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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1920)
14 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 1920. MUSIC FOR THE MUSICIANS HAS SWAY IN OMAHA State Convention of Music Teachers Has Busy Time . : With Its Special ,:V Programs. By HENRIETA M. REES. THE Tuesday programs of the Nebraska Music Teachers' as sociation set a standard for the convention, which speaks well for those to follow. The afternoon and evening sessions brought forth a gratifying attendance, and the larg est membership yet enrolled by the music teachers is reported, with more expected. The musical part of the programs was of unusual excellence and re flected the . greatest credit upon thosr? who took part in them. The fir" 'ied ' two-piano playing of A': ' vn Wood and Dorothy Morton Jc' t, who played their concerted mu ,;e without notes, the artistic singing of Louise Jansen Wylie and Mable Woodworth Jensen charmed a large audience at the morning ses sion. Lincoln Plays Big Part The afternqon session brought a Dvorak Sonata in F major played with excellent effect by August Molzed, violinist of Lincoln, and Carl Beutel, pianist of University Place. Two Lincoln musicians who were new to Omaha, were Mrs. Gilderoy Scott, who is the possessor of a remarkable contralto voice of depth and power, and Herbert Schmidt, whose clean technic and sane artistry won him recognition in a group of modern piano num bers. . Mabel Allen Smails of Omaha achieved -success with a group of soprano solos; and the West Sisters String quartet and Miss Corinne Paulson at the piano, played the lovely Schumann "quintet" in E flat, major -opus 44. with freedom and-finished ensemble greatly ap preciated by the listeners. Church Choirs Unite. A wide contrast to the preceding program was furnished in the eve ning at the First Presbyterian church. This was an organ and choral program and was distinctly churchly in character. Mr. Law rence Robbins of Lincoln proved himself an authoritative musician by his . masterly playing of the "St. Anne's Prelude and Fugue," . by Bach, as the opening organ number. The combined choirs of All Saints Episcopal church and the First Pres byterian church under J. H. Simms were, heard in two choral numbers, interpreted with careful regard for fine, shading, artistic effect and dis tinct enunciation. Mr. Fred G., Ellis displayed his splendid baritone voice to excellent advantage in the Mendelssohn num ber, "Lord God of Abraham, sung with the combined choirs and organ, and Mr, George S. Johnston, tenor, interpreted.' his . solos, "Onaway. Awake Beloved," with musicianly skill. Mrs. Louise Shadduck Za- briskie gave additional pleasure with a group of organ numbers at the close. Visitors in Attendance. Among the out of town visitors noticed a.t the afternoon and eve ning sessions were J. A. Parks of York, Neb. Mrs. Grace Hopper of Hastings, Mrs Lura Schuler Smith of Lincoln, vMr .Sidney Silber of Lincoln, Charles E. Watt of Chi cago, editor of Music News: Adrian Newens of the University School of Music, Lincoln, and delegates from Broken Bow, Weeping Water and many other Nebraska points. Big Program This Morning.. The Wednesday morning program of the Nebraska Music Teacher as sociation is the most unique musical program which has probably ever been given in Omaha. . The first number is a concerto for three pianos and orchestra, written by J. S. Bach, and which, will be played by three of Omaha's prom- inent pianists, Cecil Berryman, Jean P. Duffield and Martin W. Bush, and a special stringed orchestra under the direction of Henry G. Cox. Then will come the "Dextet," also by Bach, a concerto written for three violins, three violas, three violon cellos and stringed bass, under the direction of Ernest Nordin. Those taking part are among the leading string players of Omaha. A sonata for flute and orchestra will be played by Rex Elton Fair of Lincoln, and the Bruch violin concerto Vill be played with or chestra by Carl Steckelberg of Lin coln. . A Beethoven sextet, a num ber written for four stringed and three ' woodwind instruments will also be presented. Mrs. Louis Ormsby Thompson of Central City and Mrs. Maud Gutzmer of Omaha will sing. In the Afternoon. The afternoon session will bring musical numbers by Joseph B. Lit kowski of Omaha, tenor, and Mar-, garet Perry of Lincoln, conferences1 with superintendents . and supervi sors of public school music, and a demonstration by Miss ; Hazel Ger trude Kinscella of Lincoln, of teach ing the piano in the public schools. An automobile ride for the visitors and banquet at the Fontenelle com pletes the program. Flames Destroy Group of Stores In Early Morning Several stores, including a gro cery, meat market, bakery shop and drug store, all belonging to Jacob Ringle, 2405 Davenport street, were destroyed by fire early yesterday. 