Y THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MARCH 29. 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE T G. M. C, 2-toii $ 600 1 Republic, 1 1-2-ton capacity with cab and botlj 900 1 Master, 2-ton, hydraulic dump and body 2,000 1 Indiana, 2-ton, closed cab, good as new 2,800 Several Other Bargains. QUALITY CARS and SQUARE DEALINGS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2jU0Farnam St. WE have several different models of used cars at bargain prices, including roadsters, five-passenger tourings, seven-passenger tour ings, sedans and coupes, four, six and 12 cylinder cars. Either all rash or payments. See us for (pialitv ears and square dealings. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 FAR NAM ST. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF TI1K MOST ErONHMirAr. AT'TO MOHII.INtS; CHEAPEN THAN OWN INii A CAR. NEW. A-1 CONDITION. SEI.P-HTAKTKKS. OPEN DAT AND NIUHT THK 3 H 5 DAYS. 13 1 4 H OIVA R nST It K E T. pOT f", 3 6I2. "vHiii .0'ii TiurcKs Koii sald. 1 Master C-ton, with hydraulic hoist nn 1 1ia,iv 52,01(1 1 Trui.nrt t-tou rr.aesln 1.&00 1 Iii,ll:in- 2-toi, rhaxoia, with closed cab, soo'l as new 2.S00 1 It.n speed wapon, with cab and bodv 1.0 SO 1 U. M. C. "-ton 600 STANPAKP MOTOK CAR CO., ;0J0-22 Farnam ft. PACKARD ?-ton trurl;. g-nntl running: -on-dititin. nnly $:'.50, Maxwell 1 -ton tnw'U with body and call. J.ini: Ford, with Mmith 1-ton a 1 1 a c hrii n r. romnlet1, Tilth hody ami i'sIi. only S350: Sluile hakfr ton Iruvk. rt snap at S -.". 0 ; Kf yiiirilir tun tt",K, r.huilt, nt'wly painted, Kuarant.-.d fin.- condition, only $s75. ANDREW Ml'RPHV & SON, HTH AND JACKSON STK. TWO FORD TRUCKS In Kooi roniiition. Solid ttre rear wheels, hrfivy bra'?l rar axle, ffooil wagon boxes on both. Will sell cheap 1f talfn nt once. Write today. Ad rws Uox T-TH, Omaha Pe. "BARGAIN IN TRUCK LlKht ,-tnn truck. A-1 condition; quipped with starter, electric lights, etc. for sale reasonable or will trade for anything of yalue. 1211 Howard St. FOR SALE BEVKN-I'ASSKNOKR T.OZIER CAR. only l""-n drlyeci ;i,500 miles. If you are lookins for a bargain don't f:til to see Colfax H2. ftELI A RT.i-. automobile school; best elec trtfal nml .self-starter course; free cata log. Come nn,l Inspect it. r;iy school vear 'round. Nitrht school opens April 1. N'huotiI Antomohile School. 2U4 North I'lth. On. aha. MOW AND t.'SKP CARS. 40 Dodge and Hutcks, I'r.i !i or Time 1'aynientH fiOl.DSTRITU AUTO SALES. 11H llarn-y St. You Cannot Afford to ovprloiik thin bargain. Buirk Light Sit, used only a few weeks. For ap- point I'Tni eft I. 'J'yler 4072. BARGAIN PIC, (SIM COL TK. GOOD SH APE. NEEDS PAINT, TYLER 9:i0. SOME bargains in used Ford rara. Mr Csffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Sorvi.e Station, lath and Jackson, Doug- I as :t5"C CrOOl) GRANT ".'' With Inclosed Top. 1!I Model, $SO0. On Payments. M4 Farnam. Tyler lilt. WILLYS KNltiHT. REST OP CONDITION. Cood tires, good paint. Trill sell on time. S S ii 0 -514 Varnam. Tyler Hi8. hTv'k"Vh U.MERS "wiTII NEW TIKES. Needs s,nn- worn on tt nut wm sen as is for ;"; would i'c fiU0 lixea up. iH I'nrn.nii. Tyler 13fiS. FOR SALE pasfeiiKer 1.07.1er ear. In ex onditlon. Colfax 221. rOne ellent FJR TERMS ON CSED CARS- VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red sea! on windshield. "OR SALE One 1919 Ford Touring ear with starter. A-l condition, $576. P h on South Hilt. WANTED For spot cash, luu used cars; muck notion; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. "05: Farnam St. Doug. 6036; THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2 521) Farnam St. yVK HAVE 60 good used cart to select from. All prices. MKEKS AUTO CO.. 202S Farnam. , AUTO CLEA NINO HOUSE, ?o;i:! FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL I'SED CARS. BEST VALVES IN I'SED CARS. Tit AW VER ACTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. ".MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2"i9 Farnam St. 19H MOLINE-KNIC.HT chummy roadster. Don't call unless Interested. Webster ::..tH. 1917 FORD TOCRlNli CAR. AN". 1 condition. Call Harney 27!i1. FOR SALK A)ni"t Tie-" 191S" Oakland touring car. i 'ill 1917 ol.DSMHILE touring for sale. d,il'rs. Webster F, 1 SO. No J51 WILLY'S ti: bet of condition. Call after Douglas 7247. 1SVK''KI 1-ton truck. Call Douglas 724V sfter R p. m. iyl f FORD Sedan witli starter, demount able rims. Doug!as22fii. AMERICAN boycle, almost new. Web ster tl.'tt). FORD CAR Touring; practically new. Harney 6:1'1. FORD SEDAN with starter and in the best nf condition. CallWjlnut39r.6. PODGE ec nii'ircial truck for sale- Chas. Nepmsky. U 62 South 13th. Tyler 2604. ' Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manutaotured In Omaha, 21-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFC. CO., 1S19 Cuming St. Tyler 17. Tires and Supplies. t'SED TIKES DIRT CHEAP. 50x3. 14.00; 30x3, $5.00. AI! sizes In proportion. Look over our robuttiH. Open Sundays. Tyler 29S6. 90S N. lithSt. KesjjtoneTre Shop. NEW 'H RES -STRICTLY FIRSTS. JOxS ? 9.75 S2xH 1.5 Snx,1'4 J 12.75 34x4 $21.75 JiEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. STANDARD TIKE CO. iN Iiith. Douglas 3530. - R E P U B 1. 1 1 ' T 1 R E S C H E A P. I F1SK $12 9S I 34x4 $21. 55 9.95 30X4 26.95 tffTl.M AX TIR l'.ip BV. ERS.1 72 !CT M I X' i. AVTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfiold carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards 2fil N. 19. Accessories. VL'ANTZlNf and tire shop equipment for sale. Ifi2n Capitol Ave. Tyler 3044. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HAKI.EY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Itargaina in used machines. Victor H. Root, the motorcycie man. S7th and Leavenworth Sts. FARM LANDS. Wanted. Have You au 80-Acre or loO-Acre Tract that you wan': to trad? for n lHrfrrr tract of pood land for your boys, if , Ket our list of K ilh & rrUins Co., Neb., nd Thomtis '"o . K:ui., land. We can fix you out. with inn1 roved or un improved lands (n naifs, section or more. Rrniem her. the lands we p.re offering are not sand hills, but iiroven !vhat and corn Inn-Is, and have hpen vielding more of the above uratts thnn any of the so-calli eastern counties of Nbskr FELTON & WEST Tyler 464S. "07 Cr-unse Hldg. Opp. p. o. Colorado Lands. "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will tell you b Mutely right, an" parr of 7,000 acres ( the. best whest and corn land in "Ast Colorado. Write for facta, now Se our crops, investigate, K. T. Cline, on Krandon, CoW THE GUMPS- CARP CAVIAR CLOSED AT 37 Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith Y CARP CAVIAR - An- MERE: IT Another raise-- ONL A NALP A POINT JUST L.E-T THAT RIDE 13POINn MORf THAT'S ALL- THAT'S VsNEN TMEYRE- L AVT OP- ME. J I'Aa ONE LITTLE- BABV TNAY-S OOIVG, TO WALK OUT OF THER& MIYH A PROFIT MeLU iT'b l:oAG. to 'AE- rVt WORKED WAKn m: i Took a chancip. - WHV SHOULDN'T I MAK.E MQNE? HOW rAANV 6rUS IN THIS WORLD NNOULD TArtE THE- LAT TEN YHOOAMD SUCS THF had and smgot IT lAA PROPOSITION LIKE That? I saS- I'.CrAMe, I'VE BEEN' tblTr' BACK. Lfc-TTfVCr VKOiE) felD COP TNI EA DOUCtM LONCy ENOUfcfM- FftOM VOW ON - I'LL SHOW I ThoE- Plunder. TwY've dor SOME-' ( CONVPETT'ON IF VERVS HA Any Tnnq To DO NNITW IT- VMZ. qOT Yh COOK!AC-i6- op-A LOM r- and Yhe baoc g0W- op A dinosaur V -" ' SrAlY Denies Disaffection Among Japanese Forces in Siberia Tokio, March 28. With reference ,- n -irpti4 mtvis.iife from Moscow. announcing that disaffection hail broken out amonn trie Japanese troops in Siberia, the war office de clares that the report is an entire fabrication. This and similar reports, which have recently been circulated in China and elsewhere, says the war ollice, are evidently bolshevik propaganda aiming at creating the impression that the reds are gaining strength in the far east. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. 320 ACHES improve., me mile from town, :ir, miles southeast of lienver; no Irriga tion: very best Krain and dairy tountry; alfulfa, elover anil Mm- kv;ism; fine lay ItiK lan.l, blai k oii. apririKa with run n.njf water; ii.'W fiv-roem liunRali'W house; other i niprovr m,-!i ! s ; j.f-.-'iesaion. W. M. Tarr, owner, J14 Wilkinson BiJg., Omaha FOR SA.LK St-n. K.-11-46. Cheyenne county. Colorado; four miiea fi-om sta tion; on main Krad'Ml roa.l; near aehool; fine mil; level; IJ6 an aere If aolil he fore May 1; part cash; balanee ti per cent. ThK i a ?naI Addrtss uwner. V. K.i'nnr.. Wiiyne, ehL Till: Hnr;mKtnn, Colorailo. ilistriet offers a:ti :tctive uppoi tunlt i. .s for the youn man, the renter or the investor. For in formation write or call VOI.I.M AR-SKI.LS CO., Ty.-r so:?. 4(ir. lil.lg.. Omaha. Nb. rt'K SAl.K ItiO :i, res eiose to liurlitiK ton, Colorado. Will consider city proper fv or pood ear as part payment. $0 per a"re. Phone Colfax 41 S3. Frank Jam. owner. 40 n 5 N. 5th St.. Omaha. FARM LANDS. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOI.OUY. a magazine Riving the faela in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If lor a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying pood farm lands, almply write me a letter and say, "Mall me I.AM1 OI.OOY and all particulars free." Ad dress Kdttor, Landoioay, Skldmore Iaiui Co.. 433 Skldmore- Hldg . M irlnett . Wi. FRKK iflST Of over 60 improve'! farms; where corn, clover, potatoes and all small grains have no equal. Write Ureenke .t Young. St. Croix Fall!", Wis. Jl'ST write us as follows; end full free Information concerning your aueeess l.niois in I'riper Wisconsin." alby Land Co., Hail Avenue, Marinette, Win. JREAL ESTATE IMPROVED West'. FINANCIAL. Lands, Estate. Loans, Mortgages. Iowa La nds. 2011 ACKKS highly Improved Mills county farm, Iowa. 8 miles south of Ulenwood, close to Omaha, Council Bluffs, 70 acres alfalfa, 60 acres corn, 60 acres pasture, balance live timber, never fall ing springs in pasture, two wella at house of 6 rooms, barns 18x54, 3"x30, granary, machine shop, lays rolling. Rented for half crops and stock. $5,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. If Inter ested wrUe. Kansas Lands. Ib0 A. fine level rich soil, good imp.; 2 mi. from Lawrence; big bargain; $L'S5. 14a a. stood, rich, smooth valley laml; 90 a. wheat, 10o a. alfalfa; good imp.; price $:'0it per a. 700 A. chol' e Kavv Valley; good imp.; big snap; .it) per a. SOO A, all Rood rich alley; t sets imp.; 400 a. whi'Ht; 1 00 a. alfalfa; a won derful liar'fiio; $-25 per h. 754 A. fine, rich prairie; lays almost per fect; ; sets good Imp.; all fenced hog tight: price $Uiii per a. If you are look lng for a bargain In farm land write WILSON & CI.KVK.VCIiR, Rear Merchants Nat. H;tnk. LJWlg. Lawrence. Kan. MONt.Y to lend on improved Keal Kstate. Interest payable semi-annually. V. If. THOMAS SON1. 2JS Keellne Bids. OMAHA HOMES KAST. NEB. KAJfMS, O'KEEFE REAL F.STATR CO. 1016 On. Nat. Bk, Bldg. Doll. 2715. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 422S. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. T. WE AD, Wead Bldg.. 310 8. 18 thSt. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOAN'S. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashork, IS 14 Pudge. D, f,til9, Es . 194 FARM anil city ?oans. E. H. LOOSER iSC. S2S Keellne Bldg. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Uarvln Bros., 345Omaha NatM. P. E. BCCK. Lo'ans.442 Omaha NatT Stocks and Bonds REMEMBER WE ARE CUTTING A 6,000-ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THOMAS CO. To suit purchapr; ovrr 2 . r 0 0 acres in wheat; snd for our list. FELTON & WEST, 307 Crounao nidg. Tyl.-r 4.fi. SAKK IX V KSTM KN'T. War tfii $2,000 loan nn ? f-0(.t fraler nl msura n- policy. Man wlfhinjr to make loan is bflivfiiMary. Face of policy will r ome to beneficiary u;on death of insured, who is fil ears old and in poor Ik ;i ! ( h. Will arrange matter- so 1 hat fMiiire J.i.OOO will bo paid to note holder upon dath of insured, and will keep up premiums itt insurance, chance to make from $500 to $1,00U in short time. Ad'iress Uee, fiox V.-T,. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN KV Y STLTCO. iy 1.1 U. to Harney ctir line; full -Tii'-nt drive; vci y laiRe lilng rooin. fire plarc, (lining room, kttcheri and break fast mo in on main floor; 3 beautiful beI room.s anil bit li on -d, ; large attic ; all ory finely finished. This is an ex ceptionally eood buy. Must be seen to bo Mjvpivf iati d. Walnut 1'N 1 2. $1,300 CASH BUYS An all modern 7-room bunsnlow (four bfdmoinfl) and bath ; In r; ba anient : aii in Rood rcpfiir; pa victf pabt ; near stlioot cmd ear li itf ; a n f tra - Rood buy ; out -nf-town i'Uii-t s,i y.-i .sell. Price Jl.TiOO. Shoiit "iilv by appmntnif-nt. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 442 Omaha '.nt. Pong. :tHHt. Colfal 2j34. 3421 DAVENPORT ST. $4,750 Six rooms, modern, corner, pav ing paid; a garage to accommo date two cars. Arrange with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS. Doug. .'8.S0. 918-20 City National. Financial 430 BKK l.SLDt 7 -room, strfr-t ly modern home in Cathedral db-'rb-t. 11 M-eptfon room, living room, dining rioin and kitclif n ilown siair--. Thrc - spb-ntlid Iu'droonia and ha t li with uniiMia I iy commodious rinse's up stairs. Ali floors arc oak, and woodwork is ff-K n t bii i 1). -r-! r ly new and well worth lli1 pro. e. $T,oiH) on t prm.-. Com e ba -".nn n t. Conboy & Green, Tnii. liniiir. won. i;i5 :utl. Tyl'T 4; 1.CS0 Ai'RES In famous rawnen Valley. HodKeman county. Kansas; all valU-y land, abuntlanrs of water, 400 acrpa wheat. 20 acres alfalfa, nearly all al falfa laud; wrll ininrovpil; price $30 per arrrt. W. ti. McCai-tnoy. 102 New Tork l.ifa Ttliitt.. Kansas City. Mo. Michigan Lands. LAND! LAND! Make big monpy farming !n Mieh! iran's best hardwood counties raising (frames, grains, stock, truck and fruit. Only $13 to J35 per arrp. Near schools, churches, rnai kets, ha rd roads, railroads, etc. Small down payment; balance easy terms. The bipBCst company, the lowest prices; th b-st land. What more can you ask? Writo todav for froe booklet. Swigart Land Co.. J1S5J First Nat'l Bank RM Chicago, III. uu i.OUULAS county farina for .sale; writ for our list. Central Minnesota Land Co. .A jex a n d I a , linn. i Missouri Lands. Lake Taneycomo Fivr'-acre tructs wltli lak' front, 1 mile from railroad ptntion. for $10 on easy lerms. Kin? for truck pardons, summer homeg or resorts; 200 miles south in Missouri; largest body of water between Louisiana ami Michigan, liny right now bforo the bf g advance in values snr to follow as this soction bocomes b"t ter known. t 'irr-ulars free. Morriam, Kllis & .Henton, Kansas City, Kan. r6ii a .nTroved ; houTe colTt" JS.nTuT; stoik, bn rus, do v-r hay. orn in rlbs, deep well cost JJ.oOn; tlrnh'T valued $,0i'0; all for JlS.Ooii; located near t. I.ouis; no hi&b. winds desiroy crops ther. P-.TKRHINS. U10 Chicago St. KriilVU CRKEK KA R M. 1 20 acr.-s plenty ot improvements ; fruit ; corn ninde bushels pr am1: running water: K.$on; easy terms. B-.r94, Moun tain Vi'wv V(UTK for Information about the rich al luvial -oil of pout he a m M isouri, wh-re forn is king. Ulankenship Realty Co., l"xtr. M". REAL ESTATE WANTED. 1 LISTINGS WANTED If you want iuick cash fir your home,' let us sell it for you. We will I give you real service. j Schroeder Investment Co. j jGS Railway Kxchange, Bldg. Dong. 32 a. ! have served the Omaha public in j buyinsr and selling re;i 1 estatn for over ' n'. years. tVe havft many calls now for, homes. List your property with us. "We j will serve you to your best interest.. McCague Investment. Co ! Want ncick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. ! OSBiiKNK UKAT.TY CO.. 410 Bee BldK. T.i huv nr rill Uma ha liial Instate ye fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City N'at'l Hank Kldg. nout,-, HJO. V ANTI-D to buy roommp house from owner, 7 1o 1- rooms. Must bo el. ise In and a bargain, ('al l Poutrliis 7 ! 7:'. VR HA VK tr.sh ou vers for eotiages and hunga lows nicelv locat ed. Shri v cr, 147- 9 Omaha Nt Pank Hldw. T. 1 figfi. RjJ"AL UiSTATK and all kinds of insurance, HKKM AVSKN & CO. 745 nir.fi ha Nat. Pank Hldg. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO ON FLORENCE BLVD. Six room-, hi t"ft li vmg room across enih-'- front of hou.