Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OAfAHA, TUESDAY". APRIL 6, 192U. MUSIC MINGLED WITH BUSINESS FOR THIS BUNCH N. S. M. T. AOpen Sessions Of Annual Convention With ; Program at v Fonte nelle T6day. The Nebraska Stat Wusic Teach ers' association opeps its fourth an nual convention at the Hotel Fonte nelle thiJynorning, with registration from 9 td 10 a. m., and a musical program following. A short address of welcome will be given bv Mayor Smith and a brief fesponse by Henry G. Cox, presi &.n of the association. A group of tKO piano numbers wm dc present ed by Miss Adelyri Wood and Mrs. Dorothy Morton Jobst of Omaha. Mrs. Louise Jansen Wylie will sing and Mrs. Mabel Woodworth Jensen, ci Council Bluffs will ppesent violin numbers. Much Musk on Program. The afternoon session will be, a musical program consisting of a. violin and piano sonata, played by Carl Beutel of University Place and August Moteer of Lincoln; contral to solos by Madam Gilderoy Scott i of Lincoln, Gertrude Cutoertson, ac comoanist, a group of piano solos by Herbert Schmidt of Lincoln; so- 1 prano solos by Mabel Allen-Smailsj Dorothv Morton Jobst, accompany ist, and a . quintet, for strings and f - t - j String quartet and Miss Corifie Paulson, pianist' ',,- In. the evening an elaborate pro gram will be given t the. First Presbyterian church, when the com bined choirs of All Saints church and the' First Presbyterian church, under the direction of J. H. Sims, will present several sacred num bers. Mr. Lawrence Robbins of Lincoln and Mrs. Louise Shadduck Zabriskie wilL play organ numbers; Mr. Fred G. Ellis and Mr. George S. Johnston will be heard in solos, and the quaftet i r the First Pres byterian church" will' give one num ber. Unique Morning Entertainment . The Wednesday morning" program is unique in the annals of Omaha music and it will put the true music lovers to the, test by starting promptly at 9 o'clock. It is the classical program and - contains a ADVERTISEMENT MOTHER! - 'California Syrup of Figs" - Child's" Best Laxative- Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California "on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic fon the little stomach, ,livr and bowels. Children love its fruity taste,. Full directions on . each bottle. You must say "California." ADVERTISEMENT HOLDS VAST FOOD VALUE li asm Scientific Tests Prove Father John's Medicine Is 6 Tims Mor NourUhing thn"Milk ju , " uyttan 2U " M " " Stk s" .' Cod Fish That Father John's Medicine con tains a vast store of food value and strength-building, energy-producing elements" is established by recent scientific tests. This rich nourish mejit is in a form which is more easily taken up by the system than the common foods we eat and has ' many times greater food value. Because it supplies' the nourish ment which : you do not obtain from your food and supplies it in ' the form which the system most easily takes up and turns into tis- sue. 'muscle, flesh and strength. Father John's Medicine has had more than sixty years of success as a food tonic for those who are weak and run down. ' It is guaranteed that Fajther John's Medicine positively does not contain, any alcohol or any danger ous, habit-forming drugs or opi ates. It is a pure and wholesome, nourishing tonic food a doctor's prescription, not a patent medicine. Begin taking it today. concerto for three pianos and or chestra, a Bjch number for 10 stringed instruments, a Beethoven septet for four stringed and three woodwind instruments, a flute so nata and violin concerto with orchestral accompaniment and sev eral vocal solos. This program would not have been presented in the morning except for the fact that many of the men who take part in the orchestras are pro fessional players at the theaters aft ernoons and evenings. Publisher of Editor and PublishervDies In New York New York. April 5. William D. Showalter, editor of the Editor and Publisher, died at his home here Sunday after a lingering ilmess My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON For Boys and Grh Young Citizens AdveotuMr"G! EMngvorm Scalp Sores If fM want ipecdy help trr D. D. D. "Prescription. So Mir to apply, not greur or memr. It wathe. lata the ' scalp ud Ui relief to laiUnt. Try it today. W coaraotM the lint bottle. Sc, Mc and fl.oo. H2),inxin. . EL lotion ibr SWn Disease Fiv. Shtrnaa McC.uull Kit Start I had just finished when Dr. Pettit came out from the other room and hurried me away rather uncere moniously with the announcement that he wished to get to the South amnton hosnital within the next hour. I am always' flurfied when I, am hurried, and the annoying result was' that we had gtfne perhaps half a mile when I made the discovery that I had left my purse at the Ticers. Dr. Pettit made no com ment, but turned his cat. quickly around and we sped back in record time. As we turned into the yard we al most collided with another run about also headed toward the house, and with a quick thrill of dismav I recognized Harry Underwood in the driver's seat of the other car. How Madge Managed a Disconcert ing Meeting.