10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1920. 1 Omaha nffirpi Off With -spr WII-VVI Wit VfJIMI i - : Prize Trophy for Girl recruiting officer yesterday left for. Red Cloud Neh uhr tnrlaw hr will make happy the heart of Verna Trine, 17-year-old high school girl PIIOTO-PI-AY. and winner of the silver cup given by the government for the best es say .on, "The Advantages of Entering- the United States. Army Service." v Elaborate exercises, appropriate to the occasion, have been prepared by A. T. Holtzer, superintendent of FHOTO-PLATS. r. ' - v - i earthier ' I ' 7.'- CAN HEAR -Jg1 A PIN DRGI i-:-v;v.V;:w--:::vk At time during the flowing of this , a SASvi.v::-.v.v::::::jfc wonderfulmelodrarna interest is to ' t tense that a'breathless quiet envelopes H the entire theater you can hear your- Vkaq tev-.v.-.-.:y-tL y self breathing you could almost hear J ...'.v.-:.'. 7k e- a put drop! No drama of the London y :v:.y::.v.-.:-.v t iJTf underworld like iM No screen story J.v.-:v::.-:i:v:.W .T"".?;- ftr with such power, such action, such Nf h.--.-i-.-.-. .-v.-- thrills! Critics declare it the biggest ayT-:; v-v.-.-.iav.;;:-.:-:::'..."....: melodrama of the year! Have you p vA-:i-:'-:::::.y:-:i:v: seen it? Only one more day! P-'.-' Orchestra JMWXi yCftl Sun Pipe Oqdn, "KilJ Red Cloud public schools. Miss Trine's essay was selected by Gov ernor McKelvie, Governor Harding, Chancellor Avery and Dr, Pearson asthe best turned -in from the re cruiting district of which Omaha is headquarters." .- , 'Chick" McLaughlin Becomes Member of Local Law. Firm Charles K ("Chick") McLaughlin, former United States commissioner here, who served s an officer in the A. E. F. in France, has become a member pf the law firm of Kennedy, Holland, DeLacy & McLaughlin, successors to-Mahoney & Kennedy. What Do tYou Know? By; J. H. BEVERIDGE. I. Name Rodin's moU famous piece of sculpture. . 2. Who painted "The Song of the i. What greatk American ' Avriter ptJ was named after George Washing-1 3 Illaw 4. wnat celebrated woman violin ist died recently? - . 5. For what type of painting ,is Blashfield best known? (Answers published Tuesday.) ' TUESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. Pierre L, Enfant." 2. Fort Dearborn. 3. Rome. 4. San Francisco. " r 5. Washington, D. C. Winner: G. W. James, Glen wood, la. 99 "I'm going to find the wickedest man in ther world-apd marry him Georgiana had gone, on strike! She was a ; widow, age twenty, pretty and full of pep!' For two years she had been married to a ' man,, who wouldfl t look-at a magazine until it had been - censored of corset ads. She . . needed a 100 proof man to counteract the 2.75 existence that had been hers and she started out to vamp the first bird that didn't ;A . know where the. Y. M. C. A. building was ..' 'located. . Constance Talmadge : vv: IN ; "In Search of a Sinner' An.A. H. Blank First National Attraction All Week ' miMiiTiiVimMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM IgJ A.H.Blank 1 "gj s NOW SHOWING (Here's chance to make your wits worth money. Earn day Tho Bo will Eubllsh a aeries of queetlons, prepared y 8uperlntendent J. II. Beverldne of the public achools. They .cover things which you should know. The first complete list of correct answers receives rrom an una ha reader of The Be will be rewarded by SI ; the flrttt from outside of Onulis- will win the same. The answers and the namet vt the winners will be published on the day Indicated below. Be dure to cive your views and address In full. Address "Question Editor,'' Omaha Bee.) . r "Sauce and