Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 14

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    2 B
' Wheeler.Wakeley Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Mildred
Wheeler, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry A. Wheeler of Chicago
and Mr. Arthur Weeks Wakeley,
eon of Mr. Lucius Wakeley, took
place Saturday evening at the home
of the bride's parents.
Mrs. Lindsay Wheeler served as
matron of honor and the brides
maids were Mrs. Norman Harris,
Miss Ethel McNair, Miss Helen
Leavitt and Miss Esther Van Der
voort. '
Miss Wheeler was graduated
from Vassar in the class of 1918 and
is interested in welfare activities in
Chicago. Mr. Wakeley was gradu
ated from Cornell in the class of
1911. During the war Mr. Wakeley
was a lieutenant in the artillery and
served in France and in the army
of occupation in Germany.
Besides the Omaha relatives of
the groom, other out-of-town rela
tives present were Mrs. C. E. Crain
of Springfield, O.; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Wells of Menominee, Mich.,
and Mrs. W. C. Safford of Boston,
who was a bridesmaid at the wed
ding of Mr. Wakeley's mother.
The marriage of Miss Bonnie Bess
Parsons, daughter of Mrs. Anna
Parsons, and Charles Dewey Higby.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bcecher Higby.
will take place Monday afternoon
at the South Side Christian church.
Rev. Ford Ellis will officiate. The
couple will be attended by Miss
Hazel Parsons, sister of the bnde.
and Frank W. Ruemping. They will
leave immediately after the cere
Miiony for Chicago and will be at
home in Youngstown, O., after April
' Boyles-Burleson.
The marriage of Miss Pearl Burle
son and H. B. Boyles took place
last Monday at the First Christian
churdh, Rev. Cobbey officiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Boyles are at home at 5300
, iorm rmy-iirsi street.
For Bride-Elect.
Mrs. H. O. Hitchcock entertained
at a shower at her home Saturday
afternoon, in honor of sister.
Miss Helen K. Brown of Lincoln,
whose marriage to Earl Drath of
that city will take place in May.
Twenty guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock entertain
ed 50 guests at a dancing party at
their home Saturday evening for
this couple. A mock wedding was
staged during the evening.
Wedding Date. ,
The marriage of Miss Lillian
Meyer of Omaha and H. Joseph
Cohn of Chicago will take place here
April 20. Miss Verna (Kirschbraum
will be the only attendant. Mr. Cohn
arrives in Omaha April 17.
i ,
Fof Bride-Elect.
Mrs. C. M. Brookman andMrs.
M. A. Arnold entertained at an
aluminum shower Saturday evening
in honor of Miss Bonnie Parsons.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey an
nounce) the engagement of their
daughter, Clare, to John W. Halpine,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Halpine of
this- city. Miss McCaffrey was
graduated from the Sacred Heart
academy and Mr. Halpine from St.
Marys college, Kansas. He served
in the aviation service during the
war. The marriage will take place
in June.
An engagement which is of in
terest to Omahans is that of Miss
Alice Ray Becker of Peoria, 111., to
Dr. M. Eugene Wolcott of Omaha.
No date has been set for the wed
ding but it will probably take place
during the summer.
Third Wedding Anniversary.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin en
tertained at a bridge dinner at their
home Saturday evening in honor ot
their third wedding anniversary,
Spring flowers were used in the
decorations. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harding, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Rees, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gor
don and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Switzler, jr.
Card Party.
The Degree of Honor lodge will
give a card party Wednesday after
noon at the Odd Fellows' hall,
Twenty-fourth and M streets.
Dancing Club.
A dance will be given Monday
evening at Crounse hall, Sixteenth
and Capitol avenue, by the Monday
Nite Dancing club.
Fine Arts Luncheon.
Mrs. Ward Burgess will entertain
at luncheon at her home Wednes
day. Her guests will be those women
who have acted on the board of di
rectors of the Fine Arts society dur
ing the presidency of Mrs. Burgess.
Kappa Psi Delta.
A dancing party will be given at
the Hanscom park pavilion Thurs
day evening, April 22, by the Kappa
Psi Delta.
; Good Times Club.
A dance will be given Wednesday
evening at Lyric hall by the Good
Times club.
Pershing Club.
The Pershing club will give a
dance ,Monday evening at Lyric hall,
Nineteenth and Farnam.
, -
To Aid Benefit.
Mrs. Christopher Thornton will
be in charge of the specialty shop,
which will be one of the features of
the Atlantic City Board Walk Fete
to be given April 16 and 17 at the
Council Bluffs Auditorium for the
benefit of St. Pauls church. Her
assistants will be Mrs. G. A. Van
Inwegcn, Mrs. A. W. Rickman,
Mrs. M. H. Hammond, Mrs. D. J.
Gates, Mrs. Emmett Tinley, Miss
Lillian Peterson, Miss Leona Grahl
and Miss Marguerete Brown.
School Banquet.
The girl student body of the Uni
versity of Oman.. ;ave a banquet
at the school Saturday evening for
the members of the foot ball and
basket ball teams. Decorations were
in the school colors, red1 and black,
and eovers were placed for 266. Paul
Pressly was toastmaster for the eve
ning and those responding were Dr.
D. E. Jenkins, Dr. Gilbert James,
Glen Reeves, Ernie Adams, Jack
Beacon,' Harlan Haakor, Ray Phelps
Anna Edstrom a Bride
n w
III ' mt!$tMfMiim m ! if
A pretty home weddine was
solemnized Saturday evening when
Miss Anna Edstrom became the
bride of Dr. H. E. McKibben of
St Cloud, Minn. The ceremony
mony was performed by Rev. P. G.
Nelson of Sioux City at the home
of the bride's brother. Dr. Andrew
J. Edstrom, and Mrs. Edstrom. Pink
and white roses and ferns were used
through the rooms The wedding
march was played by Henry Ed
strom, a brother of the bride, and
Alice Eds.trom, her neice, sang "I
Love You Truly." There were no
attendants. J
The bridal gown was of white
satin combined with georgette crepe
with which a shower boquet of
white roses and sweetpeas was car
ried. Immediately after the ceremony
dinner was served at the Edstrom
home for immediate relatives.
Mrs. J. A. Edstrom, mother of the
bride, and Mrs. C. E. Bergren, sis
ter of the bride, both of Two Har
bors, Minn., were present at the
'Dr. 'and Mrs. McKibben 'will re
side at St. Cloud.
and Hilbert Peterson. Miss Mar
guerite McCartney, athletic sponsor,
was present.
Week-End Visitors.
Miss Marjorie Parsons, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parsons, who
attends the' University of Nebraska,
is spending the week-end in Omaha.
Miss Lucile Cfost. who is also a
student there, is her guest. Miss
Crost it a mmeber of the Michigan
chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma
and is also a member of the hon
orary sorority, Phi Nu Epsilon.
Both will attend the Phi Chi fra
ternity formal dancing partv to be
given at the Blackstone . Monday
evening. ' ,
For Mrs. Low.
; Mrs. Wilson Low was hostess at
mi informal luncheon Saturday at
her home in honor of the birthday
of her daughter-inTlaw, ,lis. Ray
mond Low. . ' i-
Tricolette Blouses
The great range of styles and
shades in these charming
Blouses makes selection a
pleasure, '
Dainty Negligees
A very complete line in pleas
ing variety is offered now at
most reasonable prices,
Sensational Reductions
in Women's
On Monday the woman, who appreciates Suits of the
' better kind will find an' opportunity to make a really
attractive saving. Our already low markings have
been reduced.
25 to 40 Less
Than Regular Prices
These Suits represent the fin- '
est efforts of America's style
experts and - include every
mode that is new and admit
tedly correct.
In Four Price Groups:
The new thing
makes this shop
so attractive to
particular women.
A daughter was born Friday to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Norman at
St Josephs hospital.
Mrs. Victor Coffman leaves May
1 for California, where she will join
her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Dixon,
and Mr. Dixon to spend six
Miss Stella Grant of Chicago is
the week-end guest of her sister,
Miss Josephine Grant.
A daughter, Elizabeth, was born
April 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Clark of Des Moines, formerly of
Mrs. Herman Rehfeld and daugh
ter, Leona, return Sunday from Cali
fornia, where they 6pent three
Mr. Myron Vood Thomson of
Denver, Colo., was the house guest
for several days this week of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Low.
Mr. Robert Byrne left Friday for
the east where he will spend 10
Mrs. B. Warren, who has spent
several months' in California, re
turned to Omaha this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Maury Porter, who
recently have made their home in
Chicago, have returned to Omaha
and are in their new home at Fifty
second and Jackson streets.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scobie re
turned Thursday from Ormond, Fla.,
where they have spent the winter.
