FARM LANDS. Oregon Londt LAND" FOR 8ALS. SOUTHERN OHSiUO.V. Twenty to l.Ooo-acre farma for rln, tiny, fruit, vineyards and dairying. Well Improved; uclltitl climate. Lola of government dock range. Priced riKht. For ul by TIVMONS HIOOINS, i? outh t"th St.. Orante Pass,. Or. OREGON LANDS of for bom, and profit able Investment, to you. Mild climate, productive soils, educational facilities un surpassed. Write for full Information In book form. Miller A Walter, Cor . vallia. Ore. Wisconsin Landt. LaxdoLOGY, a magasine giving the facta In regard to the land altuatlon. Three - month!- subscription free. If for a home or aa an Investment yon are thinking of buying good farm lands, Imply write mo a letter and aay, "Mall me LAN OOLOGY and all particu lars free." Address Editor, Landology, Kkl.1rr.ore Land Co., iu Skid more Wdg., Marinette. Wla. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPKNA COMPANY, Doug. 45I. Mii.N'KY. (o lend on Improved Real Katats. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS ft SUN, fit Keellne Bldg. SUA HA JIOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEKE RKAL ESTATR CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Wc. Bldg. Tou. 57-15. PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. f r. WE A P. Weed Bldg,. 310 8. 18th St. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. TlAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest ratea. Private loan boothe. Harrv .Malaahofk. 1514 Dodge. 1). 5619. Ks. l.'M FARM and city loans. B. H. LOUOEE, INC.. 62 Keellne Bldg. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Oarvln Proa., iii Omaha Nat'l. T. K BUCK. Leans. 442 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 12.000 loan on J3.00 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan ta beneficiary. Face of policy will corns to beneficiary upon death of tnaured. who la 61 yeara old and In poor health. Will arrange matters ao that entire 13.000 will be paid to note holder upon death of tnaured, and wilt keep up premium In tnaurance. Chance ta make from ISOO to 11.000 In short time. Address Be Box M-l WANTED TO BUY Local atocka and , Liberty bond. Quote lowest price and quantty In the first letter. i .Schroeder Investment Co. 63 Railway Exonange Bldg. Doug. 3261. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE HAVE aerved the Omaha publlo In buying and selling real estate for over 16 yeara. We have many calle now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve you to your beat intereata. McCague Investment Co. WILL pay cash for good alx or seven roonr noma. Must be-well located and priced right. Reply giving full de scription. " - ' Box T-8, Omaha Bee. WE can aell your 6, ( Or 7-room bungalow or house. Ltst with us for results. Prompt Inspection. Osborne Realty Company 430 Bee Bldg. . Tyler 486. SCAN pay cash If the price la right for a five or alx-rcom modern cottage or bungalow, would prefer to be on paved street and not over two blocks to car. Address, A -4 3, Omaha Bp. . WF, h AVE cash buyera for cottages and bungalow, nicely located. 8hrlver. J047 9 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. P. 1636. To buy or aril . Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1130 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1436. flUAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO. 741 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WE have buyers walling. Liat with EDWARD WILLIAMS CO., H03 Omaha National Bk. Bldg 1 L1HT your property with Marftn Pederseh," 2123 North J4th St. Webster 4620, eve nings, . and Sundays', Webster 4861. WANT tc7buy frotn owner, b to 8-room bouse, on payments; for colored. Tyler 2724 r Webster 4160. WANTED Houaes to sell, have buyera waiting. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Kurhnch Blk. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED"! Miscellaneous. 5; Acres North of -. Fairacres . Located on the West side of Benson roRd Just north of Fairacres. Land '.a now under cultivation. No Improve ments. Price 7.600. Can be carried on J2.S00 rush,, balance 7 per cent. GEORGE & COMPANY " REALTORS. - Tyler 8034. 