Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1920, Image 1
.1 ; v: The Omaha Sunday B EE VOL. XLIX NO. 43. titer u wN(4hH atitar May J. .".. Oatka P. 0. adar Ml Mnk 1. I7- OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1920. By Mall (I yur). Dally. 16.50: Suatfay. I2.M. Dally aa ., 17.00: aatiUt Nab. (attaaa antra. PRICE FIVE CENTS nnnT? row PRESIDENT ARRAIGNED BY CH NS Senior Iowa Senator Declares Wilson's Delay in Naming Railway Labor Board, in Face Of Strike "Inexcusable." RUMORS OF RELAPSE THICK IN WASHINGTON Congress Taking More Notice Of Reports That Chief Ex ecutive Has Again Suffered Setback in Health. Chlracn Trihuno-Omahn He Vm4 Milt. Washington, April 10. With the railroad strike menace continuing to grow, President Wilson failed again today to appoint the railroad labor board and congress began to take more stock in the persistent rtimora that the eh'ef Tfriiri'vi ha suffered a relapse. In no other way were senators and representatives able to understand why, in view of the switchmen's strike, the presi dent has not named the board set up for just such emergencies by the Cummins-Esch railroad act Senator Cummins of Iowa, chair man of the senate interstate com merce commission and one of the authors of the new railroad act, de clared that the presidtn's inaction was "inexcusable and indefensible." "I have been hoping for three weeks," he said, "that the president would name the board created by the railroad act' Failure to do so is holding up the demand of the switchmen for a consideration of their wage troubles. On Edge of Volcano. "The president's inaction is utter ly inexcusable and indefensible and while the president does 'nothing the country is beinjf brought .to the edge of a very active volcano. "The men placed their demands with Mr. Hines and he. because of the short period of federal control remaining, refused to grant them. The men then went to the president who induced them to wait until the machinery could be put in operation to deal with their case. He told them that such machinery would be provided either by congress or By himself. "For six weeks now the president has failed to act while Rome is burn ing." Big Four brotherhood officials do not look with favor upon the pro posed congressional inquiry. Sena tor Cummins received telegrams to day from W. G. Lee, president of the trainmen's brotherhood, and W. S. Carter, president of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. He declined to make public the telegrams, but it is un derstood that Lee and Carter ex pressed the fear that congressional intervention might hamper the ef forts of "Big Four" officials to bring about a settlement. Watchful Waiting. The attitude of the entire govern ment toward the strike continued to be one of watchful apathy. The president, Department of Justice and Department of Labor were re ceiving reports on conditions, but there was no indication of any gov ernment action to end the strike. In some official quarters it was declared the government would have to intervene should the strike spread to proportions which would seriously menace the public welfare. That stage, it was argued, had not been reached and the prediction was made that it would not, the govern ment placing great confidence in the ability of the regular railroad labor organizations to keep the sit uation in check until the strike wore itself out. How the government, if neces sary, would intervene, has not been made clear. It probably would make ro effort to take over the roads as, in the opinion of certain officials, that is one of the purposes which the radical strikers wish consum mated. But it might proceed by in junction proceedings, arrest and prosecute the leaders of the so called "renegade" organizations and furnish troop guards for protection of men operating the trains. 1 Expect Report Today. G W. W. Hanger, assistant direc tor of the United States board of mediation and conciliation, who went to Chicago to investigate the strike, is expected to report tomor row, but nothing is expected to de velop toward bringing an end to the strike through this board. Neith er is the mediation board of the De partment of Labor likely to make successful move although it is ready to act. But its services fnust first be sought by one side or the other ! in the controversary. , 1 The Council of National Defense declared4oday that should the strike cf railway switchmen become ef fective enough to cripple railway transportation and imperil the food supply of cities it would be possible for the United States government on comparatively short notice tomobi lize about 45.000 of its own motor trucks to meet the resulting crisis, and in the event of an obstinate struggle, it would be entirely feasible to reinforce them with 700,000 