- Dr. Pettit was so' intent upon his own car that he had not noticed the driver of the other runabout which had so nearly collided with us as we re-entered the ramshackle gateway of the Ticer farm. But Harry Under woodfwho appears to do his devil-may-care motr driving equally well with one hand or two. had taken in every detail of the physician's car and its occupants before he turned off his engine, "V I shivered slightly as I methis brilliant, mocking eyes, read in them astonishment, resentment at my being anywhere in 'Dr: Pettit's company I recalled with dread the old animosity between the two men and most of all the malicious de termination to do everything he could to make the next few min utes uncomfortable ones. "Upon my wordl" he drawled, lounging toward us. and I had never Seen his well-knit, lithe figure show to -better advantage than in the light tweeds he wore. "If it isn't 'My Lady Fair!' And the dear doctfcr, tool How are you, Doc? Are you prac tising down in this neck of the woftds or are you here simply as escort for theiittle lady here?" I was sure that he knew all about the young physician's, residence in the village, and that his inquiries, his mimicry of the country folk ap pellation of 'Doc,' his general, mock ing, patronizing air were simply so many strpkes of the stiletto with which he hoped to goad thr phy sician into anger. In the same list also belonged his attitude and lazy smile as he strolled up to the other man and held out his hand. . When Enemies Meet. Drr Pettit's face was white with anger, his lips compressed into a tight and thin tine. As Mr. Under wood extended his hand the phy sician put his deliberately behind his back. ' ' "You will excuse me from taking your : hand," he said between his teeth," then-turned to me, speaking his words slowly, measuredly, evi dently with great effort. "If you will kindly get your purse in a hurry Mrs. Graham you need not be de tained here long." ' "Ain't you the kind, sweet thing, though?" Mr. Underwood gibed, to all - appearances perfectly unper turbed by the other's insult. But I had seen his eyec contract at the physician's words and gesture, and knew that -only my presence had prevented Harry Underwood from expressing his resentment in a blow. , A Hasty Explanation. He was in perfect condition phy sically, and I knew, that in any con test his powerful frame would be much more than a match for the slighter, weaker frame of the physi cian.' But there was a potential ex plosion in the blazing eyes of the younger man, and I unobtrusively stepped between the two men as Mr. Underwood turned to me. "What wind of good luck blew you out to our interesting friend, Mrs. Ticer s, Lady Fair? he asked, and there was a significance in his manner which made me remember the last time I had seen him, and the assurance he had given me that he was "strictly on the job" in my service. I felt unaccountably that I must answer him truthfully. ' "Lillian wished me to get some data from Mrs. Tier in regard to the man we saw that day, so I came out from Marvin today, found no taxis running, and if it had not been for accidentally discovering Dr. Pettit I should have been compelled to walk here." I do' not know why I added the explanation' concerning my being in Dr, Pettit's car. ' My errand to Tirer'siwas in one sense his busi- kness, for I had a shrewd suspicion that he was also trailing the elusive Jake Wilsey. But the look in his eye's, half-mocking, half-coldly, sus picious, brought the justifying ex planation out against my will. His face cleared, but the mocking laughter remained. "Lucky Docl" he said, then --low ered his voice. "Better trade es corts! No? Well, you always were a croo-el dame. Andbesidcs, I ve got to interview Mrs. Ticer my self. Did you find her loquacious?" "Sufficiently, I said, smiling, YoulQ you mind, it you re going in. asking her to send out the purse I left here? Oh, here she is now with it! Thank you st much, Mrs. Ticer. I'm so careless. Good-bye. Mr. . Underwood. - I am ready, Dr, Pettit." - I had not dared to leave the two men together, and I drew a long breath of relief vhen Dr. Pettit and I started off in "the car, espe "ciallv as " Harry Underwood took occasion' to call out mockingly from tire iivtib wwa . , . "Ta ta. Lady Fair! Till we miet Hunting Eye Saves Crew. ' FRANCIS KOLT-yHEELER As soon as the people on board the ship had pulled the line aboard, the', coastguardsmen attached a heavy block, like a pully, to the end of the rope and the shipwrecked sailors dragged it aboard. There was a rope running through the pulley, both, ends being ashore. The sailors fastened this block to the stump of the broken mast." Then the coastguardsmen fastened a curious contrivance that looked like a life-belt with a very strong pair of short canvas breeches to one end,-of the line and pulled it out to the ship. "Come on, lad, and give a hand," said one of them, and HuntingEye added his sturdy ' strength to the haul on the rope. Presently,- through the surf and spray, two .of. the crew were hauled safely to the shore. The breeches again. (Continued Tomorrow. buoy was hauled back again for 20 trips, until every man was safe. "How did you kn.ow about the wreck?" asked Hunting Eye. The coastguardsman