5" WIFE MADE HIM SLEEP IN BARN, SfECK ALLEGES Johanna's Pitching Arm Was fa SIOUX CITY NEW YORK ,i - y. OMAHA LINCOLN Extra Salespeople to Give J You Prompt Service ' Owing to -Extremely Low Prices AH Sales Will Be Final' $ of Big League Class, Millard Man Declares ' In Reply. CONANT HOTEL BLDG. SKTEEN9GH STREET THE BEEt OAHA, WEDNESDATjMARCTt" 17, 19?0. c '1 I 5 1" 1:1 J 77. S Hans Sieck of Millard., Neb., did .' not lead an extremely happy life with bis second wife, Johanna Sieck, . he says in an answer filed Monday in district court to her petition for divrrce filed Feorua'y 11. Johanna said that Han used up all ihc money she n il when he mar ried her, February 1, 1919, and then began heating her. Sue was granted a restraining crder against him. But Hans charges Johanna wasn't . exactly the gentle angel she repre ; senu uerselfjp be. Sang Praise of "Bad BilL" Hans says 'she persisted in sing ing vnpairiotic songs, designed for the praise of Bi.'l HohenzoHem, lormcr kxser, and of his son, the former crown prince, and called her ; selfthe princess of Germany. One night, he sayrujhe' compelled , him to sleep in the barn. Once in Ociaha she tore his coa an I troupers in a fiht, and tlwn sp.it iir his face, Hatr compluns. He alleges she threw a small dog against an ice chute, breaking its back and that, when he remonstrated she told him she ' wo-j'djdo the sauc to him." ' Hurls Lnrnp WiUi Effect ; ? One VvoniiiB in November, 1519, she picked v.y a lamp and huricii' at hint-vith telling tnect, says he, O'i ur.'oiiier occasii" the family Bible was the missle which she threw at Hans, he says. A decorated , glasflower vase was thrown by her ort another memorable occasion, he savs. . , Hans asks that their property be divideJ equally. When tney -were " married, he alleges, they agreed to that. Mot of , the property belonged t j Mry. Sieck before the marriage, including a farm at Millard valued at $20,000.- Burglars Loot Home for - Silverware and Clothes Silxerware, "clothes and jewelry comprised the loot taken from the h&me of JL W. Keenan. 2410 Chicago street between and 10 1. m. When .the family-returned Kome from a theater they discovered a window broken and every room in the house ransacked. Mr. Kemian estimated his loss at $.100. ' . The buffet in the dining room was stripped of table linens and silver- W3re. Negro Holdup Unsuffcpssful Two unmasked armed negro high waymen held up CXIretzinsrer. 707 North Eighteenth street, Monday night at 11 at Eighteenth and Web ster streets. ,almost in front of his home. The robbers secure4jiothing, and escaped. - 1 v APT F.HTTKEMlfiVT Kair Often Ruined By . Careless Washing: Soap should be used very care fully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best Most soaps and prepared shampoos 'contain too 'much alkali. --This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ' ruins it $ The besc . thing for steady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and grease less) , and is better thin anything else you can use. - . L One or ' two . teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and" scalp thoroughly.- Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lath- . er, which rinses out easily, remov rtg every particle of dust,- dirt, dandruff and 'excessive oil. , The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very! cheap, and a fewZounces will supply every member of the family for months. ' - V ' AIVERTISr.MBXT Just One Application ' and the Hairs Vanish ' (Toilet Talks S . Any woman can keep ! her ' skin free from unsightly hair or fuzz if she will follow these simple in structions: When hairy growths , appear, apply a simple paste, made by mixing some water with pow dered delatone. Apply this to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, . wash the skin and the hairs arc gone.-This is a harmless treatment, but be sure you get the real delatone. , ..' first bath with Cuticura Soap and bot water. These soper-creasy eiliii nta not only soothe, bat in most cases heal annoykerasries, hiic'mia eczemas, etc Thev are f ahn ideal fordailv toilet uses. After 4 Bauungwim cincnrsboai fewnansof the exquisite dnstona 'y scented X Mrl r m$m0m flf b it w..7.: 'Wiv ' r4 t . .mm mm ) : U U I I more D Absolutely Your Unrestricted 'WM iiQKi More Than Absolutely sacrificed without regard to cost or former selling prices, A sail that takesyou into a new realm of value-giving. Street Dresses, Afternoon Dresses, Shopping Dresses, Office Dresses, Daytime Dresses Dresses for every occasion, priced in many . instances at less than the cost of the material from ' which they are so smartly fashioned. v - - In Three Great Groups - Values up Taffetas Satins Serges Georgettes - Tricotines Combinations Values up Pdujettes Tricotines Satins Serges' X Taffetas Georgettes Combinations A Values up to $125 r Tricoleites f "Crepe Meteors Georgettes Charmeuses Taffetas) K Satins 1 ; Tricotines Dresses so good in style, desirability and quality of 'materials, piey will astonish yoiii Obey thai impulse' DRESS SECinONEOONP FLOOR 17-9 a. mf Sacrificed 2,800 Dresses to $39.50 to $79.50 Never Before Have We Offered I Such Remakable Values at Such Low Price X OI Economy lB to Attend ffl i ilia Mm I Mi snrtw aaicum. - .A: v.,: