Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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5 B
Benson Correspondent, Tel. Wal. M70
Woman' Club.
The home of Mrs. W. H. Locch
ner was turned into a veritable
niodern millinery establishment
lnursdaj, afternoon when members
of Benson Woman's club staged the
one-act playlet entitled "Modes and
Manners." Miss Bernice Dunn and
Miss Wilhsene Karr gave readings,
Mrs. R. Burford, Mrs. Carson and
Mrs. L. A. Mason, vocal selections;
Mrs. G. H. Tuttle, Mrs Shankey,
Piano selections, and the Misses
Hazel and Grace Giles gave two
violin and piano members. The
proceeds of this benefit program will
"support the French orphan which
the club has sponsored.
I" the business session Mrs. V.
A. Wilcox was elected delegate to
the biennial convention, which con
venes in Des Moines, and Mrs. H.
U Hiveti will attend the Second Ne
braska district convention, which
will be held in Dundee. Mrs. C. C.
Beavers was appointed alternate to
Mrs. Rivett.
' Story Hour.
Mrs. John Giles will entertain the
Benson children Saturday at 10:30
a. rn. at the City Hall auditorium
with the following stories. "He That
Is faithful." "Coals of Fire," "The
Magic Mask" and "Mrs. Rabbit and
iler Family."
Community Center. '
A community center program was
given in the assembly room of the
Benson High school Friday evenirig.
A play entitled "The Old School in
Hickory Holler" was staged by the
Dramatic club under Hi Hi
jTTui:3 nniy vvooarun. rrot. lee
yj. jvratz naa charge of the Glee
club numbers.
Methodist Aid.
Mrs. C. D. Hurd was hostess to
the Methodist Ladies' Aid at -her
home Wednesday.
Annual Meeting.
. The Benson Baptist church held
its annual meeting Monday at the
church. The following officers were
elected to serve during the ensuing
year, namely, Mr. John Hamer.
deacon; Dr. Heuman and D. M.
Sloan, trustees; C. H. Faris, clerk;
John Wallick, treasurer; C. E. Jones,
financial secretary; F. B. Oliver,
chorister; Mrs. C. H. Faris. superin
tendent of Sunday school, and O.
McGuire, assistant superintendent.
The senior class of the Benson
high school will bring the woman's
Glee club of Doane college here 9Q Tlio ,-n,...,4, f u:,
--' ' piumua VI una lUlt'
cert will be used by the class in the
purchase of some memorial which
will remain in the school.
W. C. T. U.
Friday, April 9. is the regular
meeting day of the Benson W. C."
1. U.
Entertains Class.
Miss Freda Knee of Keystone park
s hostess Monday night to Mrs.
eys' Sunday school class, of which
he is a member.
The Narcissus chapter of O. E. S.
entertained at a kensington Tuesday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Hutton. Next Thursday
night the chapter will be entertained
at a banquet given in honor of the
grand officers, Mrs. Stella Yont,
rand matron, and Alfred Pow
ell, grand patron, at the church par
lors of the English Lutheran church
by the Ladies' Aid society of the
church. After the banquet initiation
will take place in the lodge rooms
of the Odd Fellows' hall.
he Minnehaha Campfire girls will
go on a Sunday morning hike to the
country where they will take break
fast at a farm house.
Presbyterian Class.
The Presbyterian boys' class, of
which Mr. Gillespie, returned Y. M.
C. A. worker, is teacher, held their
regular class meeting Tuesday even
ing at the home of Dagmar Donald
son. Attends Party.
Miss Vivian Elsasser, 5-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Elasser attended an Easter birthday
party at the home of her cousin,
Miss Gladys Elsasser of Omaha.
Lutheran Aid.
The Ladies' aid of the English
Lutheran church will be entertained
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C.
C. Jacobson, 6615 Wirt street.
Luther League.
The Luther league will hold their
regular social and business session
Wednesday night.
Booster Club. x
The Benson Baptist Booster club
will meet Thursday afternoon at the
All Makes
Special rates to students.
