Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. 49 NO. 257.
ettrd M uetM-tlau IMttK Miy Jt, ISO, it
OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL, 13, 1920. f
BV Mill (I yur. Daily. M.N: Sadiy. I2.M;
Dttl n Sua., I7.H; util Ntl. HUH tf.
Solons Prepare for Fight To
day on Proposals to Punish
Profiteers in Construction
Of Cantonments.
$78,531 lWASTE" IS
Mary Roberts Rinehart
May Be Delegate to
Convention of G. 0. P.
Committee Recommendation
To Start Wholesale Criminal
, Prosecution Is Blocked
Cost-Pius System Scored. '
Washington. April 12. After re
publican leaders had denounced
and democrats had upheld the hov
ernment system of building army
camps during the war. the house
prepared today for a fight tomor
row on two proposals to deal with
persons alleged to have reaped rich
profits from alleged extravagance
ana waste.
Along with the investigating com
tnittee s report attacking methods
' of construction, the republican ma
jority presented, a resolution direct
mg that evidence obtained during
me nine-months investigation be
turned over to the attorney gen
eral with the request that he insti
tute criminal and civil proceedings.
fThe democrats countered with a
Substitute resolution 'proposing to
instruct the committee to name per
sons, firms and corporations "which
should be investigated" before di
recting the attorney general to pro
teed, f
Debate Is Extended.
When the- house quit tonight, de
bate had not ended. The principal
speeches were made by Representa
tive Doremus, democrat of Michi
gan, author of the minority state
ment, and Representative McCul
lough, republican- of Ohio, signing
the majority statement.
Representative McCullough de
clared the cry "we won the war"
had been made to cover many sins,
while Representative Doremus as
serted that "if the supreme architect
of the universe had buiit these
camps, bleacher managers would
have found fault with the job."
To the republican claim that the
governme lost $78,531,521 on 16
national ,army cantoments through
waste and was entitled . to recover
damages, the democratic memhrr
oiu n in! computation was correct.
1 t t " . . - -in
nr. uwurcu ne naa saueezen jh.vimmi .
000 in water1 1 out -of "pretended
ciaims to recovery.
Says Prosecution Impossible.
Mr. McCulIoueh said it was rnt
within the province nor the duty of
we committee to prosecute crime or
mnict criminals. . .
"The report of the majority con
tains facts and evidence," he de
vuvu. ii vi nc i ri.ui u ui ins irsiii
. mony taken in connection with the
construction of Camp Shermanat
Chilhcothe, O., and Camp Grant
at T? nr lr i rrA Tit Mntqin.
- -v . vviiiaiiis ciuciac
on which the Department of Justice
should immediately predicate grand
jury investigations!"
Raps Cost-Plus System.
Xo attempt was made to save
public money, he said, adding: "You
are paying, your cnnaren and your
children s children -for generations
to come will pay, and continue to
pay for the cost-plus system. Let
vs hope that never again will such
a reprehensible system be put into
Representative Doremus said the
stress of war justified "abandoning
pear time methods of construc
tion." ,
"Indeed." he declared' if Secre
tary Baker -had attempted to build
the camps by- the .competitive sys
tem, he would have been guilty of
the grossest incompetence and
merited removal from office."
After nine months' invesitgation,
with access to all records, he said,
the maiority of the committee was
"unwilling to make soecific rec
ommendation or a specific allegation
of fraud' against any person, firm
or corporation.
vx m
AT ALllfi'Si
Mrs. Mary Roberts Rinehart,
widely-known novelist, whose name
has been filed in Pennsylvania as a
candidate for delegate to the repub
lican national convention in Chi
cago. It is said that Mrs. Rhinehart'
nomination is to be watched as
test as to whether a woman could as
pire to be a delegate, from a non
suffrage state. The convention opens
on June is.
kansas miners
cheer Attack on
Speaking From Prison Balcony
Mine Head Denounces Gov
ernor as a "Skunk."
Girard, Kan., April 12. Alexander
Howat, head of the Kansas Min
ers union, speaking by permission
ot the sheriff of Crawford county,
denounced Uovernor Allen as
skunk of a governor" before sev
eral thousand persons, mostly min
ers and their wives, gathered in
front of the jail here shortly after
noon Monday.
