THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, slARCH 24, 1920. 13 EDUCATIONAL. IMT SCHoO!,. NIOHT SCHOOL. MOVI.ES COLLbuK. OompleU" tourers In accountancy. ma chit. bonkkepln, romptomr try, ahort banit and tynavrlllnc. railroad and wiring, t.lnr.phy, civil i.rvlc and all KtiKlun and commercial branch'.. Writ, call nr phono Douclu IMiS for Urn llluatrated ratalngu. Address flOTI.E.S COT.t.K(IE. Boy1 Bullrtlna-. Omaha, Nb. BUSINESSCHANCES. GROCERY STOCK AND BUILDING Mint ac II. Doclora aay I musl go to Arisnaa. All cash trade, I3,ijn per month. Thla la a near olean mock, ood location. About $10,000; 17,60 cah. NO TRAPES. Colfax 111(17. -TJ.Ol'R Jill, I, for sals Hi central Ne braska; 60-bhl. Barnard and Lea Sifter system, water power tha year around. In tha center of a good wheat country; would taka anma trade. Addreaa C B.. Vox 7. St. Paul. Neb. WILL ta'A the only garaga In a llv Ne braaka town of S0O. Can produce rec. orda which will prova thla a money maker. Trader and prospectors should tave th-tr pnm. Y-lfliO. Bee. Oil. I,r!ASKS. In aouLhwent Texan, five and 10-acra tracts or larger, flva-year .uhinvroal leauca at $10 per acre. Sur rounded by tent wells. Leonard Pence, l'"x 171. Kl J?o.Tex. wiu7 BAchirifE To of my lulf Coast Pevelopment ft Tieflnery Co. oil tracts. Were taken off market at $500 each. Addreaa Box X-6. Omaha Bee. QVll biiHlncKH Is to buy and sell your huaimna. quick Servka Selling Experts, 6 H llmwn Hlilg, Rooming Houses. i HAVE several flue hirirains In rooming houses. Close In and monev makera. See .lohnny Devlin. 210 No. 25th. Douglas 71 7 S. "WANT to buy rooming house from owner, 7 lo 12 tootns; must b" close la and a bar Kln Call DoukIhs 7172. ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. rilOVK THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TVI.K1 1000, AND ASK A ROUT OUR T11U ROOM MHT PRINTED KVKRY . V y.F.K VOli THE WRNKKIT Or" OUR TtKA D E R SA NDA nVBRTI S E RS. KOUNTZK PARK biSTRICT. Larfte newly furnished and decorated room with fireplace, strictly modern, privets home, good neighborhood, block o .car line. Reasonable. Webster 6505. CLA I RAIONT INN. I7T1I AND JA('KS()N UTS. ROOMS FOR PKRMANENT AND TRANSIENT UUEST8: SPECIAL WKKK1.Y RATKS. DOUOLAS 2735. FOR single rooms, running hot and cold water, steam heat, within walking dis tance. Tha Ilrown Apt.. 608 N. 21st St. DoukIhs SS44. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. . Pleasant southeast room; modern; private home; bt block to car, liar- ncy 711. PLEASANT, nicely furninliu-d rooms, Hun scom Park district; block to car; getit'nien prefi rred. Harney 1106. COMKOKTABLK sleeping room, modem, Ifcntlomeo preferred. Tyler 4194. . COMFORTAHL1S FRONT ROOM, NEWLY FURMH 1 1 K 1 ). WEBSTER 2415. 5658 HARNEY Pleasant 'front room; v hI k I ny illstnnce. DoukIss 1367. PLEASANT room. private home, Vt block to car. Harney 226. LAKOE front room, suitable for 2 gentle rlieii. 7l S 1 Kth. Hit floor. 261S HARNEY Comfortable sleeping rooms, walking distance. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. 2407 Cupttol Ave. MCB front room suitable for 1 or 2. 410 Hweetwood Ave. MODERN sleeping rooni $2.50 week. a.' S. 2 id, Housekeeping Rooms. TWO Hubt housekeeping" rooms, everything furnished. Call evenings, 605 South 23th St. Full RENT Furnished rooms for light houokeeplng. 2 4 0T Capitol Ave. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 08 N. 16th St. . DALLAS Bpnitn ent, 2564 Marcy, 2 rooms and kitchenette. Boa rd and Room. PRIVATE FAMILY OFFERS ATTRAC TIVE ROOM AND EXCELLENT HOME OOW KINO TO GENTLEMAN; 10 Ml.M UT ES' RIDE TO TOWN. HARNEY 1297. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE HOME. NEAR FARNAM CAR LINE. 2883 CAPITOl, AVE. HARNEY 7H3. BOARD and room In new, modern home. On car II n e. Wain ut 259. ROOM, with board if desired, walking dUtanre. ItiSS Dodge St., Harney 6966. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished basement rooms, light and wiiUr, $10 In parsonage. 2006 W lllo A v e.. Webster 1778. FOR RENT 4-rooni. brick flat, ateam heat. Call Webster 1640. Apartments. '"KWVRUPOR APARTMENTS, 1STH AND DOIX1E 8TS. To and throe-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4J00. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnishred. FOR RENT . Beautiful furnished house, three rooms downstairs, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, sunroom.' servants quarters on third floor; two baths. $225 ocr month. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. '" Ki-.d Nat Bank. Douglas 502. FURNISHED 4-room cottage for colored. Tyler 274 or Webster 4150. Unfurnished. FOR RENT. Good motlprn 6-room hous, 140; about .WOO or $400 worth of furniture to he rM to rntfr. S. P. BOSTWICK & SON, "0 Bee Bldg, , Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FOR RFNT 4-room apartment to party i buying f'irnlture. Close In. Tyler 3041. .SVU.L apartment for rent to party buy 4r.fc rtirnlture. Tyler 957. WANTED TO RENT. A" ANTED To rent, 5 or 6-room furnished flat or bungalow by young couple with out children; must be In good neigh borhood; prefer garage; can gtve best of rcfo-ences. Call Webster 2304 8un ' day or evenings. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED at once by young couple with reference, 6 or 6-room furnished or un furnished bungalow In good residence district; garage preferred, but not es- Phone Tyler 1000. Mrs. Younge. WANTED A 6 or 6-room modern bunga low, in good neighborhood, with' garage. I.onn leas;: no children. Address T-25, Omaha H". FOR RENT Business Property. fll lfi room now occupied by the army store In the Millard Hotel building, entrance on 13th street; trackage In adpjolnlng alley. Spaca 42x164. Very desirable room. Possession given on April 4, 1920. Apply at Millard hotel office. Garages and Barns. UAHAOE. 