Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE; OMAHA, VuESD AY, APRIL 6, 1920.
Lincoln Bureau Bee
P. A. Barrows, Correspondent
Automobile. Stalled by Snow,
Speaking Tour Resumed on '
Train New Scrjedule
n i;'C(iln, Xe'.. Anril 5.-(Sp,ccia1.)
v Oiv nor AlcKelvie was back 6n
' t- '',;s mornine; after be'-x driven
-"'e severe stormi of--S5turday.
'fro nut in Nebraska his
'' !ie stuck in a snow-
"M Vie e!o'inece of the gov-
e:npr n')!( to cut it loose.
- jVtv of Harrv. Pratt, ex
I ' ' ' "T fo"rerly of I iuonier,
'" t-Vnk the contract to de
1 - river"or safe and sound
tnvns where speaking
'' ' ' 'prr rran"P(l.
rxi New S"hdule.
V-p-i ;p of he disarrangement of
- t'le "ivenior gave out the fol
:nr today:
T'"sday rielit he will soeak at'
Hi'!t;njs and Wednesday ?fternoon
he n-'ll sock atSewurd at J p. in." at
tliie c nirt house. Wednesday even
ings he speaks ajr-8 r. m. at the
jourt hoi'seat York. These last tvo
re meetines which we're scheduled
' ror last Saturday, but were neces
sarily postpowed on account of the
SlUI Ml. i A
, 1 his week the I hursday attcrnoon
meeting at Syracuse ias been fa-Hed
off. v but Thursday evening he will
speak, accfrdinr to arrangements,
it Tecuhisch.
Change in Hours.
Friday he will sneak at Humboldt
fit 2, p. m., instead of .1 p: m., and
that evening at Falls City. ,
Saturday he will speak at Pawnee
City at (Kp. m., instead of 3 p. m.,
is nreviously annouiiped. with an
evening meeting Saturday at Be
atrice. The changes in hours have been
made necessary, due to train sched-
ules, as it will probably be impos
,,r.ible to travel this week by auto
mobile. .
G. A. R. State Encampment
. Atremont Next Month
. Lin'cojn, Neb., &priljs (Special.)
. The state encampment of the G.
. R.. V. R. C. the Sons of Veterans
and ljindred organizations will be
l;ld this year at Fremont, Monday,.
Tu.:'iy ami Wednesday, May 17,
. 13'and i9, following the action of the
executive committee of flic G. A. R.
which accepte the Fremont invitation
after Broken ,Bow has discovered
that they could not handle the meet
ing besause of paving conditions of
th street's of that city.
The Sons of Veterans will hold
their annual encampment at the
same place on Tuesday and Wednes
day of the same wek, while the other
organizations will meet on the same
dates at the G." A. R. --
W. C. T. U JVomen Say They ' -Endorsed
No Candidate
Lincoln, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Officers of the Lincoln chapter of
the W. C. T. U. have issued a signed
-statement declaring that at a recent
meeting no attempt was made to
endorse the candidacy of any indi
vidual in the presidential campaign.
The president, Mrs. C. S. Clayton,
-says that she urged members to
consider the records of candidates in
the temperance campaign, but that
no efforts "were made to influence
the party affiliation of njembers.
Midland Invites Schools
- To Take Part in Track Meet
. Fremont, Neb., April S (Spe
cial.) Midland college Has issued
invtiations to" 34 high schools within
Na radius of 5(J .miles of Fremont, to
compete in a track and field pieet
here May 1. Arrangements are vtn
der the direction of Coach "Bob"
-Sisty of Midland and Prof. T. L.
Cline, athletic director. The date is
two weeks before the annual state
high school . tournament at Lin
coln. v ' . -
Johnson'County Assessor
, - Comes Out for Pershing
Tecumseh. Neb.. April 5. County
Assessor Sam Greer today "&n
nounced his endorsement of John J.
Pershing for president.
"I have talked with oeoDle from
all parts of Johns.011 county," Mr:
Greer said, "and 1 rtyid sentiment
growing more rapidly for Pershing
than for anv other candidate.
, , .
Correct Arrangements -of Orna
mental' Planting For personal call
and advice phone 1698. We have no
. agents. Meneray JCursw-y and Seed
..Store. 3341 West Brojdway. Coun
cil Bluffs. la. Adv.
