Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1920, Image 1

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M ah a Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 256.
CilwM Mcwf-clui MtMf May M. IMt, tt
Onbi P. 0. uaw rt Mink t. 1171.
By Mill (I Hir), Daily. te.M: . M.BOf
Dally .. l.OOi wUMi Ntk. (mum antra.
Charles E. Fanning Dies Sud
denly Sunday Morning at His
Home on Dodge Street
Was 66 Years Old.
Head of Postoffice Had
Worked Until 9:30 at Office
' in Federal Building Did
Not Complain of III Health.
Charles E. Fanning, 66 years old,
postmaster of Omaha and widely
. known throughout the city and state
as a paving contractor and demo
cratic party worker, died suddenly
Sunday morning at 3 at his home,
5010 Dodge street, of heart trouble.
' Death-came almost without warn
ing. Mr. Fanning was awakened
shortly before, 3 o'clock by severe
pains in the region of the heart. He
aroused Mrs. Fanning and asked for
medicine and a drink of water. Be
fore medical assistance ' could be
summoned he quietly expired.
Worked AU Day.
Mr. Fanning had befcn a sufferer
from heart trouble for many months
and tlthough the seriousness of his
condition was known to his wife and
some of his more intimate friends,
it was kept from him, and he con
tinued steadily at work. The news
of his sudden death, nevertheless
came as a great shock to his friends
throughout the city and state.
Mr. Fanning was at his office in
the federal building all day Satur
day, busily engaged in assisting in
the work of auditing accounts from
postoffices all over the state. He re
turned to the office in the evening
and remained there until 9:30 when
he vcas accompanied home by Mrs.
Fanning. At no time did he complain
of being ill'and he retired in excel
lent spirits.
Active in Politics.
For many years Mr. Fanning was
active and powerful in democratic
politics of Douglas county. During
much of that time he carried on a
vigorous contest with Tom Dcnni
son for control of local offices. One
such contest resulted in a Fanning
victory when Felix McShane was
elected sheriff in 1909 after an un
usually bitter campaign. For vears
-Mr. Fanning was a member of the
democratic state committee.
Fanning's appointment as post
master was on recommendation of
Senator Hitchcock. Anti-Hitchcock
democrats fought the appointment,
supporting Frank L. .Weaver, now
city attorney, but Fanning was vic
torious. -
As a paving contractor Fanning
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five.)
T l . it r I
Lowaen urges vjuick
Resumption of Hague
World Conference
Chicago, April 11. Immediate re
sumption of the work of The Hague
international conference to provide
the necessary judicial machinery for
the settlement of international dis
putes in order to prevent future
wars, was advocated in an address
by Gov. F. O. Lowden, of Illinois,
candidate for the republican presi
dential nomination. . '
"When' the war was over the
whole world was in a state of sus
pense ' as to, what ' might happen
afterward," the governor said. "In
stead of adopting the idea of judicial
determination of differences, a politi
cal alliance among the nations- was
created. When that alliance was
creted and given the name of the
league of nations it was seen by our
people tXat instead of preventing
future wars it was itself likely to
prove the breeder of more conflicts.
Predict Another Break .
In Organized Labor Ranks
Gary. Ind., April 11. Another
break in the ranks of organized
labor will be the result of a mass
meeting of steel and iron workers
here Sunday afternoon, according
to an official active in the move
ment . . . .
Officials of the United Iron and
Steel Workers of America, a new
organization, will be present, it was
said. Disastisfaction over the out
come ; of the steel strike an the
manner in which it was conducted
in Gary late last year is declared to
be the 'reason the meeting was
called. It is asserted many mem
bers of the steel council will enroll
in the new body.
Two Aviators Injured
In Fall at Kelly Field
San Antonio. Tex., April 11.
