THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 21, 1920. 9 A SILENT VOTE 0F.170MEN TO SWAY BALLOT Chicago Woman Lawyer Says .High Cost of Living Will Be Big Campaign Issue in Election. A Washington, March 20. The wo men are "the silent vote" in the next presidential election. They will decide that election beyond any Vtoubt. ) This is the opinion of Miss Flor ence King:, president of the Na- , tional Woman's Association of Commerce, of Chicago, who has asked the democratic and republi can national committees to send a speaker to the annual convention of the business women of the country, which is to held at Columbus, O., next July. Miss King is a patent attorney, and the only woman who ever won a case before the supreme court of the United States. This is the first time an organization of business women has. asked the. two political parties to state their case. In sending invitations to the na tional committees to state their case, Miss King announces that the , high cost of living is the issue. VGrett Silent Vote." "The cartoonists and the . para graphers doubtless will have a lot of fun with me when I say the wo men constitute the great silent vote in the coming election," said Miss 1 King. However, the real .fun will come when tne silent vote is counted. "I refer to the woman who is en gaged in the greatest business in the world that of keeping an Amer ican home together. I mean the wo man who has a dinner pail to fill sixy mornings a week and three chil dren to get off to school five morn ings a week. That job should be made as easy as possible for her, but'we seem to be doing everything possible to make it as hard as pos sible. These are the women whose votes are going to count in the com ing election. "The issue will be the full dinner pail, and I do not believe the politi cians will be able to sidestep it with anjKarguments or theories in regard to tlte league of nations or how to run the railroads; or any other sub ejects that no not touch this high cost ;of living. The women of the country can- name- the next president, and .that is why we business women want to hear what the party platform makers have to say. . 15,000,000 Will Register. "The best iigures obtainable prior to the census just being tabulated," continued Miss King, "show that 15,000,000 women will, in all prob ability, register. With these women thinking alike on any one national subject, it is easy to see that they will decide the next presidential election. "It seems to me that the candi dates had better say something on the high cost of living, and say it in good big black type in their plat forms," concluded Miss King, "for I am confident that the man who can prove his serious intentions on this subject will be the one who will address the folks assembled on the east front of the capitol on or about noon of March 4, 1921." "What do you think of a woman for a place in the Cabinet?" Miss King was asked. "By all means,"' she answered, "and I think the totals in the next election will bring, such an appoint ment by the man who will have been elected by the women of the United States.". ' Two Girl Shoplifters Ply Trade for Years; "Are Pest to Society" London. March 20. Two beau tiful, fashionably dressed young women, Maggie Hughes and Diana Black, have qualified as the two "cleverest shoplifters in the world." In the Central criminal court here the presiding magistrate, lifter re- ' viewing their shoplifting career through London's most exclusive stores, sentenced them to 18 months' hard labor in prison. "This is the most amazing case I t ever tried," said the judge. "These two girls have been proven most adept in their 'profession.' They are the cleverest shoplifters in the world and they are too dangerous to be at large. They are a pest to society." The two girls had been robbing: London shops for years, according to detectives who finally succeeded in rounding them up. They covered their tracks so well that in no single case, except the last one, have the stolen goods ever been recovered. Children Not Vaccinated Barred From School; Sues Francestown, N. H., March 20. William Bassett,well-to-do resi dent of this town, has brought suit against the New Hanipsire State ' board of Education, seeking to com pel the board to educate his two " daughters, aged 12 and 16 years. Bassett charges that for three years the children, whom he would not allow to be vaccinated, had not been allowed to attend public schools. Bassett has filed as evidence cer tificates of three physicians to ful fill the law on exemption of his children from vaccination. Bassett declares that in spite of these" certifi cates the b,oard of health of this town has not permitted the two girls to go to public schools with other children. , , Judge Pike of superior court has appointed Thomas D. Luce of Nashua as master to hear evidence . in this unusual case, the first of its " kind in New Hampshire. Real Estate Dealer Buys Plane to Show Farm Lands Arkansas City, Kan., March 20. : An airplane is being used by a real estate dealer here to show farm land to prospective buyers. The first result of the new scheme was the ; tale of 320 acres, 18 miles west of here, Only 30 