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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1920)
THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1920. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, FOR 6AUC OR EXCHANGE. 10 acrea ( choice Iowa lend. located , aunui miles tit er Mondamln, one Iialf anile t mod school, wall ImDrov.d lies gently rolling. Is all In cultivation but a few aorta of tha finest araaa naa- lure. Thla la ena of Iowa's bat farm ana u worm tha money. Prloa lioo an act. Equity 111,1)00. I will trada my equity lor a rood nouaa or equal value, In Dundee. W. H. Kemtngton and Bona, SM Hennett Bldg., Colorado Springs nio. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benton. HERETiAT)ANDY PRICE ONLY $4,100, Five rcoma and bath: attrlctlr mod ' ern: all on ena floor;, tiled kitchen and vtstlbule; chicken houses; Irult treea; , nai hrfg running around tha IlSxIJ font of ground and only ona long block to car, Flrat time offered. Sea us at OSBORNE REALTY CO. HO Ha Bldg. Tyler . FOI'R vacant lots cheap. Good buildirjf ne. wainut 1047. Council Bluffg. ACRES In Council Bluff. One mil from Omaha ear Una. Rich, well-drained and lave). Can ba bought for 11,400. rarma, easn; balance to sun ouyar, McOea HSAb STATB CO., 10 Pearl at. Council Bluffa. la. Dundee. DUNDEE Fir it time offered, thla attractlva. room bungalow, practically naw and having aun room, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, ana kitchen on nnn floor; nek floors throughout; oak rinien in main rooms; full cement nase nient, Prlca only 16.760; 12,000 cash. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. ' Douglas 41. 115-17 City Nat. Bank. f"HAVai an right-room houaa, well lo cated, In Dundee. Can give Immediate ioMcnion. Must be sold thla week, T'hnnn Walnut 670. Wo epclallse In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., tH-14 City National. DeusMaa I7T, Florence. O4U NKTHAWAY for suburban property Vlorenc4 ta Omaha, Neb. Col. 1400 REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. Weit JUST' COMPLKTED BKAUTIFUU 81X-ROOM MODERN HOME. IN POPPLETON PARK . fanatruated of hollow wall tile and stucco by day labor with the best of , material throughout. Has a pourea con ' crete foundation with full cemented cellar; a laundry room, coal bins and axil foot cyolona-proof fruit end vege table cellar. Klrst floor has a Urge living room, dining room with all built-in features; thcen rooms finished In-birch mahogany, and kitchen and breakfast room. Socond floor has three bedrooms and bath, with beat of bath fixtures, linan closet, three clothes closets, and a sp rlally built closet for mope and brooms. Mouse la floored with select narrow oax flooring throughout, Is wired with wall sockets (or vacuum sweeper, floor lamps and clnctrio irons. Has iioorea attic; hot water heat, brick fireplace In liv ing room, and coat closnt also. Hss a Karaite built In connection with house, la the lest word in modern construction. Trice 19. GOO. Must be seen to ba id- predated. Key at house any time, Lo- cution. Sl NORTH 43D ST. T'HONK WALNUT 37. Montclair Bargain Two story stucco.' wlfh large living room and fireplace, dining room, break fast room and kitchen on lat floor: I bedrooms, bath and closed sleeping porch on 2d; . block to car. High and sightly. Can give Immediate posses slnn. Price, $12.50 Walnut till. Clairmont Bargain Large, J-atory, , 6-room frame resi dence, with double garage, 18x20; cement drive; on Fontenelle blvd. ; only 1 block to car. Trloo $9,000. For particulars call Walnut 2813. ONLY $6,000 Five room frame bungalow, In Clair, mnnt, oak downstairs, white enamel up. Will arrange terms. Phone Walnut 3112. 1 FOR SALlfl BY OWNER STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. LOCATED AT 4IS1T DOUGLAS BT, WJLL ACCEPT COOP USED CAR AS PART PAT- MKNT. PRICE $5,!00. CALL WAL. SOS OR DOUGLAS 1313 FOR SALE A fine home, strictly mod ern, eight rooms and bsth. Exceptionally well built. Garago for two care. Lot . 60x1 M. Wast front . See owner, 13 North 40th Bt. . CLAIRMONT. New strictly modern stucco home, ( larK rooms, on corner, 1111x144 ft; paved streets. On car line. Oarage; lmmllnte possession. Harney 8802, Tareal BAROAIN. All modern, 6-room oak finish bunga low on 45th and Burnet te; $4,860 with I lots; $a,800 cash; balance like rent. Walnut SHJ. FIVE-ROOM semi-bungalow In Montolalr, nicely finished In oak and white enamel, Prlca $7,000. All special paid. Walnut 5MAHA Kin1 Batata and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brat'dels Theat Doug. IS. WE have cash buyer tor Wast Farnarn and Dundee bom, 'Phone Douglas .071 and we will eall and Inspect your property. Shuler tk Carv. JiTiT FRANKLIN, 4-room house, t lots; fine for garden; $100 cash, $1$ per mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee Midi-. Pout. tM. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, " (21 Paxlon Blk. 'Phone Tyler 4880. Tor good homes on good term. OSBORNS UBALTT CO.. 430 Re Bldg. Tyler 4. e-ROOik house, modern, went Hanscom ... ..1. Will t.U- knlUllNO, lnt i,i park. 'Will take good building lot lu trade. BO so, Bee. BL OWNER, 0-rnont cottage; modern ex cept heat: $3.800. Harney MM. J. B. HOBIN8ON, Real Estate and Invest. menta. 442" Be Bldg.. Douglas 80T. North. , BRICK BUNGALOW Have just secured a listing on high class brick bungalow; a 1 ery attractive home, facing cvountze park. Six rooms, all on fne floor; large, finished attic. This is. a real classy looking home, thoroughly- well built, nicelv decorated throughout; oak finish; good hot water heating ' plant; cistern. Located on east front corner lot, handy to carline. Price for quick sale $8,350; about half cash. Owner has just decided , to leave the city. Arrange with us for inspection, GLOVER & SPAIN, . '. REALTORS, Douglas 2850., 918-20 City National. "SHERMANXVE. CAR THREE CHOICE BARGAINS- f,750 Buys a dandy t-room, oak finished, semi-bungalow, garage, corner lot, ' paving paid. H.100 A peach of a l-roem, ltory, bungalow, fireplace and everything. I5.S60 -Ftve-rooma, oak finish, right up to date and a good buy with paving all paid. These are new listings and will be quickly sold about half cash will handle as owner la leaving the elty. ' Shown only by appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO., - 430 Bee Bid g. Tyler 40$. ""HOUSES FOR SALE EASY TERMS - One l-reora close In modern, except heat. I1.00. One s-room close la, modem, hot wa ter heat, $4,000. On 8 -room near Fontenelle park, hot water heat, corner lot. ahade and fruit trees. $3,509. On 4-room near Fontenelle park, modern except heat, $2,200. S.'S. & R. E. Montgomery Douglas 1312. Walnut '3- ; Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth -and Ames. Pnon Col fan JIT, ' Vffer rereonal and sperlenced erv- lea in the management of property, either aa rental or sale aeata THE GUMPS- -v ( 0M- Lrrrvjfc bov blue- -MOW ' J VepKi Ym? HORN? hO 0O ) fA WNV THE LONtr TROOPERS? REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. North. PRETTIEST MILE PRICE ONLY $5,250 Tandy, good 6-room. strictly modern homo; garege and choice east frqnt cor ner lot; paving all paid; corner of Fort and Boulevard; one of the finest loca tions In this choice district. Quick pos ftfeNlon. OSBORNE REALTY C0. 4:111 He Hlrtg. Tyler 40(1. NEAR LOTHROP v SCHOOL, PRICE, $4,250 Seven rooms aitd bath, choice south front lot;, itarage. paving all paid, rlonu to 24th St. car service, , $3,350 caeh: uulck pouseseloii. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Iildic Tyler 4. JUST LISTED PRICE ONLY $6,800 Seven large rooms and bath, oak finish, flnplace, strictly modern, double garago, built by owner for home, choice lot. uavln H paid. $3,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bo BldR. Tyler 40. - DUPLEX BRICK ' 5-R00M SIDE CALL WEBSTER 731. BUNGALOW SNAP Strictly modern 't rooms, ell on one floor; oak finish, hand-painted walls; full csmsnted basement, for $3,760; about $1,000 cash. 2833 Parker St. Call Mr. Theodore, Uuuglas 4670, or Tyler 1010. WELL-BUILT, 10-room, modern house. 4 North 35th, at bargain; hot-water heat; rooms exceptionally large; ma hogany finlxh downstairs; white enamel upstairs. This I a snap for anyone who can use this sited house. Invest! gate; act quick. Call owner, Doug. 3380. o.MAi- 1 Modern, ( rooms, on ' paved street, S blocks to car and school, south front, 40x231; chicken house, bearing fruit trees, priced right. Call, after 1 p. m., Colfax !41. ' .. BARGAIN. I rooms, hot water heat, thoroughly modern, Kountse addition. Cash or terms to suit. Webster sarr $6,000. Six-room modern house, lot 65x30$ ft long: barn and chicken house. 5931 North 30th Bt. Telephone Colfax 4196. ROOM house, with halt and closets; fine condition, new garage, near Sacred Heart churoh and school. Webster 4539. ALL mod. 6-r. bungalow, east front, cor. lot, close to car line and scnuoi; ready to move In. $5,000 $1,600 cash. U. 1734. day: Col. 1636. nights. BEAUTIFUL S-r. rood, bungalow; now vacant; near car; snap. $a,S60; term. I'ougia 1734 gays. MINNS LUSA home and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler W FlVE-rooro pert modern, cottage with garage, $3,300. Tyler 3734 or Webster 4180, OR quick results list with Benjamin Frankenberg. 634 Bee Bldg. Douglas 732. BENSON ft MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nafl. YOUNG ft DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. S23 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1S1. South. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN Strlotly modern. 