Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Supporters of Military Bill
: Express Opinion That Defeat
I Will Virtually Wreck
Entire Measure.
Washington, April 8. Facing cer-
tain defeat, senate supporters of
compulsory, universal military train
ting retreated from pressing the
adoption of their plan of four
months' training of all youths as a
-Pfirt of the army reorganization bill.
With this change of front advocates
of training shifted their tactics in an
etfort to obtain acceptance of a sys
tem of voluntary training.
: It is expected that a vote will be
taken on the -voluntary training sub
stitute tomorrow. There will be no
direct vote on the compulsory plan
if the voluntary plan is adopted.
Supporters of the compulsory
training feature expressed the opin
ion that its defeat meant the virtual
"wreck" of the entire measure. Sen
ator Wads worth, republican. New
York, jn charge of the. bill, said pro
visions for reducing the regular
army to 210,000 men within the next
five years would not be practicable
with compulsory training rejected.
Senator Frelinghuysen, republi
can, New Jersey, a supporter of the
compulsory plan, offered an amend
ment, for training volunteers. He
did so "reluctantly," he said, but
with other advocates of compulsory
training thought that the volunteer
scheme was the best that might be
had at present.
Debate was confined entirely to
the training schemes. - Senator
Thomas, democrat, Colorado, said
defeat of compulsory training was
largely due to "political cowardice"
of members desirous of refraining
from supporting it on the eve of
elation. Senator McKellar, demo
crat, Tennessee, declared, however,
that "overwhelming sentiment" of
the senate against the compulsory
plan "compelled its practical with
drawal.' .
Lift Price Restrictions
. On Sale of Flour in Canada
Winnipeg, Man., April 8. The
Canadian wheat board announced
withdrawal of price restrictions on
the sale of flour for domestic pur
poses, but added it would retain con
trol of the price of wheat.
"Exoert cost accountants." the
board's statement said, "have audi
ted the books of several representa
tive milling companies and the
bozrd, being thus in possession of
certified milling costs and having
the price of wheat under control,
can, and will, see that no abuse
occurs. There is every reaspn to
believe, however, that competition
among millers will amply protect
the consumers." '
Extraordinary .
Dress Sale
Friday Morning at 9
TJAAS Brothers' qualities and styles are always
correct, and their regular prices always low.
When Haas Brothers have a sale, it is a REAt
As the lots we offer for Friday are small, it
will be necessary for you to be here early if you
wish to secure one of these extraordinary bargains.
Dresses of Finest Quality
Finest pure dye Chiffon Taffetas, Kitten's
Ear Crepe, Tricolettes of real quality, Georgettes
and Satins. These are the finest dresses made
in fashions of the hour, and include our entire
stock of finest dresses. Modes
suitable for all occasions. v Your
choice Friday . . . .-.
1 CIlllIC
Sample Taffeta Dresses
About 20 Sample Dresses of fine quality Taf
feta in styles that are new and different. Sizes
16 to 38 in this lot. Colors are navy,
brown and black. Be here
early, please, for one of
these. On Friday .,
Wool Jersey Dresses
Dresses of Yarn Embroidered Wool Jerseys,
Tricotines and Serges in both long and short
sleeve styles, tunic and plain effects.
Colors are Copenhagen, tan, brown and
navy. Sizes, 16 to 40.
Beautiful dresses to choose
from on Friday, at
AH Wool Serge Dresses
Dresses of fine'Wool Serge in brown, blue and
Burgundy. A most attractive
style in sizes 18 to 40. About
15 dresses in this lot, to go Friday
All Wool Serge Dresses
-Fifteen All-wool Serge - Dresses in
brown and Burgundy
These are all of one style, ' ,
in sizes 36 to 42. On Friday ;
' . -4
Balctfhy Floor Paxton Block 16th and Farnam.
Ue Elevator Entrance on 16th St.
A Splendid Traveling Bag f
This handsome, serviceable 2
bag is made of heavy black s
cowhide, with hand-sewed
frame and reinforced cor- E
ners. Made with strong g
snap catches and inside lock -
and lined with serviceable g
cravenette. A very strong S
bag , that gives splendid s
wear. 3
Well Worth $20 1
Specially 2
Priced I
1803 Farnam Street '2
Express Prepaid. Phone Douglas 273
Adoption of Resolution Consid
ered Certain Final Vote to
Be Taken Today Under
Special Rule.
