2 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920. I' ! 3 PERSHING BOOM GROWS STEADILY THROUGHOUT U.S. Canvass of Public Men Visit- 1 ing Washington Serves to Intensify Rapidly Crys tallizing Sentiment. By B. N. TIMMONS. Washington, March 23. (Spe cial.) Whjle Washington headquar ters of other republican presidential . candiJates turn out reams of copy daily extolling the virtues of their respective entries, sentiment in the east i rapidly crystallizing for a man who has no headquarters and no paid boomers in the national capital. The inan is General Pershing, who is not actively a candidate, but tor whom Nebraska neighbors and friends started a movement a few weeks ago that has the avowed candidates wondering if the Persh ing boom is not very shortly going to vreck a lot of other boomlets. The best evidence of the healthy state of the campaign that is being made for General rershing is re vealed in the hotel column of the Washington Post. This hotel col umn .is an institution. If there is an open forum for unadulterated public sentiment in America the Post hotel column is the place. It is conducted by Harry N. Price, who is known to every public man in America. The topics discussed run the gamut of national and world af fairs. Four interviews appear daily in 'this , column, from visitors from every section of the United States or from foreign lands. It is sig nificant that almost daily some prominent visitor to the national capital has had something to say about the growing sentiment for General Pershing. There is every evidence now that the democrats are not going to be beaten lying down. They are get ting together a big campaign fund and have been flirting outrageously with Herbert Hoover. Another thing which shows rather conclusively that General Pershing is becoming a dangerous factor was the recent copyright article of Wil liam Jennings Bryan in eastern papers warning against a military candidate. But here Mr. Bryan misted the mark, for of all the talk heard of General Pershing, it is not because he is a military man, but a big American, who can be de pended on to give the country a business administration. Novelty Styles of Suits and Coats ? I for kaster Hundreds Flock to See the Faith Healer (Continued From Flrat Face.) son treated by Mr. Hickson. The healer stepped into the ambulance on his way from the rectory to the church and talked with Mrs. Law- son for five minutes. Jesse Bacon of Hiteman, la., who is suffering from a broken back sustained three years ago, was pushed into the church in his wheel chair. Mrs. A. C. Karr. livtnor eight miles south of Council Bluffs, was so crippled with rheumatism that her husband required the assistance of Patrolman Ed Barrett to help her into the church. The son of Mrs. S. B. Jones of the Hotel Merriam, Omaha, picked his mother up and 'carried her up the tteps in his arms. Nebraska Blind Women. Four blind women from the Ne braska School for the Blind attend ed the mission. They were Mrs. E. S. Glaze of Pierce, Neb.; Mrs. Ida Douglas of Hastings. Neb.; Miss Elsie Carruth of Scotia, Neb.; and Mis. C. Reese of Nebraska City. "I am not a 'miracle man'!" said Mr. Hickson. "I have had henling powers since I was 14 years old, but there is nothing 'miracu lous' or new about my work. My mission is simply a revival of faith healing in the Christian church. "There is no question but that God is capable of healing physical as well as spiritual illness. But the extent of His ministrations is con trolled by the limitations of human faith. Faith healing is as old as the Christian church. ' 4 "It is sacrilegious for persons to say T have tried .his and that, now I will try faith healing.' No Power of Own. The entire congregation joined in the Lord's prayer at the opening of the .services. The rector, Rev. W. E. Mann, then offered a prayer for the sick. At 10:10 Mr. Hickson stepped into the pulpit and gave a 20-minute talk. "Jesus Christ is the only healer, I have no healing power of my own," he said. "Faith healing is sure, but it is usually gradual. Men need a fresh vision of the presence of Jesus Christ. If I did not believe that His living presence is in this church this morning' I would not dare lay my hands upon you. Diseases of Soul. "Men should awaken to a need of deeper understanding of religion. There are soul as well as body dis eases. Every person who has a dis ease is under bondage of spiritual, mental or physical ailment. "Faith healing is not pew. It was even common during the first 100 years of the history of the ch'urch. Then its practice became lax until the present time, when there is a new movement to revive it. "Disease and sin to Christ were