Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1920, Page 8, Image 8
WANT AD RATES , (Cash with order.) Ha per word on day io per word...... ..two consecutive days ' n per word... three consecutive day 7o per word. .four consecutive days e per word ...five eoneecuttve daya iOe per word seven conaecutlve daya and on cent per word for each additional inartlon. No ads taken for lew than a total of lie. CHAJMifU lo per line en day 2to per Una two conaeeutivs days 30 per Una three consecutive days 77e per line..... consecutive days 11.00 per line. thirty consecutive days Card of thanks and funeral notices 13c per Una each day. These rates apply either to the Dally or .Sunday Bee. 'All advertlaeroentu appear in both morning and evening dally papers for tbe one charge. Contract. Bates oa Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ada will be accepted at tbe following of fices: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Fsrnam. Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Offlcs 3615, Leavenworth St. (South Side 3318 N St. Walnut Office 81 North 40th St. Co. Bluffs Offloe.. .....15 Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible for mors than one Incorrect Insertion of, an advertisement ordered for mors tban one Um" PHOKF. TTLKH,' MOO. Evening Kdltlona 11:00 M. Horning Editions 10:30 F. M. Sunday Editions P. M. Ssturday. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. HUSH James P., sue 49 years and 11 months; died April 4. born In Omaha. l leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, residing at 1302 Arbor street, his par ', ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rush, two ; sisters and nine brothers. Funeral will be held from the family residence, 1303 ' Arbor street, Wednesday at 8:39 a. m., and from St. Patrick's church at 9 a. m. Interment will be In the family lot at . Holy Sepulchre cemetery. . STcORD Mrs. Katherlnc: aged 75. She Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Tronic M. Redmsn, Mrs. Iva C. Mynster. Funeral Tueedsy morning from J. A. Ct-nlleman's Mortuary; 8:30 a. m. to St. Peters church at 9 s. m. Interment, Holy Scpulcher cemetery. PARKER Will aged 64 years, Satur day afternoon at bis residence, 4619 South 23d street. . Funeral from the residence, Monday, st 3 p. m. Burial In Graeeland Perk cemetery. Rv. R. L. Wheeler officiating. OLSON Charles ,T., age 43 years 8 months snd 21 days. April 3, 1920, after a thort illness. Funeral Monday at 10 a. m. from N. P. Swanson's chapel, Sev. enternth and Cuming Sts., to Mt. Hope cemetery. Friends are welcome. CARP OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors, the Brotherhood of Locomotlv Engineers, No. 183. North Omaha lodge. No. 9, A. O, U. W.. the boys of Fourteenth street and our friends at base ball head quarters for the kindness and sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the Illness and after the death of our be loved husband and father. MR8 Hl'OH MURATH AND FAMILY. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 2" 1814 .Douglss St. Douglas 8344. I.. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1348. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 8000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64. FREDE. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. . Lady Attendant. 3d and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas (77. . - Auto Ambulance. ' HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalrhers. Phone H. 265. Office 3611 Fsrnam. , HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer, Funeral Directors. TOt South lth St. Douglas 1088. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglaa 714 3218 Cuming St DUFFY & JOHNSON, UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 18th. Tyler 1678. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets.. PHONE WEBSTER, 47. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE Imgest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1319 e. istn. prions Douglas ists-sjis, MARRIAGE LICENSES. The" following people . were granted licenses to wed: Name. Age. Joseph Br McCoy. Omsha . 32 Nell J. Moore, Beatrice, Neb 21 Frahcli W.' Perales, Omaha 24 Guadalupe Alva, Omaha 17 Earl B. Auxler, Melrose, la 19 Nancle Burgett, Charlton, la .18 Wm. Bolen, Oman over 21 Mllllcent Pflug. Springfield, Neb., over 18 William H. Dana, Omaha over 21 Estelle M. Jensen, Omaha over 18 John B. Smith. Omsha over 21 Ruth C. Ftgge, Omaha over 18 William O. Le May, Ft. Omaha..... 23 Ruth Hawk, Omsha 19 Louis A. Olson, Lincoln, Neb 23 Lucille Blackman. Lincoln, Neb 23 Charles O. Horton, Omaha 21 Helen Buckles, Omaha 18 Charles A. Sheller, Norfolk. Neb., over 21 Bernlce , Cess, Crofton, Neb. .over 18 David ?. Rchrader, Alton, la 33 Ara Rue Cook, Waverly, Kan. .' 29 Vern S. Clark, Omaha. ;.. 29 Clotilda 'O. Bochnlcek, Omaha 26 Robert O. Woodard, Omaha ......... 27 Josephltnlo Good, Fullerton 18 Henry A. Seshold, Omaha 59 Augusta Moon, Omaha (8 Walter A. Payne. Omaha 32 Neva M. Thompson, Omaha 18 BRINGING UP FATHER- Sea Jigga and Magfia ia Full Pag of Color in Tho Sunday Boo. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright, 1920 International Mews Service 3 I HOPE THIt SHOW TARTt BEFORE I CHOKE TO DEATH IN THlt COLLAR-. WILL TOU BEHAVE DON'T roU "bEE. THE. CAMPBELLS LOOKING AT Ot? 1 j i . ' ' ---- i in sii i HAVEN'T WE OT U FTTh 1 1 1 " , 1 pi L 1 1 1 II I YOl) At NT ENOOH TROUBLE ir-p-v " OONC l;HT I AT HOME WITHOUT I I ; o ? &or tff OU LISTEN IN' TO THIt ( WHERE- HOME. LITTLE NELL! f I " lao sr tan. rsarunt Stsvies. Inc. lOONTKNOW WHOi VC ENJOYED AN EVENING 0 much: TV. i r noticed: SPECIAL NOTICES. TO the parties who robbed my home at 6141 Florence boulevard, Sunday after noon; I will pay more for the return of the goods than they can sell them for. They can name the parties who thty want mo to meet to make the deal. TOM DENNISON. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WE buy combings and cut balr; also make switches from combings: all work guar anteed. The Erlckson Hair Shop, 3201 Chicago Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha Neb. Brass, bronzeL aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can bo purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 16th ana ijotjwms oxj.. vniana, i-ru. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bo pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and style-!: hetnstltchlng, plcot, edgings, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 3vt Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co,, 1211 HOWARD ST. TTLER 1976. Trueks and size, leased, or your haul ing contracted by hour, day or year. "The Only Way" Omaria Transfer io. Mid-West Transfer Co. 413 So. 13th St. Phone Tyler 3760. Express), baggage, furniture moving and country hauling. Carpenter Work CARPENTER work, all kinds, contracts or hour. Estimates furnished. Tyler 4369. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 630 Paxton Blk. D. 1308. Collections. Collections made everywhere. "No collection No charge." THE MERCHANTS CREDIT RATING CO. Collection Department ' T. 3949. Sul'e 33 Arlington Bid. Omaha. Clothing and Furs. FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St. John Feidman. Phone 3128. , Dancing Academies. It 17 T PTMr?s:hool for Dancing. IVriJU-X llNXiFarnam. D. 7850. 2424 st 8; dancing at p. m. Monday. Thurs day, fcaturaay: private icaauua "y MISS PAULINE CAPPS Artlstlo dancing. urn ana rarnsm. junei oi.ww,, tereon Blk. Pupil of Denlshaun school. .14 arney 6413. . Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. PRIVATE detective: tracing, locating, evidence secured, 30 years' experience S. Dickinson. Harney 46ZS. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCT, Incoiporated. Doug. 1107. Arlington ntK . uinana, nvv JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all esses. Tyler 1136. Contractors. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Painting and Paperhanging. LOOK HEPli! Prices right; sanltV wall paper cleaning; 19 year ti the business; prompt attention give all orders. Phone Tyler 4278. PAPERHANGING, painting, estimates tree, that cost nothing and may save yon money. Tyler 37tiS. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling: floors reflnlshed, waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. PAINTING and paperhanging: estimates free; work guaranteed. Doug.S661. PAPERHANGING, Quick service, lowest prices, pew stocK paper. Harney i . PAPERHANGING. $6 rooril and up. In cluding paper, work. Walnut 4998. PAINTING, paperhanging and decorating; work guaranteed. Websler 3031. PAINTING, painted walls waaucd. wall paper cleaned. Webster 1156. PAINTING, paperhsnglng and plastering. rnone wamuc torn. PAPERHANGING and painting by con trsct. Tyler 4870. PAINTING and Papering. Phone Wal nut 6452. PAPERHANGING. cleaning, paintln ' oratius. Call Tyler fOM. g, dec- PAINTING and wallpaper cleaning. Tyler 4277. ' PAINTING, paperhanging and paperclean Ing. Douglas 6323. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque coa tumes for amateur theatricals and par tles for rent at T. I.leben & Son. Omaha. Safe Repairing. EXPERT safe opening and repairing. American Safe & Tlmelock Repair Works. Harney 3320. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell-needls and parts. MICKELS' 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973. Screen and Repairing SCREENS rraired, put up. Webster 11253. Tailors. M. KF.ISGR. 5"6 South 1Mb. Doug. 1187. -Towel Supples. Omaha Towel Supply, 307 S. lllh. P. 828. Tree Trimming. . BY registered tree surgeons; trimming, cavity work, bracing, Planting, trans planting, removing, treatment of insect and fungus pests and diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury. Over 200 satisfied local customers; no charge for estimates. PAGE TREE SERVICE. 211 Davldge Block. Tyler 4800. Watch Repairing. Watch Repairing Main spring, $1.50; cleaning. $1.80; jewels. $1 to $1.50; watch crystals, 25c. All work guaranteed. THE W. C FLATAU STORE, - Room 601 Securities Bldgj Miscellaneous. V CARPENTERING, ' repairing, remodeling done. L. J. Erlckson. Phone Wal. 1637. Dressmaking. SHIRT HOSPITAL. Shlrt-msking and mending. Douglas 4634. DRESSMAKING and alterations. gu aranteeq. -ryier oi. Worn Electrical Utilities.' VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for, 50c day. Vacuum Cleaner Service Co. Call Webster 165T from 10 a. m. to 4 P- ELECTRIC heaters, $10.50: vacuum clean ers. $37.50; Mola washing machine. Lallev-Wilson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Peter and Mary Hansen, 3706 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Edwood and Phts, 2323 South Sixteenth street, girl; Zevar and Resle Rivera, 1123 North Sixteenth street, boy; Charles William and Hilda Hatfield, hospital, girl; Jack and Hazel Grant, 202 North Nineteenth street, girl; Waldo and Alice Joy, 3013 Plnkney street, boy; Philip and Anna Merten, 3025 South Twenty-fourth streetr girl; John and Marie Nelson, 1826 Van Camp street, boy: Wm. and Rose Anderson. 