Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
l'HE BEE: OMAHA.-TUESDAY. APRIL 6, 192d. 9c9 ROOMS FOR RENT; Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED and light housekeeping rooms: a blocks west of court house. -'I3 Harney. SUITE ot light housekeeping rooma, $33 ,.,. ijiur eej.i '''A ItEN'T Light housekeeping room.. "3 North Kith St. - Board 'and Room. LOVELY room, beautifully furnished With board to employed couple or two girls; In strjelly modern private home win young couple. Convenient to three cai linos; excellent neighborhood. Add res Box X-H, Omaha Bee, or phono Wal nut 6388. - Unfurnished Roomg. THREW modern unfurnlthed rooma with or without housekeeping. Webster 3 661. 1 WO Pleasant unfurnished rooma, 3820 S. 86th. South 3764, Apartments. , EL-BKUDOR APARTMENTS, 18T1I AND DODGE BTS. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service, Tyler 4200. 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. -1ST your property for rent or sale with KUUT TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. , Tyler 729. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COZJT iipuriruent lor rent. Close In. 318 Ro. 2Hh St. t THE GUMPS- r WHEN MY SHIP COMES IN. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith MfcLL- OLh, CAW tMltXR --IS GxOiMx Gfc&rVt TXS DfV( - s W E ' S u P ACrAist rVHOTWE"55- POINT - TMtSTNifsrCf liNT OOIH Yd DO rVYNIWtV But MAKE- MCftiOJ .. . m . m A . a ' I lir. a, B a s k! A. I . A WM i W-V I NCVtrK worr uuuqn o pA.5T IN AV LIFE'" &Mlv BEtN GrONCt WCjHY AUON.C NUH THE ,'1 PROrAE-Voo YHtRt ISN'T TWVTS GOING, To tAAKEIT TOUfctH POR; IA&4 - I LL. OUSY ft&ONErOPYHdSr? lREE AND EAVuS . JuVr DO AS I PLEASE V.tT NOTHING WOKKY WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses $25 J1KWAKI) To owner or to Dartv furnishing infor. niatlon resulting in rental of a 5 to 7- room modern house or bungalow; de sirable, locution. D. 1456 from 8 a. ju. to 6:30 p, hv. - . t. OR 7-ltnu.M HOUSE; modern pre- I'-rreu. jet so. 2608. It. L. MeCullough, vio:i s. sith. Garages and Barns. OARAGE fur rent. 912 Hickory. Douglas FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Warehouse or factory, with trackage, 26.000 sq. feet: 2 stories and basement, brick building; 66x A. P. TtJKEY & SON REALTORS. 620 First Nat Bk.' Bldg. p. 502. FOR RKN'IV Pull cement basement.' with elevator, on track; also other storage space. American Transfer Co. Douglas 3429, 1110 Douglas. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY andvan CO. L STORAGE. MOVJNO. PACKING ; HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE; RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas i!8S. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service In hauling or rforade rail Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto ctr wa gon service. I'LL &tT SOrVAC lNnTAYON ANib WORVtV AN b TELV. 'm YOYftV ANb MAKC IT TOO Car H (IF- I CAN'T a5TA fcOCD FLrTOfcCO0& S,efWrVNTS rtLCaaYO A KQTErL' IP ONE NOTFL DOfYrSAll rA6- I'LL CiETANfcYNpft. ONE ILL GO VJMEft&rr'i COOL IN.TNE- SUrANNCR AND WARIA WYNr WlNTEfe Ik I Hi 1 I) III 1 la.aVKkK. aV . . aw wa . a. - If! WrV-V.N OUIUDNtrNDTMlrCV.tVATOf DON'T VART SOON &NOJttW lit. WAUOUT- P I NAViEr YROU&Lr? AI IYM AN AVTOM.08H.C XtYHRQW Y AVNAV ANGtTvXfeLFANO,mEft ONE- I V JUJT NAVE NrEtrUVS WORICtrytrl POfX. NVt- ON& CiUV I DON'T UE ' to T aa Telephone (mumberv tdRrAt- ON 5 PrrLLONW YO An o y w e o the ro cu Y COVJFONS 1 H AY iTORT TAnm APPEAfcEb AT THE BUY Vlr tyfc tiOt 3EE- So H6 WAS. NOY blYURSEO COHYIMOO lM OUR rlBtT. r-T AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 3 Dodge tourings, i9 1) to 1917 and 191H Ford rdstrs. 5-$325. 1917 und 1918 Ford tourings, 5'60-350. Twenty other be rgalns. ' THAWVElt AUTO CO, NEW LOCATION. 2210 FARNAM.' SO AIR bargains In used Ford oars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug las 3500. WE makrt a spmialty of washing ar-: all work guaranteed; two wash nigs. Tyler 714. Omaha Auto' Laundry, 118 Har-ne;-, Lnu Allen. Central Oarage. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on windshield. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE Fine stock farm 1 mile from Browuville. 160 acres good land, 45 acres In hay, 30 corn land, balanre in pasture. Good houae, fences, ' plenty water handy; X60 per acre, j down, balance at per rent. Can give pos session at onco. Some stock and Im plements with place. II. H. Roberts, owner. Urownvllle, isen. US I'D CARS OP. QU ALU" JT. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 20K0 FAHNA.M ST: WANTED For spot cash, 100 used care; nuick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., L'OJU Farnam Ht. Doug. nwo. WE HAVE 60 good used cars to sjelect JIUITI. nil liruca, METKH AUTO CO 50! Farnam. . THE DIXIE FLYER; . R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2S20 Farnam St. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. snti South lHth. Doug. 4U3. UE-NRTCKSON TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES SO DO WB .( ITV AND COUNTRY HAULING. V i-none uonax i24 tuiya, or L-aitag , 2330 evenings. METROPOLITAN VAN ! and STORAGE CO. Owned by IT.' R. Dowen Co. Trier 34O0. UNION TRANSFER CO. IsKT its estimate your movinp, packing HORSES AND VEHICLES. Fun SALK TMjnly hed of Ifine farm liocaes, .inareu-and mulwt. oJii-f mares Ln .foil. All tn('lt guaranteed .sound and in oO(i .onTHloh. Apply. t.M, C, Peters Mill 'i;o.. SMVi nd B straat or after 6 Pi nvr phone So.utb. 475. ' lT:0 'RKT8 of .farm; harness, itiO per set; HO per i'nt discount on all harness Roods. "We are the largest dealers In Nelirasku.