Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1920, Image 10

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Gladdening Opportunities for Thrifty Folks in Every Department of This Big Cash Store the Utmost Value for Your Dollars
Saturday Specials in Toilet Goods and Drugs
$l.a Boek of Beauty Se
ereta absolutely free with
amch purchat at Tokaloa
(LSI Pyroa, ear aaah
Me DJar Kiss Kent (all
:.' ad ad a), cur aaah prlee.
Ha Dr. Oreea Teoth Powder
r Pasta, oor aaah prtoa fee
at VnnAtf Vanishing Cream.
our cash pries He
Ho Johnson Talcum Powder,
aur cash price 17a
11.00 Listeria. aur cash
v price T
- 19c else for . ;...3Sc
10c Aspirin, genuine Bayer,
our cash price, doa. ,,..lSe
$1.50 Hot Water Bottlea ,each
- guaranteed), an excellent
value at our cash price H.M
lie Jap Boa Soap, our .ape-
.1.1 .h nriM
iOe Whisk Brooms, . our cash
price ....... 3Ae
' 10c Gillette or Gem razor
blades, our cash price 39e
Large round bath tablet
of quality Soaps in assort
ed odors at our special
cash price per cake 10c t a
box of 11 cakes for $1.00
11 li
Saving Cash Prices of Spring House Furnishing Needs
White Mountain Cabinet Refrigerator,
150-lb. capacity, for ........ $39.00
White Mountain Cabinet Refrigerator.
50-lb. capacity, for $30.00
White Mountain Refrigerator, capacity
lb.., for $33.00
Wall Brush, White Wool, with
White Mountain Refrigerator, capacity
45 lbs., for 915.25
Two-Burner Oil Store, grey enamel,
cash price , 916.50
Three-Burner Oil Store, grey enamel,
cash price 922.00
two handles for .$1.25
We have a complete line of Wool Suits
for the little boys In one and two-pant
suits at . , , . . .
$12, $15, $18
u Every, Suit Guaranteed.
ST The Home of '
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Boys! Clothing Like Dad's
With 13 different models to select from.
U dl All rnlnra Ulna ' flrarr. Orfipn. Brown
Checks and Light Scotch mixtures. Sizes
10 to 18
$25 to $40
Boys' Wash Suits In all colors and styles.
Sizes 2 to 8 years. Prices from
$1.95 to $4.95
w -a e m l tl J .1
Hundreds oi new ooys' nais ana caps receiv-
m t -m -w-v e a . aV
ed for the Easter trade, rnces Jbi.zo to qz.w
You'll Want a New Dress, Suit or Coat for Easter
Choose Now While Assortments Are at Their Very Best
All that is most beautiful and practical for the
new season finds expression in , our wonderfully
attractiye display; at every price you'll fino! the
assortments and values superior!
Specials for Sat'day Offer thrifty
Buyers Unusual Bargains '-
Specials In
1,000 pairs of Kid Gloves in fell col
ors, White, Pastel, Tan, Gray Blue,
Green and Black. Some with fancy
cuffs and heavy embroidered backs."
In all sizes, worth $3.50 and $4.00.
Special' price
Silk Gloves
PreJEaster sale of Kayser and Mohawk Silk Gloves. Two
clasp models, embroidered in self or contrasting colors, and.
the shades are the very ones you want for Spring. Black,
White, Navy, Gray, Beaver and Negro Brown. . , - J
200 Beautiful Dresses
Made to sell to $35; dainty models in
Taffeta, Satins, Georgettes, Serges and
Tricotines; a special cash purchase. Our
Special Cash Price
150 Handsome Suits
In Serges, Tricotines and Silvertones; all
sizes; beauties; every one offered special
for one day, Saturday, Our Special Cash
Price .
If I
'4 I
V. :1
Sle of Men's Shirts
A special lot of regular $3
Men's Madras and Percale
Shirts in broad assortment
of good patterns and colon;
oyer 100 dozen in the lot;
on sale at
Everything in Spring Furnishings
at Attractive Low Cash Prices.
Three Specials in
Georgette Blouses
Georgette Blouses in beaded and em
broidered styles, long or short
sleeves Blouses made to sell to
$9.00; Saturday only
U00 (leoVgette Blouses in the newest
styles, ,high-grade material, extra
200 Georgette Blouses in all colors,
including the dark suit shades, pep-
, lum effects, very smart styles and
extra ' fine quality. Special cash
price Saturday
Spring Coats
Every desirable mode; every
wanted material and color repre
sented in our immense Spring stock,
All at Attractive
Low Cash Prices
Special for Saturday 200 really
classy Coats in Serges and Poplins,'
Navy and Black ; in all sizes for
women and misses. Our Special Cash
Dress the Little Tots
Up for Easter
.New Coats, new" Dresses, new Sweat
ers, everything for the youngsters.
For Saturday only, 20 dozen Ging
ham Dresses, sizes 2 to 14, very
special values
Our White Dresses for girls and ju
niors are here; very pretty styles
in voiles and batistes, trimmed in
laces and embroidery; all sizes and
special prices
$4.98 to $15
March Sale of
Women's and Children's
Women's Pure Thread' Silk
tHose, full fashioned, in all
new shades, also some em
broidered, up to 4.00 values.
