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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1920)
THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL' 12, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO CLEANING HOUSE. EXCEPTIONAb liaKD CARS. BEST VALUES IN USED CABS. TB.AWVER AUTO CO, 1H FARNAM. OAKLAND Sensible Bla. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 33U Farnam St Late 118 Ford touring car, used rtry nttlo, been. In storare lor nearly a year. '"" ior qui ck eaie. 1'oug. UAROAIN In 19U Ford, only 32. Call OVERLAND ROADSTER. 7S B; new WU- it pwy, sami. Tyler MAXWELL CAR, 11, fine shape, 300; MS9 Seward. Webster 4177. 118 KISSEL 6. Snap. Cord tires. Al rendition. Harney 4S. 11 JORDAN for sale. Call Douglas 7247 after a p. m. TRUCKS for hire. All alies. Reliable ervlce. Tyler 1978. FORD touring car. running order. Walnut 4SH. ?718 North Sixtieth. MAXWELL touring, good condition. Call owner at Webster 6468. MAXWELL roadster, good paint, fine ahape. 1175 takes It. Webster 4160. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Mairutactured In Omaha, 24-hour eerr Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing! body denta removed; new fenders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFO. CO 181 Cuming St. Tyler I1T. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. .76 31134 113.75 3?'H 17.85 82x4 zfl.50 MilfilU SUB.1ECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE CO., 41 North 18th St. Douglas 3830. USED TIRES. 30x3. $5.00; 30x34. 18.00. All alzra In proportion.. Look ever cur rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. SAVIOE TIRES. 00 N. 18th St Keyatone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEA P. 30xSK i F1SK 313.96 I 84x4 321.15 30x3 .96 36x4 86.95 KAIMAN TIRK JOB B E R3. 1733 CUMINU. THE GUMPS IT'S ALL IN A LIFETIME. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith AUTO electrical retain; aervlce atatlon i or ttayneifl carburetor ana Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY . DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna in used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sti. FARM LANDS. Coiorado Lands. Ranches and Farm Lands 10,000-acre cattle ranch, 6.000 acres deeded, 6,000 leased, that goes with ranch; good Improvements; all under fence; running water; some timber. Priced for quick pale, $17.60 per acre. 640 acres, aH level; good anil; small Improvements: one mile good store, post office, high school. Priced 120 per acre. 320 acres, all level; good 4-room house, email barn, garage, chicken house; good well, aott water at door; one-half fenced. Price, per acre, 320. If you are In the market for a ranch or farm, write - J. M. CLAYTOR . Room It, First National Bank Bldg., Colorado Springs. Colo. SAN LUIS valley (Colorado) ranch. 800 acres, convenient to railroad and town, . beat Irrigation, two flowing walla, large . residence, on slate highway, splendid soil, well fenced; 160 acres alfalfa; K5 acre; reasonable terms. W. W. John ston, owner, Hooper, Colo., or 418 Barth mag., Denver, coio. "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will sell you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the best wheat and corn land In eaat Colorado. Write for facts, now. Sea our crops. Investigate. R. T. Cllna, Owner, ' Brandon. Colo. FOR. SALE Sec. 15-11-46, Cheyenne county, Colorado; fqur miles, from sta tion; on main graded road; near school; fine soil; level; $26 an acre If sold be fore May 1; part cash; balance 6 per cent Thla Is a snap. Address owner. TJ. S. Conn, Wayne, Neb. 160 ACRES unimproved In Burlington dis tricts Will consider Omaha property or car as part payment; $30 per acrew Frank Gass, owner, 4006 North 26th St., Omaha. Nebraska. Canadian Lands. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD now offering 3,000,000 acres, mixed farming lands; very easy terms. Get my folders explaining plans. John L. Barber, Ne braska agent. Keellne Building. Iowa Lands. IOWA farm at a sacrifice. Well Im proved; 3 mi'.ea south ot Turin, la.; must be sold at once. J. Helphand, 814 N. 16th St. Kansas Lands. 275-Acre Fine Franklin r County Farm 68 miles Kansas City; 7 miles Otta wa; 1 mile station Santa Fa Trail high way; 60 acres timothy and clover; 80 acres alfalfa; 60 acres wheat; land all tillable; 100 acres -hog-tight; good 7- room house; large new barn; double rorncrib; hog house; never falling water with engine to pump; mile to publto school; ihi miles high school: 7 miles college; price $186 per acre. Will give possession now, this tall or next spring. Will loan hi the money If wanted at 6 per cent. Come at one If you want a fine home. CASIDA A CLARK LAND CO. Ottawa. Kan. YES-OOTHNIC VIOrN HAVE eiUCM A. SAP SVMtfcMNCj- WASHING K I OS -NO IMVEP5wtMJ- TU& &AM THIN (3- tKi im D-Vf OUT T ; if I e W-A1W I v it n 1 1 m i li. i M iii i III II III 11 A III II 4 V. - ri ii i 7 ' f ANO HAVE SOrAE- VMAfeTAt.EC.rC UK6 XOO SMErAJONfc HQrA.E TR'Yin t.f O TE-U, HF HOW w a On,, i,r.r . . r . . . .... . 3 . . ' V 7 o J. nvjvic M HWVJ TO WRAP A POUNP f wi lCK,rKWND (X MOn H " OR NOW TO "SNEAK. OUT ANh A. WifVi V uimvi, TRrl- AND rAAKE CH A.R LQtTt t l vCc7r7i"r r c i-r- AND THAT OLD MOTHER GrAQ-NOw aWP-US.Pb r6 TAKE A PIECEOP 5rAU, 8REABAN0 rvAK& ANfafU FOOD CAKb JPYOO KNEW TNEf UNTOLD AtrONY A V0U QET O HOURS A DM TO THINK AtiOOT AAKNV it ToutiK For us VIHILE- VifRE OOT AAACNjrA HUH- THE ONLY WNTOUD AjItONY THAT I EVCR HEARD O?