THIS BEE OMAHA, MONDAY, -MARCH 15, 1HZ0. BUYERS FOR U. S. FIND GERMANY VERY POOR PLAGE - Exhibitors Display Wares But Will Not Guarantee Price or Delivery of Any Commodity. Hw York Tlmes-Ohtcls'o Tribune, Cable, - Copyright, mo. Berlin, Msrch-14. Many Ameri cans and other foreigner visiting the big exposition at Leipzig get an er roneous impression of German busi ness conditions, according to Itfe J. Stern of New York, who for several weeks has been studying the situa tion.' i "Apparently the exposition is a big success, Stern said. "There is an increase in the number of ex hibitors, but mostly they are middle men. There is a tremendous hus tling and bustling in the foreigrfbuy ing, but in reality the buying is nothing because of conditions. This is the story: The exhibitor first demands the inquirers' nationality. Then he fixes a price according to the rate cf exchange of that country in conformity with the government plan for world prices on everything allowed to be exported.. "On this basis, the prices .are high, but if the buyer still wants to order the exhibitor discloses the complete ridiculousness of the situa tion, fie says he will accept the order, but will not fix a delivery price or date of delivery, and finally will not even bind himself to deliver at all. This attitude can be under stood, because all costs, such as labor, materials, transportation and taxes, are uncertain even for a month ahead, but you can't expect a buyer to sign a 'contract entirely Do Away With Steel and Rubber Bands That Chafe and Pinch You know by your own experience the truss is a mere makeshift , -a false prop against a collapsing walk-ami that it is undermm infe your health. Why then continue to wear itt The binding and 6 J r ;-iotinTi tluia rnMiini? the weak- pressure prevent pruper uium uivui., D - 1 0 ll fttlt Meats. .aesSH SV ened muscles oi me nounsuiuc.n. pect them to regain their normal strength and elasticity. The Plapao-Pads are Different STUARTS P1APAO-PADS are en tirely different from the device called the true In the following respects: First The primary and most im portant object of the PLAPAO-PAD la to keep constantly applied to the. relaxed muscles the medication call ed Plapao, which Is contractive In nature, and taken together with the Ingredients In the medicated mass, is intended to increase- the circulation of the blood, thus revivifying the muscles and restoring them to their normal strength and elasticity. Then, and not until then, can you expect the rupture, to disappear. Second Being made self-adhesive, purposely to prevent the pad from hitting, they have therefore proven to be an important adjunct in retain ing rupture that cannot be held by a truss. There is no metal about the PLAPAO-PADS no straps, buckles or springs attached. No "Digging In" or grinding pressure. They are soft as velvet Flexible Easy to apply Inexpensive. Continuous day and night treatment at homa. No delay from work. The Plapao-Pad Explained The principle upon which the PliAPAO-PAD works can be easily figured out by noting the accompany ing illustration, and reading the fol lowing explanation: Upon Their Oath tnem moat Aggravated oasts and of lone tandtnr. rollowlns are only a few of the hundreds of enthusleirtle Utters we have received from those cured. It la reasonable that th PLAPAO-PADS should do, tha aama for you If you will but tlve Ahem a chance. MABIjE LISLE. R. P. D. 1, EDSOX, I am stronter J. VpJd. made KAN.. DECLARES,' UNDER ft,?.0". SPSS ' year. OATH: old. and you dimt tawwhow much better 'It baa bn some time aso that I waa eared by your Plapao-Pads. I am moat 41 year old, and waa afflicted with hernia Sine I waa a child ( years old practi cally all my life, and you can Imagine the freedom I feel alnce I save Stuart's i.M.Pda a fair trial." MR. CASPER HOELSCHER. UAin. . . . , -The Plapao-Pada which I ordered from ABfwiV. you sometime aco have aone an In my eaae you eiaimea iny wwu. w. " myself cured of a rupture ef Ions stand ing t the axe ef sixty." ' I find MR. IRIS CLAUD, WTNO, ARK., DECLARES UNDER OATH: 't am nineteen yeara of are, and had keen ruptured for several years. I wore many different trueaea, and only jot tem porary aid from any of them. Jow I am well and sound and do alncerely express " gratitude for the relief given me by Plapao-Pada" MR. Jj. C. JONES. MERRILL, WS., DECLARES UNDER OATH: I waa cured while engage In the hard est kind of work, and now my doctor aays To The RUPTURED We want you to make a personal test J?5 tseatmant at our expense, and the more severe the test the better we will UkCit Ncnatter if yo orn tms after truss and tried many "so sailed cures without eneflt, ont live u bope. We want to prove to you that you can" conquer your rupture right at home while going about your dally duties, and at the same tim rid your iimof the dSagAeab torturous truss forever. This trial costs yoanoth-mlr--now or ever. Nothing to be returned. Don't put this off WRITE TODAY RIGHT NOW USE COUPON BELOW. Send No Money JottThU i Coupon Name .............- Address a... one sided. There is little opportun ity for American buyers in Germany today, ; Burglars' Attempt to Rob Safe Is Unsuccessful Burglars attempted to open a safe in the office of the Gilinsky Fruit company, 1015 Howard street, Satur day nighf. The attempt was unsuc cessful. Nothing in the office is missing. . Both bolts on the hinges of the safe door had been removed, but the combinatoin lock, however, held the door in place. No evidence of an explosive was found. Entrance to the office was gained through a rear WIUUVW. i Another safe holding ledgers and stamps that had been left open was untouched by the burglars. Shipping Board Steamer Is Abandoned by Crew Southampton, N. Y., March 14. The Shipping Board steamship Lake Deval, aground on the Long Island coast near here, was abandoned Sat urday night by the captain and crew of 31 men, who were brought ashore in a breeches buoy. The rough sea made launching of lifeboats impos sible. The steamship had been washed in by a heavy surf over the outer bar and was hard and fast in the sands close to shore. After the men had landed, the wind .shifted and calmed the sea. It was hoped to save the ship. . . . Lh . Newsboy Missing From Home Since Last Tuesday Harry Silver, 15-year-old news boy, 2318 Charles street, has been missing from his home since last Tuesday. His parents have asked the aid of police in attempting to lo cate the boy. He left his home in the morning to go to school, but failed to report. Young Silver is of slender build, dark coniplcxioned and was dressed in a dark suit. r y"rmM The PLAPAO-PAD is made of a strong, flexible material, "E," which is designed to conform to the move ments of the body and be perfectly comfortable to wear. The inside sur face, "V," is adhesive similar to an adhesive plaster, to prevent the pad from shifting and getting out of place. . ... "A" is the enlarged end of the PLAPAO-PAD, which overlies the atrophied and weakened muscles to keep them from giving away further. B" is the Pad, to be applied in such a way blocks up the hernial orifice, and .tends to prevent the con tents of the abdomen from protrud ing. Within the Pad is a reservoir, in which is placed a wonderfulab sorbent. astringent medication, whea warmed by the heat of the body, it becomes soluble and escapes through the small opening marked "C" and t absorbed through the pores of the skin to strengthen the weakened muscles and effect a closure of the openings. "F" Is the long end of the PLAPAO-PAD, which is to be plas tered over the hipbone to give so lidity. old. and you don't know how much batter I feel. Tour riapao-ra work and I am now. aolld and well. Bring About These Results m 4a I 4 ,n The rupture pane held together. The weak mneelee recover weir -flclty and strength- The onstuhtly. painful and dantwoua protrualons disappear. -That horrible ''dratglnf devm" sensa tion Is banlah-d, never to fetwa, Tou recover the visor, vitality, energy Hi f'H'Vi.n? ,SS'fVe?