1 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 30. 1920. 11 WANTED TO RENT. Business Property. VVANTKI. T.i l KNT-- Rooming i.'uu.e or 10 ro't.r;', dttirablt, lor light housekeep ing. Y -1 4 1 . b-. Miscellaneous. $10 REWARD "Win pav J i ii fnr inform (ton hn'li will lead i'i r-'uiliirf 4 or 6-ioum houfev 1 ' MV 1 i ' r 4 j 4 . kcW'ARU of I -'a for infonnHtion tpkuU !ng In re tit a I f 6 U 7-rnnm h oils or bungalow, tlirahlft location. Douglas MrViS, from S a. m. to '.Ht) p. pi. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 1,200 Sets Farm Harness 19 per set; too curled hair leather coilara, 11.50 each; 300 U. S. leather collars. $.V50 each: 300 draft horee leather collars. ii $0 each; the brat 1 lnh halters, $1.4S each; 8,000 sweat pads, 3oc each; IT. S. ntable blankets, $4 each; t'. S. curry cnmha, 3 (or $1; driving whips.':! for 50c; flMt rlase kame-atrapH, $1.9" a dozen. Farmers lake advantage of thee low prices. , No dealer in Nebraska ran compete with -these price. Send money order rr araft wlih nil ordera References: Any bank of Omaha. Price list fret. MIDWKST HARNESS CO., TOO North 16th street. Desk No. 4. SALE OP HORSE COLLARS. Wo have over 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We are selling a regu lar t! collar for 11.60. a good $7 50 col ir for $5. an $s collar for $. Our best fcaavy dray collars lS-lnch draft curled r faco that sell regular for 110 or ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. Hin Farnam St. SIX Brood Sows for Bale. Walnut 2S74. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. HATCHING EGiiS. White Leghorn and White Rock. i:J:;9 X. 4ad St. Walnut J6.41, C. Buff Orphlngton Walnut 13. TIJOHOCdHBRED a egg. for hatching SNOW White Rock Cockerel!, alio egga for hate h 1 n g. Walnut 288. Orsflnton egga. tl.bO to 3. T horos-hbred prl2o stock. I. 4641 . a FINK singer cheap. Call Harn-y 6198. iOOSE egg for sale. Walnut 1160. BARRED "hook tin. c. So. 665. THE GUMPS- O, MIN! Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith f XfcOMJ. TMfS W1T NeU- DON'T QW (HOtDYNfe WAmaaEiT ' , EArVrH.I ( ' H'T,r.J UNO HOW YODRVVE 1 KOW'h BOTH, HAN OS ) VOOCWW 7J .tnout , ITHAT?)- CARP I Xj KjJ CAVIAR -iWOMFM WANT MO AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 19IS JlOI.INE-KXN.iin' iliumiiiy roadtur. Don't cull unUsi interested. Webstc-r :isc. m; K(ihi ToritiN'i cah. A-Xll 1 condition. Call Harney L'THP. i'OR SALE Almoat new 1 3 1 i Oakland touring car. Call So. 1919 FORI' Sedan with starter, demount able rims Douglas 2C56. 191S model Ford, at a bargain, $375. Call South 1345 after 4 p. ni. , VJ17 O'lDSMOBILK touriiiK for aale. No dealers. Webster r. ir,o. FARM LANDS. New York Lands. ?1SW YORK. J700 CASH. 1100 YEARLY BUVS FAC'H. 120 acres, $2,600. 14 cows: 109 acre'. $7,0u0, 10 cows; 135 acres, $6,500, cows, team, toola; 46 acres. $4,200; 50 acres, Jl.SOo; soil drainage location; good buildings. Write for photos: rail road fare one way to purchasers. K. IIL'XSON. 2426 S. SAl.I.NA ST.. SYRACUSE, N. Y. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY anlv an CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKIXO HOUSEHOLD tlOODS ANT) PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENT8. 1th and Jackson Sta. Douglas 28. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4i3S. Auto or wagon service JIOV1NO. PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 1 8th. rioug. 416S. HEN RICK SO N TRANSFER THB WORLD MOVES SO DO WE CtTY AND COl'NTRY HAULING. Phone Colfax 127 days, or Colfax 2330 eveninps. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned bv It, R. Bow en Co. Tyler 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us eslimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE "l G. M. C, 2-ton $ 600 1 Republic, 1 1-2-ton capacity with cab and body 900 1 Master, 2-ton, dump and body. hydraulic :,ooo closed cab, :,soo 1 Indiana, 2-ton, gooij as new. . Several Other Bargains. QUALITY CARS and SQUARE DEALINGS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. WE have several different models of used cars at bargain prices, including roadsters, fivc-passcnger tourings, seven -passenger tour - inps, sedans and coupes, four, six and 12 cylinder cars. Either all cash or payments. See us for quality cars and square dealings. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 2020 FARNAM ST. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO VOBIL1NG; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, A-1 CONDITION, SELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THB Jfift DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3622. USED ALHli TRUCKS FUR SALE. 1 Master 2-ton, with hydraulic hoist and body $2,000 1 Indiana 2-ton chassis 1,500 1 Indiana 2-ton chassis, with closed cab, good aa new 2,800 1 Reo speed wagon, with cab and body 1.030 1 G. W. C. 2-ton. 600 STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020-22 Farnam St. ISK WILLYS li; beat of condition. after Doukiss ,24i. isTsf F iu'r-tuntru.:k. t ail Do 7217 after li p. 111. AMERICAN h.cycl ater 4i:i'j. FORD CAR Touring. Harney 6306. Call FOR SALE In the great American oaala, v.; stern New York fruit belt. 108 acres, all kinds . f fruit. $9,000 cash. Owner, William C Metcalf. Clyde, N. T. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. I.CVM.Y COUNTRY HOME JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS and a real bargain; 20 acres, 7 In or chard, with $15,000 in modern Improve ments. Price for quick sale, $25,000; $5.0ih) caah, balance easy terms. Wal nut ff74. Council Bluffs. almost itev.'. NWeb- Oklahoma Lands. pructUally new. DODGE commercial truck for sale. Una. Neplnsky, 1262 South 13th. Tyler 2604. FOR SALE 1917 Ford louring car, A-1 ahape. Call Harney 2790. OVERLAND roadster. 75 B. New Wll lard battery. Tylerjiroi. BARGAINS In player piano; like new. Douglas 4703. Repairing" and Painting. RADIATOR CORKS INSTALLED. Manutacturcd in Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 18'9 Cu mlng St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES. STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3 $ 9.75 llOxiilj $13.75 iiixiV, 17.85 32x4 20.50 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD TIRE (.. 410 North Pith St. Doug I a s 3S30. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 20x3, $4.00; 3lix3"i. $5.00. All sljes in proportion. Look over our rebuiits. Open Sundays. T.v ler ?96. 908 X. 1 Sth S'1 Key st on o Tire Shop. N E W R EPUU I.1C Til! ES CH EAP. " 30x3 F1SK $12.93 I 34x4 $21.95 30x3 9.95 I 36x4 26.95 KA I M ANTI It E JOBBERS. 1722 CUMIN' !. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 X. 19. Accessories. Vt"I.CANizix6 and tire ,ltop equipment for sale. liil'O t'apitol Ave. Tyler 304 1. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARI.F.Y'. DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Ictor IT. Rons, the motorcycle man. 7th and r.eaven'.vorth Sts. LATE 1918 llai'Kv Uavi.lsou jnotorcycla and side car. Tyler 2176. SHAWNEE, Oltl.. emer' of a great farm ing country. Wrlle for free agricultural booklet. Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Wisconsin Lands. FREE LIST Of over 60 Improved farms; where corn, clover, potatoes and all amall grains have flo equal. Write Greenlee & Young, St. Croix Falls, Wis. LANDOLOGy, a magazine giving the facta in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a hom or as an investment you are thinking of buying cood farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mail me LAXD OI.OGY and all particulars free." Ad dre6a Editor. Landology, Skldmore Land Co., 433 Skldmore Blrlg.. Marlnetta, Wis. JUST write us as follows: Send full free information concerning your success Lands in Upper Wisconsin." Valley Land Co.. 29 Hall Avenue. Marinette, Wis, 4 ACRES in Council Bluffs One mile from Omaha car line. RlcM, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, 'i cash: balance to suit buyer. M.iiEF, REAL ESTATE CO.. 103 Vfarl St Council Bluffs. Ia. Dundee. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. North. PRIVATE HOME Corner location, on boulevard; paving all paid; closo to school; block to car line: 15 minutes' walk to city; fine shade; good garage; paved drive; seven rooms and bath, one floor; modern 'throughout; hot water heat, electric and gas. A fine buy for the man who wants a home. A coll will convince you. Price $4,000. Terms If desired. 2403 Flor ence Blvd. Web. 1080. FOR s;ai.l" Modern attractive 8-room home in Dui,dee, with double parage and other up-to-date conveniences. Cash or fcood negotiable commercial pa pers. Price reasonable. Address, Box X-29. Omaha Bee. We fipecialize In Dundee bomei, C. B. STUHT CO., S12-14 City National. Douglas 8787. DUNDEE, modern 7-rojom home for aala by owner. Walnut 1621. Florence. C. I. XETHAWAY for suburban property. Florence Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Col. 1409. Miscellaneous. Wyoming Lands. SOLDI El. S 640-acre homesteads. 7 months' reyUupee, Duff. Casper. Wyo. i FINANCIAL. Lands, Estate. Loans, Mortgages. MONEY lo lend on improved Real Estate. Interest puvabl- semi-annually. Wr. H. THOMAS 4 SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FAbSilS. O' KEEK E REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. B ldg. Doll. 2715. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. D. WE A P. W.-ad Bldg.. a 1 0 S. 18th St. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. PACKARD ?-ton truck, good running con dition, only $550; Ma.xweil I -ton truck with body and cab. $.".00; Ford, with Smith 1-ton attachment. complete, with body anil cab. only $250; Stude baker ton truck, a snap at $250: Re public ton truck, rebuilt, newly painted, guaranteed fine condition, only $875. A.NDREW MURPHY ft SON, 14T1I AND .T AC K SON STS. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and reflnished Tludsons 1n closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms if desired. GUY L. SMITH, Southeast Cormr of ?fith and FnrnaTn. TWO FORD TRUCKS In good condition. Solid tire rear wheels, heavy braced rear axle, good wagon boxes on both. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Write today. Ad dress Box T-78. Omaha Bee FORDS. 