real. Medical science and medi cine were created by God. Faith healing in no way conflicts with this practice. They work together." "Let there he no whispering or looking about," warned Mr. Hick son at the close of his talk. "Pray for your brothers, but don't stare at them. Mrs. C. F. Bellman, 818 South Fiftieth street, a member of All Saints church, arrived at St. Pauls church at 4 a. m. She remained until treated by the healer at 11. Mrs. Smaller, Thirty-second and Wool worth avenue, another Omaha wo man, came early to attend the mis sion and drove away hurriedly after being treated. .Feels Magnetic Thrill. R. V. Cox, a train dispatcher from Alliance, Neb., who has suf fered from paralysis for three years and 'entered the church on crutches, verified the boy's statement about the strange sensation. He said he felt a magnetic thrill when the heal er put his hand on the back of his neck. Mark Daniel Nelson of Manches ter. Okl., was another 10-year-old sufferer treated by Mr. Hickson. He is paralyzed and unable to walk. He was accompanied by his father, A. J. Nelson. Mrs. Bertha Smith, 2915 Mason street, Omaha, had to be carried into the church, but felt so much improved that she succeeded in walking out with assistance after treatment. She is suffering from paralysis' of the right side and had been bedridden for five years. Fifteen-year-old Alfonso Fertig, 2408 Cass street, a student at Cen tral Park school, said he felt much better after meeting the healer. He is suffering from paralysis of the limbs and is a hunchback. Confined to Wheel Chair Three Years, Visits Faith Healer .vwi.v.-.yw mn - : U&KMBW Jesse Bacon of Hiltman, la., in the wheel chair to which he has been confined for three years, since an accident in which his back was broken, receives treatment from James Hickson Moore, faith healer. Americans Paying Billions to Support Civilian War Machine (Continued From First Page.) a partisan, I am frankly of the opin ion that there will not be a dis mantling of the War department until the republicans come into jiow er with new chiefs at the head of departments and bureaus dctei mined to retain those who are effi cient and necessary and at the same time discharge without delay those who can be spared and who are in efficient." , Small Reduction Since October. There has been a reduction of only 2,840 employes since October 31, 19W, when the figures stood thus in the principal executive branches: Nov. 11, Out. 21, April 1, 1917. . . .S.2S5 ...2.SH . .6.376 191 K. 29.1142 37,406 12.500 S.ijti 1 5.280 fi.100 2J9H 2.29S . 1,227 1,694 Treasury War Navy Interior 5.294 Govt, printing 3.996 AKrlculture 4.200 I'liHtofflre 2,097 Commerce ,...1,650 Shipping hoard .... 22 Supt. bullillnga 1S7 I'ppartniPUt of labor .... TVpartmont of Interior War department Department of jumite United states civil service... Public printer 6,097 Department of commerce 12,755 Department of agriculture 20,454 Department of state 79S Federal trade commission 4!3 Navy department 104,422 Poatoffire department 291,234 Treasury department 71,07 Federal reserve board 405 Interstate commerce commission... 1,785 Smithsonian Institution 463 Shipping board 2,500 Panama canal no 1919, 3S.140 22,287 11,443 5.792 5.172 4.K19 2.463 .2.01 1.935 1.775 2,414 5,454 200,000 5S3 373 Omaha's First French War Bride Baby Arrives in City Omaha's first French war bride baby arrived at Methodist hospital yesterday afternoon, when a boy was born to Mrs. Jacqueline Law son, wife of Homer C. Lawson, 3221 Harney street, who went over seas with the 341st machine gun battalion and returned with his French bride last July The international baby voiced his enthusiastic approval of Omaha as a birthplace, 'hospital attendants re port, and "doing fine" was the an nouncement from, the mother's bedside. Free Iris Plants All purchasers of seed or nursery stock, regardless of amount bought, will receive free Iris plants this spring-. We have no agents. Meneray Nursery and Seed Store, 3341 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Pho!! 1698. Adv. The Styles Are Individual Materials Better Cost less than ground floor prices. An average of $10.00 to $15.00 saving on every garment. HUomen t.v. How About Some Shirts? WE have a very large and complete line of Shirts for Spring and Summer display. Shirts will not be any cheaper in fact, they will cost more next year, and if you would be thrifty it would be a "good" idea to stock up for this season and next. ' New patterns, rich colors. All fast colors Percales, Madras, Silk Mixtures and Silks. A Special Assortment Real Buys at $3.00 S. E. Corner 16th and Harney Phoenix Hose for Women and Men LAUNCH DRIVE TO LOWER COST OF