"I v ", , : i a y i ' 14 f HE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 192p; I) ANT AD RATES V (Ouh with rder.) ' W vertitMM on day r word,, ....two consecutive day r Word, .three consecutive day f word. .four conaecutlv day r word. ....... .flv consecutive day r word...... seven conaecutlv day ant fr word for each additional Jon. i ads taken tor less than a total of " , - . , CHABCE. wr Una en day r lla,. ....... two consecutive day T llB........thrM consecutive day r Un. ...... .seven conaecutlv day rr lln...... thirty consecutive day of thanks and funeral notice lie a each day. a rataa apply ctthar to tba Dally or y Bee. All advertisements appaar k morning and evening dally papar n on char. v Cut tract Rate oa Application, T convenience of advertisers, want rill b accepted at tb following of- V OFFICi. ............ Be Building I Of flea.. 4410 North 10th St. t Office uHll Leavnworth St. I side .1111 N St ot Office. ..Ill North 40th St. tluf Office 16' Scott St. .g BJfO will not be responsible for t than on Incorrect lnaertlon of an srtieement ordered for mora than on ' PHONE TTLEB MOfc . lint Edition. .....i 13:01 M. ting Edition 10:30 P. M. oday Edition I P. M. Saturday. - ATH 4 FUNERAL NOTICES. r-r Wr T. B . Sunday. March - 21. d It year, formerly of Omaha. Re tina wll arrive In Omaha Wednesday, arc!) SI at 7:30. a. m. Funeral notice er, - . iCH Mr. Grace, ace 21, Tueaday wning. Remains will be (hipped from eafey Heafey chapel, 2011 Farnam wet. to Wnlon Neb., 11 a. m. Wednea y via Union Pacific. CARD OF THANKS. " wlah to thank our many frlenda and tghborafor their kindness during the lea and death of our beloved wife d mother.. OB CHRI9TEN8EN AND FAMILY. FLORISTS. UTTLARMON 14 Douglas St. ' '-; Douglas 1144. enderaon, 1111 Farnam. Dougla 1148. BATH. ISth and Farnam. P. 1000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ACK & FALCONER, INDKPENDKNT TJNDERTAKER&" ' PIERCE-ARROW J AMBULANCE SERVICE. My-thlrd and Farnam. Harney 14. FRED E. FERO. ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR.' - Lady Attendant. I Bad Canting 8t. Phone Douglaa I7T. ; ' Anto Ambulance. : NEW LOCATION ItOSBT'S - NEW FUNERAL HOME, e , 011 WIRT BT. I Away from noiee of buay atneta. - PHONE WEBSTER 47. JAFEY & HEAFEY, 1 : Cndertaker and Embalmer. "Ml H. 111. Office 1U Farnam. HUESE&RIEPEN, : '' Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora . 1 fouth lth St. Dougla 10V TAGGART & SON, DERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. pbonf Douglaa 714 ' 111 Cuming St DUFFY & JOHNSON DERTAKERS. f IT S. llth. Tyler 1 671. ONUMENTS CEMETERIES. & large display of monument In ie United State. FRANK SVOBODA. 118 8. 16th. Phone Douglaa 1171-1111. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Irthe Will and Lulu Gradlngton. hoa al, girl: Jobri and Elizabeth Harris, pltaT, girl; Adolph and Loulee Kom ake, SBZ South Twentieth avenue, girl; t and Roae Jonnion, 1610 South Twenty th. boy: L. I. and Ruth Tlngley. 2801 dg, girl: Arnold and Marguerite Beate, i' B. boy; Antony and Katharine Hyiek. 02 South Thirty-fourth, boy; John and ne Damvlch, . 6204 South Twenty Aiii4. 'lck and Millie Ceck, hoi- ltk) and L, girl; Artnur and Regetta h, 1120 Corby, girl; Homer and Jac ii a Lawaon. hospital, boy: Albert and c Rubek, 6722 South Twenty-ninth, t Joeeph and Gertrude Breen, 1001 fomla. girl. . '' .ath Heater A. MerriL 17, 1015 Fow ' avenue; Joerph C. Bwodek. Infant, 60T h' Twenty-lrt: Victor Lopes, 26, 1007 itolr avenue; Harria Rosenthal, 64, i North Twentieth; Lambert Nelon, , IMl South Twelfth) Fred 8. Hotch- 68, 1014 Seward; Nora Woodruff, . Cuming i Josephine Edna Clark, 23. 1 - Burt; Raymond Swanaon, 1,. 4262 vti Half Evelyn Gordon, Infant, hoa- ili Oeorg W. Rhoades, 45, hoepttal; torl Kennedy, Infant, 111 South Thir. nth; Fred A Stephenson, 67, No. 1, iby" Court. ' -i ' - BRINGING UP FATHER- See Jiff and Magi la Fall Pf of Color in Th Sunday B. ' Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyright, 1920 Intemationel New Servie . JUVT PHONU Me WIFE N TEU. HER vou ARE COUNT DE OOF. AN" OU VNT HAVgDlNNER WITH ITb A. 4000 THINC, taHt CAN'T vCE OVER laao av Inn, mtwi gaevica. lad. IT r THEM WELL 1T OlNTV AN HAVF AAME OF Pinochle: VES MRS . JISia . I'M THE COUNT- I'LL tEE THAT VOOf. HUtdANO CET HONE ( AND fevv COUNT OE OOF 1 ( OH, f 11 1 I j T " UlTUtjc ON4 IN A RE?TAUrXANT WITH vrV ( . rur LL i f TWO LADIES JUtT Ab CAME J 1 J VHM"5 THE x 4 ALONA 00 MOO KNOW Hlrn CT 5 MATTER" OON'T 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Carpenter Work CARPENTER work, all kind, contract or hour. Estimate furnlahed. Tyler 4361. Gold and Silver Plating. 8ILVERWARE, all kind replated. re paired, reflnlahed like new. J. L. JACOBSON, 036 World-Herald Bldg. Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co., -12U HOWARD ST. TTLER 1178. Trucks and size,, leased, or your haul ing contracted by hour, day or year. Mid-West Transfer Co. 413 So. 12th St. Phone Tyler 1760. - Express, baggage, furniture moving and country hauling. Collections. Collections made everywhere. "No collection No charge." THE MERCHANTS CREDIT RATING CO. Collection Department -D. 8141. Sulr 13 Arlington Bid. Omaha. "The Only Way" R. R. Ticket Office. D. 216. Omaha Transfer Co. - Chiropodists- Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk, -dVt 208. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done. Jj. J. Erickson. Phone Wal. 1617. Dancing Academics. V"t?T "DTXT17choolforDneln' 2484 l.riLi-i liNIFarnam. D. 7850. Claa at 8: dancing at p. m. Monuay. ( - lay, Saturday; private ieaaun MTSS PAULINE CAPPS ArtUtle dancing, - 17th and Farnam. Mlsner echooi. rat.