Special Saturday . . . .$2.45
Women's Fiber Silk Hose in light colors, also black, up to
$1.25 values. Very special, Saturday 50
Children's Fiber Silk Hose in black only, $1.00 values, Sat
urday 39
Children's and Infants' Half Hose and small sizes in silk
and wool hose. 75c vales. While they last 19
- Mil imi mb Mi nf 1 rr aat'r hi Jaay-gjy-g-.-jjyr
Have the NeW Suit Fitted Over
a New Corset
We show a Eplendid and Complete Line of Standard Make at
only $2.00 P
Special for Saturday, elastic top. pink batiste LAG. Corsets,
ipecial cash price $2.50
Special Values In
" Spring Oxfords and
Pumps Saturday
Women's fine Brown Vicl Kid Oxfords with leather
French heels and Goodyear welt soles. Good 17.50 val
ues, at $6.50
Women's Black Kid and Patent leather Pumps with
leather French heels . $6.00
Women's Black Kid Oxfords and Pumps with French
or Military heejs, newest styles $5.50
Women's Fine- Gray Vicl Kid Oxfords with leather
French heels, $8.50 values, all sizes and widths $5.00
Boys' and Youths' School Shoes, ,all sizes, from 11 to
6. at $2.85
Big Girls' Patent, Button, Welt-soled Shoes, sizes 2 to
4. $7.60 values $2.25
Infants' "First Step" leather, shoes with turned soles in
solid or fancy tops, splendid values '. .$1.75
Big Sale of Necklaces
Ladies' fine lisle union
suits, band tops, loose and
tight knee; pink or white;
reinforced. Worth $1.75,
- r
Thousands of Strings of Pearl-and Novelty Beads at
las than what it would cost to manufacture them today.
Pearl Beads most beautiful in color and Iridescence;
tome of them are In delicate creme shadings, rose and
white. This is an excellent opportunity for you to sup
ply your wants in necklaces right before Easter.
800 Strings Matinee and Opera lengths, Saturday 29
100 Strings Matinee and Opera length, Saturday 59
S25 Strings Matinee and Opera length, Saturday 75
100 Strings Matinee and Opera length, Sat $1.25
We have hundreds and hundreds of strings of novelty
beads, all colon, all lengths and all prices. Come in
and look them over. "Say it with Pearls."
Lisle union, suits, band and
beading top; also bodice
top ; in loose or tight knee,
regular and extra sizes.
Our Cash Price
Lisle Vesta with baud and
bodice -top; also fancy
yokes; in pink or white;
medium and extra sizes.
Saturday at '
Ladies' fine batiste bloom
ers; flesh or white; worth
$1.50, Saturday, for
Batiste and Nainsook
gowns and envelope chem
ises, daintily trimmed with
fine tucks, lace and Medal
lions, our - cash price
only ' j
Hen's Some Interesting
M-lb. aacka Pnra Rya Flour,
par aack Sl.tS
4Mb. aaek Baat Bi(h Grade
Flour, aack $3.15
Tba Baat Whlta or Tallow
Oommeal, lb. S
4 Iba. Beat RoUed White
Braakfaat Oatmeal 25o
Tba Baat No. I Hand Picked
NaT? Bea&a, lb lOo
Fancy Japan Rica, par lb. lSe
Tba Baat Domestic Macaroni,
fipachattt or In Noodles,
per pita-. 740
K-oa. cana Wlleon, Pat or
Carnation milk tea
K-oa. oana Klkborn Milk, per
can lXMa
Lar-e jara Strawberry, Rasp-
berry or Pineapple Pre.
aerrea 3Se
Baechnut Catsup, bottle tO-ste
15ft Oft oa all Bcatch Nut
Para Tomato Oatsup ar Tine
gar,' bottle 10
Ho. 1 cana Fancy Sweet Sugar
Corn. Rip Tomatoea. Sugar
Peaa or Cat Wax Beans,
par oan 1H
Oreaoo Cluster Raisins, 1-lb.
' can, regular price, l..SSa
TaU cans Pink Salmon . ...3o
OU Sardines, can -.. a
' I cake Floating Castile Soap
for - .......5
bar Baat 'Km All or Dia
mond O Soap !Sa
4 bara Braura Caatlla Soap,
for ......too
bara Sunbrlgbt Cleanser, ZOo
4 cana Old Dutch Cleanser IS
Ramp or Canary Saad, Jb. ISe
Sunflower Seed, lb. ....... Sc
Grocery Prices That Will
the High Cost of Living.