1919 Touring $450.00 1918 Touring 36O.0O 1918 Roadster SSO.fln 1918 Sedan 575.00 TRAWYER AUTO CO. 1910 Farram. FOR SALE SEVEN-PASSENGER IOZIER CAR. only been driven ;i.500 miles If you are looking for a bargain don't fall to see thiS; Call Colfax 221 It ELI A B L E automobile school: best elec trical and self-starter course; free cata log. Come and inspect it. Day school rear 'round. Night school opens April 1. National Automobile School, 2814 North 20th. Omaha. NEW AND USED CARS. 40 Dodges and Bun ks. Cach or Tim- Payments. GOLDSTRVM AUTO SALES'. 1116 .Harney St. Tyler 714 You Cannot Afford to overlook this bargain. Buiek Light Six, used only a few week. For p- pointment cal, Tyler 4072 ttOME bargalna In uaed Ford cara. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford . Jcrvle Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug las 3500. FOR SALE "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will sell tou ab solutely right, any part of 7.000 acres of tbe best whet aud corn land in pt Colorado. Writ for facts, now. Soft our crops. Investigate. R. T. CUne, Owner, "Brandon, Colo. 320 ACKKS improietl, on, mil fmm town, 35 miles southeast, of Denver; no irriga tion; very best Krain and dairy rnuntry; alfalfa. rlovr and hlu praas ; fine hi - inic land. Ma-k poll, springs with run ning vatfr ; up w five -room bun tea low lioune : other imiiruvrnvn t s ; possession. W. M. Tarr. owner, L'H Wilkinson Bldg., i urn an a. FOR SAhK Sec. K.-1 o - 4 i . Cheyenne county. Colorado; four miles from por tion; on main graded road; near srhool; fin Foil; Jvel; JC'i on hit" if sold be fore Mxy 1 ; part r,ish ; h;i l i net fi per eent. This Js a snap, Address owner. i.. t mm. aynt .Nh. DTAMdNl'vS AM JKWKUIY LOANS. Lowest ra tes. Private loan booths. Harry Malas-hP.-k. 1514 Tt-dge. P. B619. Ks. 1S94 FAKM and city Joans. E. H. LOt'OF.B. INC.. Kel!n Bldfr. PRO-MI'T service, reasonable rates. prlv;e money, (iarvhj Bros., 1.45Omaha JSTh t" I. !. K. BL'C'K. Loanli! 442 Omaha Nat' Stocks and Bonds SAFR INVKSTMKNT. Warded $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal insurance policy. Man wishing to,. ... I, 1nnn I. .r.-fii.t-.t Va r-r nollovV wtll co m r to beneficiary upon death ff insured, who is 61 years old and in poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire $3. "00 will bo paid to note holder upon death of insured, and will keep up premiums In insurance. Chance to mrtke fron $501 to $1,000 in short time. Addre! Be, Box M-". REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR ISAI.K IrtU acres rinse to ton, t olorado. Will consider city proper ty or goou ear as part payment. $30 per acre. Phone f 'oIf;ix Frank (iass. owner. 400 Ti X. 2;'dh St.. Omaha. W IZ have served the Omaha public in buying and selling real estate for over :? years. We have many calln noty for home. List your property with ns. We viii serve you to your best interests McCague Investment. Co YOlTWA X7! TOS ELlT" T kXtIiOUS E Want qc.ick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To bnv or rell Oman Real Estate pee I TiAnrr tt- o nr.riAit a t t- Biirlmg- TUWljllllt & MCUUiNAijU Kansas Lands. WE ltiO A. fine lev.-! rich soil, good imp.; 12 mi. from Lawrence; big bargain; $J,Io. 14" A. good, ri'li. smooth valley land: 90 a, wbcat. !0o a. alfalfa, good imp.; price $ - oo per a. 700 A. choice !hv Valley; good imp.; big snap; x;l00 per a. 500 A. all good rich all; ; 4 sets Imp.; 400 a. wheat; 100 a. alfalfa; a won derful bargain: $22f. p r a. 75 A. fine, rich prairie; lays almost per fect; S sets i,roo,l imp.: all fenced hog tight: price $150 per a. If you are look- WANTED ly City Xat'l Bank Bldg. Pong. 1 4 J WANTED to buy rooming liou.se from owner, 7 to li' rooms. Must be close in and a bargain. Call Pouilas 7172. WE HAVE tcsh buvers for cottages and buiigalov.s nioelv located. Shrlver. 1047 9 Omaha Xat. Bank Bldg. P. lfi"6. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of insurance, HERMANSEN & CO. 74$ omaha Nat. Tank Bldg-. Remember the City Heat and Dirt Last Summer? You cmi avoid it this year. Wo are offering for bitie a beautiful 6-acre trart north of Krug Park. Th" ground lies hinh ni.d sightly; it is aM fonced and has fair imprevements, including a 3-room stucco cottage, barn, chicken house and a good well. This is a chance to beat the II. O. L., raising your own chickens and garden truek. The price is $ 4.300. wner j-h; s he will take a late model light touring car a,s part payment. Schroeder Investment Co. 538 Rai'way Evrhunge 131dg. I. "JUL REAL ESTATE IMPROVED." "West. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Beautiful 5-room, nearly r.e w. 1 story semi-bungalow; large living room, fireplace, dining tiom. white enamel kitchen on main floor; 2 bedrooms, bath and 4 closets on 2d: corner lot. on Paved stfpet. i block to car. Price, S.T.n. Walnut. 