Cofrick Says, Wood .
L Delegates Wifl Abide
By Choice df Voters
Lincoln. Neb., April S.-r-Frank P.
Corrick, Nebraska manager of the
campaign to secure the nomination
of Gen. Leonard Wobd as a repub
lican presidential candidate, issued
a-, statement today saying Wood
candidates for delegates to the. re
publican national convention if
elected April 20, would abide by the
presidential preference choice of the
voters. His statement was in re
sponse to an inquiry by Jrrank A.
Harbison, Nebraska manager of the
campaign for Senator Hirain W.
Johnson of California.
Says Socialism Would
; . Extinguish Americanism
Lincoln, K'eb., 'April 5. (Special.)
"If socialism is permitted to flour
ish it will extinguish Americanism
as water extinguishes fire," declared
Montaville Flower, lyceum lecturer,
at the weekly meeting of the Wood
f or-President club here today.
Flower declared that the clear cut
issue in the coming election is
Americanism against internationisnj.
He said that internationalism had its
birth in the councils of the German
kaiser. 4
Railroads In Nebraska Are
Hard Hit by Easter Blizzard
Lincoln, Neb., April S. Railroad
traffic, crippled by an Easter snow
storm, was still so.mewhat ham
pered in Nebraska today, some of
the roads reporting traffic tied up on
branch TineS. -The Rock Island re
ported conditfons improved in this
state, but that its Chicago-Denver
lllie was blocked by drifts near
Smith, Center, Kan. The line was
expected to beopened before night
fall, however. " '
Prohibition Party Will. '
Have Ticket in Nebraska
Lincoln, Neb., April 5. The pro
hibition party will nominate a
ticket of candidates for state of
fices at the April 20 primary, J. A.
Murray, state chairman, said today.
Mr, Murray stated that although
the party- had failed to file a ticket
byiUarch 20, the last day for filing,
voters would be provided with blank
informal ballots on which the names
of "dry" candidates could be written.
Lincoln School Board
Rejects Bids for Bonds
Lincoln. Neb., April S. (Special.)
The board of education Monday
afternoon rejected two bids for the
saie of $400,000 worth of building
bonds and decided t5 advertise
again, asking for additional bids.
This action was forecast at a con-'
ference of members held several
days' ago.
It's Easy to
Put on Flesh
All you have to do, if you are too thin
ind want to put on several pounds of
olid "itay-there" flesh is to take a flve
grain tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate with
,.-h neaL This builds up the nervous
' system, enriches the blood and thus
enables the vital organs to assimilate the
flesh, building, strength-making elements
of your food which now largely go to
waste. Folks who have tried it state
the not only put on flesh but that it
also almost , invariably increases their
tntnffth. enersfv and endurance. You can
get enough Blood-Iron tablets -for a ihree
weeks' treatment of Sherman MeConnell
Dnir Co.. or any other druggist, for nly
$1.60 and It's so uniformly successful that
your druggist, a man you know, is au
thorised to refund, your money if you
don't like it Better get package today
and begin to get stronger and healthier.
as well as better looking.
Cuticura Soap
Imparts- -The
Velvet Touch
fcap.OlanBwit.Tsleni e.nmj mkmTfUnfn
LOSES $1,000 TO
Highjackers Pose as Federal
Officers and Relieve Victim
Of Cold Cash for -
' "Protection."
- s
Beatrice, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Highjacking has become a profita
ble business in other places besides
Omaha, according to a prominent
citizen of Beatrice, Neb., ..who re
cently lost $1,000 to three local high
jacker whose names have been
The three enterprising young men
drove to the house of a local farm
er near Beatrice, and posing as fed
eral officers, ordered him, to jail un
less he paid them several thousand
dollars cold cash for protection.
After explaining to him that they
knew he was moonshining on his
farm, they decided Ao accept the
$1,000 and let him offVasy. He gave
them the money, and then proceed
ed to town to bring legal action
against the men. , .
When 'his attorney informed nim
that he was liable to prosecution
under the federal and state law
himsetf, for Jiavhig "liquor on his
premises, he' decided to drop the
maUer and his $1,000.