2883 AVU. HARNEY 7183. CAPITOL THE GUMPS- A FEMALE NEB. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith ONE 0 THO-E- feASKtzT SWOPrER-SHE COE ANOAS- WOW NVOCH ToPr? - Op the- PRtCE OOfSN'T SUIT HER- V SWt- PlCrxOUT OM6TNM(? TWE CHAiplQN FEMALE- NE OP-THt WORLD - ANb I fA MRNE-R I UKt THAT KNf OF HOPPtNCrr- ITSAVE-AWTOF bOUCrrY- BOY YNiSTEiEPrONE HOPpiNJ(a. IS ONE OF TN 'HQW MUCH 0URSrAK A POUAiO T OONTMAKrc ANV DFF-cRcNC VrVAT YMEf VOf- SlrND ' THRE; POUNDS- SNESON- OF Ykft5.F PFAAALE- NEBS YrVAT'UGO over and BUX Ywfttf PouajOSOF RounO STEAK ANb WNE-N SHE trcTS IT tooKEp (TLX MAKE- TEA ASHANS.ED P ITSEUE QOT owp-of THOSE MUSBAN?TKAT HAS. THE LONCr DlSTA.NCt RECORD NrVAUKlNtr AROONO APoolTABIE ANt SHrc fAEETS W'rA AT TNf OOOR ANC &AYS - ( NH POOR TIRED HUSBAND- SHE-HAS A PAIR OP- ntLiPtFI? 1KI ONP- JJfAN A SfAOKINCr JACKET IN THe-OYWef- ANb OUST TO TNINK- TMIie,K,D NAiN 1 POIMCl V UK cx 11 S&VE-N TEEM fl Kr&L. - . 1 1 STtAK ANB WMt-N 4Mt Wffi If -WUHl I . 1 T II 1 cm. . s S I I 1 I . S 1 i i - . - . . . l i i rvi i nft&k i .xi rc l 1 1 1 rj . r a r I i I i x . . 'V' ' '' - '''' ' ' '''''' ' ' ' ,' ''' ' , ' . HORSES AND VEHICLES. 1,200 Sets Farm Harness 19 per set; 600 curled hair leather roiinrs, each; sou L. . leather collars, J5.50 eaoh: 300 drsft horse leather collars. fi,50 each; the best 1 , Inch hslters, $1.45 each; .O00 sweat pads, 35c each; II. s. stable blankets, $4 each; IT. S. curry combs, 3 for 11; driving whips 3 for 50c; first-class hame-atraps, $3,110 a dozen. Fannera take advantage of those low prices. No dealer In Nebraska can compete with these prices. Send money ordr or draft with nil orders. Rcferencea: Any bank of Omaha. Price list fre. MIDWEST HARNESS CO. 708 North 16th Street. Desk No. 4. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHITB ROCK egc from mated pens, Flsh'el strain. AV. IT. Blankenship, 3425 Drexel St. South 31; S3. BUFF ORPHINOTON, eggs. $1.50 to $3.00 from thuroughbrcd; prliso atocli. Douglas 4641. "Sl'RK" egg producer, lire killer. 918 No. Hth St. Phone Tyler 49i4. 6NOW White Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Walnut 28S. 10 BLAt'K LANUSHA.VGS for sale. South fits'!. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALES RENT A NEW FORD ! DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 124 CENTS PER MILK. (7AS AXI1 INSITRANCK EXTRA. OUR CARS ARK COMFORT AP r,Y HEATED FOR WIN TER SKRVICE. IiRIVK-lT-YOURSKLF-COMPANY, ' FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD ST DOUtl. 3622. USKD AU'Al TRUCKS FOR SALE. 1 MaMi'r 2-ton, with hydraulic hoist and body $2,000 1 Indiana 2-ton chassis 1,500 1 Tndlnna 2-ton chassis, with closed cab, good as new 2.S0O 1 Reo speed wagon, with cab and bodv 1,050 1 O M. C. 2-ton 600 STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020-22 Farnam St. PACKARD 2-ton truck, pood running con dition, only ."r,0 : Maxwell 1-ton truck with body mill cab. $."00; Ford, with Smith 1-ton attachment, complete, with body and cr.b, only $350; Stude bakor ton truck, a snap at $250; Re public ton trurk, rebuilt, newly palited, guaranteed fine condition, only $875. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 14TH AND JACKSON STS. REBUILT HUDSON SUPER-SIXES. We have several rebuilt and reflnlshed Hudson- In closed and touring models; exceptional values; terms if desired. GUY L. SMITH. SoufN'.iwt Corner of 2'Uh and Fur num. TWO FORD TRUCKS In good condition. Solid tire rear wheels, heavy braced rear axle, good wagon boxes on both. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Write today. Ad dress Box T-78, Omaha Bee. BARGAIN IN TRUCK Light K-ton truck. A-l condition; equipped with starter, electric lights, etc., for sale reasonable or will trade for anything of value. 1211 Howard St. RELIABLE automobile sehooi; best elec tricnl and self-starter course: free cata log. Come and Inspect it. Day school v-nr 'round. Night school opens April 1. Nitlonnl Automobile School, 2S14 North :nth. Omaha. New and used cars. 40 Dodpoj and Bulcks. Cash r.r Time Pavmenis OOT.DSTRUM AUTO SALES 1316 Harney St. Tyler 714. You Cannot Afford to overlook this bargain. F.ulck Light Six. used only n few week. For ap pointment cal, Tyler 4072. BARGAIN LIST 1017 Maxwell touring, $275. 1916 Oakland tnurine. A-No. 1, $250. 1918 Ford touring. $350. TRAWVKR AUTO CO.. 101O FARNAM. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seaj on windshield. LEXTnoTON Minute Man six touring: A-l condition: will trado for lighter car and cash difference. Cat! Douglas 6891 for d e monstra t lorn SOME bat gains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Servt"e Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug Ins 3SO0. FOR SALE. On1 seven-passenger Lozie car. in excellent condition. Colfax 221. WANTED For spot cash, 100 used cars; quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 20r.! Farnam St. Doug. 6035. THE DIXIE FLYER. I W, R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. 'YE HAVE 50 good used can to lelect from. All prices. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. AUTO CLE A NINO HOUSE, 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY axiTvan CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. frREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLr.TB LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. !) and Jackson Sts. Douglas 2S. Globe Van, Transfer an Storage Co. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and ; .hipping. , OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 0i South Kth. Doug. 4183. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H, R. Tiowcn Co. Tyler 3400. UNi(JN TRANSFER CO. LKT estimate your moving, packing j and storage. ltOi Davenport. Doug. 301. 1 BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO, 1910 FARNAM. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. ?3na Farnam St. 191S MOLINE-KN1GHT chummy roadster. Don't call unless interested. Webster 3hSH. ' FOR SALEi-One 1919 Ford touring car, with stnrter; In A-l condition. $575.00. Phone S. 1820.. . 1919 PAIGE TOURING. First class condition. Reasonable. Harney 2907 1917 OI.DSMOB1LE touring for sale. No dealers. Webster 6130. 1918 WILLYS 6; best of condition. Call after Dou g las 7247. 1319 FORD 1-ton truck. Call Douglas 7247 after 6 p. m. 1919 FORD btdan, with starter, demount able rims. Douplas 2256. 2 1-TON Republic trucks, one G. M. C. Douglas 2p: DODGE commercial truck for sale. Chas. Neplnsky. 1252 S. 13th St. Tyler 2604. FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring car, A-l shape. Call Harney 2790. Accessories. TWO new 35x4 casings, less than cosL Tyler 4821. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR NfFG. CO.. 1319 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 3ox3. $4.00; 30x3 H. $5.00. All sixes in proportion. Look over our rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. 90S N. lnth St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES STRICTLY FIRSTS. 30x3 f 9.75 32x3H $16.85 3"x34 J12.75 34x4 $21.75 DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. STANDARD TIRE CO. 410 N 16th. Do u gins 383 0. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 30x34 F1SK $12.95 I 34x4 $21.95 30x3 9.95 I 36x4 26.95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMIN'S. AUTO electrical repairs: service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2G16 N. 19. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALES Motorcycles and Bicycles. HA P. LEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Motor ti. Roos, tho motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Sts. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FARM LANDS. For Ren'.. FOR RENT 160 acres improved, locatrd near Ash land, Cass county, Neb. Land lays fine. See HELD LAND CO., 664. Brandels Bldg. Douglas 91 48. FOR BENT Two quarters. 175 acres each, Scottsbluff valley Irrigated land. Will ljnpruve present Improvements for well recommended tenants. 7 miles from Bridgeport. Good opportunity. Address, K. M. Bigelow, Bridgeport, Neb. Nebraska Lands. A SPECIAL "BARGAIN DAY" SALE OF DAWES COUNTY LAND. I am on account of scarcity of hired help unloading a large number of my farms that I have heretofore been farm ing. I am going to gve torma of any where from 25 per cent to 50 per cent down and the balance back on tho land at 6 per cent but, scarcity of labor, coupled with a temporary Illness that may require my being away from "the heart of things," for some time, abso lutely necessitates my letting loose; ne cessitates to such an extent that I am going to make real bargain prices and exceptionally good terms on any and all of my personal holdings, and very close margins on some other holdings which I am offering for nonresdent frtends ant, patrons. In other words, a general cleaning of some of the best and choicest places In all northwest Nebraska I have gotten out a map showing every 40 acres to a distance of 15 miles west of Crawford; 18 miles north of Crawford; 15 miles east of Cravford and 16 miles south of Craw ford. Above and below and down the sides along tha margin of this map will bo found descriptions and legal num bers of the place's I am offering. Come right to my office und get one of these maps; look ii over thoroughly and then Instruct mo what places you want to see and I will gladly send you to see It. If you cannot eomo right ,away, write ma lor one of these maps. The map shows Crawford in, its center; shows the C. & N. W. railroad from Its east t west edge and the Burlington rallrottd from its south to its north edge. The map also shows Whitney and Glen on the C. & N. W. line and Mareland, Belmont. Horn, Orella and Mansfield on the Burlington line. These two rallroud.T cross at Crawford. The map also shows tho location of Fort military reservation joining Crawford and the Fort Robinson mili tary wood reserve to the west of Craw ford. Take this map, rea. the descrip llons of the places I am offering nnd from the legal numbers given with' each description, you pick out the township and range in which the place Is located and then the section and you can locate any plHce and mark It and see the exact distance from Crawford or any of the adjoining" railroad towns. It is a new stunt and a thought, but one which' I think you will appreciate for, in deliberating, one likes to know the exact location on the map of such pieces of land as one Is figuring on. Any child can pick out any piece of land described on my map. The following Is a synopsis of my spe cial offeiii gs: liio A., 2 M. Horn $ 3,200.00 320 A., 4 M. Crawford 32,000.00 5 M. Orella. per A 17.60 6 M. Crawford 44,000.00 6 M. Crawford, per A.. 67.00 6 M. Crawford, per A.. 55.00 3 f. Clen 30.000.00 6 M. Marsland 13.oon.00 .Inininjr Crawford 17.500.00 joining Crawford 20,000. no 3 M. Crawford, per A.. M. 00 5 M. Whitney, per A.. 35.00 4 M. Whitney, per A.. 38.00 320 A., iy M. Whitney, per A. 45.00 ISO A., 2 M. Whitney, per A.. 38.00 4S0 A., 4 M. Whitney, per A.. 24.50 5 M. Whitney, per A.. 38.00 6 M. Whitney, per A.. 23.00 6 M. Whitney, per A.. 35.00 4 M. Whitney, per A.. 35.00 8 M. Whitney, per A.. 25 00 9 M. Whitney, per A.. 22.50 T have many other offerings but most of the:-e are the real ones that I either own or control and which have required my personal attention. I am now going to get ont from under the responsibility f at last a number of them, and while I reali-ie that I am going to lose money ft'iy selling them, it Is necessary and my tors will be ycur gain. From the mo ment you contract for any of them, the increase In value belongs to you and s'ops coming to me. However, that's all risht with me. Scores and scores of men in the pa.t have made fortunes off of th?ir buys through iny offce. T would feel mighty bad to think that anyone ever lest a dollar through any buy through my office I want you all to win and to prosper on anything you buy from mo. Some of these places are the very choieest of choice offer ings r.ncl they will make you mighty good money if you yourself, your son. your son-ln-Iaw, or some -good friend whom you can trust, can come on and take charge. Should I not be Ht my of fice when you arrive. I will leave de pendable hit who will take you out. Men who will tell you nothing but truth and fact. If one of these -places suit you. go right to the bank with my man, - put up SI.OI'O nr $2,000. according to the size of the deal, and the bank will give you a receipt for it. closing the sale on the land r.t the price scheduled on my man or in thi advertisement. I may be hereto meet-you. I hope I am. but, should I not be, don't let the street loafer and curbstoner steer you away from my office. The man I will leave to take care of you will be dependable and I rvonid thank you to give them 'our cor t'idenoo and vour patronage, flie street lonfer and curbstoner is here todav and gene tomorrow. He has nothing to do with getting you here and vou owr him nothing, but. like any fcnrse thfef nr cattle rustler, he will steal you if he can. You will not find my men on the street curhstoning. I do not run that kind of a business, nor will T ev" My office is over the First Na tional bank. Come to iny office and you will he treated fairly and honorably whether I flm home or not. My policy remains end lr. carried out. even though I am awav. Most sincerely yours. A RAH I.. HUNGER FORD. Crp.wford Dawes Co., Nebraska. 960 A. 1,160 A. 370 A. HiO A. 1,440 A. 440 A 101 108 A. 10 A. 300 A 360 A., 160 A.. 640 A., 659 V, 2.400 A.. 330 A.. 1.120 A., CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at tha right price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. XA.RMS FOR SALE. Tf you are looking for a farm we have a big list of rich Michigan farms In fruit belti also in general farming. Prices and terms are such that your needs can be met. If you are interested and mean business, write or call, Ameri can Farm Land Co.. Scottvllle, Mich. 175-ACRE Dowson County good hard land, eight miles to main line town, fair Improvements," all fenced; 110 acres un der cultivation, balance pasture. Price. $100 per acre, good terms. 1760' 27th Ave.. Columbus. Neb. Owner. 320 ACRES In Franklin county; good soil; 140 acres In wheat: rest In pasture with a aprlng that never falls: new barn, 36x 42: new house, 28x36; well and mill: aranarv; will sell for $80 per acr. Ad dress Harold Harlng, Rlverton, Neb. "BEST LANDS" I bought right and will sell you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the best wheat and corn land In east Colorado. Write for facts, now. See our crops. Investigate. R. T. Cline, Ofcner. Brandon, Colo. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED Strictly modern, up-to-date S or 8-rocm house, desirably located. Har ney 6282. WANT 5 to 8-room bouse from owner, on payments. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4150. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. THE Burlington, Colorado, district offers attractive opportunities for the young man, the renter or the Investor. For in. formation write or call VOLLM A R-SELLS CO., Tyler 5027. 405 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE 320 acres level, unimproved land in Lincoln county, Colorado, Shal low water; good terms. Owner, C. C. Rodlbaugh. Limon, Colo. Kansas Lands. i SHERMAN county laud for sale by owner. Choice section of raw land 5 miles northeast of Goodland, Kansas. $40 per acre. Will sell NE14 alone or tho other three quarlers together at same price. Improved farm joining this sold recently for $72.50 per acre. Box 398, Hebron. Neb. 1,280 ACRES In famous Pawnee Valley. Hodgeman county, Kansas; all valley land: abundance of water, 400 acres wheat, 20 acres alfalfa, nearly nil al falfa land; well Improved; price $30 per acre. W. O. McCartney. 102 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Michigan Lands. LAND! LAND! Make big money farming In Michi gan's best hardwood counties raising grasses, grains, stock, truck and fruit. Only $15 to $3' ncr acre. Near schools, churches, mark .s, iiardroads. railroads, etc. Small down payment; balance easy terms. The blgfc-est company, the lowest prices; the best land. What more can you ask? Write today for free booklet. Swlgart Land Co.. J125J First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Chicago, III. Minnesota Lands. lio DOUGLAS county farms for sale; write for our list. Central Minnesota Land Co., Alexandria. Minn. Missouri Lands. For Nfb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 82 Omaha Nat'l Bk.' Bldg., Omaha. A.A. P.'.TZVAX. Farms. 301 Karhach Blk. WRITE r for pictures snd prices of my farms 1r,Q ranches good old Dawes Co. Arab. L. Hungerford, Crawfor'd, Neb. r Lake Taneycomo Five-acre tracts with lake front, 1 .mile from railroad station, for $450 on easy terms. Fine for truck' gardens, summer homes or resorts; 200 mites south in Missouri; largest body of water between Louisiana and Michigan. Buy richt now before the big advance In values sure to follow as this aectton becomes better known. Circulars free. Merriam, Ellis & Benton, Kansas City, Kan. SPRING CREEK FARM 120 , acres plenty of Improvements; fruit; corn made 4 0 bushels per acre; running water: $2,800; easy terms. B-694, Moun tain View. Mo. Oklahoma Lands. PANHANDLE lands. 160 acres. Improved, for $2,500; 320 improved, for $4,600; 640 Improved, all smooth, $20 per acre; good terms on all; write for list of farms and ranches. Arthur Nicld Realty Co.. Texhoma, Okl. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY, a magazine giving the facts in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mail me LAND OLOGY and all particulars free." Ad dress Editor. Landoloi?y, Skldmore Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Bldg., Mirinett?, Wis. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 64u-aore homesteads. 1 months' recidfnee. Duff. Casper, Wyo. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate, investments, insurance. Ren tals. Tyler 1538. No. 333 Securities B I d g. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. West. $5,950. CUMING Near 29th St.. 44x125; must be sold to close an estate C. A. Grlmmel, 8 4 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DUY a let at present low prices. West Farnam, Dundee and Field club. Acres on South Side. Shuler & Cury, 20 Keellne E. G. SOLOMON fX.tV "314 Brown Block. Doug. 6268. LOT on 19th and Laird, east front, $l.!f00, cash or payments. Y-1032, Uee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. DOUBLE brick, right down town. In the finest of repair, on street that Is becom ing an Important business street. Rental, $1,440. Price only $13,750. About cue-half cash necessary. This Is sure to make you big money. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE t Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO., 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 218 Cltv National. APARTMENT and store building on close In trarsfer corner, paying 6 per cent net on about $75,000. A little exchange considered. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In best part of Council Bluffs. What have you to trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON BARGAIN PRICE, ONLY $4,100. Dandy five-room, strictly modern cot tage with tiled kitchen, sink, ice box and floor all tiled and lot 125x128. with nrettv hedtre: onlv block from car. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES in Council Bluffs One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, H cash; balance to suit buyer. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Ia. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Improved 60 acres 14 miles from Council Bluffs. Call Douglas 4596 or write 405 McCague Bldg. Dundee. FINANCIAL. Lands, Estate. Loans, Mortgages. MONEY to lend on improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS A SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 dm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2716, PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $t 0.000 made promptly. F. D. WE AD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dcdge. D. 6619. Es. 1894 FARM and city joans. E. II. LOUGEE. INC.. 528 Keellne Bldg. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros., 345 Omaha Nat'l. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Dous. 4228. DUNDEE BUNGALOW This very attractive. 6-room bunga low having sun room, living room, din ing room two bedrooms snd kitchen all on one floor; oak floors throughout: large lot. Must be sold. Price reduced to $6,600 for quick sale. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Doug. 46. 913-17 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Large square house, 28x30, 8 rooms, strictly modern, full basement, first floor hardwood, second hard pine, fine shape, dandy location, big lot, In block next to Walnut Hill reservoir. Shown by appointment. Snap, one-half cash. W. G. SHRIVER, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1636. In Happy Hollow New brick home; 8 rooms. 2 stories and attic' vacuum vapor heat, 2-car garage: east front corner lot, 80x150 ft. Very desirable and well constructed; quick possession; shown by appointment. For price, terms and other Information "Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS. 1120 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments, 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. North. We socialize in Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Douglas 8787. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds OIL OPPORTUNITY To more than double ynur investment buy Walker County, Texas. Oil leases; 5250 buys 200 acres In 20 different counting. l'i0 buys 80 acres, 8 counties. 50 buys 40 acres, 4 counties. -6 buys 20 acres. 2 counties. Kvery lease Rood and title absolutely o. K. Tht-y ar selling fast. Send bank draft or noptofflep order. THE WALKER COMPANY,, 226-227 Bedell Building. San Antonio. Texas. SAFE INVESTMENT. War-ted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon .death of insured, who is 61 years old and in poor health. W1U arrange matters so that entire $3,000 will bo paid to note holder uion death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 in short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. I WILL SELL . Mum-:? tin-Hand tire stock, now be-offVr.-d to the public at $12. 