pri- umrt trllrtc an d eventually with about 7.000.000 passenger auto- Candidates Warming Up for Big Primary Election Rar g In Nebraska On P ?' - . , - About 17,000 Women Registered in Omaha Men Registrants Total 35,000 Large Field of Entrants Prepare for Nebraska Political Derby on April 20 Pershing Sentiment Grows. A large field of entrants will warm up this week for the great political derby which will be held in Ne braska on Tuesday, April 20. Dur ing the few days that remain before the electorate register v their silent verdict the candidates will srive dem onstrations of speed, just to show what they can do and what they ex pect to do on the great day. The last week brought an un precedented rush to the election commissioner's office, the new wom en voters being the chief feature of interest in this department of the election machinery. The election commissioner estimated that 17.000 women have registered in Omaha and he placed the total male regis trants at 35,000, most of whom were of standing registrations. With the registrations out of the way, the candidates will have an un interrupted week for presenting their respective claims, this activity being limited in most instances to distribu tion of cards or of sending circular letters through the mail. There will be more hand-shaking in Omaha this week than has been observed, at an old settlers' picnic or a home-coming celebration. -Slate-Makers Busy. The busy little slate-makers who have been hibernating during the long winter 'months will begin to bask in the spring sunshine. J. C. Dahlman, chairman of the demo cratic county central committee, an nounced that the "regular demo cratic organization" will frown on slate-making, but an innocent by stander replied that it will be impos- I (Continued on Pasa; Two, Column Five.) ible to stop the printing presses and therefore the slate-makers will have their fun. One of the features of the pri mary campaign is that the voters are giving more than usual attention to the personnel of the state legisla tive tickets. The republicans have 39 candidates from which to select 12 nominees for state representatives from this county and nine candidates from which to select five nominees for the state senatorial ticket at the election next fall. Thirteen republicans and six dem ocrats aspire to serve Douglas coun ty as public defender at $3,600 per year. The entrants on the republi can side are making a spirited con test for this nomination. A nice little race is being worked up between R. B. Howell, present republican national committeeman, and C. A. McCloud of York. McKelvie Speaks Here. Ernest M. Pollard of Nehawka, and Adam McMullen of Beatrice, republican candidates for the guber natorial nomination, were in Omaha during the week. The failure ot the recent effort to bring about an elimination of some of the republi can candidates for governor, re sulted in spurring the aspirants to increased efforts. Governor Mc Kelvie, with a field of five against him, is touring the state and will ap pear here next Saturday evening, at Fifteenth and Farnam streets, where an outdoor platform will be E laced. Pollard and McMullen are elieved to be runners-up in this SI 00000 DAMAGE SUIT REOPENS IOWA EX-MURDER Lyn George J. Kelly Alleges Health and Character Damaged by Reason Of His Arrest. Red Oak, fa., April 10. (Special.) Lyn George J. Kelly, former Villtsca, la., minister, who was ac quitted after several trials of the murder of an entire family in Villis ca with an ax, through Sieger and Neff, a firm of Chicago attorneys, has served notice that on or before 10 days prior to the next term of the district court in Red Oak, (May 4) he will file a suitasking $100,000 carnages for alleged injuries re ceived to his person and character by reason of his arrest in connection with the Villisca ax murders. Notices were served by Sheriff C. E. Peterson of Red Oak. The de fendants named are Frank F. Jones of Villisca, Oscar Wenstrand of Red Oak, R. W. Beeson of Red Oak, At torney General H. M. Havner of Des Moines, M. D. Myers, former sheriff of Harrison count, of Logan, and George W. Atkins of Logan, who was Sheriff Myers' deputy. He recounts incidents in connec tion with his arrest on April 29, 1917, for the murder which was com mitted June 9, 1912. He alleges among other things that the murder was instigated by Frank F. Jones and that he hired and paid the as sassins. While. held in jail at Logan, he al leges he was subjected to the "third degree" which impaired his health by reason of the cruel treatment re ceived at the hands of his jailors. He alleges that his character has been besmirched by reason of his arrest for a crime of which he says he was innocent. Senators Vote to Broaden Scope of Naval Inquiry Washington, April 10. Over the