Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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"k. r X:lt:"A
This wonderful book will hp
sent free to any man upon re-
oa oerrg dwch, Nisnvme.ierm
e dangerous. Oct prompt relief from
laoi Slops imUbon! soottttaf . EfTectiva
id safe for young and old. Mo opiates la
Our ntire itoek . of Paint will be
placed on tale beginning; Thursday. If
you are planning; to paint your house,
it will pay you to attend this Paint
sale. The sale will continue until our
present stock of paint is all told.
H. H. HARPER CO., 17th and Howard
Sts., Flatiron Bids.
Says Thick Sluggish
Blood Should
Be Purified
A Greasy, Pimply Skin, a Foul
Odor to Perspiration, Boils and
Aches and Pains All Banished
by Sulpherb Tablets. Like
Grandma's Remedy for Spring.
Take these tablets made of sul
phur, cream of tartar, calcium sul
phide and extracts of rare herbs
and take regularly for a month or
so, and you can drive the poisons
out of your system. Sulpherb Tab
lets are wonderful to overcome con
. stipation, sluggish liver and kidneys
and they quickly start all the elimi
native organs working. They "flush
the sewers," as it were, and you
will feel their fine effects all
through spring and summer. Head
aches, catarrh, neuralgia, rheu
matic pain, constipation and kin
dred ailments due to poisons in the
blood, all go, the skin clears, pim
ples and boils are absorbed and
pass out through the proper waste
channels. Every package is guar
anteed, so you can prove it easily.
Good for children and. adults. All
druggists, 60c per sealed tube. Get
Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets).
Get Dr. Edwards' OliveTablets
f That la the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel s old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for .Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth"
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver constipation,
you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re
sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take them every night just
to keep right .Try them. 10c and 25c
There is one simple, safe and sure way
that never fails to get rid of blackheads
and that is to dissolve them.
To do this get two ounces of calonite
powder from any drug store sprinkle a
little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the
blackheads briskly wash the parts and
you will be surprised how the blackheads,
have disappeared. Big blackheads,
little blackheads, no matter where they
are, simply dissolve and disappear, leav
ing the parts without any mark whatever.
Blackheads are simply a mixture .of dust
and. dirt and secretions from the body
that form in the pores of the skin pinch
ing and squeezing only cause irritation,
make large pores, and do not get them
out after they become hard. The calonite
powder and water simply dissolve the
blackheads so they wash right out, leav
ing the pores free and elean and in their
natural condition. Anybody troubled with
these unsightly blemishes should cer
tainly try this simple method.
Sure, Harmless Way
To Remove Hair Roots
(New, Wonderful, Quick Method)
You who are annoyed with embarras
sing growths of superfluous hair have
waited long for something that would do
more than merely take off the surface
hair" temporarily something that would
really remove the hair roots. And now
at last your wish ia realiiedl
The new phelactine process is far dif
ferent from, far better than electrical,
depilatory or other methods, because it
actually removes the bair entire, roots
and ail before your very eyes easily,
quickly, harmlessly I Get a stick of
phelactine from your druggist, follow the
simple directions; and you will be sur
prised and pleased beyond words. It has
no odor, no irritating element, and is so
non-injurious a child could safely eat it.
It leaves the skin so soft, smooth, hairless,
that not the least sign of your former
trouble remains.
IS fJ)t tli
Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co.
May Take Over portion of City
Bonds Issued to Cover Cost
of Street and Sewer
The present stalemate in regard
to work on $400,000 worth of sewer
and street improvements may be re
lieved through contractors taking
over a portion of the city bonds
issued to cover cost of the work.
City Commissioner Roy N. Towl
said yesterday.
He and Finance Commissioner
Ure have been conferring with con
tractors on this plan, he said, and
have received assurances from some
of the contractors who express a
willingness to take the bonds in or
der to prevent further delay in
starting work.
Finance Commissioner Ure has
been unable to find a market for this
year s $100,000 street intersection
bond issue, the $200,000 sewer bond
issue, and $100,000 worth of city jail
bonds. The financial market at pres
ent, he finds, offers opportunities
which most investors consider more
attractive than the S per cent mu
nicipal bonds.
Meanwhile, ' the contracts for
$200,000 worth of street paving and
$200,000 worth of sewer construction
are pigeonholed in Commissioner
Ure's office. Under a ruling of the
city legal department, he is not au
thorized to approve the contracts
as in effect until funds are actually
available to cover cost of all work
performed under them.
If contractors prove unwilling to
tske over a sufficient portion of the
bonds to relieve the present delay,
an appeal may be made to interest
small investors, it was stated today.
Commissioner Towl is preparing
to advertise next Friday for bids of
approximately $40,000 worth of ad
ditional street improvement work.
Work is being nushed on the new
city jail with $100,000 already avail
able in the city treasury. When
that amount is exhausted construc
tion will have to stop, unless mean
while a market can be found for the
$100,000 worth of jail bonds.
Bon'ar Law Says England
To Treat Prisoners Well
London, April 14. Andrew Bonar
Law, the government spokesman,
said in the House of Commons today
that the Irish government had de
cided to treat those prisoners in
Mountjoy prison who were arrested
on suspicion by competent military
authority, differently from other
classes of prisoners and they would
receive anieliroative treatment.
GENEVA For the first time in ita history the International Woman
Suffrage alliance, which is to hold its eighth congress in Geneva,
Switzerland, June 6 to 12, will be attended by an official representa
tive of the United States government. President Wilson has appointed
Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, to represent
the United States in an official capacity. At former meetings of the
alliance only countries wherein women have full suffrage have had
official representatives. The fact that the United States is to have
its official representatives indicates the depth of conviction among
suffragists that this country will be in the full suffrage list next June.
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Mischievous Prank Results
With Disaster at Commun
ity Center Meeting In
Mason School.
Mir.cTosepKas Dayvtcls-.
about the
Bread You
Buy (
Yes, there will be a lot of things of
fered for sale that can be used on the
farm: Scoop shovels, pitchforks, po
tato forks, harness snaps, hundreds of
things that we cannot mention here.
The sale will start Thursday and will
continue all week. Prepare to attend
this wonderful GROCERY, HARD
WARE, and PAINT Sale. H. H. HAR
PER CO., 17th and Howard Sts.
$1.00 Is All You Need
To Join the Hoosier
Cabinet Club at the
Union Outfitting Co.
Loos e-W ilea Sunshine
Cakes, Hot Advo Coffee
and Alamito Cream FREE.
A Beautiful Hoosier Kitch
en Cabinet Given Away
Friday Evening, Apr. 16.
On one point all women agree
that kitchen work causes more
mind and body fatigue than any
other part of housekeeping. With
the idea of bringing "happiness
to the kitchen" the Union Out
fitting Company is forming a
Hoosier Cabinet Club.
All this week special induce
ments are being made. The pay
ment of ONE DOLLAR delivers
a labor-saving "Hoosier," to your
home. Then a few easy payments
of a DOLLAR a week and the
Cabinet is yours.
If you have an old cupboard
or Kitchen Cabinet, $5.00 will be
allowed for it on the purchase of
a new Hoosier.
Dainty Luncheons are being
served free &f charge and all vis
itors have en opportunity to get
a "Hoosier" Cabinet FREE.
The Union Outfitting Company
is known as the "Home of Home
Outfits" and this season is mak
ing special inducemtnts to young
couples just starting housekeep
ing. No transaction is ever con
sidered complete until the cus
tomer is satisfied.
Leaders Expect Congress
To Close Session on June 5
' Washington, April 14. After a
conference with Senator Lodge,
Massachusetts, Representative Mon
dell, Wyoming, the republican
leader in the house, said he be
lieved congress would adjourn June
5. All appropriation measures will
be ready for approval by May IS, he
said, and other important pending
! legislation will be disposed of by
jjune 1.
Mr. Mondell did not forecast
when the soldiers adjusted compen
sation bill would be reported to the
house. He said, however, that the
senate leaders had promised to ex
pedite all legislation with a view to
adjournment in time for the conven
tions, adding he was "still of the
opinion that the adjournment would
be June 5."
Latin-American Republics
To Send Officers to U. S.
Washington, April 14. Nine
Latin-American republics have noti
fied the War department that they
have accepted its invitation to send
officers of their armies to attend
American army service schools next
September. Mexico will send four
officers; Nicaragua, 15; Guatemala,
3; Colombia, 7; Venezuela, 5; Ecua
dor, 4; Chile, 7; Peru, 5, and Bolivia,
3. They will be assigned to the
signal corps schools at Camp Al
fred Vail, N. J.; coast artillery
school at Fortress Monroe, field. ar
tiller yschool at Fort Sill, Okla.;
army medical school at Washington;
and the air service schools.
Grading of Howard Street
Cause of Sacrifice Sale
Grading of Howard street, order
ed by the city planning board, will
place a seven-foot fill in front of
the H. H. Harper & Co. grocery in
the Flatiron building, making ac
cess to the store impossible.
As a result of this, the firm has
opened a sacrifice sale of their
stock of hardware and groceries.
The sale begins tomorrow.
Buyer for Burgess-Nash
Dies Suddenly In Chicago
James Dickison, 2024 Sherman
avenue, hosiery buyer for Burgess-
Nash company, died suddenly m
Chicago, according to a telegram re:
ceived by T. P. Redmond. Mr. Dick
ison's wife died a year ago. A rep
resentative of the Burgess-Nash
company has gone to Chicago to
bring the body back td Omaha.
Pianos and
Tuned, Regu
lated, Polished
and Repaired.
& Mueller
Piano Co.
114-16 S. 15th
Police Judge
Thespians of England
Seek to Keep Teuton
Artists on Own Soil
London, April 14. The supreme
Council may extend the right hand
of fellowship and the loan of a
"fiver" to the late enemy, but not
so the Variety Artists' federation.
Efforts have been made to book
German music hall artists for
"turns" in this country. The Inter
nationale Articten-Logo of Berlin
is so anxious "to get German artists
onto British stages that it has pro
posed that if fifteen German per
formers are admitted to England
eighty-five English artists may book
in Germany.
The variety artists point to a 1916
resolution forbidding booking Ger
mans for three years after peace is
declared, and to another passed in
1919 directed against employment of
Germans in any capacity at any
time. i
The Germans aje attempting to
"undersell" the British, Danish and
Scandinavian markets by offering
engagements at prices far under
those prevailing in the various
Hen, Without Bill or
Claws, Resembles Monkey
New York, April 14. A black
hen that looks and acts like a
monkey is the unique window dis
play of a hardware dealer on Grand
street, Brooklyn.,
The hen has no bill, and as a re
sult its face strongly resembles that
of a monkey. - It has no claws, so
that its feet also resemble those of
a monkey. It spends most of the
time climbing around its crate,
which is three feet high and three
feet wide. .The hardware dealer
said he bought the freak from a
poultryman in the neighborhood. He
said he would not sell it because it
has proved a great business gettes.
Night School for Service
Men Here Will Cost $40,000
P. J. McCarthy, regional director
for the Knights of Columbus voca
tional night school for service men,
yesterday completed this year's
budget for the school. He said it
will cost slightly more than $40,000,
all to be paid by the Knights of Co
lumbus. Mr. McCarthy is in charge of
similar schools in several western
Enrollment in the Omaha school
is slightly over 1,000.
Newlyweds, Unable to Find
Flat, Occupy Old Barn
Rockford, 111., April 14, Newly
weds at Beliot, Wis., unable to se
cure a house because of the scarcity,
took up quarters in a tumbledown
barn. They came from Texas and
feel quite Greenwich Villagy in the
Bohemianness of their abode.
Mine Sweepers Placed
In Reserve at Portsmouth
Portsmouth. N. H., April 14.
Eight of the mine sweepers used in
the North Sea during the war have
arrived at 'the Portsmouth navy
yard and have been placed in re
serve. A majority of the crews
were enlisted for duration of the
' and have been discharged.
Confusion reigned at Mason
school, Twenty-fourth and Mason
streets Tuesday night at a communi
ty center entertainment when mis
chievous boys broke into the base
ment and rang a false fire alarm.
Eight persons were slightly in
jured and two women fainted in the
excited rush of 800 spectators of aJ
play, being given by pupils of .the
school, as they attempted to escape
through the Twenty-fourth street
entrance to the school.
Mrs. E. Radspinner was trampled
i over by the crowd, she suriered
! cuts about the body and arms.
The fire alarm in the basement
was sounded in the midst of a play
being given by the eighth grade pu
pils of the school.
I Efforts of men in the audience to
suppress the mad rush to the doors
i were to no avail. Miss Betty
Hutchinson, G. S. Curtis, E. W.
Palmer and George Carlson, janitor,
sitting in various parts of the com
munity hall, stood on chairs and atr
tempted to quiet the panic-stricken
L Following 'the discovery of the
mischief, 200 of the crowd that es
caped from the building sought to
re-enter and have the play continued.
Recreation directors ordered the en
tertainment discontinued for the
Sells Pension Measure
Is Reported Favorably
Washington, April 14. The Sells
bill providing pensions of from $12
to $20 a month for disabled veterans
of the Spanish-American war, Boxer
uprising and the Philippine insur
rection was ordered favorably re
ported by the senate pension com
mittee. This is the first pension leg
islation affecting these veterans to
come before congress.
Bank of England Raises
Discount Rates One Per Cent
London, April 14. Announcement
by the Bank of England today that
the rate of interest on treasury bills
had been raised 1 per cent to 6
per cent, foreshadows the announce
ment tomorrow of a 7 per cent bank
One of Omaha' Down
Town Stores
Is Selling Their Entire Stock of
The sale will start Thursday of this
week and will eontlnue until all the
stock is sold. Watch the papers each
day for details concerning; this sale.
Thousands of people will take advantage
of this opportunity to Ret goods at
prices much helow the regular price.