D. 4121., 1905 Faraam St.
Ugly and unsightly hairs light
fuzzy or heavy ones on neck, should
ers, arms and under arms go quick
ly by aimple method that Just dis
solves them. Get from your drug
gist a bottle of Fresca Hair Re
mover Lotion apply a little of the
lotion with apece of cotton or fin
ger tipa to' the hair not wanted for
onder where the hairs have gone,
he Fresca Hair Remover Lotion
has Just dissolved mem onaving
and removing nairs Dy omer me
thods only stirren tne growin so
thev come in tnicKer ana stronger
than ever, while the Fresca Hair
Remover Lotion dissolves them
away below the skin and weakens
the growth. It also leaves the skin
oft and white Just like a face lo
!on If you are troubled with these
jnsifthtly blemishes you should cer
tainly Uy this simple method.
Kappa Delta Installed
( )
' ' , -
Kappa Delta sorority was installed
at the University of Nebraska Sat
urday, April .10, With Miss Sarah
Blue of Alabama, national chapter
ian, in charge. Miss Helen Tuttle
is president of the - alumnae, and
Miss Dorothy English president of
the active members. Prof. Blanche
Grant is the faculty member of
Kappa Delta. Omaha members in
clude Miss Mary Louise Leslie and
Miss Maud Miller. Miss Esther
Killpack of Council Bluffs is also
one of the sorority group.
A round of gaieties have marked
the introduction of Kappa Delta into
the University of Nebraska. A meet
ing was held Thursday evening at
the home of Lucile Cline, Lincoln,
Friday evening with Mrs. Kichard
Wilkinson, and Saturday .morning
at the home of Helen Tuttle. Friday
noon a luncheon was given at the
Lincoln hotel, and Saturday after
noon an attractive reception was
held at the home of Elsie Grainger.
The final social function was a ban
quet Saturday evening at the Com-
mercial lilub. Twenty-four active
and 14 alumnae make up the Uni
versity of Nebraska chapter.
home of Mrs. C. E. Jones, 2014
North Forty-ninth street. This is
an. open meeting and the public is
invited. Services.
Baptismal services will be solemn
ized Sunday morning at the English
Lutheran church, eight new mem
bers will be taken into the church
at this service.
Gym Class.
The community center gymnasium
class held their regular class meet
ing Tuesday night, after which a so
cial hour was enjoyed.
Congregation Meets.
The congregational annual need
ing of the Presbyterian church was
held Wednesday evening. A dinner
was served by the ladies of the
church, after which reports were
received and election of officers for
the coming year was held.
Mrs. C. L. Sharp and Mrs. Fred
Sharp were luncheon guests Friday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sharp of. Keystone Park.
Card Club.
Mrs. E. W. Norris entertained the
Keystone Park Card club at her
home Saturday night
Entertain at Dinner.
Mrs. Katherine Van Horn and
daughter, Miss Kate Van Horn, en
tertained at dinner Thursday night
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James
Courtney. Covers were laid for 12.
For Bride-To-Be.
A shower was given Tuesday by
Miss Lisetta Smith of Omaha, in
honor of Miss Kate Van Horn, who
is soon to be a bride.
Dinner Party.
Among the guests who attended
the dinner given at the Athletic
club by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crouch,
were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pickard
and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Francis of
Marriage Announced.
Word has been received announc
ing the marriage of Mr. Roy Wulff,
son of Mr. and Mrsi Ed Wulff, for
merly of Benson. Mr. and Mrs
Wulff residein Pine Bluffs, Wyo.
Mrs. Fred Remender of Morrill,
Neb., is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Claud Reed.
Mr. J. L. Corbaley spent Sunday
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Corbaley, of Council
Mrs. C. H. Penoyer and Mrs.
Walter Keishaw are convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Elsasser
moved, Tuesday, into their new
home in Omaha.
Mrs. Lowery West and son,
Donald, of Stuart, N. D., were week
end guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Fuller.
Miss Veta Paddock spent the
week-end in Lincoln, as the guest
of her cousin, Miss Helen Dimond,
who is attending the University of
Nebraska. Miss Dimond's home is
in Providence, R. I.
Mrs. Lloyd Pearce, -who under
went a serious operation at the
Swedish Mission hospital, is con
Mrs. Mary White of University
Place, Lincoln, was a guest the
early part of.the week at the home
of her cousin, Mrs. E. J. Whistler
and Mr. Whistler.
