ENGINE SPARKS START BLAZE AT OIIAJHL PLANT Brisk South Wind Increases Peril From Flames Loss of $8,000 Covered by Insurance. i Fire believed to have started by 4 flying sparks from a passing twitch j engine, did considerable damage to the Nicholas Oil company's ware- house at Twenty-f ouryi and Hickory streets yesterday afternoon. t I Slight damage was done to the .roof of an adjoining machine shop, n property of the Drake-Williams-l Mount Co. 1 1 Hundreds of persons viewed the fire from the Twenty-fourth street l o viaduct A brisk south wind made J, the danger of spreading flames more ((treacherous. J'l A sweeping compound plant In e one part of the oil company's yards 1was totally destroyed. The top of 1 a gasoline storage tank containing i 10,000 gallons of gasoline, was blcvn t off by the expansion of the contents c'due to the heat of the flames, n 1 The gasoline was not destroyed, t j Street car and vehicle traffic on fTwenty-fourth street was tied up b;for more than an hour. Police were called to direct the crowds that leathered on the viaduct. E. L. t.fBrciwn, foreman at the warehouse, cjiiscovered ) the flames. Two fire dalarms were turned in. r L..V. Nicholas, nresident of the company, said the loss did not ex ceed $8,000. It is covered by in surance, he stated. Funeral Services For John Mackin Are V Held at St. Cecilias v3 Funeral services for the late John Mackin were held at St. Cecilia ca thedral Saturday mornine at 9 o'clock. Requiem mass was said. Archbishop Harty was present in the sanctuary and also Rev. James Wallace. The mass was sung by Rev. Father Aughney. The pallbearers were John Keyser, Richard Burnell, W. G. Ufe, B. P. Egan, Robert Smith and Harry Hussie. "He was one of the strong build ers here," said Archbishop Harty, "and stood for those great funda mental principles so important in a community. For his example of in dustry, integrity and devotion in his home life, his children may well rise up today and call him blessed. "An especial reason why I am as sistant at these solemn services is that the heart of John Mackin stirred for the poor. The St Vin cent de Paul society, which aims to give to, those in need personal thought and care, shall never forget the , great soul behind his work as one of its officers. The Holy Name society, which aims to show through" the practices of our daily lives our belief in the divinity of Christ, shall treasure his strong personality." Arlington at Gayety on Farewell - ; Tour in Burlesque Gayety theater patrons extended a rousing welcome to Billy Arling ton and his "Golden Crook" com pany on his farewell trip in bur lesque. Judging by the applause that greeted his musical specialties, should he . ever return to Omaha with his vaudeville act he will be greeted by a packed house. An all-star cast assists Mr. Arling ton this year and a beauty chorus par excellence. The costuming and scenic effects of the show are beau tiful and harmoniously arranged. Arlington is the same old funny hobo with a smile that brings a laugh at his every movement. His musical numbers are the big hit of the show. Ed Johnson proves a competent second to this great comedian. Barlow and Bennett in a danc ing number assisted by a ballet have an especially praiseworthy number. TJie Pall Mall trio were warmly re ceived in their rendition of popular songs. Juliette Belmont in her song num bers proved a decided hit. She has a good voke and her mode of in tepreting the selections was, enjoya ble. Louise Barlow, Ann Myers, Ethel Nesbit and Florence Collins assisted in the musical numbers. Teachers Best Business Men . In "Intelligence Contests" ' Although Omaha business men . notinar mnrp ninnpv than local HKn4ia ...v. j "vigil school teachers, the latter sur pass business men in intelligence, SVcording to I. N. Madsen, of the University oi umana, who gave array intelligence - tests to both " groups. Following are scores for the five groups who took tests in Omaha: High school teachers, 167; grade school teachers, 148; Good, Fellow- .1,;. Mmmitl 1.1.1 Arfvprtisintr- OlIlU vvmhi....' . I ' o Selling league, 123; and high school students, in. Ninety-five per cent of the high school teachers were marked "very eonovinr" Onlv SS IMT Cdlt flf the Good Fellowship committee of the - J"l,9fhr nf CVimmprre and 34 ner cent of the Advertising-Selling league were piaccu hi una ciass. Power Company Uses Large ') Amount of Water Each Day A ii(iMiit in an advrrtiSFfnrnt ' that the Nebraska Power company uses 4U,JAI,uw gallons oi waier a .1... w,a vn1aimr4 lact nierflt K V Qti. perintendent Roy Page, who said one pump sends a stream of 28,000 Iiallons a minute, or 37,320,000 gal orrn a day. This water, he Said, is used to condense neat. densation, he said, there are other uses for water in the power plant, . u it 19 U,l... , Comet Arrangements of Orna mental Plantings For personal call and advice pbone 1698. . We have no (ate. Mneray Nursery and Sed store. 