902 City Nnf l Bk. Bldg. "HAPPY HOLLOW BUILDING SITE Lot 109x216 feet, overlooking Happy Hollow golf course and surrounded by beautiful homes. If you contemplate : building this spring It will pay you to Investigate thhfc GEORGE. & COMPANY 'REALTORS. Tyler 8024. 0i City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. SPECIAL LOT SALE. Near 40th and Ami s Ave., 16 lota to te sold; water and sewer aad nesr car line, SS75 to $450; 350 caih and 35 per month: . , P. T. TEBBENS CO. 60S Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. ; Phono, I. SI1?. 113 Feet of Trackage on North 11th St.. $40 per front foot. S. P. BOSTWICK & SON 300 Bee Building. CUMINO-i-Near 29th 8t., 44x126; must be eold to close an estate C. A. Orlnimel, Jt4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. t Miscellaneous. BUY a lot at present low tiriees. West Farnam. Dundee and Field club. Acrea on South Side. Shulcr & Cary, 201 Keellne. LI, 000 LOT In Plain View Addition; $6S0 will handle. Call owner, Webster 2736 afternoons or evenings. FOR SALV Fine large lot, Clalrmonr, restricted addition.' 2726 No. 46th Bt. Value $1.20 will sell for less. Phone Webster 61R. fTSri Jot In Minne Lusa. Colfax 739. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 24th Street Corner Brick Store Building Prlee $13,600; two good tenants at $136 per month. A real Investment. No expenses except taxea and Insurance. GLOVER & SPAIN, v REALTORS, Doug. ?S50. 913-20 City National - - FOR SALE. Three-atory brick building, full cor ner lot In wboleealo district. Poaaeaaion If wanted. DUMONT & CO. 118 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 60. INjCOME for land. We have 11 houaes Hated In Omaha, Owner wants land. a S. R. E. MONTGOMERY, ill City National. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE S-oa SALE OR EXCHANGE. 80 acrea of choice Iowa land, located alout 6 miles eaat oi Jlonnamin, one hlf mile to rood school, well Improved lies gently rolling. Is all In cultivation hut & few acres of the finest grass pas ture. This la one of Iowa's best farms and Is worth the money, trice 3uu an acre. Equity $11,000. I will trade my equity for a good bouse of equal value, in nundee. W. H. Remington and Sons, 306 Bennett Bldg.. Colorado Springe Colo. PRIVATE party wants to trade 160 adres fairly well improved farm In north eastern Iowa for Omaha. Improved property drawing Income. . Addreaa Box X 11. umana cee. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lots In best nart of Council Bluffs. What have you to' trade. Carl. Changatrom, I02 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. TOUR vacant lots cheap; ood building site. Walnut 4047. - , Dundee. We specialise In Dundee homes. C.B.. STUHT CO.. tS-14 "City- National ' - Dottglas 8T8T. JUST COMPLETED. . 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW. 1019 N. 4St& St, finished In oak and whito enamel:, oak , floors throuchnut: many bullt.-ia fexlurea. Call owner, Uar- THE GUMPS J) tpBI OS BE UNTO THAT FACE AnoY ErUtN HA 8EA&TKAPS REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaba caq Una, Well, well-drained and level. Caa be bought for $1,400. Terms, "t cash: balance to suit buyer. McOee HEAL ESTATE CO., 10B Peart Pt. 'Council Bluffs. la. Florence.' C. L. NETHAWAY for auburban property. Florin"- fta., Omaha, Neb. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Cathedral District Home $11,000.00 Throe dandy rooms below, living room, dining room, kitchen and small reception : ball; four large airy corner bedrooms above;, maid's room on third; all floored and finished In oak through out; fur.iace heat; large basement, with floor drain and sink; dandy eaat front lot 49x130. Only $3,000 to handle. Call us for appointment. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler UjaV 333 Securities Bldg. $5350 'v - Oood, t-room bungalow ohU finish?, strictly mudrrn, well arranged, with lot 41x113: located on Leavonworth, near 38th Av-fc.; south front; good place. ,D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. . Douglas 46. 