Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Nonpartisans in Valley
County to Hire Manager
. Ord, Neb.. ' April 2.-(Special.)-Valley
county nonpartisan leaguers
hive voted to adopt the county man
ager system of league organization
and have already made their organ
ization with E. S. Coates, chairman;
J. C. Meese, ttrasurcr, and F. L.
Cashing, secretary. The manager
will be hired at a later date. His
work will be to take up the organi
sation work of the league formerly
carried on by the organizers, and to
ee that all league matters are taken
are of.
New Spring Hats
In All Colors
CAPS In All Colors $1.50
Clothing Co.
314 N. 16th
Johnson, Wood, Hitchcock and
Bryan Will Speak to Ne
braska Before
Primary. ,
A galaxy of national speaking
talent is in prospect for Nebraska
during the week before the primary
and it is anticipated that the hills
and prairies of the Antelope state
will reverberate with political thun
der. Frank A. Harrison, Hiram John
son's manager in Nebraska, has in
serted notices in the state news
papers calling for men and women
to assist in a prospective itinerary
of the California statesmen. It is
understood that Johnson will be in
this state during the week of April
12. Information received at the
Leonartl Wood headquarters here
indicates that Senator Borah and
Senator Norris also will be here
during the same week in the inter
ests of Johnson. On the strength of
that information the local Wood
managers are endeavoring to get
Major General Wood to come here
during the week before the primary.
Hitchcock Dates Made.
Arthur' F. Mullen, democratic na
tional committeeman, today an
nounced that the speaking itinerary
for Senator Hitchcock has been par
tially completed. Dates arranged
are: Columbus, Neb.. Monday,
April 12; Grand Island, Tuesday,
April 13; Hastings, Wednesday,
April 14. The senator will speak
in the Omaha Auditorium on Satur
day evening, April 17.
Governor S. R. McKelvie holds
a permit to speak at the northeast
corner of Fifteenth and Farnam
streets Saturday night, April 17.
Other Speakers Expected.
W. J. Bryan announced during his
recent visit here that he will finish
the primary campaign in Nebraska
during the week before primary.
Mr. Bryan is a candidate for dele-gate-at-large
to the democratic na
tional convention at San Francisco.
Other speakers of state-wide and
national reputation are expected in
Wonderful Values for
Easter Saturday
Extraordinary Suit Values
isi ii i i vv-j -K
a iri
That Show the Advantage of
Buying Here! ,
; You'll see $30 suits elsewhere, but we say,
without fear of contradiction, that NO
WHERE in America
will you find as great
values in men's suits as
these, because the suits
are tailored of fine fab
rics by America's fore
most tailors and we are
satisfied with a much
smaller profit. Every
new style, fabric and
color; all sizes. .......
Rich Novelty
Two and Three-Button
Perfectly styled men's
suits in the newest belted
and conservative models.
Wonderful choice of fabrics
and patterns, at
Our Finest
They're so spicy with va
riety and style you'll find
just the fabric and cut you
want and save many dol
lars on your investment, at
You'll Be Amazed at These
Wonderful Values in Boys' Suits
Saturday we take great pleasure in showing the parents of Omaha boys
what We know to be the greatest boys' suit values ever shown in Omaha.
These suits are made from absolutely all wool fabrics and the styles are the
sort to delight any youngster.
Two Pant Suits
And they are wonders for service.
Built right, styled right and the fab
rics are unusually smart looking;
sizes 6 to 18 years. d QQ
Choice Saturday ....lUe70
All Wool Suits
Sturdy all-wool suits in sizes 6 to 18
years. Norfolk and double-breasted
models. Plain and novelty mixtures.
