Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. 49 NO. 253.
0k P. .
-) imr Hay M, IM. it
Mtar Mt Mtnk S. IV.
omaha, Thursday, april 8, 1920.
y Mall (I w). Hr. : fcntfty. M.M.
Bally Sim.. I7.N; MhM N.k. trtrt.
lit vote m
Special Rule Provides for Si
Hours' Debate on Proposal in
House Today and But Five
Hours x Tomorrow.
Virginian Characterizes Sec
tion Five as Attempt to Pre
serve Something Out of
Wreck of American Rights.
Washington, , April 7. Final de
termination "was reached today by
republican leaders in the house to
bring to a vote in that body late
Friday the resolution to declare the
ablate of war with, Germany at an
end. A special rule reported today
by the rules committee provides for
mx hours' debate on Thursday and
five hours on Friday, "after which
opponents of the resolution may of
fer only a motion to recommit.
Completion today of the minority
report presenting views of demo
cratic members' of the foreign af
fairs committee on the resolution
cleared the way for the long debate.
- Representative Flood ofc Virginia,
ranking democratic member of the
committee, presenting the minority
report, challenged the power of
congress to bring the war legally
to an end and characterized section
5 of the resolution as "an attempt
to preserve something out of the
wreck of American rights which
have been so outrageously surren
dered in former sections of the reso
lution." .
Says Proposition Confused.
"From whatever angle this reso
lution is viewed," he continued, "it
presents itself as a proposition not
only ineffective in achieving its pro
claimed purpose, but as a sure
method of confusing our foreign re
lations, injecting new and compli
cated questions into an already dif
ficult situation and involving a sur
render of American rights and an
impairment of American . prestige
and honor."
The minority report took particu
lar exception to the statement in the
resolution's preamble that the presi-.
dent had informed congress the war
'was at an end.
"At no time and under no cir
cumstances has the president, made
any such assertion," the report said.
"It is true that, on thevaigning of
the armistice, the president, in the
course of an address to - congress,
used the words, 'the war thus comes
to an end.' But he spoke of actual
hostilities, as every one knew, and
not of the technical state of war.
It takes a treaty to end a war.
"The drafters of 'the resolution
and the members of the committee
on foreign affairs who voted for it,
knew that this was the case. .
' Cite Kentucky Case.
"By quoting this statement of the
president as the basis for this resolu
tion, the authors of the resolution
lay themselves open to the charge
of insincerity and sharp practice.
"The supreme court .recently de
clared 'that what the president had
done did not announce the legal ter
mination of the war,' the report de
clared, citing the decision in the
Kentucky distilleries cases.
"Representative Flood asserted that
sections of the resolution restricting
trade with Germany or seeking to
repeal war time legislation were
within the powers of congress, but
cited many authorities to sustain his
contention that "so far as it seeks
to direct the president to issue a
proclamation to the German gov
ernment, it entrenches upon the
treaty-making powers and is not
within the power: of congress."
Plan Bill to Forever
Bar Socialists From
Politics in New York
i .
Albany, N. Y., April 7. Two bills
designed to carry 6ut the recom
mendation of the assembly judiciary
committee "for barring the socialist
party of America from participation
fn politics in New York state" were
introduced in the legislature today.
One measure is intended to re
quire the attorney general of the
state to begin an action in the appel
late division, Third department, for
a judicial determination of the ques
tion whether the "principles, doc
trines or policies" of the socialist
party, "if carried into effect, would
i destroy, subvert or endanger the
povernmeni of the state and na
;:on. . .
The companion measure is design
ed to amend the public officers' law
relating to qualifications of persons
to, hold office and to provide for
their exclusion from public office and
preventing the exercise of official
duties. S ' '
Mexican Agent Has Been
Summoned to Washington
Washington, April 7. George T.
Summerlin. charge of the American
embassy at Mexico City, has been
summoned to Washington. State
department officials said today his
visit had nothing to do with Mexi
can affairs and the impression was
gained that Mr. Summerlin was
slated for transfer to a more impor
tant post. Secretary Hanna is act
ng as charge at Mexico City now.
; Bandit Is Wounded.
Alhuquerque. N. 1U April 7. A
r.ian who gave his name as Fred
Repka, and his address Buffalo, N.
Y was shot and dangerously
wounded while attempting to hold
ut .an . automobile between Albu
querque and Bernalillo,
Hoover Not in Favor of
His Name on Republican .