315-17 City Nat Bk. Bldg. NEAR CREIGHTON A real home. 7 rooms modern on a lame lot, south' front, large reception hall, living room, dining, room and kitchen down, all oak. Three bedrooms and bath up. tip-to-date basement, shade and fruit trees, good garage and drive way. Built for a home and Is one. First time offered and a bargin at $11,350. CONBO & GREEN, 600 Peters Trust Bldg.. V. 3841, Tyler t 4677. Webster 61 6 6; trr.AT Bargain for quick buyer near 30th and Capitol Ave., 6 rooms on each elda. Thoroughly modern. Must sell quick. Hnf-ncy 7132. J, B. KOBINSON. Real Kslate and Invest- ments. 448 Bee Bldg.. Uouglaa 097. OMAHA Ken 1, Estate and Investmenta. ' J. 5. MULVIHILL, !00 Brandels Theat. Doug. I. WE have cash buyer for West Farnam , and Dundee homea. 'Phone Douglae 6074 end we will call and Inspect your property Shuler It Carv. 4(88 FRANKLIN. 4-room house, Iota; fine tor garden: $200 casb, $16 per "mo, Crelgh, MS Bee Bldg.. Doug. 200. Omaha Real Karats and Investmenta, JOHN T. BOHAN, itl Paxton pik. . 'Phona Tyler 48. For good homes on good terma, OSBORNE REALTT CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. E. G. SOLOMON a ni 4 Brown Block Doup. 6862. North. iTOsesforsXCe easy terms " One 8 -room close In modern, except heat, $3,600. One s-ronm close In, modern, hot wa ter heat. $4,000. One 8-room aear Fontenelle park, hot water heat, corner lot, shade and fruit trees, $3,600. One 4-room near Fontenelle park, mortorn excent -het. S2.20U. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery none 1 1 3 11 3 W a I n nt s 1 3 , NEAR BEMIS PARK Five-room' strictly modern bun galow all 611 "one floor; oak fin ish and oak floors, cement base ment, furnace heat, nice floored ' attic; front lot, on paved . street, pavirie paid; fraraf?e; close to car and school, : Price $5,250, one-haif cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank D-1781. SHERMAN AVENUE On Sherman avenue we have a fine 7-room brick nome. Lot ts 52x121. Three rooms and reception haH on first floor, finished in oak. Four bedrooms, ftnlabed In birch and oak floors on ec ond. The beat buy we liave on our list todav. . 1 CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY, REALTORS 74$ Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 187. CLASSY BUNGALOW. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. OAI FINISH- BUNGALOW Five rooms and bath; newly decorated and painted: house looks like new; full cement basement; Milton Rogers furnace; fine lot; paved street; hedge in front of lot: close to car and Lothrop school. Price $6,160: for terms and location RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR quick results list with Benjamin ft E'ranRenberg, 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas IZi. Just Finished Brand New Six Room Stucco Residence in West Farnam, Omaha East front lot: close to school and tar line; large living room fitted with fire place end bookcases; oak finish; 3 large bedrooms, upstairs, ample closet s.pace In eact; enamel finish tile bath, latest fixtures, tile floor in kitchen, built-in cupboard and work bench. quarter sawed oak fioora throughout: full ce ment basument; -iurnace. cement walks, shade trees, etc. For appointment, etc., call Doug. 4911 daya, Tyler 6167 even ings. Mr. Siwnce 4030 Nicholas Street ' 8-Room Home . Do not disturb tenants, but look H over from outside and then call us for Inspection: large corner lot; four spa cious bedroom. Make offer. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1S3!. 333 Securities Bldg. DUPLEX BRICK 5-ROOM SIDE ' CALL WEBSTER 131. BUY FROM OWNER. MUST BE SOLI) THIS MONTH. Partly" modern, rooms, large lot. fruit: garage, near car. paved street. $3,600. Must be aten to be appreciated. TWAr it Show ITSELF PA- OF A. WCrNVrVN- MNM 14 BUktVi AND VELBtANft AlWM THAT Look Snow CHARGES PILE UP AGAINST WORLD'S CHAMP FIGHTER i Will Be Charged With Paying Divorced Wife $1,500 to Get Her to Refuse to Testify. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee) Leased Wire. Los Angeles, Cal., March 16. Formal charges by O. O. Orr, spe cial agent of the Department of Justice against Jack Dempsey, of having, through certain agents, paid Max in e Wayne, his divorced wife, rhe sum of $1,500 to leave the coun try and thus escape testifying against him in the slacker sharges in the federal court at San Fran cisco, will be threshed out in the Tederal district court here, as the overt act of paying Mrs. Dempsey money to leave the country was committed in Los Angeles. It is now proposed by the federal agents to have the entire investigation and trial of Dempsey on various ac cusations against him transferred to Los Angeles. Prosecution for viola tion of the Mann act is also being seriously considered in the Dempsey case as he js alleged , to have trav eled from1 various cities with Max me Wayne before he was married to her. Exhibition Games Hot Springs, Ark. R. H. E. Pittsburgh Nationals ..3 11 2 Boston Americans . ............ .4 0 Batteries Adams, : Coopcr, Pender and Clark, Lee, Hoofner; Hoys, Fetinock and Walters, Devine. . Miami, Fla. . R. IT. E. Cincinnati Nationals 8 8 3 New York Americana 9 11 2 Batteriee Reuther, Oerner and Rarl dfn, Allen; Shalkey, Qulu and Hannah. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BUNGALOW SNAP Strictly modern 6 rooms, all on one floor; oak f i:.lsli. hand-painted wall; full cemented basement, for $3,760; about - $1,000 cash. 2833 Parker Bt. Call Mr. Theodore, Douglas 4670, or Tyler 1910. . GRAND AVE, HOME,'. Good as nw, '''5-r. " bungalow, all d&k finish, Including bedrooms and bath, tiled bath room floor, screened porch; all In best of condition; paved street; a real buy at $5,500; terms arranged. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Mitchell Investment Co.- Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced serv- Ice In the management of property, either as rental or sales agenta FOR sale or trade Three houses on two lots; located at 25th and Grant Sts.; part modem.. If interested address Box 1-1002. OMialta Bee. $5,000. Six-room modern house, lot 65x"96 ft 'long: barn and chicken house. 6921 North 3Gth St. Telephone Colfax 419(i. A FEW homes and lota for. sale lu Park wood Addition; -a safe plao for invest ment. Norris & Norris. Douglas 4270. EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern home; oaK floors; large lot; garage; I4,2uu; tuv cash. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4160. COLORED Oood, 4-room . cottage; city water; xo casn, balance it. iyier 2724 or Webster 4160. . - : BEAUTIFUL 6-r. . mod. .bungalow; now vacant; near car; snap. $5,2o0; terms. T'ouglaa 1734 days. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to -Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187 " : ';. -' . BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'L Miscellaneous. A Delightful. Home East Front Strictly Modern In a refined neighborhood is a good S-room home. The rooms are good sized, the oak floors are beautiful. This place is only 3 years old, has screened-in front porch, enclosed rear porch; close to car, stores, . churches and schools, $5,250. $2,000 cash. Phone, Mr. Carse at Douglas 7412 days or call at 318 South 18th St Six-room, modern except furnace: all on one floor. 1 wenty-etgntn ana Oastelar; $4,000. Six-room, modern. 2610 Rees St. $3,200. Six-room modern north side; $3,000. Oood 5-room house; barn and chicken house. Two large lots close in. Snap at $1,600. Six-room all modern, large lot; garage. Two blocks south of Hanscom park on boulevard. Only $4,500. Easy terms. CONBOY & GREEN, 600 Peters Trust Bldg. Phone D. $841. -STyler 4677 Web. 6156. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT J $4,000. This Is an Ideal home, consisting of 4 rooms, an on one iioor; strictly modern; full cement basement, large attic, ga . rage; close to public school: only 1 block from park and car line. Owner leaving city; must sell. Terms reason able. H. W. VOLLAND, 403 Bee Building. Doug. 9585. Res. H-2538 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, v A dandy 7-room, strictly madrn horn In Rood location; haa full cement brtne- for quick sale. Maka arranieraflnU to icq ims pmcfj at once. H. W. VOLLAND . '' 403 Bee Buildintr. Doug. 9585. Res. H-2538 BIRKETT & CO. SJf js;? and Insures. 