Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 22

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    - A
Boston Students Wrinkle
Brows Over Questions
Asked to Determine Their ,
Mental Alertness.
Boostoh, March 2o. Can you tell,
at 100 per cent speed whether docile
and captious mean the same?
If you can, you are. probably all
right mentally. That is, if you can
answer these posers, ana . several
pages more of other posers, hard asN
these or even Harder, it you cannot
answer with f agility and dispatch,
then ft's all wrong with you.
For these are the questions which
every student at ijoston University
School of Business Administration
is being asked. Under the direction
of Dr., Edwin M. Chamberlain, head
of the department of psychology, the
tests went on, antf young business
brows are wrinkling as the sheep are
divided from the goats. Here follow
some of the posers, which students
are answering:
Test. A If a company makes two
airplanes a day for sis days, how
many airplanes doss it make, in all?
There you are for an arithmetical
Test C Two words, meaning
either the same thing" or '.different,
are placed side by side. If they mean
the same thing the student under-
2 lines "sajne," which is printed on
' the, paper, If they mean opposite,
why, vice versa. Now eyes open1 no
- , napping. Here are the words':
i Sweet. Sour. Same. Opposite.'
.I f Fat. Stout Same. Opposite.
Insane. Mad. Same. Opposite.
, Fractious. Gentle. Same, Op
1 posite.. -. -
Civil. Political. Same.-Opposhe,
Gravely the student reads on his
paper "Actress 'powder and some-
times paint applies," or, yet again,
"Snow blackall h," or else, "fish a
; swims." ' . -
, Is he supposed to restore order td
' this chaos of a sentence?
He is not. He is simply supposed
' to read, said sentence and after read-
jng it, in correct order, to underline
' on the right hand side of .the page
the word true or false.
V But the acid test comes with test
i E. The student is given sentences
j which he could finish with the cor
rect word. Heye is some of the sen
"Men talk with the ears hands
mouth eyes." ,
. i2e it announced to all untutored
winds that the correct way for any
young business aspirant to answer
. this question is "men talk with the
Britain's Million of
' jobless Women Need
Work Immediately
' London, March ' 20. Britain's
ljOOO.OOO jobless women, thrown out
of employment when the war ended,
' fe promised relief by the ministry
ki ' of labor, ;which has appointed a
- .committed of .-the most prominent
women in public life to fjnd them
jobs. .' '. , ; '
Y The marchioness' of Crewe - is
chairman .' of the , committee. .She
told . Universal Sen-ice that the ob
ject of 'her organization" was "to
consider, devise and carry out
schemes of work and training for
, women who' are -unemployed or
' whose earning capacities and oppor-
tumties have been injuriously .; af
fected as a' result of conditions aris
iiig out of the war. . ;
; ' 'Qu'et. industrious and patriotic.
s a targe, body of women sacrificed all
iny the great struggle against Ger
", many." she explained. "Demobiliza
tion found them either without em
ployment or forced to engage in
. work entirely ' unworthy of , theic
' capacity. We are going to help
' them."
" Associated with Lady Crewe are
Lady Askwith, Lary Roxburgh, Mrs.
Austen Chamberlain, wife of .the
. . chancellor of "exchequer, and Dr.
i Marion Philips.
A-number of maintenance scholar
- ships will be immediately provided
t - to , enable applicants for help to
' " qualify for domestic Science., phyv
I " icat culture, ministry of health work,
higher grade cookery and higher
' -clerical work.
! It is compulsory for 'all members
i , of the Ohio branch of the United
t Mine Workers to become American
Republican ' Women's Committee Now in
Headquarters Equipped to Hold Meetings
5: V "
V v J
4) SHLie
. .
New- Organization Launches
War on Attire They Declare
Is Immodesty Design-'
ers Scornful.
, The republican women's Committee is comfortably established in headquarters at 310 South Nineteenth
street. In the rear of the office is space .which the women have equipped for holding meetings. . -
This pictureshows Ethel Barker, executive secretary, explaining some matter over the telephone. Seated
near the wall at the table are Mrs. William Berry, one of the ward chairmen, conversing witji Mrs. E. B. Roster
mundt of 3423 Franklin street, v Next to Mr. Berry are Mrs. H. C. Sumney, another ward leader, and Mrs.