smiled at him. "Every foot of the United States coast is patrolled every night, and all night long, and, " in stormy weather, all day long, too, by we coastguardsmen," he answered. "There's a life saving station about every seven miles along the beach. A ship couldn't run ashore without our knowing about it. "When the ship is near the shore, we fire a line over it and -save the shipwrecked people with a breechesd buoy, like you ve seen; but when the ship is too far away we have to go out in our lifeboats." "In the big waves?" "In the biggest waves there are. Sometimes our men never come back. That's dangerous work, but fortunately we don't have to, go out often. It's wofth while work, though. Every captainwho com mands a ship 'or steamer near the American coast knows that every where on the beach there is an un- For Girls to Make Homecraft -Bringing the Woods Home. CAROLTX SHERWIN BAILEY. Now that the out-door days are really here, and the nicest thing that you and the otfier girls can do is to go for a hike, why not bring, back some treasures from the woods? A walk is a lot more fun when it has a definite object. Your yard or your piazza can be made much more beautiful with woodsy things than with devices bought in a sirop. Besides, you have the fun of making it. Also you have the muclu bigger fun of feeling that your efforts have brought about 'this beauty. Cones, mosses, fungi arid many other forest growths are in the woods, wafting foY you. . ' All sorts and sizes of cones cover the ground. Gather and sort some of these. Dry them thoroughly. Then glue tbem' as a border or cov ering for a flower box or for the rustic basket in the front yard that holds vines. With them you can decorate that old stump, around which the crimson rambler climbs. An ordinary wooden bowl on which you have glued a covering ol small cones is a beautiful receptacle for -growing ferns or nasturtiums. Cover the outside of the bowl, bore a few holes'in the bottom for drain age, fill with rich earth and plant in it what you like. Did you notice that big, tough piece of fungus that has attached itself to the pasttlre fence? In the woods you will find others, even bigger, and of vivid colors. Cut them off with a blunt knife, bring them home and fasten them by means of small brackets to the piazza posts or to tree trunks in tlje garden. They will make- a woodsy stand on ahich to put one of the little rustic flower pots you have made. arAd will be unique as well as attractive. (Tomorrow: Birds' Shelter and bath.r sleeping guard ready to help him in danger, even at the risk,of thir own lives. Uncle Sam wafches and cares for those in peril on the sea." (Tomorrow: Make a Trench Around Your Tent.) V xucy y u FITCH PEBKIN3 ' V Dutch Twins Clean Ylouse. When the new family of geese had been taken' care of, and. the fresh milk had been put away to ccol, Vrouw. Vedder got out her churn and scalded it well. Then she put in her cream, and put the cover down over the handle of the dasher. "Now. Kit and Kat, you may take turns," she said, "and see which one of you-can bring the butter, but be sure you weVk the dasher very even-, ly or the butter will not be good." Me first! said Kat, and she be gan.. Kit sat on. a little stool and watched for the butter. Kat worked the dasher up and dewn. The cream splashe"d and splashed inside the xhurn.f and a little white ring of splatters, came up around the dasher. Kat worked until her arms ached. "Now, it's my turn," said Kit. Then he took the dasher, and" the cream splashed and splashed for quite a long time; but still the but ter did not come. "Ho!" said Kat. "You're nothing but a boy. Of course you don't know hew to churn. Let me try." And she took her turn. Dash! Splash 1 Splash, dash! She worked away; and very soon, around the dasher, there was a ring of lit tle specks of butter. "Come, butter, come! Come, but ter, come! ' Scme for a honey" cake, and some for a bun." she sang iii time to the dasher; and truly, when Vrouw Vedder opened the churn, there was .a large cake of yellow butter! Vrouw Vedder took out the butter and worked it into a nice roll Then she gave each of the twins a cup of buttegnilk to drink. While the twins drank the but termilk,' their mother' washed Jrhe ichurn and put it away. When she was all through, It was still quite early in the "morning, because they had gotten up with the sun. "Now we must olean the house," she said. - . 