212. GRAND AVENUE BUNGALOW A fine, well built home of five rooms fiol hat h, just painted outside, oak fin ish, including in bedrooms-; oak floors hroughnut house; t i e bath floor, fur nace heat, south trout lot, paved street; a good built home; prie, $5,500; terms. We will be 'glad to show any other house we have. RASP BROTHERS, 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. WOMEN WANT NO BALLOTS ERASED WHEN THEY VOTE School for Inexperienced Voters Attracts Men as Well as Fair Ones. BABY WINS FIRST POINT IN DAMAGE SUIT FOR $50,000 Judge Sears Rules Child Has Legal Rights Prior To Birth. South Side 4 Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced serv ice in the management of property, either as rental or sales agents. IN THE BEST. 'RESIDEXCE DISTRICT OF FLORENCE. Seven-room, modern house; downstairs finished In oak; built-in features; beau tiful location; 1 block to car. Colfax 4341. I MM EDIATE POSSESSION. $J50 down, buys 6-room cottage: bath and gas: In fine repair; 2 blocks to car snd school; lot 60x3 on corner. 3423 Parker St. Webster 3''37. IMM EDIATE POSSESSION. 1911 Blnney, 8-room modern, newly decorated, fine location, immediate pos session. $1,;00 cash, balance, payments. Doug. 59ti7 or 7 S VI . 5-ROO.M modern house, north part of city; must sell immediately. Price $2,500. Call Walnut 21 Sit after 5 o'clock week days. 3Sth and Parker Sts. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park wood Addition: a safe place for Inveat ment. Xorrls & Xorris. Douglas 4270. 2b27 SEWARD. 4-room, new, modern bun galow. $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. BOS Bee. Douglas 200. 1 1 A K O A I X B V O W X K R. Six-room cottage, modern heat. JS.r.iii'. Harney 371. except MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Nl'AV 2-bTORY STUCCO. i blk. to Harney car line; full ce ment drive; very laige living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen and break fast room on main floor; ii beautiful bed rooms and bath on 2d; large attic; ail very finely finished. This is an ex ceptionally good buy. Must be seen to appreciated. Walnut 2S12. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO ON FLORENCE BLVD. Six munis, large living room across entire front of house, largo dining room and kih lcii on main floor; 3 large bed rooms and bath, on 2d. Full cement drive, double garage. Price, $9,000. Walnut lit 12. YOIWTS & POHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1751. MIXNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 1 J ' BY OWNER. modern, 7-room house, nearly i car line. Colfax 1620. t in. $2,700. Big bargain. All Tiew, ( -R. mod. Cloh Poiig. FOR ouick results list with Beniamin Frniikenherg, 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722 7-R. mod. Close In. $2,700. Big bargain, Doug. 4M1. South. HOUSE AND 13 ACRES On i)odg street. fir?t house west of Ponv f.tnrt. K-nt $T0 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone Tyler SO 24. 902 Cily Nat. Bk. Bldg. "BEAUTIFUL HOME IX LEAVENWORTH HEIOHTS. 5-room stucco bungalow; large living room; south front; on paved street. Price $7.ono. Walnut 2S12. have buyers waiting. List EDWARD WILLI AMS CO.. son Omaha National B1-. Bldg. with LI log for a bargain In farm land write WILSON - CLF.VENOER, Rear Merchants Nat. Bank. Bldg. Lawrence, Kan. REM KM HER YVK ARK i'I.'TTIN'G A (,(X0-ACRK TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchaser; over 2,i0u acres, in wheat; send for our list. FEl.TON" . WEST, "07 Ynunse Bldg. Tyler 47 4 Michigan Lands. T your property with Martin I'e.lersen, ;'423 North -4IH St. v.-h tcr 4i J. eve nings, ao.i Sundays. Webster 4Kfi1. I -liouses to s- II. have buyers! wait'ne. tstern Real Estate Co., 41o Karbach 1-tlk. WANT 5 to 8-room lioufce from owner, on j pavtnonts. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4 1 50. j WANTED Th hu a modern apt nouso, ! for cash. Call Mr.Dorhrse. Colfax ::,',6:;. I REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. I $5,000 POSSESSION .1UXE 1ST $8,000 Eight-room, modern, oak finish, full basement, floored attic, like new, 3 blocks west of Crelghton college, own er. S Llreoln Blvd. Call D. 291. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. B0HAN, 021 Pnxtnn Bll--. Phone T.vle' 4S0. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Th-af. Pong. 9. WK have c;h buvers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phon Douglas 6074 rnd we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. LAND! LAND! Make big money farming in Michi gan's best hardwood counties raising grasses, grains, stock, truck and fruit. Only $15 to $35 per sere. Near schools, churches, markets, hardroads, railroads, etc. Small down payment; balance easy terms. The biggest company, the lowest prices; the best land. What more can you asfc? Write today for free booklet. Swigart Land Co., J1252 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Chicago, 111. 50 DOL'GLAS county farms for sale; write for our list. Central ifinnesuta Laud Co., Alexandria, Minn. Missouri Lands. RE A I BARGAIN. t,00o hOT FOR ON1.Y $?i0. tn Plainview additiuti, by own-T. Call Wens I r 273, afternoons or r v n in k sj BUY a let at present low prices. West Farnam. Dundee and Flld club. Acres on South Side. Shuler & Cary, HO 4 Keellne E. G. SOLOMON r 1 4 Brown Block L' lnv 1 oug. tale nte. 2r, 2. front". 