Ballots in AnjrState
Prefers That
Former Food Administrator
friends Further His. Chances by Prqso
Their Views to the Country and Delegv
ready Named Doesn't Think Loyjrden, JoN .Son,
Harding or Wood Can Be Nominated.
New York, April 7. (Special.)
Movements started by friends and
political admirers of Herbert
Hoover to have his name written in
on the republican ballots in Illinois,
Nebraska, Ohio and other states do
not meet with the approval of the
former food administrator,' it was
made plain here today, . '
Hoover "himself in a statement
said: . .
"Having refused to allow my name
to be put into the primaries hitheto
at every place . wtyere I have been
consulted, so far as I know, it has
only been done in Michigan and
California and in one solitary dis
trict outside. As there is little or
ganization in my-bfhalf except the
clubs that have sprung -up spontane
ously over the country, and as most
of the primaries are closed and at
this late date no organization is pos
sible that could compete with other
organizations, I do not consider my
friends will find any advantage in
that direction in other primaries.
Those who think I should be nomi
nated will, I bejieve, find their en
ergies better applied to promotion
of their views to the country and
the delegates already named, with
full respect, to their prior .pledges."
Playing Careful Hand.
Hoover's carefully worded state
ment that efforts be centered on the
delegates already elected "with full
respect to their prior pledges "re
moves all doubt that the former
food administrator " believes 'that
none of the four actively competing
candidates for tat presidency
Lowden, Johnson or, Wood-can be
nominated, that the convention will
deadlock, and that by actively boost
ing the Hoover candidates before
the delegates already selected and to
be selected, the! convention might
turn to Hoover to break the dead
lock., i.
Backers of Hoover are determined
that his followers do not make the
mistake the Wood forces made in
allowing tfVeir candidate to go into
the home, states of Harding, Low
den and Pershing to compete with
tm state's candidate. It is taken
for granted that Harding, Lowden
and Pershing will carry their home
Fear to Create Bitterness.
.It is believed that by pitching
contests in these three states the
Wood forces have created a bitter
ness that in any circumstance would
pi event the delegates selected from
ever turning to 'Wood. The Hoover
forces want no such enmity in what
it now appears will be. a long drawn
out convention with many ballots,
Neither do Hoover leaders want
his'name written in on democratic
ballots. They say that Hoover, in
his statement was emphatic that he
would not accept a democratic nom
ination, and votes for him on the
democratic ticket would, contribute
to the defeat of the well thought
out Hoover plan of campaign.
Hoover's friends in Illinois, Ne
braska, Ohio and New. Jersey where
the next primaries' tests are to be
had will be in full possession of .the
fact that he does not wish his name
written on the ballots within a short
time. Hoover, who may be said to
be directing his own campaign, has
asked Capt. J. F. Lucey, chairman
of the Hoover National Republican
club, to write these friends that he
does not careo risk embarrassment
of his chance by the use of his name
in this manner.
Wish to Defeat Johnson.-
It 'is' no secret that the Hoover
forces are anxious to defeat Hiram
Johnson in California, and feel cer
tain that they will be successful. It
is an unwritten anxiom of 'politics
that a candidate who cannot go to
the nominating convention with the
delegates of his home' state is no.
candidate at all. They reason that
any candidate who has his home
(Coatlnord ob Pe Two, t'olamn Fonr.)
Transfer Scene of Activities
Front British Embassy to r '
Department of 'Stite "
- i.' ' '." . -s
Washington, -"April ; 7. Bearing
banners inscribed with quotations
said to be taken from a recent speech
by Secretary Colby, the Irish pickets
transferred their activities from the
British embassy to the State depart
ment. '.''' F : ; .
During the busiest hour of the af
ternoon, the pickets presented to the
gaze tf homeward bound war work
ers, banners bearing thequoted in
scriptions: t
"There is not even a scintilla of
legality in England's claim to rule
"The death of your martyrs has
called into existence millions . of
Irish by principle," and,
' "1 cannot stand by mute and pas
sionless while these votive offerings
aie laid upon the altar of patriotism."
At the end 01 an hour, the pickets
withdrew- to their headquarters'. A
squad of pr.lice appeared On the
scene as soon as the banners were
erected, but no effort was made to
interfere with tlie picketing.
Further Patrol Postponed.