2916 Mason street, boy; Stanley and Josephine Zerniak, 4630 South Fortieth street, girl. Deaths Clnderela Ash, 77, 3020 South Sixteenth street; James A. Dunlap, 64, 112 South Forty-fourth street: Leander John son, 63, Fortieth snd Poppleton; Mary E. Thompson, 6. 6109 Poppleton avenue: Margeret Barrister, Infant, hospital; Ford Edgard Fralun, infant, hospital; John Tihke. $8, R162 North Twenty-seventh avenue. BUILDING PERMITS. Clifford Shelby. 2704 North Forty-third avenue, frame dwelling, $4,500; Chas. Eastlunde-45t0 Wirt street, frame dwell ing. $4,000. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS, luNOD BAween 14th and 16th on Far nam Sts., on April 1, ladles' wrist watch. Owner can hsve same by iden titylng same and paying sdvertlsing j-osts. F. E. Hammon. -T,ynch. r.eb. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars telel phone Tyler 800. We are enxlous to re store lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. CO. RENT Hoover and other electric vacuum sweepers, delivered. Webster 4283. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners for rent. uougias twig. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, $1 day, de livered.. Colfax 4116. Gold and Silver Plating. SILVERWARE, all kinds replated. re paired, reflnlshed like new. 3. l: JACOBSON. 636 World-Herald Bldg. "Hats Blocked. HATS I HATS ! Hats cleaned and blocked. Paxton Parlor. 1607 FARNAM. HATS cleaned, reblocked. ladles" straw hats specialty. Mastos Bros.. 1620 Hsr'y. Rug Weaving. WEAVING; all rugs remade. Tyler 1433. Hauling. MOVING, hauling, all kinds; quick serv ice. Webster 4309. - HAULING by day. week or Job. Harney 747. - . ALL kinds of ashes,, refuse hauled. . Wal nut' 3515. ASHES and refuse hauled. Walnut 2900. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETT razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpemrg Co.. 1522 Dodge. 103 N. 16. Osteopath. DR. MABEL WESSON. 311 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglaa. T. 2960. H. 4741. Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Mada Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3657. Gas Stoves Connected. UNO ANDY. The gas man. House piping, stoves connected, light transferlng. Walnut 2008. GAS STOVES connected. $2; fuel, lights and connections; rebuilt gas stoves; reasonable. Harney 1619. GAS stoves connected. $2.00. Tyler 4439. Jewelry. DIAMUNDS,,rj;rwg",opbuc; back at smsll profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., 402 N. 16th St. Doug. 6049. LOST Black handbag; metal top; con taining . motley; small box with wrist watch: name Josef M.'Klss. Sioux City, la., engraved on watch; reward. South 1677. ; ; LOST Black fox neckpiece In vicinity of 24th and Vinton streets. , Call South 3709. Rewsrd. LOST White "fox terrier, black and brown head, stub tail. Named Jack. Reward. Webster 4062. CAMEO brooch with pearls around. Llb eral reward. Harney 4036. PERSONAL, a HE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicts your old clothing, turnlture, magazines. We collect. W distribute. Phono Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. . , LADIES ONLY. ' Msssag treatment given at their home, by appointment. Mrs. M. Bitten house, Douglas 9080. I WILL not be responsible for the debts of may wife. Mary Sana, from March 31, 1930. aa aha left my bed an board. SEBASTIANO SANA. PATIENTS to care for. In tny home. Electric Bath and Alassase, Webster -MI. PATIENTS to care for In my home. Elec tric Bath and Mussase. Webster 2911. li.RNKY INSTITUTE, under new man agfWcnt. 1306 Harney Sts. Tyler 43lY MASSAGE Manicuring. 210 N 17th SU ooeit until ! p. in. . DR. HOLER AN Electro therapy .and massage,, ell insyius an TTT r 1TT.ATAIT Jewelry Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Justice of Peace. G. S. Collins, Justice of the peace. Boom 15. Patterson Blk. Douglaa 3206. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co- 1607 Howard 8t. Mattresses. MATTRESSES made over. Harney 7182. City Mattress Co., 2814 Cuming. Patent Attorneys. STURGES 4 STURGES, registered patent attorneys. Pstents obtained In U. 8. and foreign countries. 330 Bee Bldg. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., Pstent attorneys; procure, buy and sell patents. 583 Brandels Bldg., Omsha. Printing. COCKLB PRINTING, CO. 1818 St., Marys Ave. Douglas 2831. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS GET OUR FIGURES. Our roots srs our proofs. All wortc gtiarsnteed. NORTHWEST READY TtOFFlNO CO. 802 So. Mst. Harney IGV4. DUMP ashes S. W. corner 35th and Fran cis. Douglas 420. FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR ' SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom liulte at $313; ' an Adam Terlod dining suite, at $153; large collection of fine furniture; room size rugs at. a great . reduction: cane mshogany living room suites, at $185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodga Streets. OppoBiet U. P. Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. BIG BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM. 6,000 feet floor covering, 75c yard and up. Ire boxes. $9 and up. Complete line of beds, springs, matreeses. dressers, chiffoniers, tables, chairs, buffets, china and kitchen cabinets, duofolds, library tables, phonographs, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, window shades, garden tools. ' poultry, netting screen wire, dishes, cooking utensils. Open till '9 p, m. Credit if you wish. 1839-47 N..24th St. Web. 1607. AUCTION! AUCTION! Some of the best furniture, rugs and furnishings money will buy will be sold in my auction house, Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Sts., Wednesday, April 7th. Starts at 1 p. in. This is a big sale. Watch the paper for details. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have any thing to sell call Doug. 8878. Doug. 3285, or Tyler 96. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. mm. Co.. 605 n. i. FURNITURE All or In sets; good condl tton; reasonable; a snap If you act quick. F615 S. 20th St. South 4775. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. Large, electrically operated National Cash Register; 4-drawer; cabinet stand register. Keys from lc to $90. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Inquire, W. H. Quivey,. Bet Publishing Co. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. FISH! FISH 11 FISH!!! Live Fish at Llpsman's Fish Market. 2507 Q St. Phone South 3637 MASSAGK chair, leather cushioned; white enameled, equipped for manicuring. 202 v Baird Bldg. Douglas 1 790. SPECTACLES and eyeglasses for young and old; $1.25 to $5; special sale. Room 601. Securities Bldg. DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME BOX CO. HARNEY 1837. BASKET carrier system for sale. 115 South 16th St. KINDLING delivered, $3.50 per load. Webster 459. WANTED TO BUY. WALNUT Logs Wanted 13 inches and up in diameter. Will buy standing tim ber or logs delivered any railroad sta tion In carload lots. Frank PurceU Walnut Lumber Co., 12th and Belt Line, Kansas City, Kan. WE BUY baled wastoSpaper, old maga zines and newspapers State quantity - you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 1 5th and Marcy. Douglas 159. . LIBERTY BOND'S BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. ' 1421 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WILL buy second hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett. 70a North ltith St. Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS. STOVES. TYLER 4988. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS See LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their disoharge papera at our office tn the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. WANTED Traveling position, Nebraska and Iowa territory preferred. Call Web. 3161. WANTED Hauling refuse snd cinders; manure for sale. Walnut 6393. WHITE man wants window washing and house-cleaning. Tyler 4277. WANTED Painting and paperhanging, 1st class work. Wal. 2607. ASHES hauled; reasonable rates. Webster 2606. I . WALLPAPER cleaning. Walnut 797. Female, Housekeepers, laundresses. . Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lota of good places ara alwaya aavemseo. Don i miss tnem. GRADUATE nurse will care for invalid or nervous patient In her home. - Walnut 4293. ' , . Laundry and Day Work. ' . HOME LAUNDRY All kinds of famliy washing, rough-dry finish, curtains blankets, etc. Work guaranteed. Col fsx 2284. EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker wants sewing by the das 50o an hour. Web. ster 1043. EXPERIENCED hand laundry wants, bun dles of all kinds, lace curtains and fancy clothes. Webster 1975. LAUNDRY WORK for Wednesday and Thursday; experienced lady. Douglas 9319. ANY kind of bundle washing. Men'a bundle a specialty. Webster 3948. LAUNDRY work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. DAY WORK Experienced colored lady. Webster 238. BUNDLE washing; experienced laundress. Webst. y 3566. LAUNDRf WORK, oleanlng, 40o tous. Webster 606$. ONE davenport barber chair. Call Ty. 4501. Pianos and Musical Instruments. SAXAPHONES Just received big shipment of melody C saxaphones. Standard, high grade In struments. MUSICIANS' SUPPLY HOUSE 404 Karbach Blk., Phone Doug. 4779. Saxaphones reeds, pads, mnuthpleces. etc. CLARINETS Have two Buffet, Boehm system, low pitch clarinets (B flat and A), will trade for an oboe. Address G-90, Omaha Bee. A. HOSPE CO. Blverything In art and music Pianos for rent. 84.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport fit. OLD violin, suitable for orchestra. Very desirable for hard playing. Call Doug las 8252 after 6 p. ffl. PLAYER-PIANO; real bargain, lilts new. Douglas 470:1. - PIANO, at bargain. Harney i 2014. A GOOD piano reasonable. WeliatT 2951. Clothing. BARGAIN IN CASH Real ermine necK plcce and cuffs, mink choker, sealskin neckpiece, spring suit, new, and several other things. Wellington, Room 207. No Information over the phone. Office Fixtures QUARTER -SAW ED oak, roll top desk and two swivel chairs quarter-sawed oak. See Geo. Devereaux, Omaha Grain Ex change. Lumber and Building. T R Y H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH 30T H ST. Store and Office Fixtures. Stationery. OMAHA' STATIONERY CO.. 307-9 S. 17th. Safes. WE buy, sell nd make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Flxtu St Supply Co., 11th and Douglaa . Doug. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ' ALL MAKES, bsught. aold, rented and repaired. Sole agents tor the CORONA. Get our pricea befora you buy. Every machine guaranteed. t Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4121, 1905 Farnam. WE buv, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Mldlind Office Supply Co.. 1 404 Dodge, RENT an Oliver typewriter three months for $.00. Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam 1., City. Miscellaneous. NEW ele'rtrlc washing machine. $75. standard make. Why pay fancy retail prices? We are western distributers for the fai tory. Omaha Western Sales Co., phone Doi'g. 4423, SAFES AROAIN9' ,:,h F""n. j Gtautod4S'il",,lng roacnlni cbea'p BUNDLE washing and . lace curtains. Webster 1727. DAYWOHK Reliable colored woman. Douglas EC37. IRONINU and daywork; experienced. South 2015. LAUNDRY work; experienced colored lady. Tyler 3866. LAUNDRY work, reliable woman. Web ster 1699. . - WHITE woman wants laundry work. Ty ler 1477. CLEANING, by day or week. Webster 4796. BUNDLE washing, soft water. Webster 6949. LAUNDRY work wanted. Harney 7041, LAUNDRY and day work. Doug. 931t' LADY wants day work. Webster PERFECT bundle washing. Webster 4209. DAY work, reliable woman. Webster 4115. DAY WORK Colored lady. Webitor DAYWORK wanted. Harney DAYWORK and cleaning. Wcbhter LAUNDRY work wanted. Webster CLEANING and daywork. Douglas DAY WORK and laundry. Webster 1226, 6000. 6099. 439$. "4 OS 8. 5o4, CLEANING Reliable woman. Douu. 8011, DAYWORK wanted. Webter 6004. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6216. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 4055. WANTED Day work. Harney 6987. WANTED Daywork. Webster 4556. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 2927. TA YWORK wanted. Tyler 3506. DAY WORK. Call Tyler 3194. DAYWORK. Web. 3278. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED men In our shipping and receiving dept.: good enportunlty for advancement for men who are ambitious, flood wages to start. Apply shipping clerk. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davenport. SALESMAN, Omaha headquarters, must have college education, $175, $200. SALESMAN, Sioux City. $175, $200. SALESMAN. Iowa territory, must have experience and good education. $200. BOOKKEEPER, out of town. $126. CORRESPONDENT and OFFICE CLERK, $120. $125. OFFICE CLERK who can meet th pub- lio. slso take charge of men. $125. STENOGRAPHER and CLERK, good fu- tur $125, TYPIST, knowledge of bookkeeping, $90. MUt.TIGRAPU OPERATOR, good future, $100. OFFICE CLERK, to meet public. $73, STOCK CLERK, good future, $85, $100. OFFICE CLERK, good at figures. $85tS0. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. V Uii rirst National Bank Bldg HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. V WANTED Young man, between age of 25 and SO years for promotion work; must hava fair education, ba wide awake and energetic, also know how to handle boys; permanent employment with opportunity for sdvtnoement; $110 per month to start. Reply in own hand, writing, T-104S Bee. STENOGRAPHER, lumber firm, $7s-$126; etcnographer and clerk, $110; book keepers, $12i-$l35-$130-$175: ledger clerk and assistant cashier, ' $95; city ccllector, $76-8100: clerks, some experi ence, insurance office, $75-$80; clerk, railroad office, $100; pricing clerk, $90 $100; office boys, $60-$55-$60. WESTER REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. (Originators of the Reference Business.) 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Men in our shipping and re ceiving depts. : good opportunity for ad vancement for men who are. ambitious; good wages to start. Apply Shipping Clerk. LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO., 12tn and , Davenport WANTED A drug clerk; must be able to do some R work and hava soda foun tain experience; need not be registered; good salary to the right man: state wages wanted snd send reference with first letter. Felber'e Drug Store, Lau rel. Neb. OFFICE manager, 6 or 7 jeara' experi ence, 30 to 35 years old, good person ality, $250 to $300. File clerk, young man 16 or 17 years, good salary. Office boys, good openings. Let us hava your applications. Right Reference . Com- pany. i"ia Firet isstionai nana. BY wholesale and commission Omaha lumberman young man fit now or grounded for qul-kly becoming fit to as sume responsibilities of such a business, especially aelling. Experience In coun try lumber yard might qualify. Liberal wage." Y-1056. Bee. . .... YOUNG man In order department, whole sale, plumbing house State age, address, phone No., experience, former employ ers, how long with each, salary received, typewriter (?) Write Box D-67, Omaha B?e. TELLER, must have teller exp., $30-$226. BOOKKEEPERS. $176-$200-$160. . ASSISTANT BKKPR and clerk. $100. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. . Bldg. TWO good men to start as stock clerks to work Into floor salesman or execu tives. Right Reference Co.. 101 J First National Bank Bldg. ' WANTED Two young men for shlpplngj room. Midwest Electric Co., 1207 Har ney St. Apply to Mr. Tully. ' ''. MEN over 17 wanted: railway, mall clerk; $110 month; list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 228-P, Rochester. N. T. Professions and Trades. WANTED Pattern makers wooa, pattern makers metal, dterhakere, . tool makers, machinists, machine repslr men, tool grinders, crank shaft grinders, machine hands, bench and machine molders and helpers, laborers for unloading and gen eral factory, work at one of the , largest automobile plants, nearest to Omaha. Wag!s from 60 cents. to.$1.2B per hour. If Interested ' call en Nash Sales Com pany, 10th and Howard, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Mill telegraph and rsdio oper tors 'or signal corps cable and-telegraph system In Alaska. ... Enlistment period, three years. Pay and allowances In Alaska over 1110 per month. Excellent hunting and fishing when off duty. Those enlisting will bs assigned to Signal Corps School. Camp Alfred Vail, N. J., for preliminary Instruction and sent to Alaska In spring. Apply or write RECRUITING STATION. ARMY BLDG., , OMAHA, NEB. Experienced planing mill Apply at once to SCHWERIN BROS., . , Pierce, Nt. BARBER STUDENTS WANTED Special offer; wages; big demand for graduates. Call or write for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 South 14th St. Phone Doug. T777. WANTED A BOTTLER. Good ail around man capable of handling automatic machinery and a good miter. Steady work. Good salary and profit sharing bonus. D-60, Omaha Bee. WANTED Common laborers general ce ment plant work; good -wages, good housing conditions, steady year-round work: population 25,000. Northwetern states Portland Cement Co., Mason City. Iowa. . WANTED Blacksmith or machinist, age 30 years or over, living quarters pro vided; good references required. .. Ad dress O-S, Omaha Bee. WANTED First-class automobile nalnters and finishers. Good wages and steady work. Burlington Buggy Co., Burlington la. FIREMEN, brskemen. 