Senoritas" 1 f A ViUirapltomedy s siiiiiiifiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiuximiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiil AMUSEMENTS. FOUR NIGHTS April 4 to 21 7 and 9 P. M. Mats. Sunday and Wednesday, 3 P. M. Omaha Lodge No. 39,B.P.0.Elks and the Federal Board for Vocational Education present the patriotic picture 'The Spirit of Elkdon' -and Claire Whitney IT the S-reel feature play "The Way Back" All net proceeds for disabled Soldiers, Sailors and "Marine. . All Tickes SO canU. No War Tax. If V WINSfOBIE" LUCY F1TCU PEPIUN3 m The Dutch Twins See the Queen. "Now, while the people were ""Sing ing with all their mighty and the band was playing, and KiLAJid Kat were having the most beautiful time they had ever had in their whole lives, what do you think happened? Down the, long drive through the trees came a great, splendid carriage, drawn by a pair of beautiful white horses with wavywhite tails and manes. There were two sofdicrs on horseback riding in front of the carriage, and the driver of the car riage was dressed in blue and orange livery. .--. The carriage was cjpen, and in it sat a beautiful, smiling young lady. Beside her sat her husband; and a nuise, in the other seat, held a baby in Her arms. . - wmssm "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Daily Mat. 15-25-S0c Evngi., 25-50-75c, $1 Last Times Today 2:1 5-8:30 Lla 20th Century Maids Tomorrow (Saturday) Matinee and Week BEN WELCH RE$ V LADIES DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS MXInM Dally 2:1 Etery Nliht 8:15 4Ht HtT IN VAUOCVIUC Mitlnwt. IS te 7Ss; NliMi, I5e te tl.Ot 'THE LITTLE COTTAGI;" BESSIE REMPEL: BRADLEY A ARDINEl Elu Rutitw; Harry Cooper; Fraaooa Renault: Mareoal A Fltzflbaea: Taelet of the Da: Klsoeraan. TO-FLAT. Fnrnam at 24th ' Presents NORMA TALMADGE "THE NEW MOON" The Princess became a "peasant -ajul-the Prince an anarchist bat happiness waa the result, , When the people'saw the carriage and 'the lady- they waved their cap and shouted, "Long live the Queen!" , I'Look! book! Kit and Kat," said Grandfather, "It is your dear Queen - Wilhelrnina, and Prince Henry and theAittle princess. Wave your hands!" iCit and Kat waved with all their might, but they were so short, and the people crowded beside the driver way so, that neither of them could see.. Then Grandfather caught Kit AMUSEMENTS. TWO SHOWS IN ONE CENTURY SERENADERS "The -Musical Maniacs" 'Virginia Deacon & Baxter "A Nonsensical Revue" GREEN & LAFELL Lyric and Melody Specialists GEORGE WILSON . Piano and Songs Photoplay Attraction' "THE HONEY BEE" Featuring; Mme. MargVecita Sylvia The story of a woman in revolt from the novel by Samuel Merwin. MACK SENNETT COMEDY AUDITORIUM Two, Popular Concerts MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Friday 3:30 and 8:15 $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 PHOTO-PLAYS. Now ' . : 1 - Today The Picture That Has Startled Omaha What is your TOTHISQTJESJ Httsbanf Juat one mora day and this treat picture that has electrified Omaha will be gone I Are you going to aee it! Toe treat whirlwind horae race is alone worth the admission price, but besides that you see a smashing prizefight with a real knockout, an melting pistol duel and doiens of other thrills I You'll have io hurry If yu want to see it! Come tonight! ' . ' ' ' i ' Also the Great Musical Sensation Melody Garden n t0" Pv 'fPi. ' "v"'r 'h w" - p-a i -lam, and lifted' him up high and "Grand mother did the same with- Kat, It wasfine to -be up ,so high, Kit and Kat could see everything better than any one