334k West Broadway, Council ; Time for Kodaks We carry a complete stock of Eastman Kodak supplies. One-day service on develop ing and printing. T7?v TVTT F . EVERYBODY'S STORE m Beautiful Fabrics Mm S3? $i sfffl Included in this splendid showing are the most beautiful fabrics of (Mm j) o the season in all the newest and most exclusive weaves and colorings- Sllf g J&-s me uriZZ rrfejs rar-aZ fcc3?er"- Here are a few of the most j mm Easter Apparel Do not fail to see our Easter 'Apparel Announcement in News and Herald, An. Opportune Sale of Easter Silverware Sheffield Silver Bon Bon Dishes, burnished finish, assorted styles, each, $2.95. Salt and Peppers, Sterling silver tops, cut glass base, pair, $1.25 and $2.00. ; Sheffield Silver Casseroles, Pyrex lining, assorted styles, oval or round, each, $6.45. Sheffield Silver and Guernsey Deep Pie Dishes, each, $2.50. Wm. Rogers' Butter Knife and Sugar Shell Sets, com plete, 79c. ' Rogers' Silver-Plated Tableware Price Wm. Rogers' Plated Tableware sold with a guar antee of 25 years' satisfactory wear. The assortment is not complete, but most of the standard pieces are in the lot. All are marked at just V2 price. Wm. Rogers' Silverware ARBUTUS PATTERN Wash Fabrics - for Spring and Summer Frocks ' Printed Voiles in Georgette effect are widely favored for dresses and blouses. We are showing a wonderful assortment of styles in light and dark grounds. 40 inches wide, at 98c $125 $1.50 $1.95 Ginghams, $1.00 Fine Imported Swiss Organdy in all the wanted plain shades, 45 pretty color combinations. Specially priced, $1.00 a yard. Organdy, $1 ,50 Fine Imported Swiss Organdy in all the wanted plain shades, 45 inches wide. On sale Monday, at $1.50 a yard. Gingham, 75c Peter Pan Gingham in a full range of pretty plain shades. On sale Monday, at 75c a yard. Special Sale of Dress Patterns $3.59 $4.10 $5.89 '$7.49: Six yards of Voile in very pretty designs, light and dark colored grounds. 40 inches wide. On sale Monday at $3.59, $4.10, $5.89, $7.49 a pattern. Silk Fabrics exquisite textures and weaves Taffeta, $3.50 - . 10,000 yards of Superior Dress Taffeta, including navy blue and black, SO inches wide. Sale price, $3.50 a yard. Satin Meteor, $3.50 Brilliant Satin Meteor, 40 inches wide, a wide range of beautiful street shades, also white and black, $3.50 a yard. Teaspoons set of six Soup Spoons, round oval set of six Orange Spoons..... .................set of six Gravy Ladles..... each Cold meat forks. each Dinner Knives.....,., ....set of six Dinner Forks .set of six Cream Ladles................'. , each Food Servers. each Berry Spoons..... each Sugar Tongs each Individual Butter Spreaders set of six Baby Spoons i. ..... each Main Floor. $1.75 $2.00 $1.37 $ .63 $ .63 $3.75 $3.25 $ .50 $. 50 $ .63 $ .30 $1.63 25c-30c Crepe de Chine, $2.29 Crepe de Chine for waists, dresses and under wear of Colors, 36 and 40 inches wide, $2.29. -large assortment '5; Tricolette, $2.95 . Tricolette in a large assortment of street shades, 36 inches wide, sale Monday, at $2.95. On On Wool Fabrics Attractive Weaves and Colors 1 Wool Serge, $350 Fine All-wool Imported English Serge in navy blue. Special, $3.50 yd. Storm Serge, $4.95 Fine All-wool Imported Storm Serge for suits, in navy blue, 54 inches wide, $4.95. ' Coating, $4.50 Special sale of All-wool Coating in plain colors and mixtures, 54 inches wide. Special, $4.50. Wool Jersey), $3.95 Wool Jersey is very popular,' as it so pleasingly adapts itself to the present styles in frocks. Our showing is of cashmere yarn, firmly knit in the season's newest shades. 