100, for nearby railroad. $160-$200 monthly; experi ence unnecessary. Railway Association, Care YS53. Bee. ; HELPERS In dye. rug ancT hat depts. Steady work, good pay. experience un. necessary. Dresner Bros.. 2317 Farnam. 10 PLASTERERS wanted, at Lord Lister Hospital, 26th and Dewey Ave. Apply Forma n Bros., or Web. S619. WANTED Ornamental Iron and wire workers. Western Iron and Wire Works, 1118 Jackson St. WANTED A man for laboratory work In a wholesale drug house. Good salary. State experience. Y-1042. Bee. WANTED Registered drug clerk; refer ences required. Harley Drug Co., .1101 O St., Lincoln, Neb. EXPERIENCED wringer man. Omaha Wet Wash, 2808 Cuming. GORDON pressfeeders wsnted. Omsha Printing Co.. 1301 Fsrnam. Salesmen and Canvassers. SALESMAN WANTED Fine opporturity for j'oung insn with pep: position open foi city salesman who canr earn $50 to $75 per week w'.ilv a representative firm; experienced salesman preferred, but not essential. Call 2524 Farnam St. WANTED Two Irst class salesmen, men flimitlnr with farmer trade preferred. This Is a motley making proposition. Apply Room lit, Fa.ton hotel. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and panvassere. A REAL i PROPROSITION BY A FIRM OF A GREAT MA NT TEARS OF PAST BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE IN OMAHA NO MONEY TO ADVANCE. SELLING A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES, TIRES, TUBES. HARDWARE. PAINT, OILS AND LU BRICATING OIL. WHOLESALE TO THE FARMERS. WB CAN ARRANGE FOR EXTLUSIVB TERRITORY. THIS PROPOSITION IS ONE OF REAL MERIT AND THROUGH OUR METH ODS YOU ARE ABLE TO -ESTABLISH A BUSINESS THAT TOU ' CAN RE SELL THREE OR FOUR TIMES A TEAR. WE HAVE' MEN MAKING FROM $500 TO $800 PER MONTH. OUR LINE IS A COMMODITY THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE-NECESSITY. GOODS ALL SOLD UNDER .GUARANTEE OR MONEY REFUNDED. WE WANT WEN FOR 'NEBRASKA, IOWA, MISSOURI, MINNESOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA. WYOMING. KANSAS 'AND COLORADO. ACT OUUICKLY. 1S67 HOWARD ST.! s1hafferLOOR-"- Ay.-:FOa.t WANTED High gra'de, eollcltori to can vass , In Omaha for The Bee. Apply , at Bee.offlce; Inquire far Mr. Book.- Y-1046, , "BE A BEE."-. - ..: Stop bussing and gather honey Now is the time, and . ! will give you. the opportunity ,to ms,le big money, selling 8 per- cent guaranteed securities 'which is now. paying IS per cent.- - ' PTh. DEAkMOXT." S2S-23 City Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha THE BCHAEFFER OIL t REF. CO. Want V few htgh-elaes experienced producing oil salesmen who can' show a suecessfu.1 selling roeord. If you 'can not fill the bill, do not waste your .time or ours. For Interview call A. J. Nate, meyer. Division Seles Manager. D. 6161. WANTED THREE OIL MEN FOR ' 8 LINE TERRITORIES ON A LARGE STOCK ISSUE. , 386 BRANDEIS THEA. BLDG. . . i. SALESMEN iWanted to carry our Al . side line article;' good proposition; pocket sample. Write at once to Avenel Sales Co., Fort Dodge, la. SALESMEN wanted at once. Exp. or Inex perienced: '$1,500 up.- elty or traveling. Write for Hat of openings. Box D-26, Omaha Bee. . ., Agents and Canvassers. big money: For producers Of Hall Insurance writer 'In Nebraska; no note to handle; cash when business IS' written; can start at once. General Agent. Box 577. Grand Island; Neb. ' Teamsters and ' Chauffeurs. WANTED. ' WAGON HELPERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN BAILWAT EXPRESS STABLES. , . ISTH'AND DAVENPORT. Boya. BOY WANTED For office work; II to 19 years of age. References required. SEE PUBLISHING CO., , 17th and Farnam. -Aak for Mr. Quivey. ' i i . i .. .. . :. WANTED. MESSENGER BOYS. GOOD WAGES FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, V1STH FARNAM. t: RANTED several yoang men, 17 to 23.yesrs of age for helpers. Splendid opportunity to learn, a good trade. Apply room 105, New Telephone Bldg. -" . NEBRASKA TEL. CO. t . - .- WANTED Bright boy over 16 year fot office work after school. $08 World Herald Btdg. . ' " ' . ERriAND boy wanted. . Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam. Bt. ,- Miscellaneous. WANTED. FREIGHT HANDLERS. I HOURS PER DAT. $100 PER MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. UNION STATION. WANTED. MEN AND BOYS FOR FACTORT WORK. GOOD WAGES. STEADY WORK. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE STS. . WANT two office boys at once who want to work Into something better. Apply etorekeeper, U. P. ehope, gate 9th and Cass Sts. v WANTED Two boys for clerical work. Exp., from 18 to II 'year of age. Ap ply McCord-Brady, 13th and Leaven worth. ' Wanted Beye for tables; good pay and steady positions; hours, 7 to 11:30 even- lngs. A,ppiy Mranaies Btores casnier. MEN wanted. Steady work year around for white or black. Ten hours per day. Good opportunities for advancement. Apply storekeeper, U. P. shop gate, 9th and Cass. . LABORERS AND TRADESMEN. If you want, work, see us; we have many Jobs: all free. 1907 Harne St. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU. POSITION!, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists druggists, veterinarians, nurses F V. Kniest. 213 Bee Bldg., Omsha. WANTED Two . young men to atslst salesmanager. $45 weekly. Call $$ or 4-3. 513 Balrd Bldg HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPH Eft, secretary. $U5. $150. STENOGRAPHER and CLERK. $136. STENOGRAPHERS, $110, $100, $90, $5, $76. v STENOGRAPHER, . Fremont, temporary, $6 per day. BOOKKEEPER, insurance, experienced preferred. $90. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, some typ ing. $16, $90. . OFFICE CLERK, to meet public, $70, $75. OFFICE CLERK, to anewer phone, $10. P. B. . OPERATORS, 170, 166, $60, $55. OFFICE and FILE CLERK to learn mul- tlgraph. $75. OFFICE CLERK, good penman, $65, $70. TYPISTS, $1W,' $100, $90, $86. $75. $65. FILE CLERKS. $70, $65, $60. $50.' OFFICE CLERK, - doctor's office, small amount of stenography,. $80, $75. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. TYPIST, beginners, $50-$55-$60; typist, experienced, ls6-$9t: stenographer, good beginner, $75; dictaphone opera tor. $90$100;-etenegrapHer. some bill ing 'and - listing. $80-$90: stenographer, north) part of city, $$5-$90: stenog raphers, uptown, $100-1125; bookkeep ers. Insurance experience preferred, $l0-$125; file clerks. $36-$60; . file clerk and P. B. X. operator. - $76. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. (Originators ' of the Reference Business.) j-736 First National? Bank Bldg. OFFICE .clerk spd typist'. $75; assistant bookkeeper. $20 week: office rlerk, neat penman.- $70, $76; office clerk, no ex- nArlfw n-alr . I6i BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., . m-n w. o, w. mag. ... STENOGRAPHERS, $60. $90. $100. $110, or belter: erood uptown place waiting. Typists, general office clerks, comp tometer, operators. Good opening for Sxperieneea aentsi , assistant. Rignt ioferehce Company. 1013 First Katlon- STBNOORAPHKRS and bookkeepera, $U5, , $J25.t$100.. TYPISS and blllers, $70-$80. BOOKKEEPER, Insurance exp., $100, $110. TUB MARTI fO., 1118 V. O. VT, Blag, WANTED--Severa1 girls or young women for temporary clerical work, those op erating typewriter preferred, shorthand not necessary. Apply Mrs. Simpson, Bee office. WANTED Competent stenographer; good salary, - permanent position and chance for advancement. Apply sis World Herald Biog. WANTED Typist to use dictaphone and doi general office work: temporary po sition; married woman preferred. Web ster IIZ7J. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position and opportunity for advancement. Apply 803 Farnam. ask tor miss Merrmsn. GEN'L office ais't, nheiesale exp.. $80. COM'I- "REF. CO., 1516 City National. GIRL for light shop work. Matthews book store. 1628 Harney. OFFICE girl wanted. Dreeher Bros., 2217 Farnam, Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES ,..-. , . Da you want a permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities tor good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful eurroundlnga, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefits without cost to employee. NO experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In-training. Rapid t '. - ' ' advancement Parents Invited te investigate working conditions. . ' v , Apply ta - MRS. MORRIS, , Employment Secretary. Room 111 - New Telephone Bullditig. Nineteenth and Douglaa Streeta, YOUNG LADIES Tou will find that the. American Tele phone and Telegraph company Is a mighty fine plaoe to spend your working day. It Is a place where each girl's welfare la of primary consideration and she It given the advantage of a com fortable reet room, a below cost cafe teria, and congenial compantona The ealary la good and the frequent lncreaaee make It a very attractive of fer to any ambitious girl Miss Bell will tell you all about iL Apply $18 New Telephone Bldg. , AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS' WANTED TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES. SHORT HOURS. GOOD WAGES. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. WANTED Checker, spotter and pretser; good wages; steady employment. Dresner Bros., 2217 FArnam. CHOCOLATE DIPPERS WANTED. APPLY AT OLYMPIA CANDY KITCHEN. Saleswomen and Solicitors. BARCLEY corsets, complete line; silk and knitted underwear: guaranteed hosiery. Salesladies make $5 00 day and up. Walnut 3818. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework, two children; no washing or Ironing; rood wages. Mrs. R. M. Burrusa, 620 Cass. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED AT ONCT1. Able to take full charge; good wages: pleasant home. Write Mrs.. Josef Burns, Iowa City. Ia. . WANTED A COMPETENT WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ' MRS. RALPH PETERS, 514 SOUTH 40TH STREET. HARNEY 206. WANTED White girl to assist with housework. Mrs. Chart's Mc.Mal tin, 610 Webster St. Walnut 1464. FOR LAUNDRESSES. DAY WOMEN. i;to look in the situation col- liMN OF THF BEE WANTED Competent girl to assist with housework and children. Call Harney 1111. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. Girl for cooking and second work. No laundry. Mrs. John O. Woodward. H Oakland Ave. Council Bluffs, la. GIRL for general housework: no laundry; good pay. 2214 S St. South 1964. Mrs. E. G, Smith. GIRL for general housework; good wages; no laundry. 187 N. 40th. Harney 367. COMPETENT white girl; no laundry. Mrs. Patch. 12T P. 38th St. H srney 3016. WANTED A COMPETENT SECOND MAID. $08 S. 83D AVE. HAR. 808. wages. SEAMSTRESS Dreeher Bros. wanted, good 2317 Farnam. MAID for general housework, small house. 