18 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 9. 1920. FINAL SESSIONS OF INTERCHURCH jEFFORTIN STATE Teams of Pastors Bearing v World Movement Message i For Financial Campaign Close Conferences. I The third day of the tour of 100 prominent Nebraska ministers, who are taking the plans and messages of the Interchurch World move ment into every county in Nebraska, found the 21 teams into which the preachers are divided, in widely separated parts of the state. With one team in Scottsbluff, an other in Fremont, a third in Spen cer and a fourth in Alma, with the remaining 17 teams in as many dif ferent counties, the interchurch mes sage was yesterday being delivered all over the state. ; From reports reaching headquar ters in Omaha and Lincoln, the conferences are being unusually well attended. Douglas County Conference. ' The Douglas county conference, the largest in number of delegates, will be held today in the First Presbyterian church. The program will begin at 10 a. m. with a 15 tninute devotional exercise. The team which will deliver the interchurch messages consists of Rev. W. E. J. Cratz and L. D. Young of Lincoln and Charles E. Cobbey and Wilson Mills of Omaha. A feature of the Omaha conference BOWEN'S Value-Giving Offer For ' SATURDAY linoleum Patterns In Extra Heavy Felt Base Floor Covering Six Choice Pat- -terns, suitable nf" for Bath Boom, JJ Kitchen ana e r1 Dining Room, square id. See our advertisement in this paper Friday. Bowen's Rug and Drapery Section is the "Busy Spot" In this store. Greatest Value-Giving Every Day " i wauw mat raa am) ADVERTISEMENT 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets Absolutely Restore Vigor, Vitality, Strength to Weak Men and Women. Sold by All Druggists. Adv. ADVERTISEMENT : FOR SI TORTURES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You ; Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other - skin troubles. You can have a clear, hwaithv skin bv usine Zemo. Ob Uined at any drug store for 35c, or extra large botue tor $i.uu. Zemo generally removes pimples, Markhearis. blotches, eczema and tine- ' worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. - It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle tor each j application. It is always dependable. ; The B. W. Rote Co.. Cleveland, a will be reports on the home and foreign surveys, which have been conducted by the Interchurch move- ment ... . .. Rev. Mr. Young of Lincoln will hold a meeting for young people between 4:30 and 9 In the evening. This meeting will be held in one of the rooms ot the First Presbyterian church. , The Scottsbluff conference, in- the e;ttreme western part of the state, was one of the important confer ences held yesterday. The inter, church team holding the conference consisted of Rev. W. C. Rundin ot Mitchell, G. W. Snyder of Gering and B. A. Fye of Scottsbluff and Mrs. C. E. Garner of Bayard. Mrs. Garner delivered- the message to the women. The Boyd county conference, held yesterday at Spencer, was addressed by team No. 18, comprised of Rev. E. M. Baber of Omaha, E. J. T. Connelly, Norfolk, C. L. Meyers, Oakdale and George A. Wickwire of Creston. and Mrs. W. L. McAl lister of Neligh. At Columbus, the riatte county conference team was composed of Rev. A. V. Hunt of Plattsmouth, O. T. Moore, Benedict; H. G. McCluskey, Plattsmouth, D. S. Honsaker. Fullerton. and Mrs. Wil liam Luce of Fullerton. Today Is Last Day. Othpr rnuntv conterences held yesterday, Gage county at Beatrice, Dodge county at rremonr, rmmore county at Geneva, Stanton county at Stanton, Dixon county at Allen, Hamilton county at Aurora, Phelps and Gosper counties at Holdrege, Harlan county at Aima, i-incoiu o,ifl MrPhprsnn counties at North Platte, Garfield and Loup counties at Burwell, Sheridan county at Rushville, Hooker county at Mullen, Chase and Hayes counties at Im perial, Cheyenne county at Sidney, Rock coimty at Bassctt, Saunders coiintv at Wahoo and Howard county at St. Paul. Today is tne last aay oi tne con ferences and when the 21 teams Knich thir work this evening in 21 different counties, every county m Nebraska, and every church of the 30 denominations working under the name of the Interchurch World movement, will have heard the mes sage of that organization and a county cabinet will have been or ganized in each county of the state to carry on the united simultaneous financial campaign during the week of April 25-May 2. James Walsh Urges Whole Hearted support For General Pershing "Why, of course I want to see funeral Pershing, carrv this state at the preferential primary April 20," said James Walsh of Benson, one of the wheel-horses of the republican party and one of the most widely known men in Douglas county. "General Pershtng, he continued, is entitled to the support