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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
a THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH 23. 1920. FUND CAMPAIGN FOR POLAND NOW DEGUN IN OMAHA Quota for City $10,000 Citizens' C. imittee Takes Initiative Drive Ends Saturday. s r . Omalia is asked to raise $10,000 as its quota in a nationwide drive of the National Polish committee of America for $1,000,000 to afford im mediate relief for Poland. ; A general canvass by letter is be ing; made throughout the city in an effort to raise the funds. The canvass which began Mon day, will continue until March 27. The Polish-American citizens' I committee of Omaha is taking the initiative in the local campaign. The American citizens' committee - to have charge of the work, lias been selected as follows: John L. Ken nedy and the Rev. M. F. Gluba, honorary chairmen; Thomas y. - Koziol, chairman; F. M. Madura, secretary: V. A. C. Johnsoiii Live Stock National bank, treasurer; Randal Brown, Howard Baldridgc, E. Buckingham, F. W. Judson, L. M. Lord and the Rev. R. L. Wheeler. Poland, a new republic, was more completely devastated titan any of the other European countries as a result of the war and was almost completely cut off from any out . side assistance during the conflict. Today Poland is seeking peace and a chance to work and build. There were short crops in 1919 and the population, with famine directly : upon them, have turned to America for aid until a new crop is har vested, Omaha is asked to aid with a contribution of $10,000. South Side Welfare Board Gets Government Seeds For Omaha Gardens I". II. Wcirich, superintendent of the Board of Public, Welfare, has re ceived '0 large sacks of -government vegetab'e and flower seeds, which will he distributed as soon as the ground is ircondition for planting. ( Mr. VVeirich and Mayor Smith conferred today with Joseph Ihm, who had charge of the garden cam . paigiv last season. An enlarged pro pram will be carried out this season. Clubs will he tncouraged among the school children and gardening will be ,encrung',d among adults. T' Welfare board will promote the cultivation of vacant tracts and lots through a registration bureau which will he opened. The city council has appropriated 51,500 for this work, the Board of Education set aside $3,500 and the Chamber of Commerce is expected to appropriate $1,500. Mayor Smith and Mr. Weirich iirge citizens to plan early for gar dens. "Even if you have only a small space available for. cultivation, do not neglect the opportunity to make it yield valuable food products," they urge. - Expect to Complete ! Argument In Paving Suit by Jamin Root Arguments in the suit of Jamin B. Root against the Douglas county commissioners and 'the Allied Con tractors, Inc., to prevent them from proceeding to pave 12 miles of Lin coln highway with bitulithio. com posite instead of brick, were begun yesterday in District Judge Scars' c.nirt. Attorneys said they expected' to complete the argument yesterday. Judg;e Sears may decide tit once, . then, whether or not to grant an in junction aguir.'St the paving, or he may take hc case under advisement. It is. expected that, no matter bow the suit is decided, it will be cifrried to the supreme court. , Judge Sears decided ,last Friday that the "gentlemen's agreement," signed by the five county commis sioners, before the special election of last June in which they pledged themselves to use brick exclusively for paving Douglas county roads, has no legal binding effect. 11 , Omaha Manufacturers Plan -Three Interesting Meetings I NeW provisions of the workmen's compensation laws of Nebraska will be explained to members of the Umaha Mantftacturers association at the Chamber of Commerce Fri day, by Frank A. Kennedy, state la bor commissioner. New iilans for vocational training in schools, proposed by the state vo cational education bureau, will be explainei at a meeting of manufac turers week from Friday. C. A. Fulmer and L. A. Hartley, officials of the hureau. will sneak. - For the following Friday meeting of the association, Julierj Arnold, commercial attache at the American legation at ' Pekm, will be the speaker. Mr. Arnold will discuss dustrial conditions in China and pos lbihties tor development of Ameri can business there, v Live Stock Men Leave for Chicago to Attend Meeting A number of representatives of. various live stock commission firms of the Live Stock exchange left Omaha luesday tor Chicago, wnere they will attend the conference on stock shipping losses, called for March 24 by the National Live Stock exchange. The conference will be he-Id in the assembly hall of the Saddle and Sirloin club at