Henry A. . Strickland of Waycross,
Ga., sergeant; first class, of the air
service, and William J. Briggs of
Homer,' Mich.,' chauffeur,' first class,
were seriously injured at Kelly" field,
near here, Saturday afternoon when
a Curtiss training plane, in which
mar Afiner ctuntc f11 (mm in
altitude of about 300 feet. Strick
land probably will die, but it is be
lieved Briggs may recover.
D'Annunzio Denies Plans
Tn P.antnrfl Railway Line
Fiume, April 11. Gabriele d'An
hunzio denied reports of a projected
movement north of Fiume for the
Trieste and Lubina.
"No expedition has been planned
by us since the expedition to Zara,"
d'Annunzio said. "There have been
no observations from our ranks and
no incidents have occurred amongst
the legionaircs."
Postmaster of Omaha
Who Dies Suddeidy
From Heart Attack
' -a v
& - . , )
Y Vv . s w
"" t j? v
Charles E. Fdtming
Interchuch World Campaign
ers Show Court House Fire
As Object Lesson at Sun
day Mass Meeting.
A colored picture of the Douglas
county court " house in flames the
night of September 28, 1919, was
among many stereopticon pictures
shown at a mass meeting in the
First Presbyterian church yesterday
afternoon in the interest of the In
terchurch World movement.
"We are all equally guilty for such
neglect of education and religion as
brought about the mob violence
which Set this court house on fire,"
said the speaker, Ralph Ward, mis
sionary to China and a worker. iri
launching the Interchurch World
movement by which nearly 40 de
nominations propose to co-operate
in- Christian work. ; ,
Gov: C E.N Milliken of Maine was
the principal speaker at the meeting
in the-, First Presbyterian church.
Rev. Frank Smith introdaced him.
'"We propose to cut out competi
tion and wasted effort between the
churches," said Governor Milliken.
"We will raise money by united ef
fort, to visualize our field of en
deavor with united vision and to
perform the task with combined
strength and without "waste.
6,000,000 Illiterates.
"We have neglected our oppor
tunities, and what is the result? It
is unrest, bolshevism, mob violence.
No democracy is secure unless its
people are educated and religious.
Todav there are in this country
6,000,000 adults who can't write or
read our language. Half of our
population are not influenced direct
ly by any church, Protestant,
Catholic or Jewish. And 26,000,000
children and young people under 25
years of age are growing up with
out any religious training.
"To the business man this cam
paign appeals because it spells ef
ficiency, united effort toward a def
initc end. ,
"It has been figured out that if
every member of the 40 denomina
tions were to give a sum equal to
one-tenth the income of the lowest
paid worker in America, namely, the
waitress in Alabama who gets 57
cents a day, the total sum would be
much more than th sum which
these 40 denominations in united
campaign are going after. This is
a great 'allied offensive' for the
church of God."
The pictures showed places and
people where the "church has not
worked. A Pennsylvania coke town
was shown and the speaker said the
national survey showed there are
104 such towns in Pennsylvania
alone wfth 70,000 people and not a
single church or Sunday school.
Many Meetings Held.
This was but one of dozens of
meetings held in Omaha yesterday
in the interest of the Interchurch
World movement.
Eight members of two of the
teams now touring the country in
preliminary work for this movement
(Continued on Tf Two, Colnmn Throe.)
New British Ambassador
Sails for United States
' London April 11. Sir Auckland
C. Geddes, new British ambassador
to the United States, left for Liver
pool where he will board the steam
er for his voyage to America.
Among those who saw him off were
Ambassador John W. Davis and
Mrs. Davis and Andrew Bonar Law.
President Wilson Takes
First Outing in Two Weeks
Washington, April 11. President
Wilson took an automobile ride Sun
day for the first time in .two weeks.
Accompanied by Mrs. Wilson he
drove around the speedway along
the Potomac rjv- and then through
Rock Creek park, returning to the
White House within an hour.
Twelve Hurt in Elevated .
Train Wreck in Chicago
Chicago, April 11. Eleven pas
sengers and a motorman were in
jured when a northbound elevated
train crashed into the rear of an
empty Chicago, North Shore and
Milwaukee train just south of the
Refuses to Suspend Order for
Movement of Troops
Into Sonora.