(Continued From Fact Oa.)
quoted other authorities and prece
dents and maintained that all that
was sought was to end legally a war
that had in fact ended long ago. The
treaty-making powers were not af
fected, they insisted and a formal
treaty with Germany could be
drawn and ratified its provided by
the constitution.
Representative Campbell, in pre
senting the rule, assured the house
there was no intention to permit
any other vote than on adoption of
the resolution and one vote on
' May Ask Substitute.
Representative Flood, democrat,
Virginia, leading the opposition had
not determined tonight the form the
niqtion to recommit would take.
Possibly it will contain instructions
that, a substitute resolution, more
acceptable to the democrats, be re
ported back to the foeign affairs
committee, but there was no an
ticipation that such a move could
be put through.
There was nothing to indicate
when the senate would take up the
resolution. Democrats 'openly
charged in the debate that it was
drawn without expectations by its
proponents that it ever would be
come a law. While there was no
direct reply to this charge, possibly
because the doubt that existed as to
the senate's course and also be
cause nobody was v.-lliing to say
that it could be carried over a pres
idential veto, the republicans stood
firmly by their declaration that the
American people demanded peace
and relief from irksome wartime re
strictions. Debate will be resumed tomor
row at 11. It will conclude sharply
at 5 p. m. to be followed by the
final votes.
Pershing Due to Draw
- Votes From New York
(Continued From Pago One.)
the Chicago colirtum. They have
no doubt the Buckeye state will re
main true to its native son and
there Ohio wilt show General Wood
that it strongly condemns his. ac
tion in trying to take Senator Har
ding's own state delegates.
Wood's Position.
Following the Wood reverse, in
Michigan it is now admitted even
in Wood circules that if the gen
eral is to win he must have the
votes oi the fir&t ballot. He has
alienated the Lowden and Harding
forces, caused resentment in Ne
braska by seeking to take Per-r.hing's-own
bailiwick, 2nd Senator
Johnson is on the warpath against
Hooverites are lined up to go
after Senator Johnson in California.
They realize thai if Hoover is to
get anywhere in theTonvention Sen
?tor Johnson must be eliminated. It
is for this reason that they are plan
ning a strenuous campaign in Cali
fornia. a;id already it is apparent
Ihat the tide there is running against
Johnson and toward Hoover. A
Hoover victory in California prob
ibly would eliminate Johnson after
Michigan and North Dakota had
voted for him on the first ballot at
Chicago. Johnson "is thoroughly
alive to this fact and perhaps this
accounts for the whacks he is giving
to Hoover in his various speeches.
Hooverites will get their first
whack at Johnson in Newersey and
Nebraska. They are said to figure
that if Lowden and Pershing carry
New Jersey and Nebraska, respec
tively, it will offset the Johnson vic
tory in Michigan and aid Hoover's
race Against Johnson in California.
Float Steamer. ( -
Victoria. April 8. The Grand
Trunk Pacific passenger steamer
Prince John, which was beached
after colliding with its sister ship,
the Prince Albert was floated near
Dead Tree point, "QueenCharlotte
$1 Koosier Kitchen
Cabinet Club Plan
Starts Saturday at
Onion Outfitting Co.
Loose Wile Sunshine
Cakes, Hot Advo Coffee
and Alamito Cream
Beautiful Hooaier Kitchen
Cabinet Given Away Fri
day Evening, April 16.
When you consider that near
ly two million women enjoy the
satisfaction, the -saving of time,
energy and health that a Hoosief
Kitchen Cabinet brings about,
the Demonstration at the Union
Outfitting Company Saturday
should be well attended.
The $1.00 a Week Club Plan,
in force during the Demonstra
tion, means that no woman need
be deprived of this helpful, ef
ficient kitcTien servant, as the
small weekly payment can be
met out of the housekeeping al
lowance. . You knotv how stimulating
end refreshing1 i tup of coffee
is after one is downtown shop
ping. A dainty luncheon is be
ing served during the demohstra
tion, and you have an opportu
nity, to get a Hoosier free of
The Union Outfitting Com
pany is known as the "Home of
Home Outfits," as they make
special inducements to young
couples just starting housekeep
ing. No transaction is ever con
sidered complete until the cus
tomer is satisfied.
Democrats May-Move
Convention Out of
'Frisco to Oakland
Chicago, April 8.-r-Fred Lynch,
national committeeman from Min
nesota, said here today that dirsatis
faction of democratic party leaders
with the convention accommodations
at San Francisco will be aired at
the national committee meeting here
April 20, when a proposal to move
the convention across the bay to
Oakland will be presented.