Mrs. Arthur Remington and
brother, Mr. Harry McCormick, re
turned last week from California
where they spent the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Nash Cartan of San
Francisco, who have been on their
wedding trip to New York, are ex
pected tin Omaha the first of the
week to be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Nash for a few days, en
route, to their home.
Mrs. Harry Jordan sailed Thurs
day from Honolulu where she has
been the guest for several weeks of
Mrs. J. J. Dicky, formerly ol
Mr. E. Dimon Bird of New York
City, returned Tuesday to his home.
Miss Eugenie Patterson, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Liv
ingston Fairbank cf Chicago, is now
the guest of Mrs. Jack Richardson,
formerly Mfss Marion Kuhn. at Au
burn, N. Y. From there Miss Pat
terson expects to go to New York
to visit Mrs. Edward Bull, formerly
Miss Mildred Patterson of Kansas
City. Miss Patterson will' spend
some time in New York and will
take up the study of the Bohemian
language at Columbia university,
with the view of returning to Bo
hemia in the fall to do social wel
fare work. 1
Edson Rich, jr., who attends the
San Diego Army and Navy academy,
spent his spring vacation in Omaha
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
son Rich, sr.
Mr. Luther Drake, who underwent
an operation last Friday at the Mayo
hospital in Rochester, is reported to
be doing very nicely and expects to
go to the convalescent hospital in
about 10 days. Dr. W. O. Bridges,
who accompanied Mr. Drake to
Rochester, returned the first of the
week, but Mrs. Drake will remain
until Mr. Drake is able to return to
Mrs. Austin Gailcy left Tuesday
for Silver City, N. M., for a rest be
fore returning to her home in In
dianapolis. She will be joined later
by her mother, Mrs. Thomas J.
Mrs. II. H. Fish has returned to
her home in the , St Regis apart
ments and is now convalescing fol
lowing an operation for mastoid at
the Immanuel hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Martin
have opened their home in Fair
acres after spending the winter at
the Hotel Fontenelle.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Storz and daugh
ter, Miss Elsie, "'are at Excelsior
Springs, where they will spend a
short time..
frc T P Rincwnlr returned Sat
urday from California, where she
spent several weeKS. ner sisier,
irc Tntpnli (llrnMll nf Nw York
City, who spent the winter traveling
: t .. : : l if-- t 1 . ;n
California and returned to Omaha
with her for a visit
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Chadwick
have returned , from California,
where they spent the winter.
A daughter was born Sunday at
the Clarkson hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Guiou.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dietz return
ed Tuesday from Long Beach, Cat,
where they spent several months.
Mrs. Joseph M. Metcalfe has re
turned from New York City, where
she spent the winter and is at pres
ent at the Fontenelle. , She expects
to reopen her home shortly.
Gen. John Hines, who, as Lieu
tenant Hines, was stationed at Fort
Omaha a number of years ago with
the Second regiment, spent Thurs
day in Omaha and was entertained
by Mr. Arthur Guiou. General
Hines served with the army in
France, where he was commission
ed brigadier general.
The daughter who was born last
week to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters
has been named Rebecca Yates.
Mrs. William A. Fraser is at the
Nicholas Senn hospital, where she
went last week upon her return
from Excelsior Springs, .having suf
fered from a iractured limb.
Mrs. Wallace Lyman will leave
April 12 for St. Johns. Canada,
whence she expects to sail April 16
for Europe to visit her" old home in
Brussels', Belgium. Mrs. Lyman,
before her marriage last fall, was
Mile. Annette de Han. Mrs. Lyman
expects to spend three months in
her old home, not having visited
there since the beginning of the
war. Mr. Lyman will accompany
her to the sailing port. ,
Mrs. Edmond V. Krug and small
daughter of Pasadena, Cal., are the
guests of Mrs. Krug's mother, Mrs;
John F. Coad.
Mr. Edward Aycrigg of Stamford,
Conn., who accompanied his wife
Directs May Fete
vka' 4) "
Mary Coll Quigley, Omaha's well
known dancer, is giving much time
in,planning and training the future
beaux and belles of Omaha society
in terpsichorean art.
When the Christ Child society of
Omaha needed funds to establish
a - milk station for babies for the
summer months at the Center
house, Mrs. Quigley volunteered to
do this work and aid the society.