protest of the democratic members the senate committee investigating the Sims-Daniels row decided today to broaden the scope of its work to include suggestions for the reor ganization of the Navy department Senator Pittman, democrat, Ne vada, strenuously objected to the examination of Rear Admiral F. F. Fletcher by Chairman Hale to de velop reorganization questions de claring that the committee had no authority to go into that matter. Chairman Hale declared the com mittee was authorized to investi gate anything connected with the Navy department, and when Sena tor Pittman persisted" a vote was taken. The two democrats present voted against extending the inquiry and the two republicans voted in favor of doing so. Chairman Hale then cast the deciding vote. Boy, 6 Years Old, Hit by Car In Front of Father's Store Joe Veneziano, 6 years old, son of .Tony Veneziano, 1116 Williams street, was struck by an automo bile while playing in the street in front of his father's store at 1109 Williams street. The driver of the car, J. F. Dougherty, 821 Williams street was arrested following the accident and booked upon an in vestigation charge. The boy. was not seriously injured. NEGRO HELD ON MURDER CHARGE ON SOUTH SIDE Unidentified Man Killed and William Brown Wounded During Quarrel v On Streets. mm to TROOPS TO GERMANY Force of Artillery and Infantry Will Leave Brussels on Spe cial Trains Tuesday for Duty in Frankfort Sector. G0VERNMENTS0LDIERS DISREGARD ULTIMATUM mm j , Prussians Make No Effort to Evacuate Ruhr District, De spite Orders of French Reds Control Towns. zens is no uncommon sight Senator Walsh Wants His Party to Repudiate Stand of the President K. T. Davidson, negro, 4835 South Twenty-seventh street, 35 years old, was arrested last night by the Southl cUted, and for soldiers to beat citi Side police on a charge of having shot and killed an unknow negro and seriously wounding William Brown, negro, 2507, N street, as a result of a quarrel at the corner of Twenty-sixth and N streets. Police officers, were attracted to the scene of the shooting by a num ber of shpts and when they arrived there found a man lying dead, whose identity could not be learned, and Brown wounded with two gun shot wounds through his breast. The in jured man was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. ' i Davidson was caught at the cor ner of Twenty-fourth and N streets, while attempting to make his escape. He was taken to the South Side jail and charged with murder. ,He refused to talk and Brown, the in jured man, was unable to tell the details of the shooting. All parties are negroes. Steel Officials Decorated By Italian Government New York, April 10. Decorations in appreciation of their war work have been awarded by the Italian government to Judge Elbert H. Gary, president of the board of di rectors of the United States Steel corporation, and other steel officials and manufacturers, it was an nounced by F. Quattrone, acting Italian high commissioner. Judge Gary received the Cross of Grand Officer of the crown of Italy. Indictments Returned Against Negro Soldiers Santa Fe, N. M., April 10. The federal grand jury returned 15 in dictments against members of the regiment stationed at Columbus, N. M. for the past three years and recommended to the court and the war department that this regiment ought to be removed from the Mexi can border. The report stated that the civil authorities were unable to cope with the situation as regards bootlegging and gambling. Fairbury Hereford Sale Nets Owners Over $28,000 Fairbury, Neb., April 10. (Spe cial.) The Mendenhall-Belden Hereford cattle sale held at the county fair grounds here brought in many out-of-town s'tock men. Seventy head sold for more than $28,000, averaging over $400 a head. The Bee's Paris Of f ice Thrmurh ftrranremfmta saw com pleted The Bee la regular!? available at a Pari office, eatabllshed at 4t0 Hue fit, Honor. , Copies of The Bee are filed there, open to the uae of Omahans who may be In Europe. New appearing In The Bee. which may be of Interest to American abroad, will appear from time to time nt the European edition of the Chicago Tribune. By the Associated Press. Brussels, April 10. Belgian artil lery and infantry for the Frankfort sector will leave Brussels on spe cial trains next Tuesday, it was said today. The Belgian troops will remain in the Ruhr until the evacuation of that region by the reichswehr. The French ambassador here has ex pressed the official thanks of France for Belgium's attitude, which he said was considered to be proof of the solidarity of the two coun tries. By GEORGE SELDES. New York Times-Chclaaro Tribune, Cable, Copyright, 19tO. Essen, April 10. German govern ment troops are still occupying the Ruhr district and making no effort to withdraw, in