This is one of the most remarkable
suit offers of the new iy no
season . V IO
Juvenile Suits
For the little tots from 3 to 8 years,
here is a lot of mighty clever suits
that will please the parents and de
light the wearer. Plenty of
styles and lively
Blue Serge Suits
A smart-appearing blue serge suit
for Confirmation and Communion
wear; all sizes from 6 to 18 years;
absolutely all wool fast color serge;
Norfolk and double- $1 A QQ
breasted models. . $lU0
Omaha and the state during the
next two weeks.
It is rumored that Robert Ross
of Lexington, Neb., prohibition can
didate for president, may visit
Omaha during the primary cam
paign, but that seems to be specula
tive. .
Boys' Shoes
Put your boys in these
sturdy Palace shoes.
We had them specially
built to stand a lot of
real boy s e r v ic e.
Either lace or button.
Can't be duplicated for
less than $3.50. 4 All
sizes are here. Our
special Saturday price,
the pair-
Black Cat
Boys' and girls' Black
Cat hosiery, very spe
Splendid style new
caps, plain and fancy,
special Saturday
Plain and fancy, fast
colors, all sizes, choice
Broken line o
men's $2.08 dresi
ahirte, banded and
collar. attached-
hundreds of super-
valoea. Sale priced,
Right now is the
logical time to se
lect that New Easter
Hat, and the Falaee
is the logical place.
Very special values
In the new shapes
Extra Special On
big lot of Boys' Odd
Knickerbockers, in
plain colors and
fancy mixtures, all
sixes, while they
last, per pair, only
Offered at a price
considerably less than
standard. Fine koko
tan, English last, blind
eyelets, broad walking
heel. On sale at, pair,
-j fm
fmaimmmixsmaitit miibi ;; m i ma i till mm ibhiiii i laeiii'iiiaiiSBBllMill
Wooer of Winsome Widow
Shakes Dust of Omaha
From His Feet.
William H. Winchell, wealthy re
tired farmer of Ainsworth, Neb., has
left Omaha, presumably to escape
the limelight in which he was
plunged by his efforts to recover a
$1,375 diamond ring from Mrs.
Grova E. Shipler, 28-year-old widow
who, he claims, "vamped" him.
He had checked out of the .Fax-
ton hotel yesterday. Jriends re
ported he had given up hope of ob
taining Mrs. Stapler's consent to a
marriage ceremony and had "gone
Mrs. Shipler, from her home at
630 South Seventeenth avenue, an
nounced she was able to bear his
departure with equanimity.
"I hope he has a good time on
his trip, she remarked.
Friends of the disillusioned Mr.
Winchell said he probably would
return to Omaha within a week or
so, after the publicity connected
with his affair with the winsome
widow has "blown over."
His attorney denied that there
was any probability of a breach of
promise 6Uil against juts. onipicr.
She was dischargea in police , court
Big Gymnasium Started
For Hebron High School
Hebron, Neb., April 2. (Special.)
Excavations are under way for
the basement of the high school
gymnasium, with plans for a 50x80
foot basement and a 10-foot ceil-
irnr. The building used at present
for gymnasium work will be moved
to the new location.
Seed Corn Tests High.
David City, Neb.. April 2. (Spe
cial.) The Butler county farm .bu
reau has been busy testing seed
corn and reports that the tests are
above the average. This vear the
average was 88 per cent.
Have Root
Press. Adv.
Print It Beacon
TV Plain Truth About
"Spiritualism" 'n
Meet me
here tomorrow
for the
Next Week
The Solution to the
Gasoline Problem
or heaviness after
meals are most an
noying manifestations
of acid-dyspepsia.
pleasant to take,
neutralize acidity
and help restore
normal digestion.
All Makes '
Special rates to students.
D. 4121. 1905 Farnam St.
,WWi,.w;.i,r.. PHONE TYLER 3000 wmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmm
Inexpensive Bedroom Suite
Tkat Will in Every Way Justify Its Purchase
in Solid Golden Oak
Each piece is substantially built and planned upon lines that will give the maximum drawer space and gen
eral utility; mirror frames, posts, legs and case bottoms are gracefully shaped. The polished finish is
both serviceable and attractive.