50, at $8 A SHARE . BOX X-43, BEE. REAL ESTATE WANTED. VK hiivo served the Omaha public in buying and selling real estate for over 'dX years. We have many calls now for homes, hist your property with us. We will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment. Co Apartments Wanted We have a waiting list of customers for flats and small apartments. For quick servk- in selling. Call SCHROEDER INV. CO., 538 Ra.lw.iy Exchange. Douglas 3261. YOU WANT TdSF?LL THAT-HOUSE ?' Want ocick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. WE HAVE crsh buvers for cottages and bungalows nicely loct-ted. Shrlver, 1047 t Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1636. To buy or cell Omaha Resl Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. REAL ESTATE end all kinds of Insurance, HERMASSEN & CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Pank Lldg. WE have buyers waiting. List with EDWARD WILLIAMS CO.. 803 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with Martin Pedersen. 2423 North 24th St. Webster 4620. evs- nlngs. and Sundays. Webster 461. WANTED Houses to sell, have buyers waiting. "tKern Ileal Estate Co, 4U Karbach Blk. FOR SALE Modern attractive 8-rnom home In Dundee, with double garage and other up-to-date conveniences. Cash or good negotiable commercial pa pers. Price reasonable. Address, Box X-29. Omaha Bee. SPECIAL Dundee bargain, nearly new, 8. room, modern house; fine, high location: 1310 North 52d Ave. Price $10,500. Good reason for selling. Call Doug. 1805 or Walnut 2361. Florence. C. L. NETHAWAY for suburban property. Florence Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Col. 1409. South Side. SOUTH SIDE, 6-room cottage, all modern. A bargain. Owner leaving city. 4201 So. 21 St. Call So. 1435. Miscellaneous. A FINE OPPORTUNITY for a man who knows how to take care of a SPLENDID GOING 10 ACRES, stocked with horse, cow and thoroughbred chickens, fruit, alfalfa and pasture; good house, barn, crib, chicken houses, brood ers, etc... Corn in crib, alfalfa in mow and stack; all kinds of farm tools; also corn shcller, feed grinder and gas engine. A GOOD MAN ' AND WIFE can make $200 it mo. on this place. Will give good terms to right man, but he imifet prove himself capa ble. Write or call on S. H. BROWNE, 2520 FARNAM ST, LOOK LISTEN READ THIS MILLER PA.RK BUNGALOW. We just listed a 7-rootn strictly modern bungalow in Miller Park district on Laurel Avenue. Five rooms and bath on first floor, with two rooms finished upstairs. Full cement basement, furnace heat and laundry conveniences; nice attic; large garage; cement drive; paved street; one-half block from 24th Street to car, close to Miller Park and school. Owner will give possession in two weeks or in less time if furniture can be sold. If you will look at this you will agree with me that it is a rare snan at $6,300. One-hnlf cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, S37 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., D-1781. ASK FOR MR. GIBSON. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW S-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in fireplace, buffet and bookcases; full ce ment basement; furnace heat; nice floored attic; owner leaving citv, has offered to sacrifice this at $6,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. ASK FOR MR. GIBSON. MINNE LUSA; SIX ROOMS, DOUBLE GARAGE Full two-story, with 3 bed rooms, oak floors throughout, oak and white enamel finish. Fireplace and built-in bookcases. Thor oughly modern and in good con dition. Full south front lot with garage for two cars. Quick ac tion if vou want it. $7,800. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors, Douglas 2850. PI 8-20 Citv Nat. Bank. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BUNGALOW SNAP- Strictly modern 6 rooms, all on one floor; oak finish, hand-painted walls; full cemented basement, for $3,760; about $1,000 cash. 2833 Parker St. Call Sir. Theodore, Douglas 4(70, or Tyler 1910. REAL BARUAIN, $2,700, 4-room and a S-room house on a largo lot, 661xlS2, nicely located, close to car. school and churches, houses are not new, but are In fairly good repair, $500 cast!, $30 month. i M. DE.UEL & CO., 2405 Ames Ave. Col. 726. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal smd experienced serv ice in the management of properly, either us rental or sales agents. SIX-ROOM, all modern house, full ce mented basement; garage, on paved street, prettiest location In Omaha. $6,000; $3,000 cash. M. DEUEL & COMPANY, 2405 AMES AVE. COLFAX 726. $650 DOWN, buys 6-room. cottage; bath and gas, house In fine repair, two blocks to car and schcol. 8425 Parker. Quick possession. Lot 60x63, on corner. Phone Webstee 3527. ' D ESI R A RLE, neat, modern, 8-rooin cot .tage; full high basement; 3208 Webster St. Price $5,600. Also house In Benson, price $2,900. Call Douglas 1806 or Wal nut 2361. 3201 DKCATtfR ST. 6-room. new, mod ern bungalow, corner lot. Owner leav Ing city. Douglas 6967 or 7381. 2S27 SEWARD, 4-room, new, modern bun galow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, 608 Bee. Douglas 200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer ths best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187 FOR quick results list with Benjamin & Frankenherg. S24 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. South. Five-Room Semi-Bungalow ( on West Ames .TuRt finished and ready to move in. $500 cash, balance like rent. tarf?e Uv intr room across front, oak finish; two large bedrooms up stairs, ampin closet Hpace in each, enamel finUh, quartered sawed cak fioonj throughout. Full ce n)fnt''d basement, furnace, etc. Call Doutrlf s 4911 days, Tyler 5167 evening Mr. fepMice. MONTCLAIR SNAP Two-story frame with prpss br'ok foundation. First floor has living room across front with fireplace, fine dining with frenrh doors to sun parlor. Well arranged kitchen. Oak finish and white oak floors. Second floor has three coiner bedrooms, plawsed in sleep ing porch and bath finished in white tnamel and birch mahOKany. An un usual bargain at $S,500. It will pay you to investipate this at once. Cal! Grant Bep.sor, Tyler 3M0. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Near 41st and Wakely. lij-story bungalow type, 4 large rooms and bath 1st floor; 3 rooms and bath 2'rt floor; oak and birch Interior finish; full ce ment basement, laundry tubs, shower bath, furnace heat, garage for one car; paving all paid. Price $12,000. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat! Bk. Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 2-story, 7-room, all modern house; 3 large convenient rooms first floor; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath sec ond floor; oak finish: paving all paid; garage for one car; Furnace heat. Price GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. . BY OWNER NEAR ST. CECILIA'S CATHEDRAL. Modern 9-room home, with or without furniture; garage; splendid location, near cur; Immediate possession. A bar gain. Inquire 4170 Cass St., or phone Walnut 2545, for appointment. $8,000 POSSKS8ION JUNE 1ST $8,000 Eight-room, modern, oak finish, full basement, floored attic, like new, 3 blocks west of Crelghton college. Own er. 645 Lincoln Blvd. Call D. 2988. OMAHA Peal Fstste nnd Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 20 Brandels Theat. Doug. 96. HOUSES FOR SALE EASY TERMS One 8-room close In modern, except heat, $3,500. One 8-room close in, modern, hot wa ter heat, $4,000 One 8-room near For.tenelle park, hot water heat, corner lot, shade and fruit trees, $3.5011. One 4-room near Fonteneile park, modern except h-at. $2,200. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery Douglas 1313, Walnut 2136. GOOD 4-room shack, city water, $25 cash, balance monthly. Tyler 2724 . or Web- TRgTlRK;TLY"M $2,000 DOWN PRICE, $4,500. This home Is on Wirt and practically new; flnshed ill oak: street Is not paved; you cannot dupliciite this home for $7.O0f. If you want a snap act quick. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 n.-e Bldg 33D AND MEREDITH AT PRE-WAR PRICE A well built home at a bargain, only $1,950; $1,500 rash, balance easy: 6 rooms modern, large pantry, built-in cupboarda: full basement and laundry room, floored attic and three rooms more can be finished; large lot and close to car, etc. Let we show ypu this snap. Colfax 18117. ALMOST NKW BUNGALOW. IMMEDIATE POSSKSSION. Five nice rooms and bath, oak fin ish and fully modern, all In the finest of repair, nice lot and hedge, paved street, near 25th nnd Plnkney St. Price only $.'..K.n. About $1,500 cash. RASP BR".".. 212 Keellne RMg. Tyler 721. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park" wood Add.tion: a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270. 1803 ONTARIO STREET Just listed, 7-room strictly mod ern home; 4 rooms on first floor, consisting of living room, dining room, sunroom and kitchen; 3 nice bedrooms and bath on the second floor; full cement base ment; furnace heat; nice large cor ner lot on paved street; paving paid; garage. Price $7,000; one- PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. ASK FOR MR. GIBSON. 6-ROOM COTTAGE 2 Lots $3,650 Good, 6-room cottage, modern except heat, and 2 nice, east front lots on 21st St. near Arbor. Close to school and Crosstown car line. Now vacant, immediate posses sion. Can arranpe terms. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 502. FINEST WEST SIDE HANSCOM PARK NEW 7-R. STRICTLY MODERN GARAGE Price $10,000; rost to duplicate, $14, 000; this hom has everything choicest fireplace; bookcase; mirrored doors; paneled dining room ; tiled floor bath room; 3 lnrgp bedrooms; sleeping: porch; brick founda tion. Simply have to show you o I'tpr'-'aie. f'rUl Tyler 496. OSBORNE Rf CO., 4:tO Bee Bldg. South. Hanscom Park District, $4,350. A real buy; has t) dandy rooms, all on on floor; strictly modern; screened-ln baok porch; summer kitchen; close to park and car line; excellent location; mak arrsnp,eirf,ntst to sop th'o Rt once. H. W. VOLLAND, Doug. 9585. 403 Bee Bldg. Res. TI. 25S8. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. Bungalow Now Vacant We just listed a S-room strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor. Full cement basement, furnace heat, laundry conveniences. Nice floored attic. Extra large corner not on paved street, paving paid. New garage. All fenced with a nice iron fence. This house is va cant and can give vou possession at once. Price, $5,250; $2,750 cash and balance easy terms. Don't hesi tate if interested, as this will not last long. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. D-1781. ASK FOR MR. GIBSON. t-ROO.f. strictly modern house, with food hot water heating plant. Nicely lo cated on a south front corner lot, with ornamental Iron fense and large shade trees. Both streets paved, garage, cis tern and an exceptional value at $6,600, on verv e.nv term" , CONBOY & GREEN, : 1100 refers Trust, Dousr. SMI. Tyler 4877. Web. 1. AT,!, modern homo on boulevard, near Hnnsonin Park: 4 rooms down and two bedrooms snd bath up; good' buy at 14.600. on easy terma. i 6 rooms and sleeping porch: strictly mod ern; oak flnlnh; corner lot; garage; lo cated In Pundee; 17,800. 6-R. mod. at 2610 Reese Rt.: 13,206, 6-R. mod.; excellent condition and a blK bargain; (3,000. Owner has priced this to .ell. rrMTrv i r n T7 t? m 600 refers Trust Bldg. D. SS41. Tyler 4677. Web. 11(6. BIRKETT & CO. ...r and Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. Real Estate Transfers Two Acres South Side, nice improvements, all fence-i ft nit and alfalfa, $4,800; close to car and scchool. Call Tyler 4316, ask for Mr. Browne. PRICED AT$6300r Seven large rooms and bath, oak fin ish; finp1aee; double garage; faclngr pretty little park ; lust off 21th St.; $3.tlft0 rn-h down ''M handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. Delta T.. Ferguson to Thomas H. , Rowliotham, Spencer St., 60 ft. w. of 19th St.. s. a., 33x124 4,(06 Grove Whnrton Construction Co. to At 111.,1 II ClivtAn inrl tvlfe. fth St., 433 rt. a. of Pratt at., e. a., 40xlu?.0 .1,119 Edith K. Hardy snd husband to ' Charles M. WUhelm, N at., 60 It. w. of 241 h at., n. .. 