1' on 19th atol I.ilrd. east $1,50". cash or Payments. Y-1Q32. He- isonable. Tyler 3:197. LARGE size ,,t ; SPRING CREEK FARM 120 acres plenty of Improvements: fruit: corn made 40 bushels i it acre; running water: $2.80"; easy terms. B-E94, Moun tain Vn.'W Mo. WRITE for Information iil.out ihe rich al luvial soil of southeast Missouri, where corn is king. Biankenhip Realtv Co., Dexter. Mo. Nebraska Lands. CORN. WHEAT AND ALFALFA FARMS In the Mi .snuri Hi v r 'i 1 . th Ni!" V,iltev f American. Sur-'st Crop c.tui tiv in th'' WorM. Wntn fnr R-n!t:ful!y Tlluttat. .1 i ;( t a 1 ii k WOODS BROS. COMPANIES, 1,;i South 13th St.. I Incoln. Nb. ex- One 7-pasgenger l.ozler car. In cellent condition. Colfax 2S21 . FOR TERMS OX USED CARft- VAN BRUNTS. Look for the re4 sal on windshield, FOR SALE One 1919 Ford Touring car with starter. A-l condition, $i7$. Phone South li". VANT ED For spat cash, 100 used cars; quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2059 Farnam St Doug. 035, THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPAXT. 2520 Farnam St. WE HAVE 60 good used cart to 4Klect from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 202 Farnam. " AUTO CLEANING! HOUSE, 033 FARXAM. E X CEPTIQNAI. U SEP OARS . ' BF.ET VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO cu, 1910 FARNAM. I'SaKLAND Sensible Six. si L'Aik.UA. 1' IV, , -B M0 Farnam 8a. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. NEARLY new apartment-., five apartments of 5 rooms each, strictly mo'lrrn. oak finish, Imilt-in features, nice fireplace in each apartment, with gas grate; large, moileni hmidry room; large lot, with four parages. Ruital over S.?,000- jer j ear. For price and terms c.-jU E. E. AUSTIN T!er 75. lt Nat'l. 1.1 k. RUfp. FOR SALE A 6-room modern house; lot 72x150 ft. Inuuire of owner after 7:30 p. in. 3420V California St. J. B. ROBINSON, Rfal Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. BENSON & MEYERS CO., 424 Om. Nat'l. North. ONE BLOCK TO PRAIRIE PARK. ' $1,500 ti-rooms all modern, on one floor with Ian;" lot, one block from car. $7iio ca< down and balanco oil monthly payments. A REAL BAHRAIN. ?5,500 5 rooms all modern, one one floor with one acre of ground with young vineyard and other fruit trees, a garage and a fine chicken coop, an ideal home. You can handle this with $1,000 cash and balance on monthly payments. $ 1,750 A flve-room bungalow, modern with floored attic; on car line, located on Fort St. PRAIRIE PARK HOME. $v.600 E'er a shoft time we offer this beautiful seven-room home, with double, garago anil large, lot. You 'oui.i pot duplicate thiii home for $11,000 today. Tmlav and evenings cail colfax 9;.o or Colfav 1213. It. V. Clary Co., 2404. n Ames Ave, Colfax 173. ATTRACTIVE STUCCO HOME 2327 SO. 32D BLVD. A very fine home, seven rooms, thoroughly modern, nicely deco rated throughout, oak finish; large living room arrangement, with fireplace and built-in bookcases; four bedrooms and sleeping porch; fuii lot, on the Blvd., with driveway ana garage. Price, $12, (100. Early possession can be ar ranged. For further information call GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Douglas 28.SO. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. ''John, dear, stop at the republic an women's committee headquarters today and ask someone if I can register as a republican in the pri maries and then vote some other way at the election if I change my mind." This must be the new request at Omaha breakfast tables to take the place of the ancient and bewhiskered plea for a spool of white thread, judging by the number of men who came Monday to ask various ques tions at the women's headquarters, where a school for instruction iu the art of voting by women started yes terday. Women also wanted to know all the details of marking the ballot and the etiquette of behavior on their maiden appearance at the polls. Informal personal instruction is given from 2 to 4 p. in. and will be continued until the close of regis tration. A similar school will be conducted beginning this afternoon in the dry democratic women's headquarters in the Patterson block. Mrs. W. A. Baldwin will be instructor. "We are on trial before the na tion and we want no wasted votes," an ardent worker among the women of Omaha declared jester day in explanation of the school for the instruction of voters. "Lots of men's votes are thrown out at every fe election oecause or errors mauc in marking ballots; we want the wom en to know better." So all through the week and up to April 10 the women's committee will act as first aid station to be wildered and inexperienced women voters. Judge Landis Probably Will Make Sky Flight Next Week Judge Kenesaw M. Landis of the federal court in Chicago is expected at Fort Omaha to make his special balloon flight either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Lieut. Col. Jacob Wuest wrote to Col. Joseph C. Morrow, aeronautical officer of the Central department at Chicago, yesterday, suggesting the first of next week as a time for the flight Colonel Morrow and Col. George O. McCammon of Chicago will be members of the flight party- A GOOD BUY 2228 Poppleton Avenue This is a 2-story, 7-room, all modern housf, loci fed on south front lot, 2 blocks to the 24th St. car line; conven ient to pchoo! and stores; $760 cash, bal nnce "nuld like rnt. GEORGE & COMPANY il KALTORS. Tyler 304. 