Draper Smith, chairman of the republicanWomen's committee. x ,
Women Asset That. Feminism .Does Not
Menace Man's Authority in Their Home
Suffrage Leaders Take Is-
iue ' TKat - Sex's Activi
ties Are Malting Weak
lings of Men. v
Written tor Ifitcrnittional w Service,
New York, March 20 Are women
learning to do without the authority I
. r .it . t j 1. t
01 men in ine nome ana me cor
rective influence of a father over his
family? Cardinal O'Connell of Bos
ton, has sounded, a warning to men"
to exercise authority in their homes,
Mest disastrous result occur.
"There is np doubt that one of
the main causes of this sinister fem
inism of which we read so much and
see quite enough," said the cardinal,
"i what would appear to be a grow
ing weakness on the part 6f the
manhood of the nation.
"The women are becoming mascu
line and the men are becoming ef
feminate. The remedy is" the proper
exercise of authority by man in his
own place, and especially as the
father of a family. ' -.
"If the father abdicates this posi
tion, no one can be surprised if,
little by little, women learn to dd
without the authority of men and
begin to usurp a great deal of it
' "Not domination, not tyranny,-but
rightful, legitimate, kindly author
ity!' Man is by very divine and nat
ural right head oi the family and
that headship means- he ought- to-
look after the morals of the, whole
As might be well expected the
statements of thc-well known pni--late
have provoked prompt expres
sions of opinion from women en
gaged in public activities. One of
the most 'interesting of these conies
from Mrs. James Lees LaMlaw, well
knovvn suffragist. ? - . '
"Women have improved consid
erably since the Victorian era." said
tliority there, they Vercift effemi
nateand the men who staged at
home and worked. Think of all the
domestic heroes who toil every -day
for their families. "No one could
say such men 'are growing weak.
"The real American1 man is fjne
enough without any complaints be
ing made about . him. He is de
cidedly not becoming effeminate.
But he will' neverbe. a petty tyrant,
like an eastern potentate. -. N
"It is the rule, however, to.1 find
fault with the coming generation of
young people. But there has never
been less cause than now. We have
before us a fine race of voting eo-
ple, better grained and more inter
ested in public welfare than the gen
ot A
Paris, March 20.The chief de
signer for Poiret's, the most fashion
able dressmaking firm in Paris, was
! highly amused when asked if the ex
clusive Parisian houses dealing In
gowns were alarmed at the world
wide c?.jrpaigji against immodest
feniininejUtire, which has just been
l.iunched'by L'Action Sociale dc la
Femme.. '
"One cannot legisjalev feminine
fashions," said".the designer.;, "We
fitly make what our clients want.
Why, Sometimes evert after we 'com
plete a gown the lady for whom it
was made complains that the corsage
is not low, enough, even though it
was exaggerated in the first place,
and the skirt is too long to display
all her charms. .Sometimes the
mother of a girl will make this com
plaint when the gown is for -the
daughter. And that is not all
sometime? the husband demands it!"
Stage Is Scored. x
. The new organization is making
immodest attire in the ballroom only
one feature of its campaign. It is
also starting a movement against
nudity on the stage. One Paris
musical show where a dancer ap
pears neatly naked has come in for
a particularly bitter attack from the
reformers. ,
The American Federation of Wom
en's cluhs and similar organizations
in all the civilized countries of the
globe will be invited to participate
in the campaign. The French or
ganization, numbering many1 of the
leading suffrage workersv of the
..r,tnn n( 911 '
Mrs.,Laidlaw, "and both men "and I !ln,lM v
women are better c.t.zes now. Our or irj f .,J
prlsand boys haye never been bet- Further commendation of joint
ter specimens of healthy m.nded, rulc ?he instead f ' young peopleThey ; ,;,,e ,dominatjo expressed by
are finer m every Way than those I i r, c i viJ- -m..V. vji. a
remember in my own youth.