7-roora home, on block from park- and car. Corner lot, east front, good ahade. Living room, dining room, kitchen and den or bed- Toom down, and three . bedrooms and bath with separate toilet up. uown staira finished in oak and has two real fireplaces. Large basement and good furnace. Priced low for this property. $6,700. For particular call CONBOY & (iKUUJN 600 Peters Trust Btaly. Doug. 3S41. Tyler 3677. Web. 6166. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. , DANDY BUNGALOW Five rice rooms and bath, with oak finish lu the living and dining rooms and den; oak floors throughout; book oases, buffet: nice sunroom; built-in features In kitchen: floored attic; full basement: exceptional hardware -and furnace; neatly decorated. Biggest value In city for $5,500. halt cash. Possession OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. HANDY TO CROSS TOWN NEARLY NEW SEMI-,-BUNGALOW Six room's, den and bath: oak finish; trictly modern: east front. Price only $5,600. Near $6th and Woolworth. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 46. HANSCOM PARK Juft-west of th park w have Just listed a splendid 7 -room oak finished horn; fireplace, bookcases, coat hall, etc.; $ bedrooms and heated sleeping porch; full brick foundtlon; double g. rage. This property I In tip-top shape and will make a mighty fine home for someone. For price and appointment 0PSBORNE REALTY CO., 480 Bee Bldg. Tyler 406. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN v FOR ONE WEEK ONLY $6,000" $J,600 down; $ rooms, 4 down, 4 up; oak floors, bath 'and two toilet; big cement basemenL with fruit, eoal and atorage rooms; rflaiten-d garage; lot, 40x136; now rented for $60; posses lion April' Tst. MR. PEASE. Sll Brandeis Theater Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. Partly modern -room house, large lot, fruit, garage, H blocks from car, ori paved street, $4,500. South 137$. ' Miscellaneous. 22D AND FOWLER AVE. Seven-room strictly nioderu house; 4 large rooms on the first floor; 3 extra large bedrooms and bath on the second; full cement basement, hot water heat; 2 lots 76 feet frontage by 134 feet deep with garage; on paved street, pav ing paid. Price $7,500, $2,000 cash, balance easy term. PAYNE INVESTMENT 1 COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D-1781. Flashes From Filmland 1 Neighborhood Houses SUni'RBAN Twenty.fourth and Amee VIVIAN MARTIN In "THE THIRD KISS," and PEARL WHITE In "THE BLACK SECRET," ehapter 13. HAMILTON Fortieth and Hamilton JUNE CAPRICE and CREIOHTON II ALE In "OH, BOY." Admission 20 cents and 16 cents. GRAND Hlxteenth and Blnney DOUGLAS MAC LEAN and DOR1H MAT In "TWBNTV-THREE AND A HALF HOURS LEAVE." DIAMOND Twenty -fourth and lata An all-star cast In the "MID. NIOHT PATROL;" Chinatown fea ture and comedy. r N "Th Luck of the IrUh," the screen adaption of Harold MacOraths famous novel, which la th chief at traction at th Sun theater this week, ann Dwan has aivsn to the amusement loving public a photo-drama that promisee to be one of the most talked of pro duction of th present screen season. The action of the story starts In New Tork and moves to the otner aide or tne wona Gibraltar, Venice, Naples, Cairo and 81nga nore are among the locale where the stir ring action takes place. The action Is fast and decisive, tne romanee nscinaung ana thrilling. James Klrkwood alay the part of the hero Irishman, William Orogan, and Anna Q- Nllsson la the heroine, Ruth warren. trend "Truth Is stranger than f lo tlon," i an old and trite saying, but ao- cording to House Peters, starring In "Silk Husbanda and Calico Wives," a film pro duction orrered movie tans at the atrand Sunday, the day has arrived when In telligent men ana women are finding many truths of dally living more strongly exemplified in the fiction marts of tha great motion picture centers than ever tietore realised. The story brings out In striking real Ism the need of our young men of today fighting for the establishment of an lueai, declares Mr. I'eters. ' "Silk Husbands and Calico Wives" will continue the stellar attraction at the eirana up to ana including Wednesday, Moon At the Moon theater Sunday tha audiences were thrilled to enthustasm by me ureal Air jtoooery," a rum produc tion starring tha noted airman. Lieut. r. L. Locklear. who startled the world aev. sral months ago by his feat of changing aeroplanes thoussnd of feet above the earm. lieutenant LocKIear appears In the picture as the crack pilot of the United States aerial mall service whose urn in midair saves nis mend from dis grace, brings to earth a band of des perate air pirates who prey upon tha flying mall, and wlna him the girl he loves. The story waa written and dl rccted by Jacques Jaccard. The "Oreat Air Robbery" will be featured all, weeli at tne