Howat spoke for an hour from a
balcony of the jail. He was se
peatedly cheered bv the crowd
which mobilized two or three miles
out of the town and marched in fol
lowing a band and carry American
flags and banners. After marching"
around the courthouse square, the
friends of Howat srathered in front
ot the jail.
We won t recognize this court.
Howat said, referring to the court
ot industrial relations Detore which
he refused to appear as a witness.
"It is composed of three corporation
(lawyers- appointed' b'that skunk of
a governor, Allen. '
Howat denounced over and over
in the most bitter terms he could
command the governor , and the
legislature which enacted the law.
Howat also assailed Tudee An
drew J. Curran of Crawford countv
district court, who sentenced him to
jail tor contempt. Judge Curran had
been referred to in a newspaper
story as a sturdy American.
"They talk about sturdy Ameri
cans," Howat said. "Sturdy Ameri
cans who send men to jail who have
committed no crime. The men and
women are going to attend to these
Americans when they get the op
Handley Page Predicts
Aero Jitneys for $700
London, April 12. Aeroplane jit
neys, carrying one passenger -besides
the pilot, with a speed of 110
miles an hour and able to keep in
the air five hours, the machine cost
ing but $700, are predicted as possi
ble and practical, if not to say pop
ular, airplanes of the future by Mr.
Handley Page, noted aeroplane de
signer and manufacturer.
He says his research and experi
mental department has proved such
a machine is feasible any time the
public demand for it develops. It
would have 25 horsepower.
In America, Mr. Page says, auto
mobiles sxn will be so numerous
that road travel will become con
gested and that the aeroplane is the
only alternative .for those who de
mand comfort, or who hope to get
anywhere quickly.
Mr. Page, who developed the
largest and most powerful multiple-engine-bombing
machines, believes
the aeroplanac of the fufcpre will be
the light one, owing to lowered cost
of operation. An aeroplane jitney,
he saySj can berun as cheaply as its
toad sister. 1
Air Mail Pilot Who Fell
From Plane Dies of Injury
l J XT T A.:i T
aillUCIl, 11. J., i-llllll 14
Richard W. Wright of Cleveland,
died her todav of injuries received
in his leap on Saturday from a blaz
ing postal airplane 200 feet in the
air. His wife reached his bedside
three hours before his death.
Lt. Mark C Hogue of "Portland.
Ore., pilot of the plane, who did not
j'tnw. left the hospital today.
Managers of Omaha
Auto Service Concerns
Form an Organization
" The National Motor Maintenance
association, an organization of man
agers of service departments of
Omaha automobile agencies and dis
tributing houses, was formed last
week, officials announced Sunday.
The organization is an outerowth
of, the Omaha Automotive associa
tion,' which was formed several
months ago. -
, According to members of the new
organization, the purposed will be
to promote 'friendly intercourse
among service managers, work out
standard service methods -and in
stall a system of standard charges
for service to automobile owners.
This, is the first, step to put repair
and upkeep of automobiles on a
nationally standardized basis.
According to members, the body
has been endorsed by the Omaha
Automobile club, the Chamber ot
Commerce and other organizations.
Seven Persons Killed In
Browup of Ammunition Dump
London, April 12. Two hundred
persons injured in the explosion of
a munitions dump at Rotenstein,
near Koenigsberg, Jbast 1 Prussia,
yesterday, have been resetted, ac
cording to a Berlin dispatch to the
Daily Mail. Explosions are con
tinuing, and rescuers were able to
approach the scene only in armored
cars. Seven persons were killed in
yesterday's explosions.
ruses were being removed from
big caliber shells at the dump when
one was ignited and 30 tremendous
explosions followed, wrecking dwell-.
ings and shattering thousands of
windows in. the city.
Broke Into City Jail, Then
Mysterious Man Vanishes
Topeka. Kan.. April 12. Henry
Bauman, known as the "man of mys
tery, who ibroke into fail," has de
parted for' parts unknown.
Ihe city tail became home to
Bauman when he was found in the
act of throwing a brick through a
Store window.
Upon finishing a light sentence.
Bauman. who showed himself to be
willing worker, asked to be al
lowed to remain at the lockup per
manently. This was granted. The
only word ever spoken by Bauman
during his stay at the jail, officers
say, was "hungrv."
Quick Action on Part of County
Official at -Bridgeport, Neb.,
Averts Threatened Lynching
Of Confessed Slayer.
- i"
twelve Democrats Join 25
Republicans in Defeat
ing Motion to Elimi
nate Provision.
Citizens Aroused by Story at
Hearing Menace Prisoner
Sheriff Calls Aid and Spirits
- Man Away in Automobile.
Alliance, Neb., April 12. (Spc
cial.) Quick action on the part of
Sheriff Dyson of Bridgeport and
three men whom he deputized to
help him, saved Roy Braunie, con
fessed slayer of John Watts, Mor
rill county farmer, from death at the
hands of a mob.
Braunie, who was employed by
Watts as a farm hand,' shot the
latter to death Thursday morning
with a rifle, following a quarrel al
leged to have started over Braunie's
handling of a team with which he
was harrowing. In preliminary
i . 1 " . 1 .
trial Braunie pieaaea guuty to sec
ond degree murder. ' . .
Following the hearing a crowd of
30 or more angry men, most of them
friends of Watts, threatened to
storm the jail and lynch Braunie.
Prisoner Spirited Away.
Sheriff Dyson did not attempt to
argue with them, but hastily depu
tized three men, slipped Braunie
out of the rear door of the court
house and spirited him away in an
automobile to Allia-nce, where he
was placed in the city jail for safe
keeping. ' '
No sooner did the crowds that
had gathered about the Bridgeport
jail discover that their efforts had
been foiled than they gave chase in
automobiles. Others boarded a train
for Angora intending to head off
the sheriff's party there. In the
meantime, however, the Bridgeport
police had telephoned to Angora for
ihe sheriff not to stop there, but to
continue to Alliance by automobile.
In Alliance Braunie talked freehi
of the murder and expressed regret
for his deed. -
Sorry for His Deed.
"I'm sorry I killed John, but I
guess I was so mad I didn't know
what I. was doing, he said. I
'didn't ; really -mean- iy shoot -"him,;
eitnerj i meant nr. the ounet to hir
the door near him and scare him so
he wouldn't go on into the house
after that gun to shoot me."
braunie said that the trouble start
ed just after he had gone to the
field to do some harrowing.
One of the horses I was working
was pretty wild ard got tangled up
in the harness. John came out and
began cursing me. I threw down
the lines and told him I would auit
and started .to the house to get my
things. He took after me. and I ran.
When I got to the yard he was still
coming after me, and I ran in the
house and got his rifle. I then went
out into the yard and told him he
had better stop. He dodged behind
the milk house and thin started to
rim into the house. I knew he was
going to get another gun which he
alwavs kept loaded and would try
to kill me, so I pulled the trigger.
intending to shoot close to him and
scare him so he would stop. 1
didn't know I had shot him until he
cried out to his wife: 'That cur has
shot me in the back."
Washington, April 12. The sen
ate refused to strike out of the army
reorganization bill the provision for
voluntary universal training recently
suDsututea tor the military commit
tee's plan for obligatory training,
The motion of; Senator McKcllar.
democrat, Tennessee, to strike out
was defeated, o7 to 9.. i
The action of the senate was ex
peeled to result in carrying the
voluntary - training proposal into
conference for adiustment.-
Only youths between 18 and 21
would be accepted for voluntary
training under an amendment sug
gested by Chairman Wadsworth and
-.vrittcn into the bill. Previous age
limits were 18 to Z8.
Demos Give Aid.'
iwenty-nve republicans were
joined by 12 democrats in retaining
tho voluntary training plan. Two re
publicans, Borah of Idaho and Gron
ni of North Dakoto, voted with the
democrats to eliminate the training
sections.- - '
The senate also voted an amend
ment to require three hours daily
education of all soldiers of the reg
ular army.
Cut Army Funds.
"In the house the military commit
tee completed and will report to
morrow the regular army appropria
tion bill, carrying $337,246,944, a de
crease of $605,553,076 from the War
department's estimates. Rigid eco-
oiy is necesla'y in face of a deficit
of several billion dollars, Chairman
Kahn said in the majority report.
adding that the sums provided would
meet needs of the military establish
ment the next fiscal year.
Committe figures are based on an
army ot 175,WU enlisted men and
16,000 officers, as against a total of
576.000 proposed by the department.
Ihe report stated that $J2,777.83
is carried tor cleaning up war
work," including transporting and
maintaining forces on the Rhine.