-brtt.r. and you are better ra every '1 Jl marka upon your Improved aopear. ineT And relieved from the pain and discomfort of the rupture. d'01u! dread of the consequences, your eplrtta rise, your health Improves, you one mort Ire able te enjoy life without feat of trouble. - . Xggtt rmuffmua J FREE Plapao Laboratories, Inc. . Block 4020 St. Louis, Mo. Mfw.. vuhae anv chares for IL new or ever. please eend by return mall, trial of PLAPAO and Illus trated book on rupture. I. -i i " ' Hi " - " HI nm xciniE-AX,F Omaha, j mm m; OMAHA, The Second Live Stock Market of The World. It has the most modern Stock Yards in the World today no expense has been spared to make it so. It is situated in the center ef a territory producing more food products 'than any in the World hence the largest demand for feeder sheep and for thia reason OMAHA is the LARGEST FEED ER SHEEP MARKET IN THE WORLD. Railroad facilities are unex celled, being the only Missouri River market located on the main lines of all the western railroads; the shrink, therefore, en ship ments to this market is less than to others. Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) t Omaha, Neb. ' WARE & LELAND Stock,. Bonds, Grain and Cotton. Members All Leading Exchanges. Private Wires. 727-730 Grain Exchange Bldg. Douglas 4274. PLATNER LUMBER & COAL COMPANY 46th and Farnam Sts. Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Founders Printing Machinery and Supplies Omaha Paper Stock Co. Packers and Shippers Paper Stock Office and Factory, 18th and Marcy Sts. Phone Doug. 159. Omaha, Neb. Attention Mr. Automobile Owner We overhaul your car, r.bors the cylinder, make piston and rings or any parte you might need. P. Melchiors & Son Machine Works 417 South 13th St. General Automobile, Machine and Blacksmith Repair Work. National Roofing Co., (Incorporated) Roofing and Paving Contractors Established in 1878 Douglas 551. Omaha. To Pave City Streets and Country Highways, Use VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK Western Brick Manufac turers' Association Kansas City. Me. Vaughn Construction Company General Contractors Bee Bldg. Omaha BOILERS SMOKESTACKS TWO PLANTS Drake, Williams, ' Mount Co. Main Office and Works, 23d, Hickory and U. P. R. R. Phone Douglas 1043. Branch ' ' 20th, Center and C. B. tfc Q. I Phone Douglas 1141 Oxy.Aeetylene Welding ' STANDPIPES TANKS Le Bron & Gray Electrical Works Motors, Generator, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring H S. 13th St Phone bougies S01 BERTSCHY MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, Manufacturers of BERMO WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS Omaha, U. S. A. HUDSON MFG. CO., Implement Supplies, r Omaha and Minneapolis BEMIS BROS. BAG CO. of Omaha sf9 -i Lee W. Edwards CHIROPRACTOR 24th and Farnam St. A Growing Necessity for Growing Omaha Douglas 344S. Inter-State Title & Mortgage Co. . 421-425 City Natl Bank Bldg. We Buy and Sell Farm Lands. Farm Mortgages We Buy LIBERTY BONDS At Prevailing Nev York Prices. American State Bank 1 8th and Farnam Solicits Your Banking Business Phone Tyler 80 Incorporated 1883 OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Assets, $13,250,000. A mutual savings and loan association WM. R. ADAIR, President. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Benson & Meyers Co. Investment Securities Farm Mortgages Omaha, U. S. A. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER COMPANY Hardwood Products and Vehicle Woods Omaha, Neb. . Johnson Hardware Co. Fine Builders' Hardware Complete Line of Contractors' Supplies 1217 Farnam St. Doug. 581. Mid-West Electric Company Jobbers of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Doug. 456, 1207 Harney St Phonest Tyler 446 Walnut 326 Geo. A. Roberts Grain Co. Receivers and Shippers GRAIN HAY SEEDS Consignments a Specialty 230.31-32-33-34 Grain Exchange Omaha, Neb. JOHN E. WAKEFIELD COMPANY Builders Doug. 326 750 Brandeis Theater Bldg. HENNINGSON Engineering Co. Civil. Electrical, Mechanical and Archi tectural Engineers; designers of sewers, paving, waterworks, electric light plant and public buildings. Douglae SZ29. Hth and Harney Sta. F. P. GOULD & SON BUILDERS 1137-40 City National BuUding. OMAHA, NEB. Pioneer Glass & Paint Company All Kinds Paints. Varnishes, Glass and Store Front Construction 14th and Harney Efficient Foundation Stones By CARL E. ROSENBERG, Chairman International Association 'of Rotary Clubs Committee on Education. Once upon a time there was a Merchant a Mer chant of the usual kind. This Merchant had a Son. The ; Son, however, was of the unusual kind. One day the Son went to his father, and said : "Dad, -I'm getting tired of this town, and I'm about disgusted with this business. I've been working for you '. for some time, m fact, ever since I left high school, and ; I've come to the conclusion that this little old town and i your moth-eaten business are just a little bit too small ; for me, and much too slow, so I'm going to move. "Oh, I've thought about this for a long time, and : pretty carefully, too, and I've decided to leave town. No, I don't know just where I'm going, or when I'm coming ', back, but some day, Dad, I hope to come back. "In the meantime, Dad, I want you to promise me something you'll promise me, won't you? I'm going to be very busy trying to make good and if it's just the same to you, I'm not going to write to you unless I need you very much. And don't you write to me either, Dad, unless, of course, something goes wrong at -Home, or you need me in the Business. You understand, don't you, Dad?" . It is needless to go into details. The Son left the Father in a very much surprised and thoughtful state of mind. - It didn't take long for 10 years to go by, and in the meantime the Son had gone to the Big City, engaged in all kinds of work, from swamper on a wagon to a high executive position, and finally became an active member of Civic Organizations and Club Work in general. After he felt that he had accomplished something Real and Worth While, he decided to go Home and show Dad the success he had won for Himself; and the first thing you know he was on a Train speeding West, and arrived at his Former Home. The train hadn't stopped before he was off the plat fonn, and on a dead run to his Father's store. But in place of running into the old, musty, unkempt-appearing sort of a building front, he was amazed to find in its place a six-story, white-tile, modern Class-A building. When he tried to open the door, he was surprised to find a boy at the other side to pull it open for him. He was dazed. He couldn't understand it all. After a fond embrace, congratulations, and a lot of wild and loose talk, both by the Father and Son, the Fa--ther said, "Well, now let's not talk any more about this ; I Won't tell you a thing about it, but let's go Home. I'll have my car brought around, and tonight, after dinner, you and 1 are going to talk things over." And they did. The Father said : "You know, my boy, that was an awful 'kick in the shins' you gave me about 10 years ago, when you said that you" were tired of my old ramshackle, moth-eaten, hole-in-the-wall that I called a Business. "I worked hard to build up my business, but you got me to thinking, and I did some real hard and, I think, yes, I know, I did some real Constructive Thinking. I got to chasing myself around, mentally, trying to find myself, and one, day I did. "Do you "know what it was I had to find out first of all, Boy? I had to learn that I was engaged in a worthy vocation. In other words, I had to know that my business was a Community Benefit. I also began to ap preciate that this community looked upon me to supply it with the goods that the World had to offer for the Everyday Needs of the People. "You see, I got to thinking along those lines, and I came to the conclusion that if Mine was a Worthy Voca tion, I really ought to love my work. After I found that my Vocation was Worthy, I really did love my work, and did appreciate that my business was an Opportunity to serve Society, and to be a Benefit to the Community. "I never really noticed that I was a 'Celluloid Collar Dub that my clothes were a bit mussed up ; in fact, I noticed a little bit of egg on the lapel of my coat. i ien inai i wasn't taking quite as good care of myself as I should. Possibly a few more Baths a week wouldn't have done any harm. I noticed that my shoes weren't shined. i "Another thing I found in my Inventory of Self-Improvement you .know, what a great fellow I was for talking politics and finding fault with anybody and every body who tried to do anything well, I jacked myself up one day and found that I wasn't voting as often as I should. Fine American citizen I was, wasn't I? "Remember how I used to find fault with things around town because they weren't progressive, and we were not doing