spite of the French ultimatum that they evacuate today. The troops occupy a line through Isolohn, Welgen, Surseld, Litturg, five kilometers from Barmen, and are still in the towns comprising this area. The communist forces still control Hagen, Schwelm, Gummersbaden, Parmen and Elberfeld. No Advance Expected. No advance by either army is ex pected just now, although the Ebert forces may swing south, not with standing that this move is forbid den by tbe French orders, Although the reichswehr realize they sre violating the treaty, no effort is being .made to withdraw. I estimate more than 30,000 of these troopa are present I saw nine 77s, several 155s, four armored cars, a vast number of machine guns, and thousands of rifles and grenades. Atrocities are not absent from the German government's program. ' I say the bodies of two men lying in a courtyard after they had been exe- Introducing Gen. Enthusiasm St. Louis, April 10. The demo cratic national convention must repudiate the stand of President Wilson for unmodified ratification of the peace treaty, Senator David I. Walsh, democrat, Massa chusetts, declared in an address here. Senator Walsh asserted his belief that the convention will do this. "If it does not," he said, "the democratic party faces a catastrophe in the coming presidential election." Of all the democrats who have been widely mentioned as possible candidates for president, the speak er said, only Senator Hitchcock, leader of the administration, forces in the senate would consent to run on a platform for ratification of the treaty as it stands. Profiteering Is Result of Old H.C. L Not the Cause Cincinnati, O., April 10. In "the preliminary skirmishes" of the threatened industrial war "big busi ness" has beaten its rival, the trades unions, Dr. Royal Meeker, commis sioner of labor statistics of the De partment of Labor, declared in an address today before the city clubs. He urged co-operation in the strug gle against high prices. "By a carefully planned and lav ishly financed campaign of misrepre sentation," Dr. Meeker declared, "big business has succeeded in mag nifying the defects and obscuring or discrediting benefits of publicly con trolled and managed enterprises." Contrary to the popular belief, Dr. Meeker said, profiteering was the re sult and not the cause of high prices. College Student Killed In Auto Crash at Denver Denver, April 10. Ray Sherman, University of Colorado student of Boulder, was killed, his companion, Harold Muth, seriously injured and three other .students slightly in jured here "last night when their au tomobile was struck by a machine driven by John Musser, spn of a Denver judge. They had driven hee to attend a fraternity dance. Take Body of Chicago Opera Director to Italy ' Chicago, April 10. Madam Eva Campanini departed today for Italy with the body of her husband, Cleo fonte Campanini, formerly director of the Chicago Opera association. In New York Madam Campanini will meet her sister, Madam Luisa Te trazzini, the singer, who will ac company her to Italy PERSHING HAS BIG FOLLOWING IN THE SOUTH Though Having Little to Say in Actual Choice of President, , It Has 209 Conven ' tion Delegates. Raleigh, N. C, April 10. (Special) Convinced that" for the first time since Garfield was nominated in 1880, a Republic;' convention will meet this year with the certainty that none of the men who have been before the country seeking delegates can be nominated, interest in the south has turned to a discussion of the possible candidate to be agreed upon in con tion. The south has very little to say in the actual choice of a president, but it has 209 convention delegates, ex clusive of Missouri and Oklahoma, which are often put down as south ern in political calculations, and cuts an important figure at the nom inating convention of the G. O. P. Apparently the opinion in the south is that the representatives of the states in solmen convention are likely to nominate a candidate more agreeable to all the party than pri mary choices at this time. Primaries Poor Barometer. Certain it is that primaries to date have serve dpoorly as a marometer to show which way the political wind is blowing. Wood wins in Souah Dakota one week, only to be unmer cifully flayed by the voters in Mich igan a week later. Johnson carries Michigan one day to go down defeated under an ava lanche of ballots in New York the day following, and each succeeding preferential primary further clouds the situation and leaves the average citizen muddled as to the leading candidates. Defeats for the active candidates in some of the states would not in jure their chances were it not for the fact that their campaigns against one another have been so acrimon ious as to leave wounds which can not be healed. Certainly, it is not expected