Sinn Feiner Decries
Treatment Received
By Political Prisoners
Paris.1 April 12. George Gavan
Duffy, Sinn- Fein member of Par
liament and envoy of the -Irish re
public to the peace ' conference,' is
bringing to the. official attention of
the conference the trealritent of the
political prisoners -in Dublin. His
step was actuated by the following
telegram which he received yester
day from Dublin:
"Over 100 republican prisoners in
carcerated in Mountjoy prison in
Dublin as common criminals, many
being detained on suspicion without
charge, have been on a hunger
strike since Sunday, April 4. They
demand the observance of the agree
ment obtained by Bishop MacRorv
and the lord mayor.f Dublin where
by the English government under
took to recognize the special status
of political prisoners.
"Several men are in grave danger
and crowds, are reciting prayers for
the dying at the gates of the jail."
The telegram was signed by
Kathleen Clarke of the board 'of al
dermen, and Madame O'Rahilly, for
the republican prisoners' committee.
Riding For a Fall v
(Copyright, 1920, by John T. UcCulchton.)
"ranee to Withdraw
Troops When Germany
Takes Same Action
London. April 12. The, latest
French note on the subject of the
French occupation move, received
here this morning, says that the
French troops in Frankfort and
other occupied cities will be with
drawn immediately upon the witn
drawal of the German troops from
the Ruhr region. It promises, it is
stated, that no further independent
action will be taken by France.
Dying From Bullet After
Real Affair of Honor
Atchison, Kan., April 12. Atchi
son was the scene the other day of a
real, old-fashioned duel. It all came
about when Felix Lopez and Pete
Puablo, Mexicans, stood back to
back, walked 20 paces, wheeled and
each tried to perforate the other.
ihe held of honors was a railroad
right-of-way. The "affair" was over
a woman the former wife of Lopez,
the present spouse of Puablo. Ihe
weapons were .38-caliber revolvers.
Lopez is m a hospital with a bul
let in his right lung, Puablo is a
fugivtive from justice.
Iflrs. Lloyd George Aids ,
Cause of Unwanted Babies
London. April 12. Mrs. David
Lloyd George, wife, of the prime
minister, has taken up the cause of
the unwanted babies.
She litis decided, as the result of
being approached for aid bv many
mothers of unwanted babes, that the
best policy is to provide for their rc
moval from undesirable surround
ings. A' fund has been opened for
placing them in public institutions
and homes.
British Prince in Hawaii.
Honolulu. April 12.The British
tattle crniser Renown, with the
Prince of Wales aboard, will arrive
here tomorrow, according to a wire
less message from the warship re
ceived by the British counsul here.
5on of "Reformed"
Democratic Mother
Has Sense of Humor
Situation in West Greatly Im
provedCar Movements in
Chicago Monday Largest in
Past Two Weeks.
Senator Says Present Day
Problems Should Be Solved
By Principles Learned
v In World Conflict.
To the great disgust of her young
son, Hugh, Mrs. Sherman Vhefpton,"
precinct chairman of the Eighth
ward for the republican women's
committee, early in the campaign
allied herself with the republican
The Whelpton family has been a
"democratic" one for years.
Not long ago, Mrs. Whelpton was
riding on a street car -with Hugh.
He glanced at a campaign card dis
played. "Huh," he said, "he's a republican."
"I presnume you are a democrat,"
his mother answered sarcastically.
"My name's Whelpton," loftily.
"Well, so's mine." -
Hugh pondered this for an instant,
then: "Yes, but not alwavs."
American Women Pay Too
Much Attention to Dress
London, April 12. "You know, I
think American women pay too
much attention to , their dress,"
Lady Astgr .confided to friends at
No. -4- St. Tames Sauare. her town
"That's what I've been preaching
to my sister," she said, referring to
Mrs. Phipps, recognized as one of
lir. best-dressed women in London.
"American women. I believe, oav
fir too high a price for what they
get out of fin clothes.
To mv way of thinking, it s iusF
like drink too low a degree of en
joyment for the effort, .time and
money expended. v
m 1-,. , ,,. . .
vvnat women snouiu do is to de
vote more attention to things that
really matter in this world clothe
their minds at leas: as much as their
bodies and acquire more mental attributes."
