t ' Sr rwr : TO SPEAK HERE ON BOLSHEVISM Peter W. Collins of Boston Coining to Omaha to Dis J:, cuss "The Red Menace" Next Thursday. .. Si NOTED LECTURER I j i " , - . . I J i ....... ,t - '. ' I- ' V . ,. i ' , , 1 . ..' I - f,! ' I -V'.. - I " ' : 2 " "Bolshevism The Red Menace," ?will be the subject of a lecture given ' ' at the Municipal Auditorium Tues- V"'" day by Peter W. Collins of Boston. The lecture is under the, auspices of the local council of the Knights of n Columbus. Mr. Collins has spoken on this subject to audiences throughout the conntry. He is wellskhown in labor circles, being international secretary of the Electrical Workers of the World. He has also been editor of , national electrical- magazine'. , , . After the lecture Mr. Collins will be a "question box;" that is, he will answer all questions which the audi- ence wishes to ask him. .... -t . Reconstruction Program.. . Mr. Collins' lecture is one of series in the reconstruction pro gram of the Knights of: Columbus, and the message of the lecturer is dne in the cause of :ivic righteous ness and the general Welfare. fi, "Bolshevism is spreading so raj) idly in this country that it is almost impossible to keep pace wijhit,and it behooves the American people to v. wake up quickly to the peril' said r Mr. Collins to a large New York audience last month. V, . Mr. CollinSx has " taken part in , more public platform debates than any man in America." During the past eight' years-he; has spoken to r over 3,000,000 people' in the-Unite4 ' States and Canada, and has traveled ... nearly 300,000 miles. Federal Industrial Expert ... The noted worker' has beet) an active worker, for many years in the ' cause of social - reform and democracy. His work in this line was especially blessed by Pope Pius jX'JL' . "."'v" i'.'i ' ... 1- He is the author of a-'code. of laws inIllinois covering the health, safety and comfort of , the workingman. "'This code of laws has been copied by many states,', and hasreceived the approval of sociologists 'and V. statesmen the world over. , Purincr the war the United States , government secured the .services of f - Mr. Collins as an industrial expert. After the signing of the armistice -. he was placed in charge of the re '. construction and employment serv ice of the Knights of Columbus. He has been very successful as director , general of this service. ; V , 1 4 , Highjacker AcquV:ed A " , By Student Jury In University Mock Tnal The law students of the Univer sity of Omaha departed from their regular program of class work Fri day evening when they staged a "moot court" proceedings during the class hour. J. he charge was ."highjacking," with C J.. Imboden the plaintiff in the case. .; George Evans acted as judge, J. A.. Dill prosecuting attorney, and E. C. Finley counsel for the defense. The "highjacker" was W. P. Hamp ton, and P, C. Rasmussenthe ar resting officer. During the trial a partially consumed bottle of "Sunny Brook" was introduced as evidence. , After the introduction of all evi dence and the" hearing -of the re marks from the attorneys, for the state and the.; defense,, , the "court" instructed the jury, also composed of students, to find a verdict in the case. After "being out" W minutes, they returned a verdict oj acquittal, and the case was dismissed. R. A. Van Orsdel, class instruc tor, heard the proceedings and prompted, the. students regarding formality. . Automobile; Company Plans ' To Cbnstruct Big Building s The O'Brien, Davis, Coad Co. has I completed, the purchase of the stfuth portion . of the . b,lockr bounded . by Harney street and , Dewey avenue, , and Twenty-seventh . avenue - and Twenty-eighth street. '..-;. This pives this firm an entire block 160 by 185 feet, and instruc i tions have been given George L. Fisher to immediately complete . 'plans and specifications fof a four- story modern .automobile sales and service building to cover the entire ' block. Nebraska Chemists Will . ' Hold Meeting on Tuesday The Nebraska section of the American Chemical society will hold ta meeting at the Loyal hotel Tues ' r- day evening at 6;30. - - . Wilson H. Low, chief chemist of the Cudahy Packing Co. will speak , on "Moisture Determination." W. S. Frisbie of the.' state food and dairy commission at Lincoln will . souk on "Recent Developments in Food Chemistry." v ' Dr. W. M. Barr, chairman oFthe Nebraska section, has called an executive meeting to consider the request of the Omaha members for a local section for which the Omaha members have petitioned the na- ' tional body. , ' - v Divorce Court xWorces Granted. Dora Belr from Loula Belzer, cruelty. .