Moon, and judging from the crowds that attended the showlnca Sunday, it will keep this movie house crowded to rapacity during the day it Is to be offered. Riolto The Joys and griefs that come as a nrsuu or mistaicen - identity were never more vividly brought out in a mo tion picture than In Marshall Nellan's first Independent production, '"The River' End," from the story by James Oliver Curwood, which began a five-day run at the Rlalto theater Sunday. Tha story Involves John Keith, wanted for murder, who la captured by Derwent Connlston, The remarkable resemblance between two men, both In build and facial appear ance. Is used as a background for the ac tion of the narrative. Lewis Stone Is seen as the murderer and hla captbr. Other player are Marjorie Paw, J. Barney Sherry, Jane Novak, Charts West and Togo Tamamoto. Muae-j-The charm of the circus will be wonderfully tranferred to the screen, ac cording to report, when Miss Shirley Mason come to the Muse theater today for two days. In a plcturisation of Pear) Dole Bell's great story of th ring, "Her Elephsnt Man." William Fox In thla attraction presents Miss Mason for the first time as a star under his management. The aupporting company Includes Albert Roscoe, Henry J. Hebert, Harry Todd, Dorothy Lea and Ardlto Mellonlo. , Rev. A. B. Marshall Speaks On Church at Westminster Rev. A. B. Marshall, president of the Presbyterian Theological Semi nary, occupying the pulpit of West minster church yesterday morning, referred to the model church during his discourse. In connection with his theme, he said' ' "Recently I h;ard of a man whose wife called him a model husband. The husband was not sure whether to take it as a compliment, so he referred to his dictionary and learned that a model is a small pat tern of the real thing." Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. S-ROOM COTTAGE. 174$ So.' 28th St., corner lot, $0x100; 1 block from east aide Hanscom Park - car. Modern, except heat; good bath room; living room, dining room, kitchen, i bedroom. $3,600. Easy terms. 'Webster 4k Bon, D, $16, or H. 325T. REAL BAROAIN. Two large 4-room houses, gas, electric lights, etc.; large lot; located $011 and $013 Oak St.; $1,100 for quick sale; together, $3,(00; halt cash will handle. Tyler mo or uougias 7766. BIRKETT & CO. 251 and Insures. 150 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FIVE-ROOM house, modern except path; lot 60x160; excellent - location. 372$ South 27th. 7-ROOM houae. walking dlatance: modern except rl'-ctrlc lights. Tyler 3353. DANDY 7-room house, nearly new, bar gatn at $3,500, half cash. Douglas 8362. 1-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. 180$ MIS SOU RI AVE. SOUTH 2780. FOR bargains In S and 6-room, houses, call Douglas 7172. ' BUY FR0M OWNER. Practically new 6-r. cottage; t lot; fruit; chicken house; 12 minute' walk from car; -worth $3,(00; $3,000 cash takes it; no terms. , W. E. YARTON, 6606 Wirt St.. Benson. Walnut 4471. PRICE REDUCED - For quick iae owner has reduced the price) on his ' 6-room, modern house, modern hut heat. $2,100 will buy it; $500 cash, balance term t ult Pea- session April, 1st. - . A. W. TOLAND, Uoueo. Walnut 3816. Office, D. S$76. We Have Property for Rent or lata, AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor 16th and Dodge. Doug. (01$. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FERGUSON S. A., aged 70 years, died at a local hospital Sunday morning. The funeral will be held from Brewers' Chapel, South Bide, date of which will be given later. Mr, Ferguson wa for many year In th transfer buslne on tho South Side. WANTED An experienced housemaid. Small family. $12 per week. Harney 1(04. GOING AND YrtEAfe fcU fC A. "CJf? WAT YrtU LfVShf lllC A f UAal 'Orw 1 a 1 1 . . . . w . . . . ovi.wHcr KOCK. My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON How Madge Faced Jack Bickett at JLast. It was not until the last day of the visit Jack and Katherine were mak ing us that I found, or rather made, the opportunity to talk to Jack con cerning Ins attitude toward his wife. They were with us over a week, and during this time I watched my brother-cousm carefully and gath ered a very good idea of the thing which I was persuaded was sapping xvatnerine s Happiness. - It was not anything deliberate. I acquitted Jack of that early in the week. It was simply a habit of speech and action which had insens ibly grown upon him until I knew that he, himself, had no realization of the suffering he was causing the wife who loved him so devotedly, and with such utter sacrifice of self to his welfare. , That this icy gruffness had its or igin in the unhappy jealous obses sion concerning Dr. Braithwaitje which Jack had cherised even before their marriage I knew. Rooted in his own suffering, no less real to him because utterly unfounded, the habit had so attached its parasitic tendrils to his nature that when its original cause, jealousy of the big physician, had been removed by Harriet Braithwaite's interview with him he had been unable to make other reparation than his apology to Dr. Braithwaite. To Katherine he simply had been a "little kinder," and I was sure that, blinded to the syffering he had caused her, he had offered her no heart-cleansing plea for forgiveness, such as was due the royal heart of her. Mother Graham Speaks. It was a trying week for all of us those days of their visit. Jack was the soul of punctilious courtesy to ward us, and in all the outward forms he vas as courteous toward Katherine as toward Mother Grah am and mo. Seating her at the table, picking up anything she had dropped, all the little niceties of manners he ob served. But almost everything she aid seemed to irritate him, although to my eyes Katherine was most tact ful, and 1 saw that she was exercis ing all the poise and diplomacy her profession had taught her in trying to avoid suhects he disliked. Mother Graham summed up tne thing tersely one evening in her room when I was rubbing her back, in which she had developed a slight lameness. "What's the matter with that cousin of yours?" she demanded. "Goodnejs knows I believe in hav ing all the patience in the world with war heroes. But he s going It a lit tle too strong with that wife of his. If I were in her place I'd teach him manners with the business end of a rolling-pin." I repressed a smile at my motner-n-law's truculence. and could not help drawing a' catty little compari son between her attitude toward Jack's discourtesy and that which , , .? i.- t tmi... sne naa sometimes nearu vnsj give me. The next minute I was ashamed of my thought, for, after all, Mother Graham has more than once taken my part against Dicky when (she thought he was in the wrong. "To do him justice, I don't believe he 'realizes what he is doing," I said. He fancied a grievance long ago, which became an obsession with him, and which has only recently been removed" "You don't need to beat about the bush," my mother-in-law rejoined tartly. "You mean he was jealous of Edwin. Any fool could see that But I imagine Harriet settled his hash about that. And if this thing !u lnt 9 hahit crowinar out of that, which he doesn't realize himself, it's time somebody jolted him into real ization. You're his nearest relative. Why don't you read the riotct to him?" 1 t ' "I intend to before he goes away, I said, as the quickest way of end ing the discussion. After many trials I finally found Tack smoking in the little summer house across the brook the morning before their visit was scheduled to end, and plunged into the subject with very much the feeling of taking a dive into unexplored depths of wa ter. I rather expected, figuratively, lo dash my head against a rock. Cold Reply. "Jack, dear," I began rather tre mulously, "you're the nearest to a brother or any other kin I have, and it would mean great sorrow to me if you were angry at me. But I simply must say something to you, even if it means . that you never speak to me again as long as you live." 'f He took the cigar from his mouth and looked at me fixedly. I saw that I had startled him. I also saw displeasure in his eyes. "I cannot imagine anything you might have to say to me that would anger me, Margaret, unless it might concern one subject," he said slowly, coldly. "That was buried a few days ago., I cannot permit even you to discuss it." The absolute finality of his tone angered me. I faced him wrathfully, my head held high. . I knew that my eyes were blazing and that my cheeks were burning. "Well, you will certainly listen to what I'm going to say to you if I. V COMING. mrl (a. 0HVr2 f r 1 1 ' .1 AROUND fT'iArV SVFUl! TWA.T FACE'V AftOUY TYJeNTT Tt-fXi OUTtrr? THAN . THE have to run by your side shriekinf it for everybody to hear!" I said. "If you can't see, Jack Bickett, that Katherine is dying by inches before your eyes, simply because of your intolerable treatment of her, iti time some one opened your eyes for you." (Continued Tomorrow.) AT THE THEATERS SAM MORTON, head, of the house of Mortons, playing at the Orpheum this week, stated Yesterday at the opening that it is not safe to serve ice cream in bricks at an Irish banquet. This -was one of the witticisms which he offered dur ing a breezy dialogue with his wife, Kitty. 'I his season Mr. and Mrs. Morton are accompanied by their youngest children, Martha and Joe, who are clever. The dancing, sing ing and patter of the family are ot the kind that is aoDreciated. am is remarkably nimble and Mrs. Mor ton retains her vivacity. I he older twain sang Down by the Murmur ing tfrooklet, one ot their song numbers of the long ago. Lyons and Yosco scored a Dig nit with their harp and guitar and their hve exc usive vocal numbers, nor enze Tempest, accompanied by Al ton and Allen, dancers, and George Harris at the piano, was a favorite with her artistic costume act, i lim bic in Love." Homer B. Mason and Marguerite Keeler have a new act, Married, by rorter tmerson Browne. The action is lively and the linen evoke a succession of laughs. Ruth Budd, a sprightly and athletic bit of femininity, offers a darinsr aerial act. during which she sings while suspended upside down on a rooe. Provost and UouJet com bine music with acrobatics, some of their cvmnaStic feats being extraor dinary. Mortimer McRae and Ger trude Clcgg have found something original in tne art or cycling, a new series of Topics of the Day is offered on the screen and kinograms offer another interesting screen fea ture. Tom Brown's "Musical Highland ers"1 head the bill at the Empress this week and present an interesting musical act. Three men and three women compose the company and between them play on more than a score of brass, string and reed in struments. "What Happened to Ruth," a one act satire, is a laugh ing hit. While "The Wop, the Cop and the Nurse" by Roth, Mitchell and Roth is a hurricane of fun. The Newton Twins, graceful and ac complished dancers, please the pat rons mightily. The feature film play shows William Russell in "Shod With Fire." ,. ' . Promise of the Press Agent. No matter what your taste In music, there I a feast in store for you at the Brandels theater, where "The Smater Sat" headed by Salem .Tutt Whitney and 3. Homer Tutt, will present their musical comedy, "Th Children of the Sun," for th last tlmo In this city. David Belasco will present at the Brandels for two nights, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 1$ and 17, with a holi day matinee. St. Patrick' day. Wednes. day, tne same exquisite production or "Tiger Tiger!" that all New Tork ap plauded will be transported from the Belasco theater to the stage of the Brandels theater. Miss Starr Is said to reveal the finest emotional acting seen on th American stag In many years. The play relate a love story of absorbing Interest concerning two people. The effort of th secret service to get at the bottom of th opium traffic and radicate the evil, forms the subject of "From Here to Shanghai," which will be presented all this week at the Gayety theater by "The Bostonlans." It was writ ten by the comedian-star, Frank Finney, and I In two acta and six scenes with a prologue, Ladles' matinee at t.lS dally all week. South Side Brevities Wanted to buy modern house of ! or 6 room in north part ot South Omaha. Phono South 2303. For sale, by owner, t-room, partly mod ern house, 4 lots, with fruit trees and cement cava. 6020 P street, Mr. Z Klretlcn, merchant tailor, has located at 463S 8outh Twenty-fourth street. He has just arrived from the east with the latest fashion in all sorts of goods. Call South 1325. FOR SALE BT OWNER Two flvs-room houses, 360$ and 2619 K St. Frio and term reasonable. Doug. 7380, Wal. 6319. UPEDIdE Wa Specialise in the Careful Handling el Order of Grain and Provisions for Future Delivery in All Important Markets . We Are Member af Milwaukee Chamber, of Commerce .Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Lout Merchant Exchange Kansas City Board of Trada Sioux .City Board of Trad Omaha Ccain Exchang j . Wa Operate Offieaa ati Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, Neb. Atlantie, la. Hasting, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. Des Moines, I. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, III and all of these office ar con nected with each other by private wire. W Solicit Your Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Eeh.-ge Building. Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Coaslfa-vsoU Solicited. Drawn HAVE- FUNtr HOO CarftTAfNlV Ct AVE M.E A. LAUfeW- YKO WAS r Alb -WWEM OOTN APES AfefE rrsArVr buy wneaj - ACe APES VOOYM Vt Financial Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, . New York, March 14. The stimu latine effect of last week's, develop ments in the financial markets was all the more pronounced because of the uncertainty and rather gloomy foreboding which had existed since the vcar besrati. Ut domestic mo nient, the supreme court's decision on stock dividends stood in the tore ground as an influence to increase speculation in securities. This, how ever, was of less real value, as far as fundamental matters of industry and credit were concerned, than other events. The fact that tha .highest court de clared dividend paid In stock were free from income tax, paves the way for oor- ? orations with swelled surplus account o distribute to stock owners extra cer