Dresser for .... . : $39.00 Chiffonier with mirror $38.50
Triple Mirror Dressing Table .$36.00 Full sized Bed r. .$39.00
Rockers, Chairs an d Bench to match.
This Fernery
Fashioned in brown mahogany with galvanized drip
pan in the turned leg style similar to illus- ft rjt
tration; si2e 11x27 inches. An extra value. . V u
Overstuffed Arm Rocker
As illustrated made in our own factory
A rocker you'll have to sit
comfort. It is upholstered in
Oakwood Spanish Fabricoid
of wonderful wearing quality
in to appreciate its
In Genuine Spanish Leather, $69.50.
j :: :j j
IS r;
r mm Si
- .
Unusually Attractive
Axminster '
The Widest Variety
New Colors and Designs
It is a long while since we were
able to show so many' Axminsters
as are now to be seen on our second
floor, and it will be a very long
while before colors and designs are
woven into rugs that are more
beautiful than these.
Yoq will find Oriental, Chinese,
allover, floral, geometric and plain
band bordered patterns.
Color schemes are generally sub
dued and in a hundred harmonies,
from which it will be easy to find
a creation that will co-ordinate
with your draperies and walls.
Qualities are
all standard and
Prices of 9x12 room size
$55, $58.50, $64, $71, $72.50,
$79.50, $83.50.
r "
For His Majesty, the Baby
Si Carriage -
To Delight and Give Practical Service
With reed and fiber bodies; steel or artil-
prove a joy to
lery wheels; of the most approved construc-
lgs that win prove a joy
delight to baby, including
tions; m colorings that will
mothers and a
white enamel, dove erav. cream, pale
fawn, smart black with striped wheels and
underparts, a well as the new soft fumed
and frosted finishes.
Prices Range from $29s00
Play Table and Chair
and High Chair
This is an ideal arrangement that gives the
child a safe play table or a high chair1
finish is old ivory and decorated, price $10
that will save
Short Lengths oj
Fancy Lace Nets
A large variety of patterns, vary
ing from the small allover figure
to the elaborate Chinese design.
Enough of a pattern for one
two, or even three windows.
Prices show about 25 reductions.
' Other short remnants for sash
curtains, etc., at about half price.
Stock Shades
Water color stock shades, 36x6
feet 75e
Water color stock shades, 36x7
feet ....85c
Machine oil, 36x6 feet $1.00
Machine oil, 36x7 feet $1.10
Cretonnes at . . . . 75c
We show 50 patterns that very
generally cover the average re
quirements. You will see that
value is a great factor.
Filet Net . By the Yard
A thoroughly reliable quality of
Filet Net in dots and small figures
with lace edges in white and ecru
are offered at, per yard
the "Cook by Gas" Demonstration
featuring the Detroit J ewel Gas Range
Every Day This Week
Mary E. Bookmeyer, graduate of the University of Nebraska, and since 1913 teacher of Household Arts at South
High, will deliver 30-minute talks on food values and the preparation of food.
Miss Bookmeyer will devote special attention Saturday to Pastries.
An expert demonstrator will give practical demonstrations from 10 a. m. to 2 :30 p. m.
If i You Would Know
What kind of utensils should be used for various dishes.
What causes baking failures. The secret of quick breads.
When it is safe to open an oven door. When to use a hot and when to use a slow oven.
How to tender meats. What makes crisp waffles.
How to make a good cake frosting. , How to make appetizing salads.
The art of successful cookie making. Attend This Demonstration
' i
A factory expert will be on hand to advise customers as to the STYLE of range most suited to their needs.
FREE with coupon properly filled out
( i
For two hours only each day one Whte Enamel Flour Sifter to each adult attending
the demonstration. The hours: lu to ll a. m. 3 to 4 p. m.
Name Address
l Stove now in use .Its age.