- A ViQMAN . VJ&ARi TI(3NT'SN0kr! Yo 65 SrvllSH &l ii ; w r i ii J V VOfAAN HAS TO Ul II '- . r L 7 I 1 FARM LANDS. Oil Lands. SEB J. M. Hastings. McCracken, Kan., for land bargain. This Is just one In the great wheat-belt of Kansas. 3,000-acra farm and ranch, all amooth, ti per cent plow land, only 3 miles from railroad and trading point; 660 acrea In wheat; fair Improvements: all fenced; good shallow water; rich soil and being so near market Is a bargain price at $35. REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6.000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchaser; over 2,600 acrea In wheat; send for cur list. FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounse Bldg. Tyler 4648. Michigan Lands. GOOD HARDWOOD LAND ON CREDIT. In Michigan's best counties; raises fine grsln, fruit, truck: only $16 to $35 per acre: very easy terms; In tracts of 10 to 160 acres; no swamps or atones; free farm advisers and insurance; money loaned after land Is paid for to erect buildings and buy live stock; near good markets, schools, churches, hard roads, railroads, etc.; best land In U. 8., from largest eompanv. Write today for free booklet Swleart Land Co., J1263 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR RENT WELL IMPROVED FARM 145 aaeres of the very best of aub Irrtgated land, located 6H miles west of Ogalalla, Neb., and Stt mile eaat of Brule. In the Platte valley. 136 acrea under plow, of which 60 acrea are in alfalfa which cuts 176 tons per season. This place has about $10,000 worth of fine Improvement, nearly new. A nice voung orchard and plenty of shade trees. I will sell this farm on the very best of terma or will rent to a good responsi ble man. Possession at once. For fur ther Information, address M. A. LarBon, owner. Central City. Neb. FOR SALE S.6!S-acro ranch, 45 miles from good R. R. town; two sets of good Improve ments; all fenced and cross-fenced; creek, springs and well water: will cut 1.000 to 1,100 tons of good hay; balance is pasture and alfalfa. This la the best ranch In this section. Price $30 per acre; will carry $26,000 If wanted. Have other small ranches and good farms la South Dakota, priced right. R. A. PARKS. Valentine, Neb. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS COUNYY LAND Writs us for list before looking else-where- FELTON & WEST, . 30T Crounss Bldg. Opposlta P. O. 110 acres unimproved farm land In Thomas county. Neb., between Thedford and Haleey. Black loam and clay sub-oll. $27.60 per acre for quick sale, one-half cash. Balance 3 years, or trade tor good Omaha property. Sea or writ J. H. Bo I an. $20 So. 18lh St. Phone Doug. 4803. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at tha right price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER, Central city, weoraska. For Neb. Farms and Ranches as unnwrvim nvauy -o., 33 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg., Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farma 301 Karbach Blk. Oklahoma Lands. SHAWNEE. OKLAHOMA, centfr of a great" farming country. Write for our free agricultural booklet Board ot Com merce, SfeMTBAt, QU, TEXAS OIL LANDS. Fortunes made on small Texas oil leases; ten-acre tract In 20 different S. Texas counties; 200 acres, $300. We have small and large tracts In the three best S. Texas counties, Duval, Reeves, Atascosa, $7 a acre up; titles guaranteed. Send money order or check. Twin City OH Lease Co., Lanier hotel, San Antonio. Texas. Wisconsin Land LANDOLOGT, a magastne giving the facta In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a horn or as an Investment you are thinking of nuying good farm lands, simply writs me a letter ana ssy, "Mail me LtAri if OLOOY and all oartlculara free." Ad dress Editor, Landology, Skldraoro Land Co.. $33 Bkldmoro Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FKEK inscriptions ot best land and farm bargains; state acreage wanted. H. L. Wood, Mgr., Valley Land Co., It Hall Ave.. Marinette, wis. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING LANDS. 640-acre homesteads for filing; pat ented land and relinquishments for sale, In center of Osaga and Upton oil fields. Call or write, Cok Bros., Upton, Wyo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS". O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Cm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 1716. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. P. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 8. 18th St DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booth!. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6618. Es. 1884 PROMPT service, reasonable ratea, private money. Oarvln Bros., 846 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans. E. II. LOUOEE, INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4328. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omalra Nat Stocks and Bonds SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $3,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan la beneficiary. Face ot policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange mattera so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death ot insured, and will keep up premiums tn Insurance. Chsnea to make from $300 to $1,000 In short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE havo served the Omaha public In buying and aelllng real estate for over 36 years. Ws have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to vour hast interests. McCague Investment Co Do You Want to Sell ' That home or apartmet' building? Wa have lots of buyers anJ will give you quick returns. Schroeder Investment Co. 638 Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 3261. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick action! Just try us. Call Tyler 486. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Beo Bids'. To buv or cell Omaba Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 8 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 1836. REAL ESTATE and all kinds ot insurance. HERMANSEN A CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON fn.t 314 Brown Block. Doug. 8262. WANT to buy 6 to 8-room house on pay ntenta from owner. Webster 4160. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. FOR SALES Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession U wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. BEST BUT IN OMAHA. Lot, 20x130, West Side, near Ak-Sar-ben grounds. $360. Owner. Dong. 1868. LOT 60x160 In business block. 40th and Hamilton. Inquire 1014 Farnam. Doug las 708. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance, Ren - tals. Tyler 1636. 833 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE have nine houses and one brick flat in Omaha; well rented, to exchange for land. S. a & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 1313. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Cbangstrom, $020 Far- nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs Ons mils - from Omaha car Una. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, H cash; balance to suit buyer. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 106 Pearl St Pound! Bluffs. la. Dundee. SIX-room, modern bungalow with garage, half block to car, two blocks from Dundee. Full cement basement Price $6,600. Liberal terms. Call Chaa. E. Bel man, D. 8406. We specialise In Dundee homes, C. B. STUHT CO., 812-14 City National. Ponglaa 8787. DUNDEE, modern 7 -room home for aala by owner. Walnut 1621. South Side. FOR SALE Oua 7-room all modern house and garage; a large cave; lot 60x160; on paved street; car line in front of door. Can be bought at a bargain If taken at once. Priced so you cannot resist Owner leaving city. Call South 641. Florence. C. Im NETHAWAY for suburban property. Florence Sta., Omaha, Neb. CoL 140$. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. FOR SALE 7-room modern house, 6107 Cuming. First floor haa living room, full length of house, dining room, bath, fin ished in eak; kitchen, butler's pantry, white enamel; second floor, 4 bedrooms and bath; lot 60x138; price, $10,000 cash. Can give possession by May 10. Phone, Walnut 1816. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 100 Brandels Theat. Doug. 88. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 48f. FOR SALE Four-room burralow with S acres at 7074 Pratt St. Phone Harney 6486. Owner will be at placo Sunday. FOR quick results list with Benjamin Frankenberg. 634 Bee Bldg. Douglas 711. 3. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments, 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8037. BBNSO.V A MEYERS rp.. 424 Om. Nat'l. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boostersj, 422 NORTH 31ST ST. This is an 8-room, all modern home, well constructed: four large bedrooms; good oak floors; white enamel finish; fireplace; cistern. Located on eas&'front corner lot, 60x100; pavinsr all paid. Price and terms right Arrange 'with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Doug. 2850. 918-20 City National $8,000 " DOUBLE HOUSE 6 and 6 rooms, oak finish; all mod ern; separate heating plant; houae In splendid condition; on car line and with in sasy walking distance; $4,000 cash; terms. $2,600 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Oak finish; house not modern, but hss electric lights; 160-barrel cistern, piped Into house; good chicken house; screened In porch; house t years old; $1,000 cash, balance terms. M. DEUEL & CO. 2406 Amei Ave. Colfax 73, BEAUTIFUL NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW Splendid five-room bungalow; all the built-in features; strictly up to the last minute; frame and stucco; garage; choice lot; one block to ear. Pries only $7,000. Owner leaving city., OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 486. ( ROOMS . All modern, $4,600, $2,200 casK, bal ance $27.60 per month. 4 ROOMS $2,600, $500 cash, $26 per month bal ance. 7 ROOMS, 1,600 cash and balance to suit. Call Walnut 6222, Walnut 4226 and P. 8480. A REAL BARGAIN in modern 7-room home, very desir able, with garage, one-half block to car, two blocks to school, paving paid. JC.269. 3308 Decatur St. Call Webster 3537 for details. WARM COMFORTABLE HOME. Large 8-room house, 6 rooms first floor, parlor, living room, den, dining room, kitchen; 4 bedrooms and bath on second. Dandy furnace. Call Webstar 1644. TWO SMALL HOUSES. ' One S-room modern except heat; one- 4-room, on the same lot, lor both, $500 cash. For colored. Webster 6908 or Webster 839. ONLY $300 DOWN. 5-room cottage, partly modern, paving paid. 2636 Franklin St. Price, $1,900. Call Webater 8637. FOR SALE 6-room modern stucco bun galow, furniture and piano nearly new, leaving city, $8,000; third cash, balance one year time. Colfax 4081. FOR COLORED S rooms, partly modern. Jtt diocks from car line; newly painted and papered, $2,100; $460 cash. Call Webster 838 or Webster 5908. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls At Norrls. Douglas 4270. $827 SEWARD, 4-room, new, modern bun galow, $500 cash, balance monthly. ij reign, 60s see. uougias zoo. MINNS LUSA homes and lots otter tha best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. NEW up-to-date 4-room bungalow; oak nnisn, $4,ioo; $660 cash, for colored. Webster 6808 or Webster 836. FOR SALE 7-room partly modern house on Seward St. For particulars, ae M. A. Jones, 335 Cedar St. ' 1116 No. 17th St ( rooms, part modern, $2,280. North. Douglaa 807. . South. SIX ROOMS ON BOULEVARD NEAR HANSCOM PARK. , Four good rooms down and two bed rooms and bath up. Not new but In good condition. $4,500 will buy this and very eaay terma given. Eight-room modern, nearly new; close to Hanscom Park and one block from West side car. East front. $7,000. Eight-room modern, Bemis park. Choice lot. $9,000. Owner leaving city and will make verv reasonable terms. CONBOY & GREEN, D. 3841. Tyler 4677. Web. 6166. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT This new, well built house, having sunroom, 1 I, living room with fire place, nice dining room and kitchen on first floor and S large bedrooms and bath on second; nice east front lot 64x111; csn bo seen Sunday; located at 1630 8. 33(1 St. Look thla over. D. V. SHOLES CO. ... Doug. 46. 915-17 City Nat'l Bank. FOR 8ALB BY OWNER. EXCELLENT HOME ALSO VALUABLB FOR BUSINESS LOCATION. Six-room modern house. Oarage tor two cars. Large beautiful corner lot on Leavenworth car line, $6,600, Terms It desired. Call Harney 1288. Miscellaneous,1 TWO modern brick houses, east fronts, walking distance, $12,000; 10-room mod ern house well located, walking dis tance. $6,000; two eight-room modern and on four-room house on one lot, class to the business district; out of the city owner prices them to sell quick, $6,860; four choice lots, splendid loca tion, near the Catholic cathedral, owned by widow, she says they must be sold. Ses me for price, I. N. Hammond, 803-& Brandels Theater. Telephone Doug. 6881. nTDVPTT P. PA Real estate and Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas (38. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN HKCTIRITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Deug. 1011 REAL ESTATE, OTHER CITIES NEWLY built, large, modern log cabin, coonie stone fireplace, beamed ceiling, large garage, ice house tilled. Located on Mantrap Chain of Lakes. Beat Muskey, Bass. Pike lakes In Minnesota. B. M. Sabin, 1586 Dayton Ave., 6t. Paul, Minnesota. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. OFFICIAL . NOTICE OF CITY BOND ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that, nursusnt to Ordinance No. 10665. passed by the Coun cil of the City ot Omaha, a special election win ce neia tn tne city ot umana, Doug, laa County, Nebraska, on Tuesday, April 30, 1920, at the polling places designated below, for the purposo of submitting at ssld election the question and proposition of authorising ths City Council of the City ot Omaha to Issue general bonds of tha City not to exceed tn the total amount Two Hnnderd Fifty Thousand Dollars (8360.000.00). the proceeds thereof to be used In tha purchase of ground and ths erection of a branch library, and to con struct an addition, mainly for auditorium purposes, to the Public Library, on prop erty now owned by the City. The bonds to mature In twenty (20) years, to bear interest at a rate not greater than fire per cent (5 ser cent), navable aaml-in. autUr and tvMsaoad by aaasxed aotiDoas: CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. and bonds to be sold In accordancs with law. Said proposition shall bo submitted In the following form: "SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITT OF OMAHA BE AUTHOR IZED TO ISSUE AND DISPOSE OF OENERAL BONDS OF THE CITT, NOT EXCEEDING IN AMOUNT TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOL LARS (3250,000.00). TO RUN NOT EXCEEDING TWENTY (20) YEARS FROM DATE, TO BEAR INTEREST NOT EXCEEDING FIVE PER CENT (5 PER CENT), PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY AND EVIDENCED BY AN NEXED COUPONS: THE PROCEEDS THEREOF TO BE USED IN THE PURCHASE OF GROUND AND THE ERECTION Of A BRANCH LI BRARY AND TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION. MAINLY, FOR AUDI TORIUM PURPOSES,' TO THE PUB LIC LIBRARY AND ON PROPERTY NOW OWNED BY THE CITY 7" Said question shall be submitted to said electors and the votea thereon ehall be "Yea" and "No," and all ballots having an X opposite ths word "Yes," shall be considered as authorizing said bonds, and all ballots having an X opposite the word "No" shall be considered aa against tha autnorisacion or saia Donas. The location of the polling booth in eacn election precinct is as follows: . FIRST WARD. 1st District, 4013 Sherman Ave. 2d District, 3723 Sherman Ave. 3d District. 3608 Sherman Ave. . 4th District, Lothrop School, 24th and Lothrop. 5th District, Eaglns House, 32d and Ames Ave. 4th District, Northeast Cor. 24th and Fort. 7th District, City Hall. Florence. 