tificate ot participation In surplus and In tha corporation's business. Such divi dends will not add anything to new production, nor will they add to a cor poratlon'a credit facilities. Could Ham Paid As Well. Theoretically, the Issulnc companies could have paid as targe cash dividends upon current amounts of stock ss upon the tncressed shares after stock dividends are paid out. What was of greater Im portance than the decision Itself wa the fillip to flnanctsl sentiment which the court ruling provided. And it happened that It came at the moment when In fluence of International significance were getting actively at work. The cable were bringing news mat tne supreme council at London, dealing with after-war re habilitation, was devoting serious attention to united assistance to Germany in get ting back on her industrial Icet. Also tne country was Informed by a British gov ernment spokesman that the Anglo-French loan, failing due next October, would be paid off and that preparations were al ready being forwarded to thla end. When the history of the international money market for the first quarter of 1920 can be viewed in retrospect it Is likely, that this announcement will be accorded a place of prominence for its Influence upon financial thought. In the great decline of sterling, which established the quotation of $3.19 on Feb ruary 4, speculation which considered su perficial thing undoubtedly supplied much force. At the same time, It is probable that spprehenslon lest the $500,000,000 ob ligation could not be met without recourae to fresh borrowing In thla country helped shape the position of bankers In regard to the exchanges. Or If bankera did not stress the possibility of a heavy demand upon Amcrlitfin credit, they were fearful of the dumping of securities upon the American market from British and French source as the sellers accumulated bal ances here to a degree which would dls organise security values. But from the firfcxent viowpoints the maturity or tne oan Is to be met In a careful and normal fashion. Securities undoubtedly will be disposed of here they have been coming up on the market for weeks past Oreat Britain and France will speed up their exports to the United States aa rapidly ss possible and to make up whatever dif ference existing Between Daiances accu mulated by October and the amount of the loan to be retired they will send gold. At this time no one may estimate how much of th metal will be necessary. Nor Is It known on this side whether the ship ments will begin soon or not until the due date approaches. it has been enough that the surety of w Farm Mortgage Bonds These bonds are secured by First Mortgage on part of the modern, well - known 1,158-acre farm of the late General Cowan. The estate is located near Blair, Wash ington County, Nebraska. Land valued at $250.00 per acre or better. A Very Attractive Issue Yielding 6 Payable March and September in $500 and $1,000 Denominations For further information write or call Affiliated with First Nat. Bank First Nat. Bank Bldg. . Tyler 729 Louisiana Oil Homer Dull Bayou Wonder Oil Wells of th World Invest with a Company owning 8,000 acres in North Louisiana surrounding big production In all fields. We own leases, min eral rights and .lands in fee in Homer, Bull Baydu and Bossier fields, North Louisiana. Refer to any Bank in ' Shreveport. Prospectus and map free on request . LOUISIANA PETROLEUM CORPORATION OF LA., Inc. 308 Toxa St., Shrovaport, La. Name City State JIM for The Bee by Sidney Smith 1 rC6 PCttCD TNftOUtrMYHe WlNOQW AT THIS JWOMCNT AN 6 A FAJNY irAlift DETeOTEO PiAxifver AftouNft the Corner) OP TK NOOTrJ iNTO A H06r6 GRIN" fcOl AWVOfAENT TH rAY5TEieiC.U5 ONE- PQRfeOT NER AEUNCH0l.y; Ano A LOnAJ . CHUCKLE C0UI& 6E HEARO OUYSlDfi gold transfers I established for sterling exnnnnge to be lifted to a point as high aa la. 81 In the last few days, the highest level of the year. Last week aggregate gain In the check rate was 28 cents to th pound and the removal of nearly half this full enhancement in late dealings still left the quotation at a point considered comfortable In comparison with February figures. Reference to the week' occur rence would not b complete without con sidering Intangible as well as tangible matters. Today the first Installment of Income taxes for the year are to be paid, com prising sn estimated inflow Into the treas ury In all parts ot the country of II, 000,000,000 or More. There Is sn offset In the liquidation of a substantial amount of treasury certificates by the government, but at th" same time the treasury Is offer ing an unlimited amount of new cer tificates with 34 per cent. It Is not too much to say that bankera would prefer to see the new paper put out at a higher rate of Interest, conforming to the cost of