Worst Blizzard Since
1873 Around Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
The tlizzard which raged here
Saturday and .Sunday left banks of
snow from five to six feet high in
all parts of the city. There was a
snowfall of about 15 inches on the
level. 1 -
ThcT Vwkm , Pacific1 southbound
passenger train from Lincoln was
stalled all night in a snowbank three
miles south of Cortland. Burling
ton trains- ,on the Nebraska City
Holdrege branch were annulled on
account ofthe storm, but are run
ning on schedule tfme again.
The storm was the worst in' this
section at this season of the year
since 1873. It waj especially severe
on stock not properly sheltered. J
Renamed Board Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April S. (Special.)
At a-meeting of the board of edu
cation this afternoon it was an
nounced that J. G. Ludlan, present
secretary of the, board, has been re
elected at an increase in salary.' (Sir.
Ludlan is also in the civil service
competition for the Lincoln -post-office.
To Complete Organization.
Lincoln, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
The Lincoln grain exchange will
hold a meeting Wednesday to com
plete ns organization. Seven out of
town members were admitted at the
meeting held' today. The exchange
plans to begin operations at once."
Take tablets only as od in each "Bayer" package.
The "Bayer Cross' is the thumb
print of genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin." It protects you against
imitations and identifies the genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
over eighteen years.
Always buy an unbroken package
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which
contains proper directions to sately
relieve Colds, - Headache. Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago,
Rheumatism, Neuritis, Joint Parns,
and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes1 of twelve tab
lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
also selflarger "Bayer" packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester
of Salicylicacid.
in Body
. Never mind your age as measured by years. How do you
feel? That's the thing that counts! " . 1
See this sprightly old gentlemen coming toward you down
the street. His birth record would show you that he is, past
seventy. But judging from the easy grace witlv which he
, swings along, his errect carriage, his ruddy complexion, the
keen glance of his eye, his whole appearance the very picture
of health, you would say that hete not a day past fifty. He
is young in spite of his three score years and ten. -
More frequently you see the opposite of his type. Men scarcely in
their thirties- haggard, listless, wealc, nervous men who take no interest
in life, just -dragging out a weary existence, all in, tired and worn out
Though young in years, they are. nevertheless, old men. Their vital
forces are on the wane. They've lost their "punch" and "pep." They
feel old and they look it! ,
Stay young by keeping your body fit. Keep stomach, bowels, liver, '
kidneys and bladder healthy and active. Build up your strength and health.
Nothing will accomplish these results better than
Big South Dakota Road
feond ISsue Meets Defeat
-v r w-J a m t e t
Btson,&. u., April o. -special.;
Belated" reports from all precincts
in ine county anow. uui mc
bond issue for the purpose of build-1
ing a hard roads system in Perkins
county was defeated by a vote of
S94 for and 881 against. This was
the largest bond issue of its kind
ever voted on in the state, and it
was expected that it would carry
Gage Farm Mortgages
Total Nearly $2,000,000
Rratrir Netv. Anril 5. fSne-
i r- :.. n.
Well.; fdllll uiuilgctgca 111 Udge
county during the month of March
totalledv nearly SOOO.O&O. There
were 215 farm mortgages filed dur
ing the month, the total being $1.-
n16743.47: The number released was
$479,620. There were 76 city mort
gages filed in March . and 56 re
leased. The' totals were $147,166
and 68,000 respectively.
3eatrice Debating Team - A
a -LI-..-
wins i-rom Asnianu uroup
Beatrice, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
The affirmative debating team of
the Beatrice high school yesterday
droye to Ashland, Neb., where it
won a unanimous decision over the
team there on the railway strike
Question. Beatrice was represented
by Miss Bertha Fishbach,' Winslow
Van Brunt, and Ernest Beam.
Street Car Service Is
. Resumed Following Storm
Lincoln, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Street car service, which has been
at a standstill Nhere since the begin
ning of the blizzard Saturday, was
resumed today on eratic and irregu
lar schedule. The Capital Beach,
North Bend and North Twenty-first
street lines were not opened Until
Monday afternoon, however
Named City Physician. '
Lincoln,. Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Dr. W. H. Clatterty has been ap
pointed city physician to succeed
Dr. H. A. Gerbig.. His appointment
was announced Monday morning by
City Commissioner, John Wright.
To Erect $130,600 School
Building at St. Paul, Neb.
St. Paul. Neb..4 April 5. (Special.)
The school board has just closed
a contract for ihe erection ofa new
high school building which will cost
$130,000. It will be located on the
eight-acre tract recently presented
to the district by N. J. Paul, founder
of the town. The contract for th
main building was awarded to Ed
ward R. Green of Seward, Neb., and
the heating and plumbing contract
was awarded to' the Robert Parks
Heating and Plumbing Co. of
Omaha. .
riavc Root Print It Beacon
Press. Adv.
Hot water
Sure Relief
Fee Want Ads Are Best Business
The Great -General Tonic -
Jort tnr"LYKO" when you art feelin the lautbit Jaded,
tired and worn out See (or yourself how quickly it rejuvenate-what
a freah feeling of strength and power ia given
you. It'a a reliable appetiier. tplendid aid to digeaaion. be
atdertendii to atrengthen and tone op the entire body.
Your druggist has "LYKO." Get a bottle today. Look
for the name on the package and accept no substitute.
Sole Manufacturers
New York Kansas City, Mo.
LYKO U toll In wtilnal o.c-
gas mr, mm pictura
Raiiua all aubatilutaa.
Wizard Mop Special
A high-grade 2.01 Wizard
mop, a 25c bottle of polish,
- and a 15c dust cloth for pol
ishing floors and furniture,
all worth 2.40, special,
-for ' 1.69
Bargain SquareBasement.
II - m i f
n11 .FMMra.a. ,1111' M
i:u" rvri WKWTini uruui
White Borax Soap
jo Bars (or 47c
This -is1 the regular Cuda
hy's White Borax soap, for
laundry 'purposes. Special,
for Tuesday,., at 10 bars
for 47$
Bargain SquareBasement.
mn! Sqoaire Specials
On the Main Floor and in the Basement
For sal br Beatnn Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts.. and
11 retail drufcf ists.
Importedx Novelty -Handkerchiefs
, Regular 25c Values
Uemstitcbed and rolled hems all the new shades and pat
1 terna in fancy checked borders, plain colored borders with
; double hemstitched edges,' plain white with tape borders and
colored drawn , threads," and plain white lawn with colored
Initials; regular 25c values, . ' -k ' O1
special, each, at ' lawVzC
' - Bargain Square Main.
Women's Fiber and Silk Hosiery
Irregulars of Quality ' V
Semi-fashioned with lisle garter tops and soles; fancy lacey
boot effects in black, brown, gray and tan," irregulars of 1.50
"quality, special, it 1 , ,
per "pair L OaC
BargainKSquareMain. '
Untrimmed Shapes ,
There are over 600 of these new and up-to-date untrim
med 6hapes,fn women's hats. T" o materials are of chif : and
hemp braids and are very exceptionaT-values. On sale "TQ
Tuesday, at " - I fC
Bargain Square Basement. '
Children's Hats
Neatly banded little has in many different styles and
colors; suitable for school wear ribbon streamers. 4
Special, for Tuesday, each at ' v 1 e7
, ' I . Bargain Square Basement. t
' Women's Small Size Pumps
Fqr women who can wear small shoes there are real bar
gains. Most of them are of satin, and they will make excellent
bouse shoes. Sizes are 3, 84 and 4. Specially V AQf
priced, at "aC
$0 exchanges, no mail orders, no C. 0. D.'s.
Bargain Square Basement. ,
Young Wonien's Pumps , -
Worth 3.95
A neat ankle strap pump of patent leather with a dainty '
bow on the ramp; fpotform shapes; sizes 3 to 5. rj
Regular 3.95 values, specially priced,vat, per pair 1 aaO
Bargain Square Basement.
Children's Tub Dresses
C Girlish little models in pink, blue, tan and green ging
hams, checks, stripes and solid colors ; sizes 2 to 6 -f q,
years; special, fro the one day only, at - 1 eXif
1 . Bargain Squares-Main. ,
Children's Drawers
Of good quality white cotton materialgathered at he
knee, and trimmed with ruffle of embroidery; sizes
2 to 10 years; special, for one day only, at OOC
Bargain Square Main.
Infants' Rubber Diapers v
The new popular make no pins, no buttons. All mothers
are familiar with them and know their worth. In rQ
. three sizes, specially priced, at daC
Bargain Square Main.
Girls' Bloomers
Worth 1. 00 - ti
Of good heavy white sateen, well made and cut full; sizes
2 to 12 years;, worth 1.00, each. Special, v ylft
for Tuesday, at . HC
x . j Bargain Square Basement.