Resumption of the patrol in front
of the British embassy has been
definitely postponed until after the
trial ndxt Monday of the four pick
ets now under arrest. Arraigned be
fore United States Commissiuner
Richardson, the quartet was released
on $1,000 bail each, after pleading
not guilty to having "feloniously
menaced bodily and by violence the
person of his excellency, the coun
sellor of the embassy and charge
d'affairs of Great Britian, the Hon.
Ronald C. Lindsay."
One of the four prisones was
pronounced "indisposed" after her
release from detention.
vJust an attack of wonian's
nerves," her colleagues said.
None of the women offered any
complaint against the food and lodg
ing afforded them at the house of
detention. Plenty of Irish potatoes,
they said, were offered them besides
Hungarian goulash and New Eng
land family dinner.
Michigan Vote Criterion,
According to Edwards
1 -
Jersey City, N. J April 7. Gov-'
ernor Edwards before leaving for
Trenton today, declared the vote for
hint in the Michigan primaries "in
dicated an awakening of the peo
ple to the dangers of an invasion
of their personal liberty." He was
enthusiastic over the result, not
withstanding that latest returns in
dicated he ran- behind Herbert
Hoover. -
"It was not opposition to prohibi
tion so much as opposition to being
deprived of a personal right with
out an opportunity to pass upon, the
question that brought out the vote
for me in Michigan," he said. "It
was spontaneous. I did not lift a
hand for it and no one campaigned
for me in that state."
Roumania to Ratify Treaty.
Bucharest, April 71. The council
of ministers has decided to ratify
the treaty of Versailles. ; The rati
fication will be by royal decree, as
the parliament is not in. session,
making Rumania's approval of the
4 treaty similar to that of Italy, . .
"f wo Thousand Men Interned in
British Zone of Occupation
Ruhr Revolt Near End.- r
Coblenz, April 7. Two thou
sand communists have crossed the'
Rhine into the British zone of oc
cupation and have been interned
Twelve hundred more are expected
to arrive today.
Flight of large numbers of the
communists into occupied territory
is considered an indication that the
revolt in the Ruhr region is near an
end. 'The ' situation in the Rhyr
valley is bad and living conditions
are almost unbearable.. . A railroad
strike at Essen is reported and no
trains are-running.
. The reaction locally to the move
ment of French troops into German
cities east, of the Rhine has not dis
turbed the population. Firm con
viction is expressed by Germans
that the action of the French will
solidify more than ever, sentimen
all over Germany against the allies.
The chief of staff of American
forces here has repeated his declara
tion that he has no direct concern
with any action outside of American
occupied territory except cTn spe
cific instructions from Washington.
. , Germany Protests Move. -
Berlin, April 7. The German
charge d'affaires in .Paris was in
structed today to hand to the
French government a note protest
ing against the French occupation
of Frankfort and other territory on
the right, bank, of the Rhine.
"We must in the name of justice,
reason and humanity," the German
note says," make the sharpest pro
test againsf the acticm of the French
army. It cannot possibly have been
the intention of the treaty of Ver
sailles to prevent Germany from
restoring order as quicklyas pos
sible in the part of its territory
most seriously disturbed by bands
of fobbers.
A great military conspiracy, which
was to have been a Bavarian
parallel to the recent Berlin revolu
tion, has been discovered in Munich,
is was announced. 1
Part of the: plan was that General
Ludendorff be made dictator over
Bavaria and Dr. Heioi of the Ba
varian separatists, a sort of civil and
economic dictator.
No Assets Found in Estate
. Of California Promoter
San Francisco, April -7. No as
sets have been found in the estate
of Robert, G. Hanford, one of the or
ganizers of the United Properties
company of California, with hold
ings valued at $200,000,000. accord
ing to an announcement in the su
perior court by counsel interested
in the settlement of Hanford's affairs.-
Hanford died in New York
January 5 at. a" time when he was
said to be endeavoring to effect a
merger of surface railways there.
Occupation of Hamburg
Ends Move of French Army
Frankfort, . April 7.-"-Occupation
of Hamburg by French troops vir
tually completes the operations out
lined to General De Goutte in charge
of the occupation movement, in his
orders from the war office. The en
tire plan has been carried aut with
out any significant incident. The
inhabitants of Frankfort arc accept
ing the occupation, with complete
outward indifference.
Widespread Plans for Revolikffl
tion Against Mexican Gov
ernment Nipped in Bud by De
partment of Justice Agents.
