Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1920, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Tli aaanriaied Pmi. of vhMi The Bee It I'mbir, I ex
etualrele mule.! to the iim for publkttloa of all a ewe dlepatelus
milled la It or not otrierwlM credited In thl, paper, ud a lea lie
,ocbi nrwe ruoiJMiea Herein Jkli nflUl 01 PUDUOaUUO 01 0
eiapatdiee are aleo reverted.
frlfita Branch tic-hanae. Aak for the I"! 1 AAA
Department or Particular Frraon Wanted. 1 JrlCr 1 UUU
For Night and Sunday Sarvice Call I
Xdltorlal Department friar llKWt,
t Circulation liepariment Trier 10081,
AaverUauig Department .......... TyleaOOli,
Boma Office: 17th and firoia.
Branch Offlcej:
4m 4110 North Mth Park WIS Lee ran worth
Beueoa 1U Military At. 8outk Bid till N t.
Council Bluffa IS Bcott 0t I Walnut SilMoftfe 4M
i Out-of-Town Officaai
Jw Tor Offioa 388 fifth At. Waahlnitoa 1S11 O W.
Sieger Bid I Lincoln
1350 B St,
One of the most illuminating facts in connec
tion with the present turmoil in Germany is that
the sturdy qualities underlying the, character of
the German people is showing signs of revival.
.The Ebert government has apparently aroused
itself, and is no longer in the mood to tem
porize with the junkers at one end and the
Sparticists at the other, but is vigorously com
batting both that order may be restored, and
the German republic be held in its proper place
among the nations of the earth.
Ebert is to some degree a victim of his own
inaction. He, with those who have been asso
ciated with him, had earnestly sought to over
come by reasonable means and without vio
lence the elements that look to destruction.
The junkers hoped to restore imperialism, and
boldly bid for the opportunity in the Kapp
t coup. Back of them lurked the anarchists, fol
' lowers of Liebknccht and Rosa Luxemburg,
eager to push into any opening and smash
things right and left. Kapp fell easily enough,
but the Sparticists are fighting desperately for
i control.
a While the outcome is yet to tie determined,
' there is reason to think that the forces of order
will conquer. One of the most interesting chap
ters in German history is told by Poultney
Bigelow in his "German Struggle for Liberty."
He relates how, when Napoleon had dominated
Prussia, and had reduced its king to the condi
tion of "Prince Hohenzollern," the common
people, forbidden by their monarch to bear
arms, secretly drilled and organized, and were
ready when the moment came to strike the
blow that freed not only Prussia but Europe
from the menace of the Corsican. It was
Blucher's troops that sent Napoleon to . Elba,
and it was Blucher's troops that sent him again
to St. "Helena. 'And Blucher's troops were
made up of the common people of Germany,
clodhoppers who were not permitted to share
In either of the triumphal marches of the allied
armies through Paris, a reminder of their re
bellious attitude in daring to fight for them
' selves without the august permission of their
king. ' i
If any of that fiber' remains in the German
character, if the soul of Ebert is inspired with
the love of liberty that bore up Blucher and his
men, neither the junkers nor the anarchists will
win in Germany this time.
Attacks on Two Generals.
The insincerity of most campaign arguments
against candidates for the presidential nomina
tion is sharply brought out i the case of the
two generals in the field, Pershing and Wood.
We find General Wood charged with enormous
' financial campaign contributions from oil and
4 copper millionaires and Wall Street financiers,
with nobody taking exceptions to him as a
military man. On the other hand, Mr. Bryan
slips his governor belt and runs wild on a
reign of militarism such as caused a massacre
of Hindoos by a British army officer. What
utter foolishness 1 Wrhen the Bryan governor
gets disconnected the slopover is incredible.
General Wood's friends may be frank or
secretive as to their financial reserves, as seems
best to them. A country-wide campaign such
as they are making must necessarily be heavily
financed to provide for legitimate expenses. It
is for the people to decide if they prefer a can-
didate so abundantly financed, or one of more
limited money resources.