26 Bee Bldg.' Douglas 3$ Ws Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N W Co- lth nc! Dodge Doug. S01$. FOR bargains in 6 and (.room houses, call vsusiaa ilia, , 1 THE BEE! OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1920. PAGE THE WOMAN IN BLACK 1 1 .wj mI I T The theatre . fcaB ANliM PEJlT THE PRESNtF OP SrABTHINtf NEArK - 5OrAtTNWCr UNCANNY- M6 TURNEC, ANft LOOKED 1 OUTIN YlrAE "TO IT OlSftfPeA'R THKOUtfM THE CURTAIN OP An UPPEI? BO)k, ANt NANISM FRjOAtCrNY Former Western Leaguers ( ; Abound In Brown's Camp Van Gilder, Burwell, Thompson and Other Former Western Circuit Players on Manager Burke's Team Roy Sanders Also in Lineup. By JAMES CRUSINBERRY. Taylor, Tex., March- IS. (Spe cial.) If the St. Louis Browns could trade a portion of their diligence and a bit 01 their enthusiasm for a star left handed pitcher and a first class infielder. Manager Jimmy Burke might be leading a team in the world's championship series next ' fall. . The Browns have George Sisler. Any team has a chance to win a pen nant with such a player. Sisler has ripened into a real star. It should not be surprising if he supplants Ty Cobb as leading hitter and base run ner of the league. Ho is likely to ac complish such a feat this year. As great as he is, Sisler is always among the first in a Uniform and one of the most active of the, squad in the daily practice. . . - - Weilman's- Fitness Big Item. If Manager Burke is worrying at all, it is over his pitching staff. He possesses one of the best left hand ers in the game in Carl Weilman. the tall, slim star who has been handicapped by . illness during the last two seasons. It looked, like Carl wilf regain his old strength this year, but he was late in reporting because of an attack of the flu. If Weilman recovers thoroughly and regains his form, the chances of the Browns will be good. The veteran Lefty Leifield and a green recruit from:-Tulsa, named Billy Bayne, are the only . other southpaws on Burke's staff, and one must have southpaws to fight the coming battles. At the start of the season Allan Sothoron, the clever right handed hurler who has been throwing curves, fast one, spitters and shiners for the last two years, is likely to be the leading pitcher. Of course ht can't throw the shiner any more, but he has a good curve and an active brain. Pitcher Davis Has Record. Much good pitching should be done by Urban Shocker, formerly of the Yankees; Bert Gallia,, the veteran who was late in reporting because of illness in his family, and Dixie Davis, who won 21 and lost four games for the Louisville club last year. Horace Leverette, a veteran who was a star at Minneapolis some years ago and would, have gone to the Cubs had he not injured his arm, is back for another trial after some seasons as a semi-pro in Min neapolis. ' Lefty Leifield is likely to fool era about once every week. Two re cruits who' show promise are Elan Van Uilder, last year with Tulsa, Editorial Note Coarh Hchiilte. In rharira of foot ball and track athletics at the t'nl vemlty of Nebraska, Is one of the most successful instructors In the middle west. Inder Schulte's guidance, the University Of Missouri developed one of the best track squads In western collegiate athletics. ncnuue irainea saen national stars as Boh Simpmn, world's champion . in the hurdles, Sylvester and Benlrk. two grent hurdlers. Jack Hcholz premier sprinter, rioyd . and Powell pole vaultcrs. Daggv, Barlow. Wyatt, Piltain. Rider, middle dis tance men; 1'iltam Osborne high Jumpers and many other Intercollegiate winners. Tticke articles are written expressly fur Nebraska dally-papers. . General Suggestions on Training For the 100 Yard Dash. 1. Perfect yourself throughout the season, on form in starting and on the start itself. Each day take five or more short starts, and as many more for fifteen or twenty yards. As soon as you have become fairly smooth in the mechanics of starting you should begin working out against a worthy opponent. If he is slow in starting, or you Can beat him to the 20 yard mark, 'start him with, enough handicap so' that each of you run about even at the finish. 