-' !art,re dining room and Kit', h n "ii ma.n flour; 3 large bM rtioiiis a to bath on i'd. Full c"mont drive, double garage. Pri.e, $;,00l). HOUSE AND 13 ACRES On 1 ndtfM st rpet. first hou.e wt-.t Of P-nnv farm. Rnt $' p'-r monf h, GEORGE & COMPANY, Vlifiti Tvk r :."l:J. 9i; ri'y X.it. Bk. Tlldg, BEAUTIFUL HOME IN I. KAV K.N WORT It II KIOIITS. i'-ioom stur'o bungalow; large living room; soudi front; on paved itrect. Prii-e ST.mid. Walnut CSl. A'K hav hovers waiting. List with KDWAIiH WILLIAMS CO.. MS Omaha National It k. HI rl ft . LIST your prooertv with Mnr'.in Peiterii'n. SK3 North 4lh St. Webster 4-i2A. eve- nlngs. an.I Snnibn AVehster 4 Mil. AVANTKD Houses to sill, have buyers waiting. Western Keiil Estate Co., 4U J arbaoh lit It. WANT ? to S-rmim lioiise front owner, on tia vtii eji I Ty!.'rJ?74 or Webster V'.XN'rKlV Tiliilv. amoilern'iH i". i)7iuV", fur rash, fall Mr IVrhr -: C,.fn lil ml' r or '-rooi modern htuisi'. K. I.. W-;iil. 31ft So. 1Mb St. Tyler 1T.1. s.Olin I'USSKSSIO.V .IC.NI-: 1ST $8.1101) Kiglit-room, ronflern, oak finish, full ba'.niont, fli'Ored attic, like new, ? blocks west of Crelehton college, tnvn er. (141 I.ireoln HIvO. ''all I). '.'SM. OMAHA Real Instate .mil Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, Ttnilg. f fi. West Karnam DouKlarf jni Ttranilria Thr-at. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. Nebraska Lands. TWO FINE RANCHES POSSESSION AT ONCE N'o. 11 4S'i actr.a. LoR;in r.ointy. lo ratt'l 11 miles from St apl-Hiui, Neb; ro'hI black loam soil with clay subsoil; ?r.O aero?: uTidor plow, including 40 iicrt's of alfalfa; bnlanco rolllner vastur?; farm latnl Ilfs U-Vfl to ffntlv rolling; all f' m ptl and erot-s-ffnoeo! : -fl aiT s fenced hop-t ipht ; improveTm-ntf r(msi.t of a pood story and half "-room house with i'.iih and pantry; surrounded by nioe chad tres ; on of t ho lu st bearint; orv'har In the rountry, ronsistine of about 700 apple, cherry and plum trees; dandy good barn upon rom-rt founda tion; room for 20 head of horses, 2.". tons o hay and granary room for i'Oo bushels ; laree r-nmbi :mt ion lull !d itiK for ratt!' Miepp am! boss; eenont floor and stanchions for 9 o-h?j: rattle Plied atta-h'd whi'ii will shlt.-r from .o to 73 head, with tight corral around It; one galvanized granary for 1,200 bushel?, one pranary for 1.00'j bushels; two pit silo" with a cap;t ity of iu to 90 tons; double garage rx22; good cement cave. 3 2x1 S ; good well and windmill ; large supply cistern; watrr piped into Vmue and barn, Pricp ?60 pr bitp; $f, 000 cash, balance good terms; 1921 settle ment. No. 12 A mony-makinff little raneh of ri l0 a 'res, located 1 mile sout li of Oandy, the eounty sat of bo pan county, Nobraska; about .TOO acres under plow, of which too acreg are now in wheat and 4' acres In rye, balance the very best of pasture ; soil pood black loam with clay subsoil; farm land lies le.vl to gently rolling; improvements: Good story cr,d half 9-room liou.8 with baso- . men l ; (rood bn rn for 1 ti horses; mow ' for 30 or 1 j tons of lny; hn huus1; j parago with cement floor ; all fenoo 1 ! and croe-fent ed ; pood wll and wind- ! mill. Frit o ?ti2..'n por aere; J,"hO rash, . bniar.ee pood term; settlement.1 Hero Is a place whi li will appeal to a i man who has children to educate, as i Handy has one of t he best hiph schools! in Nebraska. Write or see Larson & Carraher. On tra 1 fit;. Xb. FOR KElfTT AMTT'ERrvIN'S COl'X'A" LAND Write us for list before looking else- , where. FELTON & WEST. 307 Crounse Hidp. Opposite P. O. OSUHA FAR M " " i t n 'me 1 1 a t v d 1 1 i v . r y TTmi t h 60 acr'-g. wst h,tf of s.juthw"st quarter '. section T. Township It- north, ranpe 13 oast Wrlt Oscar K. "Waer, Grand ' Rapids, Mich. FCRS A L fc: 'hoiiv i;n acres of Buffalo county and Wood U i v r V& 1 b1 y land. Kiphty af res m a'fa!f;t Throe mils from Shelton, Inquire of L. 1. M:iri;n, Kearney. C( i R N AND A LKALFA FA R MS. IMPROVED. IN CKNTRAb NKHRA.SKA, at the. riRht price. Writ for litt. LARSON CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska. For N b. Fh i ms and Rani hes s- Graham Pfturs Realty Co., i 2 Om,:ha Natl Hk. Hide. Omaba. WRITV me for ph tures arol prccs of my , farms snd riitiches In smvj o'd Paw- s i Co, A rah L. TTu mx r f -r .Jj w f . r d ,N H'. A. A. I'ATZMAN. Farnis" .ff 1 1 Karbaeh iVlk. RKAIi par;ain. rt.OOO LOT F'R ONliV fiTfO. Tn Plalnvipw addition, by ownT. Call Wybsber 273P, afternoops or oveninps. Ll'V a let nt prison t low prices. West Farram, Dundee and Field club. Acres on South Side. Shuler & Cary, 204 Kofdlim :E. G. SOLOMON M4 Urown Block. T'onp. 52.'2. W'y. m e citsli bu verw loi a nd iUmde-j homes, Thone 5074 and wr wiil call and inspect your property. Shuler & Gary. J iHG A1N Ti V 6 W NKft . Six -room cot t ace, modern except heat. i''X - FOR SAI.K A 6-room modern house; lot T-xlTiU ft. Inquire of owner after T;;i0 P riK 342"S California, St. J, Ti, RunlvsoN. K-ai Kri'r'co and Jnvest- mn's. 4ij r.ne Rl.lp.. Uoupia 8 ''D7. IU ; N P 'oiTkT MK "VKR S "r'o.t -124 nm, Nat'l. North. 1 t7ri LOT or $l."on, 13th and Laud, eat front, n h or pa ynit n( s. V -1 03 2, Ji"e. TIOMK. wc offer this on hoiu' -it h lot. Y REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, FOR SAT.H Three-story brick buildinp. full enr nor lot tn wholesale district. Possession if wanted. DUMOXT & CO.. IK Kfrllnn Biilg. T'linnf Dong. 110. IirNIiKK !nt 50x13:1. Vet,.m.f St.. iiist w.t of foth; navi'ii alley and stroma; all spceinla j.iakl ; jir'ie riht. c. a. GimnfF.i.. Phone Pouglas 1 ti 1 '. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 1XCOMK FOR LAND. TVo have 11 hntuca listed In Omaha. Ownrr wants lanil. S. S. & K. K. MONTGOMERY. IIS ritv National. BHAMTIFl'b Inrtii hill tract lota in best part of Cuunoll Bluffs. What have you to trailo. Carl Chanstrom, 2020 Far nam atrfPt. R E A iTIe S T A T E-S li BUR B A N?- NK r.l.tK'K TO I-RAIRIK FAUIC. , Jl.ijUO rooms all modtrp, on nivs floor with larire lot, one block frojn cor. $7 Mi f,iis)i (inwji and baiauuo on mon'hlv pavmonts. A UK AL I? A KG A 1 N. V,500 f rooms all m-xlern, one on floor with op," acre if cround wlih j outiK vineyard and ot her fruit tre- s, i jir;.;-i rmd a fin-j hh'U-n ct.op, nn id - n 1 home. You oiii iu ndlc tht?i with f l.dflft e.-Hi and balance on mont hly pa ments $ 1,750 A five-room buntfatow, modern with floor. 'd attic; on car line, located on Fort St. PR A Rl Ft PARK $S,(.0O l'or h short Unit bf;int iful rfvfii - (-" t i u j 1 I t- rarai;1- hikI eoii;, not dupli. ato this home for $ 1 I .ikwp torlnj . Todav and pvonfiif: en H r ol fax fl.'.n op Onlfav li. K. Clary Go., Amos A vp i 'olfax 1 7G. V A ' ' A X T F I V K - R M T f n M K S. I M M K D I A T K PO S S K SHI ON. $ 500 r. rooms, all niodrn, near 30th and Larimore; not new, but in best of repair; pavinc paid in full; SrMio tnsh down and $35 j.er month will handle, ??,7o0 rooms, all modern; oair finish; a dandy, nice. 1mm ; on block tn mr and park itt Florence. This is a ban,' In and cannot be bouph t nfifr tho first for this low priori i 1 . nort cash down a nd $30, per month. $ y.D-V A I so in Florence : modern except heat; ran't be boat i r the prir-.; J7.( eah down and $.0 per month. Call Sunday. Colfax 950 or 1243. R. I' . CLARY CO., EbcNctuUorkEirotjs. (hiciiBo Tribune-Omuha lice I wwed Wire. New York, March 28. The arrival of spring means that shortly activity in the fanning regions will produce demands upon bank credit relatively greater than a year ago because of the advance of wage, cost of ma chinery and other equipment, which has occurred in the 12 months. It may be assumed that high prices for cotton and grain will impel t he farm ers of the west and southwest to plant as great an acreage as supplies of labor permit. At the same tlm all signs point toward continued commercial credit requirements on a vast scale, the efforts of bankers to reduce loans to the contrary notwith standing. Recent reports from manufac turing centers and from sources of dis tribution, which are fully borne out by bank statements, Indicate that where credit Is released through liquidation of (roods new demands immediately sprlnff up for the reabsorption of that credit. Viewing tha outlook from these premises the Questiun may wr:ll be raised, will the next four weeks see a fresh ex pansion of credit, new Inflation, or will the bunkers be aU" so to conceal the consumption of credit thnt a growth in uns direction will be offset by a con traction elsew here Credit Increase Possible. The answer to this query contains matter of great importance to the security markets, lift merely as affecting specula tion but from the broader viewpoint of investments. The federal revive -tent is ii'.pnble of a large credit increase, on the basis nf el.tiiip s;lt reserve and after allowing for the flow of many mil linns mere Into exports befure nilii-suin-ini-'. liut the policy of federal reserve of ficials and of representative bankers has been of credit contraction as rapidly as innditions permit. It is fair to assume that this policy will not change, and the loan and gold reserve position of the banking system urge that It be not changed. The reserve banks' lonns and rediscounts of all forms, to member Institutions and to the. treasury, at the current level, well above $3. 000, 0i)i). 000 are more than 30 per cent higher thfin a year ago. t'irculation In the form of federal re serve notes Is -o per cent greater in volume than at the end of March, 1919. Tho gold reserve is about 10 per cent less. Working capital may uol be denied to tile farmera if the country is to be adequately fed and clothed and assistance extended to foreign buyers of necessities. Nur is it likely that a banking policy will be devised which would sharply limit credit use in the industries. Railroads In Market. The railroads have been coming into the market for funds to buy equipment and it is unthinkable that the banks would re fuse to finance temporarily new security issues of the carriers during periods when the notes or bonds were being distributed anion investors. Considering the sound ness and reasonableness of these prospec tio demands, some of which, In fact, made themselves felt last week, it would seem as though they would be met be foro the speculative markets were supplied with the sinews of activity. Speculators in stocks and cotton havn felt within the last few days the pinch of Inadequate credit, e'all money rates, ranging from 7 to M per cent, showed that an abrupt check to rather headlong specu lation resulfd, and until the extent ot farm and transportation demands for capital may he more clearly estimated than at present it is difficult to conceive for an easy call. Sterling Exchange Recovers. Sterling exchange last week recovered '.Sel'tr'i-eed-'f- lung, that were conditions!,, general impn, sterling would not have been L bonyant. Tho financial markets ually oura,e,i;:,ponant happenings'ac- tone'a'hme'CnnB', ,0- disP'ayed