Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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Taken after meals relieve the
distress of Indigestion or
Dyspepsia they give an alka
line effect just as the stomach
does in normal condition.
Sold for 25 years in almost
every drug store in the U. S.
and Canada.
Have been recommended
by many physicians to aid
digestion and thus keep the
stomach sweet
You may eat what you like
best without fear of distress.
Price 50c. Ask your drug-gist.
Has now gained 44 pound,
ssy ho's absolutely well.
"A year ago I was down with pneu
monia, which left me with a deep seated
cough. My doctor said he couldn't do
me any good, and I would have to go to
Colorado. I went but I didn't improve,
and at the time I left the hospital, I
was a mere skeleton.
"I met a person who had used Milks
Emulsion and he asked me to try it. I
have now taken 21 . bottles ' and have
gained 44 pounds in weight and I am
today In as good, sound . health as
ever was in my life." J. H. Johnson,
SIS N. 82d St., Mattoon. 111.
To give your body strength to resist
disease, try building it up with Milks
femulslon. A trial costs nothing.
Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri
tive food and a corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel action, do
ing away with all need of pills and
physics. It promotes appetite and quick
ly puts the digestive organs in shape to
assimilate food. As a builder of flesh
and strength. Milks Emulsion is strong
ly recommended to those whom sickness
has weakened, and is a powerful aid in
resisting and repairing the effects of
wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trou
ble and constipation are promptly re
lieved usually in one day.
This is the only solid emulsion made,
and so palatable that it is eaten with a
spoon like ice cream. Truly wonderful
for weak, sickly children.
No matter how severe your case, you
are urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guarantee Take six bottles home
with you, use it according to directions
and if not satisfied with the results, your
money will be promptly refunded. Price
60c and $1.20 'per bottle. The Milks
Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by
druggists everywhere:
Does Your Blood
Heed Iron?
Hw to Make the Test That Tells
A pale face, a nervous irritable disposi
tion, a lack of strength and endurance
these are the warning, signals that Nature
gives when your blood is getting thin, pale,
watery and starving for iron. If you are
not sure of your condition, go to your
doctor and have him take your blood count,
or else make the following test yourself:
See how long you can work or how far you
can walk without becoming tired: next take
two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three
times per day after meals for two weeks.
Then test your strength again and see how
much you have gained. All good druggists
sell Nuxated Iron, on the distinct under
standing that if you are not satisfied your
money will be refunded. Owl Drug Co.,
Sherman & McConnell's 5 Drug Stores.
Dandruff Soon
Ruins the Hair
But Bathers Who Frequent
Beaches at Carter Lake and
Manawa Rejoice at
The Missouri river's spring flood
of the last two days brought some
suffering, considerable financial loss
and much inconvenience to "bot
toms" residents of Omaha and vi
cinity. Nor is that all of the woe in
Above the rush of the receding
waters today could be heard a mel
ancholy wail from certain Omaha
fishermen, who believe many of the
best and biggest of the game fish
that have been living contentedly
in Carter and Manawa lakes will
take advantage of the opportunity
offered by the flood and hike for
the river, alonz with the strone
currents flowing from the lakes, as
the high water falls.
Swimmers Enthusiastic.
But it is a poor flood that washes
up joy on no one's shores, declare
swimming and bathing devotees.
They were enthusiastic today in
predicting the flood would result in
the best season they have had for
several years for aquatic activities.
The rapid currents of river water
that have been pouring into Manawa
and Carter lakes, they point out, will
freshen the lakes and afford im
proved facilities this summer for
Omaha "water spaniels" and
It looks like a big season for the
Carter Lake club, Municipal beach,
Sandy Point, the Council Bluffs
Rowing and Fishing and Game clubs
and Manawa park.
Commodore Dodge Speaks.
. "Commodore" R. E. Dodge,cus
todian for 16 years of the Council
Bluffs Rowing club at Manawa lake,
agrees the flood is going to prove
a big boon to bathers, but insists
amateur Izaak Waltons are all
wrong in their deductions the stock
of game fish at Carter and Manawa
lakes will be lessened.
"Some of the fish will go to the
river with the receding water," he
says, "but the flood brought into the
lake as many fish as it will take out.
"My experience has been the fish
ing always has been just as good
after a flood as before." '
Oldest Woman Voter
In Omaha Registers
For Coming Primary
W f II
Mrs. Mary R. Kimball, 87. oldest
woman voter in Omaha, registered
as a republican yesterday in the
election commissioner's office in the
court house.
Mrs. Kimball has been a suffra
gist all her life and has worked with
the suffrage forces of Omaha for
She glanced at the havoc made
by the fire in the court house.
"That won't happen again now
that women are voting,", she said.
Workmen Fight Desperately to
Erect Barrier to Prevent
Further Spread of Flood
Muscatine, la., April 7. A break
in the Muscatine Island levee at a
point about 12 miles south of this
city late last night has inundated
thousands ot acres of farm land and
the overflow of a considerable part
ot south Muscatine is threatened.
At least 20,000 acres of farm land
will be covered by from three to 16
teet ot water.
Hundreds of workmen are en
gaged in erecting a barrier across a
slough which extends upward from
the flooded area to the city. Only
the success of this enterprise will
stop the necessity of several thou
sand people leaving their homes.
With the breaking of the levee
the manpower of the city was mobil
ized to check the water advancing
from the south and to aid in the re
moval of families from the flood
area. But little live stock was saved.
The lower part of Muscatine Is
land, which is famed for its truck
crops, is an inland sea many miles
in extent.
The break occurred within a mile
of the point where a similar flood
originated four years ago. A 30-foot
gap soon extended the length of a
city block and the roar of the on
rushing waters could be heard miles
-It is expected that the break here
will result in a lowering of the stage
at other points, thus reducing the
danger of floods elsewhere.
Chicago Incubator
Baby Heir to Estate
Worth Half Million
Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, April 7. There was a
time when it was imperative that
little Anne Blaine should live in a
glass case. It now comes about
that she can continue to reside in
a glass case if she desires, for she
has inherited $500,000.
Little Anne was an incubator
baby. She is the only child of a
romantic match that came as a
surprise to Chicago society. Her
father, Emmons Blaine, jr., then a
young engineer just entering upon
his profession, quietly married
Eleanor Gooding at Portsmouth.
N. H October 9, 1917. One year
later to a day the young husband
died of pneumonia. Little Anne
was born in a hospital here some
weeks after her father's death.
For many days the baby lay in
her glass case, with the tempera
ture regulated with the utmost
scientific precision, while nurses
and expert physicians fanned the
tiny, flickering flame of life. Later
she was removed to the big fam
ily mansion and is now a healthv
and robust child. Her father's
estate was offered for probate and
halt is willed to his baby. Ap
proximately this will amount to
$600,000, but inheritance, income
and other taxes will bite into it
Another Granddaughter
Born to the President
New York, April 7. Mr. and Mrs.
William G. McAdoo announced the
birth of a daughter! Marv Faith Mc
Adoo. This is the second child born
to Mrs. McAdoo. who was Miss
Eleanor Wilson, vouneest daughter
of the president. The first child,
named EII?n Wilson, after the
mother of Mrs. McAdoo, is now 4
years old.
J. H. rCeenan Leaves Employ of
Henshaw After 20
Years' Service.
Ballooning Great
Stuff , Better Than
Ball, Says Landis
Girls if yoir want plenty of
thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair,
do by all means get rid of dandruff,
for it will starve your hair and
ruin it if you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try
to brush or wash it out. The only
sure way to get rid of dandruff is
to dissolve it, then you destroy it
entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid ar
von; apply it at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning most if, not all of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely
destroy every single sign and trace
of it
You will find, too, that all itch
ing and digging of the scalp will
stop, and .your hair will look and
feel a hundred times better. You
can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and four
ounces is all you will need, no mat
ter how much dandruff you have.
This simple remedy never fails.
Raw From Eczema
Why Dot see what one bottle of D.D. D. will do
Wt fuarante results. Itching stopf at one.
Me, 60c ll.oo. Try D. P. D. Soap, too.
IML lotion &r Shin Disease
Five Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Store
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
Soap. Ofntinent.Tslcam.Ke.eTerTwriere.for sun tries
address: CiUnIntriMj)t.X,iftl4atUM.
Grow Your Hair
If ytm have aandraff. or If your hair ia falllnc
oat, or il you have a bald spot, yon should
know that legiom of persons have overcome
then troubles through a genuine bdlaas
recipe, which will be mailed you free with a
proof box of the woaderf ally edleadoaa oint
ant Kotalko, if you send only 10 eta. (silver
or stamps) to pay the cost of this notice, to
J. I. grittaia, BZ-JfJI, Statin F Hiw Tirk
Bee Want Ads are Business
Boosters Try One.
Rumor That Wilson
Suffered Relapse
Denied at Capital
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bra Ieased Wire.
Washington, April 7. Washing
ton was bombarded with telegrams
from New York Tuesday asking for
verification of a report that Presi
dent Wilson had suffered a serious
At the White House Secretary
Tumulty and other officials denied
absolutely that there was any foun
dation for the report. While it is a
fact that the president has been con
fined to the White House for a
week, it was declared that this was
due to weather conditions and not
to any change in the president's coil'
The rumor of a setback for the
president is said to have been based
on his remaining within doors after
his frequent rides about the city
and surrounding country the week
Major Dalrymple
Lists Newspapers
Among His Enemies
Chicago. April 7. Mai. A. V. Dal
rymple, central states prohibition
commissioner, of Iron River "whisky
rebellion fame, declared in a speech
before ieie Electric club that he had
two enemies to fight the liquor in
terests and the newspapers."
"These are our two great domestic
enemies," he said, "and they are in
league against me. When I came to
Chicago I had no friends and three
acquaintances. Now I know 2,000,
000 people of this city and have a
little more than that number in en
emies. The newspapers are the di
rect caust of it."
Alexander Urges Public
To Save All Waste Paper
Washington, April 7. In refer
ring to his recent appeal for the con
servation of waste. Secretary of
Commerce Alexander urged the sav
ing of all waste paper.
"Following my appeal of last
week to save waste and turn it back
into the channels of trade," said the
secretary, "I wish to call attention
o the importance of saving all' waste
"Attention has been called quite
a number of times lately to the vital
shortage in paper and if the general
public could realize how a shortage
of paper affects its daily life. I feel
sure that a saving and a utilization
of all waste paper would be made.
'Makin' Good Now," He Says
Charged With Freight
Car Theft.
Big, Shaggy, Brown Spaniel Keeps Faith As He
Patiently Awaits Footfall of His Master in Vain
Cadomene Tablet Afford Relief
to the Shattered Nerves of
the Drinker.
Many men, soldiers and sailors,
have stated that when they were
denied their liquor their nerves be
came shattered, until the wonderful
tonic effects of Cadomene Tablets
restored them to normal health. The
man who swears off liquor or to
bacco will find his task easier and
will regain his normal poise and
control quicker by taking Cadomene
Tablets. The worn-out man or
woman, the nervous and sleepless,
find a boon in Cadomene Tablets,
which are guaranteed safe, harm
less and effective always, or money
back. Get a tube today from your 1
druggist and help yourself to get
right right away. A
Big tears filled the eyes of 16-
year-old Frank Netka. 1900 South
Twelfth street, as he sat in the office
of the United States marshal yester
Frank is charged with the theft of
valuable hides from a freight car
while a member of a gang of alleged
car robbers m Last St. Louis.
He appeared before Commissioner
Neely for his preliminary hearing
"Makin Good Now."
"I'm makin' good at the Western
Union learning to be a telegraph op
erator, something 1 ve always want
ed to be, and after four month's
study at the key, they jerk me up
for stealm hides.
And l am t guilty, 1 tell you.
Ma'll have another fit ' when she
hears about this, but if they send me
back, at least 1 11 get to see her.
Young Netka was arrested several
days ago by the agents of the local
Department or lustice. Unicials ot
the Western Union admitted that
the lad was one of the best they had
ever employed.
Hold Job Open.
According to his story, Frank
came to Omaha and took employ
ment with the telegraph company,
because they "were always pickin'
him up for something in East St.
In Omaha it was different, until
the other day when "they nabbed
him as he sat practicing at a key"
in a downtown office. .
The boy's bond was fixed at $300,
and it was said that officials of the
nr. . t , , .
western union mignt arrange to
help him out of jail until he can be
returned to East St. Louis. Anyway,
they're going to hold his job open
for him, and he can continue to
learn to be an operator when he
comes back to Omaha.
He is just a dog. . J,ut a big,
shaggy, brown spaniel but he's
keeping faith.
All day long he stands at the door
of his kennel, waiting for the sound
of a familiar footstep, his soft
brown eyes eagerly searching for
a glimpse of a familiar form.
And in his trusting canine heart
he believes that it will long
before his absent master comes.
But the patient waiting is- all in
vain. For Frank Van Dorin. 3323
venue C, Council Bluffs, the mis
sing master, has gone. Mr. Van
Dorin died last Saturday, while rid
ing home from his office.
Ever since Mr. Van Dorin brought
the dog home, then a tiny puppy,
they have been pals.
-. For years they enjoyed a morning
walk together, before the master
went to his daily work.
Drunken Soda Water
Dispenser Killed by
Blow of Man s Fist
Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
Chicago, April 7. Travers Walsh,
John F. Lens and Joseph Wisadoski,
soda dispensers, full of exuberance
and ginger ale, started out to have
what they were pleased to call "a
good time. In the course ot their
maudlin meanderings, they en
countered a man and a woman who
resented their profanity and a fight
ensued. Walsh was killed bv a blow
of the man's fist. Lens was knocked
out of focus and Wisadoski fled.
Joseph Henne, a song writer, cm-
ployed by a local publisher, sur
rendered to the police and admitted
he was the man with whom they
fought. His wife is a performer at
the Winter Garden and he meets
her every night, takes her to mid
night supper and then they go home.
Hitchcock Charges Norris
With Reckless Statements
Washington, April 7. Senator
Hitchcock, democrat, Nebraska, re
plied in tke senate to charees bv
Senator Norris, republican, Nebras
ka, last month that . Senator Hitch
cock's paper, the Omaha World-
Herald, had misrepresented his at
titude on the Irish reservation to the
peace treaty.
Senator Hitcltcock declared Sen
ator Norrts charges "absurd and
unreliable" and charged Senator
Norris with makin? "reckless state
ments" and misusing his senatorial
Senator Norris made no reply.
Senator Hiram Johnson
Comes Here Monday Night
Frank A. Harrison of Lincoln, in
charge of the Hiram Johnson cam
paign in Nebraska, telephoned to
Thomas Lynch yesterday that
the California senator will speak in
Omaha next Monday night.
Mr. Lynch immediately engaged
the Auditorium for that date, i
For years the devoted dog
watched every evening for his re
turn, and went to meet him as he
approached the house. Whenever
possible they were together.
But now the master conies no
more. There hasn't been a morning
stroll nor an evening reunion since
And the big friendly dog is wilt
ing under his load of grief.
He refuses food; just a sniff at
the tempting bits placed before him,
and then he resumes his patient
And jn his eyes gleams an abiding
confidence that his doggish mind
cannot upset, a certainty that his
life-long friend hasn't really gone,
but will return.
He's only a dog, but he's keeping,
the faith.
Flu Leaves the System
Shattered and Torn
J. H. Kecnan, veteran Omaha ho
tel man, resigned his position as
manager of the Hotel Henshaw
yesterday. He has been manager
ui mat noui tor tnc last seveiH
years, and been in the employ of the
hotel for 20 years.
He began his hotel career at the
Hotel Henshaw in 1899, as a checker.
The following year he accepted a
position as clerk in the Harney ho
tel at Rapid City, S. D., but returned
to the Hotel Henshaw in the ca
pacity of a clerk a few months later.
He was one of the seven Omaha
hotel men who founded the "Greet-
ers of America" association, which
's now a laree international organ
ization with branches in all parts of
tne United Mates and Canada.
Mr. Kcenan has not decided what
his next occupation will be. He is
considering the offer of a position
as manager of the proposed S500.-
000 Rapid City hotel, and is also
consJering several offers which will
enable him to remain in Omaha,
he says.
No successor has been named for
Mr. Keenan at the Henskaw.
Italians Deal With Reds
Athens, April 7. It is announced
here that an Italian commercial mis
sion has arrived in Athens on the
way to Russia to negotiate with the
soviet government for the purchase
of raw materials for manufactures.
The mission, it is stated, is pro
vided with several million rubles in
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Ieeaed. Wire,
Chicago, April 7. "Well." said
Judge Landis, as he gnawed off a
fresh hunk of chewing gum, "it's
better than baseball, it's great
stuff, the best ever."
He had just returned by a pro
saic railway train from Anita,
la., where he landed after start
ing on a balloon trip from Oniaha
for Chicago.
"It was the best time I ever had
in the air" he continued, "because
I was up longer than I have ever
been .in an airplane. Great for
sight-feeing. Traveled 75 miles
as the crow flies, but it was about
100 miles as the balloon flew.
Wind currents got us and shifted
us about a bit.
"Say, you wouldn't believe it,
but it was not so cold up there, a
mile in the air, as it was on the
"Air currents got bumpy. Along
about 9 oclock things became
pretty rough. Threw out sand
bags and finally let out some gas.
Settled down just as nice and
"Were you scared, judge?"
The white-haired jurist looked
quickly at the questioner and the
query was not pushed. The judge
has a son who became an ace in
the war. They do not come of
stock that is easily scared.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Beautiful Women I
of Society, duringthe past I
seventy year have relied f
t .i , - . , . i '
upon ic lor ineir uisun-
xguished appearance. The
Soft, refined, pearly
wiiiie compiexiun n
renders Instantly, Is
always the source of
flattering comment..
Why Bejkinny?
It's Easy to Be Plump;
Popular and Attractive
Help is Needed to
Restore the Wast
ed Strength and
If you have been a victim
of the flu, even though you
were fortunate enough to es
cape the fatal effects that the
disease so often leaves in its
wake, you need not be told of
the damage to the human
system which this terrible
disease causes.
The human system,
after a severe attack of
the flu can be likened to
a battlefield, with its
scarred and mutilated
evidences of wreck and
For the human body has in
deed been through a severe
conflict, a siege that will tax
and test the last ounce of
strength and endurance. Even
after complete recovery, the
task of repairing the damage
and restoring the lost vitality
is a slow and oftentimes dis
couraging one, for it seems
that you will just never be en
tirely free from the fatigue
and depression that follows as
an after-effect of the flu.
Your whole body seems out
of gear, for the damaging ef
fects of the flu seem to per
meate " the entire system,
leaving you weak and sore,
your nerves all unstrung, the
appetite far below normal,
the stomach upset and the en
tire vitality at a low ebb.
Then, too, there is always
danger of a recurring attack,
as well as the increasing lia
bility to succumb to ' almost
any ordinary illness, while
you are in such a weakened
condition. Not until your full
strength .and vitality have
been restored can you con
sider yourself entirely out of
danger, for your disease re
sistance should at all times be
kept up to the highest mark.
The damage that has been
done to your system by this
disease must be repaired, and
new tissne must be bin'lt to
supply the waste that haai
taken place. Nature is a great
healer, but before she can do
her work thoroughly such ob
stacles as are in the way must
be removed so that the full
effect of her functions can be
obtained. First of all the
blood, which has, been impov
erished and weakened, must
be built up to a healthy and
robust condition, sq that an
abundant supply of this rich,
red, life-giving fluid can be
sent coursing through the
veins to revitalize the system.
You can readily see, there
fore, the importance of giving
nature all possible assistance
in restoring your system and
repairing the daniage which
flu has wrought. If you wish
to regain your lost strength
and once again ernoy the ro
bust vitality of perfect health,
first of all rebuild the blood
supply and thus give nature
the aid that she so badly
S. S. S. is the one remedy
that is so useful in repairing
the damage done by the flu,
because it promptly enriches
the blood supply and fills the
veins with new life and vital
ity, which in turn rebuild the
waste tissue throughout the
system. You should begin at
once to take S. S. S.. which
will do so much in putting the
system back into a vigorous,
healthy condition.
"Complete Satisfaction"
Balmwort Kidney Tabletc
Mrs. L Godard, 204 Cooper
St., Atlanta, Ga., writes': "I
have used your Sulpherb Tab
lets (for liver and blood) and
Balmwort Tablets with com
plete satisfaction. In fact, I
thought I had a Paralytic
stroke in December. In Janu
ary I eot a tube of the Balm
wort Kidney Tablets and in one
week's time I seemed to be al
right again, and have had no
return of symptoms, etc."
Never neglect symptoms of
Kidney and Bladder Trouble if
you would avoid dangers. Sold
by all druggists.
Red Blood for Pal
It's easy to be plump, popular and at
tractive instead of being; thin, aneular
and scrawny. Almost invariably the trou
ble ia due to weak nervea and consequent
failure to assimilate your food. You may
eat heartily, but owing to the lack of nerv
ous energy and impoverished blood you
don't get the benefit from the food you
eat. AH of this can be remedied very
quickly by taking with each meal a five
grain tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate. Thia
quickly strengthens the nervous 6ystem,
enriches the blood and increases its oxy
gen carrying power, and in a remarkably
short time the average thin, weak, nervous
man or woman begins not only to put on
flesh, but also begins to look and feel
better. Sleep, appetite, strength and en
durance are improved, dull eyes become
bright, and, unless afflicted with some or
ganic complaint, there is no reason why,
if you take Blood-Iron Phosphate regu
larly, you should not soon look and feel
much better and many years younger. De
posit $1.50 today with Sherman h Mc
Connell Drug Co., or any other druggist
for enough Blood-Iron Phosphate for a
three weeks' treatment. Use as directed
and if at the end of three weeks you aren't
delighted, go back and get your money.
Your druggist, a man you know, is au
thorized to give it to you.
Accept "California" Syrup of Fius
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your jchild is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
on each bottle. You must say "Cali
fornia." 1
Life l 9 burden when the hod?
is racked with pain. Everything
vorrie and th victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine taka
Thr national remedy of Holland fof otm
20 year; jt la an enemy nf all pains ra
raltine frotr kidney, liver and uric arid
troubles. All druerists. three sizes.
fot IK aama Cold Medal oa avarr fmi
ad accept no imiutioik
"I have been
Using Your Sulpherb Tablets More
or Lei for Many Years and Have
Recommenced Them to Many,
Because I Think They
Should Be in Every
A big supply of red blood corpuscles
is what helps to make any man or woman
have a healthy, pink complexion and
cherry red lips. Resort to paint and pow.
der are totally unnecessary and besides
that, are harmful. Three-grain hypo-
nuriane tablets. 11 used regu ar v for sev
eral months, seem to create a grestly
added number of millions to the red and
white corpuscles of "the blood, and not only
improve the color, but add increased flenh
to the thin and frail body. These tablets
promote assimilation, absorption and di
gestion, and this splendid aid to nature's
torces transforms the comnlexion and
figure. They are prescribed by physi
cians, but being of a perfectly harmless
character, self-administration is being fol
lowed by many, who obtain them direct
from any well-stocked apothecary shop.
; The blood is the source
X of life, and upon its con-
tion of the whole body.
There can be no robust
vitality unless the blood
supply is abundant and
2 healthy.
You should remember, too,
that avoiding disease is large
ly a matter of keeping the
system in good condition, so
that those who keep their
blood supply pure and strong
and vigorous are much less
liable to attack. A few bot
tles of S. S. S. will be worth
many times its cost as a pre
caution against disease.
Those who take S. S. S. can
get any desired medical ad-f
vice without cost by, writing
to Chief Medical Adviser, 180
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta,
Ga. -
There is one simple, safe and
sure way to get, rid of unsightly
hairs on neck, arms and underarms
and that isxto dissolve them.
To do this get a bottle of Frcsca
Hair Remover Lotion from your
druggist, apply a little with the fin
der tips, or with a little cotton, just
like you would a face lotion, to
the hairs not wanted, in a few min
utes wash off and you will be sur
prised how the hairs have disap
peared. Fuzzy or heavy hairs sim
ply dissolve and leave the skin
soft and white shaving and other
methods onJy remove hairs for a
short while and they come in thick
er than ever, while Fresca Hair Re
mover Lotion dissolves them away
below the skin and weakens the
growth. If you arc troubled with
these unsightly blemishes you
should try this simple and safe
method of getting rid of them.
This writes Mr. Win. Cameron,
1021 Ells Place, Denver, Colo., and
we pubnsn this brief statement to
prove the never-ending value of
Sulpherb Tablets in the treatment
of such ailments as chronic consti
pation, impaired kidney action and
consequent impure blood manifest
ed in many ways, such as head
aches, pimples, boils, rash, hives,
rheumatism, etc. Neglected consti
pation undoubtedly brinps on a long
train of more serious ills and the
wav to get relief is to use Sulpherb
Tablets as a laxative, tonic blood
They are made of extracts of
herbs and roots and contain sulphur
and cream of tartar, thus supply
ing the essentials for a regular and
effective treatment. Sold by drug
gists everywhere at 60c per tube.
Take a glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys if bladder bothers
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some
form or other, says a well known au
thority, because the uric acid in meat
excites the kidneys, thev become
overworked: get sluggish; clog up
and cause all sorts ofx distress, par
ticularly backache and misery in the
kidney region; rheumatic twinges,
severe headaches, acid stomach, con
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary irritation.
Tlie moment your back hurts or
kidneys aren't acting right, or if
bladder bothers you, get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from any good
pnarmacy; take a tablespoonfu! in
a glass of water before breakfast for
a lew days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice combined with litliia, '
and has been used for generation?
to flush clogged kidneys and stim
ulate them to normal activity, also
to neutralize the acids in the urine
so it no longer irritates, thus end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delighting effervescent
lithia water drink which millions of
men and women take now and then
to keep the kidneys and urinary or
gans clean, thus avoiding serious .
kidney diseases.
This Actually Removes
Superfluous Hair Roots
(Entirely New and Quick Method) .
Reduce Weight Happily
Um famoui OIL OF KOREIM. fnllnw 'flrec
tion of KenMn Byitlem therewith; bwrnme
ulenilor. li.'iilliuf r, altrn.'Ure. efficient: UVB
LONtiKR! Sold by buiy druojliti. including:
Sherman A. MeConneli, 8eMon Drut- Co.,
Merrltt't. Unlit-Docekal. Adams-Haltht Drua
Co.. Rlnolo-Fox Drue Co.. Jot Zurhak. and by
good dmgglita everywture who will aupply jou
Willi genuine OIL OF KORKIX.
By the introduction in thin countrv of
what is known aa the "phelactine proe-
enn. any woman can now rid herself com
pletely of annoying superfluous hair or
fun. The process is entirely new. different
from all others, and far better because it
actually removes the roots, as well as the
surface hair! It is almost instantaneous.
perfectly harmless, odorless and non-irri
Just get a stick -of phelaetine from vour
druggist, follow the simple directions and
see the hatr roots come out. with vour
Dwn eyes! No depilatory or electrical treat
ment can produce thia result. The skin
is left soft, smooth and hairless as a
child's. Phelactine can be used with ab
solute safety one could even eat it with
Don't let constipation poison your blood
and curtail your energy j.
If your liver and bowel.
P1IU today rA
and vnnr U
trouble will ,
cease. For dixxinest. lack of appeti te,
headache and blotchy skin nothing
wcm. rureiy vegetaDie.
Small Pin-Stun Dose Small Prlec
peat nerve and blood tonic for
ienila, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. o?S'nC
Sherman & McConnell Druf Co.
Art thou stout and getting stouter?
Stop repining cease to moan;
Hie thee to the nearest drug store
Ask for "Tablets Arbolone."
Arbolone will stop that craving.
jviaKe tnee normal that s well
known .
Thou'lt forget that hungry feeling
After taking Arbolone.
And the pounds away will dwindle
Waist no longer like a zone;
Thou'lt be thankful to the maker
Of those Tablets Arbolone.
Note This little poem was writ
ten by a literary woman of Los An
geles, Calif., as a testimonial to
Tablets Arbolone. It so aptly and
truthfully describes the virtues of
this well-known anti-fat that the
proprietors use it for advertising.
Facts and gratitude are both ex
pressed with admirable rythm and
This wonderful book will ho
sent free to anu man upon re
quest ... . . .
I z cerru BiocH.WMnyiHe.Tenw
Fistula Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that cures Piles
Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time,
without a sever surgical operation. No Chloro.
. , . , form. Ether or other general apesthetic used.
j .f uran,"l ,n 'v'ry Ptd for treatment, and no money to be paid until
c.un!!' " rlt . book, on Rct' Diseases, with names and testimonals of more than
1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
24J Bee Buildln, OMAHA. NEBRASKA
oj TtrtSn jp jnoi Jjt- -airej e oatasrrl !a
sB inq pma t s.ottj tneirjo on tuia
sqSnpo Aqeg