things? Well, I really never did bring the Message Home to Myself, until one day I woke up and found out that I. wasn't a member of the Chamber of Commerce. But I am now. you bet! "My boy, after I got to sprucing up, and looking really like somebody, a sudden desire came to me in the way of ambition. There came to me the ambition to suc ceed. No, not only for the profit in fact, the matter of profit didn't enter into the feeling at all. I felt the responsibility that My Business was a Community Repre sentative, therefore it was my duty to make it success ful." - C. Hafer Lumber Co. Ships Direct to the User Lumber, Millwork, Hard ware and Paint We have our own eroodworhlng factory. 135 W. B'way, CounucU Bluffs, la. D RADIATORS anil Radiator Core tm automobile, frock aa Tractor MA0I AND REPAIRED Send toot radiator by ex preta. Guaranteed work, prompt temoe end r- ' eonaDle ebareea OMAHA AUTJD RADIATOR MPS. O I'H-Jf Cuwlm St. OMAHA 'DUITER Alfalfa Butter Co. D 3903 Eastern Plating Company Plating Auto Parts Wo Plat Cold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Brass and Bronse. 1218 Farnam St (Third Floor) Telephone, Douglas 2566. WALRATH & SHERWOOD LUMBER CO. . Wholesalers 1501-06 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha, U. S. A. Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co. A. N. Eaton, Prop. 1300 Willis St. Phono Webster 2S2. 1 Everything in Sheet Metal Product. Oil Tanks and Supplies. Cornhusker Tires Distributed by Western Products Co. Service Phono Tylor 3899. Affordable Motor Truck , Corporation Manufacturers of AFFORDABLE TRUCK ATTACHMENTS CHIROPRACTOR Ethel Thrall Maltbv, D. C . (Palmar Graduate) AdjuatmenU, $112 for $10 Elk' Bldg. 2d Floor. Douf. 3072 Omaha Printing Co. Omaha, U. S. A. We Paint Autos to SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS JULIUS BAN HART Doug. 1088. 16th & Leavenworth FUEL OIL DISTILLATE In Tank Cars or by Motor Truck. PHONE OUR SERVICE DEPART MENT FOR INFORMATION RE ' CARDING OIL A3 A FUEL. OMAHA REFINING COMPANY Webster 90O. GLASS That very attractive all METAL STORE FRONT is an EASY-SET FRONT glazed by PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. 11th and Howard Sts. N "Little Red Wagon." T.F.STROUD & CO. Colfax 2998. 20th and Ames Ave. CROW TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 600 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Western Smelting & . Refining Company Manufacture el All Grades of Babbitt and Solder Buvera of Old Battery Lead The Hugh Murphy Construction Co. Contractors of Public Work D. 834. 206 Karbach Bldg. CORNHUSKEIt TIRES The Cheapest and Best You Can Buy aaaaataaaaaaaeaeasaaa Put one on your car op posite the tire that has given you the greatest satisfaction. NEBRASKA TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska Automobile Repairing la All Its Branches MOTOR SERVICE GARAGE Douglas 2923. 2406 Lea-Yonworth St., Omaha McKeen Motor Car Co. Gasoline Englats High Class Machinery Mechanical Engineering Potash Reduction Co., 820 World-Herald Bid., Omaha, Neb. Say to Your Grocer "ELKHORN MILK, PLEASE" The Ideal Family Loaf It Boosts for Omaha Jay Burns Baking Co. . Western Paper Co. Omaha, Neb. Bowman Machinery Company Contractors Equipment Yyler 1818 1207 Howard Omaha. Neb. Carpenter Paper Co. Wholesale Distributors Printing Paper, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Build ing Paper, Fancy Stationery Nebraska Power Company "Your Electric Service Company" -Electric Service for Your Home, Office and. Factory Electric Building-, , 15th and Farnam Sts. The Pazton-Mitchell Co., Manufacturers of The Mitchell Metallic Packing Cray Iron, Aluminum. Brass and Bronse Castings. OMAHA BODY CO. Builders of Truck Bodies to Fit All Makes of Trucks. lS20--t.33 N. 16th St. X W Webster 337. Oliver Chilled Plow Works Doug. 3236 s 10th and Farnam Sts. Ometaba The Lion Bonding & Surety Company Is so Omaha Institution and a Ne braska product. It 1s dee (reus el "The Lion's Share" of your business, and this claim is baaed net aJone on the idea eutceeted as to our being a Home Compear, but becauae wo are geau insly GOOD, SOUND, CLEAN and HIGH-GRADE. Ws aro in the Kennedy Bldg., 19th and Douglas. Come Up and See Us.