the Chi cago stock yards. It is announced that the principal nriierr- of the conference is ' the formulation of plans for the elimina tion, as far as possible, of shipping losses and is open to tne woria. Every effort is to be put forth to make the conference constructive and not destructive in its delibera tions. Charges Man Drew $10,000 On III Husband's Account -Thomas Geary, South Side, testi fied in county court today that $10, 000, alleged to have been withdrawn by hint-from the account of James Carroll in the Commercial Savings and Loan association. July 1, 1919, was due him from business transac tions between him and Mr. Carroll. The suit for the $10,000 .was brought by Mrs. Margaret Carroll, who is the widow of' James Carroll. She says that her husband was on his death bed when the money was drawn cut by Mr. Geary and she contends the money belongs in the estate of her late husband. Alleged Auto Thief Is Found Guilty On , Testimony of His Pal Harry Compton was found guilty by a jury in District Judge Troup's court of stealing an automobile be longing to Goodwin S. Bell of La Platte, Neb. The verdict was re turned, sealed, at 10:30 o'clock Mon day night after the jury had delib erated sx hours. Ccinpton's "pal." Pearl Eldcrding, testified against him. Elderding de clared that a gang to which he be longed stole 18 automobiles in a single month. This was their high est record, he said. The Bell car was taken from Fifteenth and Far nam streets, in June, 1918. Retiring Fireman Presented v Gold Watch y Comrades ''What time is it by your watch and chain?" was frequently asked yesterday cf John W, Simpson, re tiring assistant chief ot the fire de partment He was presented with a valuable gold watch and chain and Masonic emblem by the men and officers of battalion No.' 1 o the fire depart ment. Capt.. Robert W. Oliver made theiHsentation and City Commis sioner ii. B. Zimman expressed a few, words in praise of the excellent record which Mr. Simpson won dur ing 33 ..years in the service. The retiring assistant chief will go into the fire insurance and real es tate business. ' Have Root Prosa. Adv. - Print It Beacon Bee Want Ads Pioduce Results. r South Side Brevities New phunograpli and records. South 1721. For Sal A buffet and a round dining table. S3P1 4 ntrect. Call South 2042 and try an order of one pair of guaranteed Tarker hosiery. For Sale Slx-ronm house and three lots. Bath room, electric Hunts, garage and cement walks. Reasonable terms. Price, J2.40U. Telephone South 2973. New Baby Station Is Planned for Omaha Poor by the Nurses The babies in the poor section of the city surrounding Seventh and William streets are going to have a comparatively happy and safe sum mer this year if the plans of Mrs. Louis Nash work out. Mrs. Nash and other women in terested in the Christ Child society will open a baby station at Seventh and William streets. "We will do all we can to strengthen the hold of the helpless little darlings on life during the hot season," said Mrs. Nash yesterday. "Our plans are not worked out yet, but 'we expect to perfect them at the meeting of the Christ '.Child society in April. "A station where mothers will be taught how to care for their babies, medical attendance and a plentiful supply of good, fresh, nourishing milk will be features of the work." Municipal Ice Stations t To Be Opened April 15 The Metropolitan Water board will open the "jitney" ice stations about April 15. Municipal ice will be served from 20 stations, which will be three more than" last season. A traveling ice station will be added to the equip ment this yeJK-. The mobile station will be placed in neighborhoods for periods of hours, according to a schedule and it will be kept replenished with ice hauled- in trucks from the ice plant. Sure Relief Nebraska Farmers Face Shortage of Hired Help Two or three more weeks of good weather will permit farmers to start breaking ground for spring planting, according to i.. C. Scheplcr of Li ons, who was in Wednesday with a Ishipment of cattle.- According o ijhis views some ot tne tarmers in nis secfion are getting ready for the Irtish of spring work, fixing fences land reoairinsr farm machinery. I "One,, of the great difficulties fac ing the farmers of Nebraska at bresent." said Mr. Scheoler. "is "the fired help situation. The many Vtories of high wages appearing m Ifle press minimize rather than ex Free Iris Plants All purchasers f seed or nursery stock, regardless It amount bought, will receive free trig plants this spring. We have no gents. Meneray Nursery and Seed tore, 3341 West Broadway. Council uffa, la. Pho 16. Adv. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION jlolofnl I ilTIi 1 ciil In I I Gtafl Day or i Night ' I Security . - l Every hour of the day your I records are safe if they are s kept in a GF ALLSTEEL SAFE f I GF Allsteel Safes protect ! against loss. That is their spe- I cific duty. Not only fire, but if pilfering and carelessness are I j? prevented. The interior of a GF All- I i steel Safe can be equipped i with any of the GF Allsteel ? I Filing Units to meet the I changing needs of any busi- f ness. 5 GF Allsteel Safes are ap- Z proved by the Underwriters' ' Laboratories. " ? Phone us your office furni- ' i, ture requirements. Tyler 3000 " I I Orchard & . i I WilhelmCo. 3 ITT If a ni U. 5. Miim f . . ' r ' i Mm kiClotlk GOVERNMENT SURPLUS 54-inch Fhm Wnnl TvhnVi CArth fine twill closely woven ; a splendid quality for women's ouiia, iuow, oiYiius, uiic-piccc iueses, cuii dren's wear, men's shirts, etc. : well worth 2.50 to 3.00, while it lasts, at No mail or phone orders; wo reserve rifht to limit Quantities. $ 1.79 Yd Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center EASTER POftCROWlMC OMAHA With the coming of Spring and of Easter, a fresh, new interest is felt in out-of-doors, in living and in clothes. This store reflects that enthusiasm. Here are modes which express the gladness of Eastertide, as well as the newest and most authoritative of Spring fashions. Your early inspection of these Easter displays is cordially invited. 1 rUTHB PACI 0 FOft CMWIMC OMAHI Spring Decidedly Favors 111 ii Suits of Navy Blue hi Tricotine and Serges 48 Smart Sample $uits of Excellent Value A variety of effective models in box types, semi fitted and flared effects most attractively finished in braided designs and fancy vestees. Fancy linings lend a finish to the excellent value found in our special lot, at v Suits for Stout Figures ' Do you ever have any difficulty in securing a suit to fit and become -j'ou the way you know it ought to? If so, we want to tell you that-your difficulty will cease once you stand- before the mirror and see yourself in a few of the splendid specimens our " ' store is now showing for women ts4Q fn ftN of your particular build, at P LU New Poplins ' Serges Tricotines Heather Weaves Brav'deis Slores-Second Floor West, 75 Interesting Sweaters for the First Spring Days No one ever had enough of these delightful sweat ers. Developed in pure silk, fibre, wool and fluf fy Shetland are many versions of the graceful Tuxedo, giddy sleeved and sleeveless sweaters, the quaint Moused surplice, and the becoming ruffled style. Every color known to feminine fancy can be found in these sweaters, as low as 8.50 to 30.00 The Sweater Is Necessary to Every Child's Well-Being and Happiness Children prefer sweaters instead of coats in the Springtime, as they provide sufficient warmth withoutbeing nearly so cumbersome when one wishes to play. The wide range of cheerful colorings and attractive styles presented in this showing allow mothers unusual latitude in choice. Moderately priced at 5.00 and 7.50 Brandeis Stores Second Floor East i 9 1 i Thursday Only One Day Sale of Drugs Hinkle Pills, sugar coated, 25c size, special at 15 Nux and Iron Tonic, 1.00 bottle, special at 59 Aspirin Tablets, 1.00 size bottle, special at 49J Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 1.25 size, spe cial at 97 Beef, Iron and Wine, 16-OZ. N. F., 1.00 size, special at 67t King' Discovery Cough ' Syrup, 60c sifC, special at 39 Merks Sugar of Milk, 1.00 size bottle, special 69t One-Pound Hospital Cotton, specials y 49 La Blache Face Powder, 60c size, special at 53 Mavis .Talcum Powder, 25c size, special at I7t Djer Kiss Perfume, regular 2i00 per ounce quality, special, per ounce 1.39 Williams' Shaving Stick, 30c size, special at 23 Jap Incense Burners, Bud das, 50c kind, special 29 Rubberized Sheeting, 1-yard wide, 60c value, special, at 35 Hot Water Bottle or Foun tain Syringe, 2.00 quality,1 special at 1.25 Hard Rubber Dressing Combs, 50c value, special at 29t Mascara, black or brown, worth 50c, special at 29 Lucille Rouge, worth 35c, special at 23 Melorose Face Powder, 50c size, special at 39 Norma Talmadge Cream, 60c size, special at 44 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap 10 Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, worth 35c, special at we Brandeis Stores, Velvetina Complexion Outfit, complete with Velvetina Face Powder, M'a s s a g e Cream, Vanishing Cream and Soap, worth 2.00, spe cial in this sale at 98 Armand's Face Powder, 50c size, special at 29 ?epsodent Tooth Paste, 50c size, special at 37 PalmT Olive or Cream Oil Soap, special at SMsit Woodbury's Soap, worth 25c, special at 19 Gillette Razor Blades, pkg. of 6, worth 50c, at 38t Ever-Ready Razor, complete with 6 