630 South 81st. Harney 8011. GIRL for general housework, good wages. Mrs. G. H. McMonles. Harney 5470, WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. Ward Burgess. 123. Hprth 22d St. EX'PERIENCED.cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Walnut 4090. . Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER AND TLOOR GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. APPLY QUICKSERVE CAFETERIA. CITY NAT L BK BLDG., BASESIKNT. WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced colored waitresses " for full time or half time, also bus girls. Come prepared to work. Apply . Green Room Cafe, BRANDEIS STORES. 4 DJF.T kitchen girl. Wise Memorial hos pltal. 26th an d Harney. MAID WANTED. , Apply Housekeeper. Blackstone Hotel. GIRLS to serve at soda tables. Phelps' Hut. 1708 Douglas. MAID wanted. Hotel Keen, 18th and Harney Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN OUR ICING ANfl PACKING DEPARTMENT: flOOt WAGES, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Apply Superintendent. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., . 12TH AND DAVENPORT STS. WANTED. Bright attractive girl to run elevator, no experience required; good pay; si tractlve surroundings. See superintend- ELDRiDGE-REYNOLDS CO. EXPERIENCED and inexperienced lady pressers. We teach you. Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning Dept., Council Bluffs. Iowa. WOMAN. 25 or 30 years old. to work ii bath department of physlcian'i office Phone Tyler 2363. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION. for thv benefit of bualness girls. 523 Bee Bldg Douglaa 6698. EX P E RIENCED bindery girls wsnted. Omaha Printing Co.. 1501 rornam bib. HAND 1RONER wanted. Apply Fontenells hotel laundry dept. v HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to learn barber trade; big demand: wagee while, learning; strictly modern. Csl! or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Berber College. LADIES or men. either experienced or bp prentice In kodsh finish. 209 S. 18tb St. The Hopson Co. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma ehlne bookkeeping, comptometry. abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and sll English snd commercial branchee. Write, call or phone Douglas 1665 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. WE TEACH YOU TO ACTUALLY DRIVE AND CARE FOR FORD CARS FOR $5. PHONE DOUGLAS 08. Van Sent School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6390. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Grill, hotel and delicatessen. Best paying business In tt'e northwest. Inquire Brand's, Boise, Idaho. HERE Is a real opportunity. For sale, Federal Bakery, doing wonderful busi ness. This store will make jou a net profit from $600 to $1,200. This la ' snap.. won't laat long. Must be sold within . 10 days. Owner leaving city. Investigate and see for yourself. For appointment address D-63 care Omaha Bee. OIL TRACTS 'AT SACRIFICE Two Gulf Coast Development and Refining Co. oil traeta Taken off mar ket at $500 eai-h. Investigate. Address Box ,3C-6, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Ford cafe, doing better than $2,000 month business; poor health rea son for selling. A. L. Archer, Seward Neb. WILL sell tin shop; good location; stesd business. Doesn't require much money. Address Y-1057. Omaha Bee. FOR quick sale, cheap, only hotel and rooming house In good town. Box 71, Pslmer. Neb. OUR business Is to buy and sell your business. Quick Service Selling Experta, nit urown mag. FOR SALE Foundry and machine shop. Easy terms. R. L. Jackson, Mason. City. Ia. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TTLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR smiths AND ADVERTISER8. PLEASANT room. Mlnne Lusa; m blocks from car; two ladles employed; break fast and Sunday dinner If desired. Tel. voi. m. Katsten. 2731 Ida St. LARGE southwest front room, alcove and closets, suitablo for 3 or $, gentlemen preferred: on car line. Beautifully lo- LOVELY COOL ROOM WITH ALCOVE. 3 WINDOWS; VERY PLEASANT MOD ERN HOME: ONE-HALF BLOCK TO CAR. HARNEY 711$ " HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. .,l,..SiJf,STL i BLOCK TO CAR. PLEASANT. MODERN ROOM. GEN TLWMEN PREFERRED. HARNET 118. CLAIRMONT INN. 17TH AND JACKSON T;V.5,fJ?MS FOR PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT GUESTS SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES. DOUGLAS 273S SINGLE room for men only; running hot 'o waier; wunin walking distance. Brown Apartment, 608 N. 2IaL Doug. 5644 838 8. 29TH Pleasant room on bath room iiuor, eiectric iignis, v, block from m rmr line. namey is.. FURNISHED room, suitable for couple; light houskeeplng privileges; private borne. Walnut 5412. TWO large, parlor rooms on first floor. Everything furnished. 2803 Poppeeton Ave. Harney 1236. NICELY furnished room for two gentle- i.1 .'" " rom tarnam on XSth St. Tyler 761. NICE room; modern conveniences; good V", . ..,'" '" or scnooi teacber. PLEASANT SOUT ROOM. MODERN'" E.I'i'AJ'' HOME. WITH WIDOW. v c no i r rv o i , LA ROtt front sltplnf room; gentlemen Yrt. r&ee-ii 71 Cl...- eiAa.. . ' : v- gwmn oviir. n arney dht. HARNBr Ure front room, nicely s,u. itiniiT-Tl. UOUHlttS J 40 I, 701 8 J6TH-r-3d floor: large front room, lultahle for 2 gentlemen. NICELY furnished rooms, Farnam car line, board optional. Walnut 1914 CT.',!?AN' 'I'T''d sleeping room. Harnev 29!6. 960 X. 26th St. Py"A-SA,T,. 'Plng rooma reasonabl.T .40, Capitol Ave. l t2?08,'SKliD 1epln tMrai gentlemen, Bee Want Ads Produce Result. J -4