a firm tone alioifi 1.30 cents to the mark an,l maakt !.,nfJrnrV f ncar nafian att's at tunes waa explained by prpara !1 '.lj: otj heja t te rcpun t Hps REAL ESTAT EIM PROV" North. to meet loans In London, falling due mi the end of the month. Francs and lire wer evidently sold hoavily at London and New York and the proceeds turned into ederlinff again8l the loan maturities. The operation helped to advance stfrlingr rates, but the rtso here seemed to be aided to no small degree by persistent spculation, based on the expecta tion of gold imports in the near future, in addition to metal bought In the London auction market. Traders Kntlced In. WHien the rlae of stocks was halted lasl week the average rise of Industrial and railroad issues had been 13 points above the lowest quotation of the month. The reaction, nimultam'oua with the stiffening of call money to II per cent, wan doubt Ivss made more severe because the rise had been sufficiently rapid to eliminate n uch of the old short Interest. A week 1.1 f relatively low call loan ralpj, rnntfiiKC from 6 to 8 per rent, evidently enticed traders in who were easily scared out again when money advanced. Then wIumi money ceased and news came on Friday of much Bold, on the way from London, speculation for the rise Immediately was renewed. Such sudden alterations of tho speculative front were hardly reflective of industrial conditions. My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON Benson. i.i'Vhl.Y rill'KTRT HU.MK Jl'ST UcTSlDK CITY LIMITS and a v.a! btirerain: 2a acres. 7 in nr charii, wi'h ?ir,fi"0 in modern improve ments. Price for quick sale. t:o,i)i!0; '(' cash, balance easy terms. Wal nut VS74. Council Bluffs. 4 ACKKS in Council Jiluffs One mile from Omaha car lino. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for Sl.4'1". Terms, 'i rash: balance to suit buyer. McfiEK REAL KSTATE CO., 1"S 1'ear! St Council Hluffs. Is. rilM-OS Anies Ave Colfax 175. HOUSES FOR SALE EASY TERMS Hne s-room, clos in, modern exevpt bent, $3,500. Ono S-room, Hose in, modern, hot wat-r heat, $t,0ift. tno 8-room. nar Fonlnelle park, hot watiT lu;it. corner lot, shade and fruit trrrxj, Ji.oo. One i-room, near Fonienelle park, mod. rn t-xrpt (v-at, 2. 20. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery molt;;,-! nn, walnut L'lafi. Dundee. , FOR SALE Dunderi ! a!1 Walnut bungalow; six rooms. FOR .SAI.K Mnd-rn nt Iran a v-room home in Dundee, with double jfara Kfi and o!hr up-to-date cuivpniencps. ''ash or wood weotlable commercial pa per. Price reasonable. Address, Box Xg. Onwiha Nee. V.' s;"ciall7e in Pund-'e homs. C. B. STUHT CO., M 5-14 Cltv National. Dnuelas S717. Florence. C. I.. NETilAWAV for suburban property. Florence St.i., Omaha. Neb. Col. 140J. REAL ESTATE I MPROVEDr1 West CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Re a 'i' 1 fnl 5 -room, n"nrly vvw, 1 tj (nry p-'Uii-uniriilow ; l.irte livinp room, f l; -'plai e, ditunx' n-om, white t-namrl k.t- hen on main f!o"r: - bfdrnom.'. hath arid 4 'i)S ts on -d ; corner lot. on r.ivpii srr-'d. 1 Mock to car. l'rire, v7'n, Wainur Ll;' Wyoming Land-:. On: I''KUr UMAIi BARGAIN'S. Si x-rooin. nuidrrn, nicn oca t ion ; onlv 5 ypjtrs uld; $4.fino; S 1 .50 rash, balance tfTm. ; immndiat" T'ossosHion. Si s-room. al! modern ; full cemented hnsenit-nt; newly pit i nt d and decora td ; on paved Mrot, rkie tr Holv Ansrel ihurch; $.Snn; ?5"0 cash, $35 per month ; immedirt to possession. Svtm-rnoni, all modern ; oak finish ; on pavod street; clo&o in; 4.,0; J2.&00 roquiit-d. M. DI'T-KTj C(, MOT A i tie a Avf. t'olfax T-fi. I'HIVATFIIOM i-I roniT location, on houlevnrd; pavintr all paid; closj to s.-luud; tdock to car lino: 15 minutes walk to city; fino shad; Kuod r;irag; paved drive; seven rooiiiR and b-.i h, on floor: modern throughout ; Ind wate h".t. lclric and paf. A line l uy for the nvin wlo wants a home. A en : I will eon vim e you. Prire $4,000. T- nils if d. sired. IM03 Flor ence TU.i, Wh. Immi. J-.M itr In :-.- nis. SOIjL'IIIIi S 1 " - to. i j 'p-m-.-t.. montiii' reolotcce, Puff, Casper, Wyo. JOHN T. BOHAN, .l Fiiiton h.k. i'l.'ji. 'i'yle-r nS9. Mitchell Investment Co. Tventy-fourth and Ames. Phone Col far in 7. Offers personal anil experienced serv ice in the manag.mcnt of property. either as i.'r.tal nr sales acrents. IN' Tin-; "hkst. REPIPF.NCK IiISI'ltlCT t'K FI.nREN'fE. Seeen-rnom, mc iern hensf': downstairs fiiiisliiil in uali; l.u:lr-in f ituns; beau tiful location; 1 blui k to ( ar. Colfax 4,41 " 'i m m kdi atk' roftftnssi ' " $i::.o iioun. lei'.s ". f...ini i'iichu'ii: bnt!i i.l ... t.i fi-e- r'p.iir; - hliiiks to cor anil i-i-iiMel; lot iiiv,',.T romer. 2425 I'ariiel m, (t'.er Ji37. 1 11 M K HI ATK I'l ISSKSSTON. 1311 Ilinney, 8-room nuKlern. newly .leeiit ;i t 'il. fine location, immediate poa sesslnn. SI, SOO cash, balance, payments. PotiiT. 60ii7 or 7.1S1. 5-RinM rnrnU'rn iiouse, north part of city: must sell Immediatelv. Price ;.." nil. Call Walnut 2l8fl after 5 o'clock uii-k days. :i8th and Parker Sts. A FKYV homes and lots for sale In Park wood Addition; a safe place for invest lnent. Norris Norris. Douglas 4270. 2SL'T SKWARD. 4-room, new, modern liun palow, fSOft cash, balance monthly. Crcig, 508 J1ee. Pouglas 200. yOUXO & DOHERTY. UK A I. ESTATE INVESTMENT. rtS'J ItRANT'KTS THEATER. P. 1751, MINNB I.USA homes and lots offer the hst opportunity to invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 17 BY OWNER. All modern. 