"The perfectly " balanced," intelli
gent partnership constitutes the
ideal home life. No other condi
tion is possible. There should be
no definitely labelled 'head' of the
"Conditions are improving all the
time. Never have men been so brave,
so manly and so worthy in every
way as now. Think of our armies
"Gt-It, Stop Pain Immediately
ndtCorn Go Quick
Th y to handle corn ii the tried
tni proved "Gets-It" way the irtrj that
millions have found quickest,, easiest,
ftsfest and most reliable. -
'A few. drop of "Gets-It" knocks the
hurt out of any corn at once and soon
... . loosens it so it lifts right off without
any feelins;. Oh. what comfort! How arand
. to walk and danre and jump without a
single twinge! Why nott ,
"Geb-IV 4he never failinr. uarnted
money-back cojoi remover, eosts but a
trifle any Sru store. Mfd by E.
tAwreae Co., Chicago.
DryNDemocratic Women of Omaha Fear Hurting
Feelings of Sisters In Wet Wing of Party Here
that went abroad men had full au4Vus,.ve, man.v, ""cuiues
tnat arise in domestic ine.
"Where each man and woman has
tbis quality there will be no ques
tion of who holds authority. All
things can" be talked over and ad-
justed amicably and sen.s.ibly."..
Trouble s impending between
the rival factions of democratic
women, one side being under tne
leadership' cf Mrs. J.V. Welch,
carrying lUe banner ot; senator
Hitchcotk for president, and the
other side being le"d by Mrs. H. J.
Baley, avowed Bryan supporter.
Sirs. Bailry's headquarters at
rooms 14 and 15, Patterson block,
carries a street sign which reads,
"Independent ' Democratic Head
quarters, and therein lies tne trou
ble., This is the headquarters for
Indeed There Is Not
Any Writing When '
Paper Is Exhumed
York, Pa., March 20. As a farm
er Frank Steigler . believes the
ground is the most profitable place
for most things, but trusting a deed
to Mother Earth has proved to be
an unprofitable investment
S'teigler placed the deed in a jar
and buried it in 1887. When the
York Water Co. began negotiations'
for the purchase of, the, plot, Steigler
decided to see how the deed was
standing the passing years.
He, found tlje jar still intact but
the moisture had obliterated the
text of the deed. It would have cost
less than a dollar to record the deed
at the time it was buried. Now,
Steigler says, it will cost him . a
considerable sum . to establish his
claim to the property."
$25,000 Is Fine for
Smuggling Tobacco;
Jail Sentence Also
Paris, March 20. A British sol
dier, whosf name is given as John
Lemoirey, and who is said, to have
been attached to the British base
at St. Omer, was arrested some time
go at Maulde, near ' the Belgian
frontier, as he was returning from
Belgium in , an automobile, which
was found to contain two tons of
Belgian tobacco. ,
He was sentenced by the . Cor
rectional Court of Valenciennes. on
a charge of fraud, to six months' im
prisonment, with the benefit of the
First Offenders' Act, and v fine of
$25,000. ....
The automobile has been confis
cated. . .
Invited First Wife to 4 .
MakftHome With Second
Indianapolis, Ind., March 20. He
was never married to the "first
wife," who. is suing.him for divorce,
Ivan Hummel declared when
brought here from Florida to an
swer a grand jury indictment charg
ing7 bigamy. The "first Mrs. Hum
mel" in her suit for divorce filed
here said that she and Hummel had
tv.o children. She charged tfiat he
became enamored of Miss ' Grace
Huls. stenographer in Hummel's in
surance office, married the girl and
then invied her Xo make her home
with his new wife. , ' -
"Why, I never was- married to
tlit 9 firs woman who sued for a di
orce," said Hummel. -."I did -marry
Miss .Huls - . '
the "dry. democrats," -and' they ad
mit it. .
"One of our workers told mc this
morning that a-woman of , the wet
dcuiocr.itii: headquarters asked her
why w'e did not designate our head
quarters as lliat of the 'dry demo-,
crats.'" Mis. Bailey snidv
"This woman of the wet demo
cratic headquarters told our worker
that sh just bet we were as wet as
they were. , S "
"Why, whenever I telephone to
a woman to assist in our campaign
F always" ask her if she is a dry
democrat , ' ,
"The reason why we don't hang
a dry democrat sign out is because
we don't want to hurt the feelings
of the wome-i of Ihe wet democratic
headquarters." '
H. L. Mossman, chairman of the
"independent, democrat entered
the headquarters room during the
convention. Me immediately dic
tated the fol'owing statement: -
"Ours is the dry wing of the par
ty. We- want no. more brewery ac
tivities in politics. - As this fact is
tecofrHng known the voters are
affiliating with us by the hundreds.,
"The liquor question is settled,
hut certain democrats are attempt
ing to bring it to life and to make
it an issue in this 'campaign.
