Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL U, 1920. 3 BRYAN FORSAKES HIS OWN CAUSE SAYS HITCHCOCK Senator Denounces Com moner as Reactionary in Opening Speech of Nebraska Campaign at Columbus. Columbus, Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) Denouncing W. J. Bryan as a reactionary, and accusing him of forsaking the cause he once ad vocated, Senator G. M. Hitchcock opened his campaign in Nebraska here tcnitsht with a strong attack on Mr. Bryan. "One of the issues in- this cam - paign is, 'Shall the people rule?," Senator Hitchcock said. "Shall the voters in this primary have the right to instruct their del egates whom they want as demo cratic candidate for president? "Mr. Bryan says 'No.' We say, yes! x "Shall the People Rue." "Mr. Bryan says that if he is elected' as a delegate to the con. vention, he will not vote for me as the' democratic candidate for president, even if the democrats in these primaries instruct him to do so. . 4 "There we have a big issue. It is tfie moat important in this cam paign. Shall the people rule? Shsil ADVERTISEMENT TELLS ABOUT A , CHRONIC TROUBLE Mr. John O'Brien, 659 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, writes: "I had been troubled for years with chronic constipation, un til my whole system seemed poisoned, and I suffered with headache, languor, depression and general imoaired health. I began taking Sulpherb Tablets and got immediate relief. I am, after many months, still regular in habits, and thank you, and hone they will become known to thousands, etc." If your blood is bad, tongue coat ed and you are constipated, with stomach and bowel irregu larity, get a tube of Sulpherb Tablets of your druggist right away. They are made of sul phur, cream of tartar and herbs so don't accept ordinary "sul phur" tablets. ADVERTISEMENT The Easiest Way To End Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, or dinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will competely dissolve and entirely de stroy every sinnrle sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of v the scalp will stop instantly, and Vour hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. . , You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple .remedy has never been known to fail. - FINE FOR JEUMATISM Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff JointsDrives Out Pain Youll know why thousands use Musterole once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millionsof jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck,-Bsthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest ( it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $250. they have the right to instruct their representatives? "Mr. Bryan has raised the issue. He has forsaken the cause he once advocated. He is a reactionary. He formerly proclaimed the right of the ptop'.e to rule. He helped to secure the adoption of this law in Nebraska. Now he seeks to defy it and to destroyit. j His Second Attack. "This is his second attack upon it. The first 'attack was when he went to the Baltimore convention and made a show of voting; with other Nebraska delegates for Champ Clark until he saw that Clark might be nominated, then he deserted. "He deserted Clark at a time when that candidate had an actual majority of the convention. He violated his instructions at the very moment when they should have bound nun most firmly in honor. i also was a delegate to that convention. I made the" same promise Mr. Bryan made. The only difference between us was that I kept my promise and Mr. Bryan violated his. I -did not desert Clark when he had a maioritv and a chance for nomination, but Mr. Bryan .did. 1 remained loyal to the Ne braska democrats who had instruct ed me to votefor Clark. Mr. Bry an in deserting Clark, proved dis loyal to the Nebraska democrats who --had . instructed him just as hey instructed me. This year Mr. Brvan takes a bolder course. He notifies Ne braska democrats in advance that he will not accept or obey their instructions in the convention if they instruct him to vote forme as the democratic candidate for president. A vote for Mr. Brvan as dele gate i a vote for Mr. Bryan as boss. ItNs a vote against the right of the rank and file to instruct their delegates. It is a vote against democracy and in favor of auto cracy in the paty." Bees, Jitneys,. Dogs, Poultry and Lands All Justly Assessed O'Neill. Neb.I Anril 12 Bees mav not compete against the sugar Daron in lurnishing sweets to the residents of Antelope county without navintr their nnrllnn f U- running expenses of the county. It a nui Known now mucnor the ex pense the sugar kings bear. As sessors of the county were in structed at their meeting in Neligh last week to let no guilty bee es cape,. Stands of bees are to be as sessed $10 per stand. The assessnrt a In ArrA thinU- . ., l.lkAb UIIG IS no lltnev worth tree thsn : the county, regardless jol what the owner thinks about it, and