1 x So she got out. her scrubbing brushes, and mops, and pails, and dusters, and began. , -- First she shook out the pillows of the best bed, that nobody ever slept in, and pushed back the curtains so that the ernbroidered coverlet could be seen. Then she put the other beds in order and drew the . curtains-in front of them. " She dusted the linen press and left it open just a little, so that her beautiful rolls of white linen tied with ribbons, would show. Kat dust ed the chairs, and Kit carried the big brass ijugs outside the kitchen door to be polished. v .Then they all three rubbe'd and secured and polished them until they shone like the sun. (Rights reserved b Hounhtob Mifflin Co. WHY? Do Onions Make People Weep? Copyright, 1150, by tha Wheeler Syn dicate. " - . ) The "gas" given off by a fresh ly peeled onion makes "itself ap parent in two ways. Firstly, by a very strong aroma which is at once apparent to the sense of smell, and also by a smarting of eyeballs which, being extremely sensitive, are hurt by this sub stance to which they are not ac customed. The nerves of the eye immediately signal the brain to turn on the tears or liquid which is secreted by the body as a nat ural and continual eye wash. This, flowing over the eyeball, forms a sort of curtain which prevents the onion "gas" from coming in direct contact with the nerves , and v thus " injuring them. " Tears are present in the eye at all times. Whenever we wink, a tiny drop of the- tear-liquid is smeared across the ball of the eye and washes, off particles of dust which may have accumulat ed. . But when this liquid is pro duced so rapidly that it cannot be carried off by the trough at the' lower part of the eye when, through sadness or onions, we "weep" the tears' overflow and run down 'the face. ' ' Tomorrow's Question--Why Does Silver Tarnish? " Bee Want Ads produce results. What Do You Know? (Herc'a a chance to mak four wits worth monry. y ach day Tha Bee will gublleh a eerie ot ixmtlnni, prepared y Superintendent J. H. Beverldco ot the public echooln. ' Tfhejr over thing which you ahould know. Tha flmt complete Hit of correct anowers received from an Oma ha reader ot The Boa will be rewarded by Sis the flrnt from outside of Omaha will wla the same. The answers and tha names of the winners .will ha published on the day Indicated below. lie sura to live your views and address in full. Address "Question Editor," Omaha Ilee.) ' . 1. Who was vice president of the southern confederacy? 2. What is the spoils system? 3. What American ' commander said "Don't give up the ship?" 4. Who was the first president in augurated in Washington? - 5. Explain the meaning of "54-40 or fight.' (Answers published Friday.) Friday's answers: 66. -1825..- 67. lames Monroe. 68. Sir Walter Raleigh. 69. Russia. 70. Col'ge of V:illiam and Mary. Winner: Kirby Cook, 208 West South street, Blair, Neb. . Likely Pastor to Succeed Mr. Mackay Here Sunday Members of All Saints' Episcopal church say Rev. Thomas Casady, of Pueblo, Episcopal dean of southern Colorado, probably will be called here as the successor of the late Rev. T. J. Mackay. Rev. Casady; it is announced, will arrive in Omaha next Saturday and will, preach at the church Sunday morning and evening. Foreman o Robbed Warehouse Held by Police as Perpetratqr F. E. Snyder, Harley hotel, forcr man of the Sinclair Refining com pany's warehouse, was bound over to district court yesterday under bond of $2,000, charged with being implicated jn the looting of the warehouse safe of $200 Sunday night. He claims two men held him up, robbed the safe and while leav ing the warehouse opened fire on him, wounding him in the left hand. Fails jn Two Attempts to" Kill Himself in Jail Clarence Love, discharge'd soldier, 610 North Thirty-first street, twice attempted suicide at Central police station Sunday night, first by hang ing and later by submerging his face in a basin of water. Officers frus trated both attempts. Love gave alleged misconduct of his wife as the reason for his desire to end his life. Decide Against Any Regulation of Weights Of Bread in Omaha ' City Cdmmissloner. yesterday de cided to delay for 90 days action on a proposed ordinance to fix standard weights for bread loaves in Omaha. The department of weights and measures was ordered meanwhile to keep a check on 'weights of loaves sPW, recording variations accom panying fluctuations in the price of flour. Bakers argued it was better lot the public to have the weight of loaves vary, accordinij' to the price of flour, than to have llarying prices on a standard loaf as flour prices changed. -j BECAUSE IT MAKES MORE LOAVES OF GOOD BREAD A SACK OF Gooch s Best Flour Lasts Longer- That's Economy Sold in the Best Stores 9t New Patterns . Our Spring Eagle Shirts "are beauties. Their pat terns have freshness x and originality. The manu facturers make their own designs and weave their " own fabrics to give you sdmething new, something different, something bet- . ter. Eagle Shirts f rom - $20 to $1850 SEE pUR WINDOWS TODAY 3UrafotfVtna V - CORRECT APPAREL FOR MENJWD WOMEN , VV. . JJW Better for ybu than tea or coffee Instant Postum Deftcious coffee-like flavon 0 , Made mstantly in the cup Costs less than tea or coffee. Sold by all grocers INSTANT' Ci Q POSTUM -lUj mm t mm. Have You Heard ' The Good News? Pass it along to your neighbor. Dr. Price's Baking Powder is now produced vwith PURE PHOSPHATE and sold at about half the price charged when the powder contained Cream of Tartar. s A household name for 60 years is a guarantee of purity; 25c for 12 oz. ' . 15c for 6 oz. 10c for 4 oz. . -. v FULL WEIGHT CANS The Price is Right Scientific methods of production with the use of PURE PHOSPHATE end every excuse for buying doubtful baking powder because of so-called cheapness. DR. PRICE'S Powder Not Cheapened With Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste- Always Whol6some ,