Cblraco Tribune-Oman Bo l ow
Mexico City, Mo., April 11
swerinsr telegrams from Gov:
De La Huerta and General Plafik of
Sonora, protesting against the move
ments of federal troops in the state
of Sonora and threatening an upris
ing unless their principal wishes are
respected, President Carranza has
stated that he will accept full re
sponsibility as chief executive of the
nation for his duty to keep and
maintain the federal union. ,
The president says he "cannot
discuss1 with the government of any
one state the convenience or incon
venience of military measures dic
tated within my constitutional facili
ties, but I wish to call your atten
tion to the fact that the attitude of
any state which, in whatever .form
or under whatever pretext resents
as a violation of its sovereignty
military movements made by the fed
eral government, constitutes an im
mediate declaration of insurrection
and breaking of the pact of states
with the federa.1 government. .
"Not only can I not suspend the
orders for movements of the federal
troops, but according to the declara
tions of the Sonora state legislature
the question has been converted into
one of principle. That the federal
government strongly sustain and
conserve its authority for the unity
of the country, even if there were
no other motives which demanded
military measures, prudence and
"The question of responsibility
for the consequences of what might
happen trom troop movements is
unnecessary to discuss, as I accept
tully beforehand the responsibility
for the act, ordered by me."
fix v
vn orce or irooos. ouu strong,
Will Arrive at Mayence Mon
day Evening and Occupy
Cities Together With French.
What Is This Deal?
Success of Alliance Depends
Upon Unanimity of Action,
England Says in Reply to
France Germans Protest.
business quarter.
Over Half of Workings in
District 1 4 Closed About
4,000 Men Out.
: 7 "
Pitsburg, Kan., April 11. With
the resumption of the investigation
of the coal industry by the court of
industrial relations here, it was an
nounced by Judge W. L. Huggins
that it is hoped wives ct the miners
will respond to the court's request
and testify as to home and school
conditions. The women will not be
subpoenaed, but are asked to testify
voluntarily. . ,. , , i ....v
Approximately 4,000 miners of
district No. 14, United Mine Work
ers of ' America, refused to work
Saturday following the incarceration
for contempt of President Alexan
der Howat, Vice President August
Dorchy, Secretary Thomas Harvey
and Auditor R. B. Foster of the
miners. Forty mines, more, than
half of the total in the district, are
closed as a result.
No statement was forthcoming
from Howat other than the officials
kave not changed their stand re
garding the industrial court When
questioned regarding . the strike,
which spread in protest against the
incarceration of the officials, he said
that he would have nothing to say
until after the mass meeting of the
district miners which will be held at
2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at
Reveals Plans Made
By Germans to Bomb
vNew York From Air
OX -
Washington, April 11. Details of
plans of the German general staff
for bombing New York City from
the air and a minute description of
the super-Zeppelin in which the in
vasion would have been attempted,
are contained in an article by Col.
William N. Hensley, jr., of the air
service, made public by the war de
partment. Colonel. Hensley was one
of the American officers who visited
Germany after the armistice.
He says the German effort was
scheduled to take place about
Thanksgiving, 1918, and that the
L-72, which he described as the
largest airplane in the world, was
expressly constructed for-the raid.
Measuring 775 feet from ip to tip
and equipped with six engines of
260 horsepower each, the L-72, the
colonel said, was capable of carry
ing five tons of high explosives and
incendiary material.
Prominent Chicago Judge
Dies After Short Illness
Chicago, April 11. Richard S.
Tuthill, 78 years old, judge of the
circuit court for 35 years, died at'
his home in Evanston Saturday after
a brief illness.
Judge Tuthill was a delegate to
the republican national convention
that nominated Grant. In the Civil
war he served as lieutenant in an
Illinois regiment of artillery and on
the staff of Gen. John A. Logan. -
One of Judge Tuthill's best known
decisions was in the Shakspearean
controversy between Co. George
Fabian and W. N. Selig, in which
he decided that Lord Bacon wrote
Shakespeare's plays. '
Famous "Topsy" Passes
Away at Age of 79 Years
Worcester. Mass., April 11. Mrs.