that any dozen chickens is worth the same amount, the per capita on pullets, cockerels, hens and roosters being placed at 83 1-3 cents. Dogs also were placed at $10 per, including bird dogs, watch dogs, poodle dogs and just dogs. Lands were increased from SO to ISO per cent over the assessment of four years ago. f Women Beat Sunday Movies in Orchard, Neb. O'Neill, Neb., April 12. (Special.) Sunday picture shows . was the main issue in the village election at Orchard, Neb., last week and the fight over the peace treaty in the senate is the svmhnl compared with the bitterness of the contest. The fight brought our probably the, largest proportionate women vote cast jn the state last Tuesday, as of the total vote of 198, 91 were women's ballots. Although the vote on the issue was close, 100 against and 88 for picture shows, and the prohibition of shows on Sunday does not lake effect until May, the proprietof of the local movie bowed to the will of the majority and did not open up this Sunday. Good Progress Being Made By St. Edward Builders St. Edward. Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) Splendid progress is being made with the paving in St. Edward, since the advent. of good weather. Street gangs are working full force ana win soon nave i blocks com pleted and ready for traffic. The new $40,000 Methodist church is enclosed. Work is being pushed to completion on the $25,000 garage being built by Art -Christensen at fourth and Water streets. Several fine dwellings started last fall are rapidly being completed. The Rich Hardware company has secured a permit to build a brick business block on the corner of Bea ver and Fifth streets. With the olav grounds outfit the city will soon in stall in City park; St. Edward has a good start for 1920 improvement. Carpenters' Wages Raised to $1,121-2 an Hour in Lincoln Lincoln, Neb., April 12: (Special.) A new agreement has been formed between contractors and carpenters, whereby the workmen will receive $1.12 an hour. Former wages were on the scale of 85 cents. , in TO Get ri armoyinq rlshwith After you have given careful at tention to your toilet, and you take up the rnirror for a final glance, what a disappointment it is to find that ugly little rash still shows on your face and neck. But there is a way to'help over come this rash the use of Resinol Ointment aided by Resinol Soap. mm. Whether it is a patch of eczema or just a temporary irritation you can usually rely on the gentle, soothing Resinol treatment to set it right The mild and healing ingredients of Resinol cannot harm the tender est skin, they improve it. RESINOL SHAVING STICK it to tooth. iat it make, titerhtvint lotion uanei Ruinrl fremiti id if mil ttruttish. Two Women. Three Men, to . Compose Village Board , O'Neill. Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) Two women and three men will compose the village board of Chambers, Holt county, the ensuing year. Five women and seven men were candidates for the positions. The women elected Mrs. Iva Hal vorsen and Mrs. R. J. Graves. The women are going, to see that the village streets are graded and hard surfaced and that the-town is beauti fied. There will be no Sunday base ball. Herefords Sell High. Chester, Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) John G. Kuhlman of Chester sold 52 head of Herefords at an average of $407 at a sale here. McKelvie Takes Hot Shots 4 At Socialists in Speech Beatrice, Neb., April 12. - (Spe cialsGovernor McKelvie gave a taHe here Saturday everting in Fire men's hall. He spoke briefly on the new code bill and confined himself principally to state issues. During his remarks he took some hot shots at the socialists. Lincoln Highjackers Get Six Bottles of Wine Lincoln, Neb., April 12. (Spe cial.) Highjackers broke into the basement at the home of C. B. Towl, Eighteenth and E streets Sunday n;ght and stole six bottles of wine. Entrance was gained by boring a hole in the cellar door. Auto Camping Park. Ogallala, Neb., Aprrt 12. (Spe cial.) The Ogallala Community club has leased a block of ground in the center of the city, whh will be turned into a free camping park for tourists. f Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Adv. H KOSPE CO. PIANOS TTHED JUTD 1EPAIRKD 111 if art GaaraatM Hit Douglas Bt Tel Dwt 188. 