Women's Bano Aprons r,
s- Worth 69c to 1.00
Good, serviceable aprons or gingham and percale; several
styles In various lengths; worth 60c to $1; special
for Tuesday, at taC
Bargain Square Basement.
Women's and Misses' Drawers '
Worth 6gc
Of good materials, cut full and well made; embroidered
and tuck trimmed; worth 69c. Special, for Tues-.
- Ta
Bargain Square Basement'.
day, at
Drug Specials
Bose Bath toilet soap, regular 3 for 25c values,
special each, aat 5c, or per dozen 55t
Fare Castile Soap, special, per one-ponnd bar
.at 291
Maris Talcum rowder, special, per can, at 19
Java BJz face powder, 50c size, special, at 39
'Pebeco Tooth Paste, 50c tube, special, at 39t
Four-Inch wool powder puff, wortli 60c, spe
cial, at 29
Hand scrubs, worth 15c, special, at 10
Tooth Brushes, worth 85c, special, at 25
One-pound, hospital cotton, special, at' 49
Colorlte' hat dye, worth 25c, special, at 19
One pound Peroxide, .full strength, special
at 29J
Pullman Hair Brashes, worth $1, special 49
Sponges, worth 19c and 25c, special, at 15
Ljrsol, worth 60c, special, at 39
-Bargain Square Main.
Tuesday Is
Fast colored wash edging, per bolt 10t
Rick Back braid, fet bolt 10
Bias tape, white only, per bolt " 10
Fast colored darning cotton, 6 for 255
Baby Jiffy pants, pair, at - 50
Good safety pins, 0 cards for 25
Inside skirt belting, per yard - - 10
Basting thread, large spools, at 10J
Rust-proof dress clasps, 6 cards for 255
Corset laces, white and pink, S for 25t
Paper shopping bags, each, at ' 10
Large bottle of machine oil, each, at 15
San slk crochet cotton, per spool 10
Elastic remnants, each, '5
Dressing pins, paper of 8 for 25t
Dressing combs each, at 25
Bargain Square Main.
Fancy Silk Nets
Worth i. so per yard,
Very Special, at
Wo have over 2,500 yards of this fancy pure
silk net,' in plain and striped lace effects; very
attractive for dresses or blouses; in white, pink,
gold and other delightful evening shades. Very
specially priced, at, per yard 39t
Bargain Square Main.
Hat Trimming Ribbons
Narrow two-toned ribbon in the most pop
ular combinations; also, gold and silver tones
for millinery uses and dress
trimming. Per yard, OC Up
Sash and Girdle Ribbons
In plain satin; also fancy stripe. These
feature with new suits, at 1.39 to 1,50
Main Floor North
Cqtton Crepe Corset Covers
v . Worth 69c
The lot also includes fancy'cototn camisoles; all sixes;
good materials and well made, practical and service
able garments. Specially priced, 'at J y t7C
. Bargain Square Basement.
Bleached Muslin and Cambric
Long mill lengtlfs, suitable for sheets and pKVws; 38
Inches wide;, very good quality and excep- 1 4 1
tionally low priced, at, per yard, ' 1 0 2C
v Bargain. Square Basement.
Fancy Printed Curtain Voile
. . , 'Regular ape Value
This lot Includes a great variety of attractive patterns
with reversible borders; 'desirable for bedroom or din'ag room
curtains; 36 inches wide; regular 29c values; special, 4 Q
at, per yard 1 C
Bargain Square Basement.
Dress Gingham ' ,
Worth 3sc per yard
This lot includes a good asso tm i 0 plaids, cheeks and
popular plain shades, assorted patterns for dresses and
waists; regular S5c values. Special , OAlt
at, per yard, &t2l
Bargain Square Basement.
z ' '
Boys' Blouses'
- ( Special, at Three Tor 1:00
In collar attached and spor. collar styles; plain and fancy"
stripes; all sizes; splendid school and play blouses. 4
Very special, at, three for , ' . lwU
Bargain Square Basement. 1
Children's Drawer Waists
Regular 65c Values, Very Special at 47c
Well made of a good quality of white cambric; reinforced
and tape fastened buttons; regular 65c values; m m
special, at ' x . XlC
' Bargain Square Basement
Girls' Dresses
. Worth 2.00 to 3oo
These are odds and ends of girls' white, and gingham
dresses, unusually attractive in style and well made; in plain 1
colors, checks and plaids; white dresses trimmed in fine lace
and embrolderry. Worth 4Q
2 to 3. Special, at j , 1 art 57
. - Bargain Square Main.