Lillie E. VVilkenson, who had the
distinction of making famous the
part of "Topsy, in "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," died here, aged 79. She was
a native of England and up to the
time of her retirement from the
stage, 38 years ago, she played with
several famous actors, including
Edwin Booth. She was at the head
of her own company in "East
While she was not the original
"Topsy" she developed the .part until
itwas one of the principal features
'pf the play
By the Associated Prau.
Arlon, Belgian-Luxembotrrg, April
11. A battalion of Beleian trooDS.
500 strong, with bands playing and
nags Hying, lett here todav bv wav
of Coblenz for Mayence. The troops
will arrive at their destination Mon
day evening and be officially re
ceived by the French army and then
will proceed to the occupied cities.
Situation Unsolved.
London, April 11. The British
reply to the French note, according
to an authoritative statement de
clares the strength and success of
the alliance depends on unanimity
of action, and while there is a pos
sibility of a continuance of inde
pendent action, the situation remains
unsolved. Therefore, pending a
clear understanding on this point,
the British ambassador in Paris has
been instructed not to attend any
meetings or conferences for arrang
ing measures with regard to Ger
many, inasmuch as such confer
ences would be nugatory while, one
ally was acting independently.
New York Times-Chleaso Tribune, Cable,
Copyright, 1920.
Frankfort, April 11. What is
construed as an effort to arouse
French military authorities to vig
orous action, is seen in the editorial
attitude of the Frankfurter Zeitung,
which, despite the drastic censorship,
openly protests against the occupa
tion of the Rhineland cities as un
justified. The paper was forced to publish
a letter from General Demetz,
French commander to Police Chief
Ehrler, severely reprimanding him
for an incident in the Kaiserstrasse
Wednesday, when a German mob
surrounded a French soldier apd de
prived him of his carbine and-' bi
cycle. V
Sting in Reply. ,
There is a sting in the police
chief's reply where he asks that the
incident be overlooked inasmuch as
it happened on the day when six
German citizens were killed and 3i
wounded by the Algerian troops.
Dusseldorf authorities are protest
ing vigorously against the atrocities
perpetrated by the reischwehr dur
ing their advance into the Ruhr ba
sin. Entrance of the troops is en
ergetically opposed.
It was announced that Ebert's
troops would retire as soon as the
security guards and police troops
are reformed in the neutral zone, but
two truck loads of reichswehr vis
ited Dusseldorf for a few hours, re
turning to Essen later.
Thousands of communists have
fled to the British zone of occupa
tion.. In Cologne the Tommies have
interned 2,500. The amnesty pro
claimed by Berlin has not induced
any of them to return to the area
occupied by the troops, as they re
call how Berlin violated the agree
ment to make peace.
Pershing and Crowder
Will Be Honored By
Missouri University
Washington, April 11. (Special
Telegram.) General Pershing and
Major General Enoch H. Crowder,
judge advocate general, will be given
the honorary degree of Doctor . of
Laws by the University of Missouri
April 22. Both are native sons of that
state and there is a remarkable coin
cidence in that both jnen were ap
poined to West Point from the same
congressional district Pershing was
followed by Crowder and they are
to be honored by the university of
their native state by having the same
degree conferred upon them on the
same day. , -
Lincoln Woman Dies While
Visiting Her Son in Omaha
Mrs. Marion J. Fisher, 79 years
old, widow of George E. Fisher of
Lincoln, died Sunday while visiting
at the home of her son, George F.
fisher, reporter tor the Umaha
World-Herald, at 2615 Hanscom
Mrs. Fisher had been a resident of
Lincoln for a number of years, where
she made her home with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Cora F. Warner. Her death
was the result of acute gastritis, from
which she had suffered for about
two weeks. Her body will be takeni
to Lincoln for burial.