"We arrpnt the challenge and
wiffer as candidates from this dis-
tffct two democrats . who are op
posed to a revival of the question.
"We have a"thordugh working
organization in every ward and pre-'
cinct of this city. I wonder if there
is. any wtfman in Omaha ev'en one
who would like to see Omaha wet
again. If there is such a one, our
organization has not found her."
Mrs. F. Louis Slade.'New Yortc di
rector of the League of Women
"The hope of, the American fami
ly is tht the father and mother
together shall rule, that; they col
laborate on all problems. ..
"Self-respect is the answer to the
whole problem of what must take
place in the home,- Both' men and
women must cultivate self-respect.
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" -Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package,' then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic for
the little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its' delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's
dose on each bottle. Give it with
out fear. '
Mother I You" must -say "Cali
fornia." ' f
The most widely used remedy in the
world to overcome the stagnating
effects of catarrh. Catarrh it
silent and insidious ia its
ravages, invades nearly
every household and
hover ukea pesti
lence every
It strikes at the tool Of Ca
tarrhs! troubles by timulatina-
the digestion, enriching the blood,
toninc no the nervous .system aad
soothing the raw and inflamed mncoos
mem (manes. , re-ru na sets every organ to
working rooeriy and gives strength, vigor
and oen to the whole body. Try it and like
thousands of others, learn what it means to be weu.
I Rheumatic Joints 1
1 Jftfj J Rub." Pain Right put --Try This I JjjFj
. Rheumatism is "pain only. Not
one case in 'fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop- drugging! ITub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Oil directly into your sore, stiff
joints and muscles and relief ctfmes
iqstantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a
harmless rheumatism ' cure which
never .disappoints and cannot burn
or discolor the skin.
Limber-up! Quit complaining!
Get a small trial bottle of. old-time
"St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug stcre
and iu just a moment you'll be free
from . rheumatic pain, soreness and
stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief and
a cur awaits you. "St, Jacobs Oil"
has cured millions of rheumatism
sufferer's in the last -half century,
and is just as goqd for sciatica, neu
ralgia, - lumbago, backache, sprains
and swellings. . . -. 1
The meat effective, convenient
and harsnleae nay to remove hair
la with DeMlrnele, the orlainal
aaaltnry llqtrld, - It acta quickly
with certnlnty and absolute safe
ty. Results front It use are im
mediate and lasting-.
Oaly genuine DeMlrnele, the
original sanitary liquid, has a
meney.back guarantee In eaeh
package. At toilet eeaatera In
60 e, 91 aad 93 Bines, or by mail
front as la plain wrapper on re
ceipt of price.
FREE book mailed In. plain
sealed envelope on. reqneat. . De
Mlrnele, 129tlt St. and park Ave.
New York.
country, will call for an exchange of
views on the part of "women -of
every nation, with a view to adopt
ing a" international appeal against
prevailing fashions and some the
atrical productions.
Forty Join Drive.
Mine! Gcrmaine Marille, one of
tiic leaders in the French movement
or dress reform, said that nearly 40
women s-organizations have signed
the society's first circular of protest
to '.he big dressmakers. She believes
the movement wj!l have a big effect
on', next winter's styles.
"Fiery: U.S. Whisky
Floods British Trade,
Provoking Protest
Uliu v ) acs via aw. . mv IIIUIIU
that all American whiskv shall he
distinctly labelled when on sale is
supported by the Wine and Spirit as
. . , , .
sociatiou, wincu special
"Otherwise," said a leading Lon'
don merchant,, "enormous injury
will be done to" the home trade
lllb If VtM'U V SH-
port which compares unfavorably,
I - .1. . 1 . !..
ro say. me jcssi, wuii genuine
"The . two do not blend Well.
