Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1920, Image 1

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.1 " N
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VOL. NO. 232. ,
Cattrrt it Hci.tlan mttw Miy a, IM, if
Ontlia P. 0. . Ml ( Mwta . 187.
OMAHA, MONDAY,' MARCH 1$,. 1920.
By Mill (I ttr. 8ll, W.M: Sueeay. IJ.SO:
Pally and Sua.. I7.M: eiiulie Nik. BMtue extra.
. . -
. j
President Wilson Rejects Com
promise Modification o f
Lodge on Article Ten in Let
ter to Senator Hitchcock.
Four-to-Six Vote Margin
Claimed by 'Administration
Wilson Stand Emphatic
' Against Real Reservations.
, Chicago Trihune-Omaha D InarS Wire.
Washington," March 14. President
Wilson has delivered anqther blow
to ratification of the (German peace
treaty with jreservations to the league
of nations covenant protective of the
"special national interests" bf the
United States. '
It transpired today that within the
.last 48 hours there has been a new
exchange of Correspondence between
Senator Hitchcock, the democratic
leader ot the senate, and the White
House, in which the president flatly
rejected the latest compromise on
article 10 and the revised version of
all other reservations put forward to
catch democratic votes.
Rejects Compromise Plan.
Mr. Wilson Returned the modifi
cations adopted and others' suggest
ed in a letteTTn which he asserted
that he found the revised reserva
tions fully as nullifying of the cove-
nant as the original Lodge reserva-J
This was the president's reception
of the efforts of Senator Simmons,
democrat, to work out a compromise
- Svhich "Vvduld command a" two-thirds"'
vote of the senate on the ratification
roll. call. Senator Simmons calcu
lated that he was only two votes
short of- the requisite number when
the president's latest pronuncia
mento leached Senator Hitchcock
and upset the compromise program.
Several democrats who had prom
ised Simmons support immediately
dodged back into the administration
lines and the North Carolina senator
abandoned his project
With the president stiffening his
opposition to reservations that really
reserve, the defeat of the treaty in
the senate this week is the prospect.
There is only one development that
ran assure ratification and that is
the desertion pf the White House
on the final roll call of about '30
democrats. .
Four Vote Lead.
. The spirit of revolt is strong on
the. democratic; side, particularly
among senators, "who are candidates
forire-election this year and dislike
the prospect of facing their con
stituents on the. president s issue
of the league without qualifications.
Senator Hitchcock is fully prepared
for he defection of as many as 25
democrats who wilf vote for the
treaty with reservations on the rati
fication roll call. He is confident that
he can hold 17 in line and with the
IS republican anl four democratic
irreconcilables, defeat ratification
with the reservations by four votes.
Some there are who predict from
long experience with such situations
that there will be a further break of
the democratic ranks at the last min
ute, sufficient to accomplish ratificay
tion. But Senator Eorah, republican
irreconcilable, who has been one of
these prophets, bas changed his mind
and now predicts the failure of the
treaty by from four to six votes.
The indications are that the sub
stitute reservation of article 10 will
be adopted tomorrow.On Tuesday
the senate is to consider some re
maining reservations, including that
on Egypt and the Knox financial
arovisiotv clearing the way for a
inal vote on Thursday or Friday.
Watch German Revolution. '
Senators are divided in view of the
possible effect or the German revo
lution on the treaty. Senator Hitch
cock thought it would" have no ef
fect. Senator Lenroot thought it
' could only affect a negotiation of a
new peace if this treaty fails.
"This revolution," said Senator
Shields, democrat, "indicates the
wars into which the United States
probably would be drawn' if it be
came a member of the league of na
tions as drafted. It shows the m-
advisability of the ratification of the
peace treaty and the league of na
tions covenant." A . . V
"It looks as " though the party
which now .has, assumed control is
the $am party with which President
Wilson refused to deal in negotiat
ing peace before the close of the
war, said Senator Walsh of Mon
tana, democrat. "If that is so how
can we consistently go- ahead ana
make, a treaty-with that party now?
I cannot of course speak for (he
president but it would seem to me
'.hat under these circumstances the
treaty might be withdrawn from the
senate. On- the other hand, if thrs
revolution . is merely a change of
power from one political party to
another, with the republican form
of government to continue, then the
treat could be made." v
Heartsick at Lack of Interest
Wilson Takes in Their
Welfare or Busi
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New Orleans, La., March 14.