else there. And when the carriage came by, tho Queen saw Kit and Kat! She smiled at them, and the" nurse held the little princess up high for them to seel Kit,and Kat threw kisses to the lit tle princess; and the princess waved her baby hand to Kit and Kat; and then , they were all gone like a bright dream. " ' But the soldiers were better to see even than queens, Kit thought Kat thought the baby any baby wasNiricer than either. W-ncn the carriage was out of set the twins down on the ground Every one began to talk about the Queen, about how sweet she yns, and how good; and the band played, and everybody was as happy as they could possibly be. ( By and by it was time to go home;. for, Grandfather said, "Dutch girls and boys must learn to get up early in the morning, especially Twins that are going out' with the irnilk cart." So they went back to Grandfather Winkle's house; and Grandmother put them to bed in a little cupboard like their own at home, after they had had some stipper. And the last thing Kat said thatnight was:' ' "O 'Kit, just -to think lat today we saw the Queen and the ioldiers, and the Queen's baby, and tomor row, we are going to drive the milk cart! What beautiful ,world it is!" Just as they were dropping off to sleep, they heard a great noise in the street . ... ; . ' . - "Clap, clap, clap," it sounded, eight times. "There goes the Klapper-man," said' Grandmother Winkle. "Eight c'clQck,' and time all honest folks wefe abed." (All rights reeryed by Houghton Mifflin Cdmpany.) j Tomorrow The Dutch Twins Put on Aprons. , - . . WHY?- Does a hen cackle after laying an egg? (Copyfrght, 1920. by the Wheeler Syn dicate, Inc.). The statement that there is a direct connection between the cackling of a hen and the laughs ter of a person who is '"pleased maj sound strange, but it is nevertheless true.' The human animal man gives vent to a se ries of sounds originating in his throat when something causes him pleasure. These sounds we H characterize as "laughter." Very much the same process takes' place when a hen lays-van egg. The presence of the egg in the body of the hen causes the bird some discomfort When this is relieved, she g naturally pleased and announces her pleasure to the world by a 'species of laughter of joy which, we have termed cackling." , " ) If we remember that many persons "chuckle" when they are pleased the relationship between the laughter of human beings and the' cackling of hens becomes even more apparent and it should be born,e' in mind that every liv ing, things expresses its pleasure in sl le animate and unually vo cal manner. 'Cats purr, dogs bark, monkeys chatter, birds chirp or sing, children jump up and down or cry out with joy, adults laugh -or chuckle, hens ' cackle. It's simple the application of different terms to the expressions of the same emotipn. Tomorrow's Question Why are there more bald men than women? wall paper loose in spots, the floors and woodwork in need of , little paint? That do'esn't hurt you. It doesn't make yflu less comfortable. Just because it's unsightly is no reason for complaints. Besides I can't afford it. You're not paying so much that I can stand to have my profits eaten up. I'm in the landlord business for mfiney, rfot fun. 1 Even if I' can see no im mediate , need for it I'll make the changes wAen a new tenant moves in. ' . ; v . " If you don't like it, that's your worry, not mine. Be glad I'm let ting you live there and not charging you more rent. So long as you're in no danger and things hurt only your esthetic sense I "can't afford" repairs dr.improvemenU.