'The loss: i estimated at $20,000. . Flames bursting from the struc ture on the east side was the first sign of the fire, according to a neigh bor. Mrs. John A. Rylen, 2409 Dav enport street. A small amount of goods was saved. Wast to Meet Teachers " The teachers committee of the Board of Education has requested the Omaha Teachers'' Forum to ap point a committee -to .meet in-joint conference on the question of an in creased . schedule -of pay requested by the forum last week. Correct Arrangements of Orna mental PlanUn-For personal call and advice phone 1638. We have no agents. Meneray Nursery anil Seed Store. 3S4J west isroaaway, Ul Bluffs, la. Adv. fa IrWIN STORIEjl W TOCH PEKUN3 r J) ' Dutch Twins Take Tea. And Kit and Kat were both right. There was a large honey cake and anise candies, and some currant buns besides! Grandmother let them peep in and see. ' They were very polite and did not ask for any Vrouw Vedder was proud of the twins' good man ners. Grandmother said: "This afternoon, when wc have tea, you shall have somf." "I'm glad I ate such a lot of din ner, said Kit to Kat, as they walked along; "or else I'd just have to have a bun this minute!" v "Yes," said Kat, "it's much easier to . be polite when you aren't hungry." When they got . home, Kit and Kat took their grandmother to sea the new goslings, and to see the ducklings, too. And Vrouw Vedder showed her the butter that Kit and Kat had helped to churn; and grand mother said: , "My, my! What helpers they are getting to bel" Then she said, "How clean the house is!" and then; "How the brasses shine!" ;Ycs," said Vrouw Vedder; "the twins helped me make everything clean and tidy to show to you." "I guess it's time for honey cake," said grandmother. Then Vrouw, Vedder stirred up the fire again and boiled the kettle and made tea. She took down her best china cups and put them out on the round table., . Then grandmother opened her basket and took out the honey cake and buns and the candy; and Vrouw Vedder brought out her fresh but ter. "I can't stay polite much longer," said Kit to Kat. Grandmother gave them each a thin slice of honey cake and a bun; and Vrouw Vedder spread some of the butter on the buns and oh, how good they were! "Some for a honey cake, And some for a bun," sang Kat; It didn't take the twins long to finish thefli. ' When they had drunk their tea, grandmother brought out her knit ting, and Mother Vedder , began to spin. How many rolls ot linen have you ready for Kat when she mar ries? grandmother asked. "I try to make at least one roll each year; so she has four now and I am working on the fifth one," said Vrouw Vedder. blie shall be as well-to-do as any farmers daughter near here, when she marries. See, this is the last one," and Vrouw Vedder took from the press a roll of beautiful white linen tied with blue ribbons. "Is that for me, mother?" asked Kat. "Yes," said Vrouw Vedder. "When you marry, we shall have a fine press full of linen for you." "Isn't Kit going to have some, too?" asked Kat. ' Grandmother laughed. "The mother of the little girl who will some day marry Kit is working now on her "linen, no doubt; so Kit won't need any of yours." (Rights reserved by Houghton Mifflin Co.) Pershing's Heart Turned to Nebraska Though Chasing Moros Through Philippine Swamps Lincoln, Neb., April 6. How John J. Pershing told people all over the world that his home was in Ne braska and how he aways held a warm place 'in his heart for every Nebraskan he met is Interestingly described by N. C. Abbott, superin tendent of the School for the Blind at Nebraska City, an alumnus of the University of Nebraska. "Along in the middle of the year 1902," Mr. Abbott says, Pershing, then a captain. . was pushing the .Moros hard up m the lake country ot Mindanao, so successtui uaa ne been in his endeavor to crush these Mohometab outlaws that the army authorities kept officers "of higher rank out' of his immediate neighbor hood, so as to give him free rein in the operations