0 m 1 o I dims stores SWT THE PACB iSS "CROWINC OMAHA Third .Floor 301 " NAVEL ORANGES I0E30I -. - On Sale 9 A. M. Tuesday While they last 20,000 dellcloua oranges from one of the best districts In California, at less than wholesale price. Every one la large slse (SO to the box, to be exact) perfectly sound and In prime condition. We suggest coming early-ae they will go quickly! Ko mall or phone orders and no deliveries, , Braadeis Stores Basement West. IOEXOI loaoi n o n 8 n 0 D o o D o o 0 o o 0 8 Q o ' 0 D o 0 0 0 0 a o 0 8 D o 0 o 0 o o D o e 0 e o D o D. Tuesday Is 'Cotton Underwear Day Women's Union Suits Of light weight cotton for Spring and Summer wear; cuff and loose knee styles; some are slightly soiled; worth 75c, special, at, per suit , tf4 Cotton Union Su&s ! " Tor women; in light-weight gauze; in white and a few in flesh color; regular and extra sizes; 1.25 values, special, at 79 Three-Piece Cotton Union Suits For women; for extra stout figures in cuff or loose knee styles; regulation and bodice top; regular and extra sizes. Worth 1 50 per suit, special, at 98 Women's Sample and Soiled Vests i In lightweight cotton; lace and fancy trimmed necks; slightly soiled; regular 50c values, special, at q Women's Cotton Vests - . In flesh and white; regular and extra sizes; special, at 35c each, or three for j qq Boys' and Girls' Sample Union Suits In muslin and knlttedjstyles Summer garments; slightly soiled: regular 1.25 values, special, at 4g Athletic Knitted Union Suits For boys; of lightweight cotton; full Ypen fronts and knee lengths, size 8 to 16 years; regular 1.00 values, special at 69 Brandeis Stores Third Floor East. Mothers of Little Tots Note This Sale of Infants' Wear Infants' Coats 1.75 For babies 6 months to 3 years old; made of good strong pique with scalloped turn down collars and cuffs; some have loose backs and others, the boys' models, are belted in. These little garmenta are very attractive, and are also practical as they will launder beau tifully. They are priced for the one day only, at 1 75 To familiarize you with the fine, enlarged departments on our Third Floor, we are offering very special value in every item listed below. r For TUESDA Y ONLY. Extra Special Values in Bargains for A Real Value-Giving Event Sale of "Queen Make" House Dresses bMeis Sires SITS THE PAG. lgfS Tuesday i - CROWING OMAHA. 2 O a o at 2.50 Regular Value 5.00 Sizes 36 to 46 These dresses, having-slight imperfections, were termed "seconds" by the manufacturer and for that reason we purchased them at a low price. Howeyer, the wearing quality is not in the least effected, as they are made from good quality ging ham and percale. There are both waist-line and straight-line styles with collars of contrasting colors wide, loose belts and big pockets; checks, stripes and plain colors in sizes 36 to 46. Regular 5.00 values, special at 2.50 NO EXCHANGES NOC.O.D.'S Braadeis Stores Third Floor Center. 75. Engraved Japanese Brass, Ware Actual Value Each 2.00, Very Special TUESDAY we arc making a " special offer on this beautiful Japanese brassware. There are exactly112 pieces of it in four different patterns. j There is a large tray, a card tray on a stand, an ash tray and a round cov - ered bowl which could bo used for a powder box. Every piece is brightly pol ished and engraved in a beauti ful Japanese design, and will make a very artistic ornament for the home. Specially priced for Tuesday, each, at 75 Brandeis Stores Third Floor West. Crib Pillow Slips These little slips are cut just the right size for infants' cribs, and are made of dainty fine ma terial, hand embroidered and worth from 2.75 to 4.50. Very specially priced for QQ the one day, at VC Crib Quilts Made of Jap silk in pink, blue and white with dainty floral and embroidery designs. Regular 6.00 to 7.00 values, specially priced at It.iO Infants Half Wool Shirts at 55c Regular Price Each 89c j , These little garments are of medium weight, suitable for Spring weather. They button in front and the neck is finished in shell stitch; sizes up to 3 years; worth 890; for the one day only, 55 Brandeis Stores Third Floor East. Two Good Values in UNDERWEAR Silk Envelope Chemise More than a dozen, styles in crepe de chine and wash satin; round neck, straight tops with ribbon straps or handkerchief nir tops; regular 5.00 to 5.98 values, special, at 4.7) Cotton Bloomers 69c Of batiste In flesh only; knee length, ruffled or plain; elas tic at waist line and knee; regular 1.00 values, special, each at 696 t In the Kimono Section Sample Cotton Kimonos Japanese, crepe, embroidered in white and colors; cotton cballie on dark grounds with bright floral patterns, made in Japanese style; floral Bernentine crena klmnnna maria nrlth AlaH -t ii-. - - - ' - m. wgub ai naisi UUC Ul a straight robe with a narrow sash in colors of light blue, copen. rose. pink and tans. Reeular 3 9R in 6.98 values; priced for Tuesday, at Bungalow Aprons Of good quality percale in light and dark patterns; niade with button shoulders and vestee front openings; finished with pockets and loose belts; regular 1.9? values, special, at . L.Q7 3.39 Cotton Petticoats Plain mercerized or floral tig- ured in green, navy, Mack, rose. Made with deep flounces and un derlays with good tailored fin ished seams; elastic tops; lengths 36 to 40; regu- - rf lar 2.98 values, special, JL.DU Brandeis Stores Third Ffoor. We Want You to See Our New s Corset Department- ' Take advantage of these excep tional offerings for Tuesday Odd lota consisting of well known brands, such as The Madam Lyra, Madelene, Stylish Stout and Gorfsard. Some are of pink