncncer. and the ; socialistic theory,
whose chief exponent is Karl Marx.
Americanism would not rob a man
of all initiative and make him a mere
pawn oj ward of the state as would
socialism, nor would it leave nun
to vork out his own destiny entirely
unafled by the state vas would indi
vidualism. '
Apparently the gold medal for ex
treme miserliness will have to be
awarded to the commuter who, on
leaving his wife in the morning, fore
warned her thus: "I may have to
work late tonight, so-m order that
you won't worry, I'll telephone you
at 6 o'clock. But when you hear tlie
bell, dop't answer it you will know
what it means, and I'll get my nickel
back." ,-
Miss Florence King, a noted law
yer and advocate of Community
Service, is the only woman who
ever won a case befpre the supreme
coWt of the United States.
Atlanta women have organized a
road committee with the view of
enlisting the support of the mothers
and wives of the farmej-s of Georgia
in the good roads, movement.
! The
! Discriminating
Common witch hazel, camphor
hydrastis, etc. as mixed in Lavoptik
eye wash, produce quick results
when used for weak and tired eyes.
One customer was greatly astonished
at the QUICK benefit produced by
a single application. The witch hazel
and camphor soothe and relieve in
flammation ; the hydrastis and other
ingredfents have tonic and antisep
tic properties. We guarantee a small
bqttle Lavoptik to help ANY CASE
weak,, strained or inflamed eyes.
Aluminum eye cup'FREE. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Stores and all
leading druggists.
Who is careful to
wear tailored clothes
rprncnizes the ultra f
small Luuiap wan
ors as superior in
style, quality and
workmanship to ail
'"other sailors.;
. Exclusively by
i is
iT y
Priced at
$12 to $25
. 16th and , -
I Harney Streets
I - ' ' -
i J
tlllii'lllilliiilllHlllillUI.IIill.lllHIIll:il:lllllll!lllilll'lllll.IHIIIIH'iIH .111111111111 JIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHt llil
hBaMM Daw
Instant relief for sore, aching,
tender, calloused feet
and corns.
You're footick! Your feet feel
tired,, puffed up, chafed, aching,
sweaty, and they need "Tjz."
"Tiz" makes feet remarkably
fresh and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes
the pain and burn right out of corns,
callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is the
grandest foot-gladdener the world
has ever known.
Gtt a box. of 'Tiz" at any drug
store and end foot torture for a
whole year. Never have tired,, ach
ing, sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes
will fit fine and you'll only wish you
had tried "Tiz" sooner. Accept no
substitute. 1 '
Face, Neck Scratched
And Cried. WasDisfigured.
"My baby brother had a crust on his
head and the top of his head was a
solid scale. His face and
neck got red and irritated
and water would run from
little blisters, and baby
would cry most all the
time. He would scratch
his face until the blood
came. The eruption caused
"We bought a cake of Cuticura
Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment
and by the time they were gone, he
was healed." (Signed) Miss JanieB,
Dobson, Koleen, Iqd.
Improve your skin by daily use of
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum.
UmjiU Buk tra by Hill. Adrirau: "Cutteiri
L4t:Urt, H, Mildu, Him." Bolrf Tery
yhffrn. Sop26c. Ointment ttftndfttir. Talcum 26c
IgtSXuticura Soap thavaa without mug.
The Baptist churches of this city, in common with ten
thousand other churches over all the nation, are making
final preparations Today for the greatest effort in Baptist
history. This is Denominational Day, '
On this day the final plans of The New World Movement pf
Northern Baptists will be laid before every Baptist congregation
in the North, You should be in your pew to hear.
Quicken I
TO'dlay, prepare fc
or your
No solicitation of funds will be made today. Next
Sunday, April 25th, actual canvassing will begin for
the New World Movement Fund of $100,000,000.
Northern Baptists, seek to raise this $100,000,000
for the vigorous application of Christianity to the
problems confronting the World.
This fund will be used during thd next four years
in, carrying out the great educational and mis
sionary program at home and over seas.
The only solvent for the turmoil of the world is
the spirit and message of Christ
Never before has its need so challenged Christian
ity s power to serve.
','... , ' '
From every corner of the earth, the discouraged,
the disappointed the bewildered people are crying
out to4 the Christian Church, "Come over and
.help us."
I i . ;
The happy, fortunate, prosperous ' people of
America can not turn, a deaf ear to the world's cry.
We must catch a new vision
We must give by a new standard
To your Churches TO-Di
great effort