that would ac complish the federal purpose. At that time I was stationed at Co tacato, as schoolteacher and post master, having charge of the only money order office .easily, accessible in the immediate war zone, about 80 to 100 miles away from where our forces were operating. "One night the commanding of ficer of the post sent his orderly to me with the request that I would go to the office and draw some money orders for an officer who had come over from Malabang by launch especially for the purpose of. getting exchange on the states. In the dim light of the smoky kero sene lamp. I began filling out the money order blank, and noticed that it was to be drawn on Lincoln, Nebraska. "When I reachrt the name of the remitter, I .looked up in surprise, walked over to the window and said, extending my hand, 'Lieuten ant Pershing' and he squinted at me and answered, 'A Fremont Abbott.' Pershing did not hurry back to the front as soon as I had drawn the money order, as he intended. , In stead he' gave orders to the captain of the 'Detroit' to wait six hours., And then he linked his arm in mine and we went up to the little shack that we called home fcr a love feast. "As the rats ran across the beams above our heads, as the lizards darted hither and thither about the room, time and distance fell away from us. We were not in the heart of Moroland but back in old Ne braska, 10,000 miles away. He was no longer the captain of the fight ing troops up in the Lanao country endeavoring, with rare success, that eventually made him a general, to conquer the blood-thirsty Mahome tan Moros which the Spaniards, in three centuries, had been unable to subdue. He was once more the commandant of the . university cadet and a student in the law col lege; living university life, breath ing university air, reviewing uni versity drills and conquests of a de cade before. "He was interested iii every one he had known in school and asked innumerable question:? about the people .in Lincoln, Fremont and other parts of the state with which I was acquainted." SENATE DELAYS VOTE ON SIZE OF PEACE TIME ARMY Reach Agreement Not to Fix Strength of Force Until Question of Military Train - ing Is Disposed Of. Washington, April 6. An agree' ment not to- fix the peacetime streneth of the army until the cues tion of universal training has been disDOSftd of was reached today by the senate when consideration of the army reorganization bill was assumed. Chairman Wadsworth of the mill tary committee said he was "not willine to vote at this time ' on the training and no time was fixed for a vote. The provision of the measure for universal training is expected to be reached before the end of the week. The army reorganization bill was attacked as a measure which "would build up a military system equal to any that ever existed in any country at any time," by Senator McKellar, democrat of Tennessee, during consideration of the legis lation in the senate. Senator Mc Kellar's criticism was directed prin- cinallv at provisions favorable for a large general staff, the creation of under-secretary . of vrar, and for the organization of a war council to consider policies affecting mill tary and munition problems. Sena tor McKellar indicated his opposi tion to universal military training but reserved his attack upon it until the general fight on the plan is brought to the senate floor. As a forerunner of the later floor fight against the universal training program, the senate by unanimous consent, agreed to deter action tix ing the peacetime strength of the army until after disposing of the universal military training pro' visions. No time was fixed, but progress today indicated the plan would come before the senate late in the week. MAN ACCUSED BY BUTCHERS WOULD GIRL IS BEATEN " , BY HER FATHER llfCntASc H. C. L., GROCERS ASSERT 3,000 Pennsylvania Miners Idle Despite Agreement on Scale Pittsburgh, Pa., April 6. Al though promises to meet the wage demands of striking day men in the east Ohio bituminous district were made today by a number of im portant operating coal companies, the principal mines were still closed, with more than 3,000 men idle. ,' . Strikers at the mines of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Coal com pany, one of the chief concerns af fected, gave out a statement in which they said: "We find that the majority report of the commission granted to us only a 20 per cent increase in wages on