- - That's how I feel about it. - Shave. Bathe and , Shanpoo with one Soap. Cuticura Ceom BlataefWerWa Bee Want Ads .Produce Results. fH safety rasreaauj E I'M THE GUY! . By R. H. ALLIE. i I'M'THE GUY, the landlord, who always compjlains he, "can't' afford" to make repairs'or improvements. Why shouldn't I? , I can't I don't want to try. Things arc well enoughas tKey arc. - ". ' I don't see why yoiJ shbuld , al ways want me to be expending ,money. The building is in good shape. You were satisfied with it when you moved in. What difference does it make, if the walls and ceilings are dingy, the ADVERTISEMENT Pay WhenCured Dr. Murk hart wants you to write mm today for a treatment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound for Liver, Kidney. Stomach Trouble, Constipation, Catarrh, Rheumatism.. Pay when cured. Don't mis this Brandest of remedies and. won derful preventative for. Grip. Flu. Address 621 Main St., Cin'ti, O. For sale at all Drug Stores. 30-day treatment 25c Adv. ADVERTISEMENT How to Gain Flesh. A simple but sure Aray to increase the weight, it is asserted by several .well known physiciana, ia to take regularly for several 'months, one or two S grain hypo nuclane tablets after each meal. These little tablets have the distinguished merit of increasing the red and white blood cor puscles, aiding dilution and promoting as similaion and absorption of the elements in the food which go to make blood and solid tissues. They are obtainable in sealed packages from Jrell stocked apothecary shops. ADVERTISEMENT N.o Suffering from Indigestion TRY THEM ESTABLISHED ISM The first step to enod hoallh Is food dlcfsllnn Kor twenty. five years RITTkB'S MUKHTIVE 1.0ZENC.KS have been restoring disordered stem, aehs to health. IMeasant to tike and always effec tive. Try them. l)on't suffer lunier. Sold at Shar- 1 man ai MoCucineU Drug Stores, Our Entire Stock of Groceries; Hardware and Paint Sale Starts Today sad Coatinues Until This Stock Is Sold Thousands of people will attend this sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. j , If St. Mary's Avenue and "Howard Street are graded as planned we will have to raise our floors in the Flatiron Bldg. about 6 feet. We are getting ready for this change of grade by selling our entire stock of merchandise. ; Below we list a few of the many articles that will be offered. for sale.. v Groceries Meats BULK GOODS Serins. Coffee. Apples. Grapefruit. v. Lemons. t , . Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Parsnips. Rngllah Walnuts, v Braill Kuts. , Red and White Onions. Crackers. ( Flour, Etc. " CANNED GOODS , Corn. Peas. -Tomatoes. 8trlng Beans. " Lima Beans. Pork and Beans. Red Kidney Beans Large Asparagus. - Asparasrus Tips. , Pumpkin. Best a. Hominy. Assorted canned soups. Vegetables for soup. Spinach. Baked Bean with Tomato . Sauce. Red Bweet Plmentoes. . Spaghetti. ! Pineapple, i Peaches. Apricots. Blackberries. Gooseberries. , Plum and Fig Pudding. Mazola OIL Olive Oil. Karo Corn Syrup. T.og Cabin Syrup. Class Syrup. - B. M. Cane and Iaple --Syrup. New Orleans Molasses. y BOTTLED GOODS Stuffed Olives. . Ripe Olives. 