8th District, 6626 N. 80th. 3th Distrlot, 6808 N. 24th. ' 10th District, 6332 N. 24th. 11th District. 4104 N. 24th. 12th District, Omaha University, 24th and Pratt. 13th District, Colfax Garage, 4507 N. 30th. 14th District, Engine House, 30th and spauiaing. SECOND WARD. 1st District, 2825 Sherman Ave. . 2d District, 2025 Sherman Ave. 3d District, 1629 Sherman Ave. 4th District, 1504 N. 24th. 5th District. 1829 N. 24th. 6th District, Lake School, 19th and Lane. 7th District, 261$ Sherman Ave. 8th District, 2902 Sherman Ave. 9th District. 3240 N. 24th. 10th District, Engins House, list and Lane. 11th District, 2516 N. 24th. 12th District, Garage, 2417 N. 24th. 18th District, 2708 Lake. 14th District. 1820 N. 24th. 15th' District, Long School, 26th and Franklin. THIRD WARD. 1st District, 1101 N. 18th. 2nd District, Engins House, 16th and Isard. 3rd District, 1514 Davenport. . 4th District, Engine House, 12th and Dodge. 5th District, 1620 Oapltol Ave. 6th District. 1616 Chicago. 7th District, 720 N. 16th. 1 8th District. 1812 Cumins:. 9th. District, South deor, annex, Keltom School. 22nd between Nicholas and Paul. 10th District, 2210 Cuming. Ilth District. The Madison. 3102 Chicago. 12th District, Dwelling, 624 N. 20th. 13th District, Basement High School. 14th District, Garage. 2526 Dodge. 16th District, 624 N. 24th. 16th District, Engine House, 914 N. 24th. 17th District, Garage, 2830 Caldwell. 18th District, Webster School, 38th Ave. and Webater. 18th District, Dwelling. 2866 Chicago. FOURTH WARD. 1st District, Corn States Serum Co. Office, 1026 Mason. 2nd District, Engine House, 11th and Jackson. 3rd District, Central Garage, 131$ Har ney. 4th District, 103 S. 16th. 6th District, City Hall. 18th and Far nam. 6th District, Court House, 17th and Harney. 7th District, 1708 Jackson. -8th District, 1810 St. Marys Avs. 9th- District, Drug Store, 1923 Leaven worth. 10th District, 2121 Leavenworth. 11th District. Dwelling. 629 S. 21st Avs. 12 District, 216 8. 20th FIFTH WARD. 1st District, 1203 S. 6th. 2nd District, Grace Chapel, South Side, William between 6th and 6th. 3rd District, Engine House, 8th and Pierce. 4th District, 1704 S. 10th. 5th District, Train School, 6th and Hickory. 6th District, Engins House, 11th and Dorcas. 7th District, New Bancroft School, 8th smd Bancroft; 8th District, 1261 S. 12th. 9th District, 1259 S. 16th. 10th Distrlot, School, 15th between Wil liam and. Pine, 11th District, Lincoln School, 11th and Center. 12th District. Drake. Williams & Mount Office, 1925 S. 20th. jam District, lOJi vinion. 14th District. Engine House. 20th and Srlng. 16th District, Vinton School, 23d and Vinton. 16th District. Caateliar School. 18th and Martha 17th District, 2328 . 20th. 18th District, 1227 S. 22nd. SIXTH WARD. 1st District, 4118 8. 13th. - 2nd District, Edward Rosewater School, 13th and Phelps. 3rd District, 4001 S. 24th. 4th District, South Side High School, 23rd and J. 6th District, Garfield School. 16th and H. 6th District, Eagle Hall, 23rd and N. 7th District, Hawthorns School, 18th between Mo. Ave. and M St. 8th District, School. 20th between O and P. , 9th District. 6133 S. 24th. 10th District, School, 19th and U. 11th District, 8113. R. R. Avs. SEVENTH WARD. 1st District, Dwelling, 3714 8. 24th. 3d District, School,' 37th and F. 3d District. 4636 8. 24th. 4th District, Engins House. 26th and L. 5th District, City Hall South Side. 6th District, Store, 2715 Q. 7th District. School. 27th and Jefferson. 8th District, School. 32d and U. 9th District. Engine House, 21st and R. 10th District, School, 39th and X. 11th District, 3726 Q. 13th District. Engine House, 33d and K. 13th District, School. 424 and L EIGHTH WARD. . 1st District, Dwelling, 1114 8. 27th. 2d District, Dwelling. 1541 S. 26th. 3d District. Engine House. Ed Crelih- ton and Park Ave. 4th District, 1204 8. 24th. 6th District, Garage, 2606 8. 32d Avs. 6th District, 1507 Park Ave. 7th District, 1334 Park Ave. 8th District, 8206 Poppleton, garage In rear. 8th District.. Beal School. 48th and Walnut. 10th Distrlot. Windsor School. 24th and Martha. NINTH WARD. 1st District, 2523 Farnam. 2d District, 2626 Farnam. 3d District, 708 S. 24th. 4th District, 2701 Leavenworth. 6th District. Engins House. 27th. be tween St. Marys Ave. snd Leavenworth. th District, 2V0Vi Farnam. 7th District, 719 Park Avs. 8th District. Farnam School. 29th and Farnam. 9th District, Garage, 3617 Farnam. 10th District. Engine House. 36th and Jacksoa nth District, io7 Far avs. 13th District, -3303 Leavenworth. 13th District. Basement School. 28th and Jones. 14th District, N. w. cor. 40th and Tar rant. J 5th District, Garage (rear), 304 8. 49th. Kta District. 4V721 Laavsoworth. Financial. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, April 11. The spread of railroad labor disturbances last week, with its threat of reaching into new territory before irresnonsi ble walkouts terminated, added one more burden to the manv which in dustry has had to shoulder in the last 18 months. It needs no statis tics to show that heavy losses of production and a severe retardation of distribution accompanies a great tieup of transportation facilities. This is to be considered supple mentary to inconvenience and ac tual physical suffering which goes with a stagnation of the delivery into consuming channels of the necessaries of life. Prior to the refusal of Chicago switch men to work 10 days ago, the Industries had been feeling considerable relief from the winter difficulties of railroad ship ments. The delivery and payment foe gooas long neid In warehouse was grad ually acting to relieve a congested situa tion of credit tied up In commodities.' Sign of Price Recessions. There were signs of price recessions In markets that ' had begun to receive In creased quantltlea of manufactured prod- ucii. it looKea as tnougn tne spring wouia progress with somewhat easier con ditions for both Droducara and conaumera. But the strikes, engineered for a purpose as yet obscure and In defiance of author ity of organised labor, have changed all that. Should Insurgency be calmed within the next few days. It will require weeks before the roads are again able to report a resumption of traffic Improvement which began with the passing ot adverse weather conditions. The high cost of living problem la put further than ever from a practical solu tion and the high cost of doing business Is mad even higher than before. The on point ot comfort In the exasperating situa tion has been the sober and helpful attitude of responsible railroad union officials and tha thought thereby implied that when the present mess Is straightsned out, the hand of conservative labor will be strengthened. Much Cold From England. - Approximately $48,200,000 gold has been sent to New York by the British govern ment since the movement began a fort, night ago. and recelota of nurchaaea made by bankers In the auction market bring the total Imports up to 351,400,000. This comprises aa much of the metal as local bankers estimated would come m tha Initial stage of preparations for me Angio-f rencn loan maturity, a pro duct of the cold movement and of re newed confidence in International condl tlona as affecting Great Britain primarily waa seen last Monday In a quotation of if. tie, tor sterling sight drafts, tne rate shooting across the 34 mark for the first time in more man tour montns. Tha latsr reaction to 33.86 at ths end of ths week waa not unnatural In view of the extraordinary rlss which had previous ly occurred. The atory ot French and Italian exchange was aulte different and not altogether explained by newa of either foreign or local origin, aoia aeciinea to new low records, trance aelllng down to about ( l-6c each and lire to ap proximately 4c In American currency corn Dared with a normal value of 19.2c. It could be argued that the reflection of Frencn currency inflation ana adverse balance of trade In low exchange was aggravated by the cost in money and In lessened production of Increased mili tary operations tn Germany. But that factor did not affect Italian rates. Italian exchange Is under government control, which seeks to eliminate, speculative op erations. It may be, af soma bankers hold, that ths absence ot a short interest In ths lire market because ot trading re strictions has helped to accelerate the recent decline. Influence on Market. The atock dividend slogan had a de cided Influence In laat week'a stock market speculation. Six per cent call money until Friday's rise to 10 per cent worked to expand tha operations of trad ers whoae thought of profits was stirred by the prospect of having shares given to them free, provided they guessed the fortunate stock. The conjunction of these two factors was exactly right for pool managers, and the bulging quantltlea of a number of Industrial Issues showed them to be active participants in the market. The paat has shown that severe reactions come sooner or later In atocks boosted by concentrated buying in which sound economic Influences play only a minor part. The stock exchange took time by the forelock In the case of Stromburg Carburetor, heading oft what looked like another accumulation of shares of a limit ed capltillzatlon in a few hands. The Stuts Motor episode has Imparted a lesson to the Stock Exchange management, without cny apparent evidence as yet, that over scaloua speculators have taken It to heart Political Instruction School For Women Starts Saturday A school of political instruction for women under the auspices of the Omaha School Forum will be gin next Saturday and continue ev ery Saturday for eight weeks. The lectures, by eight noted educators, will be held in the council of the chamber of the City hall at 10 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. Tickets for the course are being sold for $2, single admissions, 75 cents. Omaha school teachers will sell the tickets. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. TENTH WARD. 1st District, School, $2d Ave. and Daven port. 2d District, Garage, 3104 Cuming. 3d District, Oarage, 3514 "Lafayette. 4th District, 602 N. 33d. 6th District, 107 N. 40th. 6th District. Enclna House. 41st and Hamilton. 7th District. 46tb and Iiard. TeleDhona Exchange, Basement. 8th District, 4619 Cuming. 9th District. Dundee Schoul. 61st and Davenport. 1 10th District, Engine Houset 50th and Underwood. ELEVENTH WARD. 1st District. Howard Kennedy School. 30th and Mapls. la uiatrict, i.n& n. 83d. 3d District, School, 36th and Franklin. 4th District, School, 48th and Corby. 6th District, 2205 Military Avs. 6th District, 2202 Military Avs. 7th District. Rosa Hill School. Benson. 66th and Arthur, 8th District, Engine Houss, City Hall, Bcrson. 