bro--cade and others are of good quality coutil medhim and low bust, also topless models. You will not find every size in oe style, but the assortment is large, enabling you to select a desirable corset D S 0 e. 0 o o D o o D o D S Worth from 7.50 to 12.50 Very Specially Offered Weil-Known Makes at 2.50 Values from 3.00 to 6.00 This lot consists of very well made corsets, such as W. B.t War ner's, American Lady and Dorlne in fancy and plain materials, medium and low bust models. All are daintily trimmed and well boned, and sell in our regular stock from 3.00 to 6.00. Specially priced for Tuesday, at 2.50 Brassieres and Bandeaux All new and daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery; made of pink and white batiste and fancy novelty cloth; front and back closing; sizes 32 to 44. Worth from 65c to 1.00. rjc very specially priced for Tuesday, at OC Brandeis Stores Third Floor North. o n o o a o S Women's Vests Children's Knit Waists Tuesday is Cotton Under wear and Hrisierv Dnv Lisle and Cotton Hosiery Cotton Hosiery 35c Basement Underwear Cotton, sleeveless ribbed vests; in ribbed, full taped tops; in all sizes, at 15c They are made with strong elastic tape and bone buttons in sizes 2 to 12 years; each S5c. r or 3 for J..00 fullaped; Women's Union Suits Of fine cotton; sleeveless; styles; all sizes; priced. per suit, at ' Cotton Sleeveless Vests Fancy lace yokes in full taped; ribbed in fine grade of cotton, at 85c, or 8 for Fine Cotton Union Suits For women; full taped; sleeveless; lace knee; all sizes ;( priced, each, at Brandeis Stores Basement Center ' lace knee; closed - 65c 1.00 39c For misses and children; in fine and medium weight; double soles,, heels and toes; all atees; In black and. white; special, at per 35 , Lisle Hosiery 75c For women; seamless foot and mock seam back; reinforced heels and toes; colors, gray, white and hrown. Specially priced, at, per pair, , 754 tisle and Cotton Hosiery 35c For womem seamless; double soles; in black, white and bal- 35 brlggan; specially priced, at, per pair ' j ' Brandeis Stores Main Floor South. Hosiery in the' Basement uotton and Mercerized Hose For women; in black with double soles; seconds oi ow to sac qualities; special, at, per pair 25c n 9 o 0 Men's Socks- Men's seamless rotton nnrVa n hi a Mr nrtA o all sizes; specially priced, at, 6 pair for ' 1,(X) 'Women's dotton Hose , Full faahioned; to black and white; double soles and hemmed tops. Priced, per pair, at Black Cotton Hose , For women; rib tops; all sizes. Specially priced, per pair, at Cotton Hosiery For women; in split sole; regular and eztfa sizes; black; priced, per pair, at Brandeis Stores Basement Center.- s 50c 25c 25c o D o o 0 8 D , Bargain Squares BASEMENT Boys' Overalls A great lot of overalls for the little fellows in sizes 2 to 8 year. They are of khaki material trimmed ri( in red and stripes. Very special, at yC Plain and Tape Edge Scrim We have 3,000 yards of this dainty curtain material in 27 and 36-inch widths. It is well worth 15c per 4 rr yard, offered special, at 10 yards for l.UU Untrimmed Hats The lot includes many nifferent styles in small and large shapes the leading colors being black, brown and navy Excellent values, very specially priced - (r for Tuesday, at JL.UU Sample Flowers This lot includes a variety of beautiful and attractive bat decorations, such 'as fruits, small clusters, wreaths and ' many other little novelties too numerous if to mention. Specially priced, at 1 OyC Bargain Squares MAIN FLOOR Women's Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs Attractive floral patterns in white and colors; novelty prints with fancy checkered borders, and plain colors with hand em broidered designs. Regular 35c values, ' special, at iOC Sample Veils Circular and drape veils in silk meshes with trimming of chenille dots and ribbon borders. They are "( ' positively worth 95c each, specially priced, at OC Neckwear Net Collars, hand embroidered, square neck, regular 3.98 values, special, at Tailored Collars in French organdie; lace trimmed, in a neat round neck. Priced, at . lace Collars in filet effects; large jabots; 69o values, special, at Brandeis Stores Main Floor North. 1.98 69c 25c Bargain Squares BASEMENT D o Jap Silk Blouses In heavy material and good desirable styles; cut full and well made; nice and cool for Summer 1 sf wear. Worth 3.00. special, at l.OV Bungalow Aprons These anrons a.rn well marl "out ..n j u.. . , . - vuv lull Mill I11U ki u vi y o v Diauuaiu ticrcue; many different styles. Worth 2.00, special, at Women's Coverall Aprons Made of all white cambric and lawn; cut full and long; "" iiutneiB na oeiis ana are cneap iQiy ai i.s3. urrerea specially at 139 Cotton Envelope Chemise 99c o D o Many of these dalntv earmenta ar samnW an v.. tn i- eludes several different styles in plain, lace and embrold- ci j iwiuinea. ioey are worm from,1.39 to 1.6D, at aoooi lOQQGsssssaeooB lOSeOflO lOBtl IOBOE IOC losaoi lOBOJ losao n