Mr. Wyman Woodyard is in the
Methodist hospital, where he un
derwent a serious operation Mon
Mr. Ben Morton and son, T. B.
Morton, spent Sunday with Benson
relatives and friends.
Mrs. William Butler returned
home Sunday from a five weeks
visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. R.
Kennedy and Mr. Kennedy of Lara
mie, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of
North Sixtieth avenue moved Mon
day into their new home on north
Nineteenth street, Omaha.
Miss Edna Maney was one of the
attendants at the wedding of her
cousin, Paul Berry, which was
solemnized in St. Joseph's church,
Elair, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donolley and
son, Tom junior, of Chicago, are
visiting Mrs. Donolley's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bejlis. Mrs.
Donolley was formerly Mss Jessie
Bellis. i
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eng and
daughter, Mrs. Carlson, of Newman
Grove, were week-end guests at' the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Mr. F. W. Smith, jr., of .Beatrice,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. F. W.
Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney
have taken their house on Sixtieth
avenue after having spent the
winter at the Soldiers' home at Mil
ford, Neb.
Mrs. J. T. Pickard and son,
Eugene, returned Wednesday from
Kloomingtbn, III., where they spent
the Eastertide.
Mrs. Cora Mullin and daughter
Gertrude, of Bcllevue, spent the past
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Red Eyes
The quick action of simple witch
hazel, camphor, hydrastis, etc., as
mixed in Lavoptik eye wash will sur
prise Omaha people. One young lady
with weak, red eyes was greatly
benefited in three days. The witch
hazel and camphor soothe and re
lieve the inflammation; the hydras
tis and other ingredients have tonic
and antiseptic properties. We guar
antee a small bottle Lavoptik to help
ANY CASE weak, strained or in
flamed eyes. Aluminum eve cup
FREE. Sherman & McConneH Drug
Stores and all leading druggists.
A Scientific
Hair Color Restorer
The way has been found for scientifically
restoring gray hair to its natural color. It
is offered to women in Mary T. Goldman's
Scientific Hair Color Restorer. It ends
exav h'r in from 4 to 8 days.
Scientific Hair Color Restorer
FRFF 8"1'1 odw for trial bottle of
Marv T. Goldman's anil nna of our .ra
cial combs. State the exact color of your hair.
Try It on a lock of your hata. Note tee results.
Then you wtil know why thousands of women hate
already used this acientflc fcalr color restorer.
1467 Goldman Bldy., St. Paul, Minn.
Aeeest No Imitations For Sals by Orusglitt
way to
Particulars mailed tree Is any address.
Any breaking out of the skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying a little Men-tho-Sulpur,
says a noted skin special
ist. Because of its germ destroying
properties, this sulphur preparation
instantly brings ease from skin irri
tation, soothes and heals the eczema
right up and leaves the skin clear and
It seldom fails to relieve the tor
ment and disfigurement. Sufferers
from skin trouble should get a lit
tle jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any
good druggist and use it like a cold
World Movement
SUNDAY, at 3:30 P. M.
First Presbyterian Church
34th and Farnam Sis.
North Presbyterian Church
24th and Wirt Sts.
Qry.J3ro Governor Carl E. Milliken
O peaCeTS. 0f Maine, Henry E. Wells.
Wilkesbarre, Pa.; James M. Speers, New York; Dr.
H. H. Bell, San Francisco; Dr. Frank E. Mason of
New York.
The Public Is Invited!
Sunday, April 11 Open House
Girls' Community House, Com
munity Service league hostesses,
4:30 to 6:30 p. m. All young women
interested in organizing an orchestra
and who play either a string or a
wind instrument are invited to meet
at Girls' Community House at 5
p. m., 416 South Seventeenth street.
Monday, April 12 Dramatic class,
tinder the direction of Miss Edna
Florence Barnes, will meet at Girls'
Community House at 7:30 p. m.
Girl's Community Service League
Glee club, under the leadership of
Miss Blanche Sorenson, meets at
Girls' Community House at 7:30
p. m. Volley ball practice, mem
bers of the Cluga club, at 8: p. m.,
at Girls' Community House. Mrs.