"Pay my agent '30,000 pesos before
a certain day, or take the conse
quences." was the burden of a note
received from Felix Diaz, outlaw
and rebel leader, by an American
merchant in Mexico recently. The
money was paid.
"Pav roe 2,000 pesos at once." read
a similai note which came along a
little later from Higinio Aguilar, the
aged bandit of the Vera Cruz hills,
an active old rascal who is said to
be able to leap on his horse without
touching the stirrups. The money
was paid. . f
"We always pay there is nothing
else to do," said another .man who
had often been approached by ban
dits at h if. place in the country for
supplies of various kinds. f y
--' Where Is Government?
Where is the government? Dur
ing the last few months Carranza
has sought to give greater protec
tion to the Vera Cruz district. He
has 5,000 federal troops in the dis
trict Most of them hang around
the railroad or the towns, trying to
live on their one. peso a day.
In the hills, forming. semi-circle
around the town; are at least
5,000 rebels.' Diaz has his headquar
ters northwest, in the foothills be-
Two Men Were Found Guilty
By Jury in Armistice Day
Montesano, ' Wash., March 14
Elmar - Smith-and Mike Sheehan.
who were found not guiltyvof the
murder of Warren O. Grimm, one of
tour .former soldiers slain during an
Armistice day parade at Centralia,
Wash., were taken to Centralia,
where charges of murder in connec
tion with the death of Arthur Mc
Elfresh awaited them. Loren Rob
erts who also was acquitted on the
ground .of insanity, remained in jail
here with the seven I. W. W. found
guilty of second degree murder in
connection with the death of Grimm.
Dan Cupid Again Wins
Despite Objections of
Young Girl's Mother
Chicago Trlbnne-Omaha Bee Leased Wire,
Mrs. Frank Townley Brown,
426 Surf street, announces the mar
riage of her daughter, Philippe
Marshall Brown, to George G.
Urupe, jr., of Cedar Rapids, la., in
Chicago, Sunday, March 14, 1920.
Chicago, March 14. That's the
way the story ends. But the begin
ning of it and the progress of it is
another matter. -
For 11 years Philippe Brown had
attended one boarding school after
When the war 'broke out George
G. Grupe, jr., son . of a prominent
wholesaler of Cedar Rapids, la., "en
listed jn the aviation corps. When,
he was given a furlough he came to
Chicago. Young Grupe and Miss
Brown met and Dan Cupid was also
a member of the party. They fell
desperately in love, but the mother
told them they must wait. Philippe
returned to Ely Court,- fashionable
girls' school at Greenwich, Conn.,
and young Grupe went back ; to
Cedar Rapids. .'
Early last week Miss Brown dis
appeared from Ely Coart. A day or
so later young Grupe disappeared
from Cedar Rapids. Sunday a mu
tual friend secured a license and a
solitaire ring, a taxicab and a
minister and in a few minutes it was
all over. '
Bridegroom on Hand for
Bride' Before Daylight
Philadelphia, PaMarch 14. Weil
dressed and carrying a bouquet,
Pietro Servizzi, 24 years . old, who
came from Italy several years ago
and prospered in Cincinnati, entered
the detention house of the Gloucester
immigrant station before daylight to
claim his bride, who arrived the
day before aboard the steamship
Casenta. She was . Miss Aurora'
The marriage, delayed because the
war prevented her coming to Amer
ica soonct", took place in the rectory
of St Mary's Catholic church.
Gloucester, and they took the next
train to Cincinnati.
Offices in City National
Bank Are Raided by Thief
A sneak thief, Sunday afternoon
raided a number of the offices in the
City National bank -building. Gold
was taken from two dental offices.
Dr. A. J. Bauman lost $40 fn gold
plate and 'scrap gold, gold solder
worth $1.50 and two gold crowns
valued at $6. In Dr. Scott Covalt's
office the thief got $7 wprth of dental
gold. The office" of Dr. Donald Mac
rae was also raided but nothing was
-7. '
Makes Americans Give
Up Huge Ransoms in
Order to Gain Release
tween Mizantla and Nautla. Just
south of him is Aguilar, who is a
follower of the Villa cause. Pedro
(Continued an Page -Two, Column Two.)