902 City Xat'l. Bank Bldg. Brief City News Miscellaneous. Omaha, Neb., March 20, 1920. Shopcn & Co., 224 Keeline Building, Omaha, Neb. Ceiitlemen: Last Thursday morning T listed mv house with you for sale, and it wasn't two hours later when you had sale ef fected. Your company surely possess efficient and conpetent salesmen. "Class" Is a mild word for their speedy transactions. Yours truly, (Signed) A. D. MILNER. 19TH, & CHICAGO INVESTMENT This i located on northeast corner, So feet facing Chicago and i feet on lftf.lt St.; has 3-story brick building of fi apartments. 14 rooms in each apartment. For price and terms ee W. FARNAM SMITH On BujiiiK Trips F. L. Haas of Haas Brothers left last evening on a haying trip to eastern markets. Train or Nasli Cars The North western railroad brought in an other train of &1 cars of Nash pas senger cars and trucks, which is the second train to be received this month hy the Nash Sales company, the penerai distributors of .N'ash products in this territory. Open Employment. Ruroaii A free employment bureau to furnish clerks and otflee workers for retail stores in Omaha was opened yester day in connection with the credit bureau of the Associated Retailers of Omaha. It is expected the bureau will become an effective clearing house for store help. Anne Marie, l.iblin, 6-inouths-old daughter of John and Elnora Lib lin, won the first point in her suit against the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company yes terday, when District Judge Sears overruled the demurrer filed by the street railway company to the baby's suit for $f0,000. Anne filed the suit December 3, 1919, when she was 2!3 months old. Injured in Accident. She alleged that she had been in jured in a street car accident July 12, 1919, at Tenth and Bancroft streets. The street railway company con tended that Anne could not have been injured because she was not yet born on July 12 and could not have had the rights of human be ings. Judge Sears' decision is to the effect that an unborn child has the same legal rights as those who have been born. John O. Yciser, who is the at torney for Anne, says it is the first, case of the kind in this country, if not in the world.- Mother Also Sues. Anne alleges in her petition that up to the time of the accident she had every prospect of being born a healthy child. But when her mother was thrown from a street car at Tenth and Bancroft streets on July 12, 1919, she sustained precisely the same injuries as her mother, the principal of these being a rupture of blood vessels at the base of the occipital at the identical place where her mother struck her head. The accident caused her to be born in a weak and emaciated condition, Anne savs. Mrs. Liblin is also suing for $25,000 damages for injuries sus tained by herself. "Gun-Tobn' Bill" From Wyoming Halts Game Of Confidence Men When "Gun-totin Bill" Dean, a product of Douglas, Wyo., "mixed" with four alleged confidence men in a North Sixteenth street pawnshop yesterday, he reeled his .45 into play and backed out of the place. He reported to the police that the four men had tried to make him buy a watch on which he did not bid. In an ensuing argument a "friend" advised Bill to pay the price and avoid trouble. "I didn't bid, I tell ya, an' I'm not a-goin' to pay," Bill spoke up, brandishing a gun. . No arrests have been made in the affair. Dr. Abby Holmes to Talk "How Life Begins" will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Abby Virginie Holmes at 7:30 this evening in the auditorium of the Y. VV. C. A. She will describe origin of plant, bird, animal and human life. & CO., Doug. 564. 1320 Farnam St. FO1?. KEITH AND FERKINS '"v COUNVY LAND "Wrhe U3 for (st before looking else where. FELT ON' & WEST. 307 Croimse Bldr. Opposite P. O. Phone Tvlr f,l.v OMAHA FARM. Immediate delivery: south fin acres, west half of southwest quarter section 7. Town.-li(n Iii not ih, rang" I :: east Write Os.ar E. Waer, Urand Hapids. Mich. FOR SALE Choice 120 acres of Buffalo county ami Wood River Valley Intnl. KlglHy acres In alfalfa Three miles from Shelton. Inquire or i D. .Martin, j WALSH-ELMER CORN AND At.KM.FA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA. at the ricrht price. Writ" for list. J.AHSl'N C.ARRAHKR, Central ' itv- Xeb'a "k For Nib. Fanns i-1 1 lUuches a' C.rnham-Peters Realty Co.. f.9 Pmeha Nat'l Bk. Bids. Omaha. WRITE ire for picture, and prb e of my far'r.s s;d rat1' lies to i;oo.l ol D;i " On. Aran L. Hungerforrl, Crawford. Neb. ST. LOUIS. FLAT S'),ri'"0 bus a good M. Lou; flat; ie!l li'H Hted in , Hnii(i' iMTi I'h rU dist rii t ; IS moms in aeh :i na i t inent ; a u nun I rnta 1 $1,080. Tvet us .show jou this place. U is worth the money. D'. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Douglas 4A. 915-17 City Xat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE Three-story brlclt building, full enr rr lot in wholesale district. Possession It war.trrl. DC MONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Bldg. Thone Doug. 90. DL'NDEE lot 50x135. Webster St., Inst west of 50th: paved alby aud streets; all tacclala paid; price right. C. A. GRIMM EL. Thone Douglas 1615. CO., Realtor., Real Estate. Investments, Insurance. Ren tals. Tyler - ISM, "M Securities Bldg. VACANT FIVE-RliOM HOMES. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. i, 500 5 rooms, all modern, near 20th and l.arintore; not new. but in best of repair: paving paid In full; $",oo cash down and $35 per month will handle. :.",,750 .", rooms, all modern: onk finish; a dandy, ni, e home; one block to car and park In Florenee, This Is a bargain and cannot be bought after the firwt for this low price; $1.0o0 cash down aitd $30 per nionlh. ,',250 Also In Florence; modern except heat: can't bo beal for the price; $750 cash down and $:!l per month. Call Sunday. Colfax 950 or 1243. K. F. CLARY CO.. 2401-00 Aniea Ave. folfar 1 7S "HOUSES "FOR SALE" EASY TERMS rne -room, close in, modern' except heat. $.f,So. One ft-room. cos hi, modern, hot Vfll'T bent. $4,00n. 'tn- s-ro'.mi. mar Fontcnelte park, hot vater heat, corner lot, shade and fruit tfoop. $.(,;,oo. One 4 - room, nar Knntenelle park, modern except hat. $2,20f. IS. S. & R. E. Montgomery Douglas 1313. Malnut 213fi. TWO acres, Mtiall house. shds, etc.; some fruit : two bloeks to school and car line; located In Kast Omaha. Trice, $2,0f, Five acres, sms II improvements. 1 acrps alfalfa; located in FJast Omaha. Price. Terms if desired. Posses sion on shiirt noUee, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Dou. .",..(. 1 320 Farnam St. A. A. TATMAX. Farms. .",01 Karbach Blk. I REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAN 1). Wo have 11 homes lls'ed in Omaha. O" oer wants land. S, S. & R E. MONTtSn.MKRT. 21S Citv National. feiA FT I Fr7r'la"rg'-" b il l ra.'-t" Tots""i n"bct part of Council Roiffs. What have ou ti trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam street. FEW REAL BARGAINS. Six-room, modern, nice location; only .1 years old; $4,000; 11,500 cash, balance terms; Immediate possesion. Sis-room, at' modern: full cemented bas( no id . newly painted and decorated: on paved street, close to Holv Ang'-I chinch- 1.(in: $500 cah, $,!5 per month; i:i;nediate pnssessiuii Srve'i.rr.nm. all no'dern: ( on i,s'"l S1;(ef( rlos :i; ft l'iuiri.'l M. DEC EL. CO., r 105 Am' a Ave. Colfax WANT A HOME ? Listen! If you really want a good 5-room. strictly modern home, well located, where you 1 will be proud to live and one you can buy on terms, call Doug. 7412 ' days. - I REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITr CO. ! X. W. cor, isth and Dodge. Doug. 50 H. j , " NEW BPNUALOW. t Immediate possession, five nice large J rooms aud bath. Oak finish and fully modern. In finest of repair, full base".. I menl, fully modern, nice lot with hedge fence, paved street, near car and school. ; A dandy neighborhood. This will make you a dandy home. See It at om.e. Price, $5,150. About $1,500 caah. i RASP BROTHERS, I 212 Keellne nidg. Tyler 721. HOL'SK TO BE MOVED. Three rooms and shed, plastered, in ' good shape, now on jacks at 2211 X. C2d. Price $!,'. RASP BROTHERS, 21? Keeline Hldg Tvier 721. Public Land and Farm Sale The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at his place, 13 miles straight north of Arnold, 19 miles straight west of Anselmo, and 18 miles straight south of Dunning, on Thursday, April 1, 1920 Sale to begin at 10:OP a. m., the following property: ONE SECTION OF DEEDED LAND the N4 of Sec. 17, EL of Sec. 18 . and the lease on the School Section 16, all in Township 19, Range 25. TERMS on LAND: 10 per cent cash on day of sale and 15 per cent cash the day deed is made. DESCRIPTION: 500 acres under cultivation, good soil, large tract subirrjgated hay flats; fenced, crossfenced; pasture with good well and 2 supply tanks; 4-room house; good barn, 40x50, and all necessary outbuild ings. This is one of the best combination Stock and Farm propositions on the market. It will bear fullest investigation. Wife Beats Husband; Has Him Arrested And Then Pays His Fine Lewis Samyen, S140 South Thirty-eighth street, who appeared in bouth Side police court Jlonday to answer a charge of abusing his wife, had the appearance of having been put through a threshing machine. His eyes were black, his face scarred and scratched. When Judge Foster assessed a fine of $10, Mrs. Samyen, who had complained against her husband, slapped down $12.50, remarking that Lewis had better not get drunk again or the next time he would not be able to come to court. Judge Foster said he guessed the right party was punished when the wife paid the fine and the woman laughingly admitted she had trimmed her husband a little, then had him arrested for safekeeping. "Can you beat that?" said Pro