Senator Hiram W. Tohnson. ad
dressing the Advertising and Selling
league briefly last night at Hotel
Fohtene11e,-r stated there are two
classes .of people, according to the
ideas of Californians: Those who
live in California and those who
want to live there. ,
The senator sooke for 15 minutes
before his address at the Auditor
"The war," he said, . "taught us
several lessons, among which was
the lesson, that there is a niche for
every man and every woman; we
were taught the lesson of service,
and we should continue this lesson
n these days of peace with their
many problems pressing on us for
Explains Attitude.
He aserted that the war removed
the lingering remnants. of sectional
prejudices .and brought the nation
into closer union. Referring: to his
attitude in the senate on the league
ot nations, he stated that he was ac
tuated by motives of Americanism,
that America may live her life just
as America pleases.
"That we 'may eo alone the path
way that is brightened bv the bea
con light of liberty," he .added.
He told the, advertising and sell
(Continued on Faro Two, Colling Five.)
Opponents of Cabrera
At Guatemala Start
Tl i r
inreatened Kevo
Bri&fe Thirteen Tir-s
Cedar Ranids. la.. Anril 12 frc
Alice Yoakum, a bride of thirteen
times, was divorced a few days ago
trom her last "better half." Her
marriages took place in Indiana.
Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin
Iowa and Nebraska. John Yoakuirtf
who married her at St. Joseph. Mo.,
two years aso. was the thirteenth
husband '
WashingTbh, April 12. The long
threatened revolution in Guatemala
against President Estrada Cabrera
finally has broken out. Reports to
day to the State department said
the opponents of the president had
gained control of Guatemala City
after some street fighting.
A marine guard from the cruiser
Tacoma. and submarine tender Nl
jgara has been landed to protect the
American legation.
Flint, Mich., Shows Gain of
Over 100 Per Cent In Census
' Washington, April 12. -Population
statistics announced today by
the census bureau included:
Flint, Mich., 91,599; an increase of
53,049, or 137.6 per cent over 1910.
Adrian, Mich., 11,878; anincrease
of 1,115, or 10.4 per cent.
Wabash, Ind., 9,872; an increase
of 1,185, or 13.6 per cent.
Emporia, Kan., 11,273; an increase
of 2,215, or 24.5 per cent.
Freeport, 111., 19,669; an increase
of 2,102, or 12 per cent.
Rev. Titus Lowe to Speak
In Fremont On Arbor Day
Fremont, Neb., April 12. (Spe
cial.) Rev. Titus Lowe of Omaha
will be one of the speakers at the
22d annual gathering of group two
of the Nebraska Bankers' associa
tion in Fremont Arbor day. Other
speakers will be H. K. Franti of
Eagle and FTlI. Claridge of Blair.
Seeks Nebraska Recruits
Maj. A. L. Morris of the Fifty
fifth infantry, reported at' the
Omaha army recruiting station yes
terday to assist in filling up the regi
ment with enlisted men from the
state of Nebraska. The regiment is
largely composed of Nebraska sol
diers. It is . stationed at Camp
"Kind to Animals Week"
Parade in Washington
Reviewed by President
Washington, April 12. President
Wilson, from the east portico of the
White House, reviewed a parade of
worK norses ana domestic animals,
pWt of a demonstration of the
"Kind to Animals Week" being "ob
served throughout the country un
der auspices of humane societies.
Thousands of persons lined Penn
sylvania avenue and for. an hour the
district between the capitol and the
White House took on the aspect of
an inauguration day; Plump artil
lery horses from' Fort Meyer,
Clydesdales and Percherons draw
ing trucks of business; firms, dog,
pet foxes and homing pigeons,
which, had done .dtttyjylth the- Amer
ican army in Franc?; made tip the
long line. . , ..- ' .
At the end of the procession came
the "horrible example," a neglected
horse, a picture of destitution, neg
lect and dispair. ,
Man Surrenders for
Forgotten Murder of
Fourteen Years Ago
Athens, Tenn., April 12. Richard
Derick walked into the county jail
here today and surrendered for trial
on charges of having murdered
Hugh Duggan 14 years old this
month. The case had almost been
forgotten and few persons here. re
called its details.
Derick was indicted at. the time,
but evaded arrest and, under an as
sumed name, established himself
elsewhere and sent for his family.