7-room house, nearly new, on car line. Colfax 1S20; Ml. mod. Close in. $2,700, Big bargain. Iioiiir. 4MI. KtR quick results list with Bcn.lamin Krankeniiorg. 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. 7-R. mod. Close in. $2,700. Big bargain. Douir. 4611. South. What Leila Did to Save the Em barrassing Situation Alfred Had Brought About. Leila's face flushed with color at Alfred's praise of the conserve she had made. But I, who had studied her carefully during the days she had been taking care of little Mrs. Diirkee, and doing her neglected canning, knew that mingled with gratification at his approval was dis mayed protest at his lack of tact in exalting her work at the expense of his mother's. "Alfred!" she exclaimed. "How perfectly ridiculous! You're just trying to make me feel good about that old stuff because I tried so hard with it. But it doesn't begin to come up to your mother's." When Leila is excited the pretty southern accent and drawl, which she has almost lost in ordinary con versation, is much in evidence. I saw little Mrs. Durkee glance quick ly at her, was shocked at the fur tive gleam of dislike which I saw in her eyes, and was glad that Leila was not looking directly at her. But Alfred was obtuse and made matters worse by his next words. "You'll see. mother'll be the first one to acknowledge the corn." he said. "She's always crazy to try new recipes. Here, mother, just let this linger on your tongue a minute i or two. He held out a spoon with a bit of the conserve on it. His mother pushed his hand' away so quickly that the conserve fell upon the dainty pink silk converlct, the pride of her housewifely heart, which was drawn up over her. "Now see wat you've done with your carelessness, Alf!" she said pettishly. "I never can -get that stain out. T suppose there are peaches in this thing." She turned to Leila, distinct irritation in her look and tone. "No,." The girl's voice was low, and I knew that she was struggling with humiliated tears. "I am sorry this happened, but if you will let me try I think I can take the stain out, provided I can take it right away." "You mustn't' put hot water on it!" Mrs. Durkce's voice rose in horrified protest. "That's silk, you know." "I don't need hot water," the girl replied quietly. "Will you let me try?" "I suppose so." The tone was a more ungracious one than I had ever heard from my little neigh bor's lips. But I knew that more than her childish vanity about her canning had been wounded by Al fred's thoughtlessness. She had been cut to the heart by the thought that her idolized son preferred something his sweetheart .had pre pared for him to the dainties his mother loved to make for him. But her inmate courtesy realized that she must make some kind of acknowledgement of the girl's con serve. With feline expertness she masked her purpose with an attack upon Alfred. "It's all your fault, Alf!" she pouted. "You know how I hate having things fed to me, and then you come poking that conserve at me as if I were a baby getting its bottle." As we all laughed, I wondered if the same thought had flashed into the minds of Alfred and Leila that had come into mine, the reflection that the little woman on the bed was very like a baby sometimes. "Andbesides, I just had my sup per," she went on, "and it would make me positively ill if I ate any thing more just now. I am sure the conserve is very nice" she smiled patronizingly at Leila in a way that made me long to shake her "and tomorrow I shall be glad to try it, but not now." Leila had quietly brought another coverlet to the bed, lifted the pink silk one into her arms. "I'll take this down now," she said, ignoring her prospective mother-in-law's last little speech. "Let me carry that," Alfred said masterfully, taking it from her, and the two went out of the room, Leila droopinjj, but Alfred stalking stern lv along, a rather ludicrous figure, the pink silk coverlet clutched in one hand while in the other still re posed the despised conserve. "Alfl" Mrs. Durkee sent a wild shriek after him. "You're trailing that coverlet all over the floor." He gathered it up into a crushed mass without turning his head and stalked on down the hall. "I suppose he's mortally olfend ed." Little Mrs. Durkee jerked her self pettishly against her pillows. "Did you hear the lovesick idiot? 'Here's something that beats any thing I ever tasted before. How's that for a little southern girl!' And after the way I've slaved for that boy all these years. Many's the night I've sat up until after mid night canning and preserving things he liked, and he's the most partial- -lar boy. too. I know I've spoiled him, and this is all the thanks I get for it. Never mind, she'll find out after shc'S married a while that he won't be quite so easily pleased. Of " course, everything she. makes tastes like candv just now. Oh! I hate: her!" And my foolish little patient burst , into a Hood of childish, unreasoningl tears. (Continued Tomorrow.) More than half the people of America ride in Philadelphia-made street cars. lighting Fixtures, Burgeas-Gran- den. Adv. $5,350 Good, S-room bungalow; oak finish; strictly motif m: well arranged, with !nt 41x113; located on Leavenworth ptrftt, near 3th avenue; south front; good place. i D. V. SHOLES CO. Doup. 46. REALTORS. 915-17 City Nat. Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE SOUTH 5-ROOM COTTAGE 17-iS South ;Sth St., oorncr lot 60x1M. 3 block from Past Bldo Hansrom park cnr. MoriPrn oxeppt hoat. Good hath room, llvine: room, kltohPn, two bed rooms, IS.riOO. Kasy ifrms. Webstor ft Son. T. !! or IT. 32S7. Miscellaneous. Omaha, Neb., Muruh Id, 1K0. Shopeil & Co., 224 Keelinc Building, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: T.nst Thursday inorninfr I '.Uteri mv limine with ou for Male, nnii it wasn't two houra later when you had Bale ef feetec;. Tour romriany surely possess efficient pnil eonpet-nt salesmen. "Oafs" Is a milil word for their speedy transactions. Tours truly, (Sicnedl A. T, MIl.N'Klt. estate rents anrl iniurr?. ir,i) ivo llhtg. Douglas 63j. "Heal kstatk and i n v ifsTM rntsT AMEKIi'AN SECURITY W. N. - fur. Diih an.l limine. I)our.5"U. IF Toij want a bargain in a 5 or 6-rooni house, call Douglas 7172. UPDIKE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders of Grain and Provisions for Future Delivery in All Important Markets We Are Members of Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneaoolis Chamber of Commerce a St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kansaa City Board of Trade Sioux City Poard of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange BIRKETT & CO. iX"" J. I. Case Plow Works Co. 7 Cumulative First Preferred Stock Dividtndt Fret From Normal Federal Income Tax Description ar value, $100. Preferred as to both assets and dividends. Redeemable in whole, or in part by lot, at 110 and accumulated dividends. Divi dends payable quarterly January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. Listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Authorised Outstanding ranitaliTotmn 7 Cumulative First Pre- lapuauzauon ferred Stock (par value $100) , $5,000,000 53,500,000 1 Non-Cumulative Participating Second Preferred Stock (par value $100) 5,000,000 3,500,000 Common Stock (no par value) 125,000 shares , (Vranriinn 'le J ase Works Company has been in vrgailMauuu COTporated under the laws of Delaware, for the purpose of bringing under one management and control the property and business of the Wallls Tractor Company, founded in 1912, and the J. I. Case Plow Works, whose business was originally established in 1876. Hiifnrv Tne business of the J. I. Case Plow Works was oaisii!'r IllSlury established in 1876, as the Case-Whiting Company, with Mr. J. I. Case as its first President. It has continuously engaged in the manufacture of plows, and a line of tillage implements. The reputation of the "Case Plow" for quality and service, has given this line a standing and prestige beyond dispute. The business of the Wallis Tractor Company was organized in 1912, and since its inception, the Company has engaged exclu sivelyjin the manufacture of the well known "Wallis" Tractor. Famine e riet VT0&ts before taxes of the J. I. Case Plow Works L,al UlUgo fot tj,e two ,.cars arui 0f the Wallis Tractor Company for the two and one-half years ending June 30, 1919, combined, were at the average annual rate of $755,737, or over three times the first preferred stock dividend requirements. For the present fiscal year, net earnings are estimated in excess of $1,250,000, or over five times dividend requirements on the First Preferred Stock. For the first six months of the present fiscal year, July 1 to December 31, 1919, shipments show an increase of over 70 and sales an increase of over 150 for the same period last year. AlSCts Tta' net assets, exclusive of good will, are $7,272,713.02, or over $200 per share, and net quick assets alone, $4,375,237.50, or over $125 per share, for the First Preferred Stock. The bal ance sheet as of June 30, 1919, shows none but capital liabilities as given above. Rernmtnpnflafinn At present market price, this stock Kecommenaauon vields about 7 7S- By reason of the fct that it is strongly protected by assets and earnings that the company has back of it a long history of progress and achieve mentthat it produces essential and high grade products that the efficiency of its management is proven and furthermore, that this stock is protected by a strong sinking fund whose oper ation will not only be of benefit marketwise, but will also con stantly strengthen the position of the outstanding preferred stock we recommend this issue for conservative investment. ! Inquiry by mail, telephone or personal call at our offices, is invited. Orders may be wired from out of town at our expense. " i Price at Market Yields About 7.7 S A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. New York Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Investment Securities Minneapolis Milwaukee Cincinnati Baltimore Cleveland Detroit Duluth 105 South La Salle'Street, Chicago The above tratemenu tre baaed upon information which we consider entirely trustworthy. W have relied on these statements in purchasing the securities ourselves We Opera Omaha, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Hastings, Nrb. HoidreEe. Neb. Geneva, Neb. Offices at Sioux City, la Atlantic, la. Hamburg, la. TVs Moines, la. Milwaukee, W is. Chicago, III. and all nf these offices arn con nected with each other by titivate wires. We Solicit Your Patronage THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exchange Building. Omaha. Neb, P. S. Cash Consignments Solicited, J Logan & Bryan 315 South Sixteenth Street Wish to Announce The Removal of Their Offices Monday, March 29, to Room 100 Peters Trust Bldg (Formerly Bee Building) 17th at Farnam St. Omaha Ik