Dr. James Richard, Former
Physician, Was Vnable to
Cure Himself.
Dr. James Richard, 1200 North
Twenty-sixth street, former physi
cian and later a Christian Science
practitioner, died at his home fol
lowing a lingering illness.
He was known throughout Iowa
as a skilled surgeon before his con
version to Christian Science 18 years
ago when his daughter, Mrs. Ida
J. Harr, is said to have been cured
of chronic illness. Since then Dr.
Richards has been an active prac
titioner of Christian Science.
Mrs. Harr, who made her home
with Dr. Richards, said her father
concentrated his thoughts through
Christian Science upon his own
chronic affliction in recent years in
hopes of becoming well.
''He cured others, but he tould
not cure himself," Mrs. Harr said.
Nearly 75 Years Old
Dr. Richards was within five days
of his 75th birthday when death
came. -
He is survived by a daughter, Mrs.
Ida J. Harr, of this city, and a son,
W. E. Richards, of Wooster, O.
Christian Science services will be
held at the funeral, which takes
place at 2:30 this afternoon in
Crosby's chapel. Burial will be in
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Calvary Baptist Church
Sold to Another Church
The Calvary Baptist church at
Twenty-fifth and Hamilton streets
has been sold to the Pilgrim's Rest
Baptist Church, colored, for a price
said to' be $35,000. .
Before possession can be taken
of the building $15,000 most be
raised. A campaign is now in pro
gress to raise $11,000, the amount
needed by the congregation to make
up the $15,000. The Rev. W. M.
Franklin is pastor of the church.
Boy Breaks Both Legs
While Turning in Bed
Sullivan, Ind., April 14. Leo
Pinkstop, 15, broke both legs whije
attempting to turn over in bed. The
!ad, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Pinkstcn, has been confined to his
bed for mere than three months
with a malady affecting the bones
of his legs. Physicians said his
bones were brittle as chalk because
of a lack of phosphorous. So, when
Leo tired of one position and at
tempted to change, the legs snapped.
The broken bones were set and the
doctor, are awaiting with interest to
see if they will knit.
Armenian Refugee
Bearing the Turkish
Tattoo Reaches U. S.
Doomed to everlastingly bear the
markings of a Turkish war prisoner,
Miss Marges Avakfan, an Armenian
girl, arrived in New York recently
after a miraculous escape from
Turkish bondage and a series of
thrilling adventures. With her
father and mother she was taken
prisoner by the Turkish forces, who
ruthlessly slew her parents after
putting them to many tortures. Miss
Avakian was taken to a city far
away from her home and mercilessly
tattooed with distinctive markings.
One signifies that she is a prisoner,
another that she is a Christian and
not to be married into a Turkish
family. Miss Avakian is shown as
she arrived in New York aboard the
steamship Pannonia.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Noted Counterfeiter
. Freed From Leavenworth
Leavenworth, Kan., April 14.
Tom Johnson, one of the most
noted counterfeiters in tJie United
States, was at liberty here the other
day for the first time in 23 years. He
was released after having served a
term for counterfeiting $20 gold
pieces. t
Johnson, a native of California, i;
said to have caused federal authori
ties more trouble than any other
living counterfeiter.
File Suit for $25,000
Against Laundry Companv
Suit for $25,000 damages wa
filed in district court yesterday by
Maurice Bachman against the Troy
Laundry companv. The suit was
filed through Maurice's father
Henry Bachman. It is alleged thai
a truck owned by the laundry com
pany ran into Maurice, October 2
1919, at Twenty-third and Cuming
Calvin Coolidge
??1XTE need forever to remember that
representative government does
represent. A careless, indifferent rep
resentative is the result of a careless,
' indifferent electorate. The people who
start to elect a man to get what he can
for his district will probably find they
have elected a man who will get what
' he can for himself."
Forty-three'publio addresses by Governor Coolldf
neve been gathered into book under the title
"Have Faith In Massachusetts"
It it a book of sonnd guidance ror timet like
these e book thst will make you littb prouder
of being en American. There is something almost
Lineolnesque in the' independence of Coolidfe'e
thinking and the vigoront simplicity of kit style.
Buy Umi yttur tmok tmmtwamnd
$1.50 aUrad ( she pmUUlun
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
MAnra year Irom now
Drj)2.n a new president
win De in oriice. borne
of his acts are going to
affect youyour business the
welfare of the state. Will you
trust your interests the interests
of the Middle West to a New
Englander? To a Californian? Or
to a Nebraskan?
. There is one way for you to
make sure the next president
comes from ,the right place.
That is by going to the polls on
April 20th and voting for John
J. Pershing of Nebraska for
This advertisement paid for by the sub
scriptions of Nebraska Citizens