of the Nebraska republicans for president of the United Mates. State priae alone ought to lead Nebraska repub licans to whole-heartedly support his candidacy. "In Genefal Pershing Nebraska has a candidate of her own with a record of great achievement to com mend him. He is one ot the world s most illustrious men. In the history of thi country his name will be linked with that of Washingon and Grant. Perhaps some of our people do not quite understand now that in the years to come this modest Ne braskan will stand forth as one of the greatest figures in our national history. Nebraska is proud of what he is and of what he has done. She will honor herself by honoring him. I sincerely hope that the republicans of this state, which is now his home state, will heartily support his can didacy for the presidency. General Pershing is not a great soldier only; he is a great organizer, a great administrator, a great ex ecutive, a great diplomat and he is a great American withal. He knows how to work with and through other men. If he should be elected presi dent of the United States, I have no doubt that he would form a cabinet from the very best material he could lay his hands on and give the coun try a thoroughly business-like administration." Elks' Lodge to Install New Officers This Evening New officers of the Omaha lodge of Elks will be installed Friday night. They are Judge Willis G. Sears, exalted ruler; Walter C. Nel son, esteemed leading knight; Moses P. O'Brien, esteemed loyal knight; George C. Winterson, esteemed lec turing knight; J. W. Minar, secre tary; Charles L. Saunders, treasurer; John L. Killiam, tyler; John C. Bar ett, representative fo the ' grand lodge, and James A. Hammond, trustee. ' For Boys and Girls 1 Dollar-Making W Ideas A Fisherman's Fly Book. FRANCIS ROLT-WHBELER Various kinds of food fish, among them the much-desired trout, are fished with flies. Every good fisher man knows that trout have local fancies. It's no use trying to hook a trout with a gorgeous colored fly, such as he has never seen before. You're more apt to scare him than to lure him. He will rise most readily to the fly which is his regu lar daily food. A boy who wants to make money in dressing artificial flies should be gin by finding out the favorite food flies of the trout in his neighborhood and by making flies something like them. ' The work is not difficult, but takes care. It is more easily done with the aid of a small vise. Hooks of the right size and pieces of gut can be got for a few cents from the local dealer. A little bottle of thin spirit varnish; various colored silks glove silk is the best and a small piece of harness-maker's wax are the main things needed. For feathers, take the hackles at AnVF.RTlSKMKNT DR. BURKHAR T Want you to write him today for a treatment of Dr. Burkharts Vegetable Compound. Pay for same when cured of Liver. Kidney. Stomach Trouble, Consti pation. Catarrh, Rheumatism. Don't miss this rrandeat of remedies and wonderful rTntativ for Grip. Flu. Address 621 Main SU Cincinnati. O. For sale at all Pros Stores. 80-day treatment 26c Adv. ADVERTISEMENT Runaway Girls Return To South Side Homes Two South Side high school girls who ran away from their homes to make their own way in the world ( returned home yesterday. i ihe girls Minnie Lane, lo years old, 4421 South Seventeenth street. and Pearl Greenlee, 15 years old, 1811 M street, said they left home because they had cranky papas. The girls were found at the home of Pearl's aunt, Mrs. Mary Ruby, in Crescent, la. Free Iris Flants All purchasers of seed or nursery stock, regardless of amount bought, will receive free Iris plants this spring. We have no agents. Meneray Nursery and Seed Store, 3341 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Phone 1698. Adv. How Ladies Improve Looks! ATM 1-nlit anil TAnnff. ftllf f T round of torture with their nerves, and Many are so frail, thin and bloodless that their splendid features are lost sight of, while a vain attempt to conceal the angu Urltr of the figure deceives no one but themselves and really excites the pity or ridicule of tha world." said well known lamly employed practicing' physician, in recent lecture at a young ladies' eol m, "I do not mind exposing a little secret of mine to all such, as it can do no Sana and may result in much happiness nd health.' It is simply this: Any thin, bloodless, nerve-tortured man or woman an become as fit as the fittest by taking Vegularly for several months an easily Obtained pharamceutical product known by the profession and pharmacists as three-grain hypo-nuclane tablets, put up ia sealed, packages with directions for the neck of a young rooster which has been killed for dinner, or at the market, a few peacock tail feathers, some barbules from an old