- terron Blk. Iupll OI uenisnaua Harney 6418. Dentists. Drl Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. JAMES"'ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi- dence aecurea in ail caaea. ifr .o. PHIL. WINCKLER, best, rtadower and investigator in umana; personal eervit;.. Harney 6708. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOENCT, Incorporated. Doug. 1107. Arlington Blk . Omaha, Neb. Dressmaking. SHIRT HOSPITAL. Shirt-making and mending. Douglaa 4634. DRESSMAKING and alteration Tiirntee. -ivier Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters, 110.SO; vaouum clean- ers. 637.60; Moia waaning nicwn. Lalley-Wlleon Electrlo Co.. 1307 Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Safe Repairing. EXPERT aafe opening and repairing. American Safe ft Time lock Repair Works. Harney 1220. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. 3. Z. Derlght Safe Co. Stationery. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., 307-1 S. 17th. Screen and Repairing. SCRE5X3 repaired, put up. Webster 6233. Theatrical, THEATRICAL, historical an masque cos tumea for amateur theatrical and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Bon, Omaha. Tree Trimming. BT registered tree surgeons; trimming, cavity work, bracing, planting, trans planting, removing, treatment of Insect and fungus pesta and diagnosis and treatment of disease and Injury, Over 200 satisfied local customers; no charge for estimates. PAGE TREE SERVICE. 211 Pavldge Block. Tyler 4800. Towel Supples. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th.' P. 628". Tailors. M. REISER. 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Watch Repairing. Watch Repairing ' Main spring, 11.60; cleaning, 11.60 ; Jewels, 81 to 11.60; watch crystals, 26c. All work guaranteed. THE W. C FLATAU STORE. Room 601 Securities Bldg. FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. RENT Hoover and other electrlo vacuum sweepers, delivered. Webster 4283. ELECTRIC vacuum Dougla 6718. cleaner for rent ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, 11 day, de livered. Colfax 4116. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladles' straw hats specially, aiasioa gn., MOVING, hauling, all kinds; quick serv ice. WCTSWr HAULING by day. week or Job. Harney 747, ALL kinds of ashes, refus hauled. Wal nut 3615. , . MARRIAGE LICENSES. .he following persons were Issued per--a to wed: . - - am and Address: . Age ward Levitt, Missouri Valley, la 21 a. Billings, Missouri Valley, la.... ....20 nk Brown, Omaha.. ..,..,...48 ..u Oliver, Omaha........ ......... ...10 an Silvers, Omaha. . . . . ..t. . , 16 try, Smith, Omaha.............. 18 -Y Etterback;, Omaha. .......2! ,1 Floof, Omaha...... 21 nre Thelen. Shelby. Neb...... over 21 ante Llebreeht, Davk) City, Neb. over 18 U L. Krogh, Dannebrog, Neb...... 23 .or Nielsen, Omaha ......24 nns Pedersen, Omaha. ...... ......SI s soar J. Eugskoro, Omaha 2 1 L. King. Grand Island, Neb.. .....17 M. Applin, Grand toland. Neb... 17 BUILDING PERMITS. B rann. 110 Cass, frame dwell- ', $1,609; Geo. J. Caaghlin, 6711 North frame dwelling (1,800; F. W. Caw- , 70 South 66th, - stucco dwelling, ; F. F. DeVore. 4102 Underwood ., gra(e. 1,000; Swedlak Building Chicago, garage, z,cve. i FOUND AND REWARDS. ICLES LOST on street car tele. ylr 100.. We are anxious to re. lust article to rightful owner. ..A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. 4toa bull with top atrap on cot ng. Medium alse, almost black. name Buster. Call Harney 1611. , not Si Leavenworth St. xtrayed Brindle bull dog with round ma neck ana on neaa. Call Webater 1250. tk and tan Boston bull, screw wera to name . of .Sport, tag Reward. Call Harney 6167. ' - PERSONAL. knowlna of Castle Dickman, l hair, II yeaTS old. large for Wetgbt about 160 pounds, may I under another name, gone y. 111. Mother nxlous to t him. thought to be In south ntral . Nebraska. ..Write, & E. Weetgate. Ia. - AXION Army Industrial bom reur old ciotning, rurniture, . .. Wo collect W distribute. oug. 4116 and ear wagon will .11 ana inspect our new noma. (-1114 Poage street. . LADIES ONLY. , T treatment given at their f apftolntmeat, Mrs. M. Rltte- Pougla 1080. - i who wer present In W. O. W. tout 7:10 n. m. Saturday when man was ejected, please phone n wncn. Attorney, ug. 3U. not be responsible for the debts f wife, Mary Sana, from Marcn. n, as ah left my bed and board. SEBASTIANS SAJA, ..VTS to care for. in my home. etrla Bath and Mass re. Webster jl- SAGE Manicuring. 210 N 17th St; open until I p. m, HARNET BATH INSTITUTE 16UB BI. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. WE buy combings and cut hair; also make Switches from combings: an worn gusr- anteed. Th Erickson Hair Shop,' 2201 Chicago Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. : PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Tfh and Martha Sts.. Omaha Neb. - Brass, bronxe, aluminum and machine . gray Iron castings. sLL"S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 16th - and Douglas Bta.. umana. reo. WEDDING announcementa and printing, Douglas Printing Co. Tet Douglas 644. Clothing and Furs. FULL drees suit for rent 101 N. 16th St John Feiaman. rnone iizs. H cleaned and blocked. Pmton Parlor. 1607H FARNAM. Rug Weaving. WEAVING all rugs remade. Tyler 1433. Hauling. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, rasor blades sold. umana nasor Sharpening Co., 162H Dodge. 103 N. 16. Osteopath. DR. MABEL WESSON. Ill Balrd Bldg., 17tb and Douglas. T. 2160. H. 4741. Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Keai-Maaa Housing Co., 8211 Howard. Red 8667. nir.ciT nanriATNS IN OMAHA. niM nak Jacobean William and Mary r g-plec dining room suite valued at 1278 to go at si7&. -xne SU1S C0I1BIBI.S US chairs, leather seated; an extension table and a very roomy buffet Other aultes In same style. A William and Mary, in walnut, 1290 value, at 1197.60. A William and Mary. In mahogany, 1400 value, at 1240. STATE . FURNITURE COMPANY, " Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omsha. Gas Stoves Connected. TTMO AJWJY. Th gaa man. Houae piping, stoves connected, light transforms. -Walnut 2008. . r GAS STOVES connected, 12; fuel, light and conneotions; reouiit gaa , arovesj reasonable. Harney 1619. GAS stoves connected. 12.00. Tyler 4439. Jewelry. DIAMONDS.Meg.Vb'u'y back at amall profit GROSS JEWELRY ' .a. . . . 1. B, 1 1 . II 1. f II . W r FT.ATATJ.. Jewelry Established 1892. Blxth Floor. Securltle Bldg. Justice of Peace. G. S. Collins, Justice ot th peaca 16, Fatterson uik. uongia Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. writ xor prices. 101 ansisu Howard Bt ' Mattresses. MATTRESSES mad over. Harney Till. City Mattress uo zi fuming. Patent Attorneys. STURGES STURGES, registered patent attorneys, t-aienis oDiaineu in i;. and foreign countries. 880 Be Bldg. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys; procures puy ana aeu paten us. 682 Brandela Bldg.. Omaha. Painting and Paperhanging. LOOK HERE Prices tight; sanitary wall paper cleaning; 19 years at the business; prompt attention give all orders. Phone . Tyler 4Z7 PAPERHANGING, painting, estimates freo, that coat nothing and may save ycu money. Tyler 2766. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling; floor reflnlshed, waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. - - PAPERHANGING, quick service, lowest prices, new stockpaper. Harney 1814. PAINTIW "and spaperhanging; estimates free; work guaranteed. Doug. 8661. PAINTING, papering, free estimates Call mornings or evenings. aHrney 6740. PAPERHANGING, 86 room and up, eluding paper, work. Walnut 4998. in. PAINTING, paperhanging and decorating; work guaranteed, wepaier suai. PAINTING, painted walls washed, wall paper cleanca. weoater lite. PAINTING, paperhanging cleaning. Douglas 6323. and paper PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phono Walnut 4667. PAPERHANGING and painting by con. tract Tyler 4870. FAINTING and Papering, nut 6451. Phone Wal- PAINTING and wallpaper cleaning. Tyler 437T. Printing. COCKLE PRINTING CO. 1816 St. Marys Ave Douglas 2831. Roofing. Accotdion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, sll sixes snd V ityle": hemstitching, plcot edgings, ye- 3 r 't Mlt wora. outton notes, pennsnts. W lnar Button and Pleating Co, 101 ! . et the slate. Nieman lay. PROPERTY OWNERS GET OUR FIGURES.1 Our roofs are our proof. All work guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROFFLNG CO. 801 So. list Harney 2674. Sewing Machines. SlWlNG MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needls and parta MIUKELS to head the wrestling team AUCTION 1 AUCTION! Extra High Grade and Staple Furni ture, Rugs, Pianos, Talking Ma , chines and Furnishings. of 24 Omaha Homes Will be Sold In My Auction House, Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Sts. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Starts at 1 p. m. Each Day. This Is one ot my biggest Furniture Auction Sales. Sale runs 4 days straight, commencing Wednesday and continues Thursday. Friday and Saturday; con sisting of several Pianos, several Talk ing Machines and Records, Piano Player and Rolls, 300 pair of new Shoes for Women and Men, several Parlor Suites, 28 extra good 9 by 12 Wilton and Anglo-Persian Rugs, big number of cheaper makes of standard Rugs and several smaller Rugs. Hall Carpets and Hall Runners, Shotgun, Sewing Machines, Din ing Room Seta, most every kind, and many separate pieces of dining room Furniture. Linens, Drapes, Pictures and Statues, fancy and expensive Vases, Cut Glass and Hand-Fainted China, Cir cassian Walnut Bedroom Suits, Ma hogany Bedroom Suites, American Wal . nut Bedroom Suites, complete and the very best, out of the best homes; Mas sive Bras Mens, verms juanin seas, and mattresses: Dressers of all kind, In Oak, Walnut, both American and Circassian. Bird's Eye Maple and Ma hogany Dressers, Chiffoniers. Dressing Tables, Chiffoniers and Chlffonettea, Rocking Chairs of all kinds. Leather Rockers, Maaslv Turkish Rockers, Duo folds and Davenports. Sanitary Couches and pads; 1 large Wall Showcase, 2 good Motorcycles, Gas Ranges, Wash Ing Machines, Ice Boxes, Kitchen: Cab inets, Dishes and Cooking Utensils, Oar den Tools, Lawn and Porch Furniture and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. ; . Remember th sals runs 4 straight dajAMES l. do wd, Auctioneer.. If you have anything to sell call Douglas 3286. Tylwr 6 or Douglas 8878. FOR- SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Large, electrically operated National Cash Register; 4-drawer; cabinet stand register. Keys from lo to 190. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Inquire, W. H. Qulvey, , Be Publishing Co. DIAMONDS, I WILL BUY THEM. ' THE FLATAU STORE.' . 601 SECURITIES BLDG. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather roattreases mad from your own feather, summer and winter Bides. 1901 Cuming. D. 2467. FISH I FISH!! FISH!!! AT LIPSMAN'S FISH MARKET 2607 Q Street. Phone, South 3637. SPECTACLES and eyeglasses for young and old. 11.26 to 16. Special sale. Room 601 Securities Bldg. COUNTER, horseshoe shaped, also 16-foot straight counter, i 116 South 16th. Tyler 4549. . ALFALFA HAY. Reasonable. Colfax 1666. STEAMER trunk for sale. Hotel. 