He told Sheriff Lawson he had
promised his wife on her deathbed
that he would take his children back
to Athens and give them their right
name(and there was no way to carry
out his promise but to surrender and
tnd trial.
Autos Captured in
... State Liquor Raids
Are Ordered Sold
Lincoln, April 13. (Special.)
Immediate sale of all automobiles
held in Nebraska following liquor
raids is ordered by Attorney Gen
eral Clarence A. Davis, in a letter to
all county attorneys. The proceeds
are to be turned over to the state.
The prohibition law authorizing
such confiscations was held valid by
the supreme court two weeks ago. -
Many cars have been held in dif
ferent parts of the state pending the
court's decision.
Taft Refuses to Enter
Oregon Primary Race
Salem, Ore., April 12. William
Howard Taft, in a telegram received
by the secretary of state of Oregon,
requested that his name be not al
lowed to go on the republican pri
mary ballot in Oregon as a candi
date for president. It was said at the
itate house if petitions are filed
tor Mr. Taft they cannot be with
drawn under a supreme court ruling.
Addresses Omaha Teachers
Dr. Ernest Horn of the colleee
of education, University of Iowa,
one of the leading educators of the
United States in methods of elemen
tary teaching, addressed Omaha
teachers at Central High school
auditorium -yesterday afternoon.
T 1
Defense' of State Against
Federals Placed in Hands
Of General Calles
. And Aides.
The Weather
Fair and warmer Tuesday.
Hourly Temperatures.
S . m 3i 1 p. m 4t
n. m :16( 2 p. m 42
7 . m ,151 3 p. m 2
fl h. m... 351 4 p. m.... 43
t . m HSl 5 p. m 41
10 . m 37 6 p. m.,.-. ,.41
13. noon ,.Ul a p. m.y., .31
Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mex., -April
12. A proclamation has made its ap
pearance; on "Ihe streets 'here calling
the 'clttiens to arms against the Car
rnnza government. The proclamation-
is signed by the .president of
this city and "issued . by order of
Gen. P, Elias Calles. commander-in-chief
of all forces of the 'republic
of Sonora.'" ' , .
The proclamation announces the
defense of the state against invasion
cf the federal forces has been placed
in the hands of General Calles and
his' colaborers, Samienago, Pina,
Plank and others. The proclamation
calls attention of the citizens of
Sonora to the 10 years of fighting
in Mexico and to the results which
have not been for the best interests
ot Mexico.
- Other States to Aid.
Gen. M. Pina, commanding the
First division army of the "republic
of Sonora," with headquarters in this
city; stated today that he had re
ceived semi-official advices from
Hcrmosillo. the state capital, to the
effect that 13 states of the Mexican
union had followed the state of
Sonora in severing relations' with
the Carranza government. While
the report is lacking in detail as to
the names of the seceding states,
General Rina declared he vouched
for its authority. "
Lower California Loyal.
Mexicali, Lower CaliforniaApril
12. Governor Esteban Cantu of the
northern district of the Mexican
state of Lower (Baia) California, in
a statement today to the Associated
Press, said the secession movement
in Sonora is entirely local and that
the government ofv the northern
district, of Lower California "shall
continue to be in full accord with,
and maintain allegiance to, the pres
ident of Mexico.
Sonora Richest State.
-TJ Paso. Tex.. April 12. With
drawal of Sonora from the Carranza
government of Mexico takes one of
the largest tax-pro iucmg states from
he central government, American
and Mexican officials said here to
day. ...
Customs receipts from the No
gales port of entry to the United
States were said to be grea'ter than
any port on the border, and with
Aga Prieta and Naco, Sonora, the
leceipts, were declared greater than
at all other border ports. The cus
toms houses .have all been taken
over by the new "republic of
Through Nogales come the ex
ports from Sonora, Sinaloa and
Nayari, three of the richest agricul
tural states in Mexico. Sonora also
exports great quantities of ore to
American smelters. Sinaloa's toma
to crop for export to the United
States was estimated at 1,500 car
loads this year. . Thi crop was be
ing shipped when the employes of
the Southern Pacific de Mexico rail
road went on strike, completely
tying up the lines in Sonora.