American .whisky has a distinctive
flavor which does not. appeal to the
average Iritisher. '
"Very firey and comparatively
new stuff, is arriving In large quanti
ties. The age question might be
overcome-to some extent by the
requirement that spirits must be
held in bond for a specified period;
but even when it is four years old
that particular American whisky rc-
tainc its fi-rv elrmpnt "
T-ljfl suircrpstioil that wood ali-nlinla
may have lounci its way among-some
or tne imports is not tnougnt proo
able by traders.
Spasmodic croup "Ti1 '
usually relieved with
one application m
l-YOyfi BODYGUARD" - 30f.OO i
I I Particular.
UL, Hllq;-m.
ways to
. your
mailed tree to any addreaa,
Uept. D-W St. Loun. Ma.
I I lltllllllllllltUlnllllllllllMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIilliltllllll'l
( r
i Great Medicine I
Made From CorA Silk Ex
cites Favorable" Comment.
Kidney and Bladder Ailments
Banished By Few Doses.
Corn silk! The same "silk" you
see protruding fromvthe husk of
corn, produces a fine medicine for
kidney 'and bladder irregularities,
when compounded with other simple
drug's as in Ba,lmwort Tablets.
Balmwort Tablets contain a pow
erful extract of corn silk, which
quickly relieves the inflammation
and congestion that causes such
distress as pains in back and hips,
rheumatic twinges, nervousness, se
vere headaches, accompanied by
frequent desire to eliminate, fol
lowed by scalding, burning sensa
tion. The patient is compelled to
arise frequently to relieve painful
pressure, even though a scanty flow
follows. The eyes appear "blood
shot,", the Sleep is restless, and
sometimes fever followed by chills,
cause great unrest. It is unwise to
neglect such symptoms when a few
doses of Balmwort Tablets can be
taken for relief. Alice Trobough,
5627 South Twenty-fourth street,
40maha, 'Neb., writes : "I have used
one tube of your Balmwort Tablets
and find thata they are the best I
have ever used for kidney and blad
der trouble."
Ask any leading druggist for a
tube of Balmwort Tablets. Price,
$1.00. Adv.
Cadomene the
"Miracle Meclicine,,
Many People Have Written of
the. .Seeming "Miracle" Per
' formed by Cadomene
Tablets. . '
rhey Are Only Recommended
for Worn-Out, Impoverished,
Nervous People, But
People Jiave testified that -they
have been cured of rtieumatism,
headaches, stomach disorders, pains
or neuralgia, etc., through the use
of this great medicine-tonic, Cado
mene Tablets. It only means that
the Cadomene has helped to build
up the strength of all organs and
then nature has a chance to hring
the cure. Therefore, if you are
tired, sluggish an'd your feet rnd
hands are cold and clammy ,
nervousness ' overwhelnys yoi by
sleeplessness, irritable temper r.nd
your ' heart flutters while dizziness
and trembling seize you at times,
you may ward off serious conse
quences and become full of vigor,
red blood and health for every vital
organ of vour hodv.Mr. f. V.
Biggs of R. R. No. 3,' Fort Worth,
Tex., writes: "1 am using Cado
mene Tablets and find them 1o be
good in every way for an old man
of 60." F. W. liarbesu, 1327 Inca
street, Denver, Colo., writes: "I
have, taken , one package of Cado
mene and it has put me on my .feet
and I feel fire"." ,
' Cadomene build's up nerves and
bodily vigor. All druggists. Adv.
It's Easy-If Yoa Know Dr.
' Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to feel
Soung to do this you must watch your
ver and bowels there's no need of
having a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes pimples a bilious
look in your facedull eyes with no
cparkle. Your doctor will tell you
ninety per cent of all sickness comes
from inactive bowels and liver. '
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
2ction yet always effective. They brine
about that natural buoyancy which all
thould enjoy by toning up the liver and
clearing the system of impurities
by their olive color. 10c and 25c.
All You Need is Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers to Clear the
Skin of Pimples,- Rash,
Blackheads arid Such Lo
cal Skin Eruptions.'
. ' V
. The calcium sulfide in Stuart's
Calcium Wafers is nature's contri
bution to skin health. It is the sub
stance that seeks the skin, assists
in its activity to prevent stagnant
pores, to stimulate circulation and
divert impurities from finding lodge
ment in the skin texture. It sweeps
its way through the bowels, remov
ing wastes that otherwise may be
absorbed into the circulation and
thus try "to escape through the skin.