Ethel Wallace, coasi. The Patriot
club class in home nursing, under
the instruction of Mrs. A. F. Leer
makers, will meet in the Red Cross
class room Y. W.eC. A. building at
7 p. m. The Cluga club will have a
Thousands Have Discoverec
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub
stitute tor calomel are a mild but sun
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. These little olive
colored tablets are the result of Dr
Edwards' determination not to treat
liver and bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do the
good that calomel does, but have no
bad after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it Why cure the- liver
at the expense of the teeth? Calomel
sometimes plays havoc with the gums.
So do strong liquids. I is best not to
take calomel. Let Dr Edwards' Olive
Tablets take its place
- Headaches, "dullness" and that lazy
feeling come from constipation and a
disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets when you feel "logy"anc
"heavy." They "clear" clouded braio
mrl ''Deris uo" the spirits. lOcandiSoc
3-Grain Tablet Make
Any on wishing to ssdd to their weight,
inmprovs their color, and restore normal
condition of the stomach and nerves,
should adopt the wonderfully successful
treatment known to physicians and drug
gists as "3-grain hypo-nuclane tablets."
put up in sealed packages with full di
rections for home use. Red lips, pink
cheeks, and 10 to SO pounds increase in
weight are not uncommon results from
several months' usage. Ask your well
Stocked druggist lor them.
Begin to Purify
Your Winter-Blood
Grandmother's Old Fashioned
Sulphur and Molasses Did It.
But Not So Well as This Sul
pherb Tablet Sugar Coated.
Through the winter the blood ac
cumulates poisons because you do
not perspire enough, because you
do not live in the open air and be
cause you eat more meat, mush and
other rich foods. Every spring we
feel sluggish, constipated, liver and
kidney ills beset us, colds and
chronic coughs, pimples, boils and
carbuncles, all evidence of impure,
thick, sluggish blood.
Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur
tablets) are composed of extracts
of roots and herbs, combined with
sulphur and cream of tartar and
no better physic, blood tonic and
blood cleanser has ever been devel
oped. Every sprinp; thousands
who already know their value take
them to purify the system of Win
ter Poisons. Now" is the time to
begin, so you won't be attacked by
serious ailments when Spring and
Summer come. Sold by all drug
gists, 60c per sealed tube with full
tJ fODlc
F. Kohlert. Mrs. Mullin wished to
be near her son, who was seriously
ill in a local hospital.
betty Dean, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Dean, has been sick the
past week..
A son was born Monday to Mr.
and" Mrs. Chas. Weiss.
Mr. B. H. Post is seriously ill at
his home.
Mrs. T. A. Pritchard underwent
an operation at St. Katherine hos
pital Monday morning.
Mrs. Oeorge Moltenberg is at the
Methodist hospital where she under
went an operation Wednesday.
Mr. John Nelson is home after
spending six weeks at the Methodist
cafateria supper at the Y. W. C. A.
at 6 o'clock. All members urged to
be present.
Tuesday, April 13 The class in
dramatic art, under leadership of
Miss Ethel Mulholland, will meet at
Girls' Community House at 7:30.
Dance at Fort Omaha, from 8:30 to
11 p. m. Young ladies of the Cluga,
Patriots and Victory clubs invited.
Wednesday. April 14 The mem
bers of the Wamm club and their
friends will have a taffy pull at Girls'
Community House, 8 p. m.
Thursday, April IS The D. T. A.
club fill give a program of out
door sports indoors at the Girls'
Community House beginning sharp
at 8 p. m. All members be sure to
be present.
Friday, April 16 Lovers of basket
ball among the girls' clubs are or
ganizing a team of players. Every
one interested is invited to come to
Girls' Community House at 8 p. m.
and get in on this live sport.
Saturday, April 17 Dance at
Girls' Community House from 8 to
11 p. m. All girls of Community
Service league and their friends in
vited. Miss Worley Returns.
Jliss Katherine F. Worley, state
director of Americanization, has re
turned from Hastings, Neb., where
she has been in attendance at the
Fifth district convention, Nebraska
Federation of Women's Clubs.