30 to 40 Italian Prunes, lb. 3e
40 to 10 Italian Prunea. lb. ZSe
Fancy Large Ungraded Prunes,
lb. ....Oo
Choice Seedleaa Raisins. Ib. tie
Choice Mulr Peaches, lb. ..tSc
Choice Cleaned Currants, per
lb. 30e
Choice Cluster Raisins, lb. 25c
Choice Eraporated Apples, per
lb 30o
1 lba. Shelled Pop Corn, at ZS
Filberts, new, per lb. ...30c
Texas Pecans, per lb. . ,..24c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per
lb 1740
Molasses Kisses, lb. 3JSo
Peanut Kisses, lb ,3Se
Fancy MisceL Kisses, lb. 36c
Our Famous Ooldan Santoa
Coffee, the talk of Omaha,
lb. Ue
Diamond H. Blend, per lb. 40c
M. & J. Blend, aa excellent
drink, per lb. 4Ae
Courtney'a Ankola Bland, per
lb. 50o
H. B. C Ankola Blend, the
height of perfection, per
lb. 550
The Baat Tea Sitting, per
lb. I Eve
Choice Basket , Fired.- Sun
Dried or English Breakfast
Tea, lb. ago
Fancy Baaket Fired, Sun
Dried, Ceylon, Gunpowder
or English Braakfaat Tea,
-per Ib. ,.59e
Help to Keep Down
Fancy Ping Susy, Gunpowder, f
Oolong, Orange Pekoe Tea.
par lb '. 9o
Tha Best No. 1 Cooking Po
tatoes, per peck 90c
Freeh Spinach, peck 350
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips,
Radishes or Shallota, per
bunch ;. l4o
New. Cabbage, per lb sc
rancy Red - Onions, per'
lb. 1-3
Fancy Head Lettuce, per
head 74e
Faney Leaf - Lettuce, per
head 5o
Large Grapefruit, 7c, S l-3c
and , , .100
We -now hare in our Full
Line of Flower and Vegetable
Seeds. Sow grasC seed now.
The Baat Creamery Butter,
Bulk. m. ....7to
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter,
Bulk, lb eto
Fancy Country Creamery But
ter, bulk, lb ate
Full Cream Cheese, lb..... 30c
Full Cream T. A. Cheese, per
lb See
Full Craam Cheese, N. T.
' Whlta, lb. 40e
Full Craam Brick Cheese 35s
We sell all tha best brands of
Butterlne and Nnt Butters
at tha Lowest Market
Large Dill Pickles, dos. SSe
Fancy Queen Ollres, qt. e5e
And Now the Unexpected Happens
500 Trimmed Hats
; . . . . :
A Wonderful Pre-Easter Sale
Dozens and dozens of
beautiful styles
Flower trimmed Hats of glossy straws and novelty shapes
' having transparent brims and straw crowns. (
Large broad side shapes of three end Jap having con
trasting facings of Georgette.
Off-the-face models of glossy straw and Georgette and
transparent effects.
Poke bonnets and narrow brimmed sailors of allover
straws trimmed with flowers and fruit.
Novelty eut out shapes of polished straw trimmed with
Matrons' Hats in a wonderful variety.
Just Received, a Wonderful Assortment of
Andrea and Consello Pattern Hats
No Two Alike and Every Hat a Beauty
Spf 8jjp j
Wonderful Sale of Children's School
and Dress Hats Saturday
$2.95 and $3.95
In a Wonderful Variety. Come Early. These Hats Are Wonderful Values
Suits and Top Coats for Easter
,The kind we can and do guarantee to
give your kind of satisfaction or replace
them with a new suit.
made' them for us. They're' all wool and
hand tailored. May cost you a trifle
more than ordinary clothes, but we'll
guarantee they'll give you more really
satisfying service, dollar for dollar, than
the cheaper clothes do.
All the new models, single and double-,
breasted, with belts, full lined, 3o
lined; any way you want them; in all the
new shades, . Brown Checks, Gray
Checks, Green Flannels, Fancy Worsted,
in all colors.
See 16th Street Window
Need An Extra Pair of Trousers
to finish out your old coat? We have a
complete line in all colors 1 and sizes,
30-50 waist.
At Low Cash Prices, $5,$7.50,$8,$12
Money Saving
In Our"
Choice Pot Roast,
, V per IK
Fancy Veal Breast
per lb.
, 13c
Choice Shoulder
Roast, per lb.
Breakfast Bacon
Squares, lb.
,12-lb. cans
Men's Hat Dept.
When they say "I'm making
my old ones do," they cer
,talnly don't refer to haU.
Whoever heard of making last
Spring's hat do for Easter
morn? Come In and slip un
der a. Stetson "Relay" or
"Goal." We'll sell 'em to
S WSflJk you for
7 3o ana 3iu ,
And you'll be satisfied from the start with Stetson
quality and Rtetson style. Other Stetson hats from
$6.00 to $25.00. .
Men's Pine Cloth Hats ............$3.00 and up
Men's Fine Felt Hats ,....$3.50 and up
Men's Cloth Caps for Spring ......$1.50 and up
Special for Saturday
Full size wardrobe trunks, products of L. V.
Meyering, Chicago, makers of high-grade trunks.
Regular price of these trunks $85.00. Constructed
of 3-ply Veneer, basswood fiber covering and fiber
lined, laundry bag, hat compartment, etc. Cre
tonne lining, raised top. Saturday ....$60.00
3 It Pays Try HOYDEN'S First It Pays