2. Be Careful of the way in which you slow down after you pass your finish. Never Stop short. Let your self coast and slow up graually. The sharp stop is a speed-thief. ' With the GREATER OMAHA LEAGl E. Scott Tents. Paulson Motors. Learn ..202 177 lSOIYounger .167 164 ISt Devine ..167 215 202 Koran ..183 199 1M Martin .168 179 183 Stuns ...187 191 196 Cain 176 198 188 Olson ...141 169 177 Brannlan 178 202 165 Jarosh ..193 174 160 Totala 844 907 837 Ford Livery Radford il9181 161 Eidson ..165 170 169 Kaspar ..224 181 155 Totals 907 961 954 Bowen Furniture Shaw ...179 156 1651 Fits ....193 195 216! Karls ...186 172 188 Jedllcka 178 190 188 swuboda ins ins lit McCoy ..160 199 166! Hansen .211 160 199 Totals 896 912 923 G. W. Body Co. Doherty 181 189 199 Totals 936 874 t9 Beau Brummels. - Prltscher 191 152 176 Bowers Iamke Canfleld Erman 182 191 203iBlanke'y 156 179 190 138 173 191Zrp ....19 179 $10 184 223 176lzim'r'n .149 213 214 192 201 145Hem'c'n .207 191 171 Totals 877 977 9141 Billings Dental. Totals. (73 914 961 Sam's Indians Wenke .130 16 221 Mayer ...166 204 191 Ashton .181 121 192 Shuts ...168 171 173 Chiles ..164 17$ 17lNogaard 222 160 20i r - I a RiL 1 1 I I J TH& MftW Ht &AM SCENE- AND VJNO S.N00UD APPE-AR. NTNE VERVCENTfcft OF rHE tROWti BUTTWIS , ACfc- - IT PAUSED A MOMENT &tAMNfcD THE-AUDIENCE-. AN&ilNGLtfS ANrV OUY - tiAMF A S u (, H Y Mu 5 DE fr and Billy Burwell, last season with Joplin. Roy Sanders, a spitball hurl, er, tried once by Pittsburgh, is on the list, but hasn't reported, with two or three other youngsters on the "squad. The pitching staff has great possibilities, but lacks in certainty. Austin a Perennial Pepperpot. In the infield, of course, Sisler stands out prominently, but the vet eran Jimmy Austin at third base, who never seems to grow old, is back with more pep than any of the recruits. Around the middle bag, the Browns have Walter Gerber at short and Joe Gedeon at second, . both capable defensive, players, but lack ing in brilliancy. There's a possibility that Burke will develop one or even two from his squad of youngsters. He has seven kid infielders and thinks so well of them that he said none would get away without a string attached. Eugene Robertson, a boy off the St. Louis lots who was carried with the Browns all last season, seems about ready to break into a reg ular job. He's likely to take Gerber's place in many games. Billy Mullen, another lad picked up in St. Louis, is after Austen's job, and if he doesn't get it this year he'll get it some time unless he grows old be fore the veterati begins to slow up. Much Budding Talent Frank Thompson, at Joplin last year, is another third sacker who may need a bit more experience in the minors, and the same is true of Joe Hichner, last year with Mo bile. Ernest Lee, a midget who is a wonder in fielding and who learned on the lots in Denver, is a shortstop who will be heard some day, and John Shovlin, who. performed splendidly for Joe Tinker atColunt bus, is a' candidate for Gedeon's job at second base. Probably no big league team has such a bright assortment of infield recruits. One of two of. them may break in this year. The St. Louis outfield compares favorably to others, with Johnny Tobin in left, Kenneth Williams in center 'and Big Bill Jacobsoir in right. All are heavy hitters and seasoned men. Earl Smith, who was tried by the Cubs and turned loose, is the utlity man. ' With Hank Severeld on hand, the catching is sure; to be well taken care of. He is rated about third best catcher in the league. His chief helper is Josh Billings; with the club last year. Pat Collins from Joplin will be the third backstop. TRACK TALKS ByCOACH HENRYF.SCHULTE UNIVER5ITY0FNEBRASKA 3. While racing over the 20-yard course and against an opponent who has been handicapped, is a good time to practice the pitch for the tape. 4. For your sprinting practice--do most of that by going, from a slow jog gradually into' top speed and stride. Jn other words, practice your starts at one time, and your sprinting form at another. In that way you. can concentrate on each part of the work. Incidentally, by that mdthod you will develop a bet ter sprinting form. 5. Only when you have mas tered your sprint form and your start, each separately, should you begin to combine the two. At first, work through some 50-yarddashes without a competitor, but under the eye of a coach or level-headed team mate; later, when you can hold good form .throughout, begin working your half-distances against another sprinter. 