Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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    OMAHA, SAiUliDAl', ivlARCii 2i, U;iu.
flilDDY 71 MM AM
IH....I Llhlhlltll
Only Logical That Nebraska
Should Indorse Native Son.
V Declares City Com
I , missioner.
r'A . .
mj commissioner warry p
Zimman, long active in Omaha poli
tics and civic affairs, has announced
his support of the movement to give
John J. Pershing the indorsement
of Nebraska in the republican presi
dential preference.
Mr. Zimman not only favors Per
iling, but expresses confidence in
jis success at the election April 20.
I lo not see how it can be other
lise," he said. "I cannot imagine
,at when Nebraska is honored by
, distinguished a native son, the
ate will fail to indorse him.
'General Pershing recognizes this
nis nome state, ana inrougnoui
e war Nebraskans were proud of
,iie iaci. s- iNcurasKans we re
priced in fiis appointment to head the
American expeditionary iorces ana
Kve boasted of his success in battle
strategy and in the intricate organi
zation behind the battle lines. I
fail to see how we can now refuse
im the reward which faithful serv-
e warrants.
"Within the last few days there
ave been authoritative statements
at while General Pershing refuses
i encase in a mad chase after the
residency, he will not dodge the
uty and naturally will appreciate
lie vote of his home state. No Ne-
askan can find excuse, under these
nditions, for failing to vote for a
low Nebraskan of such tinques
ned ability and admitted qualin
ion." ...
fi Try Two Free Balloon
I Flights With Same Bag
ITwo free balloon fliehts will be
lade from Fort Omaha this after-
ton with one balloon.
lA party of six officers will make
ht first flight, of at least one hour
Juration. The second flight will be
solo by Cant. H. T. Lewis in case
ihe balloon can be landed without
deflating so the others may alight.
'..The velocity of the ground wind
It the point where the landing is
Effected will be the greatest factor
1 deciding the second flight, om
Irs at the fort said. If it is not
Irontr enough to cause the balloon
d basket to drag, the solo can be
fcomplished, they explained.
The purpose of the flight is the
Iialincation ot onicers tor licenses
i free balloon pilots. Lieut. W. E.
uffman will pilot the first flight,
ith Capts. F. J. Durrschmidt and
Burns ana it. y. uiuson as pas
license of Oklahoma Man
io ueai in wneai nevoKea
IT Julius H. Barnes, United States
wheat director, announces that he
i i .: it . i : c
4ective at noon March 22, the license
TKnted to Seth Barrett of Fred
Ik, Okl., as warehouse man or
f ator operator of wheat.
This license was revoked on ac-
mt of the licensee's violation of
1 conditions upon which his
tense was issuea ana neia, pamcu-
rly his failure to appear when
mmoned to a hearing betore u. v.
iazzek, second vice president of
e United States Grain corporation
id special agent of the United
tates wheat director at Kansas
Famous Physician Talks"
. At Chamber of Commerce
Members of the Chamber of Com
merce will listen to a famous physi
cian, Prof. Joseph C. Bloodgood of
Johns Hopkins university, who will
peak on "What tveryone snouia
Know About the X-Ray."
"Prof. Bloodgood is one of the
foremost surgical phathologists of
the world," says Dr. J. P. Lord of
Omaha, "and was one of the big
consultants in army service in
Another famous physician . who
will be present at the public lunch
eon at the Chamber of Commerce
is Dr. Fred C. Zapffe, secretary of
the Association of American Medical
Colleges, Chicago, 111.
Complaints of Exorbitant
Prices Are Received Here
Several complaints of alleged ex
orbitant prices were received yes
terday at the office of Mrs. C. G.
Rvan. federal fair Price commis-
One woman complained she had
been charged $1.20 a neck for pota
toes. Another alleged she bad been
Vharged 45 cents a pound for tisn.
ilwenty-turee cents tor a pouna oi
pugar was held to be an unfair price
toy another housewife.
Woman Held by Police
Takes Her Baby to Jail
rtiarcrcfl with receiving stolen
property in helping her husband dis
pose of express shipments, Rebecca
PV.l.v 9566 Doufflaa street, was ar
rested Thursday by police. She took
.tr 2-year-old babe to jail with her.
Police are looking for her hus
band, who disappeared Thursday
morning following discovery oi uie
tolen property py aeiecuves.
Mavor Smith Sells Home to
W. E. Mulloney for $15,000
Mavor Smith's house at 1313
South Thirty-fourth street has been
sold by Charles V. Martin to VV. Ji.