- Write for price' list. Free, Iresk, 9. " Midwest Harness Co., 706 Ni llUlt St;. ' v '. .' FOR SALE Twenty head of fhe. farm horses, mares and mules. Some of mares in foaU' Ail st-nrk guara-nteedj-serrd and in good, condition. Apply at; M. Peters Mill Co..- i9Ui nnd B streets or after b p. ni.. phone South 47.6. ' POULTRY AND PET STOCK. H A N set iM Blvd. Eight room, modern, reception hall. Hiving room, dining and kl'clien. Four largo bedrooms with bath. Nlff location and shade, 'fi.000. Tetov. Win W., Simpson. 2 Patter son H1U. Phone Dottg 3S5B LH1IIT HrahniiV cgfs for setting from prize 4Ved stock. O. F. Robertson, 4tJlh a nd Saratoga' St. Call Colfax 2938. BUFF ORPHINGTON eggs, SI. SO to S3.00 from thoroughbred; prize stock. Doug. 4M1.- 1-1 "birds birds. , .. ' coup rollers. . ' . ; HARNEY 6723. SNOAV -whlty Rork Cockerels, . also eggs for hatching. Walnut 288. , FINE Roller Birds, cheap! Call Harney' 6198, ' ; '. . ' - WHEAT screenings, J2.60 per: 100. Wag- ner.-81 No. 1 tit h. Douglas 1142. . BARRED ROCK eggs. Sc. South MS. RABBITS . for sate- . Call Doug.' 4499. - A.UTOMOBILES FOR SALE l ESSEX touring car. only run 2,300 miles. Just like new. Bargain. Call Dougloi" U7. HUDSON tourlm,'. In excellent condition. New tires, good Vaint, new top, extra tires, etc.. etc. A real bargain. $600. Ca.ll Douglas 1970. NEARLY newtudebaker six. Run only 1.800 miles. Spare tire ahd complete equipment. Will demonstrate.' by ap pointment. Ca'l Douglas 1970. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE fT YOURSELF THE MOST "ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING: . CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION. SELF-ST RTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 35 DAYS. l?itl?OI?ABifiIR K' DOUG.JI62J. BARGAINS IN USED "CARS. Late, model Hudson Super-Six road ster. " Scrlpps Bobth roadster. 19IS Ford sedan, wife wheels, a beauty. ; , 1917 Ford touring. 3916 Bristol, fine shape I ' ' VINTON GARAGE; l;o Vinton St. Tyler 3587. REBUILT HUDSON - . SUPER-SIXES. . We have several rebuilt and reflnlahed Hudsohs ln closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms If desired. GUY L. SMITH. Southeast Cornerrof 6th and Farnam. TWO FORD TRUCKS In good condition. Solid tire rear wheels, heavy braced rear axle, good "wagon boxes on both. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Write today. Ad- dress Box T-78. Omaha- Bee. RELIABLE automobile school; best elee , trlcal end self-starter course: free cata log. Come and Inspect It Day school rear 'round. Night school opens April 1. National .Automobile School. 2814 North 10th. Omaha. You Cannot Afford to overlook this bargain. Buick Light Six. used only a few weeka For ap pointment cal. Tyler 4078. NEW AND USED CARS. 40 Dodg nnd Buicks. ' Cash or Time Payments. COLOSTRUM AUTO SALES. '131 Haryy St. Tyler 714 : : ' USED TRUCKS. : 1 1 91 S Ford ton-truck, a bargain. 1 Hudson S-M truck. fe shape. . ' 1630 Vinton St. Tyler io(7. AUTO CLEANING HOUSE, 21)33 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. TBESflrALUks'iN USED CARS, TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. ELGIN Light SixTT;nod pair.t. 6 tires, $750. Will take light roadster as part pay ment. Tyler 748 CADILLAC "8," 7-pawJt-nger touring, for uglas 2124, ask loi sale. age. I'hone Dougla for gar- OAKLANI) Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 Farnam St. OVERLAND ROADSTER. 75 B: new Wil lard batteryS $350. Tyler 4501. MAXWELL car, 1916. fine shape, $300. 3026 Seward. Webster 4177. l.u19Mollne Knight chummy roadster. Bargain. Webster S56S. 1917 'Apperson touring. Call Douglas 7247 after fi p. m. 1917 Auburn chummy roadster. Bargain. Webster -5130. DODGE commercial truck for sale. Chas. N'eplnsky, 1152 South 13th. Tyler 2604. ' Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS for hire! AH sizes. 'Reliable service. Tyler 190. ' Repairing and Painting. 'RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured ln Omaha. 24-hour serv loe for auto, truck and tractor.. Expert radiator and fender .repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., J 819 Cuming St. . Tyler 17. FOR ALL kinds of oxy-acetlyena- welding call Hnrnev 531:1 or Webster 2880. Shop, TMU Fra nklln St. Tires and Supplies NEW -TiEES. STRICTLY- F1RSXS. i 3x3 ,,i,M,T;- 80xSH-.-...-.-.$13.7S 32xJ'-i 17.85 32x4 20.50 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. '.' STMDATD TIRE CO.,--' 410 North lfith St. DoiiKlas 3330. ., .USED .TIRES. 80x3, $5.00; '3ox3i', $6.00. All sizes in proportion. . Look over Mir- rebutits. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. ..'-,. .- SAV.1GE .TIRES. . . 90S X.'IGth St. ' Keystone Tire Shop. NWItE PUBLIC TIRES-e-CH-EAP. 30x3V4 F1SK... .$12.95 I 34x4 $21.95 30x3 9.95 I 36x4 2.S KATMJjlRE . JOBBERS, 1722- CUMING. AITTO Electrical repairs; service station for ' Havfield carburetor and Columbia storage 'batteries. Edward.s 2616 N. 19. Motorcycles and Bicycles. FOR . KEITH AND PERKINS , COUNVY LAND Write us for list before looklns else where. FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounse Blrtg.- Opposite P. O. ' Phone Tyler 4648. CORN AN I) ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price, wnto Tor list. LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City, Nebraska. FOR SALE 2,000 acres hay. and grazing land, - Brown county, Nebraska., two miles north Calamus river. Make an offer. O'Brien, 4332 Keumore Ave., Chi cago. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bklg., Omaha. 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. WRITE me for-Pictures and prices of my rnrms and ranches ln good old Dawes A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk, Wisconsin Lands. L.ANDOLOGY, a magazine giving the facts in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. It for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mall me LAND- OLOGY and all particulars free." Ad dress Editor, Landology, Skldmore Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Bldg., Marinette. Wis. JUST write us as follows: Send full free information concerning your success Lands hi Upper Wisconsin.' Valley Land Co.'. 29 Hall Avenue, Marinette, Wis. New Mexico Lands. NEW MEXICO farm laids and ranches, irrigated farm Lands and dry land In richest county. In state. Large cattle ranches, a' specialty. W-rite today. Farmers' Bank, Maxwell, N. M. - Wyoming Lands. WYOMING LANDS. 640-atre homesteads for filing: pat ented land and relinquishments for sale, elds. I"y. , in center of Osage and Upton oil field . (""all or write, Cook Bros., Upton, Wy 640-Ai'RE homestead relinquishment, ad joining Casper, $10 acre. Box 486, Cas. per- Wyo. ' FINANCIAL. .Real Estate Lpans. DIAMONDS AND .IEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates,. Private loan booths. Harry Mainsnoeic. !I4 Loage. v. ooitj. ub. ray Omaha homes sast neb. farms. J01" Q)n.. Na t. Bk. Bldg. Deu. 271S, I i'RIVAUE MONEY- $100 to:$l0,t0 made promptly. t.ltr. WE AD, Wead Bldg.. 91 . 18ttt St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Qa.rvlp Bros-. 345. rjpiaha Nat 1. FARM .and city .'pans. JS. H. LUUUEli.', INi;., 528 Keeltne Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY: Doug. 4228. D. E. BUCK. . Loans.' 443 ' Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds HARLEY - DAVJDSON MOTORCYCLES Barirains ln used machines. Victor H. Roes, the ' motorcycle man. '. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. FARM LANDS. WANTED to buy SO to 100-acre farm from owner witliln 30 miles- of Omaha; give particulars in letter. Address R, htee utriee. rouin pun- Colorado Lands. "BEST ;LANDS" 1 bought right and will sell you ab solutely right,' any parr of :7,fl00 acres of the best wheat and corn land in east Colorado. Write for facts, now. See our crops. Investigate. H.T.Cline,; Owner. . Brandon. 'Colo. - ALL' ROADS ' LEAD TO ' CHEYENNE AND KIOWA COUNTIES. WHY? You can be shown from any of our offices. Yuma, Burlington or Stratton. WOLFF LAND COMPANY, BOX H. YUMA, COLO. AGENTS WANTED. FOR, SALESec.' 15-15-4(5, Cheyenne county, Colorado; four miles from sta tion; on main graded .road; near school; fine soil; level;. $26 an acre'lf sold be fore May 1; part oash; balance 6 per cent. This Is a snap. - Address owner, V. S.' Conn, Wayne, Neb. , 160 ACRES unimproved. In Burlington dis trict. Will'-corrslder Dmaha property or car as part pavment, $10 acre.. Frank Gass, owner,- 4005 N. 25th St., Omaha, Nebraska. . REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF. LAND IN THOMAS, CO. ' To suit purchaser ."over 2.500 acres In wheat; send for our list. " FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounse Bldg. Tyler 4648. Missouri Lands. SPRING CREEK FARM 120 acres plenty of improvements; fruit: corn made 4 0 hushels per acre: running water: $2,800; easy terms. B-594. Moun tain View. Mo. Michigan Lands. GOOD HARDWOOD LAND ON CREDIT. In Michigau's best counties; rais.-s fine grain, fruit, truck; only $15 to $35 per acre: very easy terms; ln tracts of 10 to 160 acres; no swainps or stones: free farm advisers and insurance; money loaned after land Is pajd for to erect buildings and buy live stock; near good markets, schools, churches, hard roads, railroads, etc.: best land in V. S., from largest company. Write today for free booklet Swigart Land Co.. .11252 First Nat. Harnessing., I'mrago. in. SAFE INVESTMENT. War-led $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of insured, who is 61 years old and ln poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note bolder upon -.death of Insured, and will keep up premiums in insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 in short time. 'Address Bee. Box M-3. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE want to rent a good, small acreage with a 8. 7 or 8-room house; need not be modern: or would 'consider house with 6 or 6 lots. Call Tyler 4739 days, or Tyler 3744 evenings. r WK havo served the Omaha public ln buying andselllhgireal' estate; for over 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment. Co YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want qi-.lck action? Just, try us. Call Tyler 496. I OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or cell Omaha Real Estate see fowler &. Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. HAVE Inquiries for. goodhomes in good locations. Do sell your property? List it with C. A. Grlm- Nat'l' REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 218 Cltv National. , BEAUTIFUL l.i rg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What hava you to trade. Carl Changstrom. 