the wages received in the month of October, 1919, or in other and plainer words, a 6 per cent increase on present wages. This is not a proportionate advance with the ton nage men, and we agree that the tonnage men did not receive too much." Federal Grand Jury To Probe Existence of Pool to Corner Corn Chicago, April 6. Alleged man ipulation of corn in the Chicago market Snd existence of a pool to corner May corn will be investi gated by the federal grand jury, which meets this afternoon, it was announced today. Reliable source's at the federal building declared that an investiga tion by the Department of Justice had already disclosed "evidence of the alleged conspiracy. Corn yesterday sold at $1.67?i, a record price for the year, and 45 cents above the price on February 9, last. One result of yesterday's high price was the closing of the brokerage firm of E. M. Hoyne & Co., which 'announced its inability to protect its own trades on the floor. State May Condemn Old Mark Twain Home for Park Hartford, Conn..'April 6. Lovers of Mark Twain who have been try ing to acquire his home here where "Innocent Abroad" and other books were written, have given it up. Two men ' bought" it recently for $55,0Q0 arid now demand $300,000 for it, :. The state may condemn the property for a park. Mexican Trouble Laid To Unwise Diplomacy Of Wilsonian Rule Unwise diplomacy by the present administration toward Mexico was blamed for the present condition of affairs in that troubled republic by Henry-Lane Wilson, former ambas sador to Mexico, speaking Monday before the Advertising r Selling league at the Hotel Fcntenelle. He declared the resignation of Robert Lansing as secretary of state was precipitated by the Mexi can imbroglio and expressed his be lief that there will be no real peace in Mexico until some benevolent power takes charge of affairs there. What Do You Know? (Hrre'i chance to make your wita worth money. Each day The Bee will iiibliMi serin or question, prepared y Superintendent J. H. Beveridge of the public school, xney rover minus wnicn yon should know. The first complete list of correct unswers received from an Oma ha reader of The Bee will be rewarded by fl: the first from outside of Omaha will win the same. The answers and the names of' the winners will be published on the day indicated below. Be sure to clre your view and address la fall. - Address ''Question Editor," Omaha Bee.) By J. H. BEVERIDGE. 1. What was the general subject of the Webster-Hayne debate? Where is Dartmouth colleger 3. Who was the first secretary of the treasury? 4. Where are the United states mints? 5. When was the first United States; census? (Answers published Saturday.) . SATURDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. Cyrus W. Field. 2. MarcOni. 3. 1898: 4. Thomas Jefferson. 5. 1765. Winner: Clvde Leile!. 3327 JC. I Thirty-third Avenue, Omaha, Neb. WHY? Why Does Silver Tarnish? Copyright, 1920, by The Wheeler Syndicate. The tarnishing or dulling of the bright surface of silver in due to the action of air which contains sulphur, even in minute quantities. This action, which is somewhat analogous to the rusting of iron though the latter is due to the ef fect of water or moisture forms a coating of silver sulphate over the bright surface of the metal in some cases turning it an unsightly brown. The film of silver sulphate may be removed by the applica tion of friction but, unless care is -exercised, this is likely to scratch and mar the original surface of the metal. For this reason, all re liable preparations sold as "silver polishes" are entirely free from gritty particles large enough to make scratches visible to the naked eye though the entire pro cess of polishing is, in Itself, one of scratching away the film or re moving it by some kind of fric tion. The fact that sulphur is respon sible for the tarnishing of silver explains why pieces of tableware in a house heated by a hot air fur nace will tarnish more rapidly than those in a house where steam or hot water heat has been in stalled. The sulphur fumes come up from the furnace through reg isters and quickly film the silver, necessitating frequent cleaning, while this condition , naturally does not exist in houses where radiators are in place. Tomorrow's Question Why is the Balance Wheel of a Watch Made of Different Metals? Vagrant in Chicago,. In View of Law, Finds He Gets Off Luckily Chicago, April 6. After thinking it over, John Shanks has concluded that he was born lucky rather than ambitious. John appeared in police court to day on a charge of vagrancy. "You are charged with being a vagrant," said the judge, reading the warrant, "without visible means of support, sleeping in outhouses, barns and sheds. How 'do you plead?" "Well, your honor," replied John with a look .of awe on his face, "I guess I'm guilty, buf, according to that complaint, Jesus Christ was a yagrant." "Yes," replied the court, "and they, crucified Jesus. We won't be so: severe with you, however. Ninety days at hard labor." Pershing's Chance Lies In Whether or Not He Is Nebraska's Choice Bennett, Neb., April 7. "If Per shing is the choice of Nebraska by a large majority, he will be nomina ted, and if he is nominated he will be elected," declared Ralph Holly of this city, returned overseas vet eran of 10 months' service with the 88th division, 350th infantry, here to day. "Pershing's disposition not to bring himself forward may make his chance a little insecure, but once he is on the ticket he is a sure win ner. "Except for a very few, the entire vote of the ex-service men will go to Pershing. Many of the boys who are now talking against military men will vote for their own comrade, John J. Pershing, at the primaries." Grand Opera Singer Sues Wealthy Dentist for Divorce Santa Cruz, Cal., April 6. Alleg ing desertion, Alice I rue Oentle, grand opera singer, has sued Dr. Robert Bruce Gentle, wealthy New York dentist, for divorce in the su perior court here. The prima donna does not ask ali mony, and, according to Emmet C. Ritterhouse, her attorney, property settlements have been made out of court. Mrs. Gentle asks exclusive con trol of her 14-year-old son, Bruce. The comnlaint is very short and, according to Ritterhouse, sets forth only the necessary information re quired by' law. Beer and "Old Time" Demand Of Chicago Unions at Polls Chicago, April 6. The Chicago Federation of Labor has laid down two laws which all candidates for public office must pledge them selves to fight for, if they are to re ceive the support of union labor at file polls. These are beer and no daylight saving. . Packing Plant Watchman in Hospital; Charge Is Filed Against Him. Felix Lenagh, 54 years old, watch man at the Cudahy Packing plant, is being attended in the hospital de partment of the county jail on ac count of punishment administered Saturday night by George Anderson, who, accused Lenagh of having wronged Elizabeth Anderson, 18-year-old daughter. A complaint against Lenagh has been signed by the father and Miss Julia Hnidlin, representing the Board of Public Welfare. After his daughter had implicated Lenagh, Anderson met 'the watch man Saturday night, beat him se verely and then went to the South Side police station and offered to pay a fine to Captain Briggs. . "Miss Anderson, who is 18 years old today, told me and her father that Lenagh was responsible," Miss Hudlin stated. "Lenagh persists he is innocent. "Mr. Anderson stated that Lenagh had been a friend of the family and had been allowed privileges of a friend when he called at the Ander son home. He is a widower and has grandchildren. He has several gashes in his head, but I don't think his injuries are serious." The Andersons live at 3816 M street, and Lenagh lived at 3911 M street. Court Gives Renters Relief From Eviction Notices' Received Demands Causing Strike Qan not Be Met Packing Plant Employes Not to Walk Out. New York, April 6. Baby car riages today blocked traffic in front of a Brooklyn courthouse, so great was the throng of evicted tenants seeking relief under new laws de signed to curb profiteering in rent. Whole families went to court, the babies being left outside. When the parents emerged, having obtained time to hunt other apartments, their joy was not unmixed with concern at the task of sorting out the'ir chil dren, many of whom had exchanged I carriages by crawling from one to the other. Most of the landlords agreed to postpone evictions till July. In a Manhattan court more than 400 men, women and children en gaged in an enthusiastic demonstra tion when the first of 150 rent com plainants was given a six months' stay of eviction. Tenants whose cases were awaiting nearing ap plauded Justice Prince and shouted their approval. Some stood on benches and waved their hats in joy. livery tenant found Ins appeal to the court successful, the landlords being ordered