''Seven state chairmen attended the
convention to present the depart
mental work, and much enthusiasm
was manifest," said Mrs. Worley.
Mrs. M. D. Cameron, general fed
eration director, who was to have
attended, was unable to do so on ac
count of illness in the family. ' The
state chairmen are planning to at
tend the Seco:id district convention
to be held in Omaha April IS and 16.
The first woman with sovereign
authority was Semiramis, the queen
of Assyria.
73i it. IT. n n n ( I
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Try Grandmother's Old Favor
ite Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Saee
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural
color and lustre to the hair when
faded, streaked or gray. Years ago
the only way to get this mixture
was to make it at home, which is
mussy and troublesome. -Nowadays,
by asking at any drug store for
Wyeth s bage and bulphur Com
pound," you will get a large bottle
of this famous old recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
at a small cost.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as it does it so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair disappears, and after atir
other application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy and
Let your sore, swollen, aching
feet spread out in a bath
of "Tiz."
Just take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled,
aching, burning, corn-pestered,
bunion-tortured feet of yours in a
"Tiz" bath. Your toes will wriggle
with joy'; they'll look up at vou and
almost talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "Tiz" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just trv "Tiz."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feet
will dance with joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like "Tiz." It's
the only remedy that draws out all
the poisonous exudations which puff
up vour feet and cause foot torture.
Get a box of Tiz" at any
drug or department store don't
wait. Oh! how glad your feet get;
how comfortable your shoes feel.
You can wear shoes a size smaller
if you desire.
For Sagging or Hanging
Cheeks and Chin
Flabblness of cheeks, chin or neck was
considered very difficult to correct, until
the discovery of what has proved to be a
veritable wonder-worker for such condi
tions. The preparation is so simple and
harmless any woman can easily make and
apply it. It is all the more remarkable
in that its beneficial effects are apparent
even after the very first application, both
as to appearance and the feeling of com
fort produced.
The formula is: One ounce powdered
saxolite, dissolved in one-half pint witch
haiel. Use daily as a wash lotion. The
solution tends to canact and solidify the
loosened, baggy tissue, smoothing' out the
folds, ereases and wrinkles, besides having
a refintag influence on skin of coarse
texturC4nd large pores. As witch hasel
and saMite can be had at any drug store,
anyone can try thia successful recipe.
They do,, not because it is a fad,
but because thoy wish to obtain the
greatest possible hair beauty and be
sure they are rot using anything
harmful. They have found that in
washing the hair it is never wise to
use a makeshift, but is always ad
visable to use a preparation made
for shampooing only. Many of our
friends say they get the best re
sults from a simple home-made can
throx mixture. You can use this
at a cost of about 3 cents a sham
poo by getting some canthrox from
your druggist and dissolving a tea
spoonful in a cup of hot water. This
makes enough shampoo liquid to
apply to all the hair instead of just
the top "of the head, as with most
preparations. Dandruff, excess oil
and dirt are dissolved and entirely
disappear in the rinsing water. Your
hair will be so fluffy that it will
look much heavier than it is. Its
luster and softness will also delight
Do You Want Help Until Nature
Catches Up? Are Your
Nerve 111?
Cadomene Tablets Help Nervous
Men and Weak, Impoverished
Women Back to Strength,
Health and Vigor.
In these strenuous, exacting
times many ' men and women over
work their nerves. They do not
take enough rest. They are not
careful when and what they eat.
Soon they get nervous, irritable,
suffer from aches and pains, are
tired all the time, have no ambition,
lose strength and vigor and then be
come sleepless, worn out and. sick.
Never take to drink and false stim
ulants they are temporary make
shifts. But do act wisely, and be
gin the use of Cadomene Tablets,
which act as powerful tonic for
indigestion, nutrition and elimina
tion. They help nature to perform
the functions of the organs of the
body and nature will in turn restore
strength, red blood and vigor. Sold
by druggists everywhere and guar
anteed to be satisfactory in every
sense by the manufacturers. Adv.