Plan Is Nation-Wide and Is to
Be Tried in Drive on
H.C.L. "
.Washington, March !4. Weeks in
which the Department, of Justice wili
initiate its plan to "save money on
meat" in groups of states were an
nounced to' supplement the March
22 to March 27 period when Iowa
and seven other states will start the
plan. Retail dealers will carry un
usual stocks of the cheaper cuts of
meats, wnich consumers are urged
to buy. ' ,
Week beginning March ZV, Maine,
Vermont, Massachusetts, Washing
ton, New Hampshire,' Connecticut,
Rhode Island, Oregon and Cali
fornia; April 5, southern states;
April 7, Texas, Kansas, South Da
kota, North Dakota, Idaho, Nevada,
Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana,
Wyoming, Utah and Arizona.
it customers wouia Duy tnese
cheaper but "highly nutritious and
palatable" quts during these weeks,
the department's statement said, "the
saving effected will be tremendous
and the slackened demand for the
cuts now popular will result in lower
prices .hereon." It added that the
popular cufs were frequently 50 to
60 per cent higher than the cheaper
meat ' ,
Last Booty of Marines
To See Duty in France
( Reach, United States
New York. March 14. A detach
ment of ,40 United States marines,
the last to see duty in France, ar
rived here Sunday j'on the French
line steamship Niagara from Bor
deaux. I The last service in France per
formed by the men was the guard
ing of the- LaFayette radio station
near Bordeaux, which has been
turned over to the French govern
ment The detachment was commanded
by Sergt. Philip S. McCaffrey of
Tonganoxie, '.Kan., and included
among others Sergt. Orville John-,
son of Fresno, Cal., a. nephew of
Senator Hiram W. Johnson. v
Judge Weep? Over Loss of
His Much-Lovecl Mint Bed
Los Angeles. March 14. Judge
M. R. King of Santa Monica, has
for years cultivated a bed of mint
in the yard of his home and he ap
peared in court wearing a sprig of
mint in the buttonhole of his coat.
He pulled from his.desk a number of
sprigs of the fragrant mint and pre
sented then, to the court attendants.
"Boys, this is owe of the saddest
days of my life.' Wear these little
emblems of sorrow. St Patrick-banished
the snakes and the government
has banished the mint juleps, the
greatest boon a tired man ever Uad
concocted, I destroyed my mint bed
to make room for calla lillies. That
is why. I weep," said the judge, as
he removed his eye glasses and ap
plied a handkerchief.
Rocky Mountain States 1 :
- Swept by Heavy Gale
Denver, Colo.," March, 14. The'
Rocky Mountain states were swept
Sunday by a 60-njile gale which in
places blew down telegraph poles,
uprooted arees and destroyed build
ings. No deaths have hus far been
reported. Telephone and telegraph
service is badly croppled, but is btr
ing rapidly testorj ' : , v
1 II
S F "J
1,500 MADE
Loss Estimated; at Over
$2,000,000 Caused When
Conflagration Sweeps Town
Of Grandview.
Hopes of Saving Stores' Lost
When Queer Frea1 of Fate
Shifts Direction of Wind
Toward Buildings.
Br The AnsoeUted Presi.
Fort Worth,' Tex., March 14.
Loss estimated at more than
$2,000,000 was caused and 1,500 peo
ple rendered homeless by fire which
swept Grandview, beginning at 2
o'clock this afternoon and is still
burning tonight. The entire business
section and residential portion of
the city were destroyed. Three men
were injured when a building col
lapsed. -
Fire departments from Cleburne,
Itasca and Alverado responded but
the water in the standpipes gave out
and', since then the firemen hav
been unable to do anything except
watch the town burn. Dynamite
could not be obtained. Scenes of the
Paris, Texas, fire in the summer of
19,15 were outrivalled.
Vehicles Pressed Into Serffce.
Automobiles, trucks, wagons artd
other vehicles are being pressed into
service to carry the homeless peo
ple to Alverado and Itasca.
Merchandise valued in the hun
dreds of thousands of dollars is be
ing piled into the streets and incal
culable loss is being caused by water
and smoke. ' '
Taking the .shape of a "V," the
fire swept through the city, taking
more than 200 homes in the best
residential section. When the fire
seached Main street hopes were held
out for the bus'nMs section as the,
wiijd was blowing due north, wheri
by some freak the wind veered and
the fire swept into the business sec
tion like a wave, engulfing every
building in the eight blocks of the
business streets, and there was no
time for salvage work.