2020 Far nam stre"' FIVE oil leases in Texas: small tracts' lo cated close to drilling wells; on geologi cal structure; great possibilities: am go ing north and would exchange these for real estate; submit what you bave. Address Box n-65, Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. ON PAVED STREET story semi-bungalow, Large living room,, fireplace, dining room, white enamel kitchen on main floor: two bedrooms, bath and four closets on. second. Corner lot One block to car. Price. $8,760. Walnut 2812. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Ben ion. A REAL BARGAIN 2 HOUSES, 12 LOTS, $4,750. Owner leaving city, must sell, two $ room houses, partly modern and 12 lots, only 3 blocks from car line; $1,000 cash will handle. This Is a real buy. H. W. VOLLAND Doug. 9585. 403 Bee Bldg. Council Bluffs. In Council BIi 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs One mile from Omaha car line. Klch, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, '4 cash; balance to suit buyer. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Prarl St. Council Bluffs. la. Dundee. EXCEPTIONAL ; VALUE An unusually well built two-stnry home In Dundee: one block to car line; fine fifty-foot lot, with: paved street and alley, all paid. Downrtairs finished ln oak; has vestibule entrance; 3 large rooms and Lutler's pantry". Second floor has 4 nice bedrooms and bath, fin ished in maple and birch. There is a full brick basement, with laundry tubs, furnace, water heaters and everything to make the home complete. Priced at $9,000, and a bargain. Schroeder Investment Co. 538 Railway Exchange Bldg. T. S261. DUNDEE One of the best .values in Dundee Is this 6-room house, having tiled vesti bule, nice living room, dining room: pantry and kitchen on first floor. There are 3 big bedrooms with large windows and good closets and tiled bath on see ond floor. House in good condition! well located; south front lot; all spe cials paid. Asking $9,000, but might do a. little better. D. V. SHOLES CO. : ' ' ,- . ; REALTORS, ' ' - Nouslas 16. 915-17 City National. DUNDEE ' If you are looking for a home in-Dundee let me show you one at 48th and Chicago; situated on an east ' -front lot, overlooking Omaha; fine house, finished in oak and fully decorated. Call Mr. Cele,-aV vValmit 5432 evenings, or Douglas 7412 da) s, for prices and terms. DUNDEE, modern 7-room home for sale hv owner. v" : nuii -i. DUNDEE BARGAIN Five-room frame residence, on Paved street. Just being completed. Oak f nlsh downstairs with white enameled kitch en, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs, all white enamel with mahogany doors, oak floors throughout. Price only $."j Mr. Sloan, Tyler 35140 days or Walnut jsiy evenings. BEAUTIFUL HOME. TJ LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. S-room stucco bungalow; large living room, dining room with built, ln buttet, white enameled kitchen: south! front: on paved street; price $7,000. Phone Wal nut 2812 evenings or Tyler 3540 days; ask for Mr. Sloan; OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVmiLL, 200 Brandels Theat. ' Doug. 90- WK havo cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglas S074 and we win can ana inspect your property. Bhuier fc cary, Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 21 Pnxton Blk. Phone Tyler 48?". 6-ROOM cottage. 1823 N. 18th St Mod em except heat; laundry In basement lot 40x160. Easy terms, 8. J. Dick inson. Phone Harney 4B25. SIX-ROOM house, t lots, Just the place for chickens and garden, oniy si.iuu, part, cash. Snap. 6102 No. 37th St. LARGE 8-room house, garage, corner 86th and Pinkney. Not modern,. j,-uu, Terms. Colfax 3514. FOR quick results list with Benjamin & Frankenoerg. 6Z4 pee niog. uouEiae tee J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Invest ments. 443 Bee Bldg.. Douglss 8Q97. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. .424 Om. Nat'L North. NORTH OF KOUNTZE PARK Seven-room strictly modern full 2-story house consisting of 3 Marge rooms on the first floor finished in oak; 3 nice bedrooms and sleeping porch on the sec ond floor; .full cement basement, furnace heat; extra large lor on paved street, paving paid. New garage. Price, $6,500; one-half cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781, 8 rooms and sleeping porch; built for a home and strictly up-to-date ln every rspect; oak finish: dining room paneled; four bedrooms with large closets;! large sleeping porch; basement complete!; fur naoe burns coal or oil: choice lot and splendid location; $11,600. 8-room, Bemls Park home: 'beautiful location and surroundings; owner leaving city and says sell for $9,000. 7 rooms near Bemls Park; priced right at $6,000. 7 rooms, nearly new. Cathedral dis i trict, $7,500. ! 1 6 rooms on North Side, . cheap at '37rooms facing Kountze Park, $7,800. Call ns for particulars and terms on CONBOY & GREEN, 600 Peters Trust Bldg., D. 3841 Tyler 4677 ' Web. 6156. v We socialize In Dundee home. -w-v rtmTTTTm ysTV (j. tf. brum l,u., - , . . - 1 , n.xnl.a 912-14 City National. Douglas 8787. Florence. c. t vc-TirAWiv fnr Kiihiirh&n nrooerty. Florence Sta.. Omaha, Neb. Col. 140. South Side. INTERURBAN SARPY COUNTY LANDS ANU HUl.M'.S. 10 acres. 5-room house, fruit and all Improvements; grapes. 10 acres, 7-room house, orchard, well improved. 10 acres, 4-room house. 5 acres unimproved. lty acres; 8-room house. 17 acres would make a good dairy. 23 acres and 8-room house. 6-room modern home, all lmprove- LOUIS COHN, Sooth 3029, 3322 Harrison. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. ,-rtfel. 