60x60 21,006 W. S. Robinson snd wife to Joseph McCleneghan, se, cor. 36th and AVoolworth ave., 8xl41.8 4,161 Ulysses 8. Cooksey to V. 3. War- ,, tin, Hinney st.. 48.16 ft. e. of 27th St., s. ., 47x90 ' 1,604 John Fl"nn nnd wife to Frank J. Merwald, 24th St.. 100 ft. n. of P st., w. s., 20x160 4,001 Mrs. I.enc. ltrodkey to Samuel Rise- A man. 13th at, ,80 ft. a. of U St.. . 80x119 201 Mnrle T.iseo and husband to Patrick K McKIIIip, 17th st 43 ft. n. Of Holmes ave., w. s . 43x116 3,006 Frod A. Bailey to James W. Slaven, 65th St., ino ft. a. of Blondo St., ' w. . 60x128 20( Lena M. Clayton and husband to . Johonne Thestrup. se. cor. 46th and feward at,, 60x140 (01 Maria Trummer et al to Myer l.lpofckv, hw. cor. 10th and Atlas st , 49x120 und 4 1 J. T. Harns and wife to Patrick J. Murphy, sw. cor. 33d and Wright at., r,0x130 6.001 Samuel Sugnrman to' Jacob Hlos- ( burg, Jr., ne. cor. 16th and Harrl- ' son st., 300x140 and other prop erty i 2,201 Arthur R. Thatcher and wife to' Ida Roehrlg, 14th. ave., 80 ft. n. of Fowler ave., e. s., 40x121.6 221 John F. Flack snd wife, to Carl Wicklund and wife, 44th ave., 40 ft. n. of Emmet at., w. s., 40x103 121 Chsrlcs R. Nordln, Admr., to (ieorire A. Amos, California St., 200 ft. e. of 62d St.. n. s.. 60x128 6. M0 Patrick F. Naughtln and wife to S. Tons' Itlccerl, sw. cor. 9th and Bancroft st, 74,xST 7,200 Muggle F. Andersen et al to Chris, tena E. Plnkens. sw. cor. 26th ave. and Calhoun. 66x132 1.T00 Lyman H. Mathews and wife to Louis Berka et a), Hsscsll st.,v 146 ft. w. of 30th St.. s. ., 96x128 3,(10 F. J. Schnorr and wife to Maude narton. Fowler ave.. 150 ft. w. of 45th st, n. ., 60x128 1(0 David Huse and wife to Thomas C. . Healy nnd wife. 37th St.. 240 ft. n. of Spaulding St., e. s.. 60x134 460 Helen C. Clsrke to Henry O. Harte, . ' 51st st. 164 ft. a. of Farnam st., w. s., 49x136 1,100. Caroline A. Lehmer. Tr., et al to, John A. Byrne, Chicago st 66 ft, e. of 15th St., s. ., 33x132 2,000 Jonathan Edwards to Emlle' Hoist, 46th av.. so ft. s. of Maple St., w. s, 60x125 1,060 Jonathan Edwards to William Hoist, sw. cor. 45to ave, aii'i Maple St., 60x126 l.fso Mlchale J. Fenton and wife to Hans , Sherman and wife, X st. 175 ft. e. of 34th st. s. s. 50x117 750 Thomas Dee snd wife to Elizabeth F. Dee. 26th st 120 ft. n. of N st. w. s. 60x160..... I. (00 Minnie McOahan and husband to j Patrick J. Doyle, Valley st. 60 ft. e. of 25th at. n. b. 60x130 4,000 Frank Koutsky and wife to Georgia Korlsko et al, s. w. cor. 23d and O st. 120x150 ; 7,000 Clarence O. Nownes and wife to John Harlan, 20th it. 280 ft. e. of J st. e. s. 40x130 5,(00 Hugh H. Harper and wife to Charles O. Bergstrom, Grover st. 240. ft. e. of 40th st. s. s. 40x120 166 Andrew Koxak to Mary Koiak, Oak st. 126 ft. e. of 30th st, s. s. 100x128.6; Frederick st. 176 ft. e. of 30th st. a. s. 60x128.5 950 Martha A. Miller to Josephine S. , Miller and husband, 27th ave. 236 ft. n. of Fort st. w. s. 44x130 :l,400 Barker Co. to Clarence R. Spring and wife, ' Nicholas st. 238 ft. w. of 29th St. 47x131 3,800 Frank L. Kernan and wife to Irma Dewees, California st. 100 ft. e. of 43d St. s. s. 50x123.4 S.800 Agnes M. Melmer and husband to Delia E. Baldy. Evans st. 260 ft. e. of 65th st. s. s. 60x128 4,000 Christena E. Dlnklns and husband to Bertha J Anderson et al, ' 30th St. 66 ft. s. of Reynolds w. s. 66x132 4,600 Walter Petersen and wife to Ed win Kirschbraun, s. w. cor. S8th and Dewey ave. 112x150.. 11,200 ET OWNER. Sven-room house, walking distance. Modern, except electric lights. Tyler 2258. Miscellaneous. WO'BUNGALOW'"" with parage and drive. Five rooms on one floor. Well built and finely finlsh M: nearlv new; larRe tittle and full ce mented basement. Excellent location on paved street; convenient to car and school ; well worth the price; shown only by appointment. Call Orant Ben pon. Walnut 1580 evenings, Tyler 3540 riayw. , REAL KSTATB AXP INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECCRITT CO, X. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 6013. Ralston Woman Asks Heart : Balm in Amount of $5,000 Mary Bclohlavek filed suit yes terday in district court against Olaf R. Johnson for $5,000 for alleged breach of promise of marriage. Both live in Ralston where Mr. Johnson " is foreman in a furniture factory. Miss Belohlavek alleges that follow ing a proposal of marriage she spent her money buying furniture, wed ding clothes, etc., and that she ii still willing to be married, but that Mr. Johnson is not and that he is about to leave for Sweden. Good Opportunity For two stenographers in insurance offic. Good salary. Apply I Foster-Barker Company 700 BrandeU Building The Season Bargain Owner Says Must Sell West Farnam home; high and sightly, on large corner lot, with pleasant surroundings; vestibule entrance into large hall, extra large living room, dining room, kitchen, den and sun room on first floor; five bedrooms on second floor, and billiard room with com plete maid's quarters on third floor; five genuine fireplaces, three complete baths, and every modern convenience of the high-class home. Must be sold at once at the bargain price of $22,500. Shown only by appointment. See Mr. Campbell. Payne Investment Company 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781