Use these wafers regularly for a
few days arrd notice how the skin
clears, how pimples, blackheads and
such kinds of skin cruptiojis are re
moved. They simply cannot remain.
Their redness and itching disappear.
Proper food and Stuart's Calcium
Wafers will surely take the place of
all your creams and lotions and you
von't need your powder pwff. Get
a 50-cent box of Stuart's Calcium
Wafers today at any drug store and
join" the ever-Rrowing throng of
American complexion beauties.
Brand New Way -to
Remove Hairy Growths
(Actually Removes Roots and All)
The vexefl question of how to com
pletely banish superfluous hair has been
solved at last I By means of the new
phelactine process, the hairs entire, roots
snd all, come out before your very eyes
easily, harmlessly, "quick as a. wink."
It is so different from the depilatory. el.'C-
4rical and shaving methods, you simply
mus try it to fully appreciate its remark
able advantages.
Phelactine is perfectly odorless, non
irritating. non-poisonous a child could
eat it without the least injury. It leaves
the skin so soft, smooth and hairless, no
one could tell you ever had a moustache
or other hairy growth. If you' will pro
cure a stick of phelactine from your drug
gist and follow the simple instructions,
you will certainly be astonished and de
lighted with the result.
This wonderful boohwill be
sent freetoanu man upon re
802 Berry Block, Nash viHe.Tgnn .
Sage Tea and Sulphur Turns
Gray, Faded Hair Dark .
and flossy.
-s. X" ' '
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural
color and lustre to the hair when
faded, streaked or gray. Years ago
the only way to get this mixture was
to make it'at home, which is mussy
and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any
drug store for "Wycth's Sage and
Sulphur-Co;lipauild.,' You will get
a large bottle of this old-time recipe
improved" by the addition of other
ingredients, at very little , cost.
Everybody uses this preparation
now, because 'no one can possibly
tell that you darkened your hair, as
it does i so naturally and' evenly.
You dampen' a sponge or soft brush
with it asd drjw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair dis-;-.!:ncar
and after another applica
tion' oi - two, - vour hair becomes !
beautifully dark, thick and glossy
and you look years younger.
t Apply Cream in Nostrils To
I Open Up Air Passages. "
'Ah! What relief ! Your clogged
nostrils open right up, the air pas
sages of your head are clear and
you can breathe freely. No more
hawRing, snuffling, mucous dis
charge, headache, dryness no
struggling for breath at night, your
cold or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a
small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
from your druggist now. Apply a
little of this fragrant,' antiseptic
cream in your nostrils, let it pene
trate through every air passage of
the head ; soothe and heal the swol
len, inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. Ely's
Cream Balm is just what every cold
and catarrh sufferer has been
seeking. Its just splendid.
"Conserving," "Economy"
and "Thrift" are the present- ;
i day watchwords and well they !
1 may be ! Are you conserving'' ;
your health? Are you economi- i
ij cal in buying treatment for dis- )
I ease? You should be! If your i
stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels j
s and blood are not right in every j
sense, you should at once begin i
a treatment to restore good,
1 healthy conditions. Sulphur,"'
cream of tartar and herb ex- (
tracts-in a sugar-coated form, j
r called Sulpherb Tablets, is the j
surest relief that is economical. (
Get them in sealed tubes from '
druggists. Sulpherb is the
I name not "sulphur.'' Mrs.' J. s
J. Devlin, 518 W. 162nd St.,
New York 'City, writes: "I j
2 would also like to say I find '
I your Sulpherb Tablets O. K. 1
I and am very much pleased to j
recommend to all my friends, "
I etc." ' I
? ' ' i
Take a glass of Salts if your
Back hurts or Bladder
troubles you. .
No man orwoman w4io eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally,
says & well-known authority. Meat
forms" uric acid which excites the
kidneys, they become overworked
from the strain, get sluggish and
fail to filter the waste and poisons
from the blood, then we get sick.
Nearly atl rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness,
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
Tbe moment you feel a dull ache
in the kidneys of your back hurts
or if the -urine is cloudy, offensive,
full of sediment, irregular' of pas
sage or attended by a sensation of
scalding, stop eating meat and get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
.iny nharniacy; take a tablespoonful
in a glass of water befow breakfast
and in a friv days your kidneys will
act fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize t lie acids m urine so it
no longer causes irritation, thus
endinsr bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and can
not iiijittc; makes' a delightful ef
fervescent lithi.vwatcr drink which
everyone should take now and then
to keep' 1 ho kidneys clean and ac
tive and - the blood ' pure, thereby
avoiding serious kidney complications.
