'f. Woman's Section of The Bee Society i 2 Peterc-Johnson. The marriage of Miss Geraldine Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson, and Richard Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C Peters, will take place Wednesday evening, April 14, at the Johnson home. Archbishop Harty will officiate. The attendants will be Beatrice Johnson, v ,. . lister oi me Driae-io-oe, ma Kcca J'eters, brother of Mr. Peters. Convention Festival. ;. . That part of social Cleveland in- terested in the work of the Young Women's Christian association is ar ' ranging a big frolic for the enter--, tainment of the 3,000 delegates 1 ., which will be in Cleveland April 1 13 to 20. Mrs. E. S. Burke, jr., is chairman ri the general ' committee; Mrs. Frank Meade, publicity; Mrs. John Putnam, program committee; Mrs. Charles S. Shinnick, workshop com mittee; Miss Emily Maps, produc tion committee; Mrs. J. H. Rogers, music committee. 'The big spectacle will be called 'The Festival of Follies." It will be given at Masonic auditorium and more than 1,000 will take part. Church Sale. Trinity Cathedral guild will hold a sale at the Blackstone Saturday, March 27, at 10 o'clock. Those in charge will be Mesdames Clarke Powell, W. B. Roberts, Ralph - Peters, William Ritchie, Fred . Thomas, and Miss Katherine Thum- mel. To Give School Play, f" "The Schoolmistress," by Arthur .1 ' Pinero, will be given by University n Omaha students during the latter part of April. Dorothy Gray and Clyde Bennett will have the leading roles. Others taking part include Izma Tucker, Margaret Powell, Elizabeth Taylor, Mabel Norn's, Roberta Coujter, Dorothy Oanan, 'Wade Reeves. Jack Beacom, Henry Edstrom, Edwin Dyke, MaxFleisch man, Lauren Thompson, Dave Broadwell and Harold Blaugh. The understudies will be Helen Miller, Leota JohnstQn, Hazel Lake and Paul Pressly. Dr. Gilbert James of , the university will coach the ama- teur actors. Ruth Bryan Owen in " Omaha , l - $A $ X ' - ' M ' Is I $ (y v i ! Calendar Personals : G. A. Hoagland and daughter, Mrs. J. E. Summers, who are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoagland at r Phoenix, Ariz., are expected home Monday. ' 5 Krenier Bain will arrive next week from Butte, Mont., to joi Mrs. Bain, who is visiting, her parents, , Mr. and Mrs. James I. Woodard. They will remain in Omaha until the middle of April. Mr F. H, Maxam of Princeton, lnd., who has been the guest of Mrs. Jennie Spence, returns home Friday evening. , -tp&tn stockholders of the Penn sylvania railroad at the end of the year held $150,750,000 of the stock, or 30.15 per cent, an increase of $2, 700,000 during the year. Sirs TSegt-rvaioi Owerv. Mrs. Reginald Owen, nee Ruth Bryan, spent Thursday in Omaha at the home of Misses Gale and Lee Comstock. A small party of former friends called during the evening, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harris. Mrs. Brace Fonda. Mrs. Arthur Smith, Miss Harriet Wilson, Doane Powell and Ray Dumont. Mrs. Owen has gone to Lincoln where she will meet her fa ther, William Jennings Bryan. She will also attend the Delta Gamma banquet there Saturday night. Major Owen and their three children are at the Bryan home in Florida. The major has a year's leave of absence from the British service and it is probable the Owens will spend much of that tune in, this country. Nurses Are Given Rank by Bill of Congress Once again the republican con gress has come to the aid ot women Republicans in control of the house of representatives have passed that section of the army reorganiza' tion bill which gives military rank to army nurses. Organized groups of women all over the country, including the various gtate branches of the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs are backing this bill, which will give army rank to women who serve their country as nurses during time of war. Having passed the federal suf frage amendment, the republican party is intent on enacting all the laws which aid women, which have been held in abeyance by the demo crats for so long. Settlement Dancing Class. The children's dancing class of die Social Settlement will meet Sat urday evening from 7 to 8:30. So cial dancing from 8:30 to 11. 