Calls Mass Meeting..
Mayor Williams of Grandview
called a mass meeting of 'male citi
zens in the city park and under his
direction a committee of safety was
named. The committee patrolled
the fire-stricken section and sal
vaged goods from stores and resi
dences wherever possible.
The wind is blowing at such ve
locity, that burning brands were car
ried for miles. A farm house three
miles from Grand viewV caught fire
from Suclr a brand afld was de
stroyed. '
Diary of 12-Yeaf-01d
- Girl Good Example
For Many Grownups
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee teased Wire.
k Chicago, March 14. Men and
women, whose tasks require eight
hours a day, with the attendant per
plexities and who complain- that the
load is- too heavy, mighr obtain a
new "view point by considering the
case of Millie Anton, who is 12 years
.of age and housekeeper for her
Two years ago Millie found tier
mother dead, with a tear-stainen
note pinned to her waist which said
"Qoodbye." Since, then Millie has
kept house and found time to keep
a diary as well. A fairly compre
hensive idea of how a 12-year-old
housekeeper, with many responsibili
ties and cares, upon her young
shoulders, looks upon her lot in life,
may be gleaned from Jhe entry in
the diary of March S. Here it is'
' "I will have to clean up all the
snow again because it is snowing
again. Tonight pa ate his ''cabbage
very well and I have sewed-all his
socks up. "'-,
"The B?,ptis lady came once more
to visit me and told me how o cook
the meat better as I have cooked.'
Tomorrow I must clean the bed
room on account pa says for me to
do what 1 want. ''. I want to clean.
"I have saved 26 cents for a dress
for dolly and will sew it myself as
the Baptrst lady taught me."
Two Men Are Drowned .
When Steamer Sinks in
Gale Off Point Reyes
Sart Francisco, March 14. Two
men were drowned vvheif the
steamer Itumaf 172 tons, sank in a
gale off Point Reyes, 30 miles north
of here, late Saturday night, "the
marine department of the Chamber
cf Commerce annoflheed. Fourteen
others were picked up by a steamer
and brought here.
I Wrecked on Fire Call.' ' '
While' responding to a fire alarm
sent in from Fourteenth and Farnam
streets yesterday afternoon, a fire
cart from the barn at Fourteenth
and Pierce street crashed into two
automobiles in front of the Union
station, completely wrecking both
machines. No one was injured in the
collision, x
International Experts Point to Fact That Enyir Has Pro
claimed Himself King of Arabia and Concentration
of Red Troops Officered by Germans, as Proof of
, Their Belief. . '
' 7 . - : -.' - -
Mew York Tlmen-Chlcaro Tribune Cable,
Copyright, 1020.
Paris, March 14. It is a long way
from Berlin to Beirut, via Moscow,
but every allied foreign office in Eu
rope today connects the present Ber
lin ' revolution with the, growing
tensity of the situation in Asia
Minor. International experts feel
sure of a connection. They reason
as follows;
Emir Feisal has proclaimed him
self kfng of Arabia, with a dominion
over a vast area already claimed by
the British and French.
Mustapha Kernel, militant leader
of the Turkish nationalists, is head
of an army of 300,000 Turks in Asia
Minor, officered bv Germans.
Commands Red Forces.
- ,In the Caucasus region, directly! o
. ij ... n v i .I,.
ine norm, crussnon commands xne
soviet forces, flanking the Caspian
sea on the west, and also officered
by Germans. Directly across the
Turkestan, on the east shores of
the Caspian, Kuropatkin commands
an equally strong red force.
Both of these forces constitute a
serious menace to the unprotected
British interests in Persia jmme
diately to the south. '
Enver Bey, diplomatic leader of
Leaves Palm Beach for Speak
ing Tour of Principal
Eastern Cities.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Palm Beach, Fla., March 14. In
view of his announcement in Lin
coln, Neb., that under certain con
ditions he would consider another
nomination for the presidency, re
marks by William, J. Bryan to a
newspaper friend whom he met on
train last nigh, would indicate
that the old democratic leader has
started on a whirlwind campaign.
The belief is expressed by men
with wh'om he has conferred tthat it
is Mr. Bryan's. ambition to head the
ticket, or barring that, to control the
convention and name the candidate.