54 inches wide. Special, $3.95. Silk Shirting, $2.35 Silk Shirting in a large range of "heat stripes, very pretty colors. sale Monday, at $2.35. Pongee, $1.95 up 5,000 yards of selected quality Japanese Shantung Pongee, $1.95 $2.50, $3.00 a yard. " - - Foulard Silks In a Special Sale Monday , At $2.95 Foulard Silk in a large assortment of veiy neat patterns; plenty of navy blue ; 36 inches wide. On sale Monday, at $2.95 a yard. At $3.49 Monday A Sale of Hand -Made Blouses At Unusual ' Reductions , Women welcome the return of the Lingerie' Blouse. Always be coming and decidedly practical, it brings an air of freshness and daintiness to the Spring wardrobe. Such Blouses at these pricings prove the wisdom of providipg now for summer needs. These blouses are slightly soiled from counter display. , Placed in Three Groups $4.00 .1. $5.00 Pretty Batiste Blouses, all hand made with frills and trimmings of rose, copen, or plain white. Blouses of voile and batiste plain or frilly models trimmed with tiny hand-made tucks and rows of hemstitching. :. $6.00 White or flesh color Batiste and Voile Blouses low or convert ible collars; some lace trimmed and all elaborately finished with datnty touches of handwork. Second Floor. ' Duvelyne, $6.95 All-wool Duvetyne for suits and coats, in all the worsted shades, inches wide, $6.95 a yard. Mala Floor. 54 Foulard Silk in very smart and unusual designs and a large assortment of colors. On sale Monday, at $3.49 a yard. Mala Flow 'Let Us Direct the Making of Your New Lamp Shades Expert instruction in this decorative art will be given by a young lady wb,o has made a marked success in this particular field of home decoration. All materials necessary, including silks, fringes, tassels and comprehensive assortment of wire frames for table, floor, chair and boudoir lamps and candle shades. Third Flow. New Models for Spring and Summer in Franco Corsets The charm of the new fashion is lost with out a Franco Corset Be fittedevery fitting is a reve lation to us, and you will enjoy style plus comfqrt that you never knew be fore. There are models for the athletic woman, for the young and growing girls, in fact, there, is a model for every typa of figure. In low, medium and waistline cor sets, in plain and fancy materials. Priced at $4.50 to $12.50 Second Floor. Babies New Easier 'Apparel Spring Coats and Hats These are the first requisites of the new outfit. . It is particularly of Coats and Hats that this announcement brings word but there are so many lovely new garments mention must be made of them also. "There are daintily fine little frocks, all white, or sturdy little play frocks in gay col ors For Baby Boys' Coais $7,50 up For Baby Girls Coats $7.50 up Made af Izt the manner of big brother's coat the fine tailoring is certain to meet mower's approval in sizes 1, 2 and 3 years. Hr.3 ard Bonnets in straw and organdie plainly tailored and , gayly trimmed with ribbons and flowers. $4.95 to $18.50 Socond Floor. Three Specials in Linens Lunch Cloths $1.50 Eeirastitched Daraaak Lunch Cloths of excellent qualiy, in three neat dedjrns of Rose, Snow Drop or Stripe. Size 45x45 inches, at , $1.50 each. , . Huck Towels 49c . Fin Back Towels of splendid quality, with neatly hemmed enda and handsome damask key borders; an unusual value, for 49c each. New Satin and Jersey To Be Chosen From a Feature Group at $7.95 ' . Petticoats made in line and every point of detail to complement perfectly the season's silhouette. The mate v rials are of that soft quality which means service. One style in straight linesthe others ruffled. In colors one may choose gold, taupe, navy blue, gray, jade and black in, plain colorings or in two-tone shades. Milanese jersey silk tops and deep satin flounces com bine in other petticoats to be had at the following prices $8J9S to $2950 Maia Floor. Bed Spreads $4.50 ed Spreads, in rich colored fetripes of Bungalow Bed Spreads, gold, for full size beds, at $4.50 each. Flrrt Floor. blue, pink or BOO K S MAKE ACCEPTABLE EASTER GIFTS New Fiction Which Everyone la Anxious to Read House of Baltazar i Wm. J. Locke .. ........ $1.90 Happy House - Baroness W. Hutten. $1.75 Lightnin Frank Bacon ...$1.75 Man for the Ages Irving Bacheller . . . .r.:. . $2.00 September F. Swinncrton . . . . .v.-. , $1.90 Sheila Intervenes " Stephen JIcKenna $1.75 Taxi -G. A. Chamberlain. . .$1.75 I: on Furrow George Shedd. . ..-..-... .$1.75 Happily Married Cora Harris .$1.75 Snake Bite Root. Hichena. $1.90 ( The Worldlings Leonard Merrich. . ..... .$1.75 Lay of Anthony N- Herpeshe-'mer . . . . ..... .$1.90 Linda Condon , Ilerg-esheimer ....-......$1.90 From Place to Place t Irvin Cobb ,....$2.00 Isn't That Just like a Man Rineharfc and Oht Weill You Know How Women Are Cobb $1.00 From Now On - Frank Packard ......... $1.75 Glamour W. B. Maxwell. . .f 1.76 Mince Pie , V Christopher Morley....-,.$1.7B The Mask John Cournos. . .$1.90 Tall Villa Lucas Malet. ...$1.75 Farmer of Roaring Run i Mary Dillon $L75 The Matrix Marie Thompson Davies..$1.75 " ' Third Floor. ,t