Howe Fights Removal
As Packing Plant Head
(Continued From Fag Ona.)
real benefit to the live stock inter
ests can be operated independently,"
Paul Skinner said.
Tried to Get Control.
"My brother and myself have ab
solute control of the Skinner com
pany as well as the board of di
rectors, and Mr. R. C. Howe has
not worked for the interest of the
company. The operating end of the
plant is under a competent superin
tendent who was in the employ of
the Skinner company before Mr.
Howe became connected with the
company," he continued in his state
ment. ;
"The management of the Skinner
company did everything possible for
Mr. Howe but instead of promoting
the business he made an effort to
secure control.
"The company is in excellent
financial condition and this present
trouble while embarrassing will in
the end work out to the benefit of
not only all the .stockholders of the
Skinner company but the public in
Mr. Skinner refused to explain his
assertion that Mr. Howe had at
tempted to gain control of tlje com
pany. "You might try reading between
the lines of the printed statement I
Issued," he said. "Maybe a close
scrutiny would make clear the ex
tent of suspicion with which com
pany officials regarded Mr Howe's
actions." "
Was Armour Manager.
Robert C. Howe is one of the
best known packing house managers
in this country. He was general
manager for Armour & Co. here for
23 years. He resigned this position
last December to become vice nresi-
dent of the newly organized Skinner,
Packing company, now merged in
the Skinner company, which opened
its new plant on the South Sidle a
few weeks ago.
The petition filed in district court
states that on December 2, 1919,
Mr. Howe entered into a written
contract with the Skinner company
to become its vice president and gen
eral manager at a salary of $630,000
for 20 years, this being payable in
regular installments.
Was io Get Stock.
Not only was Mr. Howe to re
ceive this salary of more than $30,
000 a year iri cash, but the contract
stipulated that, during the first five
years, the Skinner interests would
give him each year 1,000 shares of
of a no par value and also give him
the option of purchasing an addi
tional 10,000 shares in the company
during the five-year, period for $50 a
Mr. Howe assumed his duties as
vice president and general manager
of the Skinner company Jaanuary
1, 1920. On March 1, he says, the
Skinner comoanv orooosed to make
him its president on condition that
he would secure credit for the com
pany in various banks.
Given 15,000 Shares.
He was given 15,000 shares of
stock and made president. He says
he secured credit for the company
from Omaha and other anks to the
extent of $1,400,000 during 1920.
About half of this has been ex
pended and the company still has
about $724,uuu in umana ana otner
banks, he says. -
Mr. Howe's petition states that,
because he has obligated himself
upon $1,400,000 of the company's
obligations he has acquirexl a vested
right to remain its president and
general manager and that it would
be inequitable and unjust to permit
the defendants to prevent him from
continuing to manage the business
until he has been protected against
this liability.
Has No Rights.
Further, the petition alleges.
Lloyd M. Skinner is not a member
of the board of directors of the
Skinner company, although he is
vice president, and that, therefore,
he has no authority to manage the
affairs of the company so long as
Mr. Howe, as president and director,
is present.
Lloyd M. Skinner, under the re
straining order, is prohibited from
interfering with Mr. Howe in his
duties as president and general man
ager of the company and is enjoined
from transferring any of the assets
of the company or diverting any of
the money or drawing any funds of
the company from the banks except
for settlement of current bills.
Various Interests Combined.
The rise of the Skinner interests
has been one of the marvels of Oma
ha industrial growth. Starting with
a small macaroni plant 10 years ago
vhese interests have grown until now
they include the biggest macaroni
11111:1 T'lIi!l!:r'l:'l;!l :irirni! .:,"t::r:'ti"it,I!''!iil-!:iim;t'ii;:itvNm vi:H'it'ri:'f:!I'1i'!li'",'",I!
Economy Specials in !
; rpHESE Are not prices quoted lor
J- any special day, but our every-
I day pnces.for Men s
i- Shoes and Oxfords
; which we feature at yM
I Black and Cordo Brown Calfskin, extra stout
soles of best quality, lace and blucher styles; we :
t consider these the best values shown in Omaha -
I today. :
- Buy a pair and be convinced.