Mr. Bryan is on the Seaboard
Limited due in Washington at 6:20
tomorrow mornirfg. He will confer
there with party leaders and on his
60th birthday, Friday, go to New
York "where his first speech of the
campaign will be made at dinner,
probably at the Ladine club, though
if this he was not sure last night.
Starting on Tour. t
"Just say," said Mr. Bryan, "that
I am starting on a tour that will
include Washington, New ' York,
Boston, Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska
and Los Angeles, and that my first
speech will be made at a dinner tend
ered me in New York Friday by my
democratic friends."
"Is this a political campaign you
are starting on?" he was asked.
"I am going to talk politics," said
Mr. Bryan. "I am' interested in tnc
peace treaty. I expect to see it rati
fied in V very few days. I am in
terested in prohibition, which New
Jersey and Rhode Island are trying
to upset.
"There is one thing which the
leaders in this movement for (beer
and light wines do not seem to torn
prehendt and that is4hat the people
run the government and that they
are the .ones who have decided the
constitutionality of the prohibition
"The point raised tliat the con
stitution reserves as a state's right
all questions not especially delegated
to the federal government aId that
prohibition not having been reserved,
it is still a-matter of state, rights, is
absurd. v . m
"The constitution is not greater thau
the will of the, people.- In passirg
the amendment they expressed Their
will on' this subject in . accordance
with the law and that is all there is
to it. Whatever the people want
they have a right to have, unless we
concede the right of a minority to
govern a majority. .
"Constitutions do. not "restrict
rights. They guarantee them and,
they can be changed by the people
tit will. Constitutions simply- desig
nate thfe way in which the people
may "carry , out their will. If the peo
ple could not amend a constitution
the dead would govern the living,
which is even more absurd than the
claims of a monarchy or of an aris
tocracy." Dog Mascot of Marines
Has "Taste" for Music
Quantico, Va.. March 14. Only
some dogs will howl responsively
to a musical instrument.
Every time "Socks," mascot of the
U. S. marines stationed "heref hears
a bugle he will run' for blocks to
sit up -in front of -the bugler and
sing. His favorite melody is "mess
call." '
"Socks" does' not howl because.,thc
music seems to give him pain, but
probably imagines he is singing, as
his howl- is very tuneful.
This musical canine was brought
to tliis country recently by U. S
marines returning from a tour of
duty in the Virgin' islands. - '
the Turkish nationalist movement,
has just completed a tour through
out Asia Minor, during which he
has commented on Islamic unity.
Two weeks .ago, after a short stay
in Berlin, it was reported he had
started for Moscow by airplane.
Turk's Mission No Secret.
The English delegation, first 'to
lay down in the demand for the
German war culprits, did anolv to
the Noske governmenMor delivery L
ot Jinver Bey, which would indicate
the English were not unaware of the
object of the Turks' mission jn-er-lin.
t Last of all, Ludendorff is in Mos
cow. Asia-Minor is the new arena of
action. England's realization of this
fact is supported by the presence of
strong naval contingents . in the
Bosphorus and steadily increasing
land forces.
French appreciation of the situa
tion, coupled witli undisguised
bitterness, is well expressed in a
front page editorial in the Pari3
Debats :
, "Anglo-Egyptian agents and
leaders of British troops in Syria
did'their best to incite the Syrians
Continued on Par Two, Column Two.)
Dispatch Says Holland Con
sidering This Step to Avoid
' Difficulties.
London, March 14. The reaction
ary movement in Germany makea
the kais'e'r question an acute out
at Rotterdam, says the Times cor
respondent in that city. It is learned
from reliable sources, he added, that
the decision of the former em
peror's future residence is being
seriously considered.. Meanwhile ex
tensive measures are being 'taken
for any eventuality. !
Though the ex-kaiser is making
elaborate ' plans for his stay here,
it is by no means certain that Doom
will be his permanent residence.
The government considers publicity
might defeat the object aimed at.
Should the ex-kaiser know that
plans were being considered for his
deportation to the West Indies (?)
efforts might be made for his es
cape. - ' ' .
Evidently the former kaiser is be
ing well posted on events; great
activity prevails in his neighborhood
and a constant stream of pars is
going nd coming.-
Mrs, Wilson Active in
Move to Raise Funds
For Memorial Building
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned Wire.