849 Omaha 1 Bk. Bldg. HAVE inquiries for good homes in good location. Do you want to sell your property? with C. A. Grimmel, 849 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE HAVE ccsh 'ouvers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047- Omaha Nat. Eank Bldg. D. 1636. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of insurance, HERMANSEN & CO. 748 Omnha Nat, Bank Bldg. 60 DOUGLAS county farms for sale; writ jor our list. enirai -oiuiueouv mu. Co.. Alexandria, Minn. Montana Lands. FOR QUICK SALE 320-acre Montana farm, all level, uest loam sou, rencea. house, born, granaries, good wells; 100 acres In spring wheat. 30 acres ln Oat's, all on summer fallow; 8 miles market, 4 elevators, 2 banks, ' stores, etc.; 35 miles city of Great Falls; mois ture plentiful to start, spring crop. This farm has produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre, 75 bushels oats; bargain at $25 acre. Crop should pay for land. This Is your opportunity. Wire or write V. T. Mather, care Carter State bank. Carter, Mont Nebraska Lands. ' . lf(TNnrFARIVr I.ocaupd nar Benson and only sev,-n mil. s from Omaha potoffii-e. consisting of 20 acres, good improvements. Can crve inim-diatt- possesion. Inquire of IT. V. Hay ward! President of Willow Sprirtgj Beverv- Vv rbone. Douglas 130 . WANT io buy from owner 5 to 8-room house on payments, for colored. Tyler 2724. or Webster 4150. Real Estate nvestments. i.14 Brown Block.' Doug. 6262. E. G. SOLOMON REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. BARGAIN IN LOT. $1,000 lot for only; $650, in Plalnview addition, by owner. Call Webster 2736. afternoons or evenings. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 6- room bungalow on east front corner lot; gafage for one car; paving all paid; close to school and car line. Price $12, 000. 7- room bungalow type; located on cor ner lot 60x138 ft., finished ln oak and white enamel; furnace heat: garage for 2 cars; immediate possession. Price $13,000. .- i -room, 2 full story stucco house, lo cated on corner lot; oak finish first floor: pine second: hot water heat; pav ing paid on both streets. For price call us. 8- room. 2-story brick home, located on Mercer Blvd., just north of Cuming: lot 90x130 ft.; finished In the best quarter sawed oak with narrow white oak floor ing throughout; hot water heating plant; garage, for" one car. This is one of the best bus in the Cathedral district. Price $27,5"0. GEORGE ,& COMPANY REALTORS. Tyler 3021. 902 City Nat'l Bank. BUY a let at present low prices. West Farnam, Dundee and Field club. Acres on South Side. Shuler & Cary, 204 . Keellne BEST, buy in Omaha. Lot, 20x150, west side, near Ak-Sar-Ben grounds, $350. Owner, Douglas 1858. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. .FACTORY BUILDING" 60x140, . on 16th St., with a Z story brick building, suitable for manufacturing or light storage. For quick sale, $16,000. ; r . GLOVER & SPAIN Doug. 2850. 918-20 City Nat. Bank. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district Possession If wanted. DUMOXT & CO.. 419 Keellne Bldg Phone Doug. S90 WALSH-ELMER CO., i-.state. investments.- ' Realtors, Insurance. Real Ren- TVy; 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Brand New 5 Room, Modern Stucco Bungalow On West Ames $500 cash, balance easy terms; o;ik and enamel finish, oak floors throughout, built-in cupboard in kitchen; you cannot duplicate this home within $1,000 of its present price. Call Doug. 7412 days, or Tyler 5167 evenings. Mr. Spence. EXCEPTIONALLY ' GOOD BUY . New, two-story stucco ln Montclair. One half block to Harney car line. Full cement drive: very large living room, fireplace, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen on mala floor; three beau tiful bedrooms and bath on second. Large attic. All very finely finished. Must be seen to be appreciated. Walnut N FONTENEtZE BLVD. hurge 2-story. residence in Clairraont, has double garage, full cement drive, 1 l'loi'k to car. Hous about 3 yearn oM, Jirst-cIaRs unapt, oak fin inn downstairs, natural finish upstair?. Price $9,000. Part rash, balance easy term. Call Mr. Sloan, Tyler 3640 days or Walnut 2&U evenings. A DIGNIFIED HOME WITH INDIVIDUALITY Owner leaving city, must sell at once. V dandv 6-room strictly modern home, practically new. Has large living room, with beamed celling; very attractive ' dinlnr room, kitchen, refrigerator room and butler's pantry on first floor. Two fine bedrooms, bath and trunk room on second floor; oak finish throughout; full cement basement with laundry con veniences; south front; garage; large lot: close to car line and In an excel lent location. Price $6,500. Terms rea sonable, i . Investigation of this unique oppor tunity should be made at once. H.W.VOLLANP Doug 8585 403 Bee Blc)g. jtes.H.2J.38. H0USSF0R SALE EASY TERMS ' One 8-room, close in, modern except heat, $3,500. One 8-room, close ln, modern, not water heat, $4,000. i- One 8-room, near Fontenelle park, hot water heat, corner lot, shade and fruit trees, $3,500. ' ' One 4-room, near Fontenelle park, modern except heat, $!,200. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery Douglas 1313. Walnut 2138. MILLER PARK Beautiful five-room Kragstone stucco bungalow, just completed; large, well arranged rooms; oak floors and finish; enameled sleep ing rooms and kitchen; built-in bookcases; tiled bat,h and kitchen; base tub, etc; kitchen cabinet with tiled table; fine basement; good lot, , with several trees. Immedi ate possession. Price $7,850; good terms. Wal. 5373 evenings, or Doug. 741. Ask for Mr. Grant. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. A FEW homes and lots for sale la Park wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270. 2827 SEWARD. 4-room, new, modern bun galow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, 608 Bee. Douglas 200. MINNS LUSA home and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money, 'Phone Tyler 187. TOITNO & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. NEW up-to-date 5-room bungalow; oak finish: $4,300; $650 cash) for. colored. Webster 6908. . .. FOR COLORED Almost new 8-room modern, except heat; $3,150; $650 cash. Webster R9'is FOUR-ROOM, part Modern cottage. $78 cash. Price $ 1.800. Johnson, .Webster 4160. COLORED Eight-room, modern home, close ln. $200 cash, balance easy. John son, Webster 4160. South. MUST" BE SOLD G-room bungalow, like, new, must be sold this week sure; oak finish, nicely decorated, in first-class condition; large basement and floored attic; paving fully paid: near car and school. Price only 55,750. Terms: $2,750 cash, balance monthly. See thlB sure. Call Mr, Smith, Tvler 3066. or Monday D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 442 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Douglas 2000. Miscellaneous. Owner Must Sell at . Once House Vacant, Possession at Once Owner of a 5-room, strictly modern bungalow has authorized usi to sell his place at once. Con sists of 5 rooms, all on one floor; nice living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; full cement basement, furnace heat, floor drain and sink; nice coal bin; floored attic; storm ' windows and screens complete; extra large lot' 50x132 feet, on paved street, paving paid; all fenced; new garage; house newly painted and is vacant and posses sion can be had at once. We have this listed at $5,500; $3,000 cash, balance $25 per month. This is a real bargain for this property. Located on a corner lot; handy to school and car, in a restricted district. For further information call Payne Investment Co., Omdha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781, Ask for Mr. Gibson.:- $2,000 $100 down; 5 rooms, partly mod ern. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. Doug. 8380. S34-6-8 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY CO N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. B01S. BIRKETT & CO. Vat and insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 693. Real Estate Transfers $2,900 TWO HOUSES', 3 LOTS 6-room house.' finely decorated, elec tric lights: cemented basement, lots, 40x157 each: garage, chicken house, splendid well, nine blocks from car line. 4-room house, lot, 40x140, electric lights, good well on lot. house ln good rernir. M. DEUEL & UU., 2405 Ames Ave. Phone. Colfax 720, Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced serv ice ln the management of property, either as rental or sales agents. 7-ROOM modern house; hot water beat; hardasood finish downstairs; 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs; fine location; 6215 N. 21th. For further information call Webster 3805. Price $7,000. Terms can be arranged. $5,000. . Beautiful 5-r. modern bungalow; oak finish; cement basement; garage; block to car, two blocks to school; one-half cash. Located at 4414 N. 21st See owner. BA itGAIN IN 9-ROOM HOUSE. Five rooms first floor: parlor, llvlns room, den. dining room, kitchen, bedrooms and bath on second. Warm and comfortable; dandy furnace. Calt enster 1644. OOM. 2-story house. 1X27 No. Dith St. Modern except heat: arranged for two families: bath on both floors; chicken hous.i lot 42x130. Eav terms. S. J. DirkAion. Phone Harney 4525. Charles C. Savage and wife to Ezra Judklns, Cuming st, 50 ft. w. of 46th st, n. s., 60x150 $ 1.800 Htstings & Heyden to Sena Norton, 3fith st., 200 ft. s, of King, w. s., 40xl46Vi ft 20(1 Hastings & Heyden to Sena Norton, iintn st., ie rt. s. of King, w. s., 40x14614 ft 300 Hastings & Heyden to Sena!' Norton, .mm st., ;,u n. s. oi King, w. s., 40XT46U ft 5T Edward White. Jr., to Clifford J. r-niDiey, 47tn st.. 45 ft. n. of Maule. w. a.. 40x125 ft 850 Llllle Grubbs and husband to Jo seph j. Vesiak and wife, 3Stn St.. 60 ft. s. of U St.. w. s. BOrSO ft. 1.S0H Lester Sllkoskl and wife to Jacob Mruz and wife, K St., 80 ft. w. of 32d St.. s. m. 60x65 ft 5 200 Frank Simin and wife to Louis st i.sztch et al, S st, 60 ft e. of 30th St.. n.T .. 60x150 ft 800 Omaha Loan & Bldg. Assn., to Ce- nek Hrablk, 16th St., 175 ft. s. of William, w. s. 76x218 ft... 19 5SH Agnes Durr to Lucia Saniglia et al. tn st., 162 ft. s. of Cedar, e. s. 132x132 ft K Ann A. E. Burr and wife to Jacob D. Engler, a. w. cor. 36th and Ham ilton. 58x80 ft 3.10b Marco Mnzzone and wife to Vln- cenzQ Mercurio et al, Poppleton ave.. 60 ft e. of 22d St., n. s., 30x168 ft 3.00a Francis Tadmlr Parker and wife to- . Olaf Nelson, s. w. cor. 33d and Potter, 264x660 ft 2,000 Homestead Co. to Harvey J. Grove, Wirt St., 160 ft. w. of 63d st., n. s., 50x128 ft 250 William R. McFarland and wife to Morton F. Engleman, 61st ave.. 98 ft. n. of Howard, e. 8., 48x 136 ft 2,130 Hugh 11. Harper and wife to Hettie V. Hayden, 41st st.. 2 ft. n. of A St., w. s., 40x120 ft 383 Jennie E. Dowllng and husband to ' Minnie A. Brlggs, Maple st. 130 ft. e. of 40th st. s. s. 50x120 ft. 400 Hans P. Jensen and wife to Albert O. Jensen. Charles St.. 195 ft. w. of Military ave., s. s. 25x140 ft 209 Mary P. Byrne and husband to John C. Clark, s. w. cor. 21st and Cali fornlta st, 60x132 ft 10,000 Petra J. Hansen and husband to Christine Cecelia Kragskow. 