9th District, 6053 Military Avs. TWELFTH WARD. 1st District. (224 N. 0th. 2d District. Central Park Retinal. 414 and Grand Avenue. Id District, Dwelllnfc, 4724 N. 40th. 4tB District. Monmouth Park School. 13d and Ames. 5th District, Druid School. Main Floor. th District. 4001 Ames Avs. 7th District, Florence School. Jlst. fee. tween State and Wlllet. The polls will open at I o'clock a. m. and closs st 8 o'clock p. m. HAKLEI a. MOORHEAD. Election Commissioner. AT. 8. . It, li, 11, li, li, 16, 17 and 1$. My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON How. Robert Savarin Thrilled Madge by the Declaration of His Determination About Lillian. Robert Savarin spent the entire forenoon preceding 'Lillian's arrival in the company of his liege lady's small daughter. Marion led him all over the Durkee place and ours, and if there was a tree or a bush, a flower or a chicken on the two places whose acquaintance he did not make, whose family history he did not learn, it wasn't Marion's fault. At 11 o'clock I went in search of them, and found them in the row boat on the little lake at the foot of the garden. The artist, looking extremely happy and supremely un comfortable, was sitting in one end of the rowboat, while Marion in the middle, flushed and determined, wa3 rowing him about the lake. Marion has learned to row in child fashion since she has been with us, the little lake, in no place over three feet deep, being an ideally 'place for juveniles, and she naturally is anxious to display the accomplishment. That the boat leaks slightly, and that her oars are apt to slip, sending splashes of water over her passengers, are matters of supreme indifference to Marion, al though in other situations she is prettily solicitous concerning the comfort of her elders. But on the subject of rowing her brain is single-tracked and enthusiastic. A Hppy Couple. "Hoo-oo! Marion!" I called 'Time to meet mother I" She turned the boat so quickly that Mr. Savarin nearly lost his balance. I caught a glimpse of mod ish masculine shoes describing an arc toward the sky, and held my breath as the artist righted himself with an effort. "Oh-h, Uncle Robert, I'am so sor ry 1" the child exclaimed. "I guess you're not very used to rowboats, are you?" with impertinence as un conscious as it was amusing. "I guess I'm not, sweetheart." he answered, and they were near enough now for me to see the fond twinkle in his eyes as he looked at her, "not this kind, anyway. But I'll learn if you'll help me." "I'll take you out for hours every day you're here," Marion declared with her words strongly italicised, and Mr. Savarin laughed outright as he met my amused eyes. "Are we going to meet mother with the car, Auntie Madge?" Mar ion queried, and in the same breath: "May I put on my pink dress?" "Surely, dear," I returned, "but you must hurry. We haven't very much time. Uncle Robert will ex cuse you if you run, I know." She tied her boat and skipped awav with a backward wave of the hand. Robert Savarin's eyes fol lowed her fondly, and I knew his thoughts from the sigh that invol untarily escaped his lips. But the next instant a totally different ex pression crossed his face, and he looked at me with a rueful smile. Can Lillian Resist? "Marion is not the only one who will have to change," he said, glanc ing down at his bespatter! and rumpled clothing, so trim and im maculate an hour before. "Marion's seamanship is rather trying," I laughed, then added prac tically: "If vou will give your things to Katie when you come down again I can promise you they will be re turned to their pristine freshness. Dicky says she's a wizard." Thank you, that is very kind, he said perfunctorily and with his mind palpably elsewhere. We had almost reached the house when he spoke again. Will vou have room in your car for me to go to the station also?" "Oh, surely!" I exclaimed. "You must pardon my remissness, but I had hesitated to ask you because " "Because vou thought I might shrink from first meeting the woman I love before the eves of other people," he finished, smiling down at my chagrined astonishment. "My dear lady, that would have been very true six months ago. but that time has passed for me. Let us speak plainly, once for all. It has only been within the last few months that I have completely lost the haunting fear that some day there might come over me again that awful cloud ". He stOODed. and I fairlv held mv breath, rememberinir the 15 vears of mental loss to which he referred. The best specialists long aeo as sured me that I need never fear its return," he went on, "and now my own inner consciousness confirms their decision. At last I am a man again, among men" he lung his hands wide with a sudden dramatic gesture "and, make no mistake, I shall use all my returned strength to claim and protect what should be my own by all the laws of God and nature, if nat of man." As he went on to his room with a little courteous inclination of the head I felt my pulse thrill with ex citement and admiration. Would Lillian be able to resist such impassioned persuasion as Rob eit Savarjn'si! , Women's Dormitory Rivals Famous Red Hotel With One Bath Chlcafo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, Chicago, April-11. Horrors Sat urday night and no bath facilities, Foster hall, one of the women's dormitories at the University of Chicago, has become a little sister to the bolshevik hotel which