to postpone evictions i ing houses would make it impossi Butchers' demands in Omaha would tend toward an increase in the present high cost of living, if granted, according to members of the Omaha Retail Grocers' associa tion. - A total of 100 moat cutters had walked out at 10 a. m. yesterday, ac cording to L. M. Klever, president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters' union, local No. 72. Fifty more, men quit work at stores this morning which refused to accede to union demands. Members of the Retail Grocers' association met last night at the Chamber of Commerce to discuss methods of dealing with the strike. Cannot Be Granted. J. J. Cameron, secretary of the grocers' association, said yesterday that, in his opinion, grocers cf the city would refuse to deal with the union in any manner in settling the! str:Ke. The union demands, which pro vide for a minimum satary of $35, for a nine-hour day and for the dis play of union shop card in all stores, cannot be granted, he declared.- "Granting of these demands will only lead to a demand for a mini mum salary of $50," he asserted, "and although a majority of the meat cutters are receiving more than $35 a week a minimum salary, of $50 would result in the increase of the cost of food. Lead to Closed Shop. "If granted the demands would also lead to a closed shop, which would eventually mean that stores of the city could handle only union made products." An ultimatum that all stores and markets which refused to sign an agreement to union demands this morning would be without butchers, was issued last night by President Klever.- A number of stores signed the agreement this morning, according to Mr. Klever, who also ' asserted that 9,000 members of the Amal gamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen on the South Side would strike in sympathy. J. H. Davis, fifth international vice president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters' and Butcher Workmen's or ganization, denied that packing house workers would strike, how ever, but asserted that they would give union meat cutters employed in retail stores their financial and moral support. ' , An existing agreement with pack Hope jo Have Pershing Make Addresses Here On Fourth of July . The Fontenelle Park Fourth of July Celebration association Mon day night decided to make an effort to have General Pershing here for the principal speaker at the big cele bration which this association will hold in Fontenelle park on July ,4. . -This celebration has grown from a local affair to a city-wide demon stration, attracting many from Council Bluffs and towns near Omaha. Last year it was estimated that 50,000 attended. The association added the follow ing business men to its board of directors: Randall K. Brown, F. A. Brogan. R. H. Manley, W. A. Pix ley, J. E. Davidson and O. M. Ole son. H. A. Day was reappointed to chairmanship of the fireworks com mittee and George Freeze will have charge of athletics. Pawnbrokers Fighting Fingerprint Ordinance Wichita, Kan., April 6. Pawn brokers here are laying plans for a hard fight in an attempt to bring about the repeal of an ordinance passed here recently. The new ordi nance requires that finger prints of Customers shall be taken by the pawnbrokers and turned over to the police. The enforcement of the ordinance, the pawnbrokers assert, will put them out of business. BLIND WOMAN CURED BY FAITH DAILY IMPROVES Mrs. Ida Douglas' Eyesight, Getting Better Right Along Following Meeting With . Faith Healer. ; Mrs. Ida Douglas, 53 years old, student of 'the Nebraska School for the Blind, whose eyesight was re. stored after a blindness of 13 years caused by smallpox, following a visit to James Moore Hickson, English faith healer, who recently held a mission in Council Bluffs, is still improving, according to Ned C. Abbott, superintendent of the insti tution. The condition of three otlcr women who made the pilgrimage with Mrs. Douglas remains un changed. Mr. Abbott said: "AlthcHigh some days Mrs. Doug las can read headline type in the newspapers only, at other times she can do better and is very confident that her sight will be completely restored." Lighting Fixtures. den. Adv. Burgess-Gran- from one to six months. ur l s ! Lhicken urdmance, Feathered Not Garbed, Violator Makes Fight Accused by neighbors .of allow ing too many pullets, hens ana roosters to run about loose, John Horky, 5433 South Thirty-third