40th st.. 43 ft. s. of Seward, w. s., 43x90 ft 5,000 Annie Anderson and husband to Rose A. Encell, 34th st. "9 ft. w. of 33d st, e. s.. 45x66 ft 4,75 Riga M. Thompson and husband to ' Louis Simon, 61st iv 75 ft. n. of Farnam, w. s., 50.i5 ft 21,006 Security Land Imp. Co. to Clara R. Retynski. 27th st, 150 ft a. of Hickory, w. s., 40x147 ft 3,509 Minnie Schneider and husband to Joseph H. Klausiier et al, n. e. cor. 36th and Arbor, 49x133 ft.. ,259 Mamie F. Healy and husband to Fannie A. Sleverllng, n. w. cor. 26th and Cuming, 66x91 ft 8,000 Charles Plzlnger and wife to Charles C. Gignoux and wife, Deer Park hlvd.. 88 ft. e. of 30th st, s. 38x78 ft 2,100 Walter Peck to Bert L. Waterman, 17th St., 118 ft. n. of Nicholas, e. s.. 2(fxl48 ft 500 Ka'heryn A. Butler and husband to Edwin 'D. Smalls, nw. cor. Mili tary ave. and Washington, 125x171 ft 5,650 L. R. Nelson and wife to C. W. Mc Caustlsnd nnd wife, 25th ave,, 104 ft n. of Spencer st, w. s., 39x109.7 ft 6,000 Peter Reinhardt snd wife to I Clement T. Whitehi!!, Commercial ave. 360 ft. s. of Ames ave., e. s., 51x150 3,150 Frances Spevak and husband to Jesse L. Woodrlng and wife. Jack son St., STiO ft. w. of 13th St., n. s. S0x128 ft i .-, Robert T. Bolt and wife to I Joseph Schwsrx and wife. Larl inore ave.. 120 ft. v. of I3d St., n. s , 40x128 l. 6,000 MONDELL WARNS AGAINST WASTE TO AVOID PANIC Declares Trouble Is Brewing In Financial World Unless Ex penditures of Government Speedily Lessened. By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING, Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Win, Washington, April 5. A grave warning of nation-wide disaster unless the expenditures' of the na tional government are speedily brought withm its income was ut tered today by Representative Mon dell, republican leader of the house, Although he did not mention the soldiers bonus specifically this is one of the proposed expenditures Mr. Mondell had in mind. He is prepared to fight legislation for a soldiers' bonus estimated at from $1,000,000,000 to $2,000,000,000. The latest proposal of the bonus pro ponents in the levy ot a retail sale tax specifically designated the sol diers' bonus tax," in order to sep arate this from other government taxes. "Let me repeat in all earnestness and with all the emphasis at . my command," said Mr. Mondell, "that we must not increast our floating debt or we shall invite disaster, that we must not issue bonds if we desire to keep on a specie basis and avoid a panic, that we must keep our total expenditure for the fiscal year that begins June 3 well within our income. If we do not we arc inviting treasury conditions which, acting upon the financial situation in the country, will bring nation-wide disaster. "The republican, leader pro nounced misleading' the recent an nouncement by the Treasury depart men that the floating debt had been reduced nearly $750,000,000 in March alone. ' "Contrary to popular belief the peak of our war expenditures was not reached drrinsr the war. but some months' aftetvihe signing of the armistice and bequeathed us a deficit, or .war .overhang, not cov ered by bonds or provided for by current revenues, of upward of two and one-half billions of dollars, which has been carried in short time certificates running from three months to a year, said Mr. Mondell "Such an enormous volume of un covered indebtedness would be z serious menace at any time- It is particularly so at a time when the country is trying to recover from the abnormal conditions of war. Russian Reds Urge I. W. W. to Seize Reins Ut rower in America Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, Washington, April 5. Informa tion received by the State depart ment discloses that the revolutionary propaganda which has been pre viously distributed by the "foreign office" headquarters of the bolshe viki at Moscow is now being sent out under the direction of the office of the third communist internation- ale at Moscow. While the communist j'nternationale may be distinguished theoretically trom the soviet gov ernment, in actual practice, accord ing to American and allied govern ments it represents with the soviet government, a single . movement backed by the governmental machin ery and the resources of the bol shevist Russia. The third or communist head quarters has br-en sending couriers, some of whom have been captured in central Europe, with messages to the American communist parties and the I. W. W. urging them to unite and seize thei reins of power in this country by armed insurrection. Millionaire Takes Own Life During Fit of Despondency Bridgeport, Conn.. April 5. Nathaniel Wheeler Bishop, million aire, son of the late William D. Bishop, one time president of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, died at the Bridaeoort hospital early Sunday morning. He had inflicted wounds on himself with a hunting knife while suffering from melancholia. Mr. Bishop, who was a Yale erad- uate. a member of the Brideeoort board of education, and in the- war a lieutenant commander in the navy, slashed . himself while in the bath room of his palatial home, Saturday. Tom Flynn Improving The condition of Thomas T. Flynn, United States, marshal. 