; All sizes, all widths. -
j Drexel Shoe Go. I
I , 1419 Farnam St. s
Mail Orders Solicited. Parcel Post Paid. -
tiil:lj III: I l I I' I I IMi; I l.l! Jl'l li I I I I I ) Hill I I I I III I I I I II II III 111
If You Are a
Stranger Here
If you are a new
coiner to Omaha and have
not yet established banking
connections, consider The
Omaha National Bank.
We of Per every fa-
eilitv and eonvtnienee; a
staff alert to show every
courtesy; service based on
the experience gained by
over fifty-four years of suc
cessful banking.
The Omaha
National Bank;
Capital and Surplus
'$2,000,000 ,
plant in the world, a big banking
business, a newly-created cold stor
age building, largest in the City, and
the big packing plant on the South
Side, opened in the middle of March,
this year. ' . , '
All these interests were combined
in thr crnMv nrcanized Skinner
company of which Lloyd M. Skinnef
was president until March 1. when
Mr. Howe took the place. Taul F.
Skinner is chairman of the board of
directors; Df C. Robertson is secretary-treasurer
and G. W. Megeath is
a director.
Robert C. Howe was general man
ager for Armour & Co. in Umana
for 23 years, making a remarkable
record in this .position, increasing
the business from $12,000,000 a'
year to $88,000,000 a year. He is a
director of the Chamber of Com
merce, Union Stock Yards company.
Stock Yards National bank, Howe
Coal company, Faulkner Coal com- y
pany, Megeath Coal company andr $
Union Kendering company,
Crepe deChine
Reasonably Priced
Excellent qualities which
will prove their worth in
the amount of service
given, are being shown in
charming designs.
There are two styles in
crepe de chine gowns that
are worthy 6f note, as
they are unusual values
for only $6.45.
Envelope chemise with
either strap or builtup
shoulders come in &
I'l- 1 J. J l 1 v
aaimy lace inrameu aiyie
for only $3.95.
Dainty "crepe de chine
bloomers with a plain or
cuff knee are very fine
for $3.95.
Second Floor
. 65c Quality 50c
Friday we off er a good
grade of nainsook in a
medium heavy weight,
suitable for all styles of
undergarments. It is
thirty-six, inches wide,
and sells regularly for
65c a yard.
Friday, 50c a yard
Linen Section
Gull 3$'
These Are the Days
for Selecting
..Spring Apparel..
It is a real pleasure to view; the
Thompson-Belden Fashions, ex
pressing, as they do, styles of
charming individuality.
Personal, preferences are al
lowed the widest latitude,
which makes for a season of
becoming clothes.
Tailleurs ,
Are assured of popu
f laxity, and it is well
deserved, for never ,
were suits more de
lightful in -their
simplicity of line and
artistry of detail.
For every daytime and eve
ning occasion from the
pleasing afternoon frock to
the most charming evening
Are particularly fascinating
in both style and materials.
. Plain shades with colorful
linings are the vogue. The
choice is in no way limited.
1 A
Private Display
for Your
Very new, very frilly or
gandy ones, in a new
creamy tone called Paris,
with ruffles of either
shadow striped organdy
or net.
Also blue, rose, and Paris
organdy sets "with deep
points, outlined by pleat
ed organdy ruffles.
Also many other dainty
neck things to freshen an
off-worn gown, to "im
prove a n unbecoming
neckline or to feminize a
plainly tailored suit.
North Aisle Main Floor
Thompson-Belden fashions
assu re the purch aser of high
quality at a sensibte price.
Apparel Third Floor
Brown Oxfords
are very fashionable
Mahogany brown ox
fords for dress wear
are beautifully fash
ioned of soft kid, with
Louis heels and a me
dium vamp.
Dark brown oxfords
with military heels are
made from a splendid
quality of kid, with me
dium weight soles and
a new military heel,
they are priced
- $16 a pair $15 a pair
Shoe Department North Alsh
Main Floor
TITTLE mountains of deliciousness
CAKES. Everybody loves them.
Thdir odd shape is a pressing invita
tion to eat. But thfc invitation doesn't
stop there, for CHOCOLATE PUFF
Cakes are a generous combina
tion of soft, luscious cake, creamy
marshmallowand rich chocolate.
They are baked by National Bis
cuit Company, which meant that
they are fresh, appetizing, and
good for everybody. Put them
on the table and let the demand
for mbre speak for itself. Sold
by the pound.
mnifc 7nt.
,f MfitONll j
1 intuitu . 1
- fi
" syiiiimim
r r