ostrich feather ready to be thrown away, and feathers from caged birds which are moulting. Bullfinch feathers are good. If you know any one who keeps a parrot, some of those will come in handy, too. Of course, use only the barbs and barbies, or little bits of the feather cut off from the quill. Lash the gut to the hook. Bite the gut along the length where you are to lash the feathers, to keep them from slipping! Wind the silk with the twist, not against it. Some flies are fastened at the shoulder only, others full length. In the green drake fasten at the shoulder; in the moth, fasten the whole body leaving the wings free. The larger illustra tion shows a good type of fly. All dressing must be varnished. If a bov lives in the city, let him find out the most popular flies from the local tackle-dealer. A boy and his sister make a good team, though t takes a liking for the work to do it well. (Tomorrow : Running a Communi ty Kitchen.) Every Day Science for Boy s. wviwium v Railway Block Systems. GRANT II. HYDE. "When I was out in the country today, Daddy, stood by a railroad signal post watching a train go by. Just as the train got out of sight, I heard something on the post rattle and one of the signal arms which stood straight out at the top of the post dropped down to a slant. Pretty soon the other arm dropped down. Who moved them? There wasn't anybody there." "The train did, my son," his father answered. "It was the sig nalling. The first signal meant 'Caution I The second signified 'All Clear!' You were standing beside one of the automatic block signals by which a train warns the train behind it to keep from getting too close. "Most railroads have such a system. "Railroad trains are dispatched or sent over the line and their move ments regulated by officials known as train dispatchers. . They are sta tioned at division headquarters, about 200 miles apart. They tele graph their orders to the next sta tion the train must pass. and the telegraph operator takes the orders, which are delivered in writing to the conductor and engineer. But when trains are between stations, the dis patcher cannot reach them. That's where the safety of the block sys tem comes in. "In the usual block system, the railroad line is divided into blocks, each one mile long,. with signal posts at each end. Each post has two tar gets or arms. As a train enters a block, the signal behind it immedi ately shows 'Danger! Stop!' with both targets horizontal. At the same time, the signal one mile further behind shows: 'Caution! Go slow!' with the lower target horizontal and the upper target at an angle. When there is no train within two miles, the signal shjows 'Safe!' with both targets hanging at an angle. At night, the hanging targjts show white lights and the horizontal tar gets red lights. This is the system used on double track-lines. "The signals are operated by the train through an electric circuit made by the rails and the car axles. Thus a train, as it 'moves along, is constantly in a safety block, pro tected by 'Danger' and 'Caution' sig nals. Watch the targets operate the next time you ride on the back platform of a train. (Tomorrow: What Shall I Be? A Fire Chief.) WIN ST0RIEV V LUCY L BY LUCY FITCH PEFKINS Dutch Twins Dress for Church. One Sunday morning in early fall Kit and Kat woke up and peeped out from their cupboard bed to see what was going on in the world. The sun was shining through the little panes df the kitchen window, making square patches of light on the floor. The kettle was singing on the fire, and Vrouw Vedder was already putting away the breakfast things. , Father Vedder was lighting his pipe with a coal from the fire. He had on his black Sunday clothes, all ready for church. Father Vedder did not look at Kit and Kat at all. He just puffed away at his pipe and said to himself. "If there are any Twins anywhere that want to go to church with me, they'd better get dressed and eat their breakfasts." Kit and, Kat tumbled out of the cupboard at once. , Vrouw Vedder come to help them dress. I can't tell you how many petti coats she put on Kat, but it was ever so many. And over them all she put a skirt of plaid. There was a waist of a different color, and over Over The Political Fence Today will be the last opportu nity to register for the April primary election. The election commission er's office in the court house will be open this evening until 9. The Nebraska itinerary for Hiram Johnson next week was announced yesterday as followo: Omaha, Mon day evening; Lincoln, Tuesday after noon; Seward, Tuesday evening; York, Wednesday morning; Has tings, Wednesday afternoon; Hol drege, Wednesday evening; Kearney Thursday morning; Grand Island, Thursday evening. . 1 'Several inquiries have , been re ceived concerning the republican na tional convention which will be held in Chicago, June 8. This conven tion will be entitled to 984 delegates, apportioned to the various states, District of Columbia, Alaska, Ha waii, Philippines and Porto Rico, ac cording to congressional representa tion. Nebraska, for instance, has six congressional districts, each of which is entitled to two delegates and the state in entitled to four dele-gates-at-large, making a total of 16 delegates which will represen this state at the convention. New York state tops the list with 88 delegates. "I'm not going to vote the way my husband tells me. I'll tell the world I will not." was the declara tion overheard during a conversa tion between two women waiting to register yesterday afternoon in the election commissioner's office. T. F. Stroud, republican candidate for county commissioner from the Third commissioner district, an swers the question of availability and desirability. He has a broad business experience and has taken time along the way of his busy life to give attention to the refinements which make for the well-balanced citizen. He was one of the promot ers of the House of Hope and inter ested in Red Cross work. He re cently gave up a $50,000 a year job to retire and then consented to setve his community as county com missioner.' He was asked to file for the office and believes that it would be fitting to give this public serv ice to his community. The salary of the office was no determining factor when he agreed to make the race. He has lived in Omaha 25 years and is a member of the Odd Fellows, Elks, Chamber of Com merce, Automobile club and the Athletic club. He is a civil and mechanical engineer by profession and has laid out and constructed 200 miles of county roads in Illinois, Indiana. Kansas and Missouri. His knowledge of good roads would be a valuable asset to this county. Vot ers of the Third commissioner dis trict owe it to themselves to nomi nate Mr. Stroud on April 20. C. R. Sherman, member of the Metropolitan Water board, is a can didate for nomination at the pri mary, having served on this board since January 1, 1909, and chairman of the board for three years. His service was started three years be fore the water plant was acquired by the city. Mr. Sherman promises to devote his best thought and ef forts to the problems of furnishing the city with gas at the lowest pos sible rate when the gas plant shall have been turned over to the water board for management. He is be ginning his 40th year of residence in Omaha. His public service in cludes membership in the state board of pharmacy examiners and he has been president of the Ne braska State Pharmaceutical asso ciation. He believes that his long experience in water plant affairs will enable him to give even better 'pub lic service if continued in the offce he now holds. He also states that he is anxious to participate in mak ing the gas plant a success under municipal ownership. Frank L.1 Kernan, republican candidate for state representative, has lived in Omaha a quarter of a century and is making his debut in politics. He earned his own way through the Omaha grade and high schools and is now the manager of a large diary company. During his school years he worked as newsboy, in factories, on farms, shoveled coal and otherwise maintained his finan cial independence. He has been identified with the initiation crew at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. has done fly ing stunts in an airplane and has many friends who are determined that he shall be one of the republican legislative nominees on April 20. "I want to go to the legislature for the experience in public service that I will receive," he said. "I had no thought of becoming a candidate until some of my friends came to me and promised me their support if I would file." John N. Baldwin, republican can didate for public defender, has prac ticed law in Omaha since 1911, with the exception of two years he was in the armv. He is known to many as "Jack Baldwin." There are 13 aspirants for the republican nomina tion for the . office ' to which he aspires. Former Opponent of Joe Gans Committed To Insane Asylum Fremont. Neb., April 8. (Spe cial.) William ("Kid") Parker, who fought Joe Gans for the lightweight championship of the world 21 years ago, was committed to the state hospital for the insane today. A blow on the head suffered during a fight is said to be the cause of his insanity. Parker is now .43 years old. 1 Until his fight with Gans Parker had met and vanquished some of the best of the lightweights, most of his battles being staged in Denver. There he met Gans and was knocked out, never to draw on a glove again. In 1908 Parker was sent to the Norfolk insane asylum, but later discharged as cured. The old trouble recently returned, the "Kid" suffer ing from religious mania. Of late years he has been living with a sis ter at Arlington, Neb. First Funeral Ship From France Brings 87 Bodies New York, April 8. The trans port Nansemond, first American funeral ship from Europe, arrived here early today with the bodies of 87 soldiers who died in base hos pitals in England during the war. Relatives and friends of the dead assembled at the dock to receive the nag-draped coffins. that a kerchief with bright red roses on it. And over the skirt she put a new, clean apron. Kit was dressed very splendidly, too. He had full baggy trousers of velveteen that reached to his ankles, and a jacket that buttoned with big silver- buttons. His trousers had pockets in them. Kit and Kat both wore stockings, which Vrouw Vedder had knit, and their best shoes of stout leather. WVipn thpv wprp all HtpsqpH Vrow Vedder stood them up side by side and had them turn around slowly to be sure they were all right "Now see that you behave well in meeting," she said. "Sit up straight. Look at the Dominie, and do not whisper." "Yes, Mother." said Kit and Kat. Then she tied a big apron over each of them and gave them each a bowl of bread and milk. While they were eating it Father Vedder went What Do You Know? ADVERTISEMENT LET POSLAM SPEED AWAY YOUR PIMPLES If you have pimples, act at once on this suggestion there can be no harm in it and every probability of wonderful benefit. Get some Poslam and apply directly over the eruptions tonight. In the morning ex amine the skin for improvement. If en couraged, continue as necessary and you will doubtless marvel at the rapidity and effectiveness of this treatment. Now that you know what it can do, you will find many ways to utilize the healing proper ties of Poslam. , Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. And Poslam Soap, being medicated with Poslam. will benefit your skin while used daily tor toilet and bath. (Hare's chance to make your wit worth money. Each day The Bee will nnhllah series of Quotations, nrepared by MuDerlntendent J. II. Beveridge of the public schools. They cover things which you snouia Know, j ne urst twiiiyicw ub of correct answers received from an Oma ha reader of The Bee will be rewarded by Sli the first from outside of Omaha will win the same. The answers and the names of the winners will be published on the day Indicated below. Be sure to give your views and address In full. Address "Question Editor," Omshs Bee.) By J. H. BEVERIDGE. " 1. Where is the Alamo? 2. What bishop of the Methodist church established the chautauqua movement? 3. When was the Panama canal completed? 4. What Milwaukee socialist has twice been denied a seat in congress after being elected? 5. Who is generally credited with the invention of the reaper? (Answers Published Tuesday.) TUESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. Alexander Stephens. 2. A custom of filling govern mental offices with one's own po litical friends. 3. Lawrence in the war of 1812. 4. Thomas Jefferson. 5. The United States claimed that Oregon extended upward to thi parallel and Great Britain utterly re- j iected the claim. Winner Helen Markwell. 500 jDampn street, Council Bluffs. Ia. out and looked at the pigs, and chickens, and ducks, and geese, and smoked his pipe. , When he came in Kit and Kat were quite ready. Vrouw Vedder had tied on Rat's little white winged cap, and put Kit's hat on. She kissed them good-bye, and they were off one on each side of Father Vedder, holding tight to his hands. Mother Vedder looked after them proudly, from the doorway. She did not go to church that day. They walked 'slowly along the roadway in the bright sunshine. Many of their neighbors and friends, all dressed in their best, were walk ing to church, too. (Rights reserved y Houghton Mifflin Co.) Lighting Fixtures, den. Adv Burgess-Gran- Announcement of M. P. KINKAID For the Republican Renomination for Representative in Congress i I respectfully submit to the voters of the Sixth District my candidacy for renomination for Congress. I believe the record of my 17 years of service is a guar antee of the efforts I have made in their behalf, also of their confidence in the success of those efforts. Great changes have come in that period. Agri culture has become to be recognized as the most im portant of our industries. Irrigation has developed new areas of cultivation, and must "continue to do so. Potash discoveries in our Sixth District has made it one of the greatest factors in this country in furthering agricultural development. i , My long service has placed me at the head of the Committee on Irrigation-of Arid Lands, besides giving me advanced positions on other committees, and has otherwise afforded me an opportunity to be of still larger service to my constituents, and it is because I feel that I can render that better and larger service that I submit my candidacy again to the voters of the Sixth District. I maintain there should be a more equitable di vision between the price realized by the producer and that paid by the ultimate consumer, and that this should be accomplished largely by the firm enforcement of existing federal antitrust statutes. The cost of labor is regulated largely by the cost of living, and American labor has the right to expect a living wage, commensurate with American standards of living as compared with the lower standards of foreign countries. I favor the reduction of the present heavy federal taxes as fast as may be consistent with the actual ne cessities of the government, based upon truly eco nomical management, outstanding obligations, and the maintenance of the integrity of our national credit, and that the masses should be relieved in a measure by shifting a portion of their tax burdens to the shoulders of those who realized immense profits on war contracts. Shall support the Soldiers four-fold adjusted Compensation Bill, recommended by the American Legion. , Am opposing compulsory military training in ac cordance with the majority sentiment of my constituents. WHY? Is' Wood Alcohol Fatal? Copyright, 120. by The Wheelur Syndicate. There is not a single property of wood alcohol, except its poison ous effects, by which anyone but a chemist can distinguish between purified "wood" and the ordinary or "grain" alcohol. The appear ance, odor and taste of the two are so striking alike that : even chemists who have had much, ex perience with them are unable by these properties to distinguish be tween them with certainty. .This difficulty is greatly increased when flavoring matter or coloring material of any kind is added. The action of wood alcohol upon the human or animal or ganism is, however, entirely dif ferent from that of ordinary al cohol. When the latter is taken into the body it is rapidly con verted into water and carbonic acid gas harmless substances of which any excess is promptly eliminated by the kidneys and lungs. Wood alcohol, on the other hand, is not so changed. It re mains nn the body for a consider able time and is slowly made over into formic acid, a poison which is found in the bodies of ants. This poison, together, with an other from the same source formaldehyde attack the brain and other organs, causing blind ness or death. These effects have' resulted from as small a dose as two teaspoonfuls of the poison and chemists agree that it is at impossible to produce a non poisonous wood alcohol as it is to make a harmless prussic acid. Tomorrow's Question Why is there a hollow place in a boiled egg? rnoro-PLAT. AMUSEMENTS. TWO SHOWS IN ONE BASE BALL FOUR "20 Minutes to a Club House" CLAUDE A MARION CLEVELAND "Still Arguing" CLIFF CLARK ' Versatile Venders of Varieties " BROSIUS A BROWN Cycling and Roller Skatinf Photoplay Attraction "Smoldering Embers" Featuring Frank Keenan Sunshine Comedy Pathe Weekly Daily Matinee 2:15 i assr mm vauosvih. Every Evenins 8:15 CHARLIE CRAPEWIN; BERT FITZ CIBBON; "LAST NIGHT;" MLLE. RHEA; Bert Hanlon; Duffy & Caldwell; Pisano; Topica of tha Day; Kinograms. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tG4tW tfT3 1 Daily Mat. 15-2S-50C JJCfyt Evngs.. 25-50-75C 1 Last Times Today-2.1 5-8:30 sRS:r London Belles ."MS. Tomorrow (Saturday) Matinee aim Wee nv-.ED. LEE WROTH "WELCOME HOME!" MATINEE DAILY AT FORT OMAHA MONDAY, APRIL 12 Athletic Program MAIN EVENT TEN ROUNDS Johnny Sudenberg of Omaha VS. Fighting Indian of Walthill, Neb. Five Other Good Six-Round Bout Tickets On Sale Ernie Holmes Pool Hall Townaend Gun Co. Mickey Gibson' And other leading cigar stores. TONIGHT Another Big Dance De Luxe Dancing Academy Rohan's Orchestra THE BOHEMIAN GIRL Brandeis Theater APRIL 15 By Omaha Opera Association Tickets SOc to $2.50 rHOTO-rLAVS. WILL ROGERS in "WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE" You'll miss 1,026 laughs and grins if you don't see it. Tom Moore in 'Toby's Bow' A great novelist one hour drunk and dead broke the next I But he reformed. Yes, there was a girl in the plot! . Usaaai I mi UaMMM -mmmmm TODAY AND SAT. DOUBLE BILL TRAILED BY THREE msm Ilili Starring Frankie Mann ' and Stuart Holmes The Glory of Unknown Lands! The Thrill of Strange Peoples! The Charm of Foreign Civ ilization! The Love of Adventure Which Burns in Every Human Heart! The Longing for New Sights, Strange Experi ences, Brave Deeds, Danger, Thrills, Changed Life, Love! . Distributed by Also CHARLES RAY and DOROTHY in a stirring drama "THE WEAKER SEX" WALLACE RE ID Ef "EXCUSE MY DUST" A Big Double Bill That IS HAROLD LLOYD -IN "HAUNTED SPOOKS" NOW SHOWING Marguerite Clark In "EASY TO GET"