boasts 1,000 rooms and one bath. Foster hall is even worse off, for it has had no bathroom facilities whatever for four days and here it is Saturday night. The Easter blizzard is to blame. The snow piled up' on the roof and began to ooze through the slates as it melted. The water leaked into the bathroom transforming it into a fish pond. The ceiling began to slough off and fall and an order was issued prohibiting any one from en tering the room . One venturesome co-ed sneaked in after a pet cake of soap, but hustled out, wearing a scared look and a coat of plaster and calcimine. There are 40 girls in the dormitory and, under their rules, they have missed a 160 baths in tbV four days, and now it is Saturday fjght. Danish Farmers Peeved About Labor Troubles Copenhagen, April It. A ma jority of the Danish farmers, who are the backbone of the nation,, are exasperated over the continuous labor troubles, which are preventing the transport of farming produce to England and the United States, and contemplate direct action by cutting off Copenhagen and other Danish towns from agricultural produce, meat and grains until the strikes are stamped out The bakers, masons, seamen and longshoremen are still on strike. The longshoremen are willing to negotiate, but are informed that this is impossible until work is re sumed. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. , 14 MEN JAILED ON CHARGES OF LOTTERY SALE Officers Start National Cam paign; More Than $100,000 in Tickets Seized by Columbus Police. Columbus, Ohio, April 11. What is declared by local police officers to be the start of a nation-wide cam paign against four big lottery com panies operating throughout the country was taken here when 14 Columbus men were arrested and jailed on charges of selling lottery tickets or promoting a lottery. More than $100,000 worth of lottery tick ets were seized here, the police say. The four lottery companies arc said to be the Honduras, the Cuban, which is declared to be conducted through the National Bank of Cuba, the Metropolitan, whose headquar ters arc in Montreal, but whose printing establishment is said to be in Toledo, Ohio, and the Alaskan. According to the local police, they learned of the alleged lotteries when ticket salesmen approached a police, man and asked him to buy ticket. The police state the tickets were of fered for sale at from 50 cents to $10 each and that the prizes otterea ran as high as $10,000 and $20,000. The police said all information re garding the lotteries had been placed in the hands of federal officers. Members of Reserve Board . Discuss Discount Rates Washington, April 11. A series of conferences attended by the gov- ernors of the federal reserve bank' and members of the federal reserve board ended without announcement as to probable changes in rediscount rates of reserve banks. Higher rates were discussed as 1 possible means of checking the in creasing flow of commercial paper into the reserve institutions, but there was no indication of the at titude of bankers. It is known, however, that the situation created by the constant demands of member banks upon the rediscounting priv ileges of the federal reserve system is about to force some action. Indictments Returned 1 Against Negro Soldiers Santa Fe, N. M., April 11. The federal grand jury returned 15 in dictments againsf members of the regiment stationed at Columbus, N. M. for the pas three years and recommended to the court and the war department that this regiment ought to be removed from the Mexi can border. The report stated that the civil authorities were unable to cope with the situation as regards bootlegging and gambling. Mexican Train Dynamited. El Paso, April 11. Mexico City newspapers arriving here reported another train dynamited by bandits in Chihuahua. According to the ac count, the train was en route from Tnrrenn in friiriiia Vina when it was- dynamited, eight kilometers south Of Ceballos station. Make A Start The End Is Easy Unless You Own a Homo, ar Have a "Heme Fa ad," Sooisthfcif' Wrong. v Buying lots or acreage is a snap, once you get started. Many buyers pay up much faster than their contracts require. EXAMPLES: O. W. Helvey, in April, 1918, bought a $750 tract on $10 a month terms over six years. He paid out and took his deed in January, 1919. Lillie Olson, March, 1917, bought a $62$ lot on $10 a month terms a 5-year con tract She paid out and took her deed, March, 1919. Advise with a Realtor. Any Omaha Realtor can show you, in a short time, how to become a Real Estate Owner. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. Look! Look! INVEST YOUR MONEY WHERE IT WILL GROW -T LOT SALE. EXTRAORDINARY On Saturday, April 10th, 2 P. M., we will start the sale of 17 choice lots in South Omaha, near 36th and F streets. Within easy walking distance of all South Side industries, with monthly payroll of over $1,500,000. No safer investment possible. These lots will grow in value as fast as any property in Omaha. Prices from $250 to $500. Lots 50x130; a few 65x130. Terms easy. A small payment down and monthly payments from $5.00 to $10.00 per lot . Make arrangements at our office to see the lots before Sat urday or meet us at 36th and F streets, Saturday afternoon, from 2 till dark. South Side Land Company Telephone Douglas 9388. 403 Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas