X. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 21, 1920. V $1,000,000 MORE TO DE ASKED FOR OMAHA GAS BUY Howell Presents Resolution , Providing for Working Capi- taKSays Mayor, "Don't Rush Me.", , The people of Omaha will be asked to rote another $1,000,000 in addition to the $4,500,000 to be paid for the Omaha Gas Co. plant to im prove it and provide working capi tal if a resolution passed by the Metropolitan Water board at a meeting yesterday asking the city council to submit this $l,O0O,00p propdSTtion to the voters at the coming election is complied with. " Mayor Smith, when R. B. How ell presented the resolution to him, refused to be "stampeded" in the matter.' Furthermore, he said, there is not time before the- election of April 20 to" observe the necessary legal formalities ' to submit the $1,000,000 bond proposition. Mr. Howell declared that "it is absurd to dump Jhe gas plant on the Metropolitan Water board for management- withtfut , providing funds to operate it. "During the first 18 months of municipal operation of the water plant $507,000 was expended for im provements. :., We , figure that it would be necessary to sell at, first only half of the. proposed $1,000,000 bond. Three hundred thousand dol lars of this money to be used to pay for the assets which were referred to in a recent letter from the presi dent of the Omaha Gas Co. to the city council and $300,000 for work ing capital." : - Much Cotton Raised l wasnington, Aiarcn -v-ouon production amounted to 11,329,755 equivalent 500-pound bales in tne 1919 crop, the final ginning report of the census bureau issued todiy an nounced. ! - . , Over The Political Fence With the filings closed and the personnel of tint primary race known, the voters will now be re galed with generousdistribution of campaign cards and political pala ver. ..." Four busy weeks are ahead of the candidates and with early spring sunshine in prospect, plenty of downtown sidewalk chattef will serve to enliven the 'community. The womenare taking a keen in terest in politics, i Mis Louise Shu--mate, Mayor Smith's stenographer, filed as committee woman and dele- vention from- the Third precinct of She was perturbed and chagrined yesterday morning when she ob served mention of herself in a local newspaper, below the obituary no tices. 4 Y Bryan's coming next Saturday night. : . !. ' , ; . John N. Baldwin; in . :charge of Pershing headquarters at the Pax ton hotel, finds time to assist ex service men who need legal aid. ".- A striking instance occurred last week in the case of John T. Good fellow to whom money was due under the Sweet bill, amendment fcr the war risk insurance act. , Mr. Baldwin communicated with the president and the treasurer, of the United States and obtained re" . suit : .. v A check for $702 was sent to Mr. Goodfellow to cover incfeasedcom pensation. f . ' ; ,- .-. Republican women of Omalia are looking forward to the visit of Miss Nettie Bauer, national organizer, who will be here Tuesday morning. Miss Bauer arrived hi Lincoln last Friday , from the east, having been assigned to spend one month aocictinflr Mhrac1?!k rnnhlirnn wn- lien 11 vu,4i vi gauiaiiiii r v Mrs. Draper Smith of the local republican women's committee, will arrange several speaking dates for Miss Bauer. X- . Robert H. Holmes, who has filed as democratic candidate for county commissioner from the Fifth district, served one term as city councilman and two terms as state representa tive. . James Walsh, ont of Omaha's stalwart republicans, returned last week from California, where he gave a listening ear to political sen timent. . ;. v 1 "I browsed araund at Long Beach, Los Angelas and San Fran cisco and"few other places,", he stated, "and I wish to state- that Hiram Johnson is losing ground., "It is the opinion of many that Johnson is affiliated with' Hearst and that both are playing to the gal leries, appealing .to the disaffected classes.' ; . , y.V- "Jerry Howard is conducting his Omaha campaign from Lincoln. "The day of the hand-shaking pro fessional politician is past. The peo ple are tired of political buncombe," said Yale C. Holland during his in troduction of Governor McKelvie Friday night. John J. Pearson, 5065 Center street, lias entered the" lists as' a Pershing proponent. Mr. Pearson, like, his father before him, has been a life-long militant republican, and always has been active ; in ward politics. - ; Mr. Pearson has btfeir scruntiniz ing .very closely the career 'of Gen era! ' Pershing and has come to the conclusion that the general is. ex actly the man for the presidency , H. G. Moorhead; 'election com missioner, returned to his office yes terday after a restful outing in Cal ifornia. One of the questions he cleared up' was that a candidate may file for the couhty centra" . committee and the county conventi6n of .either party and also may be a candidate for any of the regular offices, a county committeeship or county convention delegateship not being an "office" within the interpretation of the law as given by the attorney general and county attorney. sMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI1lllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllU!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg I The Oakford Plan Is Succeeding f Almost Daily the Good ,, People of This 5 Community s are urging their friends to buy their pianos front us, receiving only our sincere thanks in return, although it is well known they E could receive a cash commission elsewhere.- Why is this? : Simply because they are peo 5 pie who think more of a friendta 5 satisfaction than ; commission 5 money. , . . . We do sell better pianos,, and our price is the lowest in the United States. t - We sell the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock and Stroud Duo Art Pianolas also the Kurtzmann Con- 5 over, Cable, Haddorff, Clarendon and Wellington Pianos. ' v , , AU the New Hits in RECORDS and Player Rolls I IjftAKFORD I MOsric Co. 1807 Farnam Straat v . Omaha, Neb. Centla l 'I am latarMtod In PleaM sand m price, tarnt, etc -v- Nam , Mdi-M r.. ......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri Any Work Leaving This Office Is 'Ready for Inspection by Any State's Dental Board I have no assistants or, students in' i f 1 my office, but give every case my personal attention, and the benefit of over 14 year? of experience. Can you, afford to" have inexperienced assistants experiment on your teeth? - Cradnata NerUur lia IMKrarallr, CaJcata. Teeth Extracted Without Pain No matter if you have one or twenty extracted, you wilt" suffer no pain nor any ill after-effects. My modern methods have abolished pain. "j j , - Work for Out-of-Town Patients Completed in One Day Dr. W. F. Crook,206 NeviUe Block, Omaha. N Entrance on 16th Street, at 16th and rfarney Streets Office Hours 8:30 to 6 Sundays d to 1 P. M. Phone Tyler 5117 ' MM 2 You'll enjoy better store service if you will do your, shopping -fa the forenoons mm Store opens at j . m. sharp? Bchere evly v it will pay you well. 1508-1S10 Doudlas St Monday-We Concentrate on the Disposal of Our Finest Garments In This Marvelous, All Inclusive :v : V SAIL ' Suits, Coats and Dresses that were to be the most elaborate in our Easter displays are given special bonsideratioa in Monday's merchandising calendar. . ' ' In all this vast assemblage of exclusive-styled wearables not a tingle gar ment has escaped the drastio blasting of prices. The savings are simply phe- 1 1 w. - .1 S dte3T 'A- 1 ' ' " ' Mas -: Mi SMUm- - wi&iiii ii i , 1 'vlf'Iilv ,i J j r PoshivalyNo Exchanges, Refunds. - Approvals or Credits. ' 4 ' . Monday's great offerings call for immediate action oi yew pari many of the garments are one of a kind and cannot possibly last leaf at ruch amazingly low prioes. - x 4 Finest Suits Daringly Sacrificed ' rflE woman who anticipates getting a suit of extreme beauty for Easter will find this wonderful . Monday event"" th v , ( greatest buying opportunity, of recent years. - ' . - SERGES, TRICOTINES, VELOURS, POISET TWILLS, - CHECK VELOURS, - GABARDINES, JERSEYS, PENCIL STRIPES Gorgeous 'embroidered creations, beautiful vestee" effects, richest of sflk , linings, Eton effects, severe tailored models a style to satisfy every exacting taste, all wanted colors, i - ,' - , Suits worth to $7?.50, Monday Suits worth to $1 10, Monday 11 1N. I I 111 II. U II 11 Coats at Less Than Cost of Maldiig YOU'LL wonder how.it is possible to offer such extreme good looking .Coats for such ; little money. It's only because we arecompelled to vacate that such offerings are possible. V: VELOURS, CHECK VELOURS, SILVERTONES, TRICOTINES, POLO CLOTH ' POIRET TWILLS, ' SERGES, TWEEDS, HOMESPUNS , '. v . ' : ' , " ' Sport Coats, Dressy Coats, Coats for business wear. A wonderful as- f semblage in a delightful color range. Positively the most remarkable i Coat value? ever offered in Omaha. Coats worth to $45, Monday Coats worth to $75, Monday 1 - . J v, Beautiful Frocks-Ridiculous Prices IN this striking Monday showing you 11 encounter Dresses and Frocks of amazing ' beauty Garments ' that are of a type which never enter into, any special sale program and it's only because we are forced - to disposed of v " every garment that we are compelled to sacrifice these better Dresses. f v - GEORGETTES -SERGES PAULETTES i TAFFETAS CREPE DE CHOTES CREPE METEOR. TRICOTINES" TRICOLETTES : , 1 WOOL JERSEYS' PRINTED GEORGETTES Dresses suitable for every type of wear, Business wear, Dressy wear and Eve , ning wear. . Dresses in a wonderful color tange. YouH want two or more . ; '' " of these gorgeous creations when you see the dresses and realize how ridicn- f lously low they are priced. " ' - Dresses worth to $59.50, Monday Dresses worth to $75,Monday ' 1 : JBta JuKus Orkin V Plenty of Salespeople to Serra , You Promptly. V IT"