- Ethel Summer from Ralph Summer, da rtlon. -Frits Arnhols from Fannie Arnholts, cruelty. . - Anna Mennle from Fred Mennle, cruelty; $1,600 alimony. Parthenla Irwin from John Irwin, de ertlon. DItotm Petitions. Arthur 1 Laflanr acatnat Carolina Lf lanff. extreme cruelty. s Jamea Watson against Mildred Watson, , -cruelty. ' ' Minnie Benolken against Joseph Beucl- ken. cruelty. Carrie Mitchell against Jake Mltchnll, oruelty. ; At House of Hope ' " " Rev. E. T. Otto.t pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, .will con duct services at the House of Hope . today at 3 p. m, Junior choir will '"' sing. ; " ' " ' . . ;" , Dr. : 8eeor, Deatist 1st Kat Bk. Don't Forget a Becoming New Veil for the Hat IT is so important, and so easy to forget un til you are just ready to put it on. A won , derf ul collectidn of new meshes and motifs are here for your selection. Draped Veils with Georgette borders are extremely popular.:- v -;. . ': r rHandsome New Dresses Of Silk or Wool IN former years women selected their dresses largely because they liked certain style features. 'Today they are most particular about the 'quality of the materials and the artistic lines on which they are You'llv be interested in the collection we have selected for your approval, forjthey are designed in modish and becoming styles," some quite simple, others attractively trimmed. , i Whether Picture Hat, Turban or Sailor, You'll Find It Here THE most becoming mode for you is here each equally - stylish and correct- The large hats have found new lines of fascination and effectiveness.- The ages-old, but ever-new turbans possess a most original witchery. Refinement jand true artistic beauty are characteristic of every hat we show. Our people iave the good taste to fit you with the stvle that is most becomine for vdu and that i the thino- nf nignest vame wnen selecting . - ... You Aire Invited to View Our a hat. . . , ' r " The New Season Beckons OPRINCTImE is filling our store vnthia multitude of merchandise' messages. The gori bus new assortments speak loudly that "Sunn) days will soon be here." Everywhere' you hear the whispered words: . "Spring is almost here'' , The days of plenty are coming again, and we realize it more fully as our shelves and counters are graced pith the wonderful arrivals that reach us daily. ' : ' What joy to satisfy one's desire fo have plenty to choose from. To have just what one wants, instead of having to substitute for something different. These days are wonderful for seeing the new things first. Come here tomorrow and let our displays prove to you that the Spring days are almost here. : Women Will Be Eager to Don These New, Suits N JUST one or two of a style, in the smartest-and most effective of the new models from the best makers in the craft. The moment you see them, you'll be eager to see how you look in them, for they -are radiant with new beauty and becomingness. v ( . ; The lines of the suits are smart and graceful,, but each suit is softened with artful touches of relief and decoration buttons, belts, sashes, plaitings, braidings, and many other effective and 'original features. ; The New Shoes Are a Pleasant Surprise to Every Woman CHARMINCrin their' smartness of style and finish the clever lasts ' x the rich colorings of the leathers the tasteful adornment. And then, they are not nearly so expensive as they threatened to be not one whit more costly than such beauty deserves. Comfortable styles for business wear, and many trim and shapely models for dressiest occasions. TUT 111 Displays Monday Gloves Are More Important Than Ever Before THIS is the dictum ' of Fashion. Such a. tremendous advance in the ' character and st'yle of gloves has been made that they mean more han , ever as a finishing touch to the outfit to give that well dressed look so desirable. ; : ' '. . ' A Charming Display ot Neti) Spring Coats , THESE are glorious days for women to wear their new, Spring coats. ' Styles were never-more artistic and graceful. The sport style predominates, but any number of the dressier models are mad-'more al- luring with touches of braid or fringe. All styles are hercmn superb . variety of colors, to meet every taste and desire.- YouH, -enjoy inspect-, ing them most when you see yourself in them and the mirror tells yon how delightful they really are. Select yours tomorrow. Never Were Blouses Mote . x Charming Than These WHAT a joy to discover such exquisite things all reedy to put en. Really artistic needle workers must have spent weeks manning and creating some of these wonderful blouses-so dainty and bewitch ing are they. .A . . The clever choosing of right silks end nets, and the making of many clever designs.' Some are quite simple, while others are as ele-' gant as the most important occasion could demand.. - , . N - i. -.it Hf , . II I '71 . V. (