Vlulloney for $13,UUU
Apply for New Job
The city commissioners are 'be
tinning to receive applications from
men who want to serve as manager
ft the gas plant under municipal
Ownership. They have been re-
erred to the Metropolitan water
(board. George Osten of Rapid
fcitr. S. D.. writes that he has had
fcvide experience and wishes to come
t& VSfi iQ A conference,
Pretty Easter
GREAT assortments of
Easter novelties art
hero for your selection,
among them,(
And many other dainty
articles for gifts and fa
vors. Priced from le to
50c each.
The Cricket Room
A delightful place to eat
your lunch or for light re
freshments. - '
stationary Department
Mala Ft
The Sale of
Pearl Necklaces
last month was so greatly appre
dated that ve have seemed and of'
itt a limited assortment tn another
Extraordinary Sale of
Beautiful, Indestructible
Artificially Created Pearls
Sale of Live Baby Chicks
Saturday in the Downstairs Store
30c Each 25 for $7,00. 50 for $13.00 100 for $25.00
Thoroughbred Chicks Barred Plymouth Rocks Rhode Inland Reds
White Leghorns Brown Leghorns. v
These chicks are all thoroughbred stock, produced from standard bred
flocks and hatched from the famous Red Feather Hatchery of M. C. Peters
Mills Company.
Don't take a chance on getting strong chicks by doing your own
hatching. Buy good, strong chicks already hatched.
8 pound Buttermilk chick mash, 40c package.
8 pound chick scratch, 45c package.
No C. O. D.'a, No Phone Order. No Dollverloo.
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
SpecialFor Saturday We Offer
Ferns Very Special
79c Each
We also have a variety of potted plants, in
cluding Easter Lilies, Cinerania, Tulips, Hyacinths
Daffodils, Etc.
and beautiful cut flowers, Including -
Sweet Peas', Fresia, Jonquils,
Callendulas, Roses, Carnations, Etc.
Specially priced for Saturday.
Mala Floor "
At V3 ot Their Real Value
"Regent" Pearls are the finest artificial pearls known to the world
none equal them'none approach them in their resemblance to the real Oriental
pearls. And to think at $ou can nov m ins remarkable sale
FOR A FEW DOLLARS a string of pearls that has all the beauty all
the hzlerall the feel and look of a genuine pearl necklace that would cost
a King's ransom! They come in all the rich lints of the deep sea variety,
which they so closely resemble in both matinee and opera lengths.
These pearls will not break or peel, and are impervious to
m a.
water or perspiration. J hey can be washed with soap and water,
and will retain their original brilliancy.
Owing to the unusual basis upon which these pearls were
bought, we are able to sell them to you at the following prices,
which are exactly one'third of their actual value:
A Few Specials From the Candy Dept,
Easter Candies, Rabbits, Baby Chicks and Bas
kets in a large variety.
Jbrdaa Almonds, first quality, 59c a pound.
Italian delicious Cream Chocolates, 69c pound.
Chocolate Cream Eggs, 5c, 10c, 15c and 20c
Main Floor
Latest Styles for Spring
One and Two-Eyelet Ties
In black or brown
suede. Just the style
that will meet with your
instant approval. Priced
$12.00 and $14. 00
i They are made in light turn soles,
with medium short vamps and full
covered Louis heels. May be worn
with ribbon ties or pretty cut steel
buckles. Very smart for Spring.
Second Floor.
Definitely Decreed Spring Modes
Are Shown in the j;
Easter Apparel
That this apparel is shown here stamps it with the final seal of ap
proval. At this Easter display only the best of the new finds place
and the best is varied in infinitely charming ways.
Modes of rare beauty and charming originality characterize thii
showing which eloquently expresses the new season's trend in women'a
fashionable attire. .
Priced at $5, $6.50.
$8.50, $10, $16.50
Main Floor.
Girls' Dresses
Very Special
At $3.95
MADE of fine quality"
gingham, in every
desirable style and color;
the reductions represent a
saving of from to
their original value. Sizes
6 to 16.
Second Floor.
i Read the big
I book of the
"Man for I
1 the Ages" 1
: m
- Irvine Bacheller ;
Dress, strictly tailored or
sports models in Tricotines, Wool
Jersey, Poiret Twills, Tricolettes
and Velour Checks.
From $39.50 up
For street, dress or sports wear,
are shown in an excellent variety
of, all-silk and pure wool fabrics.
$11.50 Up
Handsome styles in Taffeta,
plain or printed Georgettes, Trie
otine, Tricolette, Charmeuse and
$25.00 up
Distinctive creations of Trico
lette, Taffeta, Tricotine, Jersey
oiptn, etc., in ail coiora.
Frm $25. SO Up
Second Floor.