20th and Farnam. Call Harley TWO almost new panel doors, 812. No. 29th. Webster 22.14. 4106 DRY KINDLING. WOOD. CO., HARNEY 1837. ACME BOX BASKET carrier system South 16th St. for sale. 116 KINDLING delivered, Webster 459. 13.60 per load. GOOD drophead sewing machine; chesp. South 4396. - TWO paiis aimv officers' puttees, las 2256. Doug- Young man's 185 suit, size 40. Worn only twice. 822. Douglas 6179. NEW dress suit for sale, coat 38, trousers 34. D. 56. Bee. CANOE In good condition. 4495. i Call Harney CADET coats for sale. Webster 2607. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERT.Y BONDS High prices for certain Issues this week. We will help you make your in come tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST- Tyler i"36. MENT CO., 639 Securities Bldg. WALNUT Logs Wanted 12 lnchea and up In diameter. Will buy standing tim ber or losra delivered. uJ.. .xcilKait sra- Wrttr5pTthT1 tlonTrt carload Ibts. Frank Purcell walnut Lumper Co., iztn ana Beit Line. Kansas City, Kan. ... WE BUY baled wast paper, .old maga zines and newspapers. Stat quantity you have on hantl. Write or phone for prices. Omaha ' Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglas 1 59. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. rnone ryier set. 125.000 stock of furniture to be eold; 300 stoves ot all Kinas, rugs, imoieum, pnou ographs, duofolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dresses, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till ' p. hi. Credit If you wish, 1839-47 ' N. 24th St Web. 1607. SELLING OUT AT BARGAIN PRICES - all furniture, rugs, rockers, chairs, brass bed. china cabinet, buffet, dining room and all other furniture and miscel laneous articles at 2420 Spauldlng St, Sale on until everything Is sold; house also for sale. Phone Douglas 2182. FINEST kind of antique mhg. bed and chest of drawers for gale' at Sussman's ' Upholstering Shop, 2231 Leavenworth St OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at halt the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming St. Douglas 2447. WE sell new and near-new furniture, tovea and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16. BEDROOM furniture. Also dishes and sundries. 4114 North 19th St. DINING room table, one buffet, oak. Wal. 1727. 6116 California. ONE davenport also barber chair. Tyler 4601. Call FOR SALE Flat top desk. 662. Brandela Bldg. Call at room COOK STOVE, fine condition; only 110. 4106 N. 29th St Webster 2234. WALNUT bedroom set. Harney 6675. Office Fixtures QUARTER-SAWED oak, roll top desk and two swivel chairs quarter-sawed oak. See Geo. Devereaux, Omaha Grain Exchange. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. "aynhd,nm.S Pianos for rent. 14.00 per month. LEAVING' city, must sell piano for 200; part cash; balance easy payments. 251T South 32d avenue. Harney 5488L DRUMS, traps, marimbas, instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. MAHOGANY Apollo attachment, 100 rolls, plays any piano. 2316 Kansas avenue, Colfax 1621. ' MUST sell. 8155 takes my 1100 piano and bench. Colfax 3104 Schumann upright grand piano, cost 15.00. 8200 will buy It. Wal. 3466. like new. BARGAINS In Douglas 4703. player piano; STRAUSS & SONS piano; reasonable. Ty . ler 3397. . PIANO for sale cheap. Harney 2172. PIANO, at bargain. Harney 2074. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desk, safes, show cases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 11th and Douglaa Doug. 2724. ' Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every ntBtilna .narrnitMA. . Central Typewriter Exc Doug. 4121. is"' rarnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all make of typewriters. Write for list Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver typewriter three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency, 1101 Farnam 6t. City. Miscellaneous. NEW electrlo .washing machine, 175. standard make. Why pay fancy retail prices? We are western distributer for the factory. Omaha Western Bales Co.. phone Doug. 4411. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WANTED To buy a good lumber and coal yard in a llva Nebraska town. Ad dress Y-1040, Ormlha Bee. WILL buy second hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, 705 North 16th St. MANURE WANTED Any kind: write to Box Y-1031. Bee. CINDERS WANTED Will pay good price for 150 loads of good cinders delivered to. Eleventh and Grace streets. Call Douglas 6511. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FURNI TURE. RUG8. STOVES. TYLER 4688. WANT used Oxo gas range burner. Call Mr. Miller. Doug. 1619. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office in the lobby of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. WANTED Hauling refuse and cinders; manure for sale. Walnut 6393. WHITE man wants window washing and - house-cleaning. Tyler 4277. MANURE and black dirt for lawn. Ashes and rubbish hauled. South 1847. ASHES hauled; reasonable rates. Webster 2606. JANITOR work wanted. Webstar 6053. WALLPAPER cleaning. Walnut 797. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. ' Lots of good places ar always advertlaed. Don't miss them. WANTED Position to cook noon lunch eon - in factory ; best references. Web ster 6053. STENOGRAPHER wishes position, five years' experience. Colfax 2404. TYPING, circular work, addressing en velopes, etc. Douglas 4702 Laundry and Day Work. HOME LAUNDRY All kinds- of family washing, ( rough-dry finish, curtains blankets, etc. Work, guaranteed. Col fax 2284. EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker -wants sewing by th day, 60o an hour. -Web. ater 1042. EXPERIENCED hand laundry wants bun dle of all kinds, lace curtain and fancy clothes. Webster 1975. COMPETENT colored woman wants day work. Best reference. Harney 7070, ANY kind of bundle washing. Men's bundle a specialty. Webster 1948. LAUNDRY work for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Webster 3086. - COLORED woman wants cleaning; 60c hour. Colfax 4984. ' DAY WORK Experienced colored lady. Webster 2?88. BUNDLE washing Webster 1727. and lac curtains. DAY work, laundry Douglas 7986. or housecleaulng. BUNDLE washing; experienced laundress. Webst.r 8656. BUNDLE washing Webster 6216. called for, dellverd. LAUNDRY WORK, Webster 6051. - cleaning, 40o tous. DAYWORK Reliable colored woman. Dougla 8087. ijAYWORK and v washing, colored girl. South 2385. IRONING and South 2016. dayworkn experienced. LAUNDRY work; experienced oolored lady. Tyler 1866. ' LAUNDRY work, reliable woman, ater 1699. Web- WHITE woman want laundry work, ler 1477. Ty. DAT work, 4565. colored woman. Webster CLEANING, 4796. by day or week. Webster BUNDLE washing, soft water. 6949. Webster BUNDLE washing neatly done. Webster 1377. " LAUNDRY work wanted. Harney 7M3. rtTe. van SALE Hot witer Incubator. 240 mnt. I Markley and O Brien. Tarysn. 6 SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. LADY wants - day work. Webater 2093. PERFECT bundle washing. Webster 4209. DAY work, reliable woman. Webster 4115. DAY WORK Colored lady. Webster 1226. DAYWORK wanted. Harney 6000. DAYWORK and cleaning. Webster 6091. LAUNDRY work wanted. Webster 4391. WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 1238. DAY WORK and laundry. Webster 6034. DAYWORK wanted. Webster" 6004. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6216. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 4065. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 2927. DAYWORK. Web. 8278. DAY WORK wanted. Tyler 1505. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young man, between ages of 25 and 10 years for promotion work; must have fair education, be wide awake and energetic, also know bow to handle boys; permanent employment with opportunity for advancement; lilt per month to start Reply In own hand' writing, Y-1043 Bee. BRANDEI8 STORES WANT EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN FOR TRANSFER DESK. ONE CAPABLE OF TAKING CHARGE OF SAME; STEADY POSITION AND GOOD SAL ARY TO THE RIGHT PARTY. APPLY SUPT. S OFFICE, BALCONY! BOOKKEEPER, good penman, salea ledger, 8126; bookkeepers, 1150-1175; stenographer, railroad general office, 1125; stenographer, auto accessories, 1125; typist, 175-180-190; typist, to assist shipping clerk, 1100; stockroom clerk, 190: timekeeper. 190; office boys for bank, 150-165; two young men as as sistant bank tellers, 190. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Young man to operate Bur rough's posting machine in bank. Give references, salary deatred and full par ticulars in first letter. Experience ndt necessary to secure the position. Ad dress Dawson County Stat Bank. Lex ington, Neb. OFFICE manager, 6 or 7 years' experi ence, 30 to 35 years old, good person ality, 1250 to 1300. File clerk, young man 16 or 17 years, good salary. Office boys, good openings. Let us have your applications. Right Reference Com pany. 1012 First National Bank. WANTED At once, man 26-35 years of age, as -'itockkeeper and order clerk. Steady job and good pay at start with splendid chance for advancement. Must furnish references. Apply . to manager. Omaha Stove Repair Works. BOOKKEEPERS. 1160, 1125, $100; Time keeper, Wyo 1125. two Clerks, 190; Clerk, 1100; Junior Clerk, 170: Steno. and Clerk, $100; Office Boys, $66. EMPLOYERS REFERENCE CO., 224 Bee Bldg. RAILWAY MAIL clerks, $110 month. Ex perience unnecessary. Young men, 17 upward, desiring clerkships. Write for free particulars. J. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), 109 Equitable Bldg.. Washington. EXPERIENCED BANKER; capable of taking charge of real estate or loan de partment of large financial Institution; Investment required. Address 612 Cen tral Savings Bank Bldg., Denver. Colo. BOOKKEEPER, 1126; office clerk, good pennaan 1110-1125; atenograpber and clerk, $125. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. OFFICE manager, 6 years experience, fine opening credit managers, ledger clerks. .RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANY, 1012 First National Bank Bldg. HIGH class grocery man for corporation of chain stores in Iowa. Must qualify as buyer and manager of stores. D. 66, Bee. TWO good men to start as stock clerks to work Into floor salesmen or execu tives. Right Reference Co., 1012 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. Experienced planing mill Anplv at one to SCHWERIN BROS., . Pierce, Neb. WANTED Mill telegraph and radio oper tors for slgnil corps cable and telegraph system In Alaska. Enlistment - period, three years. Pay and allowances in ' Alaska over 1110 per month. Excellent hunting and fishing when off duty. Those enlisting will be assigned to Signal Corps School, Camp Alfred Vail, N. J., for preliminary Instruction and sent to Alaska In spring. Apply or write RECRUITING 8TATION, ARMY BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. ACCOUNTANT, 35 to 40 years old, 1200- $300; office executive, 1200-1225; ad vertising assistant as copy reader, 1200 $250; bookkeepers, 175-1S0-125: of fice clerks, good at figures. $90-1100; steno., western Neb., 1160-1200. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. ARE YOU a carpenter, bricklayer, farm laborer? South Dakota needs building trades workers of all klnda In large numbers. Also 450 farm bands. Highest wares nald. Can tolace vou Immediately. Write today. Industrial Commissioner Charles McCaffree, Capitol, Q-81. Pierre, S. D. BARBER STUDENTS WANTED Special offer; wage; big demand for graduates. Call or write for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 South 14th St. Phone Doug. 777T. BRICK masons required tor work at Caa- Ker. Wyo. Rate 810 per day. eight ours. Steady work. Apply Midwest Refining Co., Casper, or W. A. Mortimer. Midwest Refining Co., Denver, Colo. WANTED Experienced lumberman; on who Is capable jf figuring lumber busi ness and keeping stock on hand;, no bookkeeping. Writ Y-1035, Car of Omaha Bee. GOOD shoemaker wanted at once; good wages paid; shop run with electrlo ma chinery; write or wire at my expense. Ollverlus Shoe Btore. Albion, Neb. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted. Com mence 11 10 month. Sample examina tion questions free. Franklin lustltut. Dpt 228 C. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTEDMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED 1st class wood workers to work on truck wheels only. Apply at once. Truck 4 Tractor Corporation, 1310 Jackson! WANTED Experienced frame maker; must be all around shop man; must fur nish Veference. Deborah's Art Shop, 721 Franeis 8t, St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED Two experTenced meat cutters In meat market Good salary, sleady positions. Write, stating experience. Box 816. Sioux City, la. WANTED Ten plasterers to start Sun day for whole week. Foreman Bros., Lord Lister hospital 26th and Dewey. WANTED Man to operate moving pic ture machine. Experienced. Good wages, Frank Coukoulls. Ames, Ia. WANTED A man for laboratory work In a wholesale drug house. Good salary. State experience. Y-1042, Bee. WANTED at once, experienced tinner and plumber; steady employment J. B. Sauaer, Crofton. Neb. WANTED Tinner and plumber combined, married man preferred. Box 17. Paw nee Cltv, N. WANTED Reporter for bureau position. Gazette, Billings, Mont. Gaxette Print ing Co. GRANITE letterer wanted at once. Th Cherokee Monument Co., Cherokee, Ia. GENERAL blacksmith. 1021 M St 8teady Job. good wages Lincoln. Neb. Wanted A mlllrlght Omaha Elevator Co., Council Bluffs, Ia. WANTED Boys to work at soda fountain after school. Beaton Drug Co. GORDON press feeder wanted. Printing Co., 1301 Farnam. Omaha Salesmen and Canvassers. STOCK SALESMEN , WANTED 11,000,000 ISSUE. 8 PER CENT CUMULATIVE, PARTICIPATING. VOT. ING, PREFERRED STOCK VIRTUAL LY 8 PER CENT GUARANTEED WITH" COMMON BONUS. HEAVY ADVER TISING CAMPAIGN. SEE SUNDAY'S DENVER POST, MARCH 28, AND MOUNTAIN STATES BANKER, APRIL NUMBER. LEADS FURNISHED. WON DERFUL LINE-UP. BANK REFER ENCES, FAST SELLER. SUBSTAN TIAL COMMISSIONS. COLORADO, WYOMING PERMITS. PLANT NOW BUILDING. WILL BE COMPLETED JULY AND IN PRODUCTION AUGUST. SOME CHOICE TERRITORY STILL OPEN. WIRE OR WRITE. SACKS BROTHERS, FISCAL AGENTS, MID LAND . CEREAL PRODUCTS COM PANY. 3234 FOSTER BUILDING. DENVER. CASHIERS, neat appearance, some cash experience preferred, 175-185; blller, longhand, 195-1105, must be accurate and neat penman; stenographer and good clerk. llftO-1125: stenoaranher. be. I glnner, 166-176; stenographer, wholesale. ,ibuiiid; sienoxrapners. uptown, svs-$100-$110; typist, 876-186; bookkeeper, Insurance, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N Originators of the Reference Business. ?36 first National Bank Bldg. DESIRE, the services of salesmen for western Iowa to represent a wholesale and manufacturing men's furnishing goods concern. Liberal commission and good territory. State experience and give references In first letter. Address Manager of Sales. Box 1343, Des Moines, Ia. $800- TO 81,000 DAILY made by new salesmen of old firm of high repute"; just opening branch officea here; no stock for sals. The amateur or has been need not apply. We remunerate liberal enough to interest salesmen of class. Phone Yates. Dougla 6120,- EXPERIENCED LIVE SHOE SALESMAN 1414 FARNAM BKANDEIS STORE8 want expeilenced shoe salesmen; steady position and good salaries. Apply Supfs. Office, 4th floor. TWO experienced saleamen, auto tires, $200; experienced salesman, calling on retail grocery trade, 1200. V WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. YOUNG energetic men who wish to become salesmen. We train you, paying 146 weekly to start to those who qualify. Call 8 to 9 or 3 to 6. 112 Balrd Bldg. Ask for Mr. Sharpen. SALESMEN wanted at once. Exp. or Inex perienced; 81,600 up, city or traveling. Write for list ot openings. Box D-26, Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. BIG MONEY For producers of Hall Insurance writer in Nebraska; no notes to hsndie; cash when business Is written; can start at once. General Agent Box 677, Grand Island. Neb. ACTIVE AGENTS to sell stock In oil com pany now drilling in famous West Co lumbia field, where big gushers are. Write for literature. 