2328 South Fifteenth street, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, was reported much improved last night. Divorce Decrees Cora Llndqulst from Otto Llndqulst. ex treme cruelty. Leo McKnlght from Marguerite Mc Knight, desertion. Blnh Maben from William Maben, nonsupport. Lee Henry from Laura Henry, desertion. SAYS PERSHING SUCCESS HANGS ON VOTEAT HOME Wyoming Political Leader Says ; Convention Decision May Be Settled in Nebraska . Primary. By F.'H. BARROW. Washington, April 5. (Special.) "If the Chicago convention fail to nominate by the fourth ballot, t!i nominee will be a dark horse," dc dared Patrick Sullivan, republican national committeeman for Wyom ing, who is in Washington to coin fer with political leaders. , "I cannot see how any of thosej actively chasing the nomination caft hope to corral sufficient delegates t impress the convention on the firs ballot, and feeling engendered at this time apparently precludes an) hope that the delegates of any ont of the active candidates could hi swung to another. The inevitable result will be the selection of t dark horse." Wyoming for Pershing. Wyoming's delegation will go tin' instructed, according to Committee) man Sullivan, unless it is deeme advisable, at the state convention a' Sheridan, May 10, to instruct foi Pershing. "Our state , is solidly foi General Pershing," said Mr. Sulli van, ."and that tact is or will be known by every delegate and leader at Chicago. With our sentiments well known, and the likelihood that no nomination will be made for sev eral ballots, the situation may de velop in such a way that ouf eight votes might be effectively used in advancing the general's chances. Should that situation arise, you can bet we shall make the most of it. "Coming through Nebraska the other day, with brief stops at Omaha and Lincoln, I found the republicans of that state had at last apparently awakened to a full appreciation of the honor accruing from the Per shing - candidacy, and there was every indication that the general would be given a big vote at the April primary. If Nebraska republi cans give Pershing a good primary vote, as now seems certain, his name will head 4he list of dark horses. With , little or no hope of a nomination on an early ballot and the likelihood of a dark horse winning for reasons. I have already mentioned, republicans of Nebraska are offered great encour agement that this choice will fall upon their candidate. Sentiment Changing Fast. "I am surprised at the growth of Pershing, sentiment in Washington since my last visit here a month ago. I have -talked with many leaders here, and find many whose views agree with mine. In my opinion the people of Nebraska have an. oppor tunity to very greatly advance Per shing by showing their appreciation of him with a substantial primary vote." The Wyoming national com mitteeman is a close student -of re publican politics, travels much and' enjoys the personal acquaintance and friendship of all of the big men of his party. He' is a very clow friend of Chairman Hays, and the national committee chairman is one of Sullivan's warmest admirers. Ac cording . to Sullivan, . friends, of Leonard Wood are claiming a much larger number of delegates than they can vote in the convention. For example, in the total claimed .are many contesting delegates who may or may not be seated. With a ma jority of the delegates uninstructed. the first ballot will not indicate a preference for anyone; succeeding ballots are not expected to show a swing from Lowden, Harding. Wood or Johnson forces to any one of the four. The result, according to Sullivan, will be that a candidate will have to be found outside of these four actives. ' Up to Nebraska. A this juncture, declares Sulli van, if the friends of General Per shing can come forward, backed by a rousing endorsement from the peo ple of his home state in the form of a big primary vote, the Ne braskan will strongly appeal to the convention as an ideal candidate. fully measuring up to qualifications. and inheriting none of the bitter ness likely to handicap any one of the four active candidates above named. : "It's a great opportunity Ne braska should place itself in posi tion to take advantage of," said Sul livan, "and we'll be there from Wy oming to do out part." New York Man Beats . Wife's Brains Out With Club and Axe Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Lowed Wire. New York, April 5. With the ar rest of Angelo Rocco, it became known that Saturday morning he struck his wife over the head with an axe and then beat her brains out with a club in their home. In soite of her terrible injuries. the woman lived until early Sunday. Rocco. who is 19 years old. was arrested as he was loitering in the vicinity of his home. His only ex planation was that he was mad with jealousy.? Mrs. Rocco was 54 years old and was a widow when she married Rocco a few years ago. Neighbors who heard the fight, which preceded the murder, notified the police, who found the woman. She was rushed to a hospital, where she died. Burglars Fail to Get Anything But Snow Shovel fnitnH mi act n cr if th tiAm sC Taa - ...wv. .. sv V, ilv;iUV V A J VV Robinson, 2403 North Twenty-sec- Sunday night. The basement of the home was left in a topsy-turvy con dition, loiiowing tne visit by the thieves. Stecher and Lewis to Meet in New York April 16 New York, April 5. Joe Stecher and Ed "Strangler" Lewis, heavy weight wrestlers, have been matched for a bout in the 71st regiment arm ory here on April lp. it wa.s . an. nounced odaja.