1621 Farnam St (Si It Special Easter Offering Of Smart Spring SUITS Easter Sunday only one week away, prepar ations should not be delayed, in the selection of the New Suit for that occasion, i ' . Tricotines, Poiret Twill, Checks, and Mannish' Serge. showing conservative styles as well as ex treme models! : Semi-fitted, plain tailored, and ripple effects!- SPECIAL PRICE FOR SATURDAY $47sla $75 "Many handsome" models and designs to select from." ! BLOUSES In flesh and white and all the new shades; Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Tricolette, French Voile. 1 $2.25, $4.95 $7.50 to $15 SILK PETTICOATS Taffeta, Satin Jersey Top, Special, $4.25 CAMISOLES $2.95, $3.50, $4.25 9 s r K. O.. tiptr M. Saturday ftr Boou. with M.-fc Walter W. Fisher. 81 K xtroaL H ibjeol, "Amnrlcan Convpoiera of Sunc." ThoM giving th program will be Slr. J. Dean Kinder, leader; Sire. Ralph .Tonee, Mra. O. D. Mabery and the Mlaeea Cora Laverty. Jean I.averty. Jane t'liher. Mary Virtue, Adeline McCu'.locn, Alic. Cateel and Lucy Hilt. Benmii BH-ry Hour Saturday. 10:S a. m. city hell. Un. John Giles will tell the f,.ilowln stories: "The Muple Tree'. Bur rrlae." "Bprlrf and Her Helpers" and ;The Worm That Wee Olad to Be Alive." FsntCD.ll. Chapter. O. K. 8 249 Sat urday. Called meeting for Initiation. Community 8erel Saturday. Unnr at Bonheur club at S:15. Panoe at QirU Community liouee. 8:30 to 11 p. m.. mem ber, of the Bonheur club, hostessea, A. C. A. Drama Section Saturday. 11 a. m, with Mm. John McDonald, 114 North Thlrty-aecond avenue. Th. play. "Feasta of the Holy Innocent," by S. Ileley Marshall, will be given. Mrs. Anna Raymond, leader. Others taking prt will be Meadume. Howard MrMoines, William Locke ai d Howard Ruehion. Kappa Sigma Club of Omaha and Toon oil Bluf fa Saturday. 12:30 to 2 p. ni.. luncheon and meeting. University club, 1913 Harney street. Hchool Fornm Saturday, t p. m luncheon at Prottiesit Mile club. J. David Larson, from the Chamber of Commerce, will talk on "The Spirit of a City," and George ilorton will speuk on "City Plan ning." To Attend Y. W. C. A. Convention. Miss Mabel Kasmussen has been chosen to go as a delegate from the University of Omaha to the Na tional Y. W. C. A. convention in Cleveland, April 13 to 25. Irish girls are said to have the most beautiful hands. English girls' are too plump and fleshy. The hands of the Amencan girls are too long and narrow. The Angers of the German girls are too short and the palms too broad. The hands of the French, Italian and Spanish girls may be called indifferent. Next to the Irish girls, the daughters of Poland deserve the palm so far as the beauty of the hand is concerned. Miss Maude Wetmore of the Na tional League of Women's Service, has been appointed on the women's campaign committee for the nomi nation of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood Candidate to Nations! Convention politics of our state. Participation iu politics is as much an innovation with me as it is with the majority of women. 'I realize what an honor it would be to represent the republican vot ers of the First district' at the na tional convention and I have accept ed the hlin? made to place my name upon the republican primary ballot as a candidate for district alternate from the First congressional district. "I nope that the republicans of Nebraska will instruct the delega tion for Nebraska's own John J. Pershing, whom I believe to be the best fitted man to lead our party to victory. Regardless of my personal preference, however, I will support at the convention the man for whom the electors of Nebraska instruct me to vote." It 6uld be interesting to know wiiat reasoning the New So Wales board of trade fitcH tlie inp- waire for adult women wnrka at just half the amount they fiJ uie oasic minimum .wage ot aq men workers. State eligibility for office been granted to women in South Wales, Australia. if-. I 1 A- I i i i i a Th Largett Credit Appartl Ster In th. ' Middle Witt. 1417 Doug las Street VI V Ne4h'i., 1 - mmioiamat 8aturwayt ' Kvnln 1) , untu 7 r.m. ' n , ii II i . I I Buy Spring Wearables ON.... Beddeo's Easy Payments Mrs. Frank E. Dunbar of Platts mouth has filed as delegate to the republican national convention. She is the first woman to file for that of fice tr "Dnnriar is chairman nf the Cass County Women's Pershing- tor-resiaent organization and has organized every town in the county. She is an enthusiastic Pershing booster, but says she will support the choice of the people if elected to the convention. Mrs. Dunbar was active in Red Cross work during the war and at present is taking a prominent part in organizing ex- service men. In filing her petition Mrs. Dunbar issued a statement in which she said: "In order to prove that we are capable of discharging our duty as voters, th? women of Nebraska must take :m active interest in the n y cx 3 S 3 5 s z y ii A. Special Easter Suit Event 5 Suits of character and distinction, in the new spring styles and fabrics, to please the fancy of discriminating womankind. And so attractively priced that we should encounter no difficulty in hurrying them all away Wednesday. i An Occasion for Unusual Money Savings Suits of Serge and of Fancy Mixtures Suits of Gabardine and of Tricotine In the season's most de sired shades, as well as blaek. The popular short ripple style predomin ates, but there is a di versity of other styles, such as Tuxedo, the Waist Line effect and the vestee. Sizes from 16 to 44. Our East&r Cash Trice $ 39 75 -Positive Saving of $15.00 to $20.00 Thorne Suits all are individualized by that ' tone of refinement so much sought by women particular in matters of dress. i ,1 ii I I i i I i 1 f t I i i 1 I I 1 m m A Rp rlrlp n Charge Account it is an enjoyable, helpful way of clothes buying, and permits you to get the service from your wearables while you pay cash for them in easy weekly or monthly payments. i i m m r i i ". mwwu u s ' , . sjss'n - a sc CvO i.- i m. t Here you buy quality apparel on credit terms at the lowest cash store prices. Saturday Is the Ideal Time to Make That Easter Suit Selection Oar Mr. Beddeo, now in New York, has s ent us for this special Easter showing a gmt lot of exceptionally attractive suitssuits th at bespeak of the rery newest style creations, and on his advice we have priced them unusu ally low. This affords you an exceptional ep -portunity to select that new suit Saturday a nd to select it here. $49 75 $CQ75 $CQ75 B 1812 Farnam iiiiBi Cash and Carry m K5MONA SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY- Hand-Embroidered Kimonas 3i "We are temporarily overstocked on Japanese Cttpe Kimonas, due to the arrival from Japan of a last year's purchase. ' , i WE OFFER 200 KIMONAS AT COST PRICE We suggest you purchase your Summer Kimona now, as it will save you at least 50. " These Kimonas come in Lavender, Eose, Light and Dark Blue and Pink. . Artistically embroidered in flower designs. W, HEldridge Importing Company 1318 Farnam Street Many Will Want One of These New Spring Coats And what woman can be blamed for ha ving a desire to own one of these beautiful raw coats. So different in style from form er seasons, and so practical. All the new coat ings are generously represented in this exhib it, both sport models and dressy creation. Use your credit and buy one of these coats S aturday. - $39?5 $49 to $69 75 A Wonderful Showing of New Dresses And the best part of the entire showing i s the remarkable low prices that prevail. Dresses in satins, georgettes, taffetas, serges, tricotines and combinations. All the lovely new spring colors, and a style range that is fairly bewildering. $OQ75 $QQ75 $Q75 i i i i i i I 1 New Tricolette Blouses Of all the smart new blouse creations the tricolette blouse holds first place, and our showing is replete with these new arrivals, all colors and hosts of styles. Exceptional Values Saturday Featuring for Saturday Stylish Easter MILLINERY As an added Saturday attraction we offers all our hats that sold up to $9.75 at one price, $4.95. What woman can further deny herself a new hat. And remember your credit is good at Bed deos. Values to $9.75 $4.95