5reen Olives. Chow-Chow. rndia Relish. v Sweet Gherkin Plckljs. Armours' Worcestershire Sauce. Lee Perrln'e Worcester shire Sauce. Purkee Salad Dressing. Tacht Club. Salad Dressing. Sandwlchola. Pickled Onions: Apple Butter. t Preserves, all flavor and ' sties, 7 os. to 1 In. 11 a. Jellies, all flavors and slaee, 1 ot. to t lb. 11 oi jara. Jam. all flavors and sites, 7 oi. to J lb. 11 os. Jara. Ian. Oyster Cocktail Sfiuce. Chill Sauce, Catsup. i Peanut Butter. drape Juice. Snits Cider. -1 . Honey. SALMON. SARDIVKS Attn' ALL KINDS OF CANNED FISH AND HEAT Salmon, flat and tall cans red or pink. , -Sardines. ' Sardines with mustard or tomato sauce. Tuna Fish. Vienna Sausage. Deviled Crabs. Clams. Minced Sea Clama. Pickled Shrimp. Lobater. Chill Con Caml. Deviled Chill Meat. Lamb's Tongue, horned Beef. ' - CEREALS AND BREAK , FAST FOODS Quaker Oats. Grape Nuts. Poaat Toastfes. Corn Flakes. Pillsbury'a Vitus Wheat Cereal. Cream O' Wheat. Shredded Wheat Puffed Wheat Puffed Rice. Pillsbury'a Bran. Pearl Barley, . Tapioca. - . COFFER, TEA. AND -SLICES, ETC. Harper's Coffee.- Aflvo Coffee. 1 lb. and 3 lb. Pantry Prlda Coffee. Happy Hollow Coffee. Hues Coffee. Butternut Coffee. Bulk Onffee, etc Bulk and package Tea, 1 lb. Chicory. lb.. H lb., and Mustard. Cocoa, Chocolate. All kinds of Splrca stick Cinnamon. Sure Whip. Chill Powder. Marlelne. Salt f Pepper. -Paprika. SOAP AVO WAH DAT BOTFLIES Old Dutch Cleanser. Washing Powders. Lug. Nine O'clock Tea. Rub-Vo-More., Sea Foam. Ivory Flake. ' Star Naptha Powder. Gold Dust Ron Ami powder and cake. Essex Laundry Tablets. Bluing. Lennox Soap. Clasalo Soap. White Borax-Kaptha Soap. Electric Spark Soap. Tela Naptha 8Vp. P. A G. Soap. Peroxide Soap. Ivory Soap. vranj VII eoap. -v Palm Ollv Soap. Grandpa'a Wonder Soap. Rose Bath Soap. Sweetheart Soap. And many other kinds of soap. Washing Soda. Starch. ... Gloss Starch. , Elastlo Starch. t .MISCELLANEOUS Jello! . Minute Taploea. Pearl Tgploca. , Pancake Flour. Pa' jg Powdsr. Knox Gelatine. . Ice Cream Powder. Pearl Barley, Corn Starch. Parowax. Bee's Wax. Citron. y Orange Peel. Lemon Peel. Dried Prunes. Dried Arlcots. ' Fruit Jars. ' i Mason Jars. ' . U.win .Tar RilhK.n r Matches. Flour. Candles. Tanglefoot Fly Paper. Cuhlet Sugar. Crackers and Bread. ' Assorted Package Cookies, MEAT DEPARTMENT ' Fresh Meat Cured Meat .Cheese. Lard. Crisco. Butter. , tf- Oleomargarine. Egga Teast Snowdrift. Pickled Herring. Salt Mackerel, etc. and Paint Departi ent . HOUSECLEANING AND HOUSEHOLD SCFFLTES ' Carpet Beaters. ' O'Cedar Mops. O'Ceda.-yOU. Liquid veneer Mops. Liquid Veneer OH. " I O'Cedar Rustless Dry Mops. Waxit. Johnson's Floor Wax. Affinity Cleaner. , Gold and Brass Polish. ' Household Lubricating OIL 3 in 1 Oil.' Garbage Cans: Mop Sticks. ' Galvanized Buckets. Brooms. Floor Mops. Floor OH. Carpet Tacks. Picture Wire. Moulding Hooks. . Kalsomine. Climax Wall Paper Cleaner. Clothesline, Screen Doors, Screening. Oil Cans. Ladders. Coal Hods. Stove Pokers. i Stove Lifters. I Stove Pipe. Chimney Caps. . SCREWS AND BOLTS - Flat hiad bright Screws. Round head blued Screws. Flat head brass Screws. I Round head brass Screws. Round head oxidized oopper Screws. Round head lemon brass Screws. Round head stove bolts. Flat head stove bolts. Tire bolts. Round head nickel plated screws.- . Carriage Bolts. Machine Bolts. Tag Screws. Cap Screws. Washers. Burrs. Goggle Bolts. Tag Shields. HARNESS SCFFLIES - . Harness snaps.. devices. Hole caps. i Wagon box braces. Wagon box staples. Single tree cock eye. - Single tree hooks.' Single trae-irons. Shaft bolts. Whip sockets. Wagon Jacks. Fellow oilers. ' Breast straps. Harness rings. Bridle bits. Curry combs. ' Carriage heaters. CARPENTERS' TOOLS Hammers Saws Planes v Ratchet Braces ' : Auger Bits Cold Chisels - Wood "Chleels Hammer Handles Chisel Handles,-; Level Glasses Extension Bits ' I Carpenter's Chalk Chalk Lines Lumber Crayon Carpenter Pencils Zig-Zag Rules 4-fold Rules Master Slide Rules .. fiteel Tape Line Linen Tape Line " Cabinet Scrapers Floor Planes -Floor Scrapera Spoke Shavers Marking Gauges . . . .I ' Hatchet Gauges Counter Sinks -Compass Dividers . ', Bit Gauges -Automatlo Drills N Drill Point T Bevels Combination Squares File Cards , Saw Files Round File -Flat Flies Horse Rasps Iiaoinei Knaps Gimlet Fits Saw Sets . ... Breast Drill Yankee Hand Drill Back Saws t Iievels - Box Opener Plumb Bob Saw Vises Key Hole Paws - Kitchen Saw Compass Saws Compass Saw Blades Marking Awls Scratch Awls Peg Awla Revolving Punches Lineman's Pliers End Cutting Kippers Side Cutting Pller v ' Drawing Knives I Ratchet Screw Drivers Squares Hack Saws Round Nose Pliers Diagonal Pliers ' Gas Pipe Fliers Fence Pller , ' Blacksmith's Pinchers Jlat Nose Piters Railroad Picks Drill Bits Platinum Point File All-Purpose-Wrench Sets . Pipe Wrenches S Wrenches Adjustable Wrenches Nail Sets ' Mitre Box Saw Pipe Cutter BFTLDEKS' HARDWARE AH Finishes and Designs, Store door locks. v Cylinder stirs doo lock. Cylinder-frint door sets. Reversible ' 1 cylinder front door sets. Double eliding door lock. Mortise inside sets. ' Heavy bevel front floor sets. Kim icnoo iocks. Heavy bevel Inside let. Door knobs. Bath room sets. Ventilating window locks. Sliding door pulls. Drawer pulls. Cellar window sets. Flush pulls. Barrel bolts. Window spring bolts. Corner irons. , Hand rail brackets. Foot bolts. Door bolts. MorMee door bolts. Flush holts.7 Chain bolts. Transom catches. Showcase catches. Sash locks. I Cover catches. Sash lifts. Cupboard turns. Shutter knohs. Scutcheon pins. Card holders. Flush "rings. Door stops. ' Dpor holders. Door buttons. c v Letter box plater Pole sockets. Picture wire. Push plates. 'i surface-hinges. Butterfly hinges. Loose pin' butts. Full surface hinges. Single acting hinges. Double acting hinges. Tale night locks. Cylinder rim night latch. . ; Rim dead locks. Screen hangers. , Screen hinges. 1 . Screen door luteh sets. Screen door patches. . Screen fasteners. Spring hinges. Screen door set. Drawer locks. Wardrobe locks. Trunk locks. Garage sets. ' -Barn door latches. Barn door hooks. We have a 'large assortment CHICKEN SUPPLIES Shell boxes. Mash feeders. Chick feeders. Chick waterer. Chicken coopa. Poultry ire. Poultry and rabbit fence. Heavy field fence. Lawn fence. Screen wire. CUTLERY. t kntvea, knives, 'inlves. of broken sets of the fol- It wlj lowing articles that pay you to look over prices exceptionally low on this itst of articles. . . Hinges. Bolts. Door knobs. Service hinges. Door stops. Sash lifts. Sash pull Door pulls. House numbers. Wood chisels. Coat and hat hooks. Door locks. Sash pulleys. Awning pulleys. , Brass pulleys. Brackets. . Chest handles. Barn door latches. Rasps. Pipe wrench repairs. Transom catches, Y ' Sash cord. Nails. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Electric sewing machines. Library lamps. Electric toaaters. Electric irons. Electric percolators. Electric teapots. Electric grille. Electrlo heaters. Electrlo enuring dlahes. Brass key .sockets. Brass pull-chain sockots. . Porcelain socket. 1-way plugs, . . Rosettes. Electrlo Iron plug. Electrician tape. No. 14 wire. , Miniature Inside wire. ' Electric light globes. Electrlo light shades. Bir t knives. Br Parlug knives. Grapefruit knives. Carvers, Scissor. Durham-Duplex razors. Auto-Strop razors Gillette. Duplex stroppers. Ever-Ready razors. Shaving mugs. Pocket knives. Pen knives. Thermos bottle. . Flash lights. Batteries. Rnzor strops.' I Lunch kits. Food chopper. AUTOMOBILE . ACCESSORIES Automobile color varnish. Dry cell batteries. Spot lights. 