minutes were con sumed in looking the land over from the air. . , ' " From 150000 to 170.000 transport workers in England are threatening - . '. ... ". .. . . v , . , v : v . o ' ' ' ' ' 'v' l,;v" O.B.W J "EVERYBODY STORE . : : The First Spring Days 'Find Burgess-Mash - - - . Exceptional Values in , New Spring Fabrics I Offered Monday , X To Fill th e Needs of Every, Mam Woman ... . X Handsome Spring Dresses Made of Wool Tricotihe $29.50 Made of a material of smartness and service and wanted by women who j want to look cleverly gowned and they also meet the need of women in" industry i who require garments of exceptional service.' Designed in modish and beeom-l ' inir atvlea: some miita simnle. others attractively trimmed in braid and buttons. A variety of styles including straight line, Eton jacket, Russian blouse, peplum, and other popular effects. Priced exceptionally low at $29.80. ' The New Spring Coats Are Charmingly Useful , The Sports Coats for women possess a new grace a more definite youth-, fulness than ever before. They give a suppleness of effect, and a most decided impression of vigor and strength to the wearer. " ' ;; ' ' There are so many different styles that each requirement is met, in fabric, color, form and utility. . Priced from i . . $29.50 Up V Beautiful New Suits Designed for Spring Wear ; What a joy to lay off the heavy winter coats, and feel the1 freedom that lighter garments give, especially when the new suit brings with it so, much style and gracefulness as are conferred upon the wearers of these newest Spring gar ments, that are ready for the delightful Spring days. Fabrics, colors, decorative touches, combine for the most effective results that Spring suits have known. , , You'll be especially pleased withour assortment of new models priced from ish Ready and. Child Milli $39.50 Up. Socoao1 Floor Yesterday Was the First Day of Spring This feeling finds expression in the renovation v TJ71TH Spring comes the all-pervading sense of renewal. W of our homes and in the freshening of our wardrobes. . Our store is radiant with the fullness of Spring stocks in every section all the best that knowl edge, skill, experience and care could select, and they are in a most gratifying variety. No matter what your plans for Spring may be how limited or extensive they are this store is ready to co-operate with its patrons in every way to bring these plans to a happy fulfillment. Dainty New Blouses Youthful, Charming and Serviceable , AS WELCOME as Spring herself are the new Tailored Blouses; made of finest dimity or hand kerchief linen. There are tailored models with detachable collar, convertible col lar or the fashionable low collar that makes such a pretty finish for J the new Spring suit. rih 1 - 1 a- 4 ' 1 1 l.,.,. 1UCKCU irunia tauuicu uuiMii holes and tiny linen frills form the trimming. ; The Best Blouse at Every Price Second Floor March Brings New Styles in Separate Skirts Elizabeth-Ellen Toilet Goods Every woman who is interested in aids to beauty, and what real woman "isn't, likes to know what materials, and under what conditions they are made. ' The Elizabeth-Ellen Toilet Articles carried exclusively by the Burgess-Nash Company will fulfil any promise' or demand made in the interests of beauty. Main Floor. Colors new; new ways of pleats: new ideas in pockets and belts surely the vogue of the separate skirt will be greater than ever. And none are smarter than these Plaid Wool Skirts Priced at $16.50 and up Every well' equipped Spring wardrobe should have at least one such skirt. It adds variety in thoroughly delightful way. . Second Floor Needed Accessories Sweaters for Every Occasion A new and interesting feature of the Sum mer Sports Sweater is panels of filet crochet, lined with contrasting colors of georgette; a novel and attractive change which is very in teresting. We have them in all styles and colors. Smart Looking Gloves New Gloves, perfect companions for the tail ored suit or dress, are here in all new shades soft French kid, firm, durable; also of finest silks. Colors, black, white, ten, gray, dark brown, champagne; plain or embroidered; at a wide range of prices. , j. ,. Fashionable Furs for Spring Emphasized are the chic small fur scarfs, which are developed in many original variants of the mode in one to six-skin scarfs of Russian Sablej Fisher, Stone, Marten and Hudson Bay Sable. Our Dry-Cold Air Storage Vaults protect your winter furs against moths, theft and fire. . Experienced attention to repairing and re modeling now at special summer rates. Dainty Neckwear for tfaster -Every little conceit that means so much to milady's toilet is shown in splendid variety. Collar and Cuff Sets, Vestees, New Ruffling, Marabou Scarfs, etcr all very reasonably priced. Handkerchiefs for Easter To be right the Easter Handkerchief must be selected here. There is a wide variety, beginning with the plain styles, with simple initial and Cor ner effects, to the magnificent creations of sheer handspun linen, beautifully embroidered. Hosiery Adds to the Costume Soft, shimmery, transparent Silk Hose, per fect in fit, exquisite in texture, exclusive in afwia Fnnpv lace hose suitable for only the very chic hand-embroidered or clocked to .add a distinguished note to any costume. ' Hartmann Wardrobe and Dress Trunks THE trunk .that keeps your clothes in perfect condition ,v not a wrinkle at the end of the trip. We have a complete assortment, moderately priced at $35.00 $42. $.-- , $67.50 and up. tjt you- want perfect satisfaction, buy a Hart mann trunk. Faurta Floor That Is Lovely and Colorful EACH hat has the dis tinction which . de notes the touch of an artist maker. Hats that win the approval of women of discriminating tastes. As" to variety, there are -Small Winged Hats -Brilliant Silk Hats f . . .... , -Gleaming Straw Hats -Flower-Garlanded Hats -. ' ' -Closely Draped , Turbans : Among the hats we have are those, from such mak ers as . " 'Ga9e::::: ',::;r' Bruek-Weisi i r ; '' Rawak : ; ' Cecile, Etc Priced from $5.00 up. . . r -4 6V Unusually Lovely Silk Lingerie Daintily Fine, Exquisitely Trimmed At Interesting Prices LACES and ribbons and soft, lovely silks what woman does not love such charm ing lingerie as this ! . Unusual taste is displayed in every detail. And the woman who Is most particu lar will appreciate how beautifully each garment is made. Certain groups have been especially priced. i Silk Gowns, ' SiM SSJSO $7 JO Silk (Jowns made of good quality Crepe de Chine, tucked lace and ribbon trimmed styles. Silk Camisoles, $1.50 $175 $U5 ' Camisoles of Crepe de Chine and Siatin, lace and ribbon trimmed, ribbon strap over the shoulder. ' Billie Burke Pajamas, $545 $7.50 $8M . Billie Burke Pajamas of crepe de cfiine and satin; lace trimmed and hemstitched; pocket and cord. Envelope Chemise, $2M $3J95 $4J95 Silk Envelope Chimise of Crepe de Chine or Satin, with lace-trimmed yokes, and ribbon shoulder strap. ( " Annouhcing the Arrival of 1920 Jack Tar Togs TO THOSE who want the best in style and quality these all-purpose garments make a lasting appeal. They are smart, becoming and exceptionally well made, .with good-material, double stitched seams, quality trim mings and fast colors. For little tots, growing youngsters, misses and mothers, there are Jack Tar Togs in a variety of designs. The Correct Ccfrset for day, evening and sports wear are here in 1920 models. AND such an alluring array to choose from, in cluding Mme. Irene, Bien Jolie and Franco Corsets. Rich in fabrics of gorgeous Brocades, Trie os, Silk Broches and Satins. For evening gowns, discarding , the bodice, there is a very lightly boned Corset of Silk Broche with elastic inserts at the back slanting ( downward into the waistline. For day wear there is the top less models of chamoisette and sat injswith bands of elastic at the waistline. For sports wear there is the Treco. Corset or the combined satin broche and elastic with but the one adjustment, that being the faa--tening in front; many models; one for every type of figure, and for every occasion. ..... ... , , Priced from $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and up. Sordid Floor ' '"- Boudoir Coats By the using of soft, lustrous silks is fashioned those charming little coats so easy to slip on over the nightie, and the most f ascinat-. ing colors are used Jonquetto Geranium Pink Blea Lorraine and Marigold Trimmings-used are pretty French flowers topping the pock ets or fastening the flounce in place. 1 - Ruffles and frills, tucks and folds, add to the finishing effect. Priced at $29.50 $32.50 Second Floor :( Pure Irish Linen Damask Cloths and Napkins These are good''' heavy weight 'quality and are in very handsome designs and are won derful values; 2x2 yards cloth, 19.95 each. Napkins, 22x22, $14.50 dozen. Madeira Luncheon Set, $7J95 13-piece, hand made MADEI RA LUNCHEON SET, consist ing of 24-inch centerpiece, six 9-inch and six G-inch doilies, $7.95 set. Luncheon Napkins, $8J50 . Luncheon Napkins These, have the hand made mosaic cor ners and are hemstitched; size 14 inches square, and are un usually good values, $8.50 doz. Linen Scarf, $23 5 Hemstitched Linen Scnrfi, 18x ' 54 irehea, ?2."5 oa.-h. Huck Towel, $1M Hemstitched Linen MUCK TOWELS;, size 18x34; a won derful value, and in plain and fancy designs, $1.00 each. Silk Lisle Hose $1.50 Women's black or white fine quality silk lisle hose, full fashioned, full regular made ; foot. $1.50 a pair. Hosiery that will give splendid satisfaction and wear ex tremely well. . Mala Floor , ... ' j' v To Complete Your Smart Spnhg Costume i You Must Have the Proper Shoes ABOVE all your shoes must be correct, for, after you have chosen your Spring costume with such care, the shoes must emphasize instead of detract from its smartness. Here are a few suggestions : -.. Oxford have a Springtime' airness about them, and they are here in blacks, browns and colors in the various kinds of leather. PumDs are always favored. Those with military heels ot high French heels, fancy vamp or perfectly plain. They are both correct, and. are here in ereat assortments. High shoes may be what you care to select. If so. w havp n many different styles it will be difficult for you to decide which you pre- ier. , assortments Large priced Pumps from $8.00 up. . ' Oxfords from $10.00 up. High shoes from $10.00 up reasonably J ' ' l-' " ! ' ' J.