Use "Tiz" for aching, burning,
puf fed-up feet and corns
or callouses.
Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet,"
swollen feet, tender feet, tired'feet.
Good-bye corns, callouses, bun
ions and raw spots. No more shoe
tightness, no more limping with
pain or drawing up your face' in
agony. "Tiz" is magical, acts right
off. "Tiz" draws out all the poison
ous exudations which puff up the
feet. Use "Tiz" and wear smaller
shoes. Use "Tiz" and forget your
foot misery. Ah! how comfortable
your feet feel.
Get a box of "Tiz" now at any
druggist or. department store. Don't
suffer, Have good feet, glad feet,
feet that never swell, never hurt,
never get tired. A year's foot com
fort guaranteed or money refunded.
Fcr Hair And Skd Hdth
Ccticura Is Sreme
majority of skin and scalp baubles
be prevented by usnf Cuticurs Seas
ively for all toilet imposts. On
the slightest sign of redness. rsmtiHsas.
Simples or dandruff, apply a HUH Carknin
lintment. Cuticora Talcum soothes and
cools the akin and overcomes heavy per
spiration. Delicate. MifbrM. dajtfcfu.
sash less Vtss to MQ. AMmsk HsHih
UtsrJsm.W.yysJSi " JiMsiaj
We. tMplte. OlaUsesK snaMe. Tell wi.
BsiTCacicara Saasj shaves withat SB.
Women Heed Swamp-Root
' - :
'Thousands of women have kidney
and bladder trouble- and never bus
pert it. ' f
Women eomplainla often prove
to he nothing else but kidney
trouble or the result of kidney or
bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other
organs to become diseased.
Tain in the bank, headache, loss
of ambition, nervousness, are often
times Rymptom8 of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a. physician's
prescription, obtained at any drug
store, may be just the -remedy
needed to overcome such conditions.
Get a medium or large siie bottle
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten
eents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y.,. for a sample bottle.
When writing be sure and mention
the Omaha Sunday Bee. (
Have You Lost
Your Health?
Have you been so busy that you
have forgotten about j?bur body
the most delicately adjusted ma
chine in the world until some
weak part has broken down and you
are afraid?
No one knows how long the body
should live if it has intelligent
care, but we do know that without
a sufficient' supply of vitalizing, life
giving oxygen it wastes away, and
dies just as a plant droops and dies
for lack of water. '
Disease is merely the lack of
some constituent element of the
blood that is necessary to maintain
life. Oxygen is the life-giver,
the blood-builder the jrerm-de-
stroyer. But pumpinjr oxygen into
the lungs is not enough. The blood.
must assimilate it. Iron attracts
oxygen just as the magnet attracts
steel therelore, if your blood is
j abundantly supplied with organic
I iron it attracts the oxygen from the
air in the lungs and the blood is
vitalized with life-giving oxygen,
i REOLO' supplies the blood with
i organic iron (in a form that is easilv
assiniuaieaj vitalizing oxygen ano
the cell-salts that nourish and re
build the cells bf the body. It has
wonderful tonic qualities and rapid
ly increases the number of red blood
cells and plasma of the blood.
REOLO invigorates and nour
ishes every cell of the nerves, brain,
tissues, fluids and bones; destroys
and eliminates the worn-out cells
and stimulates the circulation of
the blood. It sends through the en- ,
tire body a stream of rich, red, vi
talized blood that renews the
strength, energy and endurance.
REOLO has restored thousands
of men and women to health and
happiness by supplying the natural
cell-salts, organic -tron and oxygen
that Nature requires to restore and
maintain health. It is not expen
sive and is guaranteed to give bene- i
ficial results or your money will be
returned. The larger package crf
100 pleasant, tasteless tablets only i
cost One Dollar. .
Sherman-McConnell . Drug Co.,
49th and Dodge, 16th and Dodge,
16th and Harney, 24th and Farnam,
19th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska. '
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business