Fire Destroys Barns and
118 Horses in Kansas City
. Kansas City, April 11. Fire of
undetermined origin tonight de
stroyed the garage and barn of the
City Ice company, burning to death
118 horses and three motor trucks
and resulting in damage estimated
at ?2UU,UUU.
Yale President Resigns. ;
New Haven. Conn, April 11. The
resignation of -President Arthur
Twining Hadley of Yale University,
has been accepted by the Vale cor
poration, it was announced. The
resignation will be effective on June
30, 1921, when Mr. Hadley will have
beca president of Yale for 22 years,
Lincoln, Neb., April 11. (Special.) Mark '
Woods, personal friend of Gen. John J. Pershing
and 'the head of the campaign for Pershing's
nomination as republican candidate for presi
dent, made the following statement today:
Frank A. Harrison, manager of Senator
Johnson's campaign for Nebraska's presidential
preference, has officially indorsed the national
convention delegates who filed originally as
supporters of Gen. Leonard Wood. Speaking
for Senator Johnson, Harrison urges Nebraska
republicans to vote for delegates who profess,
in public at least, to oppose the senator's nomi
nation. .' r ,
What does this mean?
Frank Harrison is nobody's fool. Senator
Johnson likewise is an astute politician. Neither
is in the habit of giving something for nothing.
Their indorsement of Wood delegates is worth
something to those delegates. What did they
get in exchange?
Nebraska, republicans have a right to know
the answer to that question. Particularly have
sincere supporters of General Wood a right to '
know the whole story back of this unusual polit
ical maneuvering.
It is not sufficient for Harrison to say that
the delegates he indorses are pledged to support
the primary choice, whoever he may be. That
is true of ALL the delegates. But Harrison and
Johnson picked the WOOD delegates for their
favor. Why?
It MAY BE that Wood; discouraged by the
fiasco in Michigan, has decided to abandon the
fight in Nebraska, save for a combat on the
surface. It MAY BE that his managers have
agreed to aid in throwing Nebraska to Senator
Johnson, their payment to be Johnson's support
of delegates personally favorable to Wood.
Then, if Johnson should not win in Chicago,
Wood would receive the support of these dele
gates. That MAY BE. Nobody but the Wood and
Johnson managers KNOW. Strangely enough,
General Wood, who conducted an aggressive
personal campaign in Michigan and Illinois,
has announced no trip to Nebraska. He ap
pears to be leaving this field to Senator John
son. Why1
There is one presidential candidate in Ne
braska who has made no tie-ups and no com
binations. His candidacy is based upon his indi
vidual merit, his service to the nation, his citi
zenship in Nebraska. Gen. John J. Pershing is
not playing the politicians game. Day by day
it has become evident that the contest in Ne
braska lies between Johnson and Pershing. Is
it this which has forced Wood and Johnson
into a union for mutual defense? ' .
Whatever the reason may be, Nebraska re
publicans will not be fooled by such play. They
should and will vote for their own state candi
date, General Pershing, and for delegates who
will give him loyal and unfaltering support
Pershing Expected to Clean Up
In Home State Primary,
And Lowden in
Columbus, O., April 11. (Spe
cial.) No quarter will be given to
the Wood forces and none asked by
Senator Harding, the management
of the Buckeye Senator's campaign
announced today. Senator Harding
will arrive in his home state Mon
day with blood in both eyes.
Nothing is left of the amicable
attitude of the Hardingand Wood
managements in the 6tate toward
one another that characterized the
campaign at the opening. The
concession to Senator Harding of
his own state, which Colonel Proctor
the Wood manager, talked so freely
about when he conferred with the
senator in Washington a few weeks
ago has been withdrawn. It will
be a fight right down to the primary
test on April 27.
Must Spare Each Other.
The state headquarters of the
hostile organizations face each
other onthe same street here and
neither seems inclined to spare the
other in their publicity depart
ments. Manager Daugherty of the
Harding organization intimates that
it is a millionaires' club that is sup
porting Wood.