8ocket wrenches. . , Vulcanlzer. Huh caps. . Radiator caps. Spark plugs. Ford switch locks. 3-lnch Inside patches. Tube patches. Lock washers. Rubber cement i Locktite. I Automobile horns.. Automobile jacks. Gasoline gauge. Radiator covers. Oil cans. Grease gun. Valve grinding compound. Carbon remover. V, Everlock. Battery tester. Spark plug cleaners. Tire gauge, Automobllevdusters. HeadllglftBulbs. Radiator connections. Cross links. Tire covers. Weed chRlns. Automobile curtain rods. Luggage carriers. Copper funnels. Copper measures. gas STOVES. Combination coal an- ranges. - Joai rang. Gaa range. - Hot Blast heating stoves. Heating atbvea. Oil stoves. . Oil heaters. Gas ovens. Laundry stove. Four-hole cook stoves. Flreless cookers. BATH ROOM SCPPLIES. Opal glass towel bar.' Clear glass towel bars. Nickel plated towel bars. Nickel plated towel arms. Bath tub soap dishes. Bath tub seats. Sosp dishes . FOB THE CHILDREN. Velocipede. -Igocars. Tgo wagons. Baby swings. Automobiles. Hsnd cars. Coaater wagon Roller skates. I . PAINT, VARNISH AND , PAINTERS SUPPLIES 1 Outside house paint all - colors. . , 1 Flat wsll finish. 3 Household enamel. 4 Inside floor paint & Peach paint Flat wall aide. . - Kalabmin. - Varnlak at a In. ' Floor varnish. , Interior Tarnish. Inside spar varnish. Size varnish. All purpose varnish. Flat -varnish. Interior coach varnish. Varnish remover. White turpentine, Japan. Houae painter's Japan. Automobile - color varnish. . High gloss engine enamel. Mehair auto top dressing. . Wood and fonder enamel. 8cree:i paint Whit enamel. Gold paint Aluminum paint Wagon paint barn paint. Colors and oil. Liquid wool filler, paste wood filler.,. Glue. v Paste. White lead. Putty. - Turpentine. " - Linseed oil. " Paint brushes. Paper hanger's rush. PUtty knives. Paste brush. Painter's steel scratch brush. Painter1 duster. Glas cutter. " FARMERS SUPrLrE.i Hay fork. Alfalfa fork. Barley forks. ' Manure forks. Potato hooks. N Handle manurs forks. Coat -forks. Ensilage fork. Vegetable forks. Potato acoops. . Shovels. Spades. r , Long handle spades. .' ' Short handle apades. Barn shoyeTsT Grain scoop. S . Post hole rifVgers. Timber carriers. Tank heaters. Scythes. Hay knife. Grain graders. ' Sed sower. '' "nder churns. ' ilk cans. Keller rope. Lantern. Post Mauls. GARDEN SCrn.IF Garden trowels. Asparagus knife.' Garden wecdera. Weeding forks. Dandelion diggers. Turf edger. Lawn edge trimmer 1 Garden hoes. Weed lmee. Garden rakes. Dandelion rakes. Lawn rakes. Cultivator hoes. Cultivators. Shovels. T Spades. i . Furnace shovela. Snow shovels. Grass honks. Pruning shears. Grass shenrsi Hedge shears. f .awn mowers. Lawn hose. - Fountain sprayer. ' WASH DAT SIT." '"S Wash boards. Wash hollers. Water buckets. Ironing boards. Wringers. . ' Clothe baskets. Clothe pins. Clothesline. Rapid washing machine. Skirt boards. Sleeve boards. N Curtain stretchers. . Clothes racks. Towel roller. Mop sticks. Mop wringer. Mop heads. O'Cedar mops. Lingerie waah boards. Wash tubs. WHITE. CRAV. BLUE ENAMEf.WARE. ALSO ALUMINUM WAKE Rice boilers. Tea kettles. '' Coffee pots. Coffee percolators.. Koasters. Cake pans; l'le pan. V Bread pans. wash pans. Milk pan. Pudding pans. eauc pan. . t . Dish pan. . Rinsing pan. Skillet. Convex kettle. Berlin kettles. Colonial kettles. Tea pot. Oblong dish pans. Stow pans. Sink strainers. Colanders. Chamber. Dippers. 8poona. Soup (trainer. Percolator tops. Percolator Insets. Frying pan. , -Iron skillets. Iron roasting pan. ' Dripping pan. Toaster. B H. LSI. HARPER 17th and Howard Streets - Flatiron Building