cutor Perry Wheeler. Texas to Replenish Cattle In Northern Pastures, Report "Cars have been ordered for the spring movement of cattle from Texas to Kansas and Nebraska and other northern pastures, which will, start about April 25 and continue until June," said George W. Mc Cracken of Fort Worth, Tex., who was a packing house visitor Mon day. The northwest will go short on cattle, according to Mr. McCracken, and Kansas and Nebraska will be compelled to put in young cattle, as older ones do not exist. He says re ports from the northwest indicate plenty of feed which will raise a serious re-stocking problem. Mon tana is looking to Texas for the re plenishment of her pastures with live stock and Texas steers already show up in Idaho pastures. Wouldn't Drink Raisin Wine; Cleared on Liquor Charge Patrick O'Dea, 4605 South Twenty-second street, pioneer independ ent meat packer, was discharged iii the South Side police court on, a charge of illegal possession of liquor. Detectives Farrapd and Lundeen found in an ice box in the O'Dea plant a pint bottle half full of raisin whisky. O'Dea disclaimed any knowledge of the liquor, and said jt may have been hidden by one of his employes. He said he was not in the habit of using that kind of stuff and. if he ever did use any, it would be the best. South High Dramatic Club Entertains at Fort Crook Soldiers at Fort Crook were enter tained Sunday evening by the Dra matic club o South High school. An orchestra of 30 pieces furnished the . music, while a cast of 50 people pre sented two comedies, several read ings and vocal selections. The en tertainment was Jield,. i" the fort gymnasium under the aupicei the educational and recreation office. Tobacco Valued at $500 Stolen On South Side Peter Waznieck, South Thirty third and L streets, reported to South Side police Monday that his soft drink parlor was entered Sun- day night and cigars, chewing gum, cigarets, chewing and smoking, to bacco worth $500, and $5 in cash, " was stolen. Entrance was gained by cutting out a panel of the back door. Fined $100 and Costs for Illegal Liquor Possession ; William Rudolph, 6212 South Twenty-second street, proprietor of ; a soft drink parlor, arrested Sun day night charged with possession ' of liquor, was fined $100 and costs. Arresting officers testified they -found a gallon jug of alcohol and water and two glasses on a table in Rudolph's place. ( 4 "'" Spring Shorthorn Sale - . Starts at Stockyards The fifth annual spring combina- ' tion sale of shorthorn .and polled shorthorn cattle has started at tht ;' stock yards. ' The sale includes 250 animals en- " tered by 61 farmers and cattle rais ers from all parts of Iowa and Ne ' braska. 4 Hit by Auto Truck. Milton Uvjechurich. 2805 W street. 4 years old, was struck by an atito mobile truck driven by Ernest .'in- . gerlos, 3640 V street. The accident occurred at Twentv- fifth and R streets when the boy-attempted to cross the street. The boy was attended by Dr. S. J. Van Deuren and taken to his home. Fingerlos was booked for investiga tion, but later released when it was found the boy was practically uninjured. Meet On South Side The citv council committee of the whole announced that a special meeting will be held in the South ' Side citv hall to allow property own ers to be heard in connection with the proposed acquisition of a 70 acre tract in Brown Park addition for park purposes. The appraisers rertort on this project showed a vat- uation of $140,000. , - 24 145 11 Sheep HEAD OF HORSES HEAD OF CATTLE FREE LUNCH AT NOON 24 145 100 Hogs il; $ ii: ;oo eatate re-it. BIRKETT & CO. ittJ. and 11, stir.? :t.e B- BJdg Douglas tol-i. IF VOL' vant a bargain In vr t..r,o. house, call Douglas 717 5 TERMS: Eight months' time will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest from date of sale, on all sums of $10.00 and over. Sums less than this amount will be cash. WALTER DAY, Prop. Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer G. O. Perkins, Clerk South Side Brevities Loretta Evetertf, allaa Cecil Barret, and Howard MeSwatay, both of 830 South Twenty. fourth atreet, were arreated Sun day night on a charge of being- Inmate of a disorderly bouse. Lena Houa of the eame address, was alao arreated. A birthday party waa given Saturday afternoon In honor of the I2th anniversary of Leora France Hydock, daughter of Mr. and Mra. F. E. Hydock. at the home of her parents. 4533 South Forty-flrnt atreet. The following people were precent: The Mlea Mary Alllngham, Roaell Brnda. Roale Chalupsky, Kathleen Coch rane. Catherine Corcoran, Lucille Dworalc. Lucille dill, Mildred Howard, Adullna I,a. coma, Catherine I.ynana, Dolorea Moran Aileen McKeenan. Sylvia Mendlrk Cather ine O'Connor, liertrude Qulnlan. C,envlev Sirieleckl, Agnea Ftlllmock and OJta Tutro. Dies at Chicago Home. K. D. Ludlow. 87 years old, father of James K. Ludlow, formerly Oma ha manager for the Crane company, died at the home of another son. C O. Ludlow, in Chicago and was buried there Monday in Ivoehill cemetery. Resides hi"tvo sons, he i survivr-d lv a Hano-Uter I Chicago. .1