On a neighboring roof, where its
flashing fairly blinds the eyes of the
Harding office force, the Wood
headquarters has placed a huge elec
tric sign which nightly presents to
the crowds in the streets the recom
mendations of its candidate, and
tells how he is winning over his op
ponents in t the presidential pri
maries, seeming to forget the Michi1
gan result. Evidently it is the in
tention of the Wood men that the
senator shall fight for everything
he gets in his home state.
Looks Like Harding.
At this time it looks like an over
whelming Harding victory, and with
Harding himself campaigning the
state for the next week or two he
may make a runaway race of it.
The regular party organization still
stands unbroken tor Harding.
Chairman N. H. Fairbanks of the
state ' central committee, a fighter
for the Harding movement, firmly
Continued on Face Two, Column Six.) '
Chicago Banks Will
Set Clocks Ahead to
New York Time
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Loaied Wire.
Chicago. April 11. Chicago will
be up against a peculiar situation
Monday when the banks put into
effect the daylight saving hours,
while the rest of the city goes
ahead under the old system. Banks
that are members or the clearing
house association have, decided to
open at 9 o'clock and close at 2,
thus getting in line with the New
York banks and Wall street.
Savines banks will make conces
sions in the way of additional hours
on Saturdays to accommodate the
thousands who are unable to adjust
their working hours with the early
closing. xThe new hours do not
apply to safety deposit and trust
Ihe change will probably cause
some confusion, especially the earlier
closing in the afternoon, as all other
lines of business will be operating
under the regular system.
Armenians Will Make
Appeal to President
Washington. Anril 11. Five hun
dred Armenian veterans of the Eu
ropean war. who founht as Amer
icans in the United States army, will
come to Washington Wednesday to
petition President Wilson and con
gress for recognition of the inde
pendence of the republic of Ar
menia. They will march from the
Union station to the State depart
ment, where they will be received
by Secretary Colby for the presi
dent They then will march, with
military escort, to the capitol, where
memorials will be presented to
Chairman Lodge of the senate for
eign relations committee and Chair
man Porter of the house, foreign
affairs committee,
Norris Brown -Wants Nebraska
Delegation Pledged to A. E.
F. Leader at Convention.
' Former United States Senator
Norris Brown is heartily in favor of
Nebraska's sending a delegation in
structed for Pershing to the na
national republican convention,
which will meet in Chicago next
"Nebraska could never justify
turning her back on the candidacy
of. General Pershing for president
of the United States," said Senator
Brown. "The preferential vote of
republicans at the primary April 20
should be overwhelmingly for the
general not because there are no
other worthy candidates for the high
office of president, but for the rea
son that he is the peer of any and is
the only Nebraska candidate.
"When we stop to think," he con
tinued, "that in the greatest war of
all history, a Nebraska man led the
American forces in the hour of vic
tory, it seems to me it would be a
disgrace to the citizenship of this
state for us to refuse him the honor
of this vote of confidence.
"The truth about the matter is
General Pershing ought to receive
the preferential vote of all political
parties at a Nebraska primary. He
has earned that honor, he deserves
that recognition and we ought to be
united and quick to give it to him.
"General Pershing is a Nebraska
man. By all means let Nebraska
republicans give their hearty sup
port at the primary April 20." .
Government Will Not
Publish Names of Dead
Brought From Europe
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Beo Leased Wire.
Washington, April 11. Lists will
not be made public by the War
department of the bodies of Amer
ican soldier dead as they are brought
home from. France. .
Secretary of War Baker, it was
made known, deems it inadvisable
to release for publication the names
and addresses of the -dead as they,
are brought home from England
and France, in view of the fact that
all names were once published tit
the regular casualty lists.