The Summer White House
(Copyright. 1920. by the Chicago Tribune)
Papers Seized Said to Reveal
Plans to Cross Into Lower
California and Later Attack
Sonora and Sinaloa.
El Paso, Tex., April 7. A wide
spread revolutionary plot fostered
by agents in the United States to
overthrow the present government
in Mexico is being investigated by
the United' States grand jury, in ses
sion here, it became known Wed
nesday, Three alleged participans
in the plot are in jails in this coun
try, while a fourth was arrested by
Mexican federal authorities at Mexi
cali, Lower , California, while at
tempting to smuggle munitions of
war to the revolutionists.
The plot, became known when
United States army authorities in the
Big Bend district arrested Andre's
H. Vvllegas, a Mexican boy, and
Concepion Perez, a young niece of
Francisco Villa, when the pair at
tempted to cross from this country
into Mexico. Military authorities
seized from the pair much corre
spondence from Villa agents in- this
country addressed to Villa.
Federal auhorities here said the
correspondence revealed a plot of
Villistas and other revolutionists to
cross into Lower California, seize
that state with the large quantities
of arms and ammunition available
there and then attack the state of
Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico, while at
the same time Villa was to aggres
sively open a revolutionary - cam
paign in Chihuahua.
r Indians to Help.
The correspondence purports also
ftfshow that an agreement had been
entered into with the Yaqui Indians
of Sonora, whereby the7 Indians
were to have returned to' them rich
tribal lands in exchange for assist
ing in the revolution.
T 1 . -M 1 ,
) iamDeri ynevez, a coionei 111
Villas army, was. arrested by De
partment of Justice officers at Los
Angeles and he is said to have con
fessed - ' ..' :, ;.
The Mexican arrested by the Mex-,
rcan authorities at' Mexicali ""was
said to be A. Barbea, another Mex
ican revolutionary army officer.
Villegas, Miss Perez and Chevez,
it was said are accused of violating
the United States neutrality laws
by conspiring to foster a revolution
against a government recognized by
the United States.
Mexican authorities and American
officers are open in their comments
that revolution is an immediate
probability in Sonora, Mexico, where
the entjre operating personnel of
the Southern Pacific railroad of
Mexico is on strike.
Another revolution, fostered by
the "Free Men of Mexico." also is
brewing, it was said today.
A demonstration by "The Free
Men of Mexico" has been set for
May S, next.
Admiral Rodman Savs
Sims' Criticism of His
Chief Was Indiscreet
Washington, April 7. Admiral
Hugh Cj Redman, commander-in-chief
of the Pacific fleet, told the
senate investigating committee to
day that Rear Admiral Sims' letter
to Secretary Daniels cnticjsing the
navy's part in the war was "very
indiscreet." J
"Admiral Sims' indiscretions," he
said, "lay very particularly in his
breach of confidence in making
public an intimate and confidential
conversation which should have
been held secret."
The witness referred to Sims'
testimony that Admiral Benson,
former chief of naval operations,
told him prior to his departure for
London "not to let the British pull
the wool over your eyes, we would
as soon fight them as the Germans."
"Had Admiral SimsX letter been
less indiscreet," Admiral Redman
said, "it would, no doubt, have
. . . received due consideration
by the proper authorities and
doubtless some good would have
come from it."
Seattle Editor Cleared
Of Criminal Libel Charge
Seattle, Wash., 'April 7. A di
rected verdict of acquittal was or
dered in superior court for E. B..
Ault. editor of the Seattle Union
Record, a labor daily newspaper,
charged with criminally libelling the
memories of the four former sol
diers killed by alleged Industrial
Workers of the World at Centralia,
Wash. . v
Dedicate Grand Canyon
National Park April 30
Washington. April 7. Dedication
of the Grand Canyon national park,
created by act of congress February
2(5, 1919, will take place April 30,
Secretary Payne announced. The
ceremony will mark the end of the
great task for its creation begun 33
years ago by President Harrison,
then senator from Indiana.
Wood Petition Filed.
Salem, Ore., April 7. The presi
dential nominating petition for Gen.
Leonard Wood was filed with secrer
tary of state here, The petition
places Wood's najpe on the Oregon
ballot as a candidate for the repub
lican nomination.
Thm prwrniimt wK W Hm in t Wmmda Fm, km mm, tm b mm S tir Wf.