that any candidate can carry all the states. What the rank and file have expected is that they would conduct their canvasses on a plane higher than character assassin ation. , South Not Expecting Gains. The southern republicans, still struggling to build up a party or ganization, see little chance for gains this yearif any of the active candidates are nominated. Suppose, for instance, that General Wood were nominated. What stronger argument could the demo crats use against him than has al ready been made against him by Senator Johnson charging trickery in the Minnesota primary and by Senator Borah of lavish use of funds by the Wood forces in every state, a charge also made against Governor Lowden of Illinois? How could Senator Harding over come the charges that he is the can didate of the reactionary element which has been made by General Wood. ' The Johnson candidacy has never been taken seriously in the south. It has been thought that in states where there are a large field of can didates Johnson would win bv plurality m maybe three or four in stances, just as he won Michigan, but serious consideration has never (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) President of Newly Formed Organization Of Switchmen Here , . J "W-" BERT PARKER. Wireless Operators Urged to Listen for Messages From Mars London, April 10. Beginning midnight April 20, throughout the succeeding two or three days, thou sands of wireless operators in all parts of the globe will strain every nerve, especially their ears, in an en deavor to catch any messages that Mars may be sending to this planet. Gugliefmo Marconi, inventor of the wireless, issued special instruc tions to all stations to listen intent ly, particularly on April 21, because that is the day when Mars will be nearest to the earth, and if the weird signals picked up lately are actually messages . from the Martians, the world may witness some history making revelations on that date. Mother of Walter W. Head Dies In Missouri Village The death of Mrs. A. W. Head, mother of Walter W. Head, presi dent of the Omaha National bank, occurred yesterday in Stewartsville, Mo. Mr. Head was at the bedside of his mother when the end came, having been called to Stewartsville yesterday. Mrs. Head, who was 68 years old, is survived by her, husband, two daughters, Mrs. Truman Bowen ot Easton, Mo., and Miss Madge Head of Stewartsville, and two sons, Wal ter W. of Omaha and R. D. Head of DeKalb. Mo. Mrs. Head will be buried at Stewartsville. The Weather Forecast Colder Sunday and possibly Hourly Temperatures. rain. 5 a. m 40 1 p. m ST a. m 4A P. m.. ... . .t . .Sft 7 a. m t 3 p. m 61 H a. in 48 4 p. in AS 9 a. m 50 5 p. m (13 10 a. in , ...RS B p. m . . 11 a. m A4 7 p. m ..,.61 1$ noun 57 J SWITCHMAN IS KNOCKED UNDER CAR AND KILLED Alexander Chambers Leaning From. Ladder an Stock Car In South Side When Fa- ' tality Occurs. Alexander Chambers, 34 years old, 2612 L ' street, switchman for the Union Stock Yards company, was instantly killed yesterday while switching stock cars in the railroad yards between O and P streets. Chambers was leaning from the ladder on a stock car, when he was struck by a switch standard beside the track and knocked from his po sition. , He fell to the ground and rolled under the car, the rear truck pass ing over his chest, killing him in stantly. Yardmaster W. J. Dailey and En gineer "Red" Elger of train No. 12, as soon as they saw him fall, rushed to his assistance, but found him dead when they reached his side. The body was taken to Brewer Undertaking company, 4731 South Twenty-fourth street. Hoover Reiterates Refusal to Become Democratic Nominee New York, April 10. Herbert Hoover again has answered "no" to an inquiry whether he would accept the democratic nomination for prest dent if it was offered him. In a tele gram sent to Chandler M. Wood, chairman of the executive committee of the democratic state committee of Massachusetts, Mr. Hoover said: "Your published letter asking if I would accept the democratic nomi nation has been received by me and I appreciate the implied compliment I gather that it was written prior to a statement of mine last Saturday, which appeared in Boston and other papers. You will, no doubt, there fore appreciate that the answer to your iqquiry is 'no.' " ' Mexicans Make Attempt To Kidnap U. S. Attache Washington, April 10. Private advices from Mexico City said Maj. Edgar W. Burr, military attache of the American embassy, was kid naped by the rebels who attacked the train at Tres Marias, almost within sight of Mexico City March 28, and was being carried away to be held for ransom when he es caped by a ruse and made his way back to the railroad station. He re turned safely to Mexico City with Mrs. Burr, Dr. Florence Hailo and a