blades, worth 1.00, special at 69 Djer Kis Powder, all shades, 75c size, special at 59 Freezone Corn Cure, worth 35c, special at 27J Hill' Cascara Cold Tablets, 25c size, special at 19 Lavoris, worth 50c, special at 39 Pompeian Massage Cream, 60c size, special at 44 Canthrox Hair Shampoo, 50c size, special at 42 Colorite Hat Dye, 25c size, special at 19 Mentholatum, worth 50c, special at 35 1 -Pound Bottle Peroxide, full strength, worth 3flc, spe cial at 23J Pyrocide Tooth Powder, worth 1.00, special, 79 Kolynos Tooth Paste, worth 30c, special at 22 Mum, worth 25c, special at 19 Neet Depilatory, worth 1.00, special at , 73t Pivers,, 'Azurea and Le Tre fle Perfume, worth 1.75 per ounce, special at 98J Lash Browine, worth 50c, snecial nr. QO . - l - Main Floor nest Popular Novelties in Silk Gloves Van Raalt?" Make Of pure Tricot Silk. They have the double tipped fingers and come in two toned combinations. Slip -On Styles v Tucked Sleeves Embroidered Wrists There are also many other more conservative styles. The colors are Pongee, Mastic, Gray, Navy, Black and White. They are priced, per pair, at 2.00 Brandeis Stores Main Floor North OMfi rMa&: -rga" ' 3MWauS&iaWi4KOTa-. A Main Floor Sale of Moderately , Priced Millinery This store is making a real effort to present new and attractive merchandise at prices with in the reach of the average buyer. In this sale we present a true economy event with excellent values at very moderate prices. THIS tremendous display scheduled for Thursday is one of the biggesi; ever shown in this store. Five large bar gain squares on the main floor will be devoted entirely to this millinery. The showing includes Trimmed Hats, Banded Sailors, Untrimmed Shapes, Children's Hats, and a large as sortment of flowers for trimming purposes. Trimmed Hats' Worth from , Q A K 595 to 7.50, ai 0.4:0 In all of the season's most wanted braids; most of them are faced with silk or crepe and are attractively trimmed in natural looking flowers, fancy ribbons and jaunty ornaments ; small and medium hats predominate. Specially priced for tnis sale at Banded Sailors at 2.95 Of Lisere, JThree-End Jap, Patent Milan and Piping, in both two-toned and solid col ors, including Black, Brown, Navy, Sand and combinations of Old Rose and Old Blue. These hats are ready toTut right on and wear. Positively worth from 3.50 to 7.50 Special in this sale, at 2.95 ' 3.45 Children's Hats 1.49 I I i Valuet from 1.95 to 2.75 at At a price which is not expect ed at this time of year. We have been so fortunate as to secure a large lot of Patent Milans and Milan Hemp Hats, for girls from, 3 to 8 years old, at a more than reasonable price, and we are giv ing you the benefit of our good luck. Most of these little hats are trimmed in ribbon streamers in the wanted colors of Black, Brown, Navy or Cherry. Priced for this sale, each, at 1.49 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Bargain Squares Untrimmed Hats at 1.79 ' In all of the best shapes, including , Tricorns, Sailors, , Mushrooms, Turbans and Pokes; most of them being Lisere or Five-End Milan, Jap or Mohair. There are plenty of Black, Brown and Navy frames to choose from, and they are valued at from 2.50 to 5.00. Specially priced for this sale at 1.79 Flowers for Trimming Every flower of the field is repre sented in this display, shown on the front bargain square for Thursday, from the small June rose to the large flat( flowers which are so popular for trim-' ming the new off-the-face hats. All shades are here in an endless variety. Worth from 49c to 75c, specially priced for this sale, at 39t Beautiful and Attractive Omf New, Art Pp9t T HERE you will find the most unusual - and exten sive display of art objects to be found in thejCity. The new needlework section will be of special interest to the women who have a liking for this dainty work. j THESE are the largest and most complete departments of their kind Omaha has ever had. We cordially invite you to come in and get acquaint ed with the new location Brandeis Stores Third Floor West Boys' Spring Suits For Easter Wear Priced at 15.00, 17.50 and 21.50 Do not neglect your boy when "Easter Outfits" are purchased. Let him be proud of his appearance, as well as the feminine mem bers of the family. Good looking, dependable, stylish clothes mean a great deal more to your boy than a great many other things which you buy freely tor him. These Suits are of a superior quality extra strong and very good looking. There are all kinds of attrac tive models to select from, in all kinds of fine wool ma- - terials. A really exceptional value Moderately priced at 15.00, 17.50 and 21.50 All Sizes Brandeis Stores Pourlh Floor West & It: 1 1 i i I IV