This wonderful book will be
sent freetoanu man tipoare
soa perru woe, Nash vfflf ,Tew
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Fistula Pay When Curad
II 1 1 1 I I tr A mild system of treatment that cures Pilea
II II II xNy JJ Fistula and other Bectal Diseases in a short time.
without a severe surgical operation. No Chloro
. form. Ether or other general anesthetic used.
A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be 4aid until
cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and teatimonali ot more than
1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
;fYiY ultra smart -
vv v rJ J saiiors. m uuniap
KJ w Straws are recog-
VA wv'i (i Yer as the most
V t. A exclusive and the I
in style. -
Thy Are Shown Here Only
Priced at
$12 to $25
1 6th and
Harney Streets mm
s) IHIHIiiliilMliiliil'iiiiiiiiirilliilniiiliiliiiiiliilMlliliiiiiliilvliiiiiliilHiiiiuliilMiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisS
240 Bee Building
From Boston Makers who produced
them by the thousand for the Gov
ernment. Every pair stamped by the
inspector just the same as on army
contracts. Sole sewed, not nailed.
Real economy means not savins; a few
pennies on the origins! cost, but in
getting your money's worth-and you
get it on a shoe that your Govern
ment O. K. d.
Comfort Army Munaon Last,
Hansome B I u c h e r Style,
Guaranteed Fine Tan Leath
er Throughout.
1 WPfc -
M.90 ss arrlrst, Peitsss fMEV. IS(lllp
Ksms teaaMpi
li Hnntl.stan An., Boston 17. Win
Send ...pairs, pnstsw trm. 1'IT psy
the postman on arrival. If 1 am net sat
isfied, your are to return by money.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct, and
rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Rest Cottage being
designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
"Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up
Old, Discarded Garments
Don't worry about perfect re
suits. Use "Diamond Dyes," guar
anteed to give a new, rich, de-
less color to any iaDnc, whether it
be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods -dresses, blouses, stockings,
skirts, children's coats, feathers,
draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book with each
package tells so plainly how to dia
mond dye over any color that you
cannot make a mistake.
To match any material have drug
gist show-you "Diamond Dye" Color
Luxuriant Hair Promoted
By Cuticura
Cutlcura kills dandruff, stops itching,
the cause of dry, thin and falling hair.
Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Oint
ment with the end of the finger, on spots
of dandruff and itching. Follow next
morning with a hot shampoo of Cuticura
Soap. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing
better than these fragrant, su peg-creamy
emollient for all akin and scalp troubles,
ejsstetaskrrastTBtall. Address: OeMnrft
Us.rsssrlM.Dept.ltr.Malen.Mau." SoM t-wrj.
wlwrt. SoapKe. OintsMfitBaod We. Talcum 26c
BsrCatkura Soap shave without ansa
Candidate for Secretary of State, on the
Democratic Ticket.
Osceola, Neb.
Has served Nebraska as Public School
Teacher; County Superintendent of Publis
Instruction, three terms; Head of Political
and Social Science Department of the State
Normal School. Peru, Neb., 14 years I
Secretary of State Teachers' Association,
three terms; Organizer for Suffrage and
Prohibition Worker; War Worker, Food
Demonstrator and County Chairman of the
Woman's Committee of the Council of
Defense; Legislative Chairman of the Ne
braska Women's Clubs; Secretary of
Nebraska Woman's Council, and solicits
the support of the voters on April 20,
at the Primary election.
Says Backache is sign you
have been eating too much
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region
it generally means yoi have been
eating too much meat, says a well
known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which overworks the kidneys
in their effort to filter it from the
blood and they become sort of
paralyzed and logo;y. When vour
kidneys get sluggish and clog you
must relieve them, like you relieve
your bowels; removing all the body's
urinous waste, else you have back
ache, sick headache, dizzy spells;
your stomach sours, tongue is coat
ed, and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The
urine is, full of sediment,
channels often get sore, water scalds
and you are obliged to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable
physician at once or get from vour
pharmacist about four ounces of Tad
Salts: take a tablf spoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to clean
and stimulate sluggislk kidneys, also
to neutralize acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus endincr blad
der weakness.
Tad Salts is a life saver for reculaf
meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can
not injure and makes a delightful,
effervescent lithia water drink.