"As fast as the bodies of deceased
soldiers are disinterred from foreign
cemeteries and shipped to this coun
try," says an official statement,
"their next kin are advised and the
War department forwards the
bodies either to the home address
of the next kin or to national cem
eteries for reinterment It is be
lieved that the publication of some
50,000 names of American dead to
be returned would only recall the
painful days of the war and fur
ther distress the bereaved families.
The Weather
Nebraska: Fair and warmer,
Hourly Temperatures.
B a. m....
6 a. m....
7 a. m....
S h. m....
a. m....
10 a. m... .
3 P.
S p.
4 p. m..
5 p. tn..
A p. m. .
1 P. in..
. .38
Succumbs to Sleeping Sickness
Which Followed Influenza
Attack Prominent in
Social Circles.
Mrs. Edith Thomas Magee, wife
of Waylaiid W. Majee, died early
Sunday morning" at the University
Hospital of encephalitis lethargica,
better known as sleeping sickness,
which followed an attack of in
fluenza. She had been critically ill
for two months. She was 38 years
Mrs. Magee was born in Carroll,
la. Her family later moved to Sar
gent, Web., where her father, the
late Joseph W. Thomas, established
several banks. She came to Omaha
25 years ago, attended the public
schools here, and later graduated
from Quincy Mansion school at
Wollaston, Mass.
Two Years Abroad.
She then spent, two. years abroad
with' her mother-in travel and the
study of music. On her return to
Omaha she became society editor
and children's editor of The Bee,
continuing in this occupation for
several years, and making a wide
acquaintance of friends. She was a
charter member of the Women's
Press club of Omaha, and an active
worker in the Hoagland Flower
Six years ago she married Mr.
Macec. a Chicaco attornev. who
came here to manage the.esfate' of
his grandfather, the late Col. James
H. Pratt They have made their
home at Summerhill farm at Ben
nington, Neb., sinceUheir marriage.
Survived by riusband.
Mrs. Magee is survived by her
1 I I a -l.M J T A
years old, and Marion, 2years old:
her mother, Mrs. Joseph W. Thom
as, and a brother, Fred W. Thomas,
vice president of the First National
Funeral services will be held this
afternoon at Trinity cathedral at
3:30. Dean James A. Tancock will
officiate. Harley Moorhead, Dr.
Irving S. Cutter, T. L. Davis. Harrv
A. Tukey, Harry Kelley and
William J. Coad will act as pall
bearers. Burial will be in Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Roofer Fractures
Skull in Fall From
Roof to Cement Walk
Albert Anderson, roofer for the
Commercial Roofinsr company, fell
60 feet head foremost, from the roof
of the Her flats, 510 south sixteenth
street, late Saturday afternoon. He
suffered a fractured skull and in
ternal injuries.
Attending nhysicians say he will
Anderson had been tarring the
roof of the building with Plas Jack
Son, colored, 2502 Blondo street an
other employe of the roofing com
pany, when he accidentally stepped
backwards off the roof. Police
rushed the injured man to Nicholas
Senn hospital.
James Baudo, Seeventeenth and
Jackson streets, and John Macog
nan, Seventeenth and St Marys ave
nue, witnesses to Anderson's fall,
say he fell head first to a cement
sidewalk in the rear of the building.
Anderson is 36 years old and lives
at 604 North Seventeenth street. He
is single.
Burgess-Nash Co-Operates
In "Clean-Up Week" Drive
Each year "Clean Up Week" be
comes more and more general
throughout the city and this year
there is promise of even greater en
thusiasm than in previous years.
Friday Mayor Smith issued a
proclamation regarding clean up
week, which has been reproduced by
Burgess-Nash company, who are
urging the public in general to
beautify their homes and are offer
ing enormous sales of furnishings
for the home during the entire weelc.
Japs Capture Railroad.
Honolulu, April 11. The Japanese
have captured the entire Ussuri rail
road between Vladivostok and Kha
borivsk, accordinsr to a cable dis
patch received from Tokio by the
wan H
Officials of Brotherhoods Say
Crisis of Walkout Past
President of Outlaws De
dares Situation Unchanged.
