Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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i 9
fMwe Penciling Superlatives and Getting Down to Facts
In discussing the new National Sextet,
we can well be moderate in our every
For the beauty, the power and the com
fortofthisfinecararesuch as need neither
exaggeration nor extravagant mention.
There are certain salient qualities of
she National Sextet, however, that de
serve exposition, and they are offered
here as proof of the Sextet's excellence
Knowing the fineness of the National
Sextet as we do, we welcome a close and
point-by-point comparison with all cars
that merit your respect and considera
tion, regardless of price.
Tkt Nttbttl Sextet it strikingly
W, due b new method of body
eeuBting, b tuslyely Narinnali
Tht deep tody aides descend ta
arithia twe inches ef th roaning
beard, eliminating tha eonvandesud
tanning beard apron, and the Jaww
edge el the lady b brought Sjd
laehea cleaer to the ground without
aaariflctaf toad daarnsKo
ArmMtraight lines, wUejsqeare
dean, indWdael freat fcndera, a
(ugh, narrow radiator whose dis.
ttnetlve design is repraduaad Lb tea
dopta haad lamps, and a fit
upper body edge an a km f the
auy pMBMUKad etyla features.
Tha Sextet kitaifetr-ftninSaa aa
honr w3dieee end throttles dowa
to twe atBca u hear In high. Tha
car accelerates from two ts forty
mQea as haw within a ait? Week
(12 Weeks to a mile). A speed ef
s'nrty aBae aa hew eaeme IDw
thirty, ae sxaeetfc b ear parfarm-
The perfected everBW-velve, high
efldescy engine develop 71 horse
power. Itbfaj&teempleteinNa.
eiajul shops t Aa closest limit
aad sader tha ateet advanced
methadt of precision manufacture.
Triply overaife hearings tha
crankshaft has tha exceptional
diameter of lyi inches an im
proved force-feed lubricating sys
tem that circulates oil to every
point of wear, including the over,
head-valve mechanism, and cor
rect design and the use of tha finest
materials throughout are a guar
snteeof uninterrupted service and
long ear life.
Ease of Operation
While the National Sextet meas
ure) 130 inches from hub to hub,
tha car ia turned without gear
shifting in a 40-foot street, The
steering is of the freely operating
worm-and-gear type. Brake and
clutch pedals yield easily to pres
sors. Brake and gear-ehifting levers
are unusually long and operated
without change of posture.
For a car of such impressive size,
the Sextet delivers remarkable
returns from gasoline and oil,
averaging 12 miles to the gallon
on lowest grades of fuel and 125
miles to the quart of lubricating
The high efficiency overhead-valve
design and the elimination of
energy-wasting friction through
the extremely fine and accurate
alignment of all parts give maxi
mumpower from every ounce of
Special provisions have been made
for the efficient handling of low
grade -fuels, the intake manifold
being enclosed in the cylinder head
and entirely surrounded by heat.
This manifold is specially designed
for the correct application of heat,
based" on experiments covering two
that the Sextet is so finely and
sturdily built as to be a stranger
to the repair shop is the source of
an economy even more worth while
than the savings effected in gas
oline and oil consumption, desir
able though such savings may be.
base provide generous room for
seven passengers." The seats are
set 1 1 inehes below the upper body
edge, giving satisfying sense of
security. The upholstery double
non-sag springs, curled hair and
genuine, leather measures eight
inches in depth.
measure 38 .and 60 inches re
spectively, and their cushioning
power is further augmented by the
use of heavy Hartford shock ab
sorbers, front and rear.
National Sextet bodies have a gen
uine coach - finish, applied in
twenty-four distinct operationi,
each performed by skilled spe
cialists. Bodies are sand-blasted
before painting. Each coat of
paint and varnish is dried in ovens
where both the heat and the
humidity are accurately controlled.
Only hand-rubbing aad brashing
can impart the unripeled smoeth
ness that National Sextet bodies
Include walnut, lock-fitted cab
inets in the center cowl, locked
tool compartment in the left fore
door, pockets large enough for tha
carrying of Blue Books in all other
doors, a smart robe strap of gen
uine Cordovan, underhood motor
light, cord tires, Motometer, cowl
ventilator, non-glare lenses, ton
neau lighj, individually tailored
top. lined with gray wool and fitted
with glass rear window, windshield
cleaner, corrugated rubber pads
for foot pedals, transmission theft
lock, engme-dnven tire pump, and
an emergency gasoline tank.
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $3750; Four-Passenger Phaeton, $3750; Two-Passenger Roadster, $3750; Four-Passenger
Coupe, $4900; Seven-Passenger Sedan, $4950; F. O. B. Indianapolis. These prices subject to government war tax.
Twentieth Successful Year
National Car Sales Corporation
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