Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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Youth of Douglas District
Sh:w Keen Interest In Ex
tension Work of Univer
sity of Nebraska. '
The boys and girls of the rural
districts of Douglas county have
shown keen interest in the extension
work of the University of Nebras
ka. Six standard clubs have been
organized, it was announced yester
day. ,
Preparations are now being made
for a Pure Bred Holstein Heifer
(.alt club in the southeastern part
of the county with Henry C. Meyer
of the Farmers State bank, Millard,
as local leader. Five boys and two
girls have made application for
membership. A buying committee
consisting 'of Ben Schomer, C. F.
Kuchl, D. H. Propps and the coun
ty agent recently visited several
Holstein herds near Lincoln and
purchased four well bred calves for
club members. Two 5-month-old
calves, sired by a son of the King
of the Pontiacs, were purchased of
Robert Engel of Fremont. One
well bred calf for the club comes
from Friesland farm of Dr. B. B.
Davis. The calves will be dis
tributed about the middle of April.
Plans arc, being made for a Pure
Bred Shorthorn Heifer Calf club in
(he western part of the county. Wtll
bred registered heifer calves will be
selected from good Shorthorn herds
by a local committee. The calves
will ranire from 9 tn 1' month
old and in price from $150 to $250.
The banks at Valley will take notes
for the calves at the usual rate of
One Poland-China, one Chester
White and one Duroc Jersey Pig
club will be organized in the near
future. Local breeders have of
fered to furnish pure-bred sow pigs,
to club members. Otto Pfeiffer of
Elkhorn will have charge of a Poland-China
Fig club. C. B. Ritchie,
Florence, a Chester White Pig club,
and Ernest Hall, Waterloo, of a
Duroc Jersey. Pig club.
Premiums will be offered -at the
county fair this fall for boys' and
girls' club, exhibits. Some keen
competition and lively interest is
expected in the different club classes.
Club members will compete for
prizes separate from premiums of
fered by the fair association.
Suffragists Believe
Opposition Backbone
In Delaware Broken
hirairo Tribune-Omaha Bm Leaned Wire.
Washington, April 8. The back
bone of suffrage opposition in Dela
ware is believed by leaders of the
National Woman's party . be brok
in. The announcement by Silas J.
Wtrrington of Harborson. Sussex
county, who has heretofore opposed
I he amendment that he would fol
low the will of his party and vote for
ratification is believed to be the be
ginning of a rush of votes to the
suffrage side.
, 'Contrary to the claim of the anti
suffragists that the amendment could
not be reconsidered after the third
legislative day following action upon
it, the amendment may be reintro
duced at any time in the senate and
sent from that body to the lower
house. Under a ruling made at the
time of the civil war amendments an
amendment to the federal constitu
tion is always pending before a leg
islature until ratified. Delaware itself
ratified the civil war amendments
nearly 50 years after ;hey had be
come laws. -
Says I. W. W. Considered
Arizona Ex-Governor
"Pretty Good Wobbly"
'Tombstone, Ariz.. ApriJ 8.
George W. "P. Hunt, former gover
nor of Arizona, was considered by
one Industrial Worker of the World
as a "pretty good wobbly," according
to Mrs. Margaret Ber.tley of Bisbee,
who testified at the trial of Harry
K. Wootton, charged with kidnaping
in connection with tbe Bisbee de
portations of July 12. 117.
Mrs, Bentley's testimony relating
to the former governor was given
while she -was purporting to repeat
a conversation she held with two I.
W. W. adherents, one of them being
Charles Bcntlcy, who she testified
was her divorced husband.
"We have good' friends on the
outside," one of the men was quoted
by the witness as having said. "Gov
ernor Hunt during, the Clifton strike
sent his personal check for $500 to
win the strike."
Nebraska Senator Guest
At Dinner for De Valera
Washington, April 8. Senators
and representative were among the
guests at a dinner given !iere for
Kamorin De Valera, provisional pres
ident of the Irish republic, prior to
his departure for a tour of the south
Senators Phelan of California, France
of Maryland and Morris of Nebras
ka, and former Governor Folk pf
Missouri were among the speakers.
The dinner was given under the
auspices of the Lafayette club of
this city.
Sugar Company Boosts Price
$1.30 Per Hundred Pounds
San Francisco, April 8. The
basic price for refined cane sugar
was set at $15.30 per 100 pounds by
the California-Hawaiian .Sugar Re
fining company, an advance of 1.J0
since Tuesday. The new price ap
plies to the 11 western states cov
ered in the company's allocation,
the dealers elsewhere being permit
ted to add the freight price ffoni
this seaboard
Pay your telephone bill
t tomorrow at information
desk on main floor.
, Annual summer tale of
ilk lingerie now in progress
on the second floor.
in the Downstairs Store
Of Merchandise
Large Assortment of
Wash Goods Remnants
'l Price
This great assortment of remnants includes yards and
yards of beautiful quality voile in a variety of exceptionally
dainty designs. The remnants are in lengths from 1 to 6
yards, and are reduced for this wonderful sale at exactly
one-half the original selling price. Choose' a new summer
dress from among these pieces.
Downstair Store
Children's White
Dresses at$l. 00
Daintily made of sheer white lawn,
Swiss and batiste, elaborately trimmed
in allover embroidery insertion or rib
bon. They are exceptionally pretty for
ages 2 to 6 years. Specially priced, at
$1.00 each.
Downstair Store
Odd Assortment of
Wnion Suite
One big lot of Women's
Good Quality White Cotton
Union Suits; low neck and
sleeveless; knee length. They
are to be had in sizes 34 and
36 and are wonderful values
at this .very special price of
39c a garment.
Downstairs Store
Splendid Quality
ChUd's Waist
Mothers will be especially
interested in this sale of Chil
dren's Pearl Waists, made of
fine quality white cotton, full
taped and buttoned, with gar
ter fasteners. They are for
children aged 8 and 9 years.
Special, 35c each.
Downstair Store
Aprons and Housedresses
Wonderful Values
- Every housewife is anxious to
secure dainty and practical
nnrons and house dresses like these
on sale Friday when the price is so low.
They are made of splendid quality of ma
terials in checks, plaids and solid " colors,
tailored and trimmed in contrasting col
ored collars, cuffs, pockets and belts.
Broken sizes; on sale, your choice, $2.45.
No phone calls, no C. O. D.'s and no
Downstairs Store
Ribbon Remnants
Yards and yards of ribbons that are mill ends and 1 )
are in lengths from 3 to 4 yards each; include stripes, fi
y v
checks and plaids: in widths for sashes and girdles,
Priced at 89c and $1.50 a yard. Every piece an ex-
ceptional value. On sale one day only. j
Downstairs Store
Odd Assortments of
Men's Wear
Regardless of
former price, all
broken lines ,of
Men's and Boys'
Clothing and
furnishing goods
in the Down
stairs Store are
radically reduced.
Union Suits, $1.09
Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, ecru,
' white, long or short sleeves, ankle length, excel
lent quality, at $1.19 a suit.
Underwear, 65c
Men's Balbriggan Shirt sand Drawers, ecru,
fine quality, 65c a garment
Men '$ Shirts, one-half price
Men's Neckband Shirts, samples and sec
onds. Madras, poplin, pongee silks and silks
in striped patterns, Yg marneg price.
Men's Neckwear, I7xhc
Four-in-hands, batwings and strings, all
colors, good quality, 17 He each.
Extra Specials!
Men's Khaki Pants, broken sizes, at $1.98.
Youth's Long Pant Suits, broken lines, $14.95, excellent quality.
Boys' Brownie Overalls, khaki, blue, and stripe, 50c a pair.
Men's Work Trousers, broken lines, $2.39 a pair.
Men's Caps, samples, all wool, $1.00 each.
No exchanges. No C. O. D.'s. No .mail order.
Prices That Are Radically Reduced
For Quick Clearance
At the end of a season it is the custom for us to gather together all rem
nants and odd assortments of merchandise that have been left from the past
season's selling and reduce them in price to effect an immediate disposal.
So regardless of former prices, we have reduced large quantities of goods and will place them
on sale Friday in the Downstairs Store. Here are a few of the values offered :
Sale starts at 9 A. M. Friday morning. Quantities are limited and we do not guarantee
them to last throughout the entire day. Shop early.
Odd Lots of Embroidery and Laces
On Sale Friday at Special Prices
Lace and Trimming Remnants at one-half price.
One big lot of Torchon Lace Edges, 7c.
Embroidery Edges and Headings, 7c.
Downstair Store
Large Assortment of
Remnants of Silk
14 Price
We have taken every remnant of silk left from our
season's selling and will place them on sale Friday at ex
actly Yi price. They are in lengths from to 4 yards,
and consist of plain and fancy silks, such as taffeta, messa
line, foulard, poplin, and many other weaves. , Ybur choice
Friday at,i2 price. : )MJ""
' Downstairs Store
Odd Assortments of Shoes
At Enormous Price Reductions
An opportunity that comes but once in a great while, for the prices here represent great savings.
Infants9 Pumps
Infants' Ankle Pumps in several styles
sizes 1 to 5; very special, at 98c.
Infants' Pumps
Infants' Soft Sole Ankle-Strap Pumps; in
white kid and white canvas; 0 to 4, at 49c.
Shoe Laces 3c
Shot Laces for men, women and children; in black and
brown; very good quality; choice, pair 3c; limit 5 pairs.
Children 's Shoes $1. 98
Children Black Lace Shoes Flexible sewed soles;
sizes 8 to 11 ; at just half price, $1.98.
Women's Shoes $4.95
Several styles of Women's Black Kid and Patent ,
Leather Oxfords and Pumps; in all sizes; very special,'
at $4.95.
Boudoir Slippers 69c
Women's Dainty Boudoir Slippers; in black, lav
ender, old rose and blue; in all sizes; very special, 69c.
Downstairs Store
Remnants at One-Half Price
In this great assortment of remnants you will find practically every kind of mate
rial in white and colored fabrics. Among them is
Voile Gingham Percale Challie
Curtain Net Muslin Sheeting Flannel
' Madras Silkoline Etc. Etc.
Your choice Friday at exactly one-half price.
Downstair Store
A Limited Number of
Friday we will place a
limited number of Petti
coats on sale at $1.49. They
are made of splendid qual
ity black sateen in black
and colors. They are won
theem to you while they
derful values and we offer
last at a fraction of their
real worth.
Downstairs Store
Odd Assortment of Women's
We have placed in this
great group odd assort
ments of Georgette, Crepe
de Chine and Wash Blouses
in broken sizes. They are
all desirable light colors
and although there is not
every size in every style
there is every size in the
lot. Choice$2.69. ,
Downstair Store
Friday in the Downstairs Store
Every housewife will be greatly interested in this enormous sale of Laundry Soap and
Cleaners, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, which will be in effect for this one day only.
included win De
Cudahy White Borax Naptha Soap,
10 bars 46c
Old Dutch
3 pkgs. 25c
Haskins Bros.
Electric Spark
lObars 63c
Estes Laundry Tab
lets, Small Size
25c pkg.
(One package Ete Soap Polish
FREE with every $1.00 package
of Estes Laundry Tablet.)
Golden Rod
Estes Soap Polish,
Small Size
15c pkg.
Toilet Soaps Specially Priced Friday
Armour's Benzoin and Almond Toi
let Soap, 8c cake.
Armour's Florabelle Rose Soap, 10c
Armour's Pure Castile Soap, very
special, 3 bars for25c.
Burgess-Nash Toilet Soap, half price
or 2 cakes for 15c.
' Armour's Florabelle Violet Soap,
10c cake.
Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 19c.
Downstairs Siere
Women's and Misses'
Middies at $l
Made of Galatea and Linenette, in
dozens of styles. Attractively trim
med in font.rastino- rnlnra on rnllavs.
belts and cuffs. Plaids, stripes,
It as Is a o n r1 nAllro r ri- f iivsrii n era Ci'too ( I
6 to 16. Sizes 34 to 44.
Downstair Store
4 '
Women's and Child's
An odd lot of Women's,
.Children's and Infants' splen
did quality Hosiery will be
placed in one large lot arid
priced Friday at the excep
tionally low price of 25c a
pair. An opportunity to se
cure a real value.
Downstairs Store
Odd Lots of
Hat Trimming
A large assortment of odds
and ends of hat trimmings,
including numerous flowers
and fancies so desirable for
trimming the new Spring hat.
All in one great group for
quick disposal at 9c each.
Downstairs Store
Linoleum Remnants
Enormous Savifigs at
Vi Price
Consisting of felt base goods, printed and
inlaid; one of the largest assortments of rem
nants we have had for some time; some two
and three of a pattern. Bring your measure
ments. Rag Rugs, $1.69
Rag Rugs in a large assortment of hit and
miss effects; an extra heavy quality; odd line.
Z7X04 inches, Si. 69 each.
Downstair Store
Sale of Corsets
Odd Jots of-corsets, about 1,000 in number, will
be placed on sale Friday for quick disposal at $1.45 T AC
l opless, low and medium bust, boneless or f T I
l a r u i. i a i i m
j each
heavily boned,
or white
Broche, coutil or batiste, in pink
Sizes zu to 34.
Odds and Ends of
H ouse furnishings
An opportunity for the housewives to secure wonderful values
in furnishings for the home at prices that are exceptionally low.
Carving Knives
T r ! "jtyyet -5k Carving Knives,
j'1!!"! stag handle, sterl
, . . ' "; , . " .. ing silver ferrules.
Assorted shapes and sizes. Slightly rusted, 25c.
Carving Knives, stag handles, sterling silver ferrules. Assorted
sizes 50c.
Enamelware, 25c
Odds and ends gray en
ameledware, consisting of
sauce, pans, wash basins, milk
pans, sink drainers, muffin
pans, handled bake pans. Your
choice, 25c.
All white enameled seamless
handled bake pans, 59c.
Blue and
seam less,
lipped pre
serving kettles, 6
qt. s i z e,
Extra heavy
tin tea ket
tle with cop
pti bottom
and rim,
No. 8 size,
Clothes Basket, 49c
Splint clothes basket, large
size, 49c.
All white enameled seamless
sauce pans, 59c
Seamless, all white enameled
bowls, 7, 9, 11-quart sizes, $1.
Odds and ends Colonial table
tumblers, 5c.