Mr. Hurd, also Americans, who were passengers on the train. Will Foil Highjackers By "Safety First" Plan W. J. Hynes of the Hynes Elevat or company believes in "safety first" tie has purchased shotguns for him self and his chauffeur and is having double locks put on the doors of his home as the result of a warning re ceived that highjackers plan a raid on. his home at 432 North Thirty- eightn street NEMY8.000 MENADDEDTO INSURGENTS Hundreds of Switchmen Break Away From Official Restraint At ClevelandNew England Workers Remain Loyal. unofficialTreports show 40,000 are out Thousands of Other Workers Affected Through Closing Of Industrial Plants Some Strikers Return to Work. Chicago, April 10. Several more railroad centers today were affected by the insurgent strike of switch men and passenger service was af fected in some places, notably New York City, while strikers returned in small groups at several places. Large areas of the country had not yet been invaded by the strike, whyft union officials declared was.h ef fort to overthrow the unions and make way for a new organization. i Tti wJtrVimn in Mur TTn aland.- h in all the southeastern states apd in'' upper Mississippi and the Missouri valleys remained at work, tfiose in Denver and St Paul and Minneap olis formally voting to remain at Work. On the other hand, hundreds of men in Cleveland, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Railway 1 Trainmen, . today broke away from official restraint and quit work. ' Reports Differ. Reports of the number of strikers were confused by the variance be tween the figures of union officers and strikers. Unofficial figures from the various railroad centers affected chowed 40,000 men on strike. In addition thousands of persons were indirectly affected by the strike through the closing of steel mills. V packing plants and other industries -' dependent on the roads for coal and raw material. ' - ' The insurgent forces were strength ened by nearly 8.000 today whe switchmen in 22 additional cities am i . ... . l' towns strucic ana iurtner waiicout' aj occurred in large railroad centers?"" V A . . 1 i . , Ann . -i il rtjfainsi mis gain auoui i,uyrv sitik ers returned to work in a half dozen places. More than 4,000 joined tho strikers already out in Toledo, Pe triot, Columbus, Indianapolis, jFort 4 Worth and other cities. Claim Tieup Complete. In the Chicago area, claims of railroad heads and officers of the brotherhoods who united to break the unauthorized walkout, that strik ers were returning to work and that railroad traffic was gradually ap proaching normal, were met with denials by officers of the Chicago yardmen's association, who asserted that the tieup was complete. Federal intervention in the strike with the possible utilization of the Illinois National Guard to protect property was forecast today by, the action of District Attorney Charles F. Clyne, who, after an all night conference with his staff and members of the Department of Jus tice, summoned John Grunau, leader" of the strikers, to his office. It was said that definite instruc tions were received by Mr. Clyne from Attorney General Palmer in regard to the government's action in the strike situation. U. S. Not Powerless. Mr. C!yne would not discuss pos sible government action. "I will say. however," he stated, "that the United States is not entirely power less in a situation that affects the food and fuel supply of the country and that drastic action will be inevi table unless conditions are altered materially within the next 48 hours." It was learned that Mr. Clyne was in conference by telephone with chiefs of the Department of Jus tice in Washington as late as 3 o'clock this morning. Members of the Eleventh regi ment, Illinois National Guard, were reported to have been ordered to keep in close touch with their homes, so they could be reached by telephone at short notice. They said they were instructed to be ready "to go out on strike duty" at any time. Plan for Investigation. Plans for the senate investigation of the strike were completed today by Chairman Cummins of the senate interstate commerce committee. The inquiry will begin in Chicago on Tuesday and will conducted by the full committee, with John Grunau, A. F. Whitney, vice president of the Brotherhood of Railway, Trainmen, and officers of the Chicago. Milwau kee and St. Paul railroad, ojfWhicn the strike originated, as the tirst wit nesses. .Two railroads entering Chicago lifted all freight restrictions and promised 100 per cent operation in the next 48 hours. The first general movement tack to work was announced after a con- ' ference between A. E. Lloyd, super intendent of the New York Central lines; W. H. Kirchy, general k-ir-man of the Brotherhood of KlU Trainmen; and W. Bann (Continued oa Pag Two, 4