Washington, March 14. Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson, it was announced,
has become actively identified with
the project of raising funds for a
national victory memorial building
in Washington in commemoration
of the achievements of the armed
forces and civilians of the United
States in the world war. She has
acccpten the honorary presidency. of
the George Washington Memorial
association which has general
charge of the enterprise, for which
it is intended to raise $10,000,000.
The required funds are to be
raised in the form of contributions
by firms, corporations,-associations,
clubs, fraternal organizations, com
munities, etc., who displayed serv
ice flags during the war, the quota
of each being determined by the
number of stars in its service flag
at the fate of $5 for each star.
Wife of Representative "
Dm of Sleeping Sickness
Washington. March 14. Mrs.
Charles P. Timbe,rlake, wife of Rep--resentative
Timberlake of the Second
Colorado district', died here Sunday
from encephalitis lethatgica, so
called "sleeping sickness." The dis
ease, which followed an attack of in
fluenza, developed about two weeks
ago. It was the first case of its
kind on record' here. The body will
be I taken to Sterling; Colo., "the
Timberlake home, tomorrow.
The Weather
Nebraska Rain turning to snow
Monday or Monday night; colder;
Tuesday, fair; strong southwest
shifting to northwest winds.
Iowa-r-Rain Monday and Monday
night; colder in west and warmer
in extreme east portions, Tuesday
partly cloudy and colder; strong
southerly to westerly winds. - .
Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m SS
1 v. m
t p. m. ..M
S p. m. ..
4 p. m. . . i 7
5 p. m M
6 p. m. ........63
1 p. m
t -V
a a. m.
7 a. m
a a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
It a. m
It Boon ......
Ex-Kaiser's Second Son .
May Be Placed Upon
Throne by Revolution
. "' :":'sii
Now York Tlmes-Chlenco TrMtone, Cable,
, . Copyright; IMO.
Paris, March 14. A dispatch from
Copenhagen to L'Intransigeant says
Prince Ejjtel Friedrich will' be
placed on the German throne.
Commander Jan4 Three Men
Lose Lives in Lower
. , .California.
'. " -- -' ' v ' ''-V.
San Diego, Gal.; March 14. Lieu
tenant Commander James R. Webb
and three members of his crew were
lost when the U. S. submarine, H-l
went aground at the entrance to
Magdalena bay, Lowct California,
according to a radio report received
here today..
Besides Lieutenant Commander
Webb, those listed as dead were H.
N. Giles, machinist mate; M. H.
Dealmain and Joseph Hofman,'. sea
men. Their bodies were reported to
have been buried by- the survivors
in the Sandy beach of, Santa Mar
garita island, in the mouth of Mag
dalena bay about 650 miles south of
San Diego.' ' ' '
."C"1, Vessel May be Saved.'
It is believed the H-l can fjTe
saved. '
The vessel was reported to have
grounded Friday. The destroyer
Sinclair, called to the scene by S.
O. S. messages broadcasted early
Friday night by the U. S. S. Eagle,
got a line to the . H-l Saturday after
noon but it parted. Other "vessels
are believed to be standing by.
'The H-l was bound from the
Canal Zone to the Pacific submarine
base at San Pedro. Cal.
Rescued ty Destroyer.
Washington, March 14.4-Reports
to the i Navy department said the
submarine H-I which went ashore
Saturday near Magdalena bay, Low
er California, was driven on ' the
rocks during a storm but could be
refloated. Surviving members of the
crew :were rescued by' a destroyer
and an Eagle boat. The collier Nep
tune and another destroyer are en
route to aid in refloating the vessel
Rule by Politicians
Is Tyrranical, Says" ,
Governor of Vermont
Chicago Trlbnne-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New - York, March . 14. Some
phases of Washington legislation
were characterized by Gov. Percival
W. Clement of-Vermont as "govern
ment by politicians," Saturday night
at the annual dinner of the Vermont
society at the Hotel Pennsylvania.
Legislation of a political hue. he
said, has proceeded to "break up big
business" on one dny, at great cost
to the'American people, and on the
next day the same combinations had
been restored as perfectly legale
The governor also asserted that
the attempt to force the eighteenth
amendment on the state of Vermont,
or on any other state, without the
consent of the people, was an at-'
tempt to substitute class or party
lgeislation for the majority will.