street, was arrested Monday for vio lation of the new "chicken ordi nance" on the South Side. He declared he would fight the ordinance as unconstitutional and put. up a $25 cash bond. He denied he allowed his poultry to clutter up the neighborhood. West Virginia Labor Unions Plan for Political Fight Charleston, W. Va., April 6. A political organization that will be a "model of thoroughness and effec tiveness" is being perfected for the coming election by the West Vir ginia Federation of Labor, according to the campaign plans, made public here today by C. F. Keeney, district president of the United Mine Work ers. :- . -. The organization will function in. every political subdivision of the state from the congressional district to the precinct, he said. There will be "a woman for every precinct, armed with a camera, to obtain pic torial proof of any questionable per formance about the polls," he said. Striking Medical Students Start Riot in Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, April 6. Striking students of the school of medicine of the University oi.De La Plata, en gaged in a riot today, 50 shots were fired and one student killed. The police arrested loO students, finding 120 revolvers. The trouble broke rut when stu dents attempted to take the ex aminations; a fight in the lecture room and halls followed. ' The strikers demanded reforms in the administration of the university. One Month Wedded Life Enough for Farmer's Wife -rOne month of Married life was enough for Sarah Davis with John Davis, .wealthy farmer, of Wayne county, Nebraska. She .filed suit yesterday in district court here for divorce. They were wedded March 6. She charges that he began to treat her very cruelly when sne re fused to sign a paper which would have deprived her of her property rights. She says he has a farm in Wayne county worth $48,000 and also $30,000 in cash and securities. Minnesota Republicans Call An "Elimination" Convention St. Paul, April 6. The republican state central committee today issued a call tor an elimination conven tion to be held here May 8. The convention is expected to endorse a state ticket from the large field of prospective republican delegates. Topeka Man Forfeits Bond I Charles H. Harris of Topeka, j, cnargea.witn tne tneit ot a fancy umbrella from a counter of Burg'ess-Nash store, forfeited bonds in Central police court yesterday. ble for packing house butchers to strike, he said. Stores principally affected by the strike are: Central Market, Wash ington Market and the Basket stores. Accordiifg to reports a few shops have agreed to display union cards, but have refused to sign agreerhent to union demands. Vote for PERSHING Then vote for these delegates who will support him loyally and represent you faithfully DELEGATES AT LARGE Titus Lowe Charles H. Kelsey George H. Austin Elmer J. Burkett ALTERNATE DELEGATE AT LARGE Carl E. Herring DELEGATE SECOND DISTRICT. C. E. Adams ALTERNATES SECOND DISTRICT Hird Stryker John C. Caldwell Republican Primary-April 20 jsf U BiDiy your Hew Edison ob our Budget Pkim EXPERT household managers have" long used -the Budget Plan. It stretches their incomes. We borrowed it -and applied it to the purchase of the New Edison. Come in. Find out how this good, old " thrift " idea solves the problem of your New Edison., - We adopted the Budget Plan to please two people Thomas 'A.. Edison and You. ' Edison's great hobby is music. He holds that good music is a necessity in the home. But access to the great pperas and concerts has been confined to the FEW. Edison thought of the MANY, and spent 3 million dollars in research work to de velop the New Edison, "the phonograph with a soul." Edison's new phonograph He Creates the great voices and instrumental art of the world, with such perfect realism that human " ear " cannot distinguish Re-Created art from living art, even when the two are heard in direct comparison. Edison set free a necessity that had been a luxury for ages. We are working with Mr. Edi son, and have adopted the Budget' Plan in accord with his wishes. The Budget Plan is a way for you to get your New Edison now.' It doesn't increase your house' hold -expenses, it simply dis tributes your monthly pleasure allowanr? in a different way. It gets you more for your money. Come in and see us. Tell us how you would like to plan your New Edison, budget. EDISON SHOP SHULTZ BROS - Owners 3 l'i South FiUeenth Street