Announcing for Saturday an Enormous Sale
ot Women's and Children's Light Weight
Prices That Are Below Present Day Cost
MOST people know what it means when we announce an important
sale of this kind, but this sale is bigger and better than we have
been able to offer for.months and months. ,
This season's garments are better made and better fitting than for
many seasons, and Saturday we are making prices that make it a splen
did investment to purchase a full supply while these economies are . here
to profit by. v
Union Suits 39c
Women's Union Suits, fine white cot
ton, low neck, sleeveless, knee length.
Special, 39c.
Union Suits 69d
Women's Union Suits, fine quality,
white cotton, low neck and sleeveless,
knee length, 69c
Union Suits $1.09
Women's Union Suits, low neck, sleeve
less, knee length, made of the finest qual
ity cotton, band and beaded tops, various
styles, $1.09 each.
Girls9 Union Suits 85c
Girls' White Nainsook "All She Needs"
Union Suits, full buttoned, 85c each.
Boys9 Union Suits 65c
Boys' Union Suits in sample sizes, open
mesh and balbriggan, also athletic styles,
65c each. '
Children's Waists 35c
Children's Pearl Knit Waists, full taped
and buttons, of fine quality white cotton,
sizes 8, 9. Special, 35c each.
Union Suits $1.19
. Women's Union Suits, fine quality white lisle, low neck, sleeveless,
knee length, Comfy Cut make, $1.19. .
Women's Vests 25c
Women's Vests, low neck and sleeveless,
white cotton and lisle, bodice tops. Special, 25c
Union Suits $1.73 i
Women's Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless,
cuff knee styles, band tops, crocheted tops, fancy
yokes, $1.73.
l2 Price Sole of Soaps
Carlton's British Bath Cakes. ....... 10c
Service Spanish Olive Oil Castile Soap,
4-lb. bar :. . 98c
Armour's Buttermilk and Benzoin. .... ,6c
Magic Dye Soap .5c
Spanish Castile Soap 10c
Veseiflora Hair Tonic ........... . .50c
Palmole Face Powder 15c
Waltz Dream Talcum Powder. .... ,12V8c
Burgess-Nash Toilet Soap ........ , .7ViC
Armour's Florabelle Violet or Rose Toilet
Soap ........ v .' 7Vzc
Hind's Honey and Almond Complexion
Soap 5c
Famo Hair Tonic, large size 50c
Carlton's Vegetable Toilet Soap, cake,
at ........... ............ J . . 12Vfec
i Rose Bath Soap, cake 5c
, . Main Floor
Toilet Article Sale
White Ivory Toilet Articles, oddsnd
ends, very special" jf .25c
Frostilla Hand and Face Lotion.. ... 19c
Eversweet, for excessive perspiration, 19c
Mavis Face Powder, all shades. .... ,42c
Hard Rubber Combs, 9 inches long, all
, coarse, or coarse and fine. Very special,
Putman's Dry Cleaner . .r!. . . -.:.. .17c
Listerine, large size ......-,-... .79c
Lavoris, large size ...89c
Creme Elcaya . ...........52c
Lysol Antiseptic, large size . . ... . .. ..89c
Dorin's Rquge, No. 1249 and 1251.... 46c
Mavis Talcum Powder. ..17c
Sloan's Liniment ... . . . . . . . .'. . . ... . 19c
Daggett & Ramsdell Cream t. 29c
In a Special Sale and Display
WE FEATURE the Automatic and Illinois line the
kind that are absolute ice savers, strictly sanitary
ana iree irom germs.
Automatic Refrigerator with built ice,
porcelain lined water cooler easy to keep
clean same ice that cools your food keeps
water in cooler cold there is always a cold
drink by just turning a faucet built the
same as all Automatic Refrigerators, with
mineral wool insulation and white enam
eled food chamber. Ice capacity, 115
at $55.00
Illinois side-icing type refrigerator,
three-door style, outside case made of ash,
white enameled food chamber, ice capacity,
70 pounds, stands 42 inches high. ' .
at $25.00
Illinois top icing type refrigerator,
hardwood outside case, galvanized iron
lined food chamber, 35-pound capacity.
Main Floor.
at $13.95
x , Eight-wall construction, mineral and
wool insulated, side-icing, three-door style
solid bronze hardware, nickel-plated; food
chamber 'is white enameled lined, 115
pound capacity.
at $49.50
Illinois apartment house refrigerator,
front door, top icing type, white enameled
food chambers with two wire shelfs, ice
capacity, 90 pounds. . t .
at $29.50
Illinois top icing type refrigerator
white enamel lined food chamber, ice ca
pacity, 75-gounds.
Downstairs Store
at $21.95
i, ..."