Or pmwhapm mWcm u mm mbbemwtatimm mf Or pmrmmmm A Mb th, mtmmJ mi Wmmd Hml,
" WoV for Hm gotf mmtfmSmm.
0 fy
Or wmrmmm Am
Or mmthaitt he farit it i'i time for him to tmho
Thm Wood.
tm m
Will Be Guest of City Two
Days Before Proceeding On
Way : to .'Aus-:-tralia.
San Diego, Cal., April 7. Edward,
Prince of Wales and heir to the Brit
ish throne, arrived off Point Loma
early today and there the cruiser
Renown, carrying him to the Anti
podes, lay to and awaited events
planned here for today and tomor
row.' The prince and members ,of his
party are to be guests rf San Diego
for the two days, and the round of
affairs arranged for the visitors will
begin before noon. A committee of
citizens and prominent British resi
dents will be taken to the .Renown
aboard a -submarine chaser at 1 1 :30
and will be received by the prince.
Thereafter luncheon will be served
aboard ' the Idaho, Vice Admiral
Williams of the Pacific fleet presid
ing, in the absence of Admiral Hugh
Redman. '
After luncheon the prince and his
party, will come ashore, and will be
guests on an automobile ride to near
by points." The ride Will terminate
at San Diego's outdoor auditorium,
where the prince will speak briefly,
using a Sound amplifying device that
was tried out when President Wilson
was heard last fal), and by the aid
of which it is expected that 50.000
persons can hearf his voice. The
stadium will accommodate that many
and the local committee expects to
see it filled to capacity. ' '
Following the speech at , the
stadium,' the prince will be taken to
a hotel at San Diego, where he will
be the dinner guest of Maypr and
Mrs. Wilde, of San Diego. The day's
events will conclude with a ball, also
arranged by Mayor and Mrs. Wilde.
New York People Favor
Pershing Instead of Wood
New York, April 7. The New
York World today continued its
poll of downtown sections for straw
preferential president sentiment. A
surprising feature of the poll is that
General Pershing, a passive candi
date, led -Gen.- Leonard Wood in a
poll at the Commodore hotel and
had more votes than Johnson, Low
den or Harding at the Hippodrome
.Many of those voting for Persh
ing in the poll to date are demo
crats who express a willingness to
vote for. Pershing on any ticket.
Governor Edwards of New Jersey
is far ahead of aU candidates. This
is accounted for Ty the fact that
Edwards is an avowed wet.
Clemenceau Seriously 111
Cairo, April 7. (Havas.)
Gecrges Clemenceau, former pre
mier of France, -hafe been suffering
fiom bronchitis, since his return to
this city from Luxer and his con
dition causes some apprehnsioh.
The Weather
I : . Forecast.
Thursday unsettled and
warmer. .....
3 B. m. .-. 33 10 . m. .
ft a. m.-.. ....... :Vi II a. m..
1 . ..., 3tM noon..
R it. m. SB 1 p.- ni..-
it. to 40 S .
wet bulb. jSKj rrlatlv humidity, 33.
At Boon, wind velocity! U taUei m hour,
V ll. to 4lt S II. m 48
At 7 , tn.. dty nulH. '?,ti wet bulb. 30;
rlatlvo Ihitnldlty, 1,V4.'At. D'Hin. dry bulh.
Fight on Army Bill Opens in
Senate With Sharp ' '
Washington jApril 7. The big
fight against nniversal military
train nig "opened 'fn the . senate"" with'
indications that the final vote, prob
ably tomorrow, would- result in is
rejection. '
Leaders on both sides who -formally
canvassed the senate vote re
fused to comment on the probable
outcome. It was said, however, that
40 democrats and 13 republicans
were against the training plan. In
this situation a movement will be
begun aiming at the substitution of
,a program of voluntary training.
1 here was sharp debate on the
training scheme, which was com,-
. ,J ,! 1 1. I 1 . .UJ
sum total of action was the decisiovn
to postpone from 1921 to 1922 the
date on which the plan would be
put into force. This was done with
less than a dozen senators in the
Senator Wadsworth, republican of
New York, in charge of the bill, de
clared the regular army would never
be big enough to defend this coun
try. Urging adoption of the train
ing -plan, he contended the senate
bill, including the training scheme,
would cause an annual maximum ex
penditure of $700,000,000, or. j'but
one-twentieth as much as spent for
the army alone during 18 months of
the world war."
Senator Pomerene, democrat
Ohio, opposing immediate adoption
of the'plan because of the expense,
declared the "tragedy of untrained
jnen being sent into battle was not
due so much to unpreparedness as
to the negligence of officers who
sent them into the fight." '
Score Are Injured in
Series of Sewer Gas
"Explosions in Akron
AkronO,, April 7. A series of
violent explosjons in downtown sew
ers at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon in
jured a score of persons here, broke
hundreds of plate glass windows in
stores and office buildings and
started a fire in the Buckeye; hotel.
Following the first reports which
rocked downtown - buildings, thou
sands of people congregated on the
streets, adding to the danger and
making it difficult for the fire depart
ment, ambulances and police to care
for women who fainted from shock
and for those injured by-flying
glass. ,
Gas from broken : mains filled
nearby buildings. New explosions
and fires are momentarily expected.
The office of the Evening Times
was filled with smoke and had to be
Waitresses Go on Strike
When Powder Is Banned
Fairmont, W. Va... April 7. An
anti-paint and powder order issued
to waitresses at the' Hotel Watsdn
caused so much indignation among
the girls that they quit work. - Miss
Betty Johnson, the head waitress,
leading the walkout,' said:'
"If we entered the" dining rooms
looking other than neat and. well
groomed we would lost our, jobs.
When we tried to make- ourselves
attractive and good to look vpon the
management stooped o such Tow
down tactics as ordering us to r-top
using paint and powder--even
though our aUract:v:;;i?sfi d:Yw busi
ness. So we have quit a?. J we won't
return until they rescind- the or
der." -
Authorities Investigating . His
;$tajemit Discover Body of
Woman r In Deserted -
Antloch, House. ;
.j Antioch, Neb., April 7. (Special.)
A woman, known here as-"R6se,"
was found "murdered in a shack
south of town by authorities investi
gating the Story told by Sam Bart
lctt, who is lying fatally wounded
as the result of an ttemp to escape
from thes town marshal after his ar
rest upon a larceny charge. -'
Bartlett was taken into custody
Saturday night in , connection with
the theft 'of five gallons of alcohol
from a chemical laboratory. When
hiing lodglfd in jail he-made a break
for liberty and was snot through
the right lurrg- by the marshal. Be
lieving that he was about to die, he
told the marshal of the body of the
wemari in the shack.'
Before his arrest Saturday night,
Bartlett said, he, the murdered wom
an, a man named Jackson and an
other women had held a drunken
spree in the house with the stolen
alcohol, i. Following an argument, he
said, Jackson shot "Rose" through
the head and made his escape.
Bartlett tod the authorities that
Jackson stole an automobile from a
local garage and drove east It is
believed that he headed for-Sioux
City, his home. He was last seen at
Lakeside, Neb. . ' ' v
The body of the. murdered woman
was found in the .house when au
thorities investigated the story.- A
bullet hole through her cheek indi
cated the course the shot had taken.
Sheriff Bruce at Rushville was
notified of the nrhrder and posses
searched the vicinity in unsuccessful
attempts to apprehend Jackson or
the second woman implicated in the
affair. -
Bartlett is not expected to recover
from his wound.
200 Shares of Stuti Motor
Steok Are Sold at Auction
"New York, April 7. Two hun
dred shares of - Stutz Motor stock,
trading in which has been suspend
ed by the New York stock ex-
change, brought $710 at auction.
The purchase was made by a lawyer
acting for a client.
The last quotation on the ex
change before trading was suspend
ed was $391, the stock having risen
to that figure from $100, so rapidly
that officials; of the exchange ex
pressed the belief that there was a
corner. Since the suspension the
stock has been quoted at $380 bid
and $430 asked over the counter.
3,000 Troops of Mexico
Land on the West Coast
Agua Prieta,' Sonora, Mex., April
7. -According to a statement made
jit military headquarters here today
byy federal officials, the Mexican
transports Guerrero and Chapac .ar
rived at Guaymas, the principal west
coast port, Tuesday night and. un
loaded 3,000 troops, the majority of
which were infantry and the balance
artillery units.
Resume Air Patrol.
Washington. April 7. The air
plane forest fire patrol of the 'west
ers states m to be resumed this year
and the Ninth aero sauadron at
Rockwell field. .California, will ' be
assigned to this work, General
Menoher, director of air service, an
nounced, v
. 4 . '
More Than 10,000 Men at
Chicago and Several Hun
dred at Buffalo and Cham'
paign, III. Now Idle.
Two Organizations, Charac
terized as "Rump" Unions
Challenge the Right of Labor
Heads to Lead Their Men.
Chicago, April 7. An unauthor
ized strike of railroad employes
which started a week ago in the
Chicago switching district by the
discharge of a yard conductor, to
night had spread until it had affected
25 railroads and in Chicago had
thrown more than 50,000 men out
of work, either directly or indirect
ly. More than 10,000 union railroad
men in Chicago and several hundred
at Buffalo and at Champaign, 111.,
were on strike. Hundreds of i Chi-,
cago packing house employes Were
idle for lack of live stock. V
Two "outlaw" organizations,
branded by the established brother
hoods as "rump" unions, had sprang
up to challenge the right of the
labor heads to lead their men..
Pledge Support to Roads. '
In the face of this opposition from
within the brotherhoods of engin
eers, railway trainmen, firemen, and
enginemen and the - Switchmen"
Union of North America pledged
their support to railroad officers irT7
breaking the walkout and ' to .tftft
end union railroad men throughout
the country have been urged to re
port to Chicago to serve as strike
Managers of 25 roads in the Chi
cago terminal district affected by
the; strike, today agreed to give .
brptherhood officers at least another
day in which to restore normal con
ditions and, through their spokes
men, declared themselves confident
that the, unions would succeed.
Some ' union leaders voiced the
same confidence, but others declared
the strike fever was "in the air,"
that even the most conservative
men were quitting work and that
the task of keeping the'trains mov
ing appeared difficult
Difference of Opinion." ,
V Wide difference of opinion tx
isted as to how many men had joined
the 'walkout. Charles Riley, .vice
president of theChicago Yardmen's
association, who called the original
strike, sjjet 14,000 switchmen and
3,000 engineers were idle, but rail-
road officials and brotherhood heads
scouted his figures as far too large.
W. J. Trest, vice president of the
Switchmen's Union of North Amer-. V
ica, said approximately 2,000 of that
organization's members "bad struck,
and that the Soo line was the only
railroad entering Chicago, the union
had been able to keep open.
Secretary Snyder of the Railroad
Managers' association announced
after a conference of road heads
that between 40 and 50 per cent of
normal freight traffic ,was being
handled. Sufficient crews to operate
about 30C locomotives had been re
cruitcd in the Chioago area, he said.
' New "Outlaw" Organization.
One of today's developments "waS
the formation a new "outlaw" organ
ization, the National Engineraen's .
association by striking members of
the Brotherhood of Engineers and
Brotherhood of Firemen and En
ginemen. ' .
Announcement was made by the
striking engineer and the Chicago
yardmen's association that branches
of the two new unions would be
foimed throughout the country and
that strikes would be called else
where in sympathy with the Chicago
movement and in an effort to, force
wage advances which the railroad
ben had demanded since last Au
gust. .-' 1 '
"Five dollars a day is the mini-
mum which will support a man and
his family," the strikers said In a
statement today. Demands they
made to the General Managers' as
sociation were: - - , .:. j
"Conductors, $1 an hour, present
scale 66 2-3 cents, switchmen, 93 :
cents , an hour, present scale 62J4
cents; switcVjenders, $5 a day, pres
ent wage. 50 cents an hour.
Brotherhood Chiefs Say
Chicago Strike Is Illegal
Cleveland, O.,' April 7. W. S.
Carter, president of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen and Engine
men, had received no official report
early today of members of his- or
ganization joining the strike of
switchmen in Chicago
"So far as this organization is
concerned, the Chicago strike is il
legal and will be treated as such,"
Mr. Carter said.
Warren S. Stone, president of the'
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers, issued the following statement
regarding the Chicago switchmen's
strike: , .
"The strike of Chicago switchmen
is illegal and Cill be so considered
by the engineers' brotherhood."
.... 1 ..
Wilson Grants Permanent
Rank to Major Generals
AVashington, April 7. Charles
P. Summerall and Henry T. Jervey
were nominated today by President
Wilson to be major" generafj In the
regnlar' army. Both now have the
emergency rank of major general
' Nomination Confirmed.
Washington, April 7. Nomina
tion of Hampson Gary of Texas, to
be minister to Switzerland wa con
firmed by.tlie senate,