6. Practice sprint races should rarely be over 50 yards. For your endurance work coast' through, at nine-tenths speed, an occasional 120 yards. Cut loose with top speed for not more than the last 10 yards. Each day it is well to do quite a bit of slow jogging for strength. Bowlers Hollack 153 194 Mueller .142 161 166 Totals 788 769 $37 Rogers Cafe. Jarosh ..199 167 185 Barron .196 199 165 Sclple ..183 191 233 Ken'edy 16 156 181 Wart'w .185 199 194 Totals. 918 912 (48 Wells , Atkins ,.18( 156 211 ..204 179 235 Totals 946 870 1016 Wash. rhlrt Co. Maurer ..238 (12 169 Ilamm .,140 160 190 Oibson ..155 188 202 Yousem .211 191 156 Toman ..166 166 244 Totals (10 (07 (31 SOUTH SIDE LEAGUE. fitever Candy Co. Stock Yards Bank. Maxwell 145,176 162 Chase ..163 17T181 Den'son 190 173 188 N'bauer 161 167 144 Danforth 147 131 174 Total .806- 823 139 furo Mineral Nnrss. Francl, Jr.147 124 143 Mlrasky .140 168 139 F. M'asky 153 163 161 Runs ,...148 309 190 Vance ...166 162 124 Total ..794 806 767 Packers' Bank. I,oony ,.179 166 180 Cain ....200 226 793 Mart'sen 193 168 149: Nolan ...215 167 203 M'Nurlln 133 140 179!Strw ,.,133 140 149 Francl ..184 160 mlRegan ...140 169 184 Ohn'sorg 168 192 Is Pcderson 2JMM69 222 Total .(47 $2$ m . Total ,.$18 $61 $60 Drawn for LiX in A. DOWN TOWN tEPrRTNT STORC ANOAS HE &AZE0 'MYwfj rAifeROfc. -OVER N(S SHOOuOER - 30rAEvJMERE IN p-AC-t wAVl-t VEILED AS UiOAL - NNMEN HE TURN D AROUNO TV NAD VANISHED. A vrfcE&r AN D 0SAPPEAREO( GOLF EXPERTS INSPECT SITE OF NEW COURSE Plans Well Under Way for Pappio Club Omahans En thusiastic Over the Location. Plans are now well under way for the construction of what probably will be the finest golf course and club house in the state, to be erected on the Alfred R. Hanson farm, nine miles west of the city at a cost of approximately $265,000. It will be' known as the Pappio Coun try club, taking its name from the creek that winds through the Han son farm. The work of laying out the course will be started this spring or summer and the club house will be erected next year. Inspect Course. Several Omaha business men,' in strumental in forming the organiza tion, together with a number of local golf experts yesterday made a trip of inspection over the Hanson farm. Those in the party were: Charles Johnston, professional at the Omaha Country club; Bobbie Christie of the Happy Hollow club, Pete Louden of the Seymour Lake club, Stanley Davies of the Omaha Field club, Blaine Young, former state champion, Charles F. Gruenig, ; Ernest Sweet, John H. Beaton and O. H. Menould. The men were enthusiastic about its adaptation as a golf club. It is a fine tract of rolling land, situated on the Lincoln highway near the tracks of the Union Pacific railroad where, at a crossing, it is proposed to erect a station tor the conven ience of members. One of the chief advantages of the land lies in the fact that Pappio creek winds its way through the farm. Creek Benefits. The golf experts yesterday pointed out that aside from provid ing a natural hazard the creek would provide water for the greens. The city water, used on other golf greens.-members said, being chemic ally treated, has 'done much to mar them, this undesirable feature would be obviated at the Hanson farm. The club house, planned to cost $100,000, would be built on a hill overlooking the entire course. It is planned to restrict the member ship of the club to 400 members. Rourkes Prepare For Opening Game With Kansas City Okmulgee. Okla.. March 16. Rourke's training sauad was rein forced Tuesday by the arrival of four of last year's veterans, George Hale, catcher; Charley Kopp, pitch er; Harry Donica, infielder, and Allewelt, outfielder. 1 here were 14 men' in the squad that Lelivelt led on a lone hike Tuesday forenoon. ? Field practice was resumed this - afternoon when the wind dried up the diamond, which was well soaked by a rain Monday. The news that Emilo Pal mero, the Cuban pitcher, was on his way to Okmulgee from Havana to join the OmahasNappearet.' to please every member or the squaa. Manager Lelivelt stated alter prac tice that he was more than pleased with the outlook to date. He said that every member of the squad was working with unusual, enthusiasm and that most of the rookies were showing up much better than ex pected. , Weather conditions here permit much longer workouts at the begin ning ot the training season than was expected. Lelivelt wants to have his team in shape to beat the Kansas City. Blues in the opening game of the season next Monday. Matty Mtzpatnck is on his way here trom Chicago to umpire the game. Long-Sought Defeat Of Yankee in Paris Ring Is Accomplished Paris. Marrri Ifi Tharlea To. doux, bantamweight champion f Europe, Tuesday night knocked out Johnny Coulon, the former Ameri- i ... . can cnampion, in me sixtn round. Coulon, only a shadow of his former self, was completely outclassed, but he provided, according to the sport ing writers, the long awaited de feat of an American 'boxer in a Paris ring; while the spectators howled with glee. Today's Calendar of Sports. Racing: Wilder meeting of Cuba-American Jockey elub, at Havana I Close of Winter raring season at New Orleans. Dog- Rare: Annual lOO-mlle Hudson Bay dog derby starts from The Pas, Mani toba. Swimming: Vale against Harvard, at New Haven. Boxing: Mike O'Dowd against Angle Batner, 10 rounds, at Ht. Paul; Hartley Madden against Fred Fulton, alx rounds, at Philadelphia i Pete Herman against Harold Farese, alx rounds at Phi lade I" phla: Jack Brltton against Jack Perry, 1 round at Canton, O.: Martin Burke against Russell Manlrl, 15 rounds, at 'ew Orleans. 1 " -i The Bee by Sidney Smith SIDNEY ... WORLD RECORDS MEAN LITTLE TO A. B. C. BOWLERS Two Records Shattered in First Week of Big Pin -Tumbling Tourney. - i , Vmnrii Til farph fSneriil Telegram.) World's bowling; rec ords mean little or nothing to this crop of pin-tumblers. Two world's records have been shattered in the first week of the American Bowling Congress here. Tti Pmrlii Kn 1 nt Chip a on held the lead in the team events with a world's record of ,2096, and the Orange Crush team of St. Louis top the doubles , event witn another world's - record. 1.113 for a sinzle game. R. Meyers of St. Louis went into the lead m the singles luesday hr Tnnnlinor nver fiR. nins. Mevers also grabbed off the lead in the all- events with l.eei. AMVSEMENT8. LAST TIMES TODAY , BROWN'S HIGHLANDERS ; Artistic Singing, Dancing and Instrumental Novelty ' ROTH, MITCHELL 4 ROTH "The Wop, the Cop and the Nurse" "WHAT HAPPENED TO RUTH" A Satire in One Act" NEWTON TWINS Terpslchorean Marvels Photoplay Attraction Wm. Fox Presents Wm. Russell in "SHOD WITH FIRE" Screen Stars At Home and at the Studio Patho Weekly . Mack Swain Comedy TODAY Last Two Times .DaPrnuco FRANCES STARR In Knoblock's Remarkable Play "TIGER! TIGER" Nights. SOc to $2.50. Mat.. 50c to $2. Fri. Madame Reinhart Yiddish Players THURS. EVENING MARCH WH AT 8:15. MABEL GARRISON Soprano Metropolitan Omra Company JOHN QUINE , Barltont Priest, 50e to 50. Ticket, Now Selllnf. Ne Wwr Tnx. Ausplcet Tuesday Musical Clsb. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tds-ma uT7t Daily Mat. 1S-25-50C jy3Jr-'Wy Evngs., 25-50-7SC, Chaa. Waldren Presents THE BOSTONIANSb. ' With the Author-Actor Frark Funny Finney Beauty Chorus of Bean Eating Boston Girls LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat, snd Week: The Origins! Billy Wattes Matinee Dally 2:15 Kvery Nloht :I5 TMI SttT IN VAUDEVILLE THE FOUR MORTONS: HOMER B. MA80N AND MARGUERITE KEEIER: FLORENZE TEMPEST: LYONS Y0SCO: RUTH BUDD: MacRAE & CLEGQ: PREVOST A OOULET: TOPICS OF THE DAY: KIN0GRAM8. J -FREE Coney Island DOLL DANCE AT Yeoman Castle 18th and Harney Thursday Eve., March 18th F One Doll R For r Every Lady Checking E Wraps F R E E ills "Wl f mm 1r Mjavwv nu em u 11 'lHiiiiniinininiiiiniitii'H"sinintti"i imiwn miittaiiaj RRANDEIS StoreForMen What About Prices For Spring r Many; men ask that question about clothes. Prices are high, cer tainly but we can assure you of this. No mat ter what y ou pay here, you'll get your mon ey s worth and you're the one who decides it. If you think i you didn't get everything you 1 snouiamoney back. i New es For Men H E Y' R E J- here; arid of course we think they're ahead of any thing 'we've seen in a long time. But we'll, leave that to you. ; ' vV Hart : Schaffner & Marx J , . . produce these clothes for us; a great variety, of designs; all colors and pat terns, we'll show you. BLOT Store For Men Styl Young I f 3 IK 1 7 S - 9 .1, a v. a SB -i f i 3 ' . V f - 1 1 i a s s a : tuliiuiuiiilliiibililliilliiisiltiiSitJUilsllsMia.