credit In commercial and sound In vestment line. Yet It I believed that a round total of the certificate will be taken, and with all the strain which might be expected to accompany th union of these varloua transactions there waa no feeling as the week ended that money and credit would be sharply restricted for any length of time. In fact the Impression pre vailed In some foreslghted quarter that th redeposlt of tax money in the bank would work for freer supplies of fund foi temporary loan. ' High Price Being Felt. The effect of abnormally high price 1 coming Into evidence In some of the primary markets. The general level of commodity prices on March 1 wa lower than a month ago. A single month doeg not tell enough to the basis of calcula tions, but the consumers may ,'lnd com fort in declines of certain go yds which previously had been heading upward In a persistent fashion. Hides and eather, some textiles, a number of foodstuffs and pig iron are less firm than six weeks ago. The domestic demand continues on a vast scale and one must needs study the ex port situation to find a reason for gradual ly receding prices. Ships sailing to European ports are reported lightly loaded and It Is expected that tha February Im port figures will disclose an Increased flow of foreign products. These Items are suggestive of stable European exchange rates, but their effect on profits of domestic producer 1 hardly open to estimate as yet. The clock industry in New York is completely organized. 6 F I H ST M0RTSA6E BONDS S250 SSOO $1,000 ' $5,000 SECURITY centrally located Omaha business property, NET EARNINGS Mor than twiee tha Interest on th mortgage. 1 TENANTS -Th owner for their gjbwing businsss, long established. American Security Co. N. W. Cor., Dodge and lStb, Omaha iiliiiiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiiiii iniiiiiiiiriiiliiiiiliiiillllliiliiliiliilMlW Own ad and recommended hj Home Builders, Inc. First Mortgage Bonds You Can Safely Lay Away Security Earnings i T er ms Maturity Tax-Free Tenants Inquiries From Investors Are Invited Ask for Descriptive Circular B-B American Security Co. Dodge and 18th Omaha MusuiiittiiiitBiiiin U. S. MUST HAVE OWN OPERA, LAST DE KOVENWORD Will Not' Be Much More In; telllgible Than Those Sung In Foreign v Languages. Chicago, March 14. A warning was issued to operagoers by Regi nald de Koven, composer of "Rip Van Winkle," shortly before he died not to expect that the new American opera will be intelligible in its en tirety.. The advice of the noted com. poser is of peculiar interest just now. "Don't get the idea that because an opera is sung in English you're going to understand every word of the text, because you're not," said Mr. De Koven. "You'll be lucky U you get half of it. Even Italians, listening to opera in their owri lan-, guage, say 60 per cent is about all they can understand of what is sung. "The pronunciation of words m singing is necessarily different from the conversational pronunciation, and that applies to English as well as French and Italian. But we be lieve the English vernacular can be made to serve the purpose of opera as artistically and as satisfactorily as any language." Mr. De Koven, " who made his world premiere at the Auditorium here with the presentation of his opera "Rip Van Winkle," predicted that the native art, -born just before the world war, will have a flourish ing careen . ' Raid Plaza Hotel. In a raid conducted on the Plart hotel Saturday night by Detective Samardickt Ethel Vamskv giving ber home as Lincoln, and G. M. Wilkson. Paxton hotel, were arrested charged with vagrancy. They were released on bond for their appearand in court this morning. onoaoBoaoaoaoaotg 6 n rd o o D i 8 S I D 8 S a 8 g Farm Mortgage Bonds For fifty-nine years In vestors in the farm mortgages of the United States Trust Company, and its affiliated institution, have not suffered the' loss of s single dollar in principal or interest. We have sn extensive list of high class farm mortgages and farm mortgage bonds in denominations of $100, $500, 91,000 and over. Detailed circular upon request United State , Trutt Co. , Affiliated rilk United States Nalieaal Bk J 161S Farnaaa, Onaba, Nob. OBOOOBOaOBOOOD These bonds are secured by property, centrally lo cated in the business sec tion of Omaha, costing over $150,000.00 The net earnings are over two times the annual in terest on the mortgage. These bonds are sold in denominations of $250, .$500, $1,000 up to $5,000 convertible after one year at option of holder. Certain of tbese bonds ma ture in 1923 and others yearly up to 1927. These bonds are tax-free in Nebraska. The owners of the property pay the taxes. The owners will occupy this new property built to meet the growing needs of an old established business. - r i