MEAT HERE Thursday Designated as "Cheap Cut" Day in Local H. C. L. Campaign Butch ers Co-Operate in Fight. Mrs. C. G. Ryan, federal fair price commissioner for Nebraska, working in co-operation with the members of the Retail Grocers' aiid the Master Butchers' association of Omaha, has selected Thursday of this week as the first day when the public will be urged to purchase what is termed "cheap cuts" in an effort to lower the high cost of meats. It is the plan of the grocers ano butchers to offer special inducement to their customers to use "rough cuts" of meat, including lamb and mutton stew, veal stew, pot roasi rnd boiling beef, ham ends and hocks. These cuts will be offered to the consumer at about one-hall what the better cuts cost. To add impetus to the campaign and to bring it before the house wives of the city Mrs. Ryan yester day morning arranged conferences with the Omaha Women's club economic department, Dundee Women's club, the Benson club wnd also representatives of the packing industries and the meat dealers. Less Costly Bills. "The day has been set apart by the Department of Justice to intro- 1 duce consumers to less costly beef, I so that they may use parts of the carcass hitherto neglected and here after vary their diet and lower their bills." said Mrs. Ryan. "The public ought to know about short ribs, for instance. Short ribs have been selling for IS or 20 cents. Prime ribs sell around 33 cents. "Short ribs come from the same animal and almost the same part of the animal as the prime ribs. Vet customers in the Omaha markets take the prime ribs home after pay ing higher prices. "Husbands downtown for lunch eat the inexpensive cuts at cafes and restaurants, yet they go home at night and expect the more ex pensive parts of the steer. Why don t more housewives learn, the inexpensive cuts can be made just as tasty? The housewife holds m her own hand the remedy for very ugh meat prices. Rules for Housewives. Several little rules for housewives have been laid down for the Thurs day meat buving campaign against high prices. Some of them are: 'Huy the neglected cuts. "Eat chuck steaks and New Eng rl HAAS BROTHERS "The Store for Women" Particularly Featuring i Smart New f Spring Suits at $4950 This is an unusual value, both from style value and I the intrinsic value of ma- f terial and trimming. 1 Tricotines, Serges I and the Popular t Velour Checks I Z in a variety of models that I I reflect the advanced modes 1 I of the season. A typical I I Haas Brothers offering - : $49.50. : I Haas Brothers ; . Balcony Floor, Paxton . Block m j I 16th and Farnam Z I Use Elevator Entrance on 16th St. Z Bjlliliilnlnililiiliilhr'luliirillillilillillillnilliil.iBV llllll!IIMIIIl!ll!l!lllllllllill!ll!IIIIIIIMI!lllll!llllBW ARDANELLA : i For Your Victor Player Piano ? : si.oo $1.25 : . 10c extra 3c extra r - by mail. by mail. " W)AKFOm MOsric Co. I 1807 Farnam J land boiled dinners Thursday and tomorrow you will find the sirloins cheaper." "Buy short ribs." "The stockman produces whole steers for us. We must eat the whole thing." The meat crusade is not to be confined to one Thursday, but is to be continued, Mrs. Ryan said. This idea originated with the grocers and butchers of Omaha and will not in terfere with the Save-Money-On-Meat Week inaugurated by the De partment of Justice and which will begin in Omaha the week of April 12. Nebraskans Confer on Service Bonus Bill (Continurd lom Flnt Tat".) unjust and uncalled for because this , was the first time the legion had I agreed among themselves and there ; was "no buck" before congress for : anybody to pass. He said that er I ratic messages sent by the Douglas county post to representatives in congress would prove of little bene fit to the cause. In his reply to the telegram, Sen ator Norris took occasion to say that the statement made about "passing the buck" was "wholly un warranted." Continuing, he said: "Your telegram is the first intima tion I have had that any member of the Nebraska delegation is trying to dodge the issue 1 believe that member of the Nebraska delegation, as all other members of congress, desire to do everything they can for the benefit of our soldiers. I think they will go any distance that is possible and construe every doubt in their favor." Opposes Military Training. Apropos of a petition signed by a number of citizens of Phelps count? in opposition to military training, which Congressman Andrews rc ceived today, the latter placed in the Congressional Record his views on this very live question. Mr. An drews says: "Before beginning to spend bil lions more to prepare for another war, we should do something for the boys who won the last war. If a bill should be brought ' before the house to establish compulsory mili tary training. I will vote against it. 1 will do all I can to reduce ex penditures and thus prepare for the reduction of taxation." THOMPSON - BELDEN 6? CO The Silk Shop Woolen Coatings A truly unusual assort ment is being displayed just now, essentially fashionable woolens, such as batavia, patinette, peau de gant, vermond, glove cloth and fabrique d'or. Sport Silks All the lustrous weaves and mellow colorings that Springtime brings are, in readiness for warmer days, Dewkist, Mignonette, Kum-si-Kumsa, Mirette and Fair- way Crepes. We shall be more than leased to shoH you the Spring fabrics. Children's Hosiery A most dependable pur hase is Pony Hosiery; they are very nearly indestructi ble and have the closely fitting good looks so diffi cult to attain in children's hose. For girls, Lisle and Silk Lisle Hose with triple knees, heels and toes, are to be had in tan, cordovan, black or white, for 65c and 75c a pair. For boys, medium weight Black Hose, with triple re inforcements, are also to be had in black only for 65c and 75c a pair. Misses' Silk Plaited Hose, finely ribbed, come in white or black, 'for $1.50 in the small sizes and $1.75 in the large. Inquire about our half and three-quarter Hose for in fants and children; roe have a most unusual v showing of . styles that are not to be found elsewhere. Hosiery Main Floor. Wednesday An Unusual Sale of Chapeaux Chic for Easter Fbwer Trimmed Hats Shiny Smooth Straws Shiny RougK Straws Dress Hats Off the Face Hats Roll Brim Sailors Turbans Chin-Chins Hair-Brim Effects Raffia-Trimmed Hats Dardanelle Sailors Picture Hats Pokes Mushrooms April Fourth is Easter Sunday this year and it is therefore highly advisable to make your millinery selections now when our stoclis are largest and our assortment complete. Tomor row's event brings to you many unusual values hats that ordinarily would be marked considerably more. i May we suggest to our patrons that early morning shopping has many advantages. That Scarcest of Garments A Large Size Tailleur With the straight, perfectly taifored lines which slenderize and the finer distinctions of trimming which make them attractive. Sizes forty to forty-eight An all-inclusive showing of Tricotine and Poiret Twill Suits in navy blue. They are beauti fully hand-tailored and in a number of cases hand-embroidered, and the extent and variety of the collection is all that could be desired. Priced from $9830 up Large size coats in tans and navy blues are also being shown Apparel Section Third Floor. A Sale of Brassieres and Bandeaux You will undoubtedly be able to find several worth-while savings in Wednesday's sale of odds and ends. All priced 69c Corset Dept. Second Floor. Dainty Edgings and Insertions Swiss, nainsook, and cambric edging and inser tions in charming designs. Wide flouncings, from 12 to 27 inches wide. And a most complete showing of headings, seam headings, bandings and in sertions for dresses. North Aiile Main Floor. Orders for Needlework All descriptions of needlework, embroider ing, hemming, crochet ing, and the like, stamp ing on every sort of ma terial, and lamp shades of unusual beauty are executed to your order by competent workers. Inquire in the Art Depart ment on the second floor. Fine Madeira Nainsook A very soft, sheer fabric, quite free from starch or filling, which is admirable for dainty undergarments. A spe cial value is offered Wednesday. Regularly 55c a yard $5 a bolt of 10 yards Linen Section. New Mode? in Spring Footwear In these charming de signs Milady will find particularly evident all of those delicate femi nine refinements that have made Fry 3hoes the essential footwear among women of care fu 1 discrimi nation. Many new models have just been received both for informal use and formal occasion. Priced as Low as Good Footwear Can Be Sold lbth and Douglas it True Economy Eat SGHULZE'S BUTTER-NUT (READ To get in or out of business, use 1 1 he l&c Wa:it Ad columns. Am American "Spa" B taring Favorablm Companion With E'cIumiv Foroign Rmiortt loO acres of wooded ground-, lo cated upon high hills; one of the most desirably situated hotels on ins continent for people requiring absolute Rest and Recuperation. A Mineral Water beneficial for Uver and Kidney disorders. Scientific Massage and Baths for 1 Kiieumatic ailments. A Cafe operated upon the kuro- pT..P an,-with "Tab'e d'Hote" and A la Carte" meals at sensible prices. Information and Boekltts Can Be Had at tha Rtaort Buraau of thli paptt r by Addrtaalnr James P. Donahue, Proprietor Hotal Colfai and" Mineral Sprinti, COLFAX, IOWA On tht Rock Itland Lintt Bee Want Ads Product Results,