As to General Pershing, attacked only as a
military man, the republicans oi Nebraska
know he was raised on a western farm and
came to manhood by the wholesome farm route,
and that later the principles of civil life and
government were mastered by him in a course
of law at, the University of Nebraska. No nor
mal man, so equipped intellectually, could ever
become such a soldier as throws Mr. Bryan
into, hysterics. It is the very fact that General
Pershing has been educated in farm ideas and
, in civil law, as well as in military matters, that
makes him the man for the times, whose ex-
. perience covers both sides of our national life.
And with it all there is not a more unassuming,
prudent, lovable man, or one more trustworhthy
than he, in America. ,
. During and After the Peace Conference.
'' - Citizen (while the conference was in session
at Paris): "Why man, he doth bestride the
narrow world like a Colossus, and we petty men
-walk under his huge legs and -peep about to
find ourselves dishonorable graves."
. . Woodrow (after his contest with Mr. Lodge
- In the senate): "Farewell, a long farewell, to
all my greatness 1 This is the state of man:
"today he puts forth the tender leaves of hopes;
tomorrow blossoms, and bears his blushipg
honors thick upon him; the third day comes a
frost, a killing frost. ... I have ven
tured like little wanton boys that swim on
bladders, these last three summers, in a sea of
glory, but far beyond my depth; my high
blown pride at length broke under me and now
has left me. weary and old, to the mercy of
a, rude stream, that must forever hide me."
Coal Mining On Its Own Again.
Removal of federal control from the coal
mining industry is accomplished by the presi
dent's order, and the business from now on
will proceed as before the war. At the very
outset a serious dispute confronts the operators
and miners, because of the inability of the wage
board to make an unanimous agreement This
may be adjusted without the intervention of a
itrike, although a cessation of work is always
within the range of possibilities. The wage
board's majority report provides for a 27 per
cent increase in pay, this to absorb the 14 per
tent award made in December. ' The thirty-hour
, week is denied for the present, because of the
demand for production. .In the scale recom
mended is contained a provision for a 24 per
cent increase in output of pickand machine
mining, which means a corresponding increase
in the total earnings of the miners, who are
paid by the piece, Technical differences only
separate the majority and minority, and it may
be that these will be accommodated without
great difficulty. What the public wants above
all other things, is steady operation of the coal
mines! ...
A modest and dignified reply is that of Gen
eral Pershing, when pressed in regard to his
candidacy for the office of president. No man
has a right to refuse the call of his countrymen
to accept the highest office in their gift. Politi
cal observers agree that the call for Pershing
is not only clear, but is increasing in volume.
The unassuming gentleman who went about the
serious business of leading two million Ameri
can soldiers in Europe, aiding by his skill, his
organizing ability and military knowledge in
winning the greatest victory ever achieved for
human liberty, is taking oh something of his
true proportions before the people of the United
States. They can now visualize him as a man,
able and competent, and in all ways qualified
for the tremendous work that will fall to the
chief magistrate of the United States in the
days that are ahead of us.
One of the most charming traits of John J.
Pershing's character is his sympathetic under
standing of the problem of tfe soldier. No
commander ever asked more of his men, or
got more from them, because no high officer
ever understood his men better or saw things
from their point of view more completely. This
is shown by his support of the demand for a
bonus payment to ex-service men. The jus
tice of this claim is not disputed. It is a debt
the people owe the soldiers, just as valid as that
owed to the bondholders. Purchasers of Lib
erty bonds risked only their dollars, while the
soldiers .staked their lives as well as their
money. Redemption of those bonds must come
through wealth created by the soldiers in years
of productive labor. This also entitles them
to the scant recognition that is now proposed.
Pershing is not militaristic in the offensive
sense of the term. He knows the need of
proper defense for the country, and also knows
the fairness of decent compensation for its
soldiers. He is asking nothing for himself, but
he does want the men who marched under his
leadership to get what is coming to them.
Stock Dividends.
We believe the Des Moines Capital has the
wrong idea about stock dividends. It says:
"Stock dividends mean water in stock. If a com
pany cannot pay a cash dividend why not post
pone the matter of dividends?"
So far as we know no company issues stock
dividends because it cannot pay cash dividends.
To do so would be unlawful in many states.
More frequently, there is a surplus of cash in
the company's treasury over all dividend re
quirements for years, and the stock dividend
of 8, 10 or 12 per cent is issued, and the
amount of capital it represents is taken from
the treasury and used for the purchase of
property, the erection of additional factories,
or for improved equipment. It therefore repre
sents additional assets for the company and
can not truthfully be regarded as water in aiiy
The stockholder who gets the stock
dividend had the same increase in his net assets
as he would secure if he went into the market
and purchased an equal number of shares. In
deed, he gets more, for usually the stock of
companies which issue stock dividends cannot
be purchased at par.
Hence we think the proposed direct tax of
IS per cent on stock dividends, to which the
Capital "can think of no reasonal objection,"
would be in fact an unfair tax on legitimate
business expansion justified by large earnings in
excess of dividend requirements.
Trinity's jRector on Spiritism.
Dr. Manning, rector of Trinity, the church
that towers at the head of Wall Street, gravely
doubts that "spiritism has any contribution to
make to religion," or for the improvement of
society doubts shared by the great majority
of intelligent people, and strengthened by the
unimportant character of all the alleged mes
sages from the dead. The doctor says:
In the Old Testament the Jews were dis
tinctly forbidden to try to communicate with
the dead. And the mind of the Christian
church has always bten against it, although
there is no pronouncement in our own com
munion against it.
The known facts as to telepathy, hypno
tism and the workings of. the subconscious
mind leaves the origin of the messages in the
highest degree uncertain. . . The most
h striking classification of them is an utter
triviality and lack of any moral value what
ever. Having heard the doctor's voice frdm Trin
ity pulpit one morning, and enjoyed its flexible
--qualities, we can imagine its expressive tones
as he uttered these words: "Does anyone be
lieve that it would be. to our benefit if we, as
a nation, became addicted to wizards, mediums
and ouija boards?"
The Liverpool Post regrets that a way
could not be found to harmonize the differences
between the president and the senate, but fails
to grasp the fundamental fact that the senate
was standing out for American rights which
the president was willing 'to forego.
Washington put a lot of responsibility on
Delaware by ratifying the suffrage amendment.
It is about all over now but the shouting.
Mr. Wilson now has another secretary of
state, and we wonder if he can make him behave
any better than did his predecessors.
Henry Mogenthau is reported to be slated
for the Mexican mission. It serves him right
for being a democrat.
Another lot of booze has been released by
court order. Watch the highjackers take notice
Anthracite miners have postponed their
strike again. Sign of sense. .
Cucuracha is sliding again. Page Goethals.
What Others Are Saying
Ante-Bellum Violence in the Senate.
In Jefferson, O., lived United States Senator
Benjamin F. Wade, descendant from two colon
ial governors of Massachusetts, and Congress
man Joshua R. Giddings, relative of Hawthorne
and Rufus Choate. The two Buckeyes were
law partners. They were in congress at the
same time. They made the uttermost assertion
of their generation of the right of the anti
slavery advocate to be heard and of the anti
slavery purpose that America should be all free.
Whon Brooks of South Carolina struck
down Sumner of Massachusetts, Toombs of
Georgia spoke in the senate aplauding the act.
Wade of Ohio arose within arm's length of the
savage, denounced the deed as that of an as
sassin and coward and declared he was ready
to back up his words with arms. It was a
defiance that anticipated a challenge to mortal
combat, and Wade's friends knew from him
what the terms would be "the rifle and 30
For two days Toombs and his friends talked
it over.' The third day, as he passed the Buck
eye senator's chair he laid his hand on his
shoulder. "Wade," he said, "what is the use of
two men making d d fools of themselves?"
They were good friends ever afterward.
Giddings figured in two congress scenes of
even greater menace. In one scene, Dawson of
Louisiana drew a bowie knife on him. The
towering westerner gave casual expression to
his contempt and continued his address.
The other scene came pretty near turning
the national house into a shambles. Giddings
was speaking on a fugitive slave bill. Black, a
southern congressman, raised a cane and threat
ened to strike him down if he repeated his
words. The same Dawson cocked his pistol and
exclaimed, "I'll shoot him, by God, I'll shoot
him." Four democrats, including Slidell of
Louisiana, stood beside Dawson. Four whigs,
from Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland and
North Carolina, the lr.tter two armed, took their
places beside Giddings, forming a sort of po
tential barrage.
And Giddings spoke on, facing congressmen
with weapons in their hands and murder in
their hearts.- Four of the democrats realized
the falseness of their position and resumed
their seats, but the Louisiana democrats and
the Maryland whig stood, hand on pistol butts,
watching each other and the speaker until he
was done, He had rung down the curtain on
the last attempt ever made to silence an Amer
ican legislator by threats of violence. Fire
stone in New York Evening Mail. v
A Potent Influence.
One of the first moves made by the railroads
upon their return to private ownership was to
cut from the payrolls hundreds of useless em
ployes and turn their duties over to other men
who have had only half enough to keep them
busy. No wonder the railroad employes wanted
the government to keep the roads. Glidden
(la.) Graphic.
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth and the
Wangdoodle Mourneth.
What has become of the fellow who used to
oppose state prohibition unless the entire coun
try was made dry? O'Neill Frontier.
For Democrats to Reckon With.
They do say thit Postmaster General Burle
son, with his army of postmasters, will have to
be consulted about the democratic nomination.
Some folks have wondered why it was the
postmaster general clung so hard to his office
while the storms of public criticism beat around
him all these years. Beatrice Express.
A Wise Father of His Country.
The more one sees of later-day statesmen,
the more one values the wisdom of G. Wash
ington, Esq. Minneapolis Tribune.
Full Four Per Cent.
Once again the husband came staggering
home late.
"Oh, John, have you been drinking again?"
sobbed his wife as she caught a whiff of beer.
"No, dearie; you wrong me. I've been catin'
frogsh' legsh, and you smell the hops." Des
Moines Capital.
Dead as a Door Nail.
The peace treaty with the League of Nations
is dead. It has been killed by the president. In
the senate the other day, including the pairs,
there was a majority of eighteen for the Ameri
canized treaty. But the president refused to re
lease the seven senators whose votes would
have ratified the .documejit. Kansas City Star.
"St) rtfiur "Brooks "Baker Jj&Sj
How to Keep Well
By Dri W. A. EVANS
He's judge of Douglas county's court, where
sad and weeping heirs come in to have their
final quarrel and split the final hairs; for when
a busy citizen has permanently died and gone
to join the angel band upon the other side, his
goods and chattels left behind for others to pos
sess are often the occasion for a heated t legal
He helps to clear the atmosphere with
skilled and earnest toil. He calms the troubled
waters with refined official oil. When he has
duly read, the will bestowing the estate, though
language may be technical and massive and
ornate, he shortly sifts the meaning forth for
all the heirs to view, and says, "Now here is
what he meant and this is what we'll do."
His office grants permission to the pairs
who wish to wed, and frequently 'tis he by
whom the fatal words are said, that sweet and
simple contract joining two and making one, a
thing that's cheap and easy while the job is
beingdone; they help you in, beyond a doubt,
with sad and simple ease, but none of them
will help you out excepffor fancy fees.
And if you leave some orphans on this cold
and lonely sphere, for whom vicissitudes of fate
are needlessly severe. Turlcre frawfnrH rlnpc flip
best he can to bless their orphan lives and fit j
them tor the day wherein maturity arrives and
they can do as you have done and others did
who dared to bring some children here for
whom no place -has been prepared. '
Next subject: Judge J. W- Woodrough.
nr. Kvnna will anawer personal In
rjnlnea from remilera ef Tha Baa, pro-
ltled fi ntMiiiiitM mvrlupA U rnrloed with
tha quewtlDn. lid will nut dMgno Indi
vidual ailment or prcurrlba fur them, hut
will iva caret u) attention to lU Inquirlre,
imbjert to tbaae Umltatlona. Addrraa Dr.
l, A. 1ii, The Bee, Omaha, Meb.
(Copyright, J8:o, ty Dr. W. A. Evani.)
People dii not drink enough milk
and milk products as a rule. If our
people Rio more choose and drank
more milk thoy would bo better off.
If fewer children lived on bread and
coffee wa would be better off.
One large, fine looking- doctor who
grew up on a tenant farm tells us
that as a boy of 2 his daily meals
consisted of bread dipped in coffee.
One lino looking, portly school
principal tells me that his Pennsyl
vania Dutch family put bread in a
plate, sprinkled sugar on it, out it
into cubes and then saturated it
with coffee and this made up two of
the daily, meals.
In all probability these fflt. fine
looking men got an extra good and
varied third meal. M any rate a
diet of coffee and bread is not one
that all children or even a large ma
jority of adults will thrive on.
That the average child needs more
milk than it gets cannot be denied.
And yet those of us who feel that
way about it cannot approve of all
the claims made by the sales agents.
Therefore we were not surprised
when we read recently that Drs.
Hess and Unger. as the result of
carefully conducted experiments,
had not been able to substantiate all
of the claims made by JleCollum,
Bloch, Hopkins and Mellanby.
Hess and Unger found that the fat
soluble vitamines were not as nec
essary for growth and for immunity
to rickets as tney have been claimed
to be. They say:
"Finally this work seems to show
thajt the danger to infants of a diet
deficient in fat soluble vitamines is
slight, provided it includes sufficient
calories and otherwise is complete.
They can maintain their health and
vigor despite amounts of fat solu
ble vitamine. so small as rarely to
be encountered in times of pace.
"In spite of the fact,, therefore,
that this vitamine is not widely his
trlbuted in nature a disorder that
may be termed 'fat soluble de
ficiency,' marasmus or xerophthal
mia is hardly to be apprehended
from a clinical standpoint."
In other words, while Hess and
Unger think milk a good food. In
fact the best of all foods, for certain
individuals, they think the world
would not go to pot were milk to
become scarcer still.- They put five
babies on a diet composed of skim
milk powder almost free from fat.
The fat provided was cottonseed oil.
Other properties were furnished by
sucrose, orange. Juice, yeast and cer
eal. The diet was complete except
that is containtd no milk fat and
its fat soluble vitamines. The babies
were kept on this diet from five to
nine months. They grew and thrived.
Hess and Unger conclude the rea
son other experimenters have had
dissimilar results was because they
fed fats and they made use of diets
which were below the requirements
in other ways besides fat soluble
If this experiment of Hess and
Unger is confirmed it opens up a
broader list of foods. In the first
place It' will be pcssible to draw on
the vegetable fats to relieve the
strain on milk fat as a food children.
Peanut butter, cottonseed oil, nuts
can helnout the butter shorage.
Others have shown that the
amount of the growth principle in
cream depends on tho season of the
year and the pasturage of the cows.
In fact, that the growth principle is
in the hay and grass and the cow
merely picks it tip and hands it on
to the child. This experiment goes
to show that the cow is not a neces
sary means of handing it on, though
a very efficient one.
, Perhaps we should wait for con
firmation before changing our practices.
The Coming Generation.
Between mother's tireless search
for sugar and father's hectic hunt for
booze, the coming generation is go
ing to be just one Sherlock Holmes
after another. Life.
"business is good thank you'
LV. Nicholas oil Company ,
Our Free Legal Aid
State your case clearly but ,
briefly and a reliable lawyer
'will furnish the answer or
advise in this column. Your
name will not be printed.
Let Th Bee Advise You.
Voluntary Payment).
R. M.-r-Shortly after buying a gro
cery store on which I paid two
thirds cash and the balance on time,
there came inoinpaid bills from dif
ferent jobbing houses. If I pay these
bills and get receipts for the pay
ment, through what legal channels
can I force the former owner to pay
the bills, or can I have them de
ducted from the payment?
Answei" Unless you agreed with
the former owner to assume his
debts, your payment of them would
be a voluntary act on your part and
you would have no legal means to
recover the amount so paid from- the
former owner.
B.. E. S. In tase of a divorce if
the husband agrees to pay alimony
to the wife for five years unless she
remarries before that time, and
there are no children, and she had
no property before marylng can she
compel the husband to pay the ali
mony each month or what arrange
ment can he have made so that he
will not have to pay it?
A. We assume that the alimony
was fixed by the decree of divorce.
There is a severe penalty for failure
to pay alimony when due. If, you
figure you have good reasons why
the alimony fixed by the divorce de
cree should be discontinued you
should make application to the court
which granted the divorce for a
readjustment of the amount of ali
mony. Divorce.
D. I . A. Jty wife left me over a
year ago in an eastern state. How
long must I live in Nebraska before
I can start suit for divorce. What
When, we state thatr.
the matchless beaxxtcr
or tone or tne y
is "imperishable" we
state a fact txrhicK
other piano, bar ixoxxeA
1 A. simple
device, the "tensiorv.
resonator," prevents
the souiadiruj'toard,
from flattervirvg
-a.rui you will Buy
Other Well-Known
of lesser price but
wonderful values
are the
Kranich & Bach, Vose
& Sons, Sohmer, Kim
ball, Brambach, Bush
& Lane, Cable-Nelson
and Hospe Pianos.
Almost your own
terms, but at our low
est cash prices, as ev
ery piano is plainly
CtMrffTnJ'tn ' Zfrt anitjKuto
t 1513 Douglas Street
Have you seen the Four.Leaf
Clover Blossoms now on sale?
i i on av
The Day We Celebrate.
Rev.' Edwin Hart Jeuks, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, born 1862.
N. P. Dodge, real estate, born 1872.
. Garrett P. Serviss, well-known author and
scientist, born at Sharon Springs, N. Y., 69 years
Mrs. -Roswell Miller, only child of the late
Andrew Carnegie, born in Pittsburgh 23 years
William Mather Lewis, secretary of the
Navy League of America, born at Howell,
Mich., 42 years ago.
Claude Kitchin, representative in congress
of the Second North Carolina district, born at
Scotland Neck, N. C, 51 years ago.
Dr. Aven Nelson, president of the University
of Wyoming, born in Lee county, Iowa, 6l
years ago.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
Mr. W. F. Gurley of this city was offered
the position of assistant United States district
attorney, but declined the honor.
The committee on buildings and property of
the Board of Education awarded the Grand
Rapids Furniture company of Grand Rapids,
Mich., the contract for supplying desks for the
Omaha schools to the amount of $1,600.
Harry Deming, property man of the .Wor
den Dramatic company of South Omaha, was
killed when the Midland hotel at Kearney, Neb.,
burned down. .
the high cost of building repairs from
your expense sheet. Use Fullerton 5
year insured Paint and your, building
. will be protectee against tun, rain and sleet. Paint does
not cost at much at new buildings and good paint, such as
FULLERTON, v. ill protect and preserve.
SILK-TONE is a beautiful flat wall finish that has taken
the place of wall paper, calcimine, and gloss paint. It is
sanitary, durable, washable, and most beautiful wall finish
that money can buy. It is easy to apply, does not rub off,
and will not show laps on interrupted work.
Dittributed and Retailed by
MULLIN'PAINT CO., 313 So. Fourteenth St.
Retailed by ,
SAM NEWMAN, 1804 Farnam St.
1 rgjjjr
' "... i
states are there where a residence
period of six montlia is sufficient?
Answer You must have been in
Nebraska for two years with bona
fide intention of making this state
your permanent home before you
can bring suit for divorce here on
the ground of your wife's desertion
In another state. Nevada la the
only state we know of where di
vorce may be granted after a period
of six months' residence.
Oil and Mineral Rights.
H. A. P. Q. I have a homestead
in Washakie county, Wyomin-. On
filing the papers I was given to
understand that the government re
tained all oil and mineral rights on
this land. Does the new ruling
change the situation so that a home
steader can buy the oil and mineral
rights on his land?
A. Until recently there was no
authority for the leasing of reserved
oil and mining- rights on homestead
lands. However, by act of congress
there has now been provided for the
making of oil leases. I assume that
this congressional act is the ruling
you refer to. For further infor
mation you should write to the com
missioner of the land office, Wash
ington, D. C.
Income l ax.
"A Reader" I sold some real
estate that I owned for over
four years for a sum amounting to
a little over $3,600 more than I paid
for same. A deed was given the
purchaser, although but one-fifth of
the purchase price was paid, the bal
ance being secured by mortgage
drawing interest.
I. How should a return of this
transaction be made for the income
2. May the cost of repairs, im
provement, litigation involved, etc.,
be deducted?
3. Should a return be made of
the sale of property owned for over
fifteen years.
A. 1. This transaction is not to
be regarded as the equivalent of a
cash payment and you may report
your Income from such transactions
that proportion of each payment ac
tually received in the year "which
the gross profit to be realized when
property is paid for bears to the
gross contract price."
A. 2. You may deduct for de
preciation and for repairs the pur
pose of which is the preservation of
the property. Tou may not deduct
for litigation, attorney's fees, nor for
Improvements' the object and effect
of which are to add to the value of
the property.
A. S. Yes, a return should be
made covering this transaction. The
tax oh the transaction Is based on
the difference between the value of
the property on March 1. 191S, and
the sale price.
Gorrtci In Height
. andTktiftn
Always aik for
How to Save Money
On Your Long Distance Calif
This advertisement is intended to explain the differ
ent classes of long distance telephone service and how
they may be used to the best advantage.
When you make a long distance call, if you are willing
to talk to anyone at the telephone called, you will be
using what is known as station-to-station service. This
is considerably cheaper than other classes of service.
Station-to-station rates are based on a charge of about 5
cents for each six miles up to 24 miles and 5 cents for
each 8 miles beyond that distance, with a minimum
charge of 10 cents.
When using station-to-station service you should give
the long distance operator the name and address of the
business or the individual with whose telephone you de
' sire connection. In addition you should give the tele
phone number if you are sure it is correct. On this class
of service the charge begins when the telephone called is
The charge on a station-to-station call cannot be re
versed; that is, it cannot be charged to the telephone
This is how you would place a call with the long dis
tance operator on a station-to-station message: After
giving your own telephone number and name, say, for
example, "I want to talk to John Brown's residence at
Blue Springs, Nebraska," or "I want to talk to George
Anderson's store at Burchard, Nebraska." Care should
be taken to make it clear to the long distance operator
that you do not want to talk to a particular person or
persons at the telephone called, as in that case it would
be a person-to-person call and you would be charged a
higher rate.
By the very nature of your requirements for long
distancee telephoning, no doubt a great many of your
business and social calls permit the use of station-to-station
service. And in addition you can more often use
this cheaper class of service if you make special arrange
ments with those with whom you desire to talk, either
frequently or occasionally, to be ready for your call at 8
given time.
If you ask to talk to a particular person or persons
over long distance you will be using person-to-person
service. The charge for this service is about one-fourth
greater than for station-to-station service because the
operators may have to spend considerably more time and
hold the wires ready while they make an effort to locate
the particular party. This class of service is not only
more expensive, but naturally slower than station-to-station
If you desire person-to-person service at a particular
hour, and wish to make an appointment to talk at a given
time, the appointment rate will apply.
If you wish to talk to a person who does not have
telephone and for whom a messenger must be sent, the
messenger call rate will apply.
The following is an example showing the station-to-station
and oerson-to-person rates for distances up to
sixty-four miles:
Station. Person-to-Miles.
to-Station. Person.
0-12 $0.10 $0.15
12-18 15 .20
18-24 20 .25
24-32 25 .30
32-40 30 .40
40-48 35 .45
48-56 40 .50
. 56-64 45 .55
While the messenger call rate and the appointment
rates are not shown in the above table, they are each
about 50 per cent higher than the station-to-etation rate.
The report charge, which also is not shown, is about one
fourth of the station-to-station rate.
When you place a call for a particular person and
for any reason not within the telephone company's con
trol the call is not completed, or if you make a call and
are not ready to talk when the other person is ready
within one hour, a report charge is made. This is to cover
a part of the expense of the operator's time and the
use of the wires while we are tryinf to find your party.
The special evening rate between 8:30 p. m. and 12"
o'clock midnight on station-to-station calls is about one
half the day rate and the night rate between midnight
and 4:30 a. m. about one-fourth the day rate. The
minimum evening or night charge is 25 cents, the day
rate Applying where the charge is less than that amount.
The evening and night rates for person-tp-person calls
are the same as the day rates.
The rate for any class of service may be obtained by
calling "Long Distance."
Further information in connection with our long dh
lance service will be gladly furnished on request