Primate of Ireland Dies
At Armagh; III Long Time
Armagh. Ulster, Ireland, April
12. The Most Rev. John Baptist
Crozier, archbishop of Armagh and
primate of all Ireland, (Church of
Ireland), died here last night. He
had been ill for some time. Arch
bishop Crozier was bom April 8V
1853, and was educated at Trinity
college, Dublin. He became primate
of all Ireland in 1911. .
East of Cleveland Aspect b
More Serious, But Brother
hoods Confident Crisis Past
Eastern Trains Stopped.
Chicago, April -12. While the un
authorized strike of railroad em
ployes, which started here two
weeks ago with the walkout of 700
switchmen on the Chicago, Milwau
kee" & St. Paul railroad, today ap
peared gradually to be waning in
the middle west and the southwest.
the situation east of Cleveland took
on a more serious aspect.1"
The center of development in the
walkout of insurgents had shifted to
the east, where additions to the
ranks of the rebel railroad workers
had caused a serious stoppage of
freight and passenger traffic as well
as. the closing of several industries.
Improvement at Chicago.
The situation in the Chicago yards
showed a marked improvement and
reports from other large railroad
centers in the middle west indicated
that the crisis was past and that' the
strikers were returning to work in
considerable numbers. Officers ot'
railroad brotherhoods, who have
been fighting the strike were confi
dent that the breaking up of the
walkout in Chicago would be fol
lowed by a general resumption of
work in other areas.
A pronouncement of the govern
ment's course in the strike was ex
pected to be made at Washington
tomorrow by Attorney General Pal
mer. Investigators of the Depart
ment of Justice were completing an
inquiry into the situation, Mr, Pal
mer said. , '
Government to Act.
"The federal .government will not
shirk its responsibility;" he said..
More freight moved into the Chi
cago yards today than on any day
since the strike started, railroads
announced. At the stock yards 229
cars of live stock were received and
more than 9,000 employes forced out
of work by the strike returned.
Packing house'- recepts included ,
4,000 cattle, 2,500 hogs and 4,000
sheep. . This was a larger quantity
than received any day last week.
About 25,000 stock yards worken
were still idle.
t Embargo Partially Lifted. .
The Illinois Central, the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St Paul, the New
York Central and other roads re
ported cars again were moving in
(Continued oa Tmgt Two, Column Three.)
Passengers Escape
DeatWWhen Elevated
Trains Crash and Fall.
New York, April 12. Passengers
on an elevated train had remarkable
escapes from death today when they ;
were catapulted to the- street, a dis
tance of 25 , feet, in the midst of
debris of the car.
The car was knocked off the
elevated structure on the Ninth ave- ii
r.ue line by a collision with another , j
train and demolished. The wreck
age was wedged in between the ele-
vated structure and the side of a
brick building a dozen feet away. '
The 15 passengers sifted through
debris to the street and about a
dozen were removed to hospitals.
The only woman in the car . was
seriously hurt. The motorman was I
missing. Shppkeepers said they saw
a man in uniform running away aftci ;
the car fell. )
Chemists Say Fertilizer
Use Due to Propaganda
St. Louis, Mo.. April 12. Ameri
can agriculture should remain inde
pendent of imported fertilizers, now " ;
that he opportunity is presented, iny
the opinion of delegates attending
the spring meeting of the American
Chemical society, which opened here '
today. The meeting will continue '
through Friday. ;
In previous years the agriculture
of this country depended largely
on nitrogen and potash . products
from abroad, the unnecessary use of j
potash compounds being fostered by ;
the propaganda of the German al
kali trust, they said.
New Low Records Made by
Four Liberty Bond Issues
NeW York, April 12. The price of
a Liberty bond fell .below 88 for the
first time today when new low rec- Y
ords were made in four issues under
heavy selling. Th second 4 l-2s
closed at $87.88. second 4s at $88,
third 4 l-2s at $91.60, fourth 4 l-4s at
Weakness of these bonds was at
tributed to annoounrement made i
last week by the secretary of the
treasury that new issues of certifi- , ;
cates of indebtedness would carry '
rates of 5 1-4 per cent.
Refuse to Keep Out News
About "Overalls" Strike
Birmingham. Ala.. Aori! 12. Bir- , i
mingham newspaper publishers have (
flatly denied the request of a com- f
mittee of retail clothiers that newi
of the "overalls" movement through- j
out tne soutn De suppressed on the
ground that it was damaging the re
tail clothing business. ;