Silk Envelope Chemise . 1
Regular 5.00 Values
A large variety of styles in Crepe de Chine, and Wash
Satin: lace and georgette 'ops; built-up-shoulders o qq
and ribbon straps; worth $5. Special, at . OaaO
, Bargain Square Main.
Bungalow Aprona
Regular j.98 Values
Very practical aprons of goodquality percale. Thi. Tiave
the open fronts, V-necks and small collars. Regular -i Aft
1M values; very special, at 1 ' llTr5
Bargain Square Main.
Drapery Madras
Worth j.98 per yard
3,500 yards of madras, 36 inches wide, in new shades of
Old Rose, Blue and Gold; attractive floral and bird designs;
worth 1.98 per yard on the bolt; , f.f
special remnants at, per yard, leUU
Bargain Square Main.
Odd Curtains -'
OnlyFifteen Hundred
The lot also includes panel curtains, 2 to 3 yards long.
Some can be matched. Exceptional values, each
at ' '
Bargain Square Main. '
: Tuesday Is
Cotton Underwear and Cotton
Women's UnionSuits
For women; cuff or loose knee styles;
cut very full .and "elastic for summer
wear; in flesh and white. , Regular and
extra sizes; very special, qh
at, per suit, , . OOC
Ribbed Lisle Vests
For Summer wear; well made and very
elastic; bodice or regulation stjlles wfth
crochet or band top finish r all sizes in'
flesh and white; very ' CA '
special, each, at , dUC '
Women's Gauze Vests
They are cut ' very full; crocheted
finished top; regular and extra sizes in
flesh and white; very QC
special, each, at x 0DC
Children's Union Suits
For Spring and Summer wear; taped
from the shoulder to the waist line with
extra buttons and suppoiter fastenings;
sizes 4 to 12 years; -s
very special, at DC
'r Third Floor East.
Women's Union Suits
Fine cotton suits; sleeveless; lace
knee; sizes 36 to 44; specially aq
priced, at, per suit a)aC
.Women's Ribbed Vests
Cotton sleeveless ribbed vests; -sizes
36 to 44. Lay In a Summer supply1, now
while you can get them at such a bar
gain. Specially priced, ff
"each, at 15; 6 for leUU
Pure' Thread Silk Hosiery
These pure thread silk hose for women
nae double soles, lisle garter tops and
seam back, in tlack, white and colors;
. seconds of a regular 11 quality, QC,
special, 3 pair for $lor, pair OOC
Bargain Square Basement. . j
Women's Vests at 25c .
of fine gauze;
Women's Pants at 39c
In tight and lace knee; -all
sizes Priced at )a7C
Basement East
Full taped; sleeveless;
all sizes. Each
priced at '
'omen's Lisle Hosiery,
For women; seamless foot and mock
"Beam back; double soles; reinforced
heels; colors of black, white and shoe
shades; all first quality hose,'
special, at, per pair x UC
"Elack Cat" Hose for
Misses and Children,
For misses and children the famous
"Black Cat" brand; reinforced heels ani
toes; light and medium weight! all sizes
in black, white and brown;
regular5c values, special at 59C
Children's Light and Me
dium Weight Hose
Inf light and medium weight: double
soles; in black, white and brown; all
sizes. Special, "
at, per pair, 35c
Hosiery Day
Women's Cdtton Hosiery
Main Floor South.
With double soles, in black and white:
all sizes. Priced, n
-per pair, at eOC
Men's Cotton and Lisle
Seamless throughout; .in black, white
colors also Rockford socks. r
Priced", per pair, at eOC
Children's Black and
White Cotton Hose
Black and white cotton ribbed hosiery;
all sizes;. Priced, nr.
per pair, at ' ' OC
- Bargain Square Basement
.Women's Hose, 75c Value,
At, Special, 35c
Fine lisle and cotton hosier'; seamless; (
double soles, heels and toes; colors of
black, white and dark brown; irregulars
ofvJ5c quality, ipecial, QC
at, per pair OOC
Bargain Square Main.