"Washington is continually reach
ing out for power. Unless we stop
it we will have a government more
Ityrannical than was ever the case
in any monarcny. .
.V Germany Winning.
Copenhagen, March 15 Unofficial
figures of the plebiscite in the second
Schleswig zone up to midnight show
an overwhelmingly , majority for
Germany. No Danish majority, has
thus far been recorded in any dis
trict. The German majority is-ihree
or four to one. .'
Founder of New German Gov
ernment Using All Efforts to
Convince People His Plan
Means True Democracy. j
General Walkout , in Many
Places Proclaimed in Re
sponse to Appeal of Former.
President. s '
Br the Asuoclated Free.
Coblenz, March 14. The Ameri
can commander yesterday - in- -
formed the socialist leaders that
no general strike interfering witfi
the function of the army and no
demonstration will be permitted in
Coblenz Monday. The leaders were
informed that if they could not
control their followers the Ameri
can army would do so.
The independent and majority
socialists expected to hold a meet-
ing Sunday afternoon to decide
upon amalgamating with the
socialists of Coblenz in support of
a 24-hour general strike Monday-'
It became known that the rail
way men in the Rhineland 'had '
decided to join a generafstrike
called for Monday in sympathy for
the old government notwithstand
ing strict orders by the allied mili
tary command against strikes
which interfere with the functions
of occupation.
Berlin, March 14. The two
governments of Germany are now
matching wits and forces to gain
control of the republic. . v T
Dr. Wolfgang , Kapp, who . pro
claimed the -new order afBerlin and
himself chancellor, is employing all
.his efforts to assure the Geunfn
people that government under ..him
and those he selects to administer
affairs, , will yfnean true democracy,'
increased productiveness and con
servation of the rights of the worK
ing people. .
- Friedrich' Ebert, president of the
old government, who with, most o?
his ministers hastily withdraw from
Berlin when the reyolting troops
marched in and Kapp and Vcm ,
Luettwitz took control, is 'variously"
reported to be at Dresden or Stutt
gart, and from his point of security,
is calling upon- the socialists and
working classes generally to. stand
by the old government and to use
the strike Aveapon so that-thc
counter-revolution may be promptly
General Strike Called.
' In response to this appeal a
general strike has been proclaimed
in many places, but in other part
of Germany, 'the call for a strike
has' not been received with favor.
A bloodless revolution thus far has"
characterized the movement : upon .
Berlin, where the people are viewing
evenb with that serenity to which
they haye been accustomed by the
occurence of recent years. '
There is, however, an under cur
rent of anxiety because barbed wire
entanglements have been thrown tap ,
in front of the" great public build
ings near Unter Den Linden and
Wilhelmstrasse, cannon and machine
guns are posted at the cross streets
and other points of vantage,. -and
heavily armed guards are stationed
throughout the city. This is an omin-
ous sign of possible clashes when
those opposed to the counter-re vo-v
lution marshal their forces for future
action i . v. - - .
Not Reactionary.
There has been constant official
reiteration of the statement that the .
new- government is not reactionary;
that it doe's not desire the restoration
of te monarchy, but that it has
tome into office so 'that Germany
may be rehabilitated. Chancellor
Knapp, in a statement to the foreign
correspondents said that the condi
tions of the peace treaty would be
fulfilled, so far as they could be
reconciled with German honor and
Germany's economic condition.
(Continued on Fare Two, Column Seven.)
Norfolk Democrat Will v '
Make Race for Congress'
Norfolk, Neb., March 14. (Spe
cial;) In a formal statement an
nouncing his policies Webb" Rice, a'
Norfolk . lawyei), announced his
candidacy for, the democratic no'in-.
ination for congressman in the third
district. He makes a firm stand for
the ratification of the peace treaty
and bitterly attacks the actions ot
the republican majority in congress.
He is a graduate of the University .
of Nebraska and was,elected county
attorney of Antelope county in the
fall of 1906, the year of his gradua-
tion. He was born in Ncligh and is
36 years old. He has lived in Norfolk
for six years. .. -
. Steamer Afire,
Panama, March 14. The shipping
board steamer Olockson, from v
Philadelphia for Vladivostok " and
Yokohama with 2,000.000 gallons of
gasoline, is on file off Cape Mala.
on the northern side of the Gulf of
Panama and her crew was taken off
Sunday afternoon by the cruiscf
Tacoma. i r -