603 Prince The ater Bldg.. Houston. Tex. Hotels and Restaurants. RESTAURANT help Is very scarce at Casper, Wyo. - Cooks receive $35 to 145 per week: waiters, 121; waitresses 117.50; dishwashers, 117.50 to 121, In cluding meals, 8 hours a day. Restaur ant Proprietors Association, , Casper, Wyo. Boys. BOY WANTED For office work; 18 to 19 years of age. References required. BEE PUBLISHING CO., 17th and Farnam. Ask for Mr. Qurvey. OFFICE BOY. A neat appearing office boy wanted at once. Apply in person. PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS CO. 1101 HOWARD. WANTED Bright boy, 16 years old, to learn moton picture business; must not be afraid of work. First Nat'l Exhibi tion Circuit, 814 So. 13th'.' Wanted Boys to work at soda fountain after school. Beaton Drug Co. ERRAND boy wanted. Co., 1301 Farnam St. Omaha Printing Miscellaneous. LABORERS WANTED FOR THE BUICK MOTOR CO. AT FLINT, MICH. Apply - Big .4 Labor Agencies. Northeast corner 11th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. Laaawft.. 4tx sVAvIil. Tamv Jt V J A REAL COHBRATlON Cf STYLE W COMFORT WANTED Cleaner or cleaner helper; good wages and good opportunities fur advancement. Evans . Cleaoera and HELPER In rug departm"- Dresner HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ' WANTED. MEN AND BOYS FOR FACTORY WORK. GOOU WAGES, STEADY WORK. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., STH AND DODGE STS. WANTED TODAY 100 laborers to work In the state. We -pay expenses and good wages. Time and one-half for over time after nine hours. Call 1809 Douglas St. NEBRASKA TEL. CO. BRANDEIS STORES want experienced white porters; steady position and good salaries. Apply gen eral supfs. office. Balcony. FREE JOBS. LABORERS AND TRADESMEN, and all others who want work and mean business. See us, 1907 Harrey St. EMPLOYERS FREE LABOR BUREAU. WANTED At once, laborerj for foundry, machine shop and shipping department work. Com prepared for work. Th Dunham Co., Hastings, Neb. POSITIONS, location, etc.,- for doctor, dentists druggists, veterinarians, nurses F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RED RIVER OHIO aeed potatoes. $4 a bushel. Come at once. 2507 Q St, 8outh 3637. WANTED 16 building laborers. Long, steady work. C. F. Haglin A Sons Co., Ztn ann uavenport PAINTERS and paperhangera wanted, at once. wal. 4567. HOUSEMAN hospital. wanted. St. Catherine Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. Young Lady Wanted For advertising department of a large corporation, prefer one who has had telephone soliciting or switch board ex perience. Reply stating salary wanted, and telephone number. Address Y-1034, Omaha Bee. WE WANT an aotlve young lady to learn the routine In our order department someone who Is desirous of permanent, enjoyable work and who la willing to accept some responsibility. Apply at once, M. E. Smith & Co.. 9tlS and Far. nam. , STENOS. we have several very desirable positions down town at good salaries for your acceptance: Clerk, $75; Typist and Clerk, $85; Typist, $76; Comp't Opr., $70; Clerk, $65; Typist. $10; Elevator Oprs., $65; Film Inspectors, $12; File Clerks, $55, $60, $55. EMPLOYERS REFERENCE CO. ' 224 Bee Bldg, BOOKKEEPER and cashier. $100-$125; comptometer operator, splendid office, $100; dlstaphone operator, $100-$110; stenographers, $125-11 00-176; hi Hers, $75 to $100; file clerks, $60-170; office clerks. $61 to 185. THE MARI OO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $80. $90, $100, $110, or better; good uptown place waiting. Typists, general office clerks, comp tometer operators. Good opening for experienced dental assistant. Right Reference Company, 1012 First Nation al Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $160-$135-$125-$110-$100; bookkeeper, $100; Ass't Book keeper, $86; office clerk, 75; typists. $75 to $100. WATS REFERENCE COMPANY, , 1133 First National Bank Bldg. STENO. and secretary, 1125; steno., R. R. Co.. $95: typist, Auto Co., $90: office elerk, $85; office clerk, no . experience necessary, $65-170. , BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. CAN place several typists in good paying positions. File clerks, dictaphone and comptometer operators and dentist's as sistant. 1 RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANY, 1012 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Several girls or young women for temporary clerical work, those op erating typewriter preferred, shorthand not necessary. Apply Mrs. Simpson, Be office. WANTED Two stenographers and type writers, speedy and accurate, pleasant office, good salary, permanent employ ment Square Turn Tractor Co., Nor folk, Neb. TYPIST wanted for billing. Apply McCord-Brady Co.. 13th Leavenworth. EXPERIENCED typist wanted. Fox Film Corp.. 1413 Harney St. I EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator. El Beudor Apt. hotel, 18th and Dodge. Hand IRONER WANTED. Apply Fontenelle Hotel Laundry Depf Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position? No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. Th work Is fascinating, pleasant healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefits without cost to employes. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement Parents Invited to Investigate working condition. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room 111 , New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglaa Street. WANTED Woman experienced piano player for moving picture and vaude ville house. State experience and salary expected. Frank Coukoulls. Ames, la. SKIRT and walat finishers, and helpers In dressmaking. Mrs. M. E. Mattlson, 2410 South 10th. Douglaa 4603. EXPERIENCED hairdfeaser and Marceller wanted. Marlnello shop, Douglas 3460. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam EXPERIENCED hairdresser and marcel, ler wanteo. Marlnello Shop. Doug. 1460, 8POTTER; alto Dresher Bros. helper: best of 2217 Farnam. wagea. CHOCOLATE DIPPERS WA T-LTPJUTWpu,vCANJ1X iTT TVU HELP WANTED FEMALE ' Professions and Trades. ' YOUNG LADIES Tou will find that tfca American Tl4 phine and Telegraph company it m mighty fin plae to spend roar working? . day. It I a plac wher each glrl'a welfare Is ot primary eonsldwatloa an she l, given th . advantag of a com fortable rest room, a below cost cafe teria, and congenial companions. Th aala'ry I good and th frequent increases mak It a very attractive of fer to any ambltloua girl Miss Bell will tell you all about it Apply 818 New Telephpo Bldg. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Saleswomen and Solicitor. WANTED AT ONCI EXPERIENCED READY-TO-WEAR SALESLADIES; ALSO LADIES FOR OUR LINCOLN STORE. i " GOOD SAURY: PERMANENT POSITION. , ORKIN BROS., CONANT HOTEL BLDG, 1ITH ST. ( 1 WANTED 7 EXPERIENCED CANDY SALESLADY. GOOD SALARY, STEADY WORK APPLY O. 8. COBB. THOS. KILPATRICK CO. SALESLADIES. Experienced salesladies wanted M . once; good salary; work permanent. Kv.w YORK WAIST STORES. 222 S. 16th St. Douglas 812"A BARCLEY corsets, complete line; silk au4 knitted underwear; guaranteed hoelery. Salesladies mak - 15.00 day and up. Walnut 2811. Household and Domestic. , MIDDLE aged man wants keeper on farml good home for right party; will accept widow with one or two chl dren. Bo 13 Crowell, Neb. Allen J. Ellis, Crowell. Neb.' WANTED A COMPETENT WHITB . MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, MRS. RALPH PETERS. 614 SOUTH fiTl, DTDPIT'P U1PM1TV 208. I mill o.vc.. ........ - WANTED WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK; LAUNDRESS KEPT. MRS. CHARLES M' MARTIN, WALNUT 1461. V WANTED Competent girl to assist wit housework and children. Call Harney ins. FOR LAUNDRESSES, .DAT WOMEN. ETC. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL- ijjmiv Uf me- o r. r,. GIRL wanted, who wants to oVe houeeworlc and like: children; wageq satisfactory. Vtnrnev 2827. WANTED White maid for general house- WOrK; gOOa Wgca, uw nomni 7376. ZZ1B Capitol Girl for conking and second work. To laundry. Mrs. John O. Woodward. 110 Oakland Ave. Council Bluffs, la. WILLING GIRL for housework; exp. not necessary; no .hhwi -- - - H. 3atn Ave. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. 3224 Dodge St Harney 1871. WANTED A competent second maid. ZM South 32d avenue. Harney 206. r T WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. Ward ijurgees. izz worm owu CHAS. L. FISH, piano tuner, violin cod niano teacner. uoirax vt. Hotels. and Restaurants. WANTED GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES. SHORT HOURS. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. , DIET kitchen girl wanted. Wise morlal Hospital. 25th and Howard. DIET kitchen girl. Wise Memorial Hos pltai. aatn aim nwrncj. Miscellaneous. WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS. STEADY WORK. 300D WAGES. GORDON LAWLESS CO. -8TH AND DODGE. Women Wanted ' - to distribute coupons, hous-to-hons no selling, pleasant work, short hours, good pay. Apply Crew Manager, Bwlfl & Co., 13th. and Leavenworth. Call to 6. -X' Wanted Strong, white janltress. Muat have best of reference, wria munlty house. 411 So. 17th. Phona Douglas 2714. APPLY HOUSEKEEPER, BLACKSTONxV. nuisu BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for th benefit of business gins, ez w xuu. Douglas eos-j. ar A Mfpn ELEVATOR OPERATOR. APPLY SANFORD HOTEL. GIRL perators wanted. Apply Burgasa Shirt Co.. 201 Karbach block. , HAND IRONER wanted. Apply FonUnellg hotel laundry dept. USHERETTES wanted. Theater 11 a. m. Apply at Bun HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to kara barber trade; big demand: wages wblla learning; strictly modern. Call or writ H03 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. LADIES or men, either experienced I or ap prentice in kodan Iinisn. zu o. uu at. The Hopson Co. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COl,l,l!iUK. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil servic and all English snd commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1665 for larg Illustrated catalogue. Address ROYt.ES COLLEGE. Boylea Building. Omaha. Neb. WE TEACH YOU TO ACTUALLY DRIVH AND CARE FOR FORD CARS IVB BS. PHONE DOUGLAS 6086. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 221 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. J FOR SALE Grill, hotel and delicatessen. Best paying business in th northwest Inquire Brand's, feolse, Idaho. DRUG STORE One of the finest place In Omaha; best of location and a very high class trade. First time offered for sale. Price of store la 115,000 and tls worth every penny of It. Very good reasons for selling. This Is a snap, so do not overlook this bet It will not last long. Address Box X-101, Omaha Bee. MANUFACTURER'S representative want ed; open dtflce and manage salesmen. Wonderful' opportunity. Meritorious proposition. Sold to merchants, whole-, salers and reetailers. Should net 110, 000 annually. 1600 to 12,000 capital re quired. Manager, 822 Reaper Block, Chicago. SELL at om-. ') , tire accessory and tire repair buslhew; . well established, guaranteed first class. ' rfreaiWher busi ness. Bargain, $3,760. W. HTwoaVpan. WILL, SACRIFICE Two of my Gulf Coast Development A Refining Co. oil tracts. Wera taken off market at 1501 each. Address Box X-5, Omaha Bee. "ws-ifc. sa ii I BEST proposition for a mechanical man that wants a horn of hi own. A gen- tin xls:..0- Br,.io .,"ir- v FOR SALE Ford cafe. tnln K-,i .V. N 12,000 month business; poor health re- " !. ar suing. a. Ia Archer, Seward. D. ' htm. .. --"-" -- -- - --r J i - : m OUR business 1 to buy and 11 vou