More Switchmen Reported Re
turning' to Work and Quick
Return to Normal Basis Is
Predicted by Chicago Men.
Columbus, O., April 11. Six hun
dred switchmen employed by the
Pennsylvania railroad here who
struck Friday night,' voted today to
return to work tomorrow morning.
Approximately five hundred engm
eer and firemen in the yards also
will return as a result of the switch
men's decision.
Chicago, April 11. Wliile officers
of the railroad brotherhoods, who
united with railroad heads to break
the unauthorized strike of switch
men, which started in the Chicago
terminal district, announced tonight
that the situation was steadily inn
proving and that the crisis of the
walkout was past, John Grnnatt,
president of the Chicago Yardmen's
association, who called the strike,
declared the "situation is un
"The situation in the Chicago dis
trict is distinctly improved tonight,"
S. E. Heberling, president of the
Switchmen's Union of North Amer
ica, said. "More men are returning
to work and we look for an early
return to normal conditions."
Mr. Heberling said that brother
hood leaders were meeting with del
egations of strikers in an effort to
end the walkout and that satistacM
tory progress was being made.
Instruct Men to Return.
It was reported that several com
mittees representing the strikers
were canvassing the individual work
ers and delivering instructions" , to
return to work, Edward Corrigan,
assistant grand chief of the Broth-'
erhood of Locomotive Engineers,
made public a communication ad
dressed to Mm by one of these com
mittees. It read, in part:
- "We the undersigned,- local com
mittee, representing members of the
Brotherhood of Locomotivts Engin
eers and Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen and Engineraen, hereby re
quest that you request the General
Managers association to give us the
same raise in wages as demanded
by the B. L. E. and the B. L. F. E.
"In returning to our work we do
so with the understanding that our
seniority rights shall be protected."
"I feel absolutely certain that the?
men will be back at their work with
in 48 hours," said Mr. Corrigan.
"Our plans appear to have the de
sired effect We are taking this
action to protect our old men. They,
have been ill advised, but they now
see their mistake."
Grunau Predicts Succes.
At an open meeting of the strik
ers John Grunau, leader of the in
surgent element predicted success
for the walkout.
"We are going to win," he said.
"No one has returned to work and
reports have been received from all
parts of the country that traffic is
tied up. I have such telegrams and
letters from St. Louis, Kansas City,
Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, San
Francisco, San Antonio and other
rail centers. Many of these com- '
munications report that more men
are troing on strike.
"There is talk of the government
taking a hand. If I have to go to
prison for anything I have done it
will be for action in a right cause.
I do not see how they could put me
in prison, though. I have not or
dered you out and have no uowef
to order you back. You simply left "
your jobs because you weren't gefr
ting enough to live on." 0'
Urge Peaceful Methods. "?
Grunau warned the men to avoid
violence. Other speakers also urged
peaceful methods.
Several speakers said the estab
lished unions were not giving their; " -members
a square deal W. G. Lee.
president of the Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, being singled
out for criticism.
The strikers also claimed they
were being treated unfairly by the
press. "They tell you that men are
going back in other places. They
tell men in other cities that you are
going back," President Grunau said. '"
"Don't believe it."
Speakers from rail centers Jif
Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania
said there was no freight moving in
that part of the country.
Much Improvement Noted.
A noticeable improvement in the;
strike situation in every railroad ter
minal district was announced to
night in a statement made public by
the railroads.
"The situation with reference to
the strike in 'Chicago continues to
improve," the statement said. "la
fact, there is a noticeable improve
ment on every road in the district.
"The management of the Grand
Trunk railroad advises that its strik
ing emploves at Battle Creek and
Durand, Mich., returned to work.
"The movement f livestock, coal
and other commodities for Chicago
proper has improved, as well as the
movement of Chicago outbound
"Through passenger and suburban
business in and out of Chicago Is
maintained at 100 per cent.
"As the situation continues to im
prove, the railroads are lifting their
embargoes, although it will be some
time hetore Ireight will move