Her artistic dance groups, will be
given in connection with a movie
film, Saturday evening. May 1, at
the Brandeis theater. Mrs. Quigley
and Miss Margaret McShane, pub
licity director, named the dances
which are to appear on the program
and members of Omaha's best
known families will take part The
dance numbers which promise to be
the most interesting features of the
performance are "The . Chase,"
"Spring," 'In a Medieval French
Court," "in a French Court Today,"
"In Shamrock Fields," and "Stars
and Stripes March."
and small son to Omaha to visit Mrs.
Aycrigg's mother, Mrs. R. S. Hall,
will return to his home next Satur
day. Mrs. Aycrigg will remain a
few weeks longer.
Mrs. Clarke Powell returns Sun
day morning from a three weeks'
visit with her aunt. Mrs. John Wig
gins in Pomfret. Conn.
Mr. Walter Head let last night
for the east for a short trip.
Mr... Henry B. Hart leaves today
for New York City where he will
serve as best man at the wedding of
Miss Leahy and Mr. Aylett Buck
ncr, son of Mr. L. V. Buckner of
New York City, which will take
place April 14.
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler returned today
from Notre Dame, Ind., where she
accompanied her daughter, Miss
Gertrude, who attends St Marys
school and who spent her vacation
in Omaha vith her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Orr have
returned from New Haven, Conn.
Mr. Dwight M. Swobe of San
Francisco will arrive today, en route
to the east, and will spend a few
days with his mother, Mrs. Thomas
Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank Keogh, who
have been in New York for 10 days,
are expected home next week.
Miss Lynn Curiis, who has been
the guest of Mrs. William E. Martin
for the past week, leaves Tuesday
for Denver, Colo.
Miss Gwendolyn Wolfe left Thurs
day for the east where sbe will
spend several weeks visiting frietids.
Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Payne have
purchased the home of Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Fiel at Thirty-sixth and
Dewey avenue.
Mrs. John Slakcr of Hastings, who
will be entertained here by the
Woman's club Monday, plans to
spend the remainder of the week in
Omaha, as she will attend the con
vention of the Second district of the
. F. W. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Drishaus
have returned from southern Cali
fornia, where they spent two
months. They are at home with
the parents of Mrs. Drishaus, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley P. Bostwick, 11J
North Forty-first street
Dr. and Mrs. Ewing Brown have
left the Fontenelle and opened their
house in Florence for the summer.
Luncheon Parties. '
Mrs. Arthur Pinto entertained at
a home luncheon Wednesday in
honor of Mrs. Joseph Metcalfe, who
has recently returned after spend
ing the winter in .New York. Ophe:
lia roses formed the centerpiece of
the table and covers were laid for
eipht guests.
Mrs. Pinto, was hostess at a
luncheon Friday at her home, when
the honor guest was Mrs. James
Chadwick, who has returned from
a winter in California. The guests
included eight friends of Mrs. Chad
wick. I
For Mr. and Mrs. Aycrigg.
" Miss Dorothy Hall was hostess
at a tea-dance Saturday afternoon
from 5 to 7 at the Fontenelle in
honor of her sister, Mrs. Edward
Aycrigg, and Mr. Aycrigg, of Stam
ford, Conn., who are the guests of
Mrs. Aycrigg's mother, Mrs. Rich
ard Hall.
A hundred guests attended and
were seated at small tables in the
bali room.
Card Party.
Degree of Honor lodge will give
a card party April 14,- at the I. O.
O. F. hall, South Side.
Dancing Party.
Alpha lodge will give a dance at
Lvric hall. Nineteenth and Farnam,
Thursday evening, April 15.
.What shall it be? It is a mighty important question
and one that you must not answer without careful con
sideration and study. When you have decided to em
bark upon a business career seek the employment that
will offer you advantages and an opportunity to ad
vance in keeping with your ability.
The Long Distance Lines service of The American
Telephone and Telegraph Company is solving this
problem for thousands of girls and we invite your at-,
tention think it over.
We have a school where you will be carefully in
structed in the work. Competent teachers will see that
everything is well explained and just the minute you
are capable of taking your place among The Weavers
of Speech they will O. K. your advancement.
iYou will be well paid for your time while you are tak
ing the training and it will be the stepping stone to
GOOD, PERMANENT employment at an attractive
lYour surroundings will be pleasant the work